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In this study, we compare the composition, abundance and structureof a temperate fish larval assemblage at different depth intervals(0–4, 4–8 and 8–12 m) in the extreme nearshoreenvironment. We used a plankton net attached to an underwaterscooter to sample in close proximity to the rocky substrate(<50 cm). A total of 868 larvae from 27 taxa in 13 familieswere caught. The majority of larvae belonged to benthic reef-associatedspecies (Blenniidae, Gobiidae, Gobiesocidae and Tripterygiidae),the four most abundant comprising 76% of the total larvae caught.A non-metric multidimensional scaling analysis (MDS) showedthat there was a single multispecific larval patch near thesubstrate in the extreme nearshore up to 12 m depth. Nonetheless,distinct larval abundances were found in this relatively smalldepth range, with the majority of species being more abundantat the deepest interval, particularly Pomatoschistus pictusand Gobius xanthocephalus. Tripterygion delaisi was an exceptionbeing more abundant at the shallowest depth as young larvae.The density of pre-flexion larvae was not significantly differentacross depth intervals, but post-flexion larval density increasedwith depth. The full size range (from hatching to settlement)of P. pictus was present at the extreme nearshore. The innovativesampling technique used here revealed high densities of larvaeclose to the bottom, and depth was found to be an importantfactor influencing the distribution of several taxa and ontogeneticstages. The nearshore component of coastal fish larval assemblagesnear rocky substrates has been poorly studied, and our resultssuggest that the high densities of larvae found to aggregatein these environments must be taken into account when studyingdistribution and functional aspects of these assemblages.  相似文献   

Many marine benthic invertebrates pass through a planktonic larval stage whereas others spend their entire lifetimes in benthic habitats. Recent studies indicate that non‐planktonic species show relatively greater fine‐scale patchiness than do planktonic species, but the underlying mechanisms remain unknown. One hypothesis for such a difference is that larval dispersal enhances the connectivity of populations and buffers population fluctuations and reduces local extinction risk, consequently increasing patch occupancy rate and decreasing spatial patchiness. If this mechanism does indeed play a significant role, then the distribution of non‐planktonic species should be more aggregated – both temporally and spatially – than the distribution of species with a planktonic larval stage. To test this prediction, we compared 1) both the spatial and the temporal abundance–occupancy relationships and 2) both the spatial and the temporal mean–variance relationships of population size across species of rocky intertidal gastropods with differing dispersive traits from the Pacific coast of Japan. We found that, compared to planktonic species, non‐planktonic species exhibited 1) a smaller occupancy rate for any given level of mean population size and 2) greater variations in population size, both spatially and temporally. This suggests that the macroecological patterns observed in this study (i.e. the abundance–occupancy relationships and mean–variance relationships of population size across species) were shaped by the effect of larval dispersal dampening population fluctuation, which works over both space and time. While it has been widely assumed that larval dispersal enhances population fluctuations, larval dispersal may in fact enhance the connectively of populations and buffer population fluctuations and reduce local extinction risks.  相似文献   

Aim  We tested whether the distribution of three common springtail species ( Gressittacantha terranova , Gomphiocephalus hodgsoni and Friesea grisea ) in Victoria Land (Antarctica) could be modelled as a function of latitude, longitude, altitude and distance from the sea.
Location  Victoria Land, Ross Dependency, Antarctica.
Methods  Generalized linear models were constructed using species presence/absence data relative to geographical features (latitude, longitude, altitude, distance from sea) across the species' entire ranges. Model results were then integrated with the known phylogeography of each species and hypotheses were generated on the role of climate as a major driver of Antarctic springtail distribution.
Results  Based on model selection using Akaike's information criterion, the species' distributions were: hump-shaped relative to longitude and monotonic with altitude for Gressittacantha terranova ; hump-shaped relative to latitude and monotonic with altitude for Gomphiocephalus hodgsoni ; and hump-shaped relative to longitude and monotonic with latitude, altitude and distance from the sea for Friesea grisea .
Main conclusions  No single distributional pattern was shared by the three species. While distributions were partially a response to climatic spatial clines, the patterns observed strongly suggest that past geological events have influenced the observed distributions. Accordingly, present-day spatial patterns are likely to have arisen from the interaction of historical and environmental drivers. Future studies will need to integrate a range of spatial and temporal scales to further quantify their respective roles.  相似文献   

中国西南地区石漠化敏感性评价及其空间分析   总被引:34,自引:4,他引:34  
石漠化是我国西南地区最为严重的生态环境问题之一,识别发生石漠化敏感区域,为岩溶地区石漠化防治提供科学依据显得十分必要。总体分析了目前中国石漠化和有关生态环境研究的资料,将石漠化敏感性影响因子归结为岩性、降水、坡度和植被等4项,并确定了各因素对石漠化敏感性影响等级,综合评价了我国西南五省(市)(包括黔、滇、贵、川、渝)石漠化敏感性及其空间分布格局。结果表明,敏感性评价结果基本反映石漠化现状,石漠化敏感区集中分布在贵州西部、南部,广西西部、东部以及云南东部等地。四川、重庆等地石漠化危害相对较小。  相似文献   

Relationships of diversity, distribution and abundance of benthic decapods in intertidal and shallow subtidal waters to 10 m depth are explored based on data obtained using a standardized protocol of globally-distributed samples. Results indicate that decapod species richness overall is low within the nearshore, typically ranging from one to six taxa per site (mean = 4.5). Regionally the Gulf of Alaska decapod crustacean community structure was distinguishable by depth, multivariate analysis indicating increasing change with depth, where assemblages of the high and mid tide, low tide and 1 m, and 5 and 10 m strata formed three distinct groups. Univariate analysis showed species richness increasing from the high intertidal zone to 1 m subtidally, with distinct depth preferences among the 23 species. A similar depth trend but with peak richness at 5 m was observed when all global data were combined. Analysis of latitudinal trends, confined by data limitations, was equivocal on a global scale. While significant latitudinal differences existed in community structure among ecoregions, a semi-linear trend in changing community structure from the Arctic to lower latitudes did not hold when including tropical results. Among boreal regions the Canadian Atlantic was relatively species poor compared to the Gulf of Alaska, whereas the Caribbean and Sea of Japan appeared to be species hot spots. While species poor, samples from the Canadian Atlantic were the most diverse at the higher infraordinal level. Linking 11 environmental variables available for all sites to the best fit family-based biotic pattern showed a significant relationship, with the single best explanatory variable being the level of organic pollution and the best combination overall being organic pollution and primary productivity. While data limitations restrict conclusions in a global context, results are seen as a first-cut contribution useful in generating discussion and more in-depth work in the still poorly understood field of biodiversity distribution.  相似文献   

Understanding how patterns and processes relate across spatial scales is one of the major goals in ecology. 1/f models have been applied mostly to time series of environmental and ecological variables, but they can also be used to analyse spatial patterns. Since 1/f noise may display scale‐invariant behaviour, ecological phenomena whose spatial variability shows 1/f type scaling are susceptible to further characterization using fractals or multifractals. Here we use spectral analysis and multifractal techniques (generalized dimension spectrum) to investigate the spatial distribution of epilithic microphytobenthos (EMPB) on rocky intertidal surfaces. EMPB biomass was estimated from calibrated colour‐infrared images that provided indirect measures of rock surface chlorophyll a concentration, along two 8‐m and one 4‐m long transects sampled in January and November 2012. Results highlighted a pattern of spectral coefficient close to or greater than one for EMPB biomass distribution and multifractal structures, that were consistent among transects, implying scale‐invariance in the spatial distribution of EMPB. These outcomes can be interpreted as a result of the superimposition of several biotic and abiotic processes acting at multiple spatial scales. However, the scale‐invariant nature of EMPB spatial patterns can also be considered a hallmark of self‐organization, underlying the possible role of scale‐dependent feedback in shaping EMPB biomass distribution.  相似文献   

淡水湿地浮游病毒的空间分布   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
孙小磊  赵以军  刘妮  邓敬轩  程凯 《生态学报》2009,29(2):1048-1054
在2006年3~7月间,对湖北省内15个营养水平不同的湿地水体中浮游病毒的分布规律开展了大规模研究.采用荧光显微直接计数法测定了浮游病毒丰度,同时还测量水体透明度、水温、pH、总氮、总磷、COD、叶绿素a浓度及活菌数. 结果显示,浮游病毒丰度不但与活菌数和叶绿素a浓度显著相关(P<0.05),而且也与COD和水温极显著相关(P<0.01),这一结果说明有机物浓度和水温分别是决定淡水湿地中浮游病毒空间和时间分布的重要因素. 进一步的分析还表明在富营养化水体中,浮游病毒与活菌数的相关性(P<0.05)高于与叶绿素a浓度的相关性(P>0.05),说明噬菌体(而不是浮游植物病毒)是富营养化水体中浮游病毒的优势种类.  相似文献   

Strong top-down control by consumers has been demonstrated in rocky intertidal communities around the world. In contrast, the role of bottom-up effects (nutrients and productivity), known to have important influences in terrestrial and particularly freshwater ecosystems, is poorly known in marine hard-bottom communities. Recent studies in South Africa, New England, Oregon and New Zealand suggest that bottom-up processes can have important effects on rocky intertidal community structure. A significant aspect of all of these studies was the incorporation of processes varying on larger spatial scales than previously considered (10’s to 1000’s of km). In all four regions, variation in oceanographic factors (currents, upwelling, nutrients, rates of particle flux) was associated with different magnitudes of algal and/or phytoplankton abundance, availability of particulate food, and rates of recruitment. These processes led to differences in prey abundance and growth, secondary production, consumer growth, and consumer impact on prey resources. Oceanographic conditions therefore may vary on scales that generate ecologically significant variability in populations at the bottom of the food chain, and through upward-flowing food chain effects, lead to variation in top-down trophic effects. I conclude that top-down and bottom-up processes can be important joint determinants of community structure in rocky intertidal habitats, and predict that such effects will occur generally wherever oceanographic ‘discontinuities’ lie adjacent to rocky coastlines. I further argue that increased attention by researchers and of funding agencies to such benthic–pelagic coupling would dramatically enhance our understanding of the dynamics of marine ecosystems.  相似文献   

Question: What are the differences in trait compositions that enable native plants to colonise comparable natural and man‐made habitats? Are these traits independent of phylogenetic relationships between species? Location: Czech Republic. Methods: The relative importance of biological, ecological and distributional traits of native species was studied, using a dataset of 75 species growing in rock and wall habitats in the Czech Republic. Species preferences for individual habitats due to climatic conditions and proportions of different vegetation types in their surroundings were partialled out using partial canonical correspondence analysis. The pattern of plant traits along a gradient from natural rock habitats to secondary wall habitats was analysed using regression trees and generalized linear models with and without phylogenetic correction. Results: The most common native species colonising rock habitats are phanerophytes, mostly woody juveniles, with a CSR life strategy and most are adapted to epizoochory. Summer green leaves, annual life span, CR life strategy, reproduction mostly by seeds and dispersal by ants are all traits positively associated with the ability of species to colonise wall habitats. These species are also characterised by their high demand for nutrients, temperature, base‐rich substrates and light. Biological and ecological traits are more important for colonising new habitats than traits related to species dispersal ability or phylogenetic relationships between species. Biological and ecological traits alone explained 29.3% of variability in the species dataset, while dispersal characteristics and phylogeny alone explained 9.1% and 4.8%, respectively. Conclusions: We outline how the process of environmental filtering determines native species assemblages and identify a set of species traits that enable them to persist in particular habitats. We conclude that although urbanisation generally results in loss of natural habitats, there are new, man‐made habitats potentially suitable for native species.  相似文献   

Scales of spatial patterns of distribution of intertidal invertebrates   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
Few comparative studies of spatial patterns at different scales have examined several species in the same habitat or the same species over a range of habitats. Therefore, variability in patterns among species or among habitats has seldom been documented. This study quantifies spatial patterns of a suite of intertidal snails and a species of barnacle using a range of statistical techniques. Variability in densities was quantified from the scale of adjacent quadrats (over a distance of centimeters) to tens of kilometers. Significant differences in abundances occurred primarily at two spatial scales. Small-scale differences were found at the scales of centimeters or 1–2 m and, for many species on many shores, these accounted for most of the variability in abundances from place to place. These are likely to be determined by behavioural responses to small-scale patches of microhabitat. Large-scale differences in abundance were also found in most species at the scale of hundreds of meters alongshore. These are likely to be due to variation in recruitment (and/or mortality) because of limited dispersal by adults of these species. There was little or no additional variation among shores, separated by tens of kilometers, than was shown among patches of shore separated by hundreds of meters. Identification of the scale(s) at which significant differences in abundance are found focus attention on the processes (and the scales at which these processes operate) that influence patterns of distribution and abundance. Some of the advantages and disadvantages of various procedures are discussed.  相似文献   

We investigated the pattern of distribution of intertidal soft-bottom fauna in streams and lagoons of the Uruguayan coast at three spatial scales. The Río de la Plata and the Atlantic Ocean produce on this coast a large-scale gradient in salinity, defining a freshwater (west), an estuarine (central) and a marine (east) region. Within each region, there are several streams and coastal lagoons (sites) that define a second scale of variability. A third scale is given by intertidal gradients within each site. Species richness and total abundance was low in the freshwater west region and high in the central and east regions. The community in the west region was characterized by the clam Curbicula fluminea; in the other regions, it was dominated mainly by the polychaete Heteromastus similis. The polychaete Nephtys fluviatilis was more abundant in the east region, while another polychaete, Laeonereis acuta, characterized the central region. Sediment fractions did not vary significantly at this scale. At the scale of the sites, species richness and total macrofaunal abundance were higher in coastal lagoons than in streams. Coarse sands were more common in coastal lagoons, while medium and fine sand characterized the sediment in streams. Within each site, species richness and total abundance increased towards the lower intertidal level; the macrofauna of the upper levels were a subsample of the fauna occurring at the lower levels. There was also a significantly lower proportion of fine sand at the upper level. At regional scales, the observed patterns may be indirectly or directly related to the gradient in salinity, through differential physiological tolerance to osmotic stress. At the scale of the sites, variability may be explained mainly by geomorphological and sedimentological differences between lagoons and streams. Variation among levels may be related to gradients in desiccation, colonization and predation.  相似文献   

On the scaling patterns of species spatial distribution and association   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Understanding how species distribution (occupancy and spatial autocorrelation) and association (that is, multi-species co-distribution) change across scales is fundamental to unlocking the pattern formation in population ecology and macroecology. Based on the Bayesian rule and join-count statistics, I present here a mathematical model that can demonstrate the effect of spatial scale on the observation of species distribution and association. Results showed that the intensity of spatial autocorrelation and species association declines when the grain in the spatial analysis increases, although the category of species distribution (aggregated or segregated) and association (positive or negative) remains the same. Random distribution and species independence were proved to be scale-free. Regardless of the possible patterns of species distribution and association, species tend to be randomly distributed and independent from each other when scaling-up (an increasing grain), reflecting a percolation process. This model, thus, grasps the statistical essence of species scaling pattern and presents a step forward for unveiling mechanisms behind species distributional and macroecological patterns.  相似文献   

Salinity and inlet distance were the most consistent indicators of species groupings among the 40 most abundant fish species in the Indian River Lagoon (IRL), Florida. In contrast to findings of other studies conducted on small juveniles and forage fishes in the IRL, this study suggested that distributions of the more mobile organisms are influenced more by physical conditions than by biological interactions. Consequently, environmentally-corrected single-species models will be more effective in assessing changes in stock abundance and habitat preferences of mobile species in the IRL. Because of the fluctuations in physical conditions in the IRL and other estuaries, it may be inappropriate to use biologically based methods that rely solely on species interactions to assess fish stocks in those systems.  相似文献   

山东省外来植物的区系特征及空间分布   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
外来植物及其生态入侵对当地生物多样性保护和生态系统产生的不利影响,是目前生态学研究的热点之一。本文在文献查阅和野外调查基础上,建立了山东省外来植物数据库,并对其组成、地理区系、空间分布等进行统计分析,结果表明:1)山东省现有外来植物共827种,隶属122科,416属,其中境外外来种348种;2)外来植物比例高,占山东植物区系的39.03%,且优势科和表征科明显;3)外来植物属的地理分布多样,温带成分占优势(52.51%),热带成分丰富(44.06%);4)外来植物来源地和分布地相对集中,反映了环境因子和人类活动在入侵因素中的共同影响;5)温带气候带来源的植物较易入侵山东。  相似文献   

Fish assemblages on two inshore rocky subtidal sites on the west coast of Scotland, were studied using diver visual surveys on a monthly basis between September 1995 and December 1999. A total of 17 689 fishes and 26 species were recorded from the two sites, Saulmore Point (056°27'N; 005°24'W) near Oban and Davy's Rock (055°46'N; 004°53'W) on the Isle of Great Cumbrae. The gobiid Thorogobius eppiphiatus , dominated the Saulmore Point site; six fish species accounted for >93% of total abundance at that site. At Davy's Rock four species contributed at least 93% of total fish abundance, and the dominant species was the labrid Ctenolabrus rupestris . Total abundance of the dominant species displayed a clear seasonal trend, and this was significantly related to recorded daily average seawater temperature. A maximum abundance of 4.9 fishes m−2 was recorded in November 1998 at Davy's Rock and 2.5 fishes m−2 at Saulmore Point in October 1998. Multivariate analysis indicated a degree of variation in assemblage structure between winter and summer at both sites. A number of species showed some degree of interannual variation, in particular the gobiid Gobiusculus flavescens whose abundance increased by over 300 times over a 5 month period in 1998. Correlation analysis showed that variation in annual winter seawater temperature could act as an indicator of interannual variation in abundance of some of the dominant species utilizing rocky subtidal habitats.  相似文献   

聚果榕小蜂繁殖性雌蜂的时空分布格局   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
运用扩散系数、聚集指数、平均拥挤度、聚块性指数、Green指数和负二项参数等指标比较分析了聚果榕小蜂Ceratosolenfusciceps繁殖性雌蜂的时空分布格局 ,用t-检验拟合了扩散系数测定时分布格局偏离泊松分布的显著性。结果显示 ,聚果榕小蜂繁殖性雌蜂在不同季节阶段的空间分布格局皆为聚集分布 ,不同季节时期之间有较大差异 ,反映了该种繁殖性雌蜂的活动存在比较明显的季节波动。格局强度指标的测度表明 ,聚集分布格局在雨季和雾凉季表现更强且尤以雨季为甚。繁殖性雌蜂的聚集分布格局决定了整个榕小蜂种群分布格局的聚集性 ,还影响着榕树的雌雄性别功能分配格局 ,从而在更深层次上作用于榕小蜂和榕树的互惠共生  相似文献   

Aim To relate patterns of distribution of marine echinoderms and decapods around southern Australia to major ecological and historical factors. Location Shallow‐water (0–100 m) marine waters off southern Australia, south of 30° S. Methods (1) Record the presence/absence of known echinoderm and decapod species in cells of c. 1° latitude and longitude, along the coast of southern mainland Australia and Tasmania. (2) Describe patterns in species composition, species richness and endemism through gradient analysis, ordination and cluster analysis. (3) Relate these patterns to distance and temperature gradients, the area of continental shelf, the average size of species range, and known historical factors. Results Species composition varied with both latitude and longitude. Species richness was relatively constant from east to west but graded with latitude from high in the warm‐temperate regions around Perth and Sydney to low in cool‐temperate southern Tasmania. Species richness was not related to the area of continental shelf or average species range size. Species turnover was not correlated with rates of temperature change. It was problematic to separate distance from temperature gradients, but there was evidence that the southern distribution limits of some species are related to minimum sea surface temperature. Within the taxonomic groups surveyed, evolutionary radiation has been largely limited to a few cosmopolitan species‐rich genera. Main conclusions There are historical as well as ecological hypotheses explaining the latitudinal gradient of marine species richness in southern Australia: (1) the continual invasion and speciation of species of tropical origin as Australia has split from Gondwana and drifted northward; (2) progressive extinction of some Gondwanan cool‐temperate species at the limits of their range; (3) low level of immigration of additional cool‐temperate species; and (4) some in situ endemic speciation.  相似文献   

The spatial and temporal variability of bacterial communities were determined for the nearshore waters of Lake Michigan, an oligotrophic freshwater inland sea. A freshwater estuary and nearshore sites were compared six times during 2006 using denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE). Bacterial composition clustered by individual site and date rather than by depth. Seven 16S rRNA gene clone libraries were constructed, yielding 2717 bacterial sequences. Spatial variability was detected among the DGGE banding patterns and supported by clone library composition. The clone libraries from deep waters and the estuary environment revealed highest overall bacterial diversity. Betaproteobacteria sequence types were the most dominant taxa, comprising 40.2–67.7% of the clone libraries. BAL 47 was the most abundant freshwater cluster of Betaproteobacteria , indicating widespread distribution of this cluster in the nearshore waters of Lake Michigan. Incertae sedis 5 and Oxalobacteraceae sequence types were prevalent in each clone library, displaying more diversity than previously described in other freshwater environments. Among the Oxalobacteraceae sequences, a globally distributed freshwater cluster was determined. The nearshore waters of Lake Michigan are a dynamic environment that experience forces similar to the coastal ocean environment and share common bacterial diversity with other freshwater habitats.  相似文献   

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