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A cytological analysis of 22 experimental interspecific hybrids withinEpilobium sect.Epilobium, involving 15 taxa, has indicated that the generalized western North AmericaE. obcordatum has the BB chromosome arrangement. This strengthens greatly our earlier contention that BB is the original chromosome arrangement in the section. The very distinctive northwestern North AmericanE. luteum, only species in the section with cream-colored petals, has the CC arrangement, like the members ofHaussknecht'sAlpinae. This chromosome arrangement apparently originated in the North Pacific region in plants that were of normal stature. The North AmericanE. leptocarpum, which closely resembles the Japanese endemicE. fauriei and, like it, forms gemmae in the axils of the upper leaves, also resembles it in having the CC chromosome arrangement. The AsianE. platystigmatosum has a novel chromosome arrangement derived from BB, which we here designate the EE arrangement.  相似文献   

WithinEpilobium sect.Epilobium, a cytological analysis of 121 experimental hybrids, involving 40 species, indicates the presence of a widespread BB chromosome arrangement in Eurasia, Africa, and Australasia, as well as in North and South America less commonly. The AA chromosome arrangement, which differs from BB by one reciprocal translocation, occurs in North America, South America, and in at least three European species. The CC arrangement, which differs from AA by two reciprocal translocations, characterizes theAlpinae, a circumboreal group. Distinctive or only partly worked out chromosome arrangements occur in the EuropeanE. duriaei andE. nutans and in the North AmericanE. luteum, E. obcordatum, E. oregonense, andE. rigidum. With earlier results, the chromosome arrangements of some 65 of the estimated 185 species of the section have been established fully or partly.  相似文献   

Oenothera nutans, common to the Appalachian Mts between 650 and 1 700 m altitude, was investigated cytogenetically and taxonomically. The species is permanently structurally heterozygous. It consists of two genomes of the B-type which are more or less indistinguishable phenotypically. Nearly all of the strains investigated possess a self-incompatibility factor in one of the two complexes. Both complexes show a close relationship to the predominantly homozygousO. grandiflora, a native of the southern lowlands.O. nutans andO. grandiflora possess the same plastid type, plastome III. Probably,O. nutans evolved by an accumulation of reciprocal translocations within an originally structurally homozygous population, which must be regarded ancestral to the present forms ofO. grandiflora.  相似文献   

Oenothera wolfii, endemic in coastal Northern California and Southern Oregon, has been analysed cytogenetically. It is a permanent structural heterozygote composed of two nearly identical genomic complexes which are closely related to the neighboring maritime ecotype of the homozygousOe. elata subsp.hookeri. — Oe wolfii is believed to have evolved recently from its homozygous ancestor by the accumulation of reciprocal translocations and the acquisition of balanced lethals. Forms such asOe. wolfii represent an important connecting link in our understanding of the evolution of the complexheterozygous species ofOenothera. Dedicated to Prof. Dr.Josef Straub for His 75th birthday.  相似文献   

Three taxa are distinguished in the sectionPhleum Griseb. in Poland:P. nodosum (2n = 14),P. pratense (2n = 42), and the third one unformally named hereP. commutatum (2n = 14). It corresponds morphologically toP. commutatum Gaud. reported as a tetraploid taxon (2n = 28) from other geographic regions. Giemsa C-banded karyotypes of these three taxa help clarify the taxonomic status ofP. commutatum and the origin of the hexaploidP. pratense. It is suggested that changes in the amount of telomeric heterochromatin played an important role in the evolution ofPhleum karyotypes.  相似文献   

The presence of bottle-like hairs has been described in four hitherto uninvestigated taxa ofPlantago sect.Coronopus sensuDietrich. This hair type is a feature characteristic of sect.Coronopus.  相似文献   

Based on an analysis of results from experimental hybridization, the plants assigned byMunz toOenothera subg.Oenothera and subg.Raimannia, now divided into approximately 76 species, are referred to a single section,Oenothera. This section is in turn divided into five subsections:Euoenothera, Munzia, Raimannia, Emersonia, and an undescribed group of three species related toOenothera pubescens. Euoenothera is maintained in the traditional sense, and includes about 14 species of North America, widely naturalized elsewhere.Munzia consists of 45 species, comprising three series, and native to South America.Raimannia is restricted to a group of approximately 11 North American species.Emersonia comprises four rather heterogenous species of northern Mexico and southern New Mexico, of whichOenothera macrosceles, O. maysillesii, andO. organensis have been described. Within these four subsections, interspecific hybrids can be made in general, although plastid differentiation often leads to incompatibilities. With varying degrees of difficulty, hybrids were produced in all intersectional combinations involvingEuoenothera, Emersonia, Munzia, andRaimannia, the most difficult being those betweenEmersonia andRaimannia. Based on their habit and distribution,Emersonia species, and especiallyOenothera maysillesii, appear to resemble most closely the common ancestor of the section,Euoenothera andMunzia to have been derived from it or its common ancestor, andRaimannia perhaps to be more closely related to the phylogenetic branch that leads toEuoenothera.  相似文献   

Pelargonium otaviense Knuth andP. spinosum Willd. are excluded from sect.Glaucophyllum, whileP. grandiflorum (Andr.)Willd.,P. patulum Jacq. andP. tabulare (Burm. f.)L'Hérit. of sect.Eumorpha are included. Sect.Glaucophyllum is characterized by green to glaucous vegetative organs and zygomorphic white to pink corolla with five narrow petals. All the species have an identical pollen and chromosome morphology, the same basic chromosome number (x = 11) and similar flavonoid patterns. A close relationship between sect.Glaucophyllum and sect.Pelargonium is indicated by the occurrence of natural hybrids and concordant characters. Isorhamnetin and luteolin have been detected in the genus for the first time.  相似文献   

A taxonomic revision ofVerbesina sect.Ochractinia is presented. 40 species plus 7 additional infraspecific taxa are recognized. A table of the distribution of the species, key to the species and synonymy are included. Relationships to other sections ofVerbesina and species relationships within sect.Ochractinia are discussed.  相似文献   

Pollen of the two distylous species which make upLinum sect.Macrantholinum differs from that of other distylous species in the genus in being multiporate and in having much more modest differences in exine sculpturing between grains from long- and short-styled plants. Pollen morphology does not help in relating the two species to others in the genus but does support their retention in a separate section.  相似文献   

We previously isolated and characterized a new free amino acid withd-configuration at the α-carbon,trans-3, 4-dehydro-d-2-aminopimelic acid and its related amino acids,d-2-aminopimelic acid and 4-hydroxy-l-2-aminopimelic acid fromAsplenium unilaterale. In this paper, we report that the biosynthetic relationshps among these three amino acids were studied using14C-and3H-labeled compounds as tracers. Glutamate and aspartate were shown to be good precursors and it was suggested that 4-hydroxy-l-2-aminopimelic acid is biosynthesized first and the twod-amino acids are derived from it. Furthermore, the distribution patterns of these non-protein amino acids inAsplenium sect.Hymenasplenium were examined in detail and they were evaluated by their biosynthetic pathway. Morphological characters especially on their rhizomes were also examined and their character phylogeny was determined by outgroup comparison. Taking all the characters available into account, the phylogenetic relationship among 7 species ofAsplenium sect.Hymenasplenium in Japan and Taiwan is discussed by the transformed cladistic method.  相似文献   

王文采 《广西植物》2016,36(Z1):31-57
对毛茛科铁线莲属(Clematis)中单型的翅果铁线莲组(sect. Pterocarpa)进行了分类学修订,写出了此组及其惟一种,翅果铁线莲(C. brachyura)的分类学简史和形态描述,给出此种的插图。根据其体态及花构造近似亚洲东部的辣蓼铁线莲(C. mandshurica Rupr.)和圆锥铁线莲(C. terniflora DC.)[二种均为威灵仙组(sect. Clematis)的成员],推测翅果铁线莲可能源自威灵仙组。  相似文献   

TheThymus teucrioides Boiss. & Spruner aggregate is revised and the following new taxa, all from the alpine zone in the Greek mountains, are described:Th. leucospermus Hartvig from the calcareous mountains of Pindhos and Mt Parnassos in Sterea Ellas,Th. rechingeri Hartvig with the subsp.macrocalyx Hartvig from calcareous mountains in Sterea Ellas and N Peloponnissos, andTh. teucrioides subsp.alpinus Hartvig from the serpentine areas of N Pindhos. In the variableTh. teucrioides s. str. many characters have turned out to be markedly geographically correlated and many local populations can be distinguished by a particular combination of characters.Dedicated to Prof.K. H. Rechinger on the occasion of his 80th birthday.  相似文献   

Clarkia breweri (Onagraceae) is the only species known in its genus to produce strong floral fragrance and to be pollinated by moths. We used gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) to identify 12 abundant compounds in the floral headspace from two inbred lines ofC. breweri. These volatiles are derived from two biochemical pathways, one producing acyclic monoterpenes and their oxides, the other leading from phenylalanine to benzoate and its derivatives. Linalool and linalool oxide (pyran form) were the most abundant monoterpenoids, while linalool oxide (furan form) was present at lower concentrations. Of the aromatic compounds detected, benzyl acetate was most abundant, whereas benzyl benzoate, eugenol, methyl salicylate, and vanillin were present as minor constituents in all floral samples. The two inbredC. breweri lines differed for the presence of the additional benzenoid compounds isoeugenol, methyleugenol, methylisoeugenol, and veratraldehyde. We also analyzed floral headspace fromC. concinna, the likely progenitor ofC. breweri, whose flowers are odorless to the human nose. Ten volatiles (mostly terpenoids) were detected at low concentrations, but only when headspace was collected from 20 or more flowers at a time. Trans--ocimene was the most abundant floral compound identified from this species. Our data are consistent with the hypothesized recent evolution of floral scent production and moth pollination inC. breweri.  相似文献   

Plant material of 55 strains from 32 species ofSolanum sect.Solanum ( = sect.Morella) has been investigated for the content of steroidal alkaloids and sapogenins. The leaf-extracts of all species contain diosgenin resp. tigogenin or both together in considerable amount. On the contrary the characteristic steroidal alkaloid solasodine was absent in these samples. For 29 species the presence of steroidal sapogenins has been proved for the first time. In unripe fruits, however, solasodine could be detected in most of the species examined. New occurences of solasodine are reported for seven further species. These chemical results may contribute to a better comprehension of the difficult genusSolanum.—Ontogenetic studies on different organs ofS. atriplicifolium show the relationship between accumulation of steroidal compounds and plant maturity.  相似文献   

Rumex sect.Axillares first described by the author in 1937 is known to be represented in N. America by 20 endemic species. From S. America only five species, all endemic, were previously known; this number is raised in the present revision to 15. Outside America there exist small groups of endemic species in S. Africa and in the islands of Hawaii as well as in Australia and scattered single species in C. Africa, on the remote Atlantic islands of Tristan de Cunha and Gough Island, and in eastern Asia.—In Europe the section is completely absent, except for three American species which occur as rare aliens. TheAxillares are not only morphologically well-characterized by their growth—no leaf rosettes, flowering period practically unlimited by formation of later flowering axillary shoots, flowers often monoecious—but also by their genetic structure expressed by a different behaviour in hybridization. Hybrids are frequent between species of sect.Rumex (syn.Simplices) and are easy to recognize by their sterility which results in a certain peculiarity in habit. In contrast, no spontaneous hybrids are known with certainty among species of sect.Axillares. Most artificial hybrids are fairly fertile. So far only three hybrids between species of the two sections have been known. Three more have been found by the author in Chile, all being highly sterile and showing the growth characteristics resulting from sterility as occur in hybrids between species of sect.Rumex.
Resumen Rumex secciónAxillares fue descrito por primera vez por el autor en 1937. Se conoce en América del Norte con 20 especies endémicas. De América del Sur se conocían sólo 5 especies, todas ellas endemicas; este número asciende a 15 en la presente revision. Fuera de las Américas se encuentran pequeños grupos de especies endémicas en Sudáfrica, en las Islas de Hawaii y en Australia; especies aisladas se encuentran en Africa Central, en las lejanas Islas Atlánticas de Tristan de Cunha y Gough Island y en Asia Oriental. La sección no tiene representantes en Europa, con excepción de tres especies americanas introducidas, poco frecuentes. La secciónAxillares se caracteriza bien, tanto morfológicamente por su forma de creciemiento—sin rosetas foliares, período floral prácticamente ilimitado por la formación de inflorescencias axilares parciales, flores a menudo monoicas—como por su estructura genética que se manifiesta en un comportamiento diferente de hibridación. Híbridos son frecuentes en las especies de la secciónRumex (syn.Simplices) y reconocibles por su esterilidad que se expresa en cierta particularidad del habito. Al contrario, no hay seguridad de híbridos espontáneos en la secciónAxillares. La mayor parte de los híbridos artificiales son totalmente fértiles. Hasta ahora se conocían solo tres híbridos entre las especies de ambas secciones. Otros tres han sido encontrados por el autor en Chile. Todos completamente estériles y con las características de hábito típicas resultantes la esterilidad, como ocurre en los híbridos de la secciónRumex.

Polygonum sect.Tovara includes three controversial species;P. virginianum, P. filiforme, andP. neofiliforme. The flavonoid chemistry of these was examined to provide additional information on their delimitation and levels of differentiation. Eight flavonoid compounds were isolated and identified, all of which were 3-O-glycosides of the flavonols kaempferol, quercetin, and myricetin, and their acylated derivatives. Although they exhibit relatively simple flavonoid profiles, the three taxa are readily distinguished by their flavonoid constituents. In addition, they show fundamental differences in flavonol types and glycosylation patterns. These results, in conjunction with evidence from the morphology, strongly suggest thatP. virginianum, P. filiforme, andP. neofiliforme are closely allied but distinct species.  相似文献   

Justicia brevipedunculata, a new species ofJ. sect.Ansellia endemic to Tanzania, is described and illustrated. Detailed palynological information is given, and relationships to other species of the section are discussed.  相似文献   

One new species and one new variety ofBauhinia subg.Phanera sect.Caulotretus are described. Both taxa are tendrilled lianas with woody fruit and both are apparently endemic to Southern Bahian moist forest.Bauhinia carvalhoi has the smallest entire leaves known in the section.Bauhinia angulosa var.bahiana apparently replaces, in “Mata higrófila sul Bahiana”, the typical variety from southeastern Brazil. A key to the three taxa of this section known from Bahia is provided.  相似文献   

Evolutionary relationships and infra- and interspecific variability within the species ofTulipa sect.Eriostemones Boissier were studied. Measurements of 35 morphological characters were used for principal component and canonical variate analyses. Crossing experiments and chromosome counts were carried out. Two axes of morphological variation were encountered within the principal component plot. Variation of subsect.Biflores was traced along one axis, the species of subsect.Australes as well asSaxatiles were found along the other axis. The nomenclature of names of subsect.Biflores was considered on the basis of their geography, specific morphological characteristics and polyploidy. Conspecificity of names of all species was tested based on both morphology and crossability.  相似文献   

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