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Glycolipid biosurfactants produced by bacteria and yeasts provide significant opportunities to replace chemical surfactants with sustainable biologically produced alternatives in bulk commercial products such as laundry detergents and surface cleaners. Sophorolipids are already available in sufficient yield to make their use feasible while rhamnolipids and mannosylerythritol lipids require further development. The ability to tailor the biosurfactant produced to the specific needs of the product formulation will be an important future step.  相似文献   

A fundamental shift has taken place in agricultural research and world food production. In the past, the principal driving force was to increase the yield potential of food crops and to maximize productivity. Today, the drive for productivity is increasingly combined with a desire for sustainability. For farming systems to remain productive, and to be sustainable in the long-term, it will be necessary to replenish the reserves of nutrients which are removed or lost from the soil. In the case of nitrogen (N), inputs into agricultural systems may be in the form of N-fertilizer, or be derived from atmospheric N2 via biological N2 fixation (BNF).Although BNF has long been a component of many farming systems throughout the world, its importance as a primary source of N for agriculture has diminished in recent decades as increasing amounts of fertilizer-N are used for the production of food and cash crops. However, international emphasis on environmentally sustainable development with the use of renewable resources is likely to focus attention on the potential role of BNF in supplying N for agriculture. This paper documents inputs of N via symbiotic N2 fixation measured in experimental plots and in farmers' fields in tropical and temperate regions. It considers contributions of fixed N from legumes (crop, pasture, green manures and trees), Casuarina, and Azolla, and compares the relative utilization of N derived from these sources with fertilizer N.  相似文献   

Fusion proteins integrating dual pesticidal functions have been devised over the last 10 years to improve the effectiveness and potential durability of pest-resistant transgenic crops, but little attention has been paid to the impact of the fusion partners on the actual activity of the resulting hybrids. Here we assessed the ability of the rice cysteine protease inhibitor, oryzacystatin I (OCI), to retain its protease inhibitory potency when used as a template to devise hybrid inhibitors with dual activity against papain-like proteases and carboxypeptidase A (CPA). C-terminal variants of OCI were generated by fusing to its C-terminal end: (i) the primary inhibitory site of the small CPA inhibitor potato carboxypeptidase inhibitor (PCI, amino acids 35-39); or (ii) the complete sequence of PCI (a.a. 1-39). The hybrid inhibitors were expressed in E. coli and tested for their inhibitory activity against papain, CPA and digestive cysteine proteases of herbivorous and predatory arthropods. In contrast with the primary inhibitory site of PCI, the entire PCI attached to OCI was as active against CPA as free, purified PCI. The OCI-PCI hybrids also showed activity against papain, but the presence of extra amino acids at the C terminus of OCI negatively altered its inhibitory potency against cysteine proteases. This negative effect, although not preventing dual binding to papain and CPA, was correlated with an increased binding affinity for papain presumably due to non-specific interactions with the PCI domain. These results confirm the potential of OCI and PCI for the design of fusion inhibitors with dual protease inhibitory activity, but also point out the possible functional costs associated with protein domain grafting to recipient pesticidal proteins.  相似文献   

When discussing health risks for children due to electromagnetic fields it is crucial to translate scientific knowledge both into adequate protection and precautionary measures for the general public and, more particularly into specific recommendations for children. It is often aimed at influencing health-related attitudes and behaviour by means of information about health affecting behaviour, health risk factors, and health promoting possibilities. Children have to be treated differently from adults in addressing their ability and willingness to modify behaviour and their competence to comprehend cognitively the sense of behavioural recommendations. Research has shown that adults can be motivated to adjust their own behaviour in order to protect their children or to be role models for their children. Hence one way to modify children’s behaviour is to address the parents and care persons. Generally education in the family, the social environment and in peer groups, nursery school and at school plays an important role in forming and influencing individual behaviour. The age of the target group has also to be taken into consideration.An important question is how to deal with scientific uncertainties when expressing EMF recommendations for children. Accentuating scientific uncertainties may under certain circumstances raise risk awareness. This can be an intended effect. But the expression of scientific uncertainties can also lead to unintended consequences in parent’s behaviour or even senseless dealing with the respective EMF source.The paper points out relevant aspects of risk communication regarding EMF and children and suggests how recommendations for children might be designed.  相似文献   

Extensive use of chemical insecticides to control insect pests in agriculture has improved yields and production of high-quality food products. However, chemical insecticides have been shown to be harmful also to beneficial insects and many other organisms like vertebrates. Thus, there is a need to replace those chemical insecticides by other control methods in order to protect the environment. Insect pest pathogens, like bacteria, viruses or fungi, are interesting alternatives for production of microbial-based insecticides to replace the use of chemical products in agriculture. Organic farming, which does not use chemical pesticides for pest control, relies on integrated pest management techniques and in the use of microbial-based insecticides for pest control. Microbial-based insecticides require precise formulation and extensive monitoring of insect pests, since they are highly specific for certain insect pests and in general are more effective for larval young instars. Here, we analyse the possibility of using microbial-based insecticides to replace chemical pesticides in agricultural production.  相似文献   

Investigations on microbial symbioses in Tephritidae have increased over the past 30 years owing to the potential use of these relationships in developing new control strategies for economically important fruit flies. Bactrocera oleae (Rossi)—the olive fruit fly—is a monophagous species strictly associated with the olive tree, and among all the tephritids, its symbionts are the most investigated. The bacterium Candidatus Erwinia dacicola is the major persistent resident endosymbiont in wild B. oleae populations. Its relationship with B. oleae has been investigated since being identified in 2005. This endosymbiont is vertically transmitted through generations from the female to the egg. It exists at every developmental stage, although it is more abundant in larvae and ovipositing females, and is necessary for both larvae and adults. Studying B. oleae–Ca. E. dacicola, or other B. oleae–microbe interactions, will allow us to develop modern biological control systems for area-wide olive protection and set an example for similar programs in other important food crops. This review summarizes the information available on tephritid–microbe interactions and investigates relationships among fruit flies, bacteria and host plants; however, its focus is on B. oleae and its strict association with Ca. E. dacicola to promote environmentally friendly control strategies for area-wide pest management.  相似文献   

Low doses of contaminants and toxins can stimulate pests feeding on contaminated tissues of host plants and enhance herbivore activity and plant damage. These effects are opposite to those of high toxic doses, have largely been missed so far, and could compromise crop production. Thus, they deserve further consideration and study.  相似文献   

Feeding a rapidly expanding human population will require a large increase in the supply of agricultural products during the coming decades. This may lead to the transformation of many landscapes from natural vegetation cover to agricultural land use, unless increases in crop yields reduce the need for new farmland. Here, we assess the evidence that past increases in agricultural yield have spared land for wild nature. We investigated the relationship between the change in the combined energy yield of the 23 most energetically important food crops over the period 1979–1999 and the change in per capita cropland area for 124 countries over the same period. Per capita area of the 23 staple crops tended to decrease in developing countries where large yield increases occurred. However, this was counteracted by a tendency for the area used to grow crops other than staples to increase in the countries where staple crop yields increased. There remained a weak tendency in developing countries for the per capita area of all cropland to decline as staple crop yield increased, a pattern that was most evident in developing countries with the highest per capita food supplies. In developed countries, there was no evidence that higher staple crop yields were associated with decreases in per capita cropland area. This may be because high agricultural subsidies in developed countries override any land-sparing pattern that might otherwise occur. Declines in the area of natural forest were smaller in countries where the yield of staple crops increased most, when the negative effects of human population increases on forest area were controlled for. Our results show that land-sparing is a weak process that occurs under a limited set of circumstances, but that it can have positive outcomes for the conservation of wild nature.  相似文献   

Agriculture faces challenges to fulfil the rising food demand due to shortage of arable land and various environmental stressors. Traditional farming technologies help in fulfilling food demand but they are harmful to humans and environmental sustainability. The food production along with agro-environmental sustainability could be achieved by encouraging farmers to use agro-environmental sustainable products such as biofertilizers and biopesticides consisting of live microbes or plant extract instead of chemical-based inputs. The eco-friendly formulations play a significant role in plant growth promotion, crop yield and repairing degraded soil texture and fertility sustainably. Mineral solubilizing microbes that provide vital nutrients like phosphorus, potassium, zinc and selenium are essential for plant growth and development and could be developed as biofertilizers. These microbes could be plant associated (rhizospheric, endophytic and phyllospheric) or inhabit the bulk soil and diverse extreme habitats. Mineral solubilizing microbes from soil, extreme environments, surface and internal parts of the plant belong to diverse phyla such as Ascomycota, Actinobacteria, Basidiomycota, Bacteroidetes, Chlorobi, Cyanobacteria, Chlorophyta, Euryarchaeota, Firmicutes, Gemmatimonadetes, Mucoromycota, Proteobacteria and Tenericutes. Mineral solubilizing microbes (MSMs) directly or indirectly stimulate plant growth and development either by releasing plant growth regulators; solubilizing phosphorus, potassium, zinc, selenium and silicon; biological nitrogen fixation and production of siderophores, ammonia, hydrogen cyanide, hydrolytic enzymes and bioactive compound/secondary metabolites. Biofertilizer developed using mineral solubilizing microbes is an eco-friendly solution to the sustainable food production system in many countries worldwide. The present review deals with the biodiversity of mineral solubilizing microbes, and potential roles in crop improvement and soil well-being for agricultural sustainability.  相似文献   

Childhood acellular pertussis vaccines were licensed and implemented in the US in the 1990s following an effort to improve on the safety profile of whole-cell vaccines. However, waning of immunity from acellular vaccines may be driving the recent resurgence of pertussis, raising the need to consider new prevention strategies.  相似文献   

The principles and tenets of management require action to avoid sustained abnormal/pathological conditions. For the sustainability of interactive systems, each system should fall within its normal range of natural variation. This applies to individuals (as for fevers and hypertension, in medicine), populations (e.g. outbreaks of crop pests in agriculture), species (e.g. the rarity of endangerment in conservation) and ecosystems (e.g. abnormally low productivity or diversity in 'ecosystem-based management'). In this paper, we report tests of the hypothesis that the human species is ecologically normal. We reject the hypothesis for almost all of the cases we tested. Our species rarely falls within statistical confidence limits that envelop the central tendencies in variation among other species. For example, our population size, CO(2) production, energy use, biomass consumption and geographical range size differ from those of other species by orders of magnitude. We argue that other measures should be tested in a similar fashion to assess the prevalence of such differences and their practical implications.  相似文献   

The banker plant system has been introduced for the biological control of various pest species in Japanese greenhouses. With the banker plant system, non-crop plants infested with a host insect (a non-commercial crop pest) are placed in the greenhouse to provide alternative resources for the parasitoids or predators. We want to evaluate the effectiveness for controlling pests on the crop in a quantitative way by immigrating predators from the banker plant. Therefore, we developed a simple model for the interaction of the pest and predator in the crop and included the banker plant only as a source for predators. For three different pest-predator systems we parameterised the model and used these models to predict under what conditions biological control in a banker plant system is successful. We defined successful as keeping the pest below the economic injury level of the crop estimated from damage analysis. Because the crop is mostly grown during a period that lasts less than a year our analysis should not only focus on the equilibrium dynamics. In contrast, it should also focus on the transient dynamics. Our main analytical result, from the equilibrium analysis, is that for successful control the maximum lifetime consumption of immigrating predators should exceed the daily prey growth at half the value of the maximum consumption rate. For practical purpose this translates into the fact that the immigration of predators at a low initial pest density is crucial for successful control.  相似文献   



Revegetation of mine tailings (fine-grained waste material) starts with the reconstruction of root zones, consisting of a rhizosphere horizon (mostly topsoil and/or amended tailings) and the support horizon beneath (i.e. equivalent to subsoil – mostly tailings), which must be physically and hydro-geochemically stable. This review aims to discuss key processes involved in the development of functional root zones within the context of direct revegetation of tailings and introduces a conceptual process of rehabilitating structure and function in the root zones based on a state transition model.


Field studies on the revegetation of tailings (from processing base metal ore and bauxite residues) are reviewed. Particular focus is given to tailings'' properties that limit remediation effectiveness. Aspects of root zone reconstruction and vegetation responses are also discussed.


When reconstructing a root zone system, it is critical to restore physical structure and hydraulic functions across the whole root zone system. Only effective and holistically restored systems can control hydro-geochemical mobility of acutely and chronically toxic factors from the underlying horizon and maintain hydro-geochemical stability in the rhizosphere. Thereafter, soil biological capacity and ecological linkages (i.e. carbon and nutrient cycling) may be rehabilitated to integrate the root zones with revegetated plant communities into sustainable plant ecosystems. A conceptual framework of system transitions between the critical states of root zone development has been proposed. This will illustrate the rehabilitation process in root zone reconstruction and development for direct revegetation with sustainable plant communities. Sustainable phytostabilization of tailings requires the systematic consideration of hydro-geochemical interactions between the rhizosphere and the underlying supporting horizon. It further requires effective remediation strategies to develop hydro-geochemically stable and biologically functional root zones, which can facilitate the recovery of the microbial community and ecological linkages with revegetated plant communities.  相似文献   

Effects of ground cover upon arboreal spiders and their ability to control pests were studied in an apple orchard over six years. The ground cover treatments were: (1) annual and perennial flowering herbs (FLOWER), (2) regularly mowed grass (GRASS) and (3) weed-free bare ground (BAREgr) in the alleys. Spider abundance and species richness increased significantly in FLOWER compared to BAREgr, with GRASS being intermediate between the other two treatments. The effects of ground cover vegetation varied across spider guilds and individual species. The number of stalkers (Salticidae) increased sharply with the amount of vegetation in the alleys, while the increase was much less steep in ambushers (mainly Thomisidae and Philodromidae), and we found no significant difference between the treatments in space web builders (Theridiidae) and orb web builders (mainly Araneidae). The spider community was dominated by the intraguild predator Carrhotus xanthogramma (Salticidae), which showed a 3.5-fold increase in FLOWER compared to BAREgr and represented 40, 54 and 63% of the total spider abundance in BAREgr, GRASS and FLOWER treatments, respectively. The other species were less numerous and their response to FLOWER compared to BAREgr treatments ranged from a ninefold increase to a sixfold decrease. Within potential prey groups, hymenopteran parasitoids, dipterans and Auchenorrhyncha were the best predictors of spider abundance. In contrast, the abundance of apple pests was independent of spider density and showed no difference between treatments, indicating that spiders in the studied orchard had little impact on the size of the pest populations. This study demonstrates that functional traits and abundances of spider guilds and species, rather than the total spider abundance per se, might explain the success or failure of spiders in conservation biological control.  相似文献   

John T. Smiley 《Oecologia》1985,65(4):580-583
Summary The association between heliconiine butterflies and Passion flower vines is composed of three or more subassociations, in which each Heliconius species group feeds on a different Passiflora subgenus. The relationships are consistent with the adaptive zone hypothesis of Ehrlich and Raven, which would suggest that (1) species of the subgenus Plectostemma proliferated as a result of chemical barriers to herbivory, which created a herbivore-free adaptive zone in which speciation and diversification took place, and (2) species of the H. erato-charitonia group overcame these barriers and entered a competitor-free adaptive zone, in which they proliferated and speciated with those plants as hosts. The hypothesis that plant secondary chemicals were responsible for creating such barriers to herbivory was tested using heliconiine species as bioassays, in which reduced growth rates indicated presence of chemical barriers to feeding. Contrary to expectation, plants of the subgenus Plectostemma showed little or no chemical defense against any species of heliconiine caterpillar. In contrast many plants of the primitive subgenus Granadilla possessed significant chemical barriers against herbivory by heliconiine larvae, excepting those species in the H. numata-melpomene species group. I concluded that chemical barriers to feeding were not responsible for proliferation and diversification in the subgenus Plectostemma, nor did chemicals create a competitor-free adaptive zone in which the H. erato-charitonia species-group could proliferate and speciate. Chemical barriers may have been important in the evolution of the subgenus Granadilla-heliconiine association. I suggest that plant allelochemics are only one of many possible barriers to herbivory which can help create adaptive zones for plants and their herbivores, and that the patterns of butterfly foodplant specialization discussed by Ehrlich and Raven (1964) are not necessarily the result of biochemical adaptation and counteradaptation.  相似文献   

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