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Strong catalase activity was secreted by Bacillus subtilis cells during stationary growth phase in rich medium but not in sporulation-inducing medium. N-terminal sequencing indicated that the secreted activity was due to the vegetative catalase KatA, previously considered an endocellular enzyme. Extracellular catalase protected B. subtilis cells from oxidative assault.  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequence of Bacillus subtilis tRNA genes   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
Clones carring Bacillus subtilis tRNA genes were isolated from a lambda 816 library. A recombinant phage lambda 816-BS83 which was hybridized effectively with unfractionated tRNA probes contained a 3-kb fragment. By a Southern's blot analysis, it was found that tRNA genes were located in Eco RI-Hinc II region of this fragment. Sequence determination revealed the presence of a cluster of four tRNA genes in this region. The gene organization was as follows: tDNALys-9bp-tDNAGlu-81bp-tDNAAsp-30bp-tDNAPhe. The RNA sequences expected from tDNALys and tDNAPhe were identical with the reported RNA sequences. Two tRNA genes, tDNALys and tDNAAsp encoded the CCA sequence of 3'-terminal region, but the other two, tDNAGlu and tDNAPhe did not. A promoter-like sequence which corresponds to the sigma 55-recognition site was found in a region about 100bp upstream from tDNALys.  相似文献   

A multitude of proteins and small nucleolar RNAs transiently associate with eukaryotic ribosomal RNAs to direct their modification and processing and the assembly of ribosomal proteins. Utp22 and Rrp7, two interacting proteins with no recognizable domain, are components of the 90S preribosome or the small subunit processome that conducts early processing of 18S rRNA. Here, we determine the cocrystal structure of Utp22 and Rrp7 complex at 1.97 Å resolution and the NMR structure of a C-terminal fragment of Rrp7, which is not visible in the crystal structure. The structure reveals that Utp22 surprisingly resembles a dimeric class I tRNA CCA-adding enzyme yet with degenerate active sites, raising an interesting evolutionary connection between tRNA and rRNA processing machineries. Rrp7 binds extensively to Utp22 using a deviant RNA recognition motif and an extended linker. Functional sites on the two proteins were identified by structure-based mutagenesis in yeast. We show that Rrp7 contains a flexible RNA-binding C-terminal tail that is essential for association with preribosomes. RNA–protein crosslinking shows that Rrp7 binds at the central domain of 18S rRNA and shares a neighborhood with two processing H/ACA snoRNAs snR30 and snR10. Depletion of snR30 prevents the stable assembly of Rrp7 into preribosomes. Our results provide insight into the evolutionary origin and functional context of Utp22 and Rrp7.  相似文献   

Activity to convert serine to selenocysteine in B. subtilis was studied but no activity was detected. In addition, although we tried to find its selenocysteine tRNA (tRNA(SeCys)) gene from a total genome sequence (1) by the computer search with FASTA against E. coli selC (2), no convincing candidate was found. These results suggest that in B. subtilis, selenium-related system is considerably different from known one like E. coli.  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequence of tRNA(Phe) from Bacillussubtilis W 23 has been determined using (32)P labeled tRNA. This is the second B. subtilis tRNA so far reported. The nucleotide sequence was found to be pG-G-C-U-C-G-G-U-A-G-C-U-C-A-G-U-D-G-G-D-A-G-A-G-C-A-A-C-G-G-A-C-U-Gm-A-A- ms(2)i(6)A-A-psi-C-C-G-U-G-U-m(7)G-U-C-G-G-C-G-G-T-psi- C-G-A-U-U-C-C-G-U-C-C-C-G-A-G-C-C-A-C-C-A(OH).Images  相似文献   

为研究tRNATrp 与色氨酰tRNA合成酶(TrpRS) 的相互识别及其结构、功能关系, 纯化了枯草杆菌TrpRS并用溴化氰活化的Sepharose 4B 将TrpRS固定化, 固定化TrpRS的蛋白质回收率为95 .5 % , 活力回收率为31.3% 。研究了固定化TrpRS的酶学性质, 其热稳定性和贮存稳定性方面均比液相TrpRS有了较大的提高, 最适温度、最适pH 均有一定程度的增大, 工作稳定性良好。以固定化TrpRS为亲和层析介质, 对含有20 个核苷酸随机序列、长度为56 个核苷酸的单链RNA 随机库进行了3 轮筛选,RNA 群体亲和固定化TrpRS的比例从4 .3 % 上升至14 .7 % 。筛选得到了与tRNATrp 氨基酸接受茎类似的RNA二级结构。实验结果表明固定化TrpRS可以作为SELEX 亲和层析介质, 进行模拟tRNATrp 分子的RNA 随机库的SELEX 筛选。  相似文献   

Nucleotide sequence of a lysine tRNA from Bacillus subtilis.   总被引:2,自引:5,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
A lysine tRNA (tRNA1Lys) was purified from Bacillus subtilis W168 by a consecutive use of several column chromatographic systems. The nucleotide sequence was determined to be pG-A-G-C-C-A-U-U-A-G-C-U-C-A-G-U-D-G-G-D-A-G-A-G-C-A-U-C-U-G-A-C-U-U(U*)-U-U-K-A-psi-C-A-G-A-G-G-m7G(G)-U-C-G-A-A-G-G-T-psi-C-G-A-G-U-C-C-U-U-C-A-U-G-G-C-U-C-A-C-C-AOH, where K and U* are unidentified nucleosides. The nucleosides of U34 and m7G46 were partially substituted with U* and G, respectively. The binding ability of lysyl-tRNA1Lys to Escherichia coli ribosomes was stimulated with ApApA as well as ApApG.  相似文献   

Non-initiator methionine tRNA (tRNAMet) was purified from Bacillus subtilis W 168 by a consecutive use of several column chromatographic systems. The nucleotide sequence was determined to be p-G-G-C-G-G-U-G-U-A-G-C-U-C-A-G-C-G-G-C-D-A-G-A-G-C-G-U-A-C-G-G-U-U-C-A-U-m6A-C-C-C -G-U-G-A-G-G(m7G)-U(D)-C-G-G-G-G-G-T-psi-C-G-A-U-C-C-C-C-U-C-C-G-C-C-G-C-U-A-C- C-A-OH. The nucleosides of G46 and U47 were partially modified to m7G and D, respectively. The nucleotide sequence shows a unique feature that the position adjacent to 3'-end of the anticodon C-A-U is occupied by m6A, not by t6A, although the tRNAMet belongs to a groups of tRNAs which recognize codons starting with A.  相似文献   

The enzyme S-adenosylmethionine:tRNA ribosyltransferase-isomerase (QueA) is involved in the biosynthesis of the hypermodified tRNA nucleoside queuosine. It is unprecedented in nature as it uses the cofactor S-adenosylmethionine as the donor of a ribosyl group. We have determined the crystal structure of Bacillus subtilis QueA at a resolution of 2.9A. The structure reveals two domains representing a 6-stranded beta-barrel and an alpha beta alpha-sandwich, respectively. All amino acid residues invariant in the QueA enzymes of known sequence cluster at the interface of the two domains indicating the localization of the substrate binding region and active center. Comparison of the B. subtilis QueA structure with the structure of QueA from Thermotoga maritima suggests a high domain flexibility of this enzyme.  相似文献   

Nucleotide sequence of threonine tRNA from Bacillus subtilis.   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
A threonine tRNA was purified from Bacillus subtilis W168 by a combined use of column chromatographic systems. The nucleotide sequence was determined to be pG-C-C-G-G-U-G-U-A-G-C-U-C-A-A-U-D-G-G-D(U)-A-G-A-G-C-A-A-C-U-G-A-C-U-mo5U-G-U-t6A-A-psi-C-A-G-U-A-G-m7G-U-U-G-G-G-G-G-T-psi-C-A-A-G-U-C-C-U-C-U-U-G-C-C-G-G-C-A-C-C-AOH, where about 40 % of D20 remained unmodified as U20. It consists of 76 nucleotides including a new minor nucleoside, 5-methoxyuridine (mo5U), which occupies the wobble position of anticodon.  相似文献   

The sequence of the N-terminal end of the deduced ctaC gene product of Bacillus species has the features of a bacterial lipoprotein. CtaC is the subunit II of cytochrome caa3, which is a cytochrome c oxidase. Using Bacillus subtilis mutants blocked in lipoprotein synthesis, we show that CtaC is a lipoprotein and that synthesis of the membrane-bound protein and covalent binding of heme to the cytochrome c domain is not dependent on processing at the N-terminal part of the protein. Mutants blocked in prolipoprotein diacylglyceryl transferase (Lgt) or signal peptidase type II (Lsp) are, however, deficient in cytochrome caa3 enzyme activity. Removal of the signal peptide from the CtaC polypeptide, but not lipid modification, is seemingly required for formation of functional enzyme.  相似文献   

Bacillus subtilis mutants lacking ymdB are unable to form biofilms, exhibit a strong overexpression of the flagellin gene hag, and are deficient in SlrR, a SinR antagonist. Here, we report the functional and structural characterization of YmdB, and we find that YmdB is a phosphodiesterase with activity against 2′,3′- and 3′,5′-cyclic nucleotide monophosphates. The structure of YmdB reveals that the enzyme adopts a conserved phosphodiesterase fold with a binuclear metal center. Mutagenesis of a catalytically crucial residue demonstrates that the enzymatic activity of YmdB is essential for biofilm formation. The deletion of ymdB affects the expression of more than 800 genes; the levels of the σD-dependent motility regulon and several sporulation genes are increased, and the levels of the SinR-repressed biofilm genes are decreased, confirming the role of YmdB in regulating late adaptive responses of B. subtilis.  相似文献   

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