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Switchgrass is a promising bioenergy source that is perennial, productive, native to a broad geographic region, and can grow on marginal, nitrogen (N)-poor soils. Understanding N dynamics in switchgrass is critical to predicting productivity, conserving N, and optimizing the timing of harvest. We examined seasonal changes in N distribution in above- and belowground tissues in switchgrass to quantify N retranslocation rates. Above- and belowground biomass from three sites (two in PA and one in NE) were collected and analyzed for biomass growth and N concentrations at 30-day intervals from June through October. Total living plant mass ranged from 10.3?±?2.4 standard error (SE) to 14.9?±?2.5 SE Mg ha?1. Belowground mass comprised 52–57 % of total mass. Blades had the highest N concentration during summer, ranging from 6 to 22 g kg?1 N. Aboveground N concentrations decreased from September until autumn senescence, whereas belowground N concentration increased from August until senescence. Across the sites, total N retranslocated from aboveground to belowground components between September and October averaged 16.5?±?7.1 (SE)?kg ha?1 N representing 26.7 % of the average maximum N content of aboveground biomass. Based on N fertilizer costs, delayed harvest would conserve some N and provide financial savings on fertilizer ($9 ha?1) if harvest occurs after senescence but before overwinter biomass loss. However, biomass losses of even 10 % will negate potential economic savings accrued from N retention. To maximize environmental and economic savings from N retranslocation and to simultaneously minimize harvest losses, it would be optimal to harvest switchgrass as soon as possible after complete senescence.  相似文献   

本研究利用SCoT标记对96份柳枝稷种质的亲缘关系和遗传变异进行了研究。筛选出20条引物对96份供试材料进行PCR扩增,共获得445条带,其中多态性条带402条,平均多态性条带比率(PPB)达90.31%,多态性信息含量(PIC)为0.166~0.410,平均值为0.332,标记指数(MI)为10.20。遗传相似系数(GS)为0.498~0.912,平均值为0.688。表明SCoT标记能够揭示柳枝稷种质间的遗传变异。通过UPGMA分析表明,96份种质资源聚为高地型和低地型两大类。经POPGENE1.32软件分析结果显示:96份柳枝稷基因多样性指数(H)为0.285,Shannon指数(I)为0.431,表明供试的种质间遗传多样性丰富,遗传多样性水平高。经AMOVA 1.55方差分析揭示:96份柳枝稷生态型内的遗传变异占总变异的72.85%,生态型间遗传变异占总变异的27.15%,结果表明ScoT可用于柳枝稷遗传多样性研究,该研究结果可为柳枝稷种质资源的进一步开发利用提供重要信息。  相似文献   

A 3-year field rotation study was conducted to assess the potential of switchgrass (Panicum virgatum) to suppress root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne arenaria), southern blight (Sclerotium rolfsii), and aflatoxigenic fungi (Aspergillus sp.) in peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) and to assess shifts in microbial populations following crop rotation. Switchgrass did not support populations of root-knot nematodes but supported high populations of nonparasitic nematodes. Peanut with no nematicide applied and following 2 years of switchgrass had the same nematode populations as continuous peanut plus nematicide. Neither previous crop nor nematicide significantly reduced the incidence of pods infected with Aspergillus. However, pod invasion by A. flavus was highest in plots previously planted with peanut and not treated with nematicide. Peanut with nematicide applied at planting following 2 years of switchgrass had significantly less incidence of southern blight than either continuous peanut without nematicide application or peanut without nematicide following 2 years of cotton. Peanut yield did not differ among rotations in either sample year. Effects of crop rotation on the microbial community structure associated with peanut were examined using indices for diversity, richness, and similarity derived from culture-based analyses. Continuous peanut supported a distinctly different rhizosphere bacterial microflora compared to peanut following 1 year of switchgrass, or continuous switchgrass. Richness and diversity indices for continuous peanut rhizosphere and geocarposphere were not consistently different from peanut following switchgrass, but always differed in the specific genera present. These shifts in community structure were associated with changes in parasitic nematode populations.  相似文献   

Orobanche cumana Wallr. (sunflower broomrape) is a devastating root parasitic weed, causing enormous crop losses worldwide. The question was whether or not switchgrass has the potential to be a ‘trap crop’ for O. cumana control. To answer this question, the field experiments, pot experiments, and laboratory experiments were conducted in this study. The ability of nine switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.) cultivars to induce O. cumana seeds germination was tested. Results indicated that root extracts shoot extracts, rhizosphere soil, and root exudates from switchgrass induced O. cumana germination. Ability to induce germination varied significantly among growing stages, with the earlier part of growing season (grown for 2 weeks) generally inducing the highest O. cumana germination rates. The methanol was a more suitable solvent than distilled water for extracting germination stimulants from switchgrass plants. Ten-fold dilutions of the extracts generally induced higher germination rates than either undiluted or 100-fold dilutions. The germination rates of O. cumana seeds in shoot extracts treatments were positively correlated with those in the root extracts (R2 = 0.6397; p < 0.01) and negatively correlated with those in the rhizosphere soil treatments ( R2 = 0.4433; p < 0.05). In conclusion, it is believed that switchgrass is a potential trap crop for the control of root parasitic weed O. cumana.  相似文献   

Although yield trials for switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.), a potentially high value biofuel feedstock crop, are currently underway throughout North America, the genetic tools for crop improvement in this species are still in the early stages of development. Identification of high-density molecular markers, such as single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), that are amenable to high-throughput genotyping approaches, is the first step in a quantitative genetics study of this model biofuel crop species. We generated and sequenced expressed sequence tag (EST) libraries from thirteen diverse switchgrass cultivars representing both upland and lowland ecotypes, as well as tetraploid and octoploid genomes. We followed this with reduced genomic library preparation and massively parallel sequencing of the same samples using the Illumina Genome Analyzer technology platform. EST libraries were used to generate unigene clusters and establish a gene-space reference sequence, thus providing a framework for assembly of the short sequence reads. SNPs were identified utilizing these scaffolds. We used a custom software program for alignment and SNP detection and identified over 149,000 SNPs across the 13 short-read sequencing libraries (SRSLs). Approximately 25,000 additional SNPs were identified from the entire EST collection available for the species. This sequencing effort generated data that are suitable for marker development and for estimation of population genetic parameters, such as nucleotide diversity and linkage disequilibrium. Based on these data, we assessed the feasibility of genome wide association mapping and genomic selection applications in switchgrass. Overall, the SNP markers discovered in this study will help facilitate quantitative genetics experiments and greatly enhance breeding efforts that target improvement of key biofuel traits and development of new switchgrass cultivars.  相似文献   

Switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.) is a perennial grass undergoing development as a biofuel feedstock. One of the most important factors hindering breeding efforts in this species is the need for accurate measurement of biomass yield on a per-hectare basis. Genomic selection on simple-to-measure traits that approximate biomass yield has the potential to significantly speed up the breeding cycle. Recent advances in switchgrass genomic and phenotypic resources are now making it possible to evaluate the potential of genomic selection of such traits. We leveraged these resources to study the ability of three widely-used genomic selection models to predict phenotypic values of morphological and biomass quality traits in an association panel consisting of predominantly northern adapted upland germplasm. High prediction accuracies were obtained for most of the traits, with standability having the highest ten-fold cross validation prediction accuracy (0.52). Moreover, the morphological traits generally had higher prediction accuracies than the biomass quality traits. Nevertheless, our results suggest that the quality of current genomic and phenotypic resources available for switchgrass is sufficiently high for genomic selection to significantly impact breeding efforts for biomass yield.  相似文献   

Net benefits of bioenergy crops, including maize and perennial grasses such as switchgrass, are a function of several factors including the soil organic carbon (SOC) sequestered by these crops. Life cycle assessments (LCA) for bioenergy crops have been conducted using models in which SOC information is usually from the top 30 to 40?cm. Information on the effects of crop management practices on SOC has been limited so LCA models have largely not included any management practice effects. In the first 9?years of a long-term C sequestration study in eastern Nebraska, USA, switchgrass and maize with best management practices had average annual increases in SOC per hectare that exceed 2?Mg?C?year?1 (7.3?Mg?CO2?year?1) for the 0 to 150 soil depth. For both switchgrass and maize, over 50?% of the increase in SOC was below the 30?cm depth. SOC sequestration by switchgrass was twofold to fourfold greater than that used in models to date which also assumed no SOC sequestration by maize. The results indicate that N fertilizer rates and harvest management regimes can affect the magnitude of SOC sequestration. The use of uniform soil C effects for bioenergy crops from sampling depths of 30 to 40?cm across agro-ecoregions for large scale LCA is questionable.  相似文献   

The possibility of increased invasiveness in cultivated varieties of native perennial species is a question of interest in biofuel risk assessment. Competitive success is a key factor in the fitness and invasive potential of perennial plants, and thus the large-scale release of high-yielding biomass cultivars warrants empirical comparisons with local conspecifics in the presence of competitors. We evaluated the performance of non-local cultivars and local wild biotypes of the tallgrass species Panicum virgatum L. (switchgrass) in competition experiments during two growing seasons in Ohio and Iowa. At each location, we measured growth and reproductive traits (plant height, tiller number, flowering time, aboveground biomass, and seed production) of four non-locally sourced cultivars and two locally collected wild biotypes. Plants were grown in common garden experiments under three types of competition, referred to as none, moderate (with Schizachyrium scoparium), and high (with Bromus inermis). In both states, the two “lowland” cultivars grew taller, flowered later, and produced between 2x and 7.5x more biomass and between 3x and 34x more seeds per plant than local wild biotypes, while the other two cultivars were comparable to wild biotypes in these traits. Competition did not affect relative differences among biotypes, with the exception of shoot number, which was more similar among biotypes under high competition. Insights into functional differences between cultivars and wild biotypes are crucial for developing biomass crops while mitigating the potential for invasiveness. Here, two of the four cultivars generally performed better than wild biotypes, indicating that these biotypes may pose more of a risk in terms of their ability to establish vigorous feral populations in new regions outside of their area of origin. Our results support an ongoing assessment of switchgrass cultivars developed for large-scale planting for biofuels.  相似文献   

Fundamental understanding of biomass pretreatment and its influence on saccharification kinetics, total sugar yield, and inhibitor formation is essential to develop efficient next-generation biofuel strategies, capable of displacing fossil fuels at a commercial level. In this study, we investigated the effect of residence time and temperature during ionic liquid (IL) pretreatment of switchgrass using 1-ethyl-3-methyl imidazolium acetate. The primary metrics of pretreatment performance are biomass delignification, xylan and glucan depolymerization, porosity, surface area, cellulase kinetics, and sugar yields. Compositional analysis and quantification of process streams of saccharides and lignin demonstrate that delignification increases as a function of pretreatment temperature and is hypothesized to be correlated with the apparent glass transition temperature of lignin. IL pretreatment did not generate monosaccharides from hemicellulose. Compared to untreated switchgrass, Brunauer–Emmett–Teller surface area of pretreated switchgrass increased by a factor of ~30, with a corresponding increase in saccharification kinetics of a factor of ~40. There is an observed dependence of cellulase kinetics with delignification efficiency. Although complete biomass dissolution is observed after 3 h of IL pretreatment, the pattern of sugar release, saccharification kinetics, and total sugar yields are strongly correlated with temperature.  相似文献   

The effects of salt-alkaline mixed stress on switchgrass were investigated by evaluating seed germination and the proline, malondialdehyde (MDA) and soluble sugar contents in three switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.) cultivars in order to identify which can be successfully produced on marginal lands affected by salt-alkaline mixed stress. The experimental conditions consisted of four levels of salinity (10, 60, 110 and 160 mM) and four pH levels (7.1, 8.3, 9.5 and 10.7). The effects of salt-alkaline mixed stress with equivalent coupling of the salinity and pH level on the switchgrass were explored via model analyses. Switchgrass was capable of germinating and surviving well in all treatments under low-alkaline pH (pH≤8.3), regardless of the salinity. However, seed germination and seedling growth were sharply reduced at higher pH values in conjunction with salinity. The salinity and pH had synergetic effects on the germination percentage, germination index, plumular length and the soluble sugar and proline contents in switchgrass. However, these two factors exhibited antagonistic effects on the radicular length of switchgrass. The combined effects of salinity and pH and the interactions between them should be considered when evaluating the strength of salt-alkaline mixed stress.  相似文献   

Switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.) is a dominant, perennial C4 grass of North American tallgrass prairies with cultivars that are widely used in grassland restoration, pastures, and landscaping. However, these cultivars may be genetically dissimilar to small, remnant populations, raising concerns about altered genetic composition of native populations through gene flow. To address this issue on a local scale in Ohio and Illinois, we used microsatellite markers to characterize genetic diversity and differentiation of 10 remnant prairie populations (5 in each state) and 8 common cultivars. The bulk of genetic variation was found to reside within rather than among wild populations, consistent with the outcrossing breeding system of switchgrass. Genetic diversity was similar among the remnant populations despite large differences in area (approximately 2–2,590 ha), highlighting the importance of small native populations as reservoirs of variation and potential seed sources for prairie restoration. Cultivars generally had similar levels of variation to the wild populations, but we found clear genetic dissimilarity between wild and cultivated gene pools (especially for Kanlow, but also Trailblazer, Blackwell, Dacotah, Summer, and Sunburst cultivars). This suggests that using cultivars in local prairie restoration efforts may alter the genetic composition of wild populations. Whether such changes are deemed as negative depends on the cultivar under consideration and specific conservation goals for preserving native switchgrass populations. Patterns of genetic variation in remnant prairie populations and potential cultivar sources can be used to develop guidelines for restoration as well as future planting of cultivars for biofuels.  相似文献   

Seed dormancy and slow seedling establishment are two major concerns in switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.) production, often resulting in a poor stand with reduced productivity. Studies were conducted to investigate the stability of artificial associations between switchgrass and the ectomycorrhizal fungus, Sebacina vermifera, and to evaluate the potential benefits of this novel association in seed germination and biomass production. All six strains of S. vermifera tested had a high frequency of colonization on switchgrass roots of a synthetic cultivar NF/GA-993. The positive effects of the associations were reflected in plant height, root length, and biomass production. Inoculated plants produced as much as 75%, 113%, and 18% more shoot biomass than un-inoculated control plants in the first, second, and third harvest, respectively, with no consequent reduction in root biomass. Further, culture filtrates from some strains of S. vermifera increased seed germination in the switchgrass cultivar Kanlow by 52% over the control (p?<?0.05). This study illustrates the great potential of microbial associations to increase biomass production and productivity of switchgrass.  相似文献   

The increased emphasis on research of dedicated biomass and biofuel crops begs for biotechnology method improvements. For switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.), one limitation is inefficient tissue culture and transformation systems. The objectives of this study were to investigate the utility of a new medium described here, LP9, for the production and maintenance of switchgrass callus and its regeneration, which also enables genetic transformation. LP9 medium is not based on Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium, the basal medium that all published switchgrass transformation has been performed. We demonstrate an efficient tissue culture system for switchgrass Alamo 2, which yields increased viability of callus and the ability to maintain callus for a duration of over 6 months. This longevity gives a greater useful callus lifetime than for published switchgrass MS-based media. This increased longevity enables greater potential efficiency and throughput for a transformation pipeline. Callus produced on LP9 is categorized as type II callus, which is more friable and easier to multiply, maintain and transfer than type I callus obtained from previously described tissue culture systems.  相似文献   

Switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.) is a North American grass that exhibits vast genetic diversity across its geographic range. In the Northeastern US, local switchgrass populations were restricted to a narrow coastal zone before European settlement, but current populations inhabit inland road verges raising questions about their origin and genetics. These questions are important because switchgrass lines with novel traits are being cultivated as a biofuel feedstock, and gene flow could impact the genetic integrity and distribution of local populations. This study was designed to determine if: 1) switchgrass plants collected in the Long Island Sound Coastal Lowland coastal Level IV ecoregion represented local populations, and 2) switchgrass plants collected from road verges in the adjacent inland regions were most closely related to local coastal populations or switchgrass from other geographic regions. The study used 18 microsatellite markers to infer the genetic relationships between 122 collected switchgrass plants and a reference dataset consisting of 28 cultivars representing ecotypes, ploidy levels, and lineages from North America. Results showed that 84% of 88 plants collected in the coastal plants were most closely aligned with the Lowland tetraploid genetic pool. Among this group, 61 coastal plants were similar to, but distinct from, all Lowland tetraploid cultivars in the reference dataset leading to the designation of a genetic sub-population called the Southern New England Lowland Tetraploids. In contrast, 67% of 34 plants collected in road verges in the inland ecoregions were most similar to two Upland octoploid cultivars; only 24% of roadside plants were Lowland tetraploid. These results suggest that cryptic, non-local genotypes exist in road verges and that gene flow from biofuels plantations could contribute to further changes in switchgrass population genetics in the Northeast.  相似文献   

Switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.) is a candidate feedstock in bioenergy, and plant breeding and molecular genetic strategies are being used to improve germplasm. In order to assess these subsequent modifications, baseline biomass compositional data are needed in a relevant variety of environments. In this study, switchgrass cv. Alamo was grown in the field, greenhouse, and growth chamber and harvested into individual leaf and stem tissue components. These components were analyzed with pyrolysis vapor analysis using molecular beam mass spectrometry, Fourier transform infrared, and standard wet chemistry methods to characterize and compare the composition among the different growth environments. The details of lignin content, S/G ratios, and degree of cross-linked lignin are discussed. Multivariate approaches such as projection to latent structures regression found a very strong correlation between the lignin content obtained by standard wet chemistry methods and the two high throughput techniques employed to rapidly assess lignin in potential switchgrass candidates. The models were tested on unknown samples and verified by wet chemistry. The similar lignin content found by the two methods shows that both approaches are capable of determining lignin content in biomass in a matter of minutes.  相似文献   

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