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Vegetation Succession and its Consequences for Slope Stability in SE Spain   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
The effect of land abandonment as a result of changing land-use policies is becoming more and more important throughout Europe. In this case study, the role of vegetation succession and landslide activity on steep abandoned slopes was investigated. The influence of vegetation succession on soil properties over time, as well as how developing root systems affect soil reinforcement was determined. The study was carried out in the Alcoy basin in SE Spain, where the marl substratum is prone to landsliding along steep ravines. The bench-terraced slopes have been abandoned progressively over the last 50 years and show various stages of revegetation. The study was carried out at two scales; at the catchment scale long-term evolution of land-use, vegetation succession and slope failure processes were investigated. At a more detailed scale, vegetation cover, soil properties and rooting effects on soil strength were determined. Results showed that the soil has changed over a period of 50 years with respect to soil properties, vegetation cover and rooting, which is reflected in the activity of geomorphological processes. Vegetation succession progressively limits surface processes (sheet wash and concentrated overland flow) over time, whereas slopes affected by mass wasting processes increase in number. The spatial heterogeneity of infiltration increases over time, leading to increased macro-pore flow towards the regolith zone, enhancing the potential risk of fast wetting of the regolith directly above the potential plane of failure, as was concluded from rainfall simulations. In situ experiments to determine soil shear strength in relation to rooting indicated that roots contributed to soil strength, but only in the upper 0.4 m of the soil. Most failures however, occur at greater depths (1.0–1.2 m) as anchorage by deeper roots was not effective or absent. The observed initial increase in mass wasting processes after land abandonment can therefore be explained in two ways: (1) the limited contribution of anchorage by root systems at potential slip planes which cannot counterbalance the initial decline of the terrace walls, and (2) the fast transfer of rainfall to the potential slip plane by macro-pores enhancing mass movements. However, after approximately 40 years of abandonment, mass wasting processes decline.  相似文献   

Highway embankments and cutting slopes in the United Kingdom, particularly in the South East of England, are often constructed of or within stiff over-consolidated clays. These clays are prone to softening with time leading to shallow slope failures and costly repairs. Reinforcement by natural vegetation is potentially a cost-effective method of stabilising these types of slopes over the medium–long term. However, there is a lack of information on how natural vegetation reinforces and stabilises clay slopes. To investigate this problem, the potential reinforcement of selected oak (Quercus robur L.) and hawthorn (Crataegus monogyna Jacq.) roots was assessed by conducting in situ root pull-out experiments on a London Clay cutting in south-east England. Pull-out tests were carried out using specifically designed clamps and either a hand pull system with a spring balance and manual recording of force for oak roots or a jacking system with electronic data logging of applied force and displacement for hawthorn roots. Oak roots had a mean pull-out resistance of 7 MPa and that of hawthorn roots was 8 MPa. The electronic data logging of applied force (pull-out resistance) and displacement of the hawthorn roots provided additional data on the failure of branched roots which could be correlated with variations in root morphology. The failure of the roots can be categorised into three modes: Type A: single root failure with rapid rise in pull-out resistance until failure occurs; Type B: double peak failure of a forked or branched root and Type C: stepped failure with multiple branches failing successively. The different types of root–soil bonds are described in relation to root anchorage and soil stability.  相似文献   

黄土高原退耕草地植被根系动态分布特征   总被引:32,自引:0,他引:32  
采用土钻法研究了黄土高原不同退耕年限和天然草地植被根系的垂直分布特征.结果表明,样地上不同采样点间的根系分布不存在显著差异,根系指标的合并计算结果可以代表立地上植被根系的分布特征.植被根系生物量、根系长度等指标的垂直分布特征均表现出随着深度增加而减少的趋势;随着退耕年限的增加,植被根系的生物量、根系长度等指标逐渐增加,一般在退耕年限超过20年后,植被根系的分布特征接近天然草地的根系分布特征.随着退耕年限的增加,根系消失系数从0.98逐渐降低到0.96,说明植被在深层土壤中的相对含量逐渐减少,根系逐渐集中在0~40cm的表层土壤中.退耕植被根系分布特征的改善提高了土壤理化性质,有利于新物种入侵和植被演替进行.  相似文献   

Forest vegetation is known to increase hillslope stability by reinforcing soil shear resistance and by influencing hydrologic conditions of soil. Although the importance of plant root systems for hillslope stability has received considerable attention in recent years, the quantification of such an effect needs more investigation. In this paper, we present a synthesis of the data gathered in the last 5 years for some species in different locations of the Alps and Prealps of Lombardy (Northern Italy) with the aim to increase our knowledge on root tensile strength and on Root Area Ratio distribution within the soil. Concerning root tensile strength we developed tensile strength–diameter relationships for eight species: green alder (Alnus viridis(Chaix) D.C.), beech (Fagus sylvatica L.), red willow (Salix purpurea L.), goat willow (Salix caprea L.), hazel (Corylus avellana L.), European ash (Fraxinus excelsior L.), Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) and European larch (Larix decidua Mill.). Results show a great variability among the different species and also for the same species. In general, however, root strength (in terms of tension) tends to decrease with diameter according to a power law, as observed by other Authors. Comparing the power law fitting curves for the considered species, it can be observed that they fall in a relatively narrow band, with the exception of hazel, which appears the most resistant. Concerning the evaluation of root distribution within the soil we estimated the Root Area Ratio (the ratio between the area occupied by roots in a unit area of soil) according to its depth for five species (beech, Norway spruce, European larch, mixed hazel and ash) in three locations of Lombardy. Results show that there is a great variability of root density for the same species well as for different points at the same locality. The general behaviour of root density, in any case, is to decrease with depth according to a gamma function for all the studied species. The results presented in this paper contribute to expanding the knowledge on root resistance behaviour and on root density distribution within the soil. The studied location have allowed the implementation of soil–root reinforcement models and the evaluation of the vegetation contribution to soil stability.  相似文献   

The large number of abandoned quarries in many countries presents challenges for restoration of these extremely degraded habitats. To understand soil and plant development in these extreme habitats at a most critical stage of restoration, we evaluated the edaphic conditions and natural vegetation of three large quarries in southern China 3, 5, and 7 years following abandonment. Although soil fertility (organic matter, and N, P, K concentrations) did not differ significantly over a few years, it was much higher than would be expected from newly weathered soil and was comparable to that of the adjacent garden soil on level ground with no slope. This suggests that soil formation on the steep slopes of quarry cliffs is a secondary migration process rather than a primary weathering process. Vegetation cover increased from 10.6 to 18.6 and 23.4%, and species abundance increased from 8 to 11 and 12 species, and from 3 to 6 and 7 families. Plant species composition changed from predominantly annual and perennial herbaceous species to a more diverse community with drought-tolerant and heliophilous shrubs. The vegetation cover was highly positively correlated with soil depth and soil volume ( p < 0.001), and also significantly correlated with soil organic matter, total N, and available N and P concentrations ( p < 0.05). This suggests that vegetation succession is more limited by available soil volume than by soil fertility during the early stages of quarry restoration.  相似文献   

In Mediterranean environments, gully erosion is responsible for large soil losses. It has since long been recognized that slopes under vegetation are much more resistant to soil erosion processes compared to bare soils and improve slope stability. Planting or preserving vegetation in areas vulnerable to erosion is therefore considered to be a very effective soil erosion control measure. Re-vegetation strategies for erosion control rely in most cases on the effects of the above-ground biomass in reducing water erosion rates, whereas the role of the below-ground biomass is often neglected or underestimated. While the above-ground biomass can temporally disappear in semi-arid environments, roots may still be present underground and play an important role in protecting the topsoil from being eroded. In order to evaluate the potential of plant species growing in Mediterranean environments to prevent shallow mass movements on gully or terrace walls, the root reinforcement effect of 25 typical Mediterranean matorral species (i.e. shrubs, grasses herbs, small trees) was assessed, using the simple perpendicular model of Wu et al. (Can Geotech J 16:19–33, 1979). As little information is available on Mediterranean plant root characteristics, root distribution data were collected in SE-Spain and root tensile strength tests were conducted in the laboratory. The power root tensile strength–root diameter relationships depend on plant species. The results show that the shrubs Salsola genistoides Juss. Ex Poir. and Atriplex halimus L. have the strongest roots, followed by the grass Brachypodium retusum (Pers.) Beauv. The shrubs Nerium oleander L. and the grass Avenula bromoides (Gouan) H. Scholz have the weakest roots in tension. Root area ratio for the 0–0.1 m topsoil ranges from 0.08% for the grass Piptatherum miliaceum (L.) Coss to 0.8% for the tree Tamarix canariensis Willd. The rush Juncus acutus L. provides the maximum soil reinforcement to the topsoil by its roots (i.e. 304 kPa). Grasses also increase soil shear strength significantly (up to 244 kPa in the 0–0.1 m topsoil for Brachypodium retusum (Pers.) Beauv.). The shrubs Retama sphaerocarpa (L.) Boiss. and Anthyllis cytisoides L. are increasing soil shear strength to a large extent as well (up to 134 and 160 kPa respectively in the 0–0.10 m topsoil). Whereas grasses and the rush Juncus acutus L. increase soil shear strength in the topsoil (0–0.10 m) to a large extent, the shrubs Anthyllis cytisoides (L.), Retama sphaerocarpa (L.) Boiss., Salsola genistoides Juss. Ex Poir. and Atriplex halimus L. strongly reinforce the soil to a greater depth (0–0.5 m). As other studies reported that Wu’s model overestimates root cohesion values, reported root cohesion values in this study are maximum values. Nevertheless, the calculated cohesion values are used to rank species according to their potential to reinforce the soil.  相似文献   

A Dehesa is a structurally complex agro-silvo-pastoral system where at least two strata of vegetation, trees and herbaceous plants coexist. We studied the root distribution of trees (Quercus ilex L.) and herbaceous plants, in order to evaluate tree and crops competition and complementarity in Dehesas of Central Western Spain. 72 soil cores of 10 cm diameter (one to two metre deep) were taken out around 13 trees. Seven trees were intercropped with Avena sativa L. and six trees were in a grazed pasture dominated by native grasses. Soil coring was performed at four distances from the tree trunks, from 2.5 (beneath canopy) till 20 m (out of the canopy). Root length density (RLD) of herbaceous plants and trees was measured using the soil core-break method. Additionally, we mapped tree roots in 51 profiles of 7 recently opened road cuts, located between 4 and 26 m of distance from the nearest tree. The depth of the road cuts varied between 2.5 and 5.5 m. Herbaceous plant roots were located mostly in the upper 30 cm, above a clayey, dense soil layer. RLD of herbaceous plants decreased exponentially with depth until 100 cm depth. Holm-oak showed a much lower RLD than herbs (on average, 2.4 versus 23.7 km m−3, respectively, in the first 10 cm of the soil depth). Tree RLD was surprisingly almost uniform with depth and distance to trees. We estimated a 5.2 m maximum depth and a 33 m maximum horizontal extension for tree roots. The huge surface of soil explored by tree roots (even 7 times the projection of the canopy) could allow trees to meet their water needs during the dry Mediterranean summers. The limited vertical overlap of the two root profiles suggests that competition for soil resources between trees and the herbaceous understorey in the Dehesa is probably not as strong as usually assumed.  相似文献   

A pot experiment was carried out with pearl millet (Pennisetum americanum [L.] Leeke) growing in a sandy soil in which the upper (topsoil) and lower (subsoil) parts of the pots were separated by a perlite layer to prevent capillary water movement. Using microtensiometers a study was made to establish whether it was possible to measure hydraulic lift by which the upper part of the soil was rewetted when water was supplied exclusively to the lower part of the soil.Hydraulic lift occurred during the first seven days of the period of measurement, with a maximum water release to the soil of 2.7 Vol. % during one night (equivalent to 10.8 mL water in the top 10 cm of the soil profile). This magnitude was obtained at very high root length densities, so that water release from the roots would be expected to be much smaller under field conditions.Hydraulic lift ceased when the soil matric potential in the topsoil dropped below-10 kPa at the end of the light period and could not be re-established, neither by extending the dark period, nor after rewatering the topsoil. The disappearance of hydraulic lift could be explained in part through osmotic adaptation of plant roots and, thus prevention of water release from the roots in the topsoil. It is concluded that hydraulic lift may affect nutrient uptake from drying topsoil by extending the time period favourable for uptake from the topsoil.  相似文献   

Properties of the soil and sand-binding vegetation were measured at five sites plus a control on dunes of the Tengger Desert stabilized for periods of up to 50 years. In the topsoil, fine particles, total N, P, K and organic matter increased significantly with increasing site age. However, there were no significant changes in deeper soil profiles (>0.4 m depth). Soil pH, calcium carbonate content, and total salt content tended to increase with age. Soil water in the topsoil changed little with increasing age, but was closely related to rainfall during the 50-year period. For deeper soil layers (0.4–3.0 m) soil water decreased significantly with age. After revegetation, the number of herbaceous species increased up to 30 years and then levelled off to 12–14 species, whereas the number of shrub species decreased from the 10 initial sand-binding species to only 3 species. Shrub cover decreased from a highest average of about 33% to the current 9%, whereas cover and biomass of herbaceous species increased throughout succession from 1956 to 2006. The development of soil and cryptogamic crusts on the surface of stabilized dunes enhanced the colonization and establishment of herbaceous plants due to increasing water availability, clay and silt content and soil nutrients. We propose that changes in properties of the surface soil led to increased interception of water, favoring shallow rooted grasses and forbs over perennial shrubs.  相似文献   

This study attempts to quantify the reinforcement effect of the Makino bamboo (Phyllostachys makinoi Hayata) root system on the stability of slopeland through numerical analyses and in situ tests. Based on the field surveys of Makino bamboo root morphology, a three-dimensional (3-D) numerical model of the soil–root system consisting of the reverse T-shape tap root and hair roots was developed and successfully applied to the finite element simulations of in situ pull-out tests. In the simulations, the soil mass was simulated by a soil element with a perfect elastic–plastic (or Mohr–Coulomb) material model whereas the root system was simulated by a ground anchor element with a linear elastic material model. In addition, a mechanical conversion model with simple mathematical form, which enables a direct transformation of the ultimate pull-out resistance into the shear strength increment of soil–root system was proposed. The conversion model offered a convenient way to quantify the reinforcement effect of the Makino bamboo root system required for the 3-D slope stability analyses. The numerical results indicated that the shear strength increment of the Makino bamboo soil–root system ranged from 18.4 to 26.3 kPa and its effect on the slope stability was insignificant when compared with those adverse influence factors such as the steep slope angle (=50–70°), shallow root depth (=0.8–1.0 m) and large growth height (>10 m) of the Makino bamboo forest slopeland. It can be also speculated that the tension cracks widespread over the slope surface due to the wind loading acting on the bamboo stems and the sequential rainwater infiltration is the dominating factor in the collapse failure of slopeland. For a Makino bamboo forest slopeland with medium slope (25° < slope angle β < 40°), the reinforcement effect of the Makino bamboo root system can mobilize its maximum stabilization capacity when compared with those of slopeland with mild (β < 25°) and steep slopes (β > 40°). Conclusively, the contribution of the Makino bamboo root system to the stability of slopeland is not as significant as expected.  相似文献   

黄土高原4种植被类型的细根生物量和年生产量   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
邓强  李婷  袁志友  焦峰 《生态学杂志》2014,25(11):3091-3098
细根(≤2 mm)在陆地生态系统净初级生产力的分配中占有重要地位,在碳循环和水土保持方面具有重要意义. 本文采用土钻法和内生长法,以黄土高原刺槐人工林、落叶灌木、退耕草地和沙蒿群落4种主要植被类型为对象,研究0~40 cm土层细根生物量、垂直分布和细根年生产量. 结果表明: 细根生物量与纬度呈线性负相关. 4种植被类型0~40 cm土层细根生物量的大小顺序为落叶灌木(220 g·m-2)>刺槐人工林(163 g·m-2)≈退耕草地(162 g·m-2)>沙蒿群落(79 g·m-2). 退耕草地直径≤1 mm细根生物量占直径≤2 mm总细根生物量的74.1%,在4种植被类型中最高;4种植被类型细根生物量随着土层深度的增加而减少,最大值均出现在0~10 cm土层. 退耕草地0~10 cm土层细根生物量占0~40 cm土层总细根生物量的44.1%,显著高于其他3种植被类型;细根年生产量与纬度呈线性负相关. 4种植被类型0~40 cm土层细根年生产量大小顺序为退耕草地(315 g·m-2·a-1)>落叶灌木(249 g·m-2·a-1)>刺槐人工林(219 g·m-2·a-1)>沙蒿群落(115 g·m-2·a-1),其中退耕草地显著高于其他3种植被类型. 退耕草地0~10 cm土层细根生产量占0~40 cm土层总细根生产量的40.4%,在4种植被类型中最高. 退耕草地细根周转时间为0.51 a,低于其他3种植被类型.  相似文献   

Many mountain pastures consist of a mosaic of grassland and shrub communities. Ongoing changes in mountain agriculture have affected the balance between the two elements of the mosaic. In order to understand the consequences of these changes for ecosystem functioning, we studied patterns in vegetation, root structure and soil properties along transects of varying grassland-to-shrub proportions. Our hypothesis was that differences in the vegetation aboveground are accompanied by differences belowground, related to soil properties and depth. The research was conducted at a subalpine site in the Trentino region (South-eastern Alps), consisting of Nardus stricta grasslands alternating with shrub patches of Rhododendron ferrugineum. Our investigation showed that the composition of vegetation was mainly governed by R. ferrugineum cover and less by soil properties. Plant species richness peaked at low to intermediate degrees of shrub cover and composition between transects became more similar with increasing shrub cover. Where R. ferrugineum cover was higher, Hemicryptophytes caespitosae were replaced by Nano-phanerophytes with consequences for belowground structures. At increasing shrub cover, root length density decreased, especially in the top soil, while root weight density remained stable and C content increased insignificantly. We discuss that theses structural changes along the gradient of R. ferrugineum cover affect a number of ecosystem services. The presented evidence suggests that maintaining grasslands with a low cover of R. ferrugineum balances a number of services, namely plant species diversity, carbon stabilization in soil and the prevention of soil erosion.  相似文献   

黄土高原不同植被恢复方式对土壤水分坡面变化的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在黄土高原大规模退耕还林(草)背景下,土地利用变化对土壤水分及其时空结构会产生极大影响。以坡面为研究对象,根据两种植被恢复类型(撂荒草地和人工刺槐林地)土壤水分坡面变化趋势的差异,探究不同植被恢复方式对土壤水分坡面空间结构影响。结果表明:所调查的两个区域(延安羊圈沟和长武烧盅湾)皆表现为人工刺槐林地坡平均土壤含水量显著低于撂荒草地坡;且人工刺槐林地坡的土壤水分的坡面差异性皆比撂荒草地坡低。虽然两种恢复类型的土壤水分沿坡底到坡顶皆呈现降低的趋势,但是该降低趋势在两种恢复类型间存在一定差异:撂荒草地坡土壤水分沿坡面的变化趋势随深度增加有加强的趋势,且总体上,长武烧盅湾撂荒草地坡土壤水分沿坡面变化趋势比延安羊圈沟更明显;相比之下,人工刺槐林地坡土壤水分沿坡面的变化趋势随深度增加有变弱的趋势,且该趋势明显比撂荒草地坡弱;两个地区刺槐林地坡土壤水分沿坡面变化趋势不存在明显差异。综上所述,虽然不同降雨背景下土壤水分会表现出一定差异,但土壤水分的坡面变化趋势及不同恢复方式对其影响是相似的,即人工刺槐林地坡对土壤水分的过度消耗不仅会导致土壤水分亏缺,而且削弱了土壤水分的坡面变化趋势;而撂荒草地对土壤水分及其空间结构的维持有相对积极的意义。通过分析不同植被恢复方式对土壤水分坡面变化趋势的影响,能够更深入的了解不同植被恢复方式的土壤水文效应,同时可为以坡面为单元的退耕还林中植被科学配置提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

Watson  Alex  Phillips  Chris  Marden  Michael 《Plant and Soil》1999,217(1-2):39-47
Information on live root-wood strength, rates of root decay and root growth of both radiata pine (Pinus radiata D. Don) and kanuka (Kunzea ericoides (A. Rich.) Joy Thomps. var. ericoides) are combined to form a generalized conceptual model of changes in nett root reinforcement. The model provides an initial opportunity to rank the plant species having specific below-ground rooting habits that can be used to control erosion, and when linked with extreme flood probability can be used to indicate the risk of a storm likely to cause slope instability in the period between clear-felling and regrowth. Erosion-susceptible slopes planted 1 year after clearfelling in radiata pine at 1250 stems ha-1 regain root site-occupancy in 4.7 years, an interval during which there is an 80% chance of experiencing an extreme flood. Similarly for radiata planted at 800 and 400 stems ha-1, root site-occupancy is regained in 5.6 and 7.5 years, and the probability of occurrence of an extreme event within these periods is 85 and 90%, respectively. For erosion-susceptible slopes on which kanuka has become established, the probability of a significant event within the 2.8 years prior to root site-occupancy is 60%. Slopes felled of radiata pine are potentially more vulnerable to the stresses promoting slope instability, at least in the earlier years. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

植物根系固坡抗蚀的效应与机理研究进展   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
植物根系对抵抗坡体浅层滑坡和表土侵蚀起着巨大的作用.植物根系通过增强土体的抗剪强度发挥固坡效应.目前有关植物根系固坡机理的模型较多,普遍接受的是Wu-Waldron模型.该模型表明,植物根系产生的土体抗剪强度的增量与根系的平均抗拉强度和根面积比成正比,应用该模型评价根系固坡效应的2个最重要因素是根系的平均抗拉强度和根面积比.研究发现,土壤抗侵蚀性随着植物根系数量的增加而提高,但未有一致的定量函数关系.植物根系提高土壤抗侵蚀性主要通过直径小于1mm的须根起作用.须根通过增加土壤水稳性团聚体的数量与粒径等作用来提高土壤的稳定性,以抵抗水流分散;须根还能有效地增强土壤渗透性,减少径流,从而达到减少土壤冲刷的目的.  相似文献   

Invasion by alien plants can alter ecosystem processes and soil properties. In this study, we compared aboveground productivity, nutrient pools in standing biomass and topsoil (0–0.10 m) mineral nutrient concentrations between plots invaded by Early Goldenrod (Solidago gigantea) and adjacent, uninvaded, vegetation at five sites in Belgium. The five sites were characterised by a resident perennial herbaceous vegetation and spanned a wide range in soil fertility level and floristic composition. Invaded stands consistently had higher (2–3-fold) aboveground productivity and lower mineral element concentrations in standing phytomass. Nutrient pools (calculated as concentration × phytomass) was ca. twice higher in invaded plots, suggesting that S. gigantea might enhance nutrient cycling rates. Impacts on topsoil chemistry were surprisingly modest, with slightly higher nutrient concentrations under the invader. A noticeable exception was phosphorus, which showed higher concentrations of ammonium acetate-extractable fraction in invaded plots in four of five sites. It appears that S. gigantea does not significantly contribute to nutrient uplift from deep soil layers to topsoil, possibly because it does not root much deeper compared to resident vegetation.Equally contributing authors: S. Vanderhoeven, N. Dassonville  相似文献   

不同林地恢复模式下露天煤矿排土场土壤有机碳分布特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究露天煤矿排土场6种不同林地植被恢复模式和撂荒地0~100 cm土层土壤有机碳(SOC)含量和储量的分布特征,分析其差异性及其影响因素.结果表明:不同林地0~10 cm土层SOC含量比撂荒地(1.92 g·kg-1)显著提高23.8%~53.2%,10~20 cm土层比撂荒地(1.39 g·kg-1)显著提高5.8%~70.4%,20 cm土层以下与撂荒地相比差异不大;各土层SOC含量随土层深度增加而逐渐减小,表层(0~20 cm)减小幅度大于深层(20~100 cm).不同林地SOC储量在表层明显高于深层,随土层深度增加而逐渐减小.0~100 cm土层林地SOC储量比撂荒地(17.52 t·hm-2)提高18.1%~42.4%,其中,紫穗槐林地SOC储量最高,达24.95 t·hm-2,明显高于其他林地类型,灌木林地SOC储量比乔木高12.4%.林地凋落物、细根生物量和土壤水分都与排土场SOC呈显著正相关.综上所述,不同人工林地恢复模式显著提高了排土场0~100 cm土层SOC,尤其对表层SOC提高效果明显,但排土场SOC与原地貌相比差距仍较大.从提高排土场SOC角度优先推荐紫穗槐为主要林地植被.  相似文献   

Forest vegetation is known to enhance the stability of slopes by reinforcing soil and increasing its shear resistance through root system. The effects of root reinforcement depend on the morphological characteristics of the root system, the tensile strength of single roots, and the spatial distribution of the roots in soil. In the present study the results of research carried out in order to evaluate the biotechnical characteristics of the root system of Persian Ironwood (Parrotia persica), in northern Iran are presented. Profile trenching method was used to obtain root area ratio (RAR) values for uphill and downhill sides of the individual trees. For each species, single root specimens were sampled and tested for their tensile strength. It was found that root density generally decreases with depth according to an exponential law. Maximum RAR values were located within the first 0.1 m, with maximum rooting depth at about 0.65 m. RAR values ranged from 0.001% at lower depths to 1.39% near the surface, at upper 0.1 m depth. Significant differences of RAR values, rooting depth and root cohesion between uphill and downhill were observed, however, the differences were not significant for number of roots (ANCOVA). Downhill profiles had higher RAR values, rooting depth and root cohesion. In general, root tensile strength tends to decrease with diameter according to a power law, as observed by other researchers. Downhill roots were significantly stronger in tensile strength than uphill ones. Inter-species variation of tensile strength in downhill roots was also observed. The resulting data were used to evaluate the reinforcing effects in terms of increased shear strength of the soil, using Wu/Waldron Model. The root reinforcement provided by Persian Ironwood is about 46.0 kPa in the upper layers and 0.3 kPa in the deeper horizons. The results of Spearman test revealed a significant correlation between RAR and cr and that best followed by a power law. The results presented in this paper contribute to expanding the knowledge on biotechnical characteristics of Persian Ironwood on slope reinforcement.  相似文献   

R. Mulia  C. Dupraz 《Plant and Soil》2006,281(1-2):71-85
The spatial distribution of fine roots of two deciduous tree species was investigated in contrasting growing conditions in southern France. Hybrid walnut trees (Juglans regia×nigra cv. NG23) and hybrid poplars (Populus euramericana cv. I214) were both cultivated with or without annual winter intercrops for 10 years on deep alluvial soils. Soil samples for measuring the fine root distribution of both trees and crops were obtained by soil coring down to 3-m depth at several distances and orientations from the tree trunk. The distribution of live fine roots from walnut and poplar trees was patchy and sometimes unexpected. In the tree-only stands, fine root profiles followed the expected pattern, as fine root density decreased with increasing depth and distance from the tree trunk. However, many fine root profiles under intercropped trees were uniform with depth, and some inverse profiles were observed. These distributions may result from a high degree of plasticity of tree root systems to sense and adapt to fluctuating and heterogeneous soil conditions. The distortion of the tree root system was more pronounced for the walnut trees that only partially explored the soil volume: in the tree-only stand, the walnut rooting pattern was very superficial, but in the intercropped stand walnut trees developed a deep and dense fine root network below the crop rooting zone. The larger poplars explored the whole available soil volume, but the intercrop significantly displaced the root density from the topsoil to layers below 1 m depth. Most tree root growth models assume a decreasing fine root density with depth and distance from the tree stem. These models would not predict correctly tree–tree and tree–understorey competition for water and nutrients in 3D heterogeneous soil conditions that prevail under low-density tree stands. To account for the integrated response of tree root systems to such transient gradients in soils, we need a dynamic model that would allow for both genotypic plasticity and transient environmental local soil conditions.  相似文献   

Large earthen-walled lysimeters at the San Dimas Experimental Forest in southern California present a unique opportunity to assess vegetation effects on biogeochemical processes and cation release by weathering in controlled soil-vegetation systems where archived samples of soil parent material are available for comparison. The lysimeters were filled in 1937 with homogenized fine sandy loam derived on site from the weathering of diorite, and planted in 1946 with scrub oak (Quercus dumosa) and Coulter pine (Pinus coulteri). Changes in base cation contents were measured in above-ground biomass, and total and exchangeable soil pools to a depth of 1 meter. All cations in the non-exchangeable soil pool decreased relative to the initial fill material, indicating release by weathering. Sodium and K were depleted from both exchangeable and non-exchangeable pools of the soils. Plant uptake of Na was minimal, whereas K storage in vegetation exceeded the loss from the exchangeable soil pool. In both soil-vegetation systems, but especially for oak, there was an increase in exchangeable Ca and Mg. For all base cations, storage in above-ground biomass was greater for oak, whereas losses by weathering from the non-exchangeable soil pool were greater under pine. Strong evidence supports biocycling as a controlling mechanism resulting in greater Ca and Mg release by weathering under pine. In addition, decreases in non-exchangeable Ca and Mg were strongly correlated to decrease in Si under oak, whereas no correlation was observed under pine. We conclude that weathering reactions or stoichiometry differed between vegetation types.Corresponding author  相似文献   

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