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The cytoplasmic assembly of vaccinia virus is reversibly blocked by the antibiotic rifampin, leading to the accumulation of partially membrane-delineated rifampin bodies in infected cells. Rifampin-resistant vaccinia virus mutants have point mutations in the D13L gene, which is controlled by a late promoter and expresses a 65-kDa protein, designated p65. To further characterize the mechanism of rifampin inhibition and the function of p65 in virus assembly, we raised antibodies to this protein. Immunoreactive p65 was expressed at late times of infection, and neither its expression nor its turnover was affected by rifampin. Virus-associated p65 could be extracted only with denaturing detergents from purified virions, suggesting that it is an integral viral component. Immunofluorescence studies showed that p65 is localized to the sites of virus assembly. Also, immunoelectron microscopy showed p65 to be associated with viral crescents as well as spherical, immature virions, in both cases predominantly on the inner or concave surface. In the presence of rifampin, p65 was found in large, cytoplasmic inclusion bodies that were distinct from rifampin bodies. The rifampin bodies themselves were labeled with p65 antibodies only after reversal of the rifampin block, predominantly on the viral crescents which rapidly formed following removal of the drug. We propose that p65 functions as an internal scaffold in the formation of viral crescents and immature virions, analogously to the matrix proteins of other viruses.  相似文献   

In a series of papers, we have provided evidence that during its assembly vaccinia virus is enveloped by a membrane cisterna that originates from a specialized, virally modified, smooth-membraned domain of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Recently, however, Hollinshead et al. (M. Hollinshead, A. Vanderplasschen, G. I. Smith, and D. J. Vaux, J. Virol. 73:1503-1517, 1999) argued against this hypothesis, based on their interpretations of thin-sectioned material. The present article is the first in a series of papers that describe a comprehensive electron microscopy (EM) analysis of the vaccinia Intracellular Mature Virus (IMV) and the process of its assembly in HeLa cells. In this first study, we analyzed the IMV by on-grid staining, cryo-scanning EM (SEM), and cryo-transmission EM. We focused on the structure of the IMV particle, both after isolation and in the context of viral entry. For the latter, we used high-resolution cryo-SEM combined with cryofixation, as well as a novel approach we developed for investigating vaccinia IMV bound to plasma membrane fragments adsorbed onto EM grids. Our analysis revealed that the IMV is made up of interconnected cisternal and tubular domains that fold upon themselves via a complex topology that includes an S-shaped fold. The viral tubules appear to be eviscerated from the particle during viral infection. Since the structure of the IMV is the result of a complex assembly process, we also provide a working model to explain how a specialized smooth-ER domain can be modulated to form the IMV. We also present theoretical arguments for why it is highly unlikely that the IMV is surrounded by only a single membrane.  相似文献   

Ward BM 《Journal of virology》2005,79(8):4755-4763
Previous work indicated that vaccinia intracellular mature virus (IMV) utilizes microtubules to move from the viral factory to the site of intracellular envelopment and that expression of the viral A27 protein is required for this transport. To investigate further the role of A27 in IMV intracellular transport, a recombinant vaccinia virus was constructed that had the A27L gene deleted and expressed a yellow fluorescent protein (YFP)-A4 chimera in place of the normal A4 protein. The resulting recombinant, vYFP-A4/DeltaA27, produced relatively normal quantities of virus in a one-step growth curve but had a small plaque phenotype. Subsequent experiments demonstrated that vYFP-A4/DeltaA27 was severely defective in envelope virus production. Despite the absence of A27, live digital video fluorescent microscopy visualized YFP-labeled IMV movement in cells infected with the recombinant. Virion movement approached 3 mum/s and was sensitive to the microtubule depolymerizing drug nocodazole. In addition, IMV could be discerned transiting away from and back towards viral factories. Immunofluorescent staining determined that the distance traveled by A27-deficient virions was sufficient for transport to the site of envelopment. These results indicate that IMVs are capable of bidirectional movement on microtubules, suggesting that they are able to interact with both kinesin and dynein microtubule motors in the absence of A27 and that the distance traveled is sufficient to deliver IMV to the site of wrapping.  相似文献   

In the preceding study (see accompanying paper), we showed by a variety of different techniques that intracellular mature vaccinia virus (vaccinia IMV) is unexpectedly complex in its structural organization and that this complexity also extends to the underlying viral core, which is highly folded. With that analysis as a foundation, we now present different thin-section electron microscopy approaches for analyzing the IMV and the processes by which it is assembled in infected HeLa cells. We focus on conventional epoxy resin thin sections as well as cryosections to describe key intermediates in the assembly process. We took advantage of streptolysin O's ability to selectively permeabilize the plasma membrane of infected cells to improve membrane contrast, and we used antibodies against bone fide integral membrane proteins of the virus to unequivocally identify membrane profiles in thin sections. All of the images presented here can be rationalized with respect to the model put forward for the assembly of the IMV in the accompanying paper.  相似文献   

Intracellular mature vaccinia virus, also called intracellular naked virus, and its core envelope have been observed in their native, unfixed, unstained, hydrated states by cryoelectron microscopy of vitrified samples. The virion appears as a smooth rounded rectangle of ca. 350 by 270 nm. The core seems homogeneous and is surrounded by a 30-nm-thick surface domain delimited by membranes. We show that surface tubules and most likely also the characteristic dumbbell-shaped core with the lateral bodies which are generally observed in negatively stained or conventionally embedded samples are preparation artifacts.  相似文献   

Cyclophilins are peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerases involved in catalyzing conformational changes and accelerating the rate of protein folding and refolding in several cellular systems. In the present study, we analyzed the expression pattern and intracellular distribution of the cellular isomerase cyclophilin A (CypA) during vaccinia virus (VV) infection. An impressive increase in CypA stability was observed, leading to a practically unchanged accumulation of CypA during infection, although its synthesis was completely inhibited at late times. By confocal microscopy, we observed that CypA went through an intense reorganization in the cell cytoplasm and colocalized with the virosomes late in infection. CypA relocation to viral factories required the synthesis of viral postreplicative proteins, and treatment of infected cells with cyclosporine (CsA) prevented CypA relocation, clearly excluding the virosomes from CypA staining. Immunoelectron microscopy of VV-infected cells showed that CypA was incorporated into VV particles during morphogenesis. Biochemical and electron microscopic assays with purified virions confirmed that CypA was encapsidated within the virus particle and localized specifically in the core. This work suggests that CypA may develop an important role in VV replication.  相似文献   

Incorporation of viral polypeptides into the host plasma membrane is an essential step in the formation of the lipoprotein envelope of vesicular stomatitis virus. A quantitative study of this process was carried out using a double-isotope labeling procedure. Infected cells were incubated for two hours with 14C-labeled amino acids, pulse-labeled with [3H]leucine and incubated for various times with an excess of non-radioactive leucine. The 3H14C ratio was determined for each viral polypeptide in isolated plasma membranes and in the whole cell by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. It was found that [3H]leucine-labeled viral polypeptides could be detected in the plasma membranes immediately following a 30-second pulse but that the 3H14C ratios of polypeptides in the plasma membrane did not reach the 3H14C ratios in the whole cells until the end of a two-minute chase period. The addition of puromycin to the cultures at the end of the pulse period did not affect subsequent incorporation of [3H]leucine-labeled polypeptides into the plasma membrane. The incorporation of various amino acid analogs into the viral polypeptides did not affect the efficiency with which they were incorporated into the plasma membranes. It is proposed that viral polypeptides are selected for incorporation into the plasma membrane from a small interior pool of completed molecules.  相似文献   

Gel analysis of vaccinia virus particles purified by buoyant [correction of bouyant] density demonstrates a protein with an estimated molecular mass of 59 kDa, which is apparently restricted to the intracellular mature virion (IMV) form. Western blotting (immunoblotting) and immunoprecipitation procedures identify the protein as the vaccinia virus 4c protein, which facilitates occlusion of poxvirus particles within cowpox cytoplasmic inclusions. Western blotting procedures also identify the truncated A-type inclusion protein of vaccinia virus as a specific marker for IMV particles. Kinetic analyses of virion maturation and 4c production suggest that peak enveloped virion production occurs before peak IMV production in the virus replication cycle and that 4c production is concomitant with maturation of IMV. The implications for a distinct and evolutionarily conserved function of IMV in viral pathogenesis are discussed.  相似文献   

Vaccinia virus, the basis of the smallpox vaccine, is one of the largest viruses to replicate in humans. We have used in situ atomic force microscopy (AFM) to directly visualize fully hydrated, intact intracellular mature vaccinia virus (IMV) virions and chemical and enzymatic treatment products thereof. The latter included virion cores, core-enveloping coats, and core substructures. The isolated coats appeared to be composed of a highly cross-linked protein array. AFM imaging of core substructures indicated association of the linear viral DNA genome with a segmented protein sheath forming an extended approximately 16-nm-diameter filament with helical surface topography; enclosure of this filament within a 30- to 40-nm-diameter tubule which also shows helical topography; and enclosure of the folded, condensed 30- to 40-nm-diameter tubule within the core by a wall covered with peg-like projections. Proteins observed attached to the 30- to 40-nm-diameter tubules may mediate folding and/or compaction of the tubules and/or represent vestiges of the core wall and/or pegs. An accessory "satellite domain" was observed protruding from the intact core. This corresponded in size to isolated 70- to 100-nm-diameter particles that were imaged independently and might represent detached accessory domains. AFM imaging of intact virions indicated that IMV underwent a reversible shrinkage upon dehydration (as much as 2.2- to 2.5-fold in the height dimension), accompanied by topological and topographical changes, including protrusion of the satellite domain. As shown here, the chemical and enzymatic dissection of large, asymmetrical virus particles in combination with in situ AFM provides an informative complement to other structure determination techniques.  相似文献   

A vaccinia virus core protein, p39, is membrane associated.   总被引:6,自引:6,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
We describe herein the characterization of p39, the product of the A4L gene of vaccinia virus. By immunolabelling of thawed cryosections from infected HeLa cells, we show that this protein is initially located in the central region, or viroplasm, of the viral factories, as well as in the immature virions, with very small amounts of labelling observed on the surrounding membranes. The localization of p39 changes dramatically during the transition of the immature virion to the intracellular mature virus (IMV), coincident with the appearance of the core structure in the center of the IMV, with p39 located between this core and the surrounding membranes. Complementary biochemical data, such as partitioning into the Triton X-114 detergent phase and stripping of the viral membranes with Nonidet P-40 and dithiothreitol, suggest that p39 is associated with the innermost of the two membranes surrounding the core. Sodium carbonate treatment also indicates that p39 is associated with membranes, even at the early stages of viral assembly. However, following in vitro translation of p39 in the presence of microsomal membranes, we failed to detect any association of the independently expressed protein with membranes. We also failed to detect any posttranslational acylation of p39 with myristate or palmitate, suggesting that p39 does not achieve its membrane association through lipid anchors. Therefore, p39 is most likely membrane associated through an interaction with an integral membrane protein(s) present in the innermost of the two membranes surrounding the IMV. These data, together with our recent data showing that p39 colocalizes with the spike-like protrusions on the IMV core (N. Roos, M. Cyrklaff, S. Cudmore, R. Blasco, J. Krijnse-Locker, and G. Griffiths, EMBO J. 15:2343-2355, 1996), suggest that p39 may form part of this spike and that it possibly functions as a matrix-like linker protein between the core and the innermost of the two membranes surrounding the IMV.  相似文献   

Orthopoxviruses are among the largest and most complex of the animal viruses. In response to the recent emergence of monkeypox in Africa and the threat of smallpox bioterrorism, two orthopoxviruses with different pathogenic potentials, human monkeypox virus and vaccinia virus, were proteomically compared with the goal of identifying proteins required for pathogenesis. Orthopoxviruses were grown in HeLa cells to two different viral forms (intracellular mature virus and extracellular enveloped virus), purified by sucrose gradient ultracentrifugation, denatured using RapiGest surfactant, and digested with trypsin. Unfractionated samples and strong cation exchange HPLC fractions were analyzed by high-resolution reversed-phase nano-LC-MS/MS, and analyses of the MS/MS spectra using SEQUEST and X! Tandem resulted in the confident identification of hundreds of monkeypox, vaccinia, and copurified host-cell proteins. The unfractionated samples were additionally analyzed by LC-MS using an LTQ-Orbitrap, and the accurate mass and elution time tag approach was used to perform quantitative comparisons. Possible pathophysiological roles of differentially abundant Orthopoxvirus proteins are discussed. Data, processed results, and protocols are available at http://www.proteomicsresource.org/.  相似文献   

Characterizing cellular factors involved in the life cycle of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) is an initial step toward controlling replication of HIV-1. Actin polymerization mediated by the Arp2/3 complex has been found to play a critical role in some pathogens' intracellular motility. We have asked whether this complex also contributes to the viral life cycles including that of HIV-1. We have used both the acidic domains from actin-related protein (Arp) 2/3 complex-binding proteins such as the Wiscott-Aldrich syndrome protein (N-WASP) or cortactin, and siRNA directing toward Arp2 to inhibit viral infection. HIV-1, simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV), and intracellular mature vaccinia virus (IMV) were sensitive to inhibition of the Arp2/3 complex, whereas MLV, HSV-1, and adenovirus were not. Interestingly, pseudotyping HIV-1 with vesicular stomatitis virus G protein (VSV-G) overcame this inhibition. Constitutive inhibition of the Arp2/3 complex in the T-cell line H9 also blocked replication of HIV-1. These data suggested the existence of an Arp2/3 complex-dependent event during the early phase of the life cycles of both primate lentiviruses and IMV. Inhibiting the HIV-1's ability to activate Arp2/3 complex could be a potential chemotherapeutic intervention for acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS).  相似文献   

Two classes of revertants were isolated from a vaccinia virus mutant whose hemagglutinins (HAs) accumulate on nuclear envelopes and rough endoplasmic reticulums. The HAs of one of the revertants had the same phenotype as the wild type, i.e., rapid and efficient movement to the cell surface. The HAs of the second class had biphasic transport: rapid export to the cell surface as in the wild type and slow movement to the medial cisternae of the Golgi apparatus. Biochemical and nucleotide sequence analyses showed that the HAs of all the mutants examined that have defects in transport from the rough endoplasmic reticulum to the Golgi apparatus have altered cytoplasmic domains and that the HAs of the second class of revertants lack the whole cytoplasmic domain, while the HAs of the first class of revertants have a wild-type cytoplasmic domain.  相似文献   

Incorporation of 14C-glycine in plasmatic membrane proteins of the intact and regenerating liver was studied at the beginning of G1 period of the cell cycle. The electrophoretic study of 0.05 M Na2CO3 soluble plasmatic membrane proteins of the regenerating liver showed that maximal incorporation of 14C-glycine was associated with the proteins having molecular weight of about 60 000. The pattern of incorporation of 14C-glycine in different fractions of 0.05 M Na2CO3 insoluble proteins of the plasmatic membranes of the intact and regenrating liver did not differ essentially.  相似文献   

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