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The endogenous peptides somatostatin and secretin are effective in the therapy of upper gastrointestinal tract bleeding and acute pancreatitis. The clinical effects may be partly brought about by changes in the regional blood flow. To evaluate the effects of somatostatin (50 and 100 μg/min over 6–8 min) and secretin (0.1 and 0.5 U · kg?1 · min?1 over 3–5 min) on tissue blood flow, particularly of the gastrointestinal tract, the tracer microsphere reference sample method was used in anesthetized dogs.Infusion of somatostatin significantly diminished gastric and pancreatic blood flow whereas no changes of duodenal and ileal blood flow could be obtained. Blood flow through spleen, kidneys and adrenal glands was increased but no changes were observed in the blood flow of other tissues. Cardiac hemodynamics remained unchanged.Secretin increased the blood flow of the duodenum, the kidneys and the adrenal glands and diminished gastric blood flow without changing pancreatic, ileal, hepatic, pulmonary and muscle blood flow. Cerebral, pituitary and myocardial blood flow was increased by a higher dose of secretin. It also evoked a slight but significant positive ino- and chronotropic effect. Since secretin and somatostatin differ in their respective effects on gastrointestinal blood flow it is suggested that the previously reported beneficial effects of both peptides on upper gastrointestinal bleeding cannot solely be attributed to changes in regional blood flow.  相似文献   

目的:观察实验性大鼠脑损伤后不同时相点大脑皮层体感诱发电位(sensorysomaticevoked potentials,ssep)和局部血流量(regional cerebral blood flow,rCBF)的变化。方法:用流体冲击装置制作中度脑损伤模型SYD4200型神经诱发电位诊断系统监测皮层体感诱发电位,氢清除测定大脑局部血流量。结果:中度脑损伤后rCBF明显低于伤前和正常对照组;大脑皮层体感诱发电位的潜伏期明显延长。结论:SEP的变化与脑血流量有着一定的关系,一定程度上SEP的变化可反映脑损伤后血流量的变化。  相似文献   

Exposure to microgravity in humans causes cardiovascular deconditioning affecting blood pressure, heart rate and vascular responsiveness. This study investigated cardiac output, arterial blood pressure and regional blood flows [radioactive microspheres: 57Co, 15.5 (SEM 0.1) μm in diameter] in conscious and freely moving rats subjected to 14 days of simulated microgravity (head-down suspension, HDS) in male Wistar rats: control (horizontally attached, n = 7), suspended for 14 days (n = 8) and suspended/allowed to recover for 10 min (R10min, n = 5) or 24 h (n = 9). Compared to the control group, 14 days of HDS resulted in reduced total peripheral resistance (37%); an increased cardiac index (65%) was associated with no significant change in the mean arterial pressure . There were elevated brain (63%), visceral (>20%), hindlimb (>80%) and forelimb (>215%) muscle blood flows. In the R10min group, the decreased (18%) and the regional blood flows returned to control values. Within 24 h the as well as cardiac index and total peripheral resistance were restored. In conclusion, 14 days of HDS engendered local circulatory changes resulting in transient blood pressure instability during recovery. Accepted: 26 March 1998  相似文献   

In this study we have examined the interactions of bombesin (1 microgram ICV), neurotensin (1 microgram ICV), TRH (10 micrograms ICV), somatostatin (10 micrograms ICV), PGE2 (10 micrograms ICV) and naloxone (10 mg/kg SC) on thermoregulation in the rat at room temperature (20 +/- 1 degree C). Given alone, bombesin, neurotensin, somatostatin and naloxone all produced hypothermia (bombesin greater than neurotensin greater than somatostatin congruent to naloxone). PGE2 was hyperthermic, and TRH had no effect. Bombesin and PGE2 neutralized one another's effects. Neurotensin had no effect on PGE2-induced hyperthermia. Naloxone enhanced the hypothermic effect of bombesin and somatostatin enhanced the rate of onset of hypothermia after bombesin. TRH had no effect on bombesin-induced hypothermia. TRH, somatostatin and naloxone had no effect on neurotensin-induced hypothermia. TRH antagonized the hypothermia due to naloxone and somatostatin.  相似文献   

Dong-Ping Tan  Kang Tsou   《Peptides》1985,6(6):1191-1193
While previous reports have immunocytochemically localized oxytocin and TRH in the spinal cord, the functional significance of these peptides is unclear. The present paper examined this issue and tested the effects of these peptides upon intrathecal administration. We found both peptides produced lasting motor and blood pressure changes. Oxytocin elicited prolonged jerks of the hindlimbs and the tail, while TRH produced an increase of hindlimb muscle tone and tail tremor. TRH in larger doses (5, 10 μg) also caused tail erections and whipping. The motor effects of both peptides were dose-dependent. Intrathecal oxytocin (0.75 or 1.5 IU) caused a transient drop in blood pressure followed by a rise, in 4 out of 7 rats. The other 3 only showed a hypertensive effect. In contrast, intrathecal TRH produced a rise in blood pressure in all the animals tested. These findings suggest that both oxytocin and TRH may play a role in the regulation of motor and automatic functioning at the spinal level.  相似文献   

The analysis of structural brain asymmetry has been a focal point in anthropological theories of human brain evolution and the development of lateralized behaviors. While physiological brain asymmetries have been documented for humans and animals presenting with pathological conditions or under certain activation tasks, published studies on baseline asymmetries in healthy individuals have produced conflicting results. We tested for the presence of cerebral blood flow asymmetries in 7 healthy, sedated baboons using positron emission tomography, a method of in vivo autoradiography. Five of the 7 baboons exhibited hemispheric asymmetries in which left-sided flow was significantly greater than right-sided flow. Furthermore, the degree of asymmetry in 8 of 24 brain regions was found to be significantly correlated with age; older individuals exhibited a higher degree of asymmetry than younger individuals. Cerebral blood flow itself was uncorrelated with age, and differences between males and females were not significant.  相似文献   

The effects of increases in serum osmolality on renal function and plasma levels of radioimmunoassayable prolactin (PRL) and luteinizing hormone (LH) were examined during intracarotid (IC) infusions of hypertonic NaCl in conscious dogs with a sustained water diuresis (SWD). A 10 minute bilateral IC infusion of 45 μmole/kg·min·artery of NaCl during SWD which raised jugular osmolality by 10.1 mOsm/kg, without significantly altering peripheral venous osmolality, produced a significant decrease in free water clearance (CH2O) at 20 to 40 minutes postinfusion. IC infusions of 0.9% NaCl did not produce an antidiuretic response. No change in heart rate or blood pressure from preinfusion control values occurred during NaCl infusions. Elevations in cerebral osmolality did not result in changes in circulating levels of LH or PRL which qualitatively differed from levels of these hormones recorded during IC infusions of 0.9% NaCl. Although fluctuations in levels of LH occurred during experiments, renal function was not concomitantly affected. The results suggest that a specificity exists in the hormonal response to selective elevations of cerebral osmolality. The administration of TRH 3.8–4.2 μg/kg produced a transient increase in blood pressure and inhibited a water diuresis, the latter possibly as a result of releasing antidiuretic hormone.  相似文献   

Hyperbaric oxygen at pressures of 300 to 500 kPa has been shown to induce changed distribution of cerebral blood flow ( CBF) in rats, in places reducing the supply of the supplementary O2. Thus, in the present study, the effect of hyperoxia at 101 (group 1, n = 9) and 150 (group 2, n = 9) kPa OZ on cerebral blood flow distribution and central haemodynamics was tested in conscious, habituated rats. During the control period the systolic arterial pressure (BPs), heart rate (f c), breathing frequency (f b), cardiac output ( c), arterial acid-base chemistry and glucose, as well as CBF distribution (r CBF) were similar in the two groups of animals. During O2 exposure, the acid-base chemistry remained unchanged. The haemoglobin decreased in group 2, but remained unchanged in group 1. The f c decreased rapidly in both groups during the change in gas composition, after which f c remained constant both in group 1 and in group 2, for whom pressure was increased. The c and f b decreased and BPs increased similarly in the two groups. Total CBF and r CBF decreased to the same extent in both groups, and the r CBF changes were equally scattered. In group 1, breathing of pure O2 did not increase the O2 supply to any cerebral region except to the thalamus and colliculi after 60 min, whereas the O2 supply to the hypothalamus decreased and remained low. In group 2, the O2 supply was unchanged compared to the control period in all regions. These findings agree with previous observations during exposures to higher O2 pressures. In air after O2 exposure the acid-base chemistry remained normal. The f c and f b increased to higher levels than during the control period. The BPs remained high. The brain blood flows were increased, inducing elevated O2 supply to several brain regions compared to the control period. In conclusion, O2 supply to the central nervous system was found to be in the main unchanged during breathing of O2 at 101 kPa and 150 kPa.  相似文献   

Ischemic tolerance, the phenomenon where a sublethal ischemic preconditioning protects the brain against a subsequent lethal ischemia, has been widely studied. Studies have been done on cerebral blood flow levels prior to the lethal ischemia, but the hemodynamic pattern after global ischemia with ischemic preconditioning has not been reported. Sequential changes in regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) in gerbil hippocampus after 5 min global ischemia with or without 2 min ischemic preconditioning were studied to determine if ischemic preconditioning affects rCBF. Four different treatments were given: (1) sham-operated, (2) 2 min ischemia, (3) non-preconditioned, and (4) preconditioned. Groups (1) and (2) (both groups n = 5) were given a 24-h recovery period and the rCBF was measured for baseline values. 24 h after sham-operation (3) and 2 min ischemia (4), gerbils were subjected to 5 min ischemia followed by 1 h, 6 h, 1-day or 7-day reperfusion periods (all groups n = 5). Although no regional difference was observed in the recovery pattern of rCBF, the values of rCBF were significantly higher in the preconditioned group throughout whole brain regions including hippocampus. These results indicate that ischemic preconditioning facilitated the recovery of rCBF after 5 min global ischemia. It needs further study to determine whether the protecting effects of preconditioning relate to the early recovery of rCBF or not. However, our results could be interpreted that the early recovery of rCBF may lead to benefits for cell survival in the CA1 neuron, probably facilitating other protecting mechanisms.  相似文献   

Summary Thyroidectomy cells of the rat pituitary gland were studied by the peroxidase-antibody labeling procedure and by electron microscopy. Secretory granules accumulated in these cells in response to a short-term treatment with thyroxine, and the cells were then reactive to the peroxidase-antibody labeling procedure. An intravenous injection of synthetic thyrotrophin releasing hormone (TRH) to thyroxine-treated, thyroidectomized rats provoked an acute and active extrusion of secretory granules from the thyroidectomy cells. The secretory granules in these cells were mostly haloed after primary fixation in osmium tetroxide. It is concluded that TRH causes thyroidectomy cells to release their secretory granules, and presumably TSH, by the usual process of exocytosis or granule extrusion.This study was supported by USPHS Grant AM 12583.  相似文献   

神经性厌食(Anorexia Nervosa,AN)是一种病因未明的心理行为综合症,社会文化及生物学因素间的交互作用被认为是该病的病因,脑成像体现出一些病理相关改变,但国内尚未见针对此病的成像报道。为给临床辅助诊断AN提供依据,采用经济、易获得的脑功能显像技术——单光子发射计算机断层显像(Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography,SPECT),扫描3位典型青年女性AN患者的大脑。通过统计参数图(Statistical Parametric Mapping,SPM2),基于体素的局部脑血流灌注分析,与25名正常青年女性脑图相比较发现,患者的前扣带和前额内侧、双侧额叶背外侧、后顶叶、颞叶中上部和小脑血流灌注降低,下丘脑、双侧颞叶中下部血流灌注增高,可能与神经递质回路有关,提示社会学因素可能只是该病的诱因,而生物学人格易感性才是该病的主要原因,同时说明SPECT脑血流成像有助于AN的临床辅助诊断。  相似文献   

摘要 目的:探讨纳洛酮联合醒脑静对急性脑出血(ACH)伴意识障碍患者炎性因子、神经功能和氧化应激的影响。方法:选取2017年2月~2019年12月期间我院收治的95例ACH伴意识障碍患者,按照随机数字表法将上述患者分为对照组(n=47)和研究组(n=48),对照组患者予以纳洛酮治疗,研究组则在对照组的基础上联合醒脑静治疗,比较两组患者疗效、神经功能、炎性因子和氧化应激指标,记录两组不良反应发生情况。结果:研究组治疗10 d后的临床总有效率为91.67%(44/48),高于对照组的74.47%(35/47)(P<0.05)。两组治疗10 d后美国国立卫生研究院卒中量表(NIHSS)评分,白介素-6(IL-6)、C反应蛋白(CRP)以及肿瘤坏死因子-α(TNF-α)、丙二醛(MDA)水平均较治疗前下降,且研究组低于对照组(P<0.05)。两组治疗10 d后超氧歧化酶 (SOD)水平均较治疗前升高,且研究组高于对照组(P<0.05)。两组不良反应发生率对比未见统计学差异(P>0.05)。结论:醒脑静联合纳洛酮治疗ACH伴意识障碍患者,疗效显著,可有效改善患者神经功能、炎性因子和氧化应激,且安全性较好。  相似文献   

Quantitative autoradiography of [14C]deoxyglucose, [14C]iodoantipyrine, and [14C]leucine was used to estimate regional cerebral glucose metabolism, cerebral blood flow, and cerebral protein synthesis, respectively, in rats during morphine dependence and withdrawal. Glucose metabolism was elevated in 19 of 26 selected brain regions; the elevations in glucose metabolism were similar when data were expressed as either optical density ratios or as calculated rate values of mol/100 gm/min. Restraining the rats produced heterogeneous effects on glucose metabolism during morphine withdrawal (MW). Neither estimated cerebral blood flow nor cerebral protein synthesis were affected by morphine and/or naloxone treatments in either naive or morphine-dependent rats. The data demonstrate that changes in regional cerebral glucose utilization occur independently of blood flow changes and exclude the possibility that regional changes in glucose utilization occur as a consequence of large regional changes in protein synthesis rates in brain. These data confirm the utility of 2-deoxyglucose measures of MW as objective biochemical indices of opiate agonist and antagonist effects in vivo.  相似文献   

Human obesity, which is very common in Polycystic Ovaries Syndrome and in “X Syndrome”, constitutes an insulin-resistance state in which multiple clinical, biochemical and hemodynamic alterations coexist. Insulin resistance in the obese has been recently associated with an endothelial dysfunction. To investigate the possibility that clinical and metabolic derangements related to insulin resistance could induce changes in vascular blood flows, we have studied the levels of mesenteric (MBF), renal (RBF) and femoral (FBF) blood flows in Beagle dogs kept for 2 years on a normal (control group) or high fat diet (obese group). This experimental model exhibits many of the abnormalities with the human syndrome. In addition, we have tested the effects of chronic treatment with captopril (capto group) in monotherapy or in association with pravastatin (prava+capto group) on the hemodynamic changes associated with this diet. After the two year follow-up, Transonic flow probes were placed around the three arteries to measure basal blood flows and their response to a hyperinsulinemic-normoglycemic test in anesthetized animals. During this test the degree of insulin sensitivity was estimated. In association with higher body weight, blood pressure, insulin resistance, and fasting levels of insulin and total cholesterol, the obese group exhibited decreased basal levels of FBF and a greater femoral vasoconstriction during hyperinsulinism (P<0.05 vs control). Combined therapy with captopril and pravastatin ameliorated the reduction in basal FBF and hyperinsulinism-induced vasoconstriction (P<0.05), in addition to the beneficial effects on insulin sensitivity, and clinical and metabolic parameters. Synergistic beneficial effects of both drugs on lipid and carbohydrate profiles may account for this positive outcome, by attenuating the atherogenic process associated with this model.  相似文献   

Receptors for thyrotropin-releasing hormone (pGlu-His-Pro-NH2, TRH) on thaw-mounted sections of rabbit spinal cord have been identified biochemically and visualized by light microscopic autoradiography. Binding of [3H] [3-Me-His2]TRH to 20 microns sections exhibited high apparent affinity and a pharmacological specificity almost identical to that previously demonstrated for spinal TRH receptors in membranes. In autoradiograms, the highest density of TRH receptors appeared in the substantia gelatinosa of the dorsal gray and around the central canal, with intermediate levels in the ventral gray.  相似文献   

Summary In intact male rats after TRH administration for 7 and 14 days, TSH cells showed similar morphological changes to those observed after thyroidectomy. These changes were paralleled by small numerical increases in TSH cell counts. After 34 days of TRH treatment, however, most of the TSH cells had a normal appearance and the number of TSH cells also had returned to normal. TRH treatment for 7, 14 and 34 days caused morphological changes in Prolactin cells similar to those obtained after a suckling stimulus. In the three groups these changes were also paralleled by small numerical increases in Prolactin cell counts. The cell replication after TRH for 7 and 14 days, as measured by incorporation of tritiated thymidine to obtain a labeling index, was slightly but significantly increased.This work was supported by grants MA-552 and MT-2701 from the Medical Research Council of Canada. The authors wish to thank Dr. D.A.J. Ives, Connaught Medical Research Laboratories, Toronto, for providing the TRH, and Mr. G. Penz for technical assistance.Fellow of the Medical Research Council of Canada.  相似文献   

Three-dimensional (3D) focusing of particles in microchannels has been a long-standing issue in the design of biochemical/biomedical microdevices. Current microdevices for 3D cell or bioparticle focusing involve complex channel geometries in view of their fabrication because they require multiple layers and/or sheath flows. This paper proposes a simple method for 3D focusing of red blood cells (RBCs) in a single circular microcapillary, without any sheath flows, which is inspired from the fluid dynamics phenomenon in that a spherical particle lagging behind a Poiseuille flow migrates toward and along the channel axis. More explicitly, electrophoresis of RBCs superimposed on the pressure-driven flow is utilized to generate an RBC migration mode analogous to this phenomenon. A particle-tracking scheme with a sub-pixel resolution is implemented to spatially position red blood cells flowing through the channel, so that a probability density function (PDF) is constructed to evaluate the tightness of the cell focusing. Above a specific strength of the electric field, approximately 90% of the sheep RBCs laden in the flow are tightly focused within a beam diameter that is three times the cell dimension. Particle shape effect on the focusing is discussed by making comparisons between the RBCs and the spherical particles. The lateral migration velocity, predicted by an existing theoretical model, is in good agreement with the present experimental data. It is noteworthy that 3D focusing of non-spherical particles, such as RBCs, has been achieved in a circular microchannel, which is a significant improvement over previous focusing methodologies.  相似文献   

The cardiovascular and sympathetic effects of TRH in discrete cardiovascular-related brain nuclei were studied. Microinjections of TRH were made into the nucleus preopticus medialis (POM) of conscious rats and the nucleus tractus solitarius (NTS) of pentobarbitone-anesthetized, artificially respired rats. POM injections (1 μl, 0.8–80 nM) elicited dose dependent pressor and tachycardic responses which were accompanied by increased levels of norepinephrine (NE) and epinephrine (EPI) in the plasma. These pressor/tachycardic effects of TRH were also elicited in adrenal demedullated (ADM-x) rats, but completely abolished in ADM-x rats pretreated with bretylium (30 mg/kg, IA). NTS injections (0.1 μl, 30 and 150 nM) had a short depressor effect on blood pressure (BP) and a delayed increase in heart rate (HR). From these findings we suggest that the POM, a central nucleus in the AV3V region, may be an important forebrain site for autonomic regulation by TRH, mediated through the sympathetic nervous system.  相似文献   

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