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Correct operation of the plant circadian clock is crucial for optimal growth and development. Recent evidence has shown that the plant clock is tissue specific and potentially hierarchical, implying that there are signalling mechanisms that can synchronise the clock in different tissues. Here, I have addressed the mechanism that allows the shoot and root clocks to be synchronised in light:dark cycles but not in continuous light. Luciferase imaging data from 2 different Arabidopsis accessions with 2 different markers show that the period of the root clock is much less sensitive to blue light than to red light. Decapitated roots were imaged either in darkness or with the top section of root tissue exposed to light. Exposure to red light reduced the period of the root tissue maintained in darkness, whereas exposure to blue light did not. The data indicate that light can be piped through root tissue to affect the circadian period of tissue in darkness. I propose that the synchronisation of shoots and roots in light:dark cycles is achieved by light piping from shoots to roots.  相似文献   

We address the subject of entrainment of the hamster clock by the day:night cycle in summer when the sun sets after 6 PM and rises before 6 AM (nights < 12 h). Summer day:night cycles were simulated by 6 light:dark (LD) cycles with D < 12 h (summerlike, SLD) ranging from SLD 12.5 h:11.5 h (D, 6:15 PM-5:45 AM) to 18 h:6 h (D, 9 PM-3 AM). These are the near limiting SLDs for constant PM timing (entrainment) of behavioral estrus and wheel running in hamsters. The onset of estrus was observed every 4 d in the same hamsters as a phase marker of their 24 h clock. On the day before an experimental estrus, preceded and followed by control onsets, a dark period was imposed to cover a putative 6 PM-6 AM light-sensitive period (LSP). This was scanned with a light pulse (and periodic 5 sec bell alarms) lasting 5-240 min. Shifts in onset of estrus on the next day were plotted vs. the end of the light pulse for PM times ("dusk") and its onset for AM times ("dawn"). The resulting phase shifts from the six SLDs were similar, permitting their combination into a single phase-response curve (PRC) of 1605 shifts. This SLD composite PRC rose at 10:15 PM, peaked at 2 AM (81 min advanced shift), fell linearly to 5:55 AM, and then abruptly to normal at 6 AM (no shift). Peak shift was unaffected by light pulse duration or intensity, or hamster age. The SLD composite PRC lacked the 6 PM-9 PM curve of delayed shifts present in reported PRCs from LD 12 h:12 h and DD. However, a two-pulse experiment showed that all light from 6 PM to L-off was needed to block (balance) the advancing action of a 5 min morning light pulse, thereby maintaining entrainment. A working hypothesis to explain daily entrainment and seasonal fertility in the golden hamster is illustrated. A nomenclature for labeling the phases of the hamster clock (circadian time) is proposed.  相似文献   

Chlorella kessleri was cultivated in artificial wastewater using diurnal illumination of 12 h light/12 h dark (L/D) cycles. The inoculum density was 105 cells/mL and the irradiance in light cycle was 45 μmol m2 s−1 at the culture surface. As a control culture, another set of flasks was cultivated under continuous illumination. Regardless of the illumination scheme, the total organic carbon (TOC) and chemical oxygen demand (COD) was reduced below 20% of the initial concentration within a day. However, cell concentration under the L/D lighting scheme was lower than that under the continuous illuminating scheme. Thus the specific removal rate of organic carbon under L/D cycles was higher than that under continuous illumination. This result suggested thatC. kessleri grew chemoorganotrophically in the dark periods. After 3 days, nitrate was reduced to 136.5 and 154.1 mg NO3 -N/L from 168.1 mg NO3 -N/L under continuous illumination and under diurnal cycles, respectively. These results indicate nitrate removal efficiency under continuous light was better than that under diurnal cycles. High-density algal cultures using optimized photobioreactors with diurnal cycles will save energy and improve organic carbon sources removal.  相似文献   

Female fish were kept under 16L:8D/20 degrees C in November and April and the onset of light and/or feeding times were shifted by several hours in the experimental groups. Photoperiod and feeding entrained significant fluctuations in serum gonadotropin hormone (GTH) levels when the onset of light and the first daily feeding were 4 hr apart, but not when they were 10 hr apart. Fish were subjected to 16L:8D for 14-16 days in February, and to either a constant warm (20 degrees C) or a diurnal sinusoidal (12-20 degrees C) temperature regime, the warmth being imposed during photophase or scotophase. While relatively high, uniform serum GTH levels were found throughout the 24-hr period in fish subjected to constant warmth, warm temperature during the day promoted fluctuations in serum GTH levels, and warmth during night resulted in relatively low, uniform serum GTH levels.  相似文献   

The green micro-algae Chlamydomonas reinhardtiiand Dunaliella tertiolecta were cultivated undermedium-duration square-wave light/dark cycles with acycle time of 15 s. These cycles were used to simulatethe light regime experienced by micro-algae inexternally-illuminated (sunlight) air-lift loopbioreactors with internal draft tube. Biomass yieldin relation to light energy was determined as gprotein per mol of photons (400–700 nm). Between 600and 1200 mol m-2 s-1 the yield at a10/5 s light/dark cycle was equal to the yield atcontinuous illumination. Consequently, provided thatthe liquid circulation time is 15 s, a considerabledark zone seems to be allowed in the interior ofair-lift loop photobioreactors (33% v/v) without lossof light utilization efficiency. However, at a 5/10 slight/dark cycle, corresponding to a 67% v/v darkzone, biomass yield decreased. Furthermore, bothalgae, C. reinhardtii and D. tertiolecta,responded similarly to these cycles with respect tobiomass yield. This was interesting because they werereported to exhibit a different photoacclimationstrategy. Finally, it was demonstrated that D.tertiolecta was much more efficient at low (average)photon flux densities (57–370 mol m-2s-1) than at high PFDs (> 600 mol m-2s-1) and it was shown that D. tertiolectawas cultivated at a sub-optimal temperature (20 °C).  相似文献   

Sleep and Biological Rhythms - The fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster, has been a good organism for elucidating the molecular and cellular bases of circadian behavioral rhythms. The fly shows a...  相似文献   

Delaney E  Krueger K  Thompson M 《Lab animal》2010,39(11):360-362
The authors designed and built a device that can house mice or rats and allow researchers to control the light:dark cycles inside. They developed this chamber for neuroscientists who are studying the condition-dependent plasticity of the mouse visual cortex. The chamber, which (when closed) completely blocks outside light, consists of two units. Each unit can hold eight small mouse cages or six rat cages. Each unit contains an optical sensor that triggers an audible and visual alarm when light is detected. Researchers can monitor the environmental conditions inside each unit using a control panel located outside the unit. Researchers have reported that this chamber is ideal for use in their work involving manipulations of light:dark cycles.  相似文献   

The light regime inside a photobioreactor is characterized by a light gradient with full (sun)light at the light-exposed surface and darkness in the interior of the bioreactor. Consequently, depending on the mixing characteristics, algae will be exposed to certain light/dark cycles. In this study the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii was cultivated under five different light regimes: (1) continuous illumination; (2) a square-wave light/dark cycle with a light fraction (epsilon) of 0.5 and a duration (t(c)) of 6.1 s; (3) epsilon=0.5, t(c)=14.5 s; (4) epsilon=0.5, t(c)=24.3 s and (5) epsilon=0.8, t(c)=15.2 s. The biomass yield on light energy, protein per photons, decreased under light/dark cycles (epsilon=0. 5) in comparison to continuous light (CL), from 0.207 (CL) to 0.117-0.153 g mol(-1) (epsilon=0.5). Concomitantly, the maximal specific photosynthetic activity, oxygen production per protein, decreased from 0.94 (CL) to 0.64-0.66 g g(-1) h(-1) (epsilon=0.5). Also the quantum yield of photochemistry, yield of the conversion of light energy into chemical energy, decreased from 0.47 (CL) to 0. 23 (epsilon=0.5, t(c)=24.3 s). Apparently, C. reinhardtii is not able to maintain a high photosynthetic capacity under medium-duration light/dark cycles and since specific light absorption did not change, light utilization efficiency decreased in comparison to continuous illumination.  相似文献   

3A substantial amount of experimental models designed to understand rhythms entrainment and the effects of different regimens of light exposure on health have been proposed. However, many of them do not relate to what occurs in real life. Our objective was to evaluate the influence of “seasonal-like” variation in light/dark cycles on biological rhythms. Twenty adult male Wistar rats were assigned to three groups: control (CT), kept in 12:12 light/dark (LD) cycle; long photoperiod/short photoperiod (LP/SP), kept in 16.5:7.5 LD cycle for 18 days (phase A), then 17 days of gradual reductions in light time (phase B), then 18 days of shorter exposure (7.5:16.5 LD cycle, phase C); short photoperiod/long photoperiod (SP/LP) group, with same modifications as the LP/SP group, but in reverse order, starting phase A in 7.5:16.5 LD cycle. Activity and temperature were recorded constantly, and melatonin and cortisol concentrations were measured twice. Activity and temperature acrophases of all groups changed according to light. The correlation between activity and temperature was, overall, significantly lower for SP/LP group compared with LP/SP and CT groups. Regarding melatonin concentration, LP/SP group showed significant positive correlation between phase A and C (p = 0.018). Animals changed temperature and activity according to photoperiod and demonstrated better adaptability in transitioning from long to short photoperiod. Since this model imitates seasonal variation in light in a species that is largely used in behavioral experiments, it reveals promising methods to improve the reliability of experimental models and of further environmental health research.  相似文献   

Meiosis progression in Coprinus cinereus is controlled by light/dark cycles. Light is essential to propel basidia into karyogamy and light intensity determines the timing of meiotic events. The higher the light intensities, the faster the fruiting bodies enter karyogamy. The critical period when light has this influence is between 16 and 6 h before karyogamy. The control is highly stage specific. A 3-h dark period is essential for a Java dikaryon and the Japanese A(mut)B(mut) homokaryon to enter meiotic metaphase; without it the fruit body is permanently arrested at diffused diplotene. This arrest is light intensity-dependent (>20 hlx) and temperature-dependent (e.g., 27 degrees C). The placement of the dark period is very stage specific; it has no effect when placed before karyogamy stage. A dikaryon of London origin is light blind and able to complete meiosis under continuous high light regime. Fruiting bodies arrested under a continuous high light can be rescued by a 3-h dark treatment, but there is always an 8-h lag time to enter meiotic metaphase. It is possible that the dark effect signals cellular processes leading to division events. Cytological studies of arrested fruiting bodies showed that chromosomes are normal in meiotic prophase through pachytene and diplotene, but are unable to undergo chromosome condensation. Genetic crosses between a monokaryon of Java stock J6;5.4 and a monokaryon BL55 or H5 of London stock showed that light-blindness is dominant, and is controlled by a single Mendelian gene.  相似文献   

Endogenously generated circadian rhythms are synchronized with the environment through phase-resetting actions of light. Starlight and dim moonlight are of insufficient intensity to reset the phase of the clock directly, but recent studies have indicated that dim nocturnal illumination may otherwise substantially alter entrainment to bright lighting regimes. In this article, the authors demonstrate that, compared to total darkness, dim illumination at night (< 0.010 lux) alters the entrainment of male Syrian hamsters to bright-light T cycles, gradually increasing in cycle length (T) from 24 h to 30 h. Only 1 of 18 hamsters exposed to complete darkness at night entrained to cycles of T > 26 h. In the presence of dim nocturnal illumination, however, a majority of hamsters entrained to Ts of 28 h or longer. The presence or absence of a running wheel had only minor effects on entrainment to lengthening light cycles. The results further establish the potent effects of scotopic illumination on circadian entrainment and suggest that naturalistic ambient lighting at night may enhance the plasticity of the circadian pacemaker.  相似文献   

Uptake and utilization of nitrate were investigated in Hordeum vulgare L. cvs Mette and Golf in the vegetative stage, 2 and 4 weeks after sowing. The plants were subjected to a light/dark cycle of 16/8 h (18/12°C). Results obtained with the two genotypes were essentially similar. In the light, xylem nitrate transport and shoot nitrate reduction approximately equalled the amount of nitrate absorbed by the root. A drastic decline in translocation to the shoot in darkness was entirely attributable to decreased transpiration since no major changes in xylem nitrate concentration were observed. Darkening caused only a slight decrease in nitrate uptake, while root nitrate reduction was enhanced. Nitrate starvation for 2 days did not significantlly affect dry matter increment, but resulted in a drastic drop in previously accumulated nitrate, indicating that the stored nitrate is accessible and can sustain unrestricted growth. Uptake increased upon re-addition of nitrate and after 8 h it was about twice that of non-starved plants. During recovery, restoration of root nitrate pools and root nitrate reduction took precedence over shoot nitrate accumulation and reduction. Net nitrate uptake and removal of nitrate from the root to the transpiration stream seem to be decisive for the rate of root nitrate reduction.  相似文献   

The periodic light-dark cycle is the dominant environmental synchronizer used by humans to entrain to the geophysical 24-h day. Entrainment is a fundamental property of circadian systems by which the period of the internal clock (tau) is synchronized to the period of the entraining stimuli (T cycle). An important aspect of entrainment in humans is the maintenance of an appropriate phase relationship between the circadian system, the timing of sleep and wakefulness, and environmental time (a.k.a. the phase angle of entrainment) to maintain wakefulness throughout the day and consolidated sleep at night. In this article, we review these concepts and the methods for assessing circadian phase and period in humans, as well as discuss findings on the phase angle of entrainment in healthy adults. We review findings from studies that examine how the phase, intensity, duration, and spectral characteristics of light affect the response of the human biological clock and discuss studies on entrainment in humans, including recent studies of the minimum light intensity required for entrainment. We briefly review conditions and disorders in which failure of entrainment occurs. We provide an integrated perspective on circadian entrainment in humans with respect to recent advances in our knowledge of circadian period and of the effects of light on the biological clock in humans.  相似文献   

Phytoplankton populations have been shown to be entrained byalternating periods of light and darkness in natural watersas well as in laboratory cultures. A simple model for the growthof such populations, as reflected by cell division, is presentedhere. The model takes as its structural unit the single cell,using Spudich and Sager's transition point hypothesis for thecoupling between received light and cell cycle progression.A stochastic component is also included to account for cell-to-cellvariability. The model predicts that the characteristics ofcell division patterns in populations entrained by photocyclesdepends mainly on the position of the transition point withinthe cell cycle, rather than on the characteristics of the photocyclicregime. The model simulates successfully the major featuresof observed division patterns of several phytoplankton species.In addition, the model can be used to predict division patternsin high frequency photocycles and during transients inducedby shifts in light regime. Under these conditions, the simulatedpatterns are also consistent with the hypothesis of a circadianclock controlled cell cycle, except in the case of free runningtransients. 1Present address: Station Biologique Roscoff, CNRS, Roscoff29211, France  相似文献   

Biofuels from algae are highly interesting as renewable energy sources to replace, at least partially, fossil fuels, but great research efforts are still needed to optimize growth parameters to develop competitive large-scale cultivation systems. One factor with a seminal influence on productivity is light availability. Light energy fully supports algal growth, but it leads to oxidative stress if illumination is in excess. In this work, the influence of light intensity on the growth and lipid productivity of Nannochloropsis salina was investigated in a flat-bed photobioreactor designed to minimize cells self-shading. The influence of various light intensities was studied with both continuous illumination and alternation of light and dark cycles at various frequencies, which mimic illumination variations in a photobioreactor due to mixing. Results show that Nannochloropsis can efficiently exploit even very intense light, provided that dark cycles occur to allow for re-oxidation of the electron transporters of the photosynthetic apparatus. If alternation of light and dark is not optimal, algae undergo radiation damage and photosynthetic productivity is greatly reduced. Our results demonstrate that, in a photobioreactor for the cultivation of algae, optimizing mixing is essential in order to ensure that the algae exploit light energy efficiently.  相似文献   

Profiles of pineal indolealkylamines were estimated by high performance liquid chromatography and were correlated in individual glands of male rats sacrificed over several light:dark cycles and after acute exposure to light at night. A significant and positive correlation of 5HIAA vs 5HT in individual glands over both normal and experimental lighting conditions suggested that oxidative deamination is not a major factor in photic regulation of pineal 5HT levels and that the formation of 5HIAA is dependent on substrate availability. Regression analysis of other indole constituents revealed that there was a positive and significant correlation between 5HT vs N-acetylserotonin, but not between 5HT vs melatonin and N-acetylserotonin vs melatonin in individual glands during the dark phase of a light:dark cycle. We propose that this effect may be related to a pulsatile release of melatonin into the blood stream and is the result of sampling glands at different stages in the storage/release of melatonin.  相似文献   

Daily rhythms in melatonin secretion were monitored in four healthy adult males by measuring the melatonin contents of sequential 4-hour urine specimens and of plasma samples collected at 12-hour intervals, or, in one subject, continuously for 24 hours. All subjects exhibited similar diurnal rhythms, with peak urinary melatonin excretion rates and blood melatonin levels occurring during the daily period of darkness and sleep. When the daily light/dark regimen was phase-shifted by 180°, the plasma and urinary melatonin rhythms required 5–7 days (depending on the subject) to re-entrain to the new schedule. Simultaneous measurements of plasma melatonin levels and melatonin excretion rates indicate that urinary melatonin reflects, with remarkable fidelity, circulating melatonin levels.  相似文献   

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