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The paper examines the role of visualization in communicating the image of the Andamanese hunters and gatherers. Applying semiotic system to derive “Photemes,” the analysis presents a process of what should be depicted and how it is depicted for the signified Andamanese image. Considering the range of documents, and the political process of documentation, including photography, the paper focuses on why there was a conscious effort to create an illusion between linguistically and visually conveyed realities of Andamanese through various phases of history.  相似文献   

Conclusion It seems to me that no substantial support can be provided for the thesis that the Darwinian theory of evolution drew significantly upon ideas in contemporary Political Economy. What Darwin may have derived from Malthus was not an integral part of the theory of population that the classical economists, including Malthus, put forward. He did not know the literature of Political Economy; and if he had been acquainted with it, he would not have been able to derive anything from it that was important for the theory of natural selection. The judgment that with Darwin's theory there was a real transfer of knowledge from political economy to biology (Pancaldi 1985:262) cannot be sustained.  相似文献   

Epstein M 《Bioethics》2007,21(1):23-31
This paper explores one of the most politically sensitive and intellectually neglected issues in bioethics--the interface between the history of contemporary end-of-life ethics and the economics of life and death. It suggests that contrary to general belief, economic impulses have increasingly become part of the conditions in which contemporary end-of-life ethics continues to evolve. Although this conclusion does not refute the philosophical justifications provided by the ethics for itself, it may cast new light upon its social role.  相似文献   

In the current Spanish conjuncture, characterized by political and economic crisis and the rapid impoverishment of the working classes, we have seen the emergence of moral discourses around indignation and the demand of dignity. While these moral exhortations have rightly been scrutinized with skepticism from Marxist positions for their lack of attention to political economic structures, this paper discusses whether we can find in them elements for what Gavin Smith calls a “revindicative politics,” able to transcend the frame of reference of the society of capital. Exploring the notion of dignity both in the Indignados movement and in my own ethnographic field site of Southern Catalonia—a region where claims to dignity have saturated the sphere of the political for decades—I suggest that the demand for dignity should be understood as an expression of what Ernst Bloch called “nonsynchronous contradictions,” being not entirely reducible to the contemporary workings of capitalist accumulation. Dignity points toward unsettled memories and unfulfilled pasts as well as to a rejection of servile relations and the desire to make sense of oneself outside of the morality of capital. Understanding this demand for dignity forces Marxist anthropologists to look at capital from the “margins,” challenging its centrality. In so doing it also invites us to refine and invigorate our critique of political economy.  相似文献   

What implications might synthetic biology’s potential as a wholly new method of production have for the world economy, particularly developing countries? Theories of political economy predict that synthetic biology can shift terms of trade and displace producers in developing countries. Governments, however, retain the ability to mitigate negative changes through social safety nets and to foster adaptation to some changes through research, education and investment. We consider the effects the synthetic production of otherwise naturally derived molecules are likely to have on trade and investment, particularly in developing countries. Both rubber in Malaysia and indigo dyes in India provide historical examples of natural molecules that faced market dislocations from synthetic competitors. Natural rubber was able to maintain significant market share, while natural indigo vanished from world markets. These cases demonstrate the two extremes of the impact synthetic biology might have on naturally derived products. If developing countries can cushion the pain of technological changes by providing producers support as they retool or exit, the harmful effects of synthetic biology can be mitigated while its benefits can still be captured.  相似文献   


This paper returns to the history of the early concerns about risk. Two reasons are offered for this. One is that a sense of hindsight may open new analysis. The second is the possibility of applying newer theoretical perspectives to understanding the early debates over risk—debates that in some considerable measure shaped the trajectories of the technology. In undertaking this, the paper draws on two bodies of literature. The literature of international political economy, as an expanding and vibrant field of study, is beginning to recognize the importance of developing a strong focus on technology. When combined with actor- network theory, new insight can be applied to the processes by which conjectured risks associated with genetic manipulation shaped the character of a new technological paradigm.  相似文献   

This study of undocumented immigrant Nepalese workers in Japan analyses their ethnic history, demographics, migration strategies and work experiences. The majority belong to ethnic groups which the British designated 'martial races', whose tradition of foreign service as 'Gurkha' soldiers in the British and Indian Armies produced a culture of emigration and a remittance economy in rural Nepal. As a result, the present generation has been socialized to be familiar with international migration as an economic option, and has access to networks for its accomplishment. Japan's industrial structure and relative affluence have generated chronic shortages of workers to fill jobs shunned by Japanese in manufacturing and construction industries. This has elevated wages to levels which attract economically distressed foreign migrants such as those from Nepal. Despite the isolation and discrimination which they suffer, these Nepalese find the financial rewards to be sufficient to outweigh the hardships.  相似文献   

The livelihood of crab collecting, practised for generations in the Sundarbans forest of India, has undergone a radical moral makeover in recent years. Largely landless crab fishers are now the subject of frequent public denunciations by local authorities for their supposed greed and reckless endangerment of the entire ecosystem. While greed and its related category of need emerge from a local moral ecology of the region, internationally funded conservation campaigns and recent disruptions in the global crab supply chain reveal how accusations are activated and the means through which they play out amidst pre-existing village hierarchies. This article accounts for the political, economic, and moral shifts that underpin these accusations. In counterpoint, I present the defences of the accused, and explore crab collectors’ notions of a sufficient life and the rich moral distinctions they themselves make between greed (lobh), need (aubhav), desire (chahida), and habit (swabhav). I then step back to show the broader political contours that shape the discourse of ‘greedy’ crab collectors. I argue that both the conservation movement and allied state actors have distorted the material and moral resources intended to combat climate change and other environmental threats by scapegoating the politically disenfranchised: local fishers. Powerful stakeholders, as a result of their own political impotency, are deployed in a game of crab antics that fails to address the underlying environmental catastrophe while displacing the psychic burden of greed onto the poor.  相似文献   

A recent Guest Editorial by Parenti & Ebach (2013, Journal of Biogeography, 40, 813–820) disagrees with the methods or interpretations in two of our recent papers. In addition, the authors open a debate on biogeographical concepts, and present an alternative philosophy for biogeographical research in the context of their recently described biogeographical subregion called ‘Pandora’. We disagree with their approach and conclusions, and comment on several issues related to our differing conceptual approaches for biogeographical research; namely, our use of molecular phylogenetic analyses, including time estimates; and Parenti & Ebach's reliance on taxon/general area cladograms. Finally, we re‐examine their ‘tests’ supporting the existence of ‘Pandora’.  相似文献   

Monarch butterfly (Danaus plexippus) populations are in decline in agricultural landscapes, in which genetically modified crops that are resistant to herbicides (‘Roundup Ready’) have resulted in the decimation of milkweed (Asclepias spp.) hosts over large areas due to the increased use of glyphosate. Movement is the key ecological process linking individual fitness traits to the utilization of sparse resources distributed across landscapes with emergent population level consequences. Often, movement ecology is highly simplified or even abstracted into a simple rate of flow between populations (i.e. a metapopulation) separated by a hostile ‘matrix’. Whereas, we can gain important insights into the population dynamic as a whole if we explore movement as an explicit, complex, behavioural process in which the matrix is not simply a void. We developed a spatially explicit individual‐based model to describe host‐seeking behaviour over the lifetime of a monarch butterfly, which utilizes hosts both aggregated in patches and scattered across the wider landscape as a substrate for laying eggs. We examine the simulated movement distances and spatial population distribution (eggs laid) as a result of different movement rules (directionality), perceptive distance (ability to find) and landscape configuration (how milkweed is distributed). This indicates the potential consequences of cleaning up the matrix (i.e. the obliteration of non‐crop vegetation with Roundup) and changing habitat configurations at a landscape scale on individual movement behaviours and the emergent number of eggs laid, essentially the birth term in any population model. Our model generates movement distances of the order of 12 km commensurate with summer breeding monarchs and suggests that milkweed removal has reduced egg laying by up to 30%. We suggest possible amelioration strategies.  相似文献   


This essay examines the management system created under the terms of the Fishery Conservation and Management Act of 1976 as an example of a restricted common property regime. Both the origins and the operation of the regime are analyzed in detail. Additionally, the performance of the regime is assessed in terms of evaluative criteria like allocative efficiency, noneconomic values, equity, transaction costs, and durability. This case study points out a number of serious shortcomings of the FCMA regime and offers no basis for concluding that restricted common property constitutes a trouble‐free option in the marine fisheries or in any other realm. Nonetheless, the argument suggests that restricted common property not only has advantages over the traditional unrestricted or open‐to‐entry common property regime in the marine fisheries, it also seems more likely to yield satisfactory results than any other alternative that comes to mind.  相似文献   

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