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Gammarus spp. are traditionally viewed under the functional feeding group (FFG) concept as herbivorous `shredders'. Although recent studies suggest that Gammarus should also be viewed as predators, this latter role remains contentious. Here, in a laboratory experiment, we objectively examine the balance between shredder and predator roles in a common freshwater species. Gammarus pulex preyed significantly on mayfly nymph, Baetis rhodani, in both the presence and absence of excess leaf material. There was no significant difference in predation where the alternative food, that is, leaf material, was present as compared to absent. Also, G. pulex shredded leaf material in the presence and absence of B. rhodani. However, shredding was significantly reduced where alternative food, that is, B. rhodani prey, was present as compared to absent. Further, G. pulex had a clear leaf species preference. Our results suggest that Gammarus function as both predators and shredders, with the balance of the two roles perhaps depending on food availability and quality. We discuss implications for the use of the FFG concept in assessing freshwater processes, and the role that Gammarus predation may play in structuring macroinvertebrate communities.  相似文献   

Vascular plant leaf traits that influence photosynthetic function form the basis of mechanistic models of carbon exchange. Given their unique tissue organization, bryophytes may not express similar patterns. We investigated relationships among tissue, shoot, and canopy traits, and their associations with photosynthetic characteristics in 10 Sphagnum species. Trait relationships were organized around a primary dimension accounting for 43% of variation in 12 traits. There was no significant relationship between nitrogen content of shoot systems and maximum photosynthesis expressed on mass (A(mass)) or area (A(area)) bases due to nitrogen sequestration and storage within the canopy interior. This pattern differs from the distribution of nitrogen in vascular plant canopies. Thus, nitrogen and its relationship to carbon uptake in Sphagnum shoots does not conform to patterns of either vascular plant leaves or canopies. Species that concentrate biomass and nitrogen in the capitulum have enhanced rates of A(mass) and A(area). Consequently, A(area) was positively associated with N(area) of the capitulum only. Overall, water content and carotenoid concentration were the strongest predictors of both A(mass) and A(area) and these were expressed as inverse relationships. The relationships of plant traits in Sphagnum defines a principal trade-off between species that tolerate environmental stress and those that maximize carbon assimilation.  相似文献   

Sancassania polyphyllae (Acari: Acaridae) adult female mites will feed on insect cadavers and infective juveniles (IJs) of entomopathogenic nematodes. Our objective was to determine whether S. polyphyllae has a food preference when offered a choice between tissues of Polyphylla fullo (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) or Galleria mellonella (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae), or IJs of Steinernema feltiae (Rhabditida: Steinernematidae) or IJs of Heterorhabditis bacteriophora (Rhabditida: Heterorhabditidae). When offered a choice between no food and one of the different food sources, P. fullo, G. mellonella or S. feltiae IJs, S. polyphyllae had a significant preference for food sources compared to no food. When it was offered either no food or H. bacteriophora, there was no significant difference in the mite distribution. When offered two different food choices, P. fullo or G. mellonella, P. fullo or S. feltiae, and P. fullo or H. bacteriophora, the mite showed significant preferences for P. fullo larvae. In S. feltiae vs. G. mellonella and S. feltiae vs. H. bacteriophora experiments, S. polyphyllae showed significant a preference for S. feltiae. In three-choice experiments, S. polyphyllae had a preference for P. fullo, followed by S. feltiae, G. mellonella and H. bacteriophora, respectively. Our data confirm, in part, our hypothesis that when offered different food choices, this mite species prefers tissues of its phoretic host, P. fullo over lepidopteran host tissues or living IJs. Based on these laboratory data, H. bacteriophora should be used as a biological control agent against P. fullo over a Steinernema species.  相似文献   

Marine studies on herbivory have addressed the role of algae as food and shelter for small consumers, but the potential of benthic cyanobacteria to play similar roles is largely unknown. Here, feeding preferences were measured for eight invertebrate consumers from Guam, offered four common macroalgae and two cyanobacteria. The survivorship of another consumer raised on either macroalgae or cyanobacteria was also assessed. From the choices offered, the sacoglossans Elysia rufescens and E. ornata consumed the green macroalga Bryopsis pennata. The crab Menaethius monoceros preferred the red alga Acanthophora spicifera. The amphipods Parhyale hawaiensis and Cymadusa imbroglio consumed macroalgae and cyanobacteria in equivalent amounts, with C. imbroglio showing less selectivity among diets. In contrast to these patterns, in these assays the gastropods Stylocheilus striatus, Haminoea cymbalum, H. ovalis, and Haminoea sp. fed exclusively, or survived only, on cyanobacteria. Preferences for different cyanobacteria varied. Field surveys of cyanobacteria-associated species yielded 34 different invertebrate taxa and suggested different degrees of specificity in these associations. Tropical mesograzers exploit considerably different food resources, with some species adapted to consume cyanobacterial mats. Benthic cyanobacteria may play important roles as food and shelter for marine consumers and may indirectly influence local biodiversity through their associated fauna.  相似文献   

Hydrobiologia - Mining activities often produce large amounts of pollutants that lead to streams affecting aquatic biota. Aquatic insects have a key role in energy transference from streams to...  相似文献   

This study examined nest-site choice in a migratory population of pied flycatchers (Ficedula hypoleuca) and sympatric populations of three resident tit species (Parus major, P. caeruleus and P. palustris) in central Sweden. All four species are secondary-cavity nesters which naturally breed in pre-formed tree cavities but readily use artificial nest boxes. We asked whether flycatchers and tits discriminate between nest boxes that: 1. Are ‘empty’; 2. Contain old nests without ectoparasites (fleas Ceratophyllus sp.); or 3. Contain old nests with ectoparasites. We found that pied flycatchers preferred nest boxes containing old nests, regardless of whether these nests held parasites. In contrast, tits did not discriminate between the three types of boxes. Tits may pay a cost for their lack of choosiness: after the breeding season, tit nests contained more fleas than flycatcher nests. Nevertheless, parasites did not affect the choice of a nest site in any of the species studied. We suggest that the migratory flycatchers are in a hurry to start breeding upon arrival and use the presence of an old nest as a shortcut cue to assess nest-site quality. Also, they may save valuable time by copying the choice of previous breeders. Non-migratory tits may have more time to inspect nest sites, but do not seem to use the same cues in nest-site selection as the pied flycatcher.  相似文献   

1. Leaf packs in streams may serve as food and substrate to many macroinvertebrates, but the relative importance of these two functions has not been disentangled. To test the hypothesis that leaf packs are colonized primarily for their food value rather than as microhabitat, the colonization of leaf packs of red alder and of polyester cloth in a natural stream was compared. 2. Species of shredders showed large differences in the colonization of the two types of leaf pack with almost no use of artificial leaf packs. Non-shredders were also more abundant on natural leaf packs, however, they colonized artificial leaf packs six to eighty times proportionally more than shredders. 3. The effect of different leaf types was virtually eliminated for non-shredders when the amount of fine parriculate detritus (food for many non-shredders) trapped in the leaf pack was added to the analysis as a covariate. Therefore, to non-shredders, leaf types differed only in the retention of fine particulate organic matter. 4. Comparisons of the use of both kinds of leaf packs in riffles versus pools revealed that significantly fewer animals colonized pool leaf packs. 5. These results suggest that food value, and not microhabitat, is the primary determinant of leaf pack use for most shredders and non-shredders.  相似文献   

Tamarins (Callitrichidae) are cooperative breeders. Groups typically contain only two or three breeding individuals and subordinate group members are reproductively suppressed. Nonreproductive individuals, which are usually the offspring of the group's breeding members, delay dispersal while providing care to infant siblings. Callitrichid breeder-infant and helper-infant relationships have been well studied but empirical studies regarding the dynamics of breeder-helper relationships are sparse. I examined food-transfer interactions among parents and natal adults in 7 groups of captive lion tamarins, Leontopithecus spp., to test whether relationships are maintained by mutualism or reciprocity or are to the benefit of one side of a dyad. Individuals that had recently received food from a group member most frequently released food to the previous donor as their next act of transfer. Conversely, food transfer was not dependent on symmetrical relationships within groups over a time frame of several weeks. These results suggest that mutualism plays a role in the maintenance of food-transfer relationships but reciprocity does not. However, there is evidence for a reciprocal relationship between grooming and food transfer in one group. Subadults and adults living in their natal groups transferred proportionally more food to mothers than to oppositely-sexed subadult and adult siblings. Thus, individuals most likely to receive aggression preferentially released food to individuals most likely to inflict injury upon them. Although these results support the coercion hypothesis, they may suggest alternatively that food transfer by helpers to breeding adults is driven by inclusive fitness considerations.  相似文献   

Savanna ecosystems are dominated by two distinct plant life forms, grasses and trees, but the interactions between them are poorly understood. Here, we quantified the effects of isolated savanna trees on grass biomass as a function of distance from the base of the tree and tree height, across a precipitation gradient in the Kruger National Park, South Africa. Our results suggest that mean annual precipitation (MAP) mediates the nature of tree-grass interactions in these ecosystems, with the impact of trees on grass biomass shifting qualitatively between 550 and 737 mm MAP. Tree effects on grass biomass were facilitative in drier sites (MAP≤550 mm), with higher grass biomass observed beneath tree canopies than outside. In contrast, at the wettest site (MAP = 737 mm), grass biomass did not differ significantly beneath and outside tree canopies. Within this overall precipitation-driven pattern, tree height had positive effect on sub-canopy grass biomass at some sites, but these effects were weak and not consistent across the rainfall gradient. For a more synthetic understanding of tree-grass interactions in savannas, future studies should focus on isolating the different mechanisms by which trees influence grass biomass, both positively and negatively, and elucidate how their relative strengths change over broad environmental gradients.  相似文献   

Aim To assess the hypotheses that compound leaves of trees in the Amazon forest are an adaptation to drought and/or rapid growth. Location Amazon rain forest, South America. Methods Genera from 137 permanent forest plots spread across Amazonia were classified into those with compound leaves and those with simple leaves. Metrics of compound leaf prevalence were then calculated for each plot and regression models that accounted for spatial autocorrelation were used to identify associations between climate variables and compound leaf structure. We also tested for associations between compound leaf structure and a variety of ecological variables related to life history and growth strategies, including wood density, annual increase in diameter and maximum height. Results One plant family, Fabaceae, accounts for 53% of compound‐leaved individuals in the dataset, and has a geographical distribution strongly centred on north‐east Amazonia. On exclusion of Fabaceae from the analysis we found no significant support for the seasonal drought hypothesis. However, we found evidence supporting the rapid growth hypothesis, with possession of compound leaves being associated with faster diameter growth rates and lower wood densities. Main conclusion This study provides evidence that possession of compound leaves constitutes one of a suite of traits and life‐history strategies that promote rapid growth in rain forest trees. Our findings highlight the importance of carefully considering the geographical distribution of dominant taxa and spatial clustering of data points when inferring ecological causation from environment–trait associations.  相似文献   

Why do some avian families contain so many more species than other families? We use comparisons between sister taxa to test predictions arising from six explanations to this puzzle: that differences between families are due to chance, body size, life history, sexual selection, intrinsic ecological factors or extrinsic abiotic factors, respectively. In agreement with previous analyses, we find no support for the idea that differences in species richness are simply due to chance. However, contrary to most previous work, we also find no support for the hypotheses that high species richness is correlated with small body size and fast life history. Rather, high species diversity is strongly associated with pronounced plumage dichromatism, generalist feeding habits and good dispersal capabilities as well as large and fragmented geographical ranges. In addition, all of these relationships are robust to the removal of the two most speciose avian lineages, the Ciconiiformes and the Passeriformes. The supposed relationships between species richness and both body size and life history are, however, due to phylogenetic non-independence. Together with previous work showing that differences between avian lineages in extinction risk are associated with variation in body size and life history, these results indicate that extinction rates and speciation rates are not necessarily determined by the same factors. Hence, high extinction rates are not inevitably associated with low speciation rates. Extinction-prone lineages may, in fact, have a high rate of speciation. In such lineages a high proportion of ''vulnerable'' species would be a natural, ongoing phenomenon.  相似文献   

Plant-associated micro-organisms such as mycotoxin-producing endophytes commonly have direct negative effects on herbivores. These effects may be carried over to natural enemies of the herbivores, but this has been rarely explored. We examined how feeding on Neotyphodium endophyte infected (E+) and endophyte free (E−) meadow ryegrass (Scherodonus pratensis) affects body mass, population size and mobility of sibling voles (Microtus levis), and whether the diet mediates the vulnerability of voles to least weasel (Mustela nivalis nivalis) predation. Because least weasels are known to be olfactory hunters, we also examined whether they are able to distinguish olfactory cues of voles fed on E+ and E− diets. Neither body mass of voles nor population size differed between diets. However, contrary to our prediction, least weasels preyed more often on voles fed with E− grass than on voles fed with E+ grass. The mobility of voles fed on E+ grass was reduced compared to voles fed on E− grass, but this effect was unrelated to risk of predation. Least weasels appeared unable to distinguish between excrement odours of voles between the two treatments. Our results suggest that consumption of endophytic grass is not directly deleterious to sibling voles. What''s more, consumption of endophytes appears to be advantageous to voles by reducing risk of mammalian predation. Our study is thus the first to demonstrate an effect of plant-associated microbial symbionts on herbivore-predator interactions in vertebrate communities.  相似文献   

A total of 104 taxa, belonging to 27 genera, were recorded from 36 moss samples collected in the Strømness Bay area. Cluster analysis revealed two groups of samples. Group 1 consisted of the Achnanthes incognita–Fragilaria germainii assemblage and the Eunotia paludosa var. paludosa assemblage. Group 2 included the Pinnularia borealis assemblage. The major ecological factor dividing the two groups appears to be the moisture content of the samples. Group 1 represents wetter conditions, and the second group is found on very dry mosses. The assemblages of group 1 were separated from each other by pH. The Achnanthes incognita–Fragilaria germainii assemblage occurs in wet mosses with a circumneutral pH. The Eunotia paludosa var. paludosa assemblage prefers bryophyte habitats with low pH values. The size of Pinnularia borealis drops significantly according to the dryness of the moss habitat.  相似文献   

Elevational species replacement is a widely documented pattern in montane species. Although interspecific competition has been shown to be important in setting species elevational limits in tropical habitats, its effect in species of temperate regions is poorly studied. We tested the role of interspecific competition for space in the breeding season and for food in the non‐breeding season in mediating the distribution of two resident titmice species in the Himalayas. We show that high elevation green‐backed tits Parus monticolus are behaviourally dominant over low elevation cinereous tits Parus cinereus in both song playback and feeder trials. Despite being subordinate, at their elevational upper limit, cinereous tits occur in sympatry in human modified habitats. Our study suggests that the loss of natural habitats in the sympatric zone, not interspecific competition, might be limiting the distribution of the high‐elevation green‐backed tits and facilitating an upward range shift through human association in cinereous tits.  相似文献   

An examination of funeral ritual among upland Tai and Black Tai in particular, in northern Southeast Asia looks at the way it has articulated social and ethnic relations historically and in the present. It looks at how ritual and cosmology has shifted in response to social change and considers how this either weakens or strengthens ethnic boundaries between upland Tai and the surrounding dominant civilizations of Laos, Vietnam and China.  相似文献   

This article focuses on the most important findings of a unique evaluation study of loneliness interventions among older adults. Eighteen interventions have recently been carried out and closely monitored in various parts of the Netherlands. In ten of these interventions the number of participants was sufficiently large to quantitatively determine the effect of the intervention on loneliness. It does not appear to be easy to overcome loneliness: no more than two of the ten interventions resulted in a reduction in loneliness among participants that may be attributed to the intervention. Two other interventions may have had a preventive effect: whereas loneliness increased among members of the control group, it remained more or less constant over time among participants. The effect measurements were followed by process evaluations in an effort to gain insight into the possible reasons why feelings of loneliness were not alleviated among participants in the case of most of the interventions. This resulted in a number of lessons for the future, which may be used as a checklist when designing new interventions projects.  相似文献   

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