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Christova PK  Christov NK  Imai R 《Planta》2006,223(6):1207-1218
A novel cold-induced cystatin cDNA clone (TaMDC1) was isolated from cold acclimated winter wheat crown tissue by using a macroarray-based differential screening method. The deduced amino acid sequence consisted of a putative N-terminal secretory signal peptide of 37 amino acids and a mature protein (mTaMDC1) with a molecular mass of 23 kDa. The mTaMDC1 had a highly conserved N-terminal cystatin domain and a long C-terminal extension containing a second region, which exhibited partial similarity to the cystatin domain. The recombinant mTaMDC1 was purified from Escherichia coli and its cysteine proteinase inhibitory activity against papain was analyzed. The calculated Ki value of 5.8×10−7 M is comparable to those reported for other phytocystatins. Northern and western blot analyses showed elevated expression of TaMDC1 mRNA and protein during cold acclimation of wheat. In addition to cold, accumulation of the TaMDC1 message was induced by other abiotic stresses including drought, salt and ABA treatment. Investigation of in vitro antifungal activity of mTaMDC1 showed strong inhibition on the mycelium growth of the snow mold fungus Microdochium nivale. Hyphae growth was totally inhibited in the presence of 50 μg/ml mTaMDC1 and morphological changes such as swelling, fragmentation and sporulation of the fungus were observed. The mechanisms of the in vitro antifungal effects and the possible involvement of TaMDC1 in cold induced snow mold resistance of winter wheat are discussed.  相似文献   

Seedlings of maize (Zea mays L. cv WF9 × Mo 17) were grown in vermiculite at various water potentials. The primary root continued slow rates of elongation at water potentials which completely inhibited shoot growth. To gain an increased understanding of the root growth response, we examined the spatial distribution of growth at various water potentials. Time lapse photography of the growth of marked roots revealed that inhibition of root elongation at low water potentials was not explained by a proportional decrease in growth along the length of the growing zone. Instead, longitudinal growth was insensitive to water potentials as low as − 1.6 megapascal close to the root apex, but was inhibited increasingly in more basal locations such that the length of the growing zone decreased progressively as the water potential decreased. Cessation of longitudinal growth occurred in tissue of approximately the same age regardless of spatial location or water status, however. Roots growing at low water potentials were also thinner, and analysis revealed that radial growth rates were decreased throughout the elongation zone, resulting in greatly decreased rates of volume expansion.  相似文献   

M. E. Westgate  J. S. Boyer 《Planta》1985,164(4):540-549
The expansion growth of plant organs is inhibited at low water potentials ( w), but the inhibition has not been compared in different organs of the same plant. Therefore, we determined elongation rates of the roots, stems, leaves, and styles (silks) of maize (Zea mays L.) as soil water was depleted. The w was measured in the region of cell expansion of each organ. The complicating effects of transpiration were avoided by making measurements at the end of the dark period when the air had been saturated with water vapor for 10 h and transpiration was less than 1% of the rate in the light. Growth was inhibited as the w in the region of cell expansion decreased in each organ. The w required to stop growth was-0.50,-0.75, and-1.00 MPa, in this order, in the stem, silks, and leaves. However, the roots grew at these w and ceased only when w was lower than-1.4 MPa. The osmotic potential decreased in each region of cell expansion and, in leaves, roots and stems, the decrease was sufficient to maintain turgor fully. In the silks, the decrease was less and turgor fell. In the mature tissue, the w of the stem, leaves and roots was similar to that of the soil when adequate water was supplied. This indicated that an equilibrium existed between these tissues, the vascular system, and the soil. At the same time, the w was lower in the expanding regions than in the mature tissues, indicating that there was a w disequilibrium between the growing tissue and the vascular system. The disequilibrium was interpreted as a w gradient for supplying water to the enlarging cells. When water was withheld, this gradient disappeared in the leaf because w decreased more in the xylem than in the soil, indicating that a high flow resistance had developed in the xylem. In the roots, the gradient did not decrease because vascular w changed about the same amount as the soil w. Therefore, the gradient in w favored water uptake by roots but not leaves at low w. The data show that expansion growth responds to low w differently in different growing regions of the plant. Because growth depends on the maintenance of turgor for extending the cell walls and the presence of w gradients for supplying water to the expanding cells, several factors could have been responsible for these differences. The decrease of turgor in the silks and the loss of the w gradient in the leaves probably contributed to the high sensitivity of these organs. In the leaves, the gradient loss was so complete that it would have prevented growth regardless of other changes. In the roots, the maintenance of turgor and w gradients probably allowed growth to continue. This difference in turgor and gradient maintenance could contribute to the increase in root/shoot ratios generally observed in water-limited conditions.Symbols s osmotic potential - w water potential  相似文献   

The large‐scale population genetic structure of northern shrimp, Pandalus borealis, was investigated over the species’ range in the North Atlantic, identifying multiple genetically distinct groups. Genetic divergence among sample localities varied among 10 microsatellite loci (range: FST = ?0.0002 to 0.0475) with a highly significant average (FST = 0.0149; < 0.0001). In contrast, little or no genetic differences were observed among temporal replicates from the same localities (FST = 0.0004; P = 0.33). Spatial genetic patterns were compared to geographic distances, patterns of larval drift obtained through oceanographic modelling, and temperature differences, within a multiple linear regression framework. The best‐fit model included all three factors and explained approximately 29% of all spatial genetic divergence. However, geographic distance and larval drift alone had only minor effects (2.5–4.7%) on large‐scale genetic differentiation patterns, whereas bottom temperature differences explained most (26%). Larval drift was found to promote genetic homogeneity in parts of the study area with strong currents, but appeared ineffective across large temperature gradients. These findings highlight the breakdown of gene flow in a species with a long pelagic larval phase (up to 3 months) and indicate a role for local adaptation to temperature conditions in promoting evolutionary diversification and speciation in the marine environment.  相似文献   

Experiments were carried out at IGER, Aberystwyth, UK to investigate traits of direct relevance to the processes of overwintering and spring growth in white clover (Trifolium repens L.). The plant material used was derived from baseline populations of the cultivar AberHerald and survivor populations generated after 2-3 years' growth in Germany (Kiel), Sweden (Uppsala) and Switzerland (Zürich). The aims of the experiments were to measure the level of genetic shift that had occurred in certain traits due to selection in the survivor populations by comparing these with the baseline population. The adaptive significance of traits was assessed by determining the extent to which stabilizing selection had operated to reduce levels of intra-population variation. Significant differences were found in the responses of leaf production to two temperature treatments in the survivor populations from Germany and Sweden compared with the Swiss and baseline material. Plants of the former two populations produced much more leaf than the others at the higher temperature, but leaf production rates at the lower temperature did not differ. As this experiment used cloned genotypes in the two treatments, the result suggests that a higher degree of phenotypic plasticity for this trait had been selected for in the German and Swedish populations. These populations also showed greater rates of regrowth of leaves from terminal buds exposed to sub-zero temperatures, but there were no differences between populations in levels of freezing tolerance, or in stolon carbohydrate content. Genetic shift occurred in the degree of unsaturation of stolon lipids, with all three survivor populations possessing higher proportions of unsaturated fatty acids than the baseline. Stabilizing selection also operated on this trait in the survivor populations, suggesting that it is of adaptive significance in cool climates.  相似文献   

The infectivity of stocks of baculoviruses produced in serum‐free media is sensitive to freezing at ultra‐low temperatures. The objective of this work was to elucidate the causes of such sensitivity, using as a model the freezing of stocks of Anticarsia gemmatalis multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus (AgMNPV), a baculovirus widely employed as biological insecticide. Titers of supernatants of cell cultures infected with AgMNPV in four different serum‐free media supplemented with lipid emulsions were reduced by 50 to 90% after six months freezing. By using a full factorial experiment, freezing and lipid emulsion, as well as the interaction between them, were identified as the main factors reducing the viral titer. The virucidal effect of the lipid emulsion was reproduced by one of their components, the surfactant Polysorbate 80. Damaged viral envelopes were observed by transmission electron microscopy in most particles frozen in a medium supplemented with lipid emulsion or Polysorbate 80. Additionally, Polysorbate 80 also affected the infectivity of AgMNPV stocks that were incubated at 27°C. The identification of the roles played by the lipid emulsion and Polysorbate 80 is not only a contribution to the understanding of the mechanisms underlying the inactivation of baculovirus stocks produced in serum‐free media during storage at ultra‐low temperature, but is also an input for the rational development of new procedures aimed at improving both the preservation of baculovirus stocks and the composition of culture media for the production of baculovirus‐based bioproducts in insect cells. © 2016 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 32:1559–1569, 2016  相似文献   

Previous work on the growth biophysics of maize (Zea mays L.) primary roots suggested that cell walls in the apical 5 mm of the elongation zone increased their yielding ability as an adaptive response to low turgor and water potential (psi w). To test this hypothesis more directly, we measured the acid-induced extension of isolated walls from roots grown at high (-0.03 MPa) or low (-1.6 MPa) psi w using an extensometer. Acid-induced extension was greatly increased in the apical 5 mm and was largely eliminated in the 5- to 10-mm region of roots grown at low psi w. This pattern is consistent with the maintenance of elongation toward the apex and the shortening of the elongation zone in these roots. Wall proteins extracted from the elongation zone possessed expansin activity, which increased substantially in roots grown at low psi w. Western blots likewise indicated higher expansin abundance in the roots at low psi w. Additionally, the susceptibility of walls to expansin action was higher in the apical 5 mm of roots at low psi w than in roots at high psi w. The basal region of the elongation zone (5-10 mm) did not extend in response to expansins, indicating that loss of susceptibility to expansins was associated with growth cessation in this region. Our results indicate that both the increase in expansin activity and the increase in cell-wall susceptibility to expansins play a role in enhancing cell-wall yielding and, therefore, in maintaining elongation in the apical region of maize primary roots at low psi w.  相似文献   

In recent years, thousands of hectares of hybrid poplar plantations have been established in Canada for the purpose of carbon sequestration and wood production. However, boreal planting environments pose special challenges that may compromise the long‐term survival and productivity of such plantations. In this study, we evaluated the effect of winter stress, that is, frequent freeze‐thaw and extreme cold events, on growth and survival of 47 hybrid poplar clones in a long‐term field experiment. We further assessed physiological and structural traits that are potentially important for cold tolerance for a selected set of seven clones. We found that trees with narrow xylem vessels showed reduced freezing‐induced embolism and showed superior productivity after 16 growing seasons. With respect to cold hardiness of living tissues, we only observed small differences among clones in early autumn, which were nonetheless significantly correlated to growth. Maximum winter cold hardiness and the timing of leaf senescence and budbreak were not related to growth or survival. In conclusion, our data suggest that reduction of freezing‐induced embolism due to small vessel diameters is an essential adaptive trait to ensure long‐term productivity of hybrid poplar plantations in boreal planting environments.  相似文献   

A microcosm system is described which permits assessment of the progressive growth of filamentous fungi through soil. We report on its application to measure the effects of Coriolus versicolor and Phanerochaete chrysosporium upon the sorptivity and water repellence of a mineral soil, measured using a miniature infiltration device. Both fungal species caused moderate sub-critical repellence. Since the pore structure was unaffected, the repellence was probably due to hydrophobic substances of fungal origin. This is the first report of changes in soil repellence caused by the growth of potential xenobiotic bioremediating fungi. The potential consequences are discussed.  相似文献   

丛国强  尹成林  何邦令  李玲  高克祥 《生态学报》2015,35(18):6120-6128
为明确不同水分条件下内生真菌对冬小麦苗期生长和抗旱性的影响,以抗旱型小麦品种山农16和水分敏感型小麦品种山农22为材料,利用荧光定量PCR技术检测小麦干旱诱导基因脱水素wzy2的表达量来了解冬小麦在干旱胁迫下相关基因的表达差异,通过测定相关生理指标与酶活性来判断小麦发育及其在干旱胁迫下的生理响应状况。结果表明,与正常水分ND35组相比,接种球毛壳菌(Chaetomium globosum)ND35的干旱处理组小麦的根冠比、总蛋白含量、脯氨酸含量及丙二醛含量等指标显著提高,小麦叶片含水量和可溶性糖含量有所降低。在干旱处理组中,球毛壳菌ND35可以显著提高小麦山农16的根长和山农22的株高,接种球毛壳ND35的山农16脯氨酸含量、可溶性糖含量、过氧化氢酶活性比对照组均显著提高,丙二醛含量比对照组降低9.0%,但差异不显著;山农22脯氨酸含量和过氧化氢酶活性比对照组显著提高,丙二醛含量和可溶性糖含量比对照组有所降低,但可溶性糖含量差异不显著;相对定量检测数据显示,接种球毛壳ND35后,两种小麦脱水素wzy2基因的表达量较对照组均能够显著提高。综合分析说明内生真菌球毛壳ND35可以促进冬小麦苗期根系和植株发育,小麦提前进入三叶期,增强小麦避旱性,同时提高小麦根系活力,增强小麦耐旱性;提高个体细胞内水分、糖分、脯氨酸含量,降低丙二醛的氧化性损伤,增强过氧化氢酶活性,从而提高两种冬小麦对干旱胁迫的耐受能力;球毛壳ND35促进小麦干旱诱导相关基因wzy2的表达量,进而提高抗旱相关蛋白的表达,从而提高两种冬小麦耐脱水性和对干旱胁迫的适应性。  相似文献   

Hydraulic lift, the transport of water from deep in the soil through plant root systems into the drier upper soil layers, has been demonstrated in several woody plant species. Here the volume of water involved in hydraulic lift by a mature sugar maple tree is estimated. Twenty-four intact soil cores were collected from the vicinity of a sugar maple tree at the same positions at which thermocouple psychrometers had been placed. Desorption measurements were made on the soil cores and the data were fitted to the Campbell relation for soil matric potential versus soil water content . The psychrometer data were filtered to obtain the diurnal component contributed by hydraulic lift. The diurnal component in was combined with the Campbell relation for each soil core to obtain the increase in soil water content due to hydraulic lift. The additional water contents were numerically integrated to obtain a volume of 102±54 1 of water which was hydraulically lifted each night. The volume of hydraulically lifted water (HLW) is sufficiently great that in ecosystems where hydraulic lift occurs it should be included in models for calculating the water balance. However, a previous analysis of the stable hydrogen isotope composition (D) of water in understory plants around trees conducting hydraulic lift implies a much greater volume of HLW than that calculated from the analysis performed above. To reconcile these differences, it is hypothesized that some understory plants preferentially extract HLW due to its higher matric potential and that the proportion of this water source within the xylem sap of at least some understory plants that use HLW was so great that the roots of these plants must therefore be in close proximity to the tree roots from which the HLW comes. The results of this study have implications for studies of plant competition where positive associations may exist as well as for ion uptake, nutrient cycling and the design of agroforestry systems.  相似文献   

Habitat changes represent one of the five most pervasive threats to biodiversity. However, anthropogenic activities also have the capacity to create novel niche spaces to which species respond differently. In 1880, one such habitat alterations occurred in Landvikvannet, a freshwater lake on the Norwegian coast of Skagerrak, which became brackish after being artificially connected to the sea. This lake is now home to the European sprat, a pelagic marine fish that managed to develop a self‐recruiting population in barely few decades. Landvikvannet sprat proved to be genetically isolated from the three main populations described for this species; that is, Norwegian fjords, Baltic Sea, and the combination of North Sea, Kattegat, and Skagerrak. This distinctness was depicted by an accuracy self‐assignment of 89% and a highly significant F ST between the lake sprat and each of the remaining samples (average of ≈0.105). The correlation between genetic and environmental variation indicated that salinity could be an important environmental driver of selection (3.3% of the 91 SNPs showed strong associations). Likewise, Isolation by Environment was detected for salinity, although not for temperature, in samples not adhering to an Isolation by Distance pattern. Neighbor‐joining tree analysis suggested that the source of the lake sprat is in the Norwegian fjords, rather than in the Baltic Sea despite a similar salinity profile. Strongly drifted allele frequencies and lower genetic diversity in Landvikvannet compared with the Norwegian fjords concur with a founder effect potentially associated with local adaptation to low salinity. Genetic differentiation (F ST) between marine and brackish sprat is larger in the comparison Norway‐Landvikvannet than in Norway‐Baltic, which suggests that the observed divergence was achieved in Landvikvannet in some 65 generations, that is, 132 years, rather than gradually over thousands of years (the age of the Baltic Sea), thus highlighting the pace at which human‐driven evolution can happen.  相似文献   

In order to better understand the basis for the acquisition of euryhalinity by juvenile salmon and the role of endogeneous stimuli, experiments have been carried out to examine the dynamics of ionic and acid-base adjustments in fresh water (FW) and after direct transfer to full salinity (32 g l−1) sea water (SW) (1) on Atlantic salmon smolt during the natural period of smoltification in spring, (2) on presmolt salmon in autumn, after intraperitoneal implantation of pellets containing ovine growth hormone (oGH). During parr-smolt transformation in FW, gill Na+/K+ ATPase activity gradually rises, the plasma osmolality (Posm) is unaffected and the total CO2 of the plasma decreases significantly while whole blood pH fluctuates slightly. Direct transfer of smolt from FW to SW provokes only a slight increase in Posm and emphasizes the acid-base balance disruptions shown in FW. An oGHimplant in a presmolt stimulates gill Na+/K+ ATPase activity in FW, and affects the acid-base balance. After SW transfer (12 days after implantation), oGH treatment prevents the increase of osmotic pressure and the restoration of the acid-base, ionic equilibrium was faster for oGH-implanted fish than for sham-operated fish. These observations show that in FW smelting salmon develop most of the systems they need for migration and growth in SW and that oGH implants induce the development of physiological characteristics of smolts in a non-natural period of smolting.  相似文献   

Epichloe bromicola is an endophytic fungal species that systemically and perennially colonizes intercellular spaces of leaf blades, leaf sheaths and culms of Bromus grass species. E. bromicola causes choke disease in B. erectus, suppressing maturation of most, if not all, host inflorescences. In an investigation of the interaction between fungus and host, we used a quantitative polymerase chain reaction technique to estimate the amount of fungal DNA, and thereby fungal concentration, in host plants. Fungal concentration was directly correlated with vegetative vigour of the plant, as measured by longest leaf length, number of tillers and vegetative above-ground biomass, suggesting that, during vegetative growth, the endophytic fungus is most beneficial for the plant when present in high concentrations. In contrast, the reproduction of the plant, as measured by the number of functional inflorescences, was inversely correlated with fungal concentration: the majority of infected plants, and all that were associated with high concentrations of fungi, were diseased. Thus, the benefit of endophyte infection for the plant is coupled with the disadvantages of infertility. Fungal concentration was shown to be at least in part genetically determined because fungal concentration differed significantly in different plant-endophyte genotype combinations (symbiotum). In a field experiment with normal and CO2-enriched environments, elevated CO2 levels favoured fungal reproductive vigour over host reproductive vigour, suggesting that these plant endophytes would be at a selective advantage in a corresponding environmental-change scenario. We conclude that a dynamic and complex relationship between fungal endophyte infection, fungal concentration, genotype and environment affects growth and fecundity of B. erectus and should contribute to the evolution of these plant-fungal interactions.  相似文献   

The high-throughput phenotypic analysis of Arabidopsis thaliana collections requires methodological progress and automation. Methods to impose stable and reproducible soil water deficits are presented and were used to analyse plant responses to water stress. Several potential complications and methodological difficulties were identified, including the spatial and temporal variability of micrometeorological conditions within a growth chamber, the difference in soil water depletion rates between accessions and the differences in developmental stage of accessions the same time after sowing. Solutions were found. Nine accessions were grown in four experiments in a rigorously controlled growth-chamber equipped with an automated system to control soil water content and take pictures of individual plants. One accession, An1, was unaffected by water deficit in terms of leaf number, leaf area, root growth and transpiration rate per unit leaf area. Methods developed here will help identify quantitative trait loci and genes involved in plant tolerance to water deficit.  相似文献   

Summary The impact of the systemic fungus Balansia henningsiana (Clavicipitaceae) on the grass Panicum agrostoides was examined in field and greenhouse studies comparing infected and uninfected plants. Approximately one-half of all plants in three populations located in southern Indiana were infected. In field samples and greenhouse studies infected plants were significantly heavier than uninfected plants and produced significantly more tillers. Infection tended to suppress flowering but occasional asymptomatic tillers on infected plants produced healthy inflorescences. Although infected plants produced fewer inflorescences than uninfected plants as a proportion of total tillers, absolute numbers of inflorescences were similar in the two groups. Because other grasses infected by different species of Balansia and related fungi often are more resistant to insect damage, pest damage was quantified in one population. No differences between infected and uninfected plants were detected in levels of herbivory but infected plants had significantly less damage by the common leaf spot fungus Alternaria triticina. The results suggest that there is no selective disadvantage for plants infected by B. henningsiana.  相似文献   

鱼腾飞  冯起  刘蔚  司建华  席海洋  陈丽娟 《生态学报》2012,32(22):7009-7017
生态输水作为一项改善黑河下游生态环境的人工输水工程,研究土壤水盐与地表植被对输水的响应对于下游植被的恢复与重建具有重要的理论和实践意义。以2001年和2010年野外土壤和植物样方调查资料为基础,探讨了黑河下游土壤水盐对生态输水的响应及其与植被生长的关系,结果表明:(1)输水后不同深度土壤含水率的增加幅度依次为:胡杨林>柽柳林>草地;(2)不同群落土壤含盐量的增加幅度依次为:苦豆子>柽柳>梭梭>胡杨;同时,土壤盐分主要以HCO3-和Na+为主的轻度盐化土向以SO42-、Cl-及Ca2+等为主的中度和强度盐化土转化;(3)以胡杨为例,土壤含水率小于6%时,密度和冠幅与土壤含水率呈正相关,但大于6%时,冠幅和密度分别介于40-70 m2和0.5-5株/100m2之间;同样,土壤水溶性盐含量小于1%时,密度和冠幅与土壤含水率呈正相关,但大于1%时,密度在0.5-5株/100m2之间,造成上述结果的原因更多是群落的一种"自然稀疏"现象。  相似文献   

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