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ABSTRACT. The potencies of seventeen analogues of ATP as gorging inducers for Glossina palpalis palpalis were evaluated. The ranking for effective dose that induced half the flies to gorge (ED50) was: A tetra P 5 ATP=2'd ATP ADP=2'd ADP > AMP-PNP > 3'd ATP 2'3'dd ATP > AMP-PCP > adenosine 5' triphosphate 2',3'dialdehyde AMP-CPP >> AMP. Females detect ATP and its analogues better than males. The ED50 of ATP was 5 × 10-7 M for teneral females and 1.5 × 10-6 M for males. According to the potency order of the ATP analogues, the G.p.palpalis gustatory receptors recognizing ATP can be classified as P2y purinoceptors.  相似文献   

Changes in agricultural practices and the resulting extinction of wildlife have led to the reduction or disappearance of savannah tsetse species. Riparian tsetse such as Glossina palpalis gambiensis Vanderplank 1949 and Glossina tachinoides Westwood 1850 (Diptera: Glossinidae) continue to persist in peridomestic sites, transmitting trypanosomiasis. At present, little is known about interspecies differences in feeding behaviour in these two species in southeast Mali, or of the phenomenon of multiple bloodmeals. To study these topics, 279 samples of G. p. gambiensis and G. tachinoides containing host DNA, caught in the Sikasso region between November 2008 and April 2009, were analysed by applying host species‐specific primers and sequencing. Human accounted for > 66% of G. p. gambiensis bloodmeals, whereas G. tachinoides contained in equal parts DNA of human, cattle or both, showing a significantly higher proportion of multiple host use. Further, the trypanosome infection rate was found to be three‐fold higher in G. tachinoides. Logistic regression analysis revealed double‐feeding and infection to be independent of one another, but showed infection to be correlated with engorgement in G. p. gambiensis and female sex in G. tachinoides. Enhanced host‐seeking activities paired with the high trypanosome infection rate found in G. tachinoides would indicate that this species has a higher vectorial capacity than G. p. gambiensis.  相似文献   

The two subspecies of Glossina palpalis (Robineau-Desvoidy) occurring in Liberia could be reliably separated morphometrically by measuring the width of the terminal dilatations of the male inferior claspers. Subspecies differentiation of female flies was less conclusive. Identification of flies from fifty-four sites revealed that most of Liberia lies in the belt of Glossina palpalis palpalis. However, pure and substantial populations of G.p.gambiensis Vanderplank occur north of 8 degrees 20'N in the north-west of Liberia.  相似文献   

Study of reproductive disorders were carried out through the dissection of 11,012 tsetse flies caught over a period of one year in forested different habitats of Glossina palpalis palpalis of Daloa in Ivory Coast. The proportion of females with reproductive disorders was very low and estimated at 0.79%. Out of 87 tsetse files with reproductive disorders, 93.10% were abortions, 5.77% were ovular blockage and 1.13% was uterine pupaison. Reproductive disorders were recorded from all age groups: 0.78% in young parous (out of 6,398 tsetse flies examined) and 0.80% in old parous (out of 4,614 tsetse flies dissequed). Our results show that reproductive disorders occur at any stage of the female pregnancy cycle. Amplifying these reproductive disorders using chemical compounds is proposed as a way of improving the efficacy of insecticide-impregnated targets (pour-on, traps and screens) of tsetse control in rain-forest areas.  相似文献   

West African riverine tsetse populations of Glossina palpalis gambiensis Vanderplank (Diptera: Glossinidae) were investigated for gene flow, inferred from mitochondrial diversity in samples of 69 flies from Senegal and 303 flies from three river drainages in Mali. Four polymorphic mitochondrial loci were scored. Mean haplotype diversities were 0.30 in Mali, 0 in Senegal and 0.18 over both Mali and Senegal. These diversities estimate the probabilities that two randomly chosen tsetse have different haplotypes. Substantial rates of gene flow were detected among flies sampled along tributaries belonging to the river basins of the Senegal, Niger, and Bani in Mali. There was virtually no gene flow between tsetse in Senegal and Mali. No seasonal effects on gene flow were detected. The implications of these preliminary findings for the implementation of area-wide integrated pest management (AW-IPM) programmes against riverine tsetse in West Africa are discussed.  相似文献   

Sleeping sickness continues to be a significant public health burden in southeastern Uganda. Continued spread of the disease into new areas of Uganda highlights our inability to understand and predict the distribution of infection. Multiple factors influence the distribution of sleeping sickness, including climate, land cover, cattle movements, prevention and control activities, and social conflict. We draw on a systems approach to conceptualize and characterize the multiple interacting forces and processes that influence the spatial and temporal dynamics of sleeping sickness in Uganda. This synthesis reveals a complex system of interactions among human and biophysical systems, feedback, and scale dependence. We identify some common analytical modeling approaches relative to our system characterization and identify opportunities for sleeping sickness research and improved understanding of disease dynamics in Uganda.  相似文献   

The suitability of various diets for the tsetse fly Glossina palpalis palpalis has been investigated in terms of food-uptake and primary excretion. Serum substitutes were prepared reflecting the composition of bovine serum and offered to teneral female flies, on a few occasions in combination with erythrocytes. Routinely, all diets contained 10-3 M ATP. There was no difference in meal size when flies were fed on serum or serum-substitutes, alone, or in combination with erythrocytes. The rate of primary excretion was reduced in diets, where serum was substituted by an isotonic saline containing bovine albumin or bovine albumin + gamma-globulin. Glucose, added to a diet containing albumin, induced a normal excretion rate. In all cases a combination of erythrocytes and serum (-substitutes) caused a reduced primary excretion as compared to the sera (-substitutes) alone. The rate of excretion was highly correlated with the meal size, regardless of the diet composition.
Résumé On a étudié plusieurs régimes alimentaires destinés à la mouche tsé-tsé, Glossina palpalis palpalis, pour déterminer s'ils permettent une absorption des aliments et une excrétion primaire satisfaisantes. On a préparé et proposé à des nymphes femelles des substituts de sérum ayant la même composition que le sérum bovin et associés dans certains cas à des érythrocytes. Tous les régimes étudiés contenaient 10-3 M ATP. Les quantités ingérées par les mouches nourries sur sérum ou substituts de sérum seuls ou associés à des érythrocytes ont été les mêmes. L'excrétion primaire avec régimes où le sérum avait été remplacé par une solution saline isotonique contenant de l'albumine bovine ou un mélange d'albumine bovine et de gamma-globuline était réduite. L'adjonction de glucose à un régime contenant de l'albumine a entrainé une excrétion normale. Dans tous les cas, la combinaison d'érythrocytes et de sérums (ou de substituts) a réduit l'excrétion primaire par rapport aux régimes composés de sérums (ou de substituts) seuls. Quel que soit le régime le taux d'excrétion était fortement lié aux quantités absorbées.

In tropical regions, protozoan parasites can cause severe diseases with malaria, leishmaniasis, sleeping sickness, and Chagas disease standing in the forefront. Many of the drugs currently being used to treat these diseases have been developed more than 50 years ago and can cause severe adverse effects. Above all, resistance to existing drugs is widespread and has become a serious problem threatening the success of control measures. In order to identify new antiprotozoal agents, more than 600 commercial agrochemicals have been tested on the pathogens causing the above mentioned diseases. For all of the pathogens, compounds were identified with similar or even higher activities than the currently used drugs in applied in vitro assays. Furthermore, in vivo activity was observed for the fungicide/oomyceticide azoxystrobin, and the insecticide hydramethylnon in the Plasmodium berghei mouse model, and for the oomyceticide zoxamide in the Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense STIB900 mouse model, respectively.  相似文献   

Genetic diversity among Sodalis glossinidius populations was investigated using amplified fragment length polymorphism markers. Strains collected from Glossina palpalis gambiensis and Glossina morsitans morsitans flies group into separate clusters, being differentially structured. This differential structuring may reflect different host-related selection pressures and may be related to the different vector competences of Glossina spp.  相似文献   

Females of a membrane-fed colony of G. p. palpalis (food source: fresh defibrinated bovine blood) were fed on derivatives of bovine blood, in which the red cell fraction remained unchanged while the serum fraction was replaced by an artificial solution. This solution consisted of a simple saline, isotonic to serum and enriched by bovine serum albumin with increasing concentrations. Physical parameters such as pH and osmolarity of all media were similar to controls. The absence of serum albumin in the food medium resulted in sterility of the females and caused high mortality. The presence of increased levels of serum albumin in the medium increased the fecundity until it was similar to that of flies fed on the standard diet of fresh defibrinated bovine blood. The offspring size was positively correlated with the concentration of the serum albumin in the mother's diet. However, a high concentration of albumin (>6%) resulted in increased adult mortality. Thus, the presence of optimum amounts of free serum albumin in bovine blood appears necessary for the development and production of viable larvae of the tsetse fly G. p. palpalis.
Résumé Les femelles d'une population de G. p. palpalis élevées sur membrane (aliment: sang frais défibriné de bovin) ont été nourries de dérivés de sang bovin dont les globules rouges n'avaient pas été modifiés, mais dont le sérum avait été remplacé par une solution artificielle. Cette solution était simple, saline, isotonique au sérum et enrichie d'albumine de sérum bovin en concentrations croissantes. Les témoins ont montré l'identité des paramètres physiques, tels que le pH et l'osmolarité, pour toutes les solutions. L'absence d'albumine de sérum dans l'aliment donné aux femelles a provoqué leur stérilité et une mortalité élevée. L'augmentation des quantités d'albumine de sérum a accru la fécondité jusqu'à ce que celle-ci soit identique à celle des glossines avec un régime normal composé de sang frais défibriné de bovin. Il y avait une corrélation directe entre la taille des descendants et la concentration d'albumine de sérum dans l'alimentation de la mère. Toutefois, une forte concentration d'albumine (plus de 6%) a augmenté la mortalité imaginale. La présence de quantités optimales d'albumine de sérum libre dans le sang bovin semble donc nécessaire au développement et à la production de larves viables de la mouche tsé-tsé, G. p. palpalis.

ABSTRACT. Observations on the nature and control of spontaneous flight activity in tsetse flies have so far been made only on G. m. morsitans Westw. This paper reports preliminary observations of the same kind on two other species: G. p. palpalis (R.-D.) and G. austeni Newst. The flight pattern of all three species consisted of short bursts of activity (usually lasting <1 min) separated by long intervals of rest, changes in activity level occurring exclusively as changes in the frequency of these flight bursts. In constant conditions in LD 12:12, G. palpalis and G. austeni were almost totally diurnal, with strongly predominant afternoon activity peaks, but a slight tendency to decrease activity around noon as occurs to a much greater extent in G. morsitans. This rhythm persisted in constant darkness (DD), but whereas in most G. morsitans only the morning peak was retained in DD, in G. palpalis and G. austeni it was only the afternoon peak. The loss of the afternoon peak in G. morsitans may be due to the very low activity levels in DD. Food deprivation led to increased activity in all three species, most markedly so in G. palpalis and G. austeni , in which the amount of activity per day increased c. ten-fold over three days' post-emergence starvation.  相似文献   

Genetic diversity among Sodalis glossinidius populations was investigated using amplified fragment length polymorphism markers. Strains collected from Glossina palpalis gambiensis and Glossina morsitans morsitans flies group into separate clusters, being differentially structured. This differential structuring may reflect different host-related selection pressures and may be related to the different vector competences of Glossina spp.  相似文献   

Tsetse are the insect vectors of the African trypanosomiases. As with many diseases, transmission of trypanosomiasis varies through space and time. Capturing the variation of both vector and disease has, in the past, been attempted separately in the space and time dimensions, usually using deterministic techniques. Very few efforts have used space‐time covariation and have hence missed any correlations that may exist between variation in these two dimensions. Here we propose two novel approaches to space‐time analysis derived from space‐time geostatistics in a kriging framework. The approaches were developed through analysis of a dataset recording the Apparent Density of Glossina palpalis gambiensis and Glossina tachinoides (Diptera: Glossinidae) in three riparian sites in Burkina Faso over 15 months between 2006 and 2007. This site is fragmented due to human activity in the area. The first approach, Space Time Ordinary Kriging, does not consider the effect of fragmentation. It is used as a benchmark to test the increased explanatory power of the second method, which does account for fragmentation. The second method, Regression Space Time Simple Kriging, is a distinct improvement over the first approach because it allows for a spatial trend in the mean trap catch; this trend is related to, and later predicted from, environmental co‐variates. The results indicate the presence of space and time effects on tsetse distribution, dependent on the size of the habitat fragmentation patches. These effects occur at relatively small geographic scales within a season. Whilst such variation has long been suspected, the new methods presented here are able to quantify this variation precisely, so that seasonal and spatial comparisons can now be made both within and between species.  相似文献   

In the sleeping sickness focus of Zoukougbeu (C?te d'Ivoire), in the cropping areas which are favourable for disease transmission, more than a quarter of the flies collected were found to have fed on domestic pigs. The sites where Glossina palpalis palpalis was caught fed on these animals were concordant with the sites where the patients were present. These results might indicate that in Zoukougbeu, but perhaps also in other sleeping sickness foci, the pig could play an active role in disease transmission, allowing the parasite to spread widely via the tsetse.  相似文献   

Many larvae from wild-caught female Glossina palpalis palpalis R.-D. treated topically with dieldrin or sumicidin or sumithrin or permethrin failed to pupariate and many larvae from mothers treated with sumicidin or sumithrin or neopynamin formed small or malformed puparia which failed to eclode. Puparia produced soon after maternal handling often did not emerge and many produced by flies starved more than 3 days also did not emerge. Very many puparia from dieldrin-treated mothers failed to emerge and non-emergence was common for puparia from flies treated with endosulfan or sumithrin or deltamethrin. Non-emerging puparia were produced soon after pyrethroid-treatment, probably due to effects on larval integumentand muscles, but were produced later after organochlorine-treatment, due to ingestion of insecticide by larvae while in utero.
Résumé Les expériences ont porté sur des femelles sauvages de Glossina palpalis palpalis R.D. capturées dans la nature. Les comparaisons ont porté sur l'état et les performances de lots de pupes provenant de mouches non-traitées et de larves mûres traitées localement avec de l'acétone (témoin) ou avec 14 insecticides différents.Toutes les larves témoin se sont nymphosées, mais le taux d'échec augmentait avec la diéldrine, la sumicidine, la sumithrine et la permethrine. Les pupes anormales (petites ou déformées) étaient plus nombreuses dans le lot témoin que dans le lot non-traité, et les fréquences étaient plus élevées que chez le témoin avec la sumidicine, la sumithrine et la néopynamine.Seulement 3 mouches sont issues de 107 pupes anormales; il n'y a eu aucune éclosion pour 28% des pupes du lot témoin contre 15% pour le lot non-traité. Pour le témoin le taux d'émergence était faible dans les pupes formées le premier jour (jour du traitement), par suite de la manipulation maternelle; il n'a pas augmenté jours 2 et 3, mais a diminué par la suite à cause du jeûne in utero. Les doses élevées de tous les insecticides réduisent plus les émergences que les doses faibles. Les organophosphates et le propoxur ne limitent pas les émergences, mais elles sont réduites par l'endosulfane, la sumithrine et la deltaméthrine, et très fortement par la diéldrine. Les pupes stériles ont été surtout formées dès le traitement aux pyréthroïdes (jour 1); et surtout plus tard (jours 2 et 3) lors des traitements aux organochlorés. L'ingestion par la larve in utero de grandes quantités d'insecticides pendant les 3 jours précédant la parturition était la principale cause de mortalité, et aussi de la forte tolérance aux organochlorés des femelles prégnantes. Les effets de pyréthroïdes sur l'activité musculaire réduisent aussi les émergences.Aucune mouche ne s'est alimentée après les traitements.

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