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MOTIVATION: The double cut and join operation (abbreviated as DCJ) has been extensively used for genomic rearrangement. Although the DCJ distance between signed genomes with both linear and circular (uni- and multi-) chromosomes is well studied, the only known result for the NP-complete unsigned DCJ distance problem is an approximation algorithm for unsigned linear unichromosomal genomes. In this article, we study the problem of computing the DCJ distance on two unsigned linear multichromosomal genomes (abbreviated as UDCJ). RESULTS: We devise a 1.5-approximation algorithm for UDCJ by exploiting the distance formula for signed genomes. In addition, we show that UDCJ admits a weak kernel of size 2k and hence an FPT algorithm running in O(2(2k)n) time.  相似文献   

A mutant ofEscherichia coli K-12, originally though to lack the major murein lipoprotein (product of the1pp gene) was found to contain an intact1pp locus and to exhibit multiple physiological defects. These included altered morphology, sensitivity to glycine, sensitivity to high temperature, and absolute requirement for certain vitamin B6 derivatives. The genetic properties of the mutant indicated that a chromosomal inversion had caused inactivation of thepdxH (pyridoxine phosphate oxidase) gene. Behavior of this and other Pdx mutants indicated that growth in unsupplemented complex medium can lead to pyridoxal phosphate limitation and concomitant impairment of cell wall biosynthesis.  相似文献   

Media dependence of translational mutant phenotype   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract We have measured the growth rates of some ribosomal mutants of Escherichia coli in different growth media. The mutants are a streptomycin resistant (SmR) mutation in rpsL; a partially streptomycin dependent (SmP) mutation in rpsL; a ribosome ambiguity mutant (ram) in rpsD; a ram mutant in rpsE as well as a mutant defective in tRNA modification, mia A. The data show that the growth rates of all mutants are less inhibited in poor media than they are in rich ones. The translation rates and nonsense suppression levels for each mutant are not significantly different in rich and poor media, which shows that the ribosomal mutant phenotypes are maintained under different growth conditions. These results suggest that the degree of growth inhibition for mutants with altered translation machinery is dependent on the growth conditions. In addition, the data suggest that bacteria are able to physiologically compensate for the loss of growth efficiency in such mutants, particularly, under poor growth conditions.  相似文献   

Recent advances in medaka genetics have proven that the medakafish is an excellent model system for developmental and evolutionary biology studies and that it can complement similar studies in zebrafish. Large-scale mutagenesis projects are now being conducted by several groups in Japan and are delivering a vastly expanded pool of medaka mutant stocks. This growing availability of genomic resources will greatly accelerate progress in moving from mutant phenotypes to the elucidation of gene function. This phenotype-driven approach can be expected to lead to the identification and characterization of novel genes and pathways in vertebrate genomes. This review discusses the current state of medaka genomic resources, the state of medaka gene mapping and medaka genome sequencing projects.  相似文献   

Mutations in leucine‐rich repeat kinase 2 (LRRK2) are the most common genetic cause of Parkinson's disease (PD). The LRRK2 physiological and pathological function is still debated. However, different experimental evidence based on LRRK2 cellular localization and LRRK2 protein interactors suggests that LRRK2 may be part and regulate a protein network modulating vesicle dynamics/trafficking. Interestingly, the synaptic vesicle protein SV2A is part of this protein complex. Importantly, SV2A is the binding site of the levetiracetam (LEV), a compound largely used in human therapy for epilepsy treatment. The binding of LEV to SV2A reduces the neuronal firing by the modulation of vesicle trafficking although by an unclear molecular mechanism. In this short communication, we have analysed the interaction between the LRRK2 and SV2A pathways by LEV treatment. Interestingly, LEV significantly counteracts the effect of LRRK2 G2019S pathological mutant expression in three different cellular experimental models. Our data strongly suggest that LEV treatment may have a neuroprotective effect on LRRK2 pathological mutant toxicity and that LEV repositioning could be a viable compound for PD treatment.  相似文献   

Mice defective for the Polk gene, which encodes DNA polymerase kappa, are viable and do not manifest obvious phenotypes. The present studies document a spontaneous mutator phenotype in Polk?/? mice. The initial indication of enhanced spontaneous mutations in these mice came from the serendipitous observation of a postulated founder mutation that manifested in multiple disease states among a cohort of mice comprising all three possible Polk genotypes. Polk?/? and isogenic wild-type controls carrying a reporter transgene (the λ-phage cII gene) were used for subsequent quantitative and qualitative studies on mutagenesis in various tissues. We observed significantly increased mutation frequencies in the kidney, liver, and lung of Polk?/? mice, but not in the spleen or testis. G:C base pairs dominated the mutation spectra of the kidney, liver, and lung. These results are consistent with the notion that Polκ is required for accurate translesion DNA synthesis past naturally occurring polycyclic guanine adducts, possibly generated by cholesterol and/or its metabolites.  相似文献   

A report on the Comparative and Functional Genomics Workshop, Hinxton, UK, 2-5 November 2003.  相似文献   

We have isolated a novel enhanced-nodulating mutant astray (Ljsym77) from Lotus japonicus. The name astray derives from the non-symbiotic phenotype of this mutant, agravitropic lateral roots that go "astray" against gravity. In this report we evaluated the symbiotic aspects of this mutant in detail. The astray mutant developed approximately twice the number of nodules on a wider area of roots compared with the wild type. Furthermore, the astray mutant demonstrated early initiation of nodule development, which is an unprecedented symbiotic phenotype. The astray seedlings showed normal sensitivity to the general inhibitors of nodulation such as ethylene and nitrate. These results indicate that the astray mutant is distinct from the hypernodulating mutants reported previously, and that the ASTRAY gene acts as an early and negative regulator in the cascade of nodule development.  相似文献   

The endocytic network comprises a series of interconnected tubulo-vesicular membranous compartments that together regulate various sorting and signalling events. Although it is clear that defects in endocytic function underlie a variety of human diseases, our understanding of the molecular entities that regulate these sorting and signalling events remains limited. Here we discuss the sorting nexins family of proteins and propose that they have a fundamental role in orchestrating the formation of protein complexes that are involved in endosomal sorting and signalling.  相似文献   

Posttranslational processing of many proteins is essential to the synthesis of fully functional molecules. The ELH (egg-laying hormone) prohormone is cleaved by endoproteases in a specific order at a variety of basic residue processing sites to produce mature peptides. The prohormone is first cleaved at a unique tetrabasic site liberating two intermediates (amino and carboxy) which are sorted to different classes of dense core vesicles in the bag cell neurons of Aplysia. When expressed in AtT-20 cells, the ELH prohormone is also first cleaved at the tetrabasic site. The amino-terminal intermediate is then sorted to the constitutive pathway, and a portion of the carboxy-terminal intermediate is sorted to the regulated pathway. Here, we use mutant constructs of the ELH prohormone expressed in AtT-20 cells to examine the relationship between prohormone processing and consequent sorting. Prohormone which has a dibasic site in place of the tetrabasic site is processed and sorted similarly to wild type. Furthermore, mutant prohormone which lacks the tetrabasic site is processed at an alternative site comprising three basic residues. In these mutant prohormones, mature ELH is still produced and stored in dense core vesicles while amino-terminal products are constitutively secreted. However, deletion of the tetrabasic and tribasic sites results in the rerouting of the amino-terminal intermediate products from the constitutive pathway to the regulated secretory pathway. Thus, in the ELH prohormone, the location of the proteolytic processing events within the secretory pathway and the order of cleavages regulate the sorting of peptide products.  相似文献   

A Podospora anserina longevity mutant was identified with a temperature-sensitive phenotype for senescence. This mutant, termed TS1, grew for over 3 m at 27 degrees C, but when shifted to 34 degrees C, it underwent senescence between 10 and 18 cm. A previously described senescence-associated plasmid, alpha senDNA, derived from the mitochondrial genome, was not detected in TS1 at 27 degrees C but was present in senescent cultures at 34 degrees C. A similar result was observed in progeny strains obtained by crossing the TS1 mutant with a wild-type strain. Other mitochondrial excision-amplification DNAs in addition to alpha senDNA were also observed in the senescent cultures. Most were derived from a specific region of the mitochondrial genome. These results provide evidence that alpha senDNA is involved in TS1 senescence and suggest that this plasmid may play a role in the formation of other mitochondrial excision-amplification plasmids.  相似文献   

We have analysed the recovery of individual CHO-derived mutants during the generations immediately following their induction. This characteristic, which we call persistence, was measured by propagating mutagenized cultures in non-selective medium after subdivision into many very small populations, each containing either zero or one mutant. The recovery of most hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase (hprt)-deficient mutants induced by ethyl methanesulphonate was low, and we have previously shown that this was usually due to an apparent rapid loss of the mutant phenotype with continued culture in non-selective medium (Bradley, 1980). A minority of about 15% manifest high persistence. We now show that most adenine phosphoribosyltransferase (aprt)-deficient mutants and some ouabain-resistant mutants had low persistence. Mutants induced by UV irradiation also generally exhibited low persistence but those induced by X-irradiation had significantly higher persistence than what was seen among EMS-induced mutants. Among various sublines of CHO cells which were tested for persistence of induced mutants, only one group consistently yielded mutants of high persistence. These were lines which carried glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase mutations which themselves had been originally induced by EMS.  相似文献   

The morphological phenotype of the maize meiotic mutant dv (divergent spindle) has been further analysed by visualization of the division spindle and examination of its fine structure in mother cells of pollen. Previous research showed that dv blocks convergence of spindle fibres at the poles. New observations reveal abnormalities caused by this mutation, with dv showing disturbances in nuclear envelope breakdown during vesiculation, preventing the spindle fibres from adopting a bipolar orientation (with convergence on the poles). The anomalies result in radial spindles which are similar to monoastral spindles in animal cells.  相似文献   

masterblind (mbl) is a zebrafish mutation characterised by the absence or reduction in size of the telencephalon, optic vesicles and olfactory placodes. We show that inhibition of Gsk3beta in zebrafish embryos either by overexpression of dominant negative dn gsk3beta mRNA or by lithium treatment after the midblastula transition phenocopies mbl. The loss of anterior neural tissue in mbl and lithium-treated embryos is preceded by posteriorization of presumptive anterior neuroectoderm during gastrulation, which is evident from the anterior shift of marker genes Otx2 and Wnt1. Heterozygous mbl embryos showed increased sensitivity to inhibition of GSK3beta by lithium or dn Xgsk3beta that led to the loss of eyes. Overexpression of gsk3beta mRNA rescued eyes and the wild-type fgf8 expression of homozygous mbl embryos. emx1 that delineates the telencephalon is expanded and shifted ventroanteriorly in mbl embryos. In contrast to fgf8, the emx1 expression domain was not restored upon overexpression of gsk3beta mRNA. These experiments place mbl as an antagonist of the Wnt pathway in parallel or upstream of the complex consisting of Axin, APC and Gsk3beta that binds and phosphorylates beta-catenin, thereby destabilising it. mbl maps on LG 3 close to a candidate gene axin1. In mbl we detected a point mutation in the conserved minimal Gsk3beta-binding domain of axin1 leading to a leucine to glutamine substitution at position 399. Overexpression of wild-type axin1 mRNA rescued mbl completely, demonstrating that mutant axin1 is responsible for the mutant phenotype. Overexpression of mutant L399Q axin1 in wild-type embryos resulted in a dose-dependent dominant negative activity as demonstrated by the loss of telencephalon and eyes. We suggest that the function of Axin1/Mbl protein is to antagonise the Wnt signal and in doing so to establish and maintain the most anterior CNS. Our findings provide new insights into the mechanisms by which the Wnt pathway generates anteroposterior polarity of the neural plate.  相似文献   

In the sexual reproduction of Paramecium tetraurelia, the somatic nucleus (macronucleus) undergoes massive genomic rearrangement, including gene amplification and excision of internal eliminated sequences (IESs), in its normal developmental process. Strain d4-662, one of the pawn mutants, is a behavioral mutant of P. tetraurelia that carries a recessive allele of pwB662. ThepwB gene in the macronucleus of the strain has an insertion of the IES because a base substitution within the IES prevents its excision during gene rearrangement. Cultures of this strain frequently contain cells reverting to the wild type in the behavioral phenotype. The mutant and revertant cells maintained stable clonal phenotypes under the various environmental conditions examined unless they underwent sexual reproduction. After sexual reproduction, both mutant and revertant produced 2.7-7.1% reverted progeny. A molecular analysis performed on the macronuclear DNA of the mutant and revertant of d4-662 showed that much less than 1% of the mutant IES was precisely excised at every sexual reproduction of the strain. Therefore, the alternative phenotype of strain d4-662 seems to be caused by an alternative excision of the mutant IES.  相似文献   

An oversecreting mutant of Saccharomyces cerevisiae was obtained from about 400 meiotic segregants derived from thediploid cells made by crossing the HBsAg-induced mutant NI-C with the wild-type strain Sey6211. When transformed with a plasmid containing mouse alpha-amylase cDNA, the mutant (NI-C-D4) exhibited an increased capacity (up to 13-fold) for the secretion of mouse alpha-amylase, higher than the parental strains and other standard wild-type strains. It was also shown that alpha-amylase secreted by the oversecreting mutant had a higher activity and contained more of the non-glycosylated form than the glycosylated form. This isolated oversecreting, low-glycosylation mutant may prove to be a potential S. cerevisiae host for the production of foreign proteins. Further genetic analysis suggested that the mutation responsible for the mutant's oversecretion was partially dominant and that both the oversecretion and low-glycosylation phenotypes were governed by a single chromosome mutation. These pleiotrophic phenotypes may be attributed to a defect in the synthesis of an ER-resident chaperone.  相似文献   

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