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Tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha and TNF receptors in viral pathogenesis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) and TNF receptors (TNFR) are members of the growing TNF ligand and receptor families that are involved in immune regulation. The present report will focus on the role of the prototypic ligand TNF and its two receptors, TNFR1 and TNFR2, in viral pathogenesis. Although TNF was reported years ago to modulate viral infections, recent findings on the molecular pathways involved in TNFR signaling have allowed a better understanding of the molecular interactions between cellular and viral factors within the infected cell. The interactions of viral proteins with intracellular components downstream of the TNFR have highlighted at the molecular level how viruses can manipulate the cellular machinery to escape the immune response and to favor the spread of the infection. We will review here the role of TNF and TNFR in immune response and the role of TNF and TNFR signaling in viral pathogenesis.  相似文献   

Tumor necrosis factor (TNF) is the prototypic member of the TNF ligand family and has a key role in the regulation of inflammatory processes. TNF exerts its functions by interaction with the death domain-containing TNF-receptor 1 (TNF-R1) and the non-death domain-containing TNF-receptor 2 (TNF-R2), both members of a receptor family complementary to the TNF ligand family. Due to the prototypic features of the TNF receptors and their importance for the regulation of inflammation, the signal transduction mechanisms utilized by these receptors have been extensively studied. Several proteins that interact directly or indirectly with the cytoplasmic domains of TNF-R1 and TNF-R2 have been identified in the recent years giving ideas how these receptors are connected to the apoptotic pathway and the signaling cascades leading to activation of NF-kappaB and JNK. Of special interest are TNF receptor-associated factor (TRAF) 1 and 2, which defines a novel group of adaptor proteins involved in signal transduction by most members of the TNF receptor family, of IL-1 receptor and IL-17 receptor as well as some members of the TOLL-like receptor family. TRAF 2 is currently the best-characterized TRAF family member, having a key role in mediating TNF-R1-induced activation of NF-kappaB and JNK. Moreover, recent studies suggest that TRAF 2 represents an integration point for pro- and antiapoptotic signals. This review focuses on the molecular mechanisms that underlay signal initiation by TNF-R1 and TNF-R2, with particular consideration of the role of TRAF 2, and highlights the importance of this molecule for the integration of such antagonizing pathways as death induction and NF-kappaB-mediated surviving signals.  相似文献   

Mycoplasma have been shown to be involved in the alteration of several eukaryotic cell functions, such as cytokine production, gene expression and more. We have previously reported that infection of human myelomonocytic U937 cell line with live Mycoplasma fermentans (M. fermentans) inhibited tumour necrosis factor (TNF-alpha)-induced apoptosis. Mycoplasmal membrane lipoproteins are considered to be the most potent initiators of inflammatory reactions in mycoplasmal infections. The aim of this study was to clarify whether the inhibitory effect on TNFalpha-induced apoptosis is exerted by M. fermentans lipoproteins (LPMf). A significant reduction in TNFalpha-induced apoptosis was demonstrated by stimulation of U937 cells with M. fermentans total proteins, LPMf or MALP-2 (M. fermentans synthetic lipopeptide), but not with M. fermentans hydrophilic protein preparation (AqMf). To investigate the mechanism of M. fermentans antiapoptotic effect, the reduction of mitochondrial transmembrane potential (delta psi m) was measured. M. fermentans total proteins LPMf and MALP-2, but not AqMf, inhibited the reduction of delta psi m. In addition, M. fermentans total proteins LPMf and MALP-2, but not AqMf, downregulated the formation of active caspase-8. NF-kappaB was transactivated in cells treated with M. fermentans lipoproteins, and was essential for host cell survival, but not for the inhibition of TNFalpha-induced apoptosis by LPMf. Our results suggest that the inhibitory effect exerted by M. fermentans on TNFalpha-induced apoptosis in U937 cells is due to the membrane lipoproteins of these bacteria.  相似文献   

Ligands of the tumor necrosis factor superfamily (TNFSF) (4-1BBL, APRIL, BAFF, CD27L, CD30L, CD40L, EDA1, EDA2, FasL, GITRL, LIGHT, lymphotoxin alpha, lymphotoxin alphabeta, OX40L, RANKL, TL1A, TNF, TWEAK, and TRAIL) bind members of the TNF receptor superfamily (TNFRSF). A comprehensive survey of ligand-receptor interactions was performed using a flow cytometry-based assay. All ligands engaged between one and five receptors, whereas most receptors only bound one to three ligands. The receptors DR6, RELT, TROY, NGFR, and mouse TNFRH3 did not interact with any of the known TNFSF ligands, suggesting that they either bind other types of ligands, function in a ligand-independent manner, or bind ligands that remain to be identified. The study revealed that ligand-receptor pairs are either cross-reactive between human and mouse (e.g. Tweak/Fn14, RANK/RANKL), strictly species-specific (GITR/GITRL), or partially species-specific (e.g. OX40/OX40L, CD40/CD40L). Interestingly, the receptor binding patterns of lymphotoxin alpha and alphabeta are redundant in the human but not in the mouse system. Ligand oligomerization allowed detection of weak interactions, such as that of human TNF with mouse TNFR2. In addition, mouse APRIL exists as two different splice variants differing by a single amino acid. Although human APRIL does not interact with BAFF-R, the shorter variant of mouse APRIL exhibits weak but detectable binding to mouse BAFF-R.  相似文献   

The efficacy of B-cell depletion therapy in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) has led to a renewed interest in B cells and their products and the role they play in the pathogenesis of the disease. Agents blocking tumour necrosis factor (TNF) are also very effective in the treatment of RA. It has long been known that the use of anti-TNF therapy can be associated with development of anti-nuclear and anti-double-stranded DNA antibodies and, more rarely, a lupus-like syndrome. Recently, studies have been published investigating further possible effects of anti-TNF agents on B cells and whether these could contribute to their effectiveness in RA.  相似文献   

Levels of soluble tumour necrosis factor receptors (sTNFRs) are elevated in the circulation of patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Although these receptors can act as natural inhibitors of tumour necrosis factor-α, levels of sTNFRs in RA appear to be insufficient to prevent tumour necrosis factor-α induced inflammation. The factors that regulate circulating levels of sTNFRs are unclear, but polymorphisms in the tumour necrosis factor receptor genes may play a role. We investigated the relationship between polymorphisms in the tumour necrosis factor receptor I (TNF-RI) and II (TNF-RII) genes and levels of sTNFRs in two groups of Caucasian RA patients: one with early (disease duration ≤2 years; n = 103) and one with established disease (disease duration ≥5 years; n = 151). PCR restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis was used to genotype patients for the A36G polymorphism in the TNF-RI gene and the T676G polymorphism in TNF-RII. Levels of sTNFRs were measured using ELISA. We also isolated T cells from peripheral blood of 58 patients with established RA with known TNF-R genotypes, and release of sTNFRs into the culture medium was measured in cells incubated with or without phytohaemagglutinin. Serum levels of the two sTNFRs (sTNF-RI and sTNF-RII) were positively correlated in both populations, and the level of each sTNFR was significantly higher in the patients with established disease (P < 0.0001). Multiple regression analyses corrected for age, sex and disease duration revealed a significant trend toward decreasing sTNF-RI and sTNF-RII levels across the TNF-RII genotypes (TT > TG > GG) of patients with established disease (P for trend = 0.01 and P for trend = 0.03, respectively). A similar nonsignificant trend was seen for early disease. No relationship with the TNF-RI A36G polymorphism was observed. sTNFRs released by isolated T cells exhibited a similar trend toward decreasing levels according to TNF-RII genotype, although only the association with levels of sTNF-RII was significant. Strong correlations were found between levels of circulating sTNFRs and levels released by T cells in vitro. Our data indicate that the T676G polymorphism in TNF-RII is associated with levels of sTNFRs released from peripheral blood T cells, and with circulating levels of sTNFR in patients with RA.  相似文献   

Tight junctions form the diffusion barrier of brain microcapillary endothelial cells and support cell polarity. Also astrocytes express tight junction components such as occludin, claudin-1, ZO-1 and ZO-2, but do not establish a permeability barrier. However, little is known about the function and regulation of these molecules in astrocytes. We studied the impact of tumour necrosis factor (TNF) on occludin and ZO-1 expression in astrocytes. TNF decreased occludin, but not ZO-1 expression. In brain microcapillary endothelial cells, as well as in epithelial cells, occludin expression was not influenced by TNF. Removal of TNF from astrocytes restored the basal level of occludin. Down-regulation was inhibited by caffeic acid phenethyl ester, a specific inhibitor of nuclear factor-kappaB (NF-kappaB) activation. Exposure of astrocytes isolated from mice deficient in either TNF type-1 receptor (TNFR1), TNF type-2 receptor (TNFR2), or both, respectively, revealed that down-regulation was mediated entirely by TNFR1. ZO-1, which can interact with occludin, was found to co-precipitate connexin43, but not occludin. These findings demonstrate that TNF selectively down-regulates occludin in astrocytes, but not in cells forming established tight junctions, through TNFR1 and suggest that NF-kappaB is involved as a negative regulator.  相似文献   

Tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha acts directly on adipocytes to increase production of the lipostatic factor, leptin. However, which TNF receptor (TNFR) mediates this response is not known. To answer this question, leptin was measured in plasma of wild-type (WT), p55, and p75 TNFR knockout (KO) mice injected intraperitoneally with murine TNF-alpha and in supernatants from cultured WT, p55, and p75 TNFR KO adipocytes incubated with TNF-alpha. Leptin also was measured in supernatants from C3H/HeOuJ mouse adipocytes cultured with blocking antibodies to each TNFR and TNF-alpha as well as in supernatants from adipocytes incubated with either human or murine TNF-alpha, which activate either one or both TNFR, respectively. The results using all four strategies show that the induction of leptin production by TNF-alpha requires activation of the p55 TNFR and that although activation of the p75 TNFR alone cannot cause leptin production, its presence affects the capability of TNF-alpha to induce leptin production through the p55 TNFR. These results provide new information on the interplay between cells of the immune system and adipocytes.  相似文献   

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic inflammatory disease which leads to destruction of joints. Current treatment modalities for RA either produce symptomatic relief (NSAIDs) or modify the disease process (DMARDs). Though effective, their use is also limited by their side effects. As a result, the interest in alternative, well tolerated anti-inflammatory remedies has re-emerged. Our aim was to evaluate the antioxidant and antiarthritic activity of Boswellia serrata gum resin extract (BSE) in collagen induced arthritis. Arthritis was induced in male Wistar rats by collagen induced arthritis (CIA) method. BSE was administered at doses of 100 and 200 mg/kg body weight once daily for 21 days. The effects of treatment in the rats were assessed by biochemical (articular elastase, MPO, LPO, GSH, catalase, SOD and NO), inflammatory mediators (IL-1β, IL-6, TNF-α, IL-10, IFN-γ and PGE2), and histological studies in joints. BSE was effective in bringing significant changes on all the parameters (articular elastase, MPO, LPO, GSH, catalase, SOD and NO) studied. Oral administration of BSE resulted in significantly reduced levels of inflammatory mediators (IL-1β, IL-6, TNF-α, IFN-γ and PGE2), and increased level of IL-10. The protective effects of BSE against RA were also evident from the decrease in arthritis scoring and bone histology. The abilities to inhibit proinflammatory cytokines and modulation of antioxidant status suggest that the protective effect of Boswellia serrata extract on arthritis in rats might be mediated via the modulation of immune system.  相似文献   

The effects of recombinant tumor necrosis factor (rTNF alpha) on the immune responses were investigated. A single iv injection of rTNF alpha (6 x 10(3) U) caused regression of sarcoma-180 transplanted into BALB/c nu/+ mice, but failed to regress this tumor in nu/nu mice. A higher dose of rTNF alpha (2 x 10(4) U) was necessary to induce antitumor effect in nu/nu mice. A host-related factor seemed to be involved in mediating tumor regression. Therefore, the effects of rTNF alpha on various T-dependent immune responses, including delayed footpad reaction (DFR), cell mediated cytolysis (CMC), and plaque-forming cells (PFC) were examined in BALB/c mice, immunized ip with chicken erythrocytes (CRBC). A single injection of rTNF alpha, at the time of the antigen administration, induced the augmentation of CMC to CRBC in a dose-dependent manner. DFR and PFC were not affected in optimal immunization procedures. The TNF alpha injection, at or after the time of antigen administration, was more effective in inducing augmentation of CMC. The increase in CMC by TNF alpha was mediated by nonadherent, Thy 1.2, Lyt 2.2 positive cells and neutralization of TNF alpha by the anti-TNF alpha monoclonal antibody abolished the effect on CMC. These results indicated that the human recombinant TNF alpha induced changes in the T-cell-mediated responses.  相似文献   

Despite its potent ability to inhibit proinflammatory cytokine synthesis, interleukin (IL)-10 has a marginal clinical effect in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients. Recent evidence suggests that IL-10 induces monocyte/macrophage maturation in cooperation with macrophage-colony stimulating factor (M-CSF). In the present study, we found that the inducible subunit of the IL-10 receptor (IL-10R), type 1 IL-10R (IL-10R1), was expressed at higher levels on monocytes in RA than in healthy controls, in association with disease activity, while their expression of both type 1 and 2 tumour necrosis factor receptors (TNFR1/2) was not increased. The expression of IL-10R1 but not IL-10R2 was augmented on monocytes cultured in the presence of RA synovial tissue (ST) cell culture supernatants. Cell surface expression of TNFR1/2 expression on monocytes was induced by IL-10, and more efficiently in combination with M-CSF. Two-color immunofluorescence labeling of RA ST samples showed an intensive coexpression of IL-10R1, TNFR1/2, and M-CSF receptor in CD68+ lining macrophages. Adhered monocytes, after 3-day preincubation with IL-10 and M-CSF, could produce more IL-1β and IL-6 in response to TNF-α in the presence of dibutyryl cAMP, as compared with the cells preincubated with or without IL-10 or M-CSF alone. Microarray analysis of gene expression revealed that IL-10 activated various genes essential for macrophage functions, including other members of the TNFR superfamily, receptors for chemokines and growth factors, Toll-like receptors, and TNFR-associated signaling molecules. These results suggest that IL-10 may contribute to the inflammatory process by facilitating monocyte differentiation into TNF-α-responsive macrophages in the presence of M-CSF in RA.  相似文献   

The extracellular domain of the 55-kDa TNF receptor (rsTNFR beta) has been expressed as a secreted protein in baculovirus-infected insect cells and Chinese hamster ovary (CHO)/dhfr- cells. A chimeric fusion protein (rsTNFR beta-h gamma 3) constructed by inserting the extracellular part of the receptor in front of the hinge region of the human IgG C gamma 3 chain has been expressed in mouse myeloma cells. The recombinant receptor proteins were purified from transfected cell culture supernatants by TNF alpha- or protein G affinity chromatography and gel filtration. In a solid phase binding assay rsTNFR beta was found to bind TNF alpha with high affinity comparable with the membrane-bound full-length receptor. The affinity for TNF beta was slightly impaired. However, the bivalent rsTNFR beta-h gamma 3 fusion protein bound both ligands with a significantly higher affinity than monovalent rsTNFR beta reflecting most likely an increased avidity of the bivalent construct. A molecular mass of about 140 kDa for both rsTNFR beta.TNF alpha and rsTNFR beta.TNF beta complexes was determined in analytical ultracentrifugation studies strongly suggesting a stoichiometry of three rsTNFR beta molecules bound to one TNF alpha or TNF beta trimer. Sedimentation velocity and quasielastic light scattering measurements indicated an extended structure for rsTNFR beta and its TNF alpha and TNF beta complexes. Multiple receptor binding sites on TNF alpha trimers could also be demonstrated by a TNF alpha-induced agglutination of Latex beads coated with the rsTNFR beta-h gamma 3 fusion protein. Both rsTNFR beta and rsTNFR beta-h gamma 3 were found to inhibit binding of TNF alpha and TNF beta to native 55- and 75-kDa TNF receptors and to prevent TNF alpha and TNF beta bioactivity in a cellular cytotoxicity assay. Concentrations of rsTNFR beta-h gamma 3 equimolar to TNF alpha were sufficient to neutralize TNF activity almost completely, whereas a 10-100-fold excess of rsTNFR beta was needed for similar inhibitory effects. In view of their potent TNF antagonizing activity, recombinant soluble TNF receptor fragments might be useful as therapeutic agents in TNF-mediated disorders.  相似文献   

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