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徐丛  张文燕  陈一然  张蕊  董逸  杜海舰  潘红苗  肖天 《生态学报》2016,36(14):4346-4354
在青岛太平湾潮间带沉积物中发现了一定量的海洋趋磁细菌,最大丰度可达350个/cm~3。透射电镜观察发现该区域趋磁细菌均为趋磁球菌。磁小体个体形状单一,皆是立方体状;磁小体排列方式多样,以链状排列为主,包括单链、双链与多链,也有少数成簇排列。EDS结果表明,磁小体成分为四氧化三铁。据估算,趋磁细菌的铁元素含量(干重)范围在0.40%—6.91%之间,平均为2.19%。通过16S rRNA基因文库的构建与测序得到了47个趋磁细菌序列,分属13个OTU。系统发育分析结果表明,它们都属于α-变形菌纲,其中9个OTU与已知最相似序列的相似性低于97%,有5个OTU与已知最相似序列的相似性低于93%,可能代表了趋磁细菌的9个新种、5个新属,说明该区域潜在的微生物新种质资源十分可观。  相似文献   

The vertical distribution of magnetotactic bacteria along various physico-chemical gradients in freshwater microcosms was analyzed by a combined approach of viable cell counts, 16S rRNA gene analysis, microsensor profiling and biogeochemical methods. The occurrence of magnetotactic bacteria was restricted to a narrow sediment layer overlapping or closely below the maximum oxygen and nitrate penetration depth. Different species showed different preferences within vertical gradients, but the largest proportion (63-98%) of magnetotactic bacteria was detected within the suboxic zone. In one microcosm the community of magnetotactic bacteria was dominated by one species of a coccoid "Alphaproteobacterium", as detected by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis in sediment horizons from 1 to 10 mm depth. Maximum numbers of magnetotactic bacteria were up to 1.5 x 10(7) cells/cm3, which corresponded to 1% of the total cell number in the upper sediment layer. The occurrence of magnetotactic bacteria coincided with the availability of significant amounts (6-60 microM) of soluble Fe(II), and in one sample with hydrogen sulfide (up to 40 microM). Although various trends were clearly observed, a strict correlation between the distribution of magnetotactic bacteria and individual geochemical parameters was absent. This is discussed in terms of metabolic adaptation of various strains of magnetotactic bacteria to stratified sediments and diversity of the magnetotactic bacterial communities.  相似文献   

Study of the motion of magnetotactic bacteria   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Motion of flagellate bacteria is considered from the point of view of rigid body mechanics. As a general case we consider a flagellate coccus magnetotactic bacterium swimming in a fluid in the presence of an external magnetic field. The proposed model generalizes previous approaches to the problem and allows one to access parameters of the motion that can be measured experimentally. The results suggest that the strong helical pattern observed in typical trajectories of magnetotactic bacteria can be a biological advantage complementary to magnetic orientation. In the particular case of zero magnetic interaction the model describes the motion of a non-magnetotactic coccus bacterium swimming in a fluid. Theoretical calculations based on experimental results are compared with the experimental track obtained by dark field optical microscopy. Correspondence to: H. G. P. Lins de Barros  相似文献   

Membrane vesicles in magnetotactic bacteria   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Magnetotactic bacteria are microorganisms that respond to magnetic fields. We have studied the surface ultrastructure of Magnetospirillum magnetotacticum and uncultured magnetotactic bacteria from a marine environment using transmission electron microscopy and freeze-etching. Numerous membrane vesicles were observed on the surface of Magnetospirillum magnetotacticum bacteria. All uncultured magnetotactic bacteria presented membrane vesicles on their surface in addition to an extensive capsular material and an S-layer formed by particles arranged in a hexagonal symmetry. We did not observe any indication of electron-dense precipitation on the surface of these microorganisms. Our results indicate that membrane vesicles are a common characteristic of magneto-tactic bacteria in natural sediments.  相似文献   

Formation of magnetosomes in magnetotactic bacteria   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The ability of magnetotactic bacteria to orient and migrate along geomagnetic field lines is based on intracellular magnetic structures, the magnetosomes, which comprise nano-sized, membrane bound crystals of magnetic iron minerals. The formation of magnetosomes is achieved by a biological mechanism that controls the accumulation of iron and the biomineralization of magnetic crystals with a characteristic size and morphology within membrane vesicles. This paper focuses on the current knowledge about magnetotactic bacteria and will outline aspects of the physiology and molecular biology of magnetosome formation. The biotechnological potential of the biomineralization process is discussed.  相似文献   

趋磁细菌生态学研究进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
潘红苗  武洪庆  肖天 《生态学报》2009,29(4):2107-2114
趋磁细菌是一类革兰氏阴性的原核生物,广泛分布于淡水和海水环境中的有氧-无氧过渡区.趋磁细菌的分布与其环境中的氧、硫化物及铁等的浓度相关,不同种类分布在不同的物化梯度范围内.趋磁细菌的生长、磁小体的合成及磁小体的成分对环境有一定程度的指示作用.它们在生物地球化学循环中起着重要的作用.主要针对以上研究内容进行回顾,同时结合本实验室的一些研究结果做初步的分析,并对趋磁细菌生态学研究进行展望.  相似文献   

Magnetosome dynamics in magnetotactic bacteria.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Diffusive motions of the magnetosomes (enveloped Fe3O4 particles) in the magnetotactic bacterium Aquaspirillum magnetotacticum result in a very broad-line Mössbauer spectrum (T approximately 100 mm/s) above freezing temperatures. The line width increases with increasing temperature. The data are analyzed using a bounded diffusion model to yield the rotational and translational motions of the magnetosomes as well as the effective viscosity of the material surrounding the magnetosomes. The results are [theta 2] l/2 less than 1.5 degrees and [x2] 1/2 less than 8.4 A for the rotational and translational motions, respectively, implying that the particles are fixed in whole cells. The effective viscosity is 10 cP at 295 K and increases with decreasing temperature. Additional Fe3+ material in the cell is shown to be associated with the magnetosomes. Fe2+ material in the cell appears to be associated with the cell envelope.  相似文献   

Magnetotactic bacteria produce magnetosomes, which are magnetic particles enveloped by biological membranes, in a highly controlled mineralization process. Magnetosomes are used to navigate in magnetic fields by a phenomenon called magnetotaxis. Two levels of organization and control are recognized in magnetosomes. First, magnetotactic bacteria create a spatially distinct environment within vesicles defined by their membranes. In the vesicles, the bacteria control the size, composition and purity of the mineral content of the magnetic particles. Unique crystal morphologies are produced in magnetosomes as a consequence of this bacterial control. Second, magnetotactic bacteria organize the magnetosomes in chains within the cell body. It has been shown in a particular case that the chains are positioned within the cell body in specific locations defined by filamentous cytoskeleton elements. Here, we describe an additional level of organization of the magnetosome chains in uncultured magnetotactic cocci found in marine and freshwater sediments. Electron microscopy analysis of the magnetosome chains using a goniometer showed that the magnetic crystals in both types of bacteria are not oriented at random along the crystal chain. Instead, the magnetosomes have specific orientations relative to the other magnetosomes in the chain. Each crystal is rotated either 60°, 180° or 300° relative to their neighbors along the chain axis, causing the overlapping of the (1?1?1) and [Formula in text] capping faces of neighboring crystals. We suggest that genetic determinants that are not present or active in bacteria with magnetosomes randomly rotated within a chain must be present in bacteria that organize magnetosomes so precisely. This particular organization may also be used as an indicative biosignature of magnetosomes in the study of magnetofossils in the cases where this symmetry is observed.  相似文献   

Intracellular inclusions of uncultured magnetotactic bacteria.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Magnetotactic bacteria produce magnetic crystals in organelles called magnetosomes. The bacterial cells may also have phosphorus-containing granules, sulfur globules, or polyhydroxyalkanoate inclusions. In the present study, the ultrastructure and elemental composition of intracellular inclusions from uncultured magnetotactic bacteria collected in a marine environment are described. Magnetosomes contained mainly defect-free, single magnetite crystals with prismatic morphologies. Two types of phosphorus-containing granules were found in magnetotactic cocci. The most common consisted of phosphorus-rich granules containing P, O, and Mg; and sometimes also C, Na, Al, K, Ca, Mn, Fe, Zn, and small amounts of S and Cl were also found. In phosphorus-sulfur-iron granules, P, O, S, Na, Mg, Ca, Fe, and frequently Cl, K, and Zn, were detected. Most cells had two phosphorus-rich granules, which were very similar in elemental composition. In rod-shaped bacteria, these granules were positioned at a specific location in the cell, suggesting a high level of intracellular organization. Polyhydroxyalkanoate granules and sulfur globules were less commonly seen in the cells and had no fixed number or specific location. The presence and composition of these intracellular structures provide clues regarding the physiology of the bacteria that harbor them and the characteristics of the microenvironments where they thrive.  相似文献   

Two novel magnetotactic bacteria (MTB) were isolated from sediment and water collected from the Badwater Basin, Death Valley National Park and southeastern shore of the Salton Sea, respectively, and were designated as strains BW-2 and SS-5, respectively. Both organisms are rod-shaped, biomineralize magnetite, and are motile by means of flagella. The strains grow chemolithoautotrophically oxidizing thiosulfate and sulfide microaerobically as electron donors, with thiosulfate oxidized stoichiometrically to sulfate. They appear to utilize the Calvin–Benson–Bassham cycle for autotrophy based on ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (RubisCO) activity and the presence of partial sequences of RubisCO genes. Strains BW-2 and SS-5 biomineralize chains of octahedral magnetite crystals, although the crystals of SS-5 are elongated. Based on 16S rRNA gene sequences, both strains are phylogenetically affiliated with the Gammaproteobacteria class. Strain SS-5 belongs to the order Chromatiales; the cultured bacterium with the highest 16S rRNA gene sequence identity to SS-5 is Thiohalocapsa marina (93.0%). Strain BW-2 clearly belongs to the Thiotrichales; interestingly, the organism with the highest 16S rRNA gene sequence identity to this strain is Thiohalospira alkaliphila (90.2%), which belongs to the Chromatiales. Each strain represents a new genus. This is the first report of magnetite-producing MTB phylogenetically associated with the Gammaproteobacteria. This finding is important in that it significantly expands the phylogenetic diversity of the MTB. Physiology of these strains is similar to other MTB and continues to demonstrate their potential in nitrogen, iron, carbon and sulfur cycling in natural environments.  相似文献   

Magnetotactic bacteria (MTB) synthesize intracellular nano-scale crystals of magnetite or greigite within magnetosomes. MTB are ubiquitous in limnic and marine environments. In order to understand the diversity of MTB better, sediment samples were examined from Lake Miyun near Beijing by restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP). First, in silico analysis was used to evaluate the effectiveness of 12 sets of restriction endonucleases for distinguishing MTB sequences retrieved from the GenBank database. It was found that the tested restriction endonucleases had different power in the ability to differentiate the operational taxonomic units (OTUs) of MTB. Specifically, of the 12 sets of enzymes, MspI plus RsaI was found to be the most effective for correctly differentiating the OTUs of selected MTB sequences and it could detect 16 OTUs with appropriate OTUmin and OTUmax values (96.7% and 97.7%, respectively). The MspI plus RsaI RFLP analysis was then utilized to investigate the diversity of MTB in Lake Miyun sediment and it identified 8 OTUs (74.5% of the whole library) as MTB. Among these, 5 were affiliated to Alphaproteobacteria, while the rest belonged to the Nitrospira phylum. Interestingly, OTUs C, D and I displayed 91.8–98.4% similarity to “Magnetobacterium bavaricum”. Together, these results demonstrated that the MspI plus RsaI RFLP analysis was useful for studying the diversity and change in community composition of uncultivated MTB from environmental samples.  相似文献   

Magnetotactic bacteria contain chains of magnetosomes that comprise a permanent magnetic dipole in each cell. In two separate, recent papers, Scheffel et al. and Komeili et al. describe the roles of the proteins MamJ and MamK in magnetosome chain formation. Here, we describe the two studies and highlight questions that must be addressed in future investigations of how magnetotactic bacteria construct their magnetic compass needles.  相似文献   

Magnetotactic bacteria show an ability to navigate along magnetic field lines because of magnetic particles called magnetosomes. All magnetotactic bacteria are unicellular except for the multicellular prokaryote (recently named 'Candidatus Magnetoglobus multicellularis'), which is formed by an orderly assemblage of 17-40 prokaryotic cells that swim as a unit. A ciliate was used in grazing experiments with the M. multicellularis to study the fate of the magnetosomes after ingestion by the protozoa. Ciliates ingested M. multicellularis, which were located in acid vacuoles as demonstrated by confocal laser scanning microscopy. Transmission electron microscopy and X-ray microanalysis of thin-sectioned ciliates showed the presence of M. multicellularis and magnetosomes inside vacuoles in different degrees of degradation. The magnetosomes are dissolved within the acidic vacuoles of the ciliate. Depending on the rate of M. multicellularis consumption by the ciliates the iron from the magnetosomes may be recycled to the environment in a more soluble form.  相似文献   

A birefringence technique is used to determine the average magnetic moments <μ> of magnetotactic bacteria in culture. Differences in <μ> are noted between live and dead bacteria, as well as between normal density and high density samples of live bacteria.  相似文献   

High-resolution transmission electron microscopy and electron holography were used to study the habits of exceptionally large magnetite crystals in coccoid magnetotactic bacteria. In addition to the crystal habits, the crystallographic positioning of successive crystals in the magnetosome chain appears to be under strict biological control.  相似文献   

Magnetotactic bacteria produce either magnetite (Fe3O4) or greigite (Fe3S4) crystals in cytoplasmic organelles called magnetosomes. Whereas greigite magnetosomes can contain up to 10 atom% copper, magnetite produced by magnetotactic bacteria was considered chemically pure for a long time and this characteristic was used to distinguish between biogenic and abiogenic crystals. Recently, it was shown that magnetosomes containing cobalt could be produced by three strains of Magnetospirillum . Here we show that magnetite crystals produced by uncultured magnetotactic bacteria can incorporate manganese up to 2.8 atom% of the total metal content (Fe+Mn) when manganese chloride is added to microcosms. Thus, chemical purity can no longer be taken as a strict prerequisite to consider magnetite crystals to be of biogenic origin.  相似文献   

Magnetotactic bacteria (MB) are remarkable organisms with the ability to exploit the earth's magnetic field for navigational purposes. To do this, they build specialized compartments called magnetosomes that consist of a lipid membrane and a crystalline magnetic mineral. These organisms have the potential to serve as models for the study of compartmentalization as well as biomineralization in bacteria. Additionally, they offer the opportunity to design applications that take advantage of the particular properties of magnetosomes. In recent years, a sustained effort to identify the molecular basis of this process has resulted in a clearer understanding of the magnetosome formation and biomineralization. Here, I present an overview of MB and explore the possible molecular mechanisms of membrane remodeling, protein sorting, cytoskeletal organization, iron transport, and biomineralization that lead to the formation of a functional magnetosome organelle.  相似文献   

Electron micrographs of magnetotactic bacteria reveal that chains of magnetosomes are often bent. This is surprising inasmuch as straight chains are actually the most favourable arrangement for magnetonavigation achieving the maximum value of the bacterial net magnetic moment. In order to answer the question of what causes the chains to bend, we calculated the stability limit of straight magnetosome chains by taking into account elastic and magnetic forces. For several scenarios, the threshold values of external forces leading to elastic instability were computed. From our calculations and observations on freeze-dried cells, we conclude that, under normal conditions, magnetosome chains are straight or only slightly bent, whereas shrinkage during preparation may cause severe artifacts such as kinks or zig-zag structures in the chains. Received: 10 February 1997 / Accepted: 9 April 1997  相似文献   

Bacterial cells, like their eukaryotic counterparts, are capable of constructing lipid-based organelles that carry out essential biochemical functions. The magnetosomes of magnetotactic bacteria are one such compartment that is quickly becoming a model for exploring the process of organelle biogenesis in bacteria. Magnetosomes consist of a lipid-bilayer compartment that houses a magnetic crystal. By arranging magnetosomes into chains within the cell, magnetotactic bacteria create an internal compass that is used for navigation along magnetic fields. Over the past decade, a number of studies have elucidated the possible factors involved in the formation of the magnetosome membrane and biomineralization of magnetic minerals. Here, we highlight some of these recent advances with a particular focus on the cell biology of magnetosome formation.  相似文献   

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