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Adaptation mechanisms of adrenal function related to secretion of cortisol were studied under conditions of microgravity. Parameters of diurnal rhythms of salivary cortisol were studied by Russian cosmonauts on board orbital station Mir during long-term space flights (SF). The preflight circadian rhythms of salivary cortisol in cosmonauts were characterized by the morning maximum occurring at 9∶43 a.m., the fluctuation amplitude 6.05 nmol/1, and the daily average concentration 8.79 nmol/l. The characteristics of cortisol diurnal rhythm changed under conditions of long-term space flight. On average, the rhythm measure and amplitude decreased after two months of flight. The postflight maximum concentration of free cortisol tended to occur later in the day. Evidently, the motor activity during SF, i.e., prophylactic exercises along with other factors, significantly influenced the parameters of cortisol circadian rhythm that was revealed by the individual variability of findings during the flight. After the long-term SF, individual ratios of salivary and plasma cortisol levels increased against the background of increased plasma content of the hormone, i.e., the fraction of free, physiologically active hormone in the total pool of circulating molecules decreased.  相似文献   

We performed an experiment within the project "RLF" (Russian long-term flight) on a cosmonaut onboard the space station MIR. For creating an analogue to orthostatic stress, we used lower body negative pressure (LBNP) as stimulus. Decrease in central and peripheral baroreceptor load by LBNP can be used as a cardiovascular countermeasure in cosmonauts or for inducing endocrine responses. Altered steady-state plasma concentration values of volume sensitive hormones have been observed inflight as well as postflight. Within this project we measured plasma ANP and cGMP as second messenger. Changes in plasma cGMP concentration are generally considered to be a good indicator of those in ANP activity. However, in our experiments depression of cGMP during space flight was more impressive than ANP decline. We are not aware of previous measurements of plasma cGMP under these conditions, and believe to be the first to report complete suppression of plasma cGMP during long-term stay in space.  相似文献   

The five-year experience of experimentation in the autonomic regulation of blood circulation on board the International Space Station is presented. The heart rate variability (HRV) analysis was the basic methodical approach in these investigations. The probabilistic approach to the estimation of the risk of pathology under long-term spaceflight conditions based on HRV analysis is described. The individual type of autonomic regulation was taken into account in the analysis of the results of the investigations. The type of regulation inherent in every cosmonaut under the conditions of weightlessness has been shown to be retained during subsequent flights. New scientific data on the relationship between the character of the adaptive response of the body to spaceflight factors and the individual type of autonomic response have been obtained. Staying in weightlessness has been shown to be connected with the readjustment of regulatory systems and with transition to the zone of prenosological states. Adaptation responses in weightlessness are characterized by the increased tension of the regulatory systems and the preservation of sufficient functional reserves. The mobilization of additional resources is required after returning to earth, due to which the functional reserve of the mechanisms of regulation decreases. Cosmonauts with the vagotonic and normosympathotonic types of autonomic regulation appear to be the most resistant. The knowledge of the type of autonomic regulation allows us to judge the potential response of the cosmonaut to spaceflight factors. The likelihood estimates were calculated, and the risk categories were determined by the results of HRV analysis in the last months of the flight. Three pathology risk groups were identified. In conclusion, the theoretical and applied significance of the experiments was considered.  相似文献   

The effect of microgravity on the sympathicoadrenal system (SAS) activity in humans and animals has not yet been clarified. Our previous studies suggested that the SAS activity, evaluated by circulating and/or urinary catecholamine (CA) levels in astronauts during space flights, was found to be rather unchanged. However, CA levels were measured in astronauts only at rest conditions. The aim of the present study was to investigate effect of microgravity during space flight and post-flight readaptation on responsiveness of the SAS to somatic and psychic stressors evaluated by levels of catecholamines and their metabolite in the blood of the Slovak cosmonaut during his stay on board the space station Mir.  相似文献   

Epidemiology of Staphylococcus aureus during space flight   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract Staphylococcus aureus was isolated over 2 years from Space Shuttle mission crewmembers to determine dissemination and retention of bacteria. Samples before and after each mission were from nasal, throat, urine, and feces and from air and surface sampling of the Space Shuttle. DNA fingerprinting of samples by digestion of DNA with Sma I restriction endonuclease followed by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis showed S. aureus from each crewmember had a unique fingerprint and usually only one strain was carried by an individual. There was only one instance of transfer between crewmembers. Strains from interior surfaces after flight matched those of crewmembers, suggesting microbial fingerprinting may have forensic application.  相似文献   

Mutations induced in Drosophila during space flight.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
To examine the possible effects of space radiation on living organisms, fruit flies Drosophila melanogaster were loaded on the US Space Shuttle Endeavour, and after the flight we have analyzed two types of mutations, sex-linked recessive lethal mutations induced in male reproductive cells and somatic mutations which give rise to morphological changes in hairs growing on the surface of wing epidermal cells. Wild type strains and a radiation-sensitive strain mei-41 were used. The frequencies of sex-linked recessive lethal mutations in flight groups were 2 and 3 times higher for wild type Canton-S and mei-41 strains, respectively, than those in ground control groups. By contrast, the frequencies of wing-hair somatic mutations differed little between flight and control groups. The possibility that the space environment causes mutations in certain types of cells such as male reproductive cells, is discussed.  相似文献   

Human space flight is a complex undertaking that entails numerous technological and biomedical challenges. Engineers and scientists endeavor, to the extent possible, to identify and mitigate the ensuing risks. The potential for an outbreak of an infectious disease in a spacecraft presents one such concern, which is compounded by several components unique to an extraterrestrial environment. Various factors associated with the space flight environment have been shown to potentially compromise the immune system of astronauts, increase microbial proliferation and microflora exchange, alter virulence and decrease antibiotic effectiveness. An acceptable resolution of the above concerns must be achieved to ensure safe and efficient space habitation. To help bring this about, scientists are employing advances in biotechnology to better characterize the relevant variables and establish appropriate solutions. Because many of these clinical concerns are also relevant in terrestrial society, this research will have reciprocal benefits back on Earth.  相似文献   

Erythrocyte and hemoglobin losses have been frequently observed in humans during space missions; these observations have been designated as "space anemia". Erythrocytes exposed to microgravity have a modified rheology and undergo hemolysis to a greater extent. Cell membrane composition plays an important role in determining erythrocyte resistance to mechanical stress and it is well known that membrane composition might be influenced by external events, such as hypothermia, hypoxia or gravitational strength variations. Moreover, an altered cell membrane composition, in particular in fatty acids, can cause a greater sensitivity to peroxidative stress, with increase in membrane fragility. Solar radiation or low wavelength electromagnetic radiations (such as gamma rays) from the Earth or the space environment can split water to generate the hydroxyl radical, very reactive at the site of its formation, which can initiate chain reactions leading to lipid peroxidation. These reactive free radicals can react with the non-radical molecules, leading to oxidative damage of lipids, proteins and DNA, etiologically associated with various diseases and morbidities such as cancer, cell degeneration, and inflammation. Indeed, radiation constitutes on of the most important hazard for humans during long-term space flights. With this background, we participated to the MDS tissue-sharing program performing analyses on mice erythrocytes flown on the ISS from August to November 2009. Our results indicate that space flight induced modifications in cell membrane composition and increase of lipid peroxidation products, in mouse erythrocytes. Moreover, antioxidant defenses in the flight erythrocytes were induced, with a significant increase of glutathione content as compared to both vivarium and ground control erythrocytes. Nonetheless, this induction was not sufficient to prevent damages caused by oxidative stress. Future experiments should provide information helpful to reduce the effects of oxidative stress exposure and space anemia, possibly by integrating appropriate dietary elements and natural compounds that could act as antioxidants.  相似文献   

The investigation of long-term space flight (SF) effect on the blood cells function is of great importance for modern space biology and medicine. We established that the number of discocytes decreased in the period of early rehabilitation after long-term SF. After SF plasma membrane fluidity and phospholipid content decreased and cholesterol content increased. After SF the amount of haemoglobin decreased and the parameters characterizing haemoglobin haemoporyphyrin (HH) conformation changed. We suppose that erythrocyte shape, membrane fluidity and HH conformation are among factors affecting oxygen transfer during and after space flight.  相似文献   

A slide staining device is described that performs Gram and Wright stains during space flight. Reagents and liquid wastes are contained within a closed system.  相似文献   

A slide staining device is described that performs Gram and Wright stains during space flight. Reagents and liquid wastes are contained within a closed system.  相似文献   

For the first time, mammalian brain has been studied during space flight aboard NASA orbital laboratory Spacelab-2. The main ultrastructural differences in the somatosensory cortex of the brain fixed under microgravity conditions and after landing include an increased number of degenerating presynaptic axon terminals after landing. Apparently, this is due to a sharp increase in afferent impulsation in the cortex during and after landing.  相似文献   

The results of the study of the innate and adaptive immunity indicators in 12 cosmonauts who took part in long-term (128–215 days) expeditions on board the International Space Station (ISS) are presented. It was shown that the space flight may lead to deviations in the human immune system. A decrease in the functional activity of phagocytes, NK and T-cells, as well as in the ability of immunocompetent cells to synthesize cytokines were observed. Significant individual changes were observed in the immune system’s response to a long-term space flight, which indicated an individual’s predisposition to the development of immune reactivity disorders under varying gravitation conditions.  相似文献   

During a recent space flight, gravitaxis of the unicellular photosynthetic flagellate, Euglena gracilis, was studied on board of the American shuttle Columbia. Accelerations were varied between 0 and 1.5 x g using a slow rotating centrifuge microscope (NIZEMI). The cells showed a sigmoidal response curve for the dependence of the precision of gravitaxis on acceleration which is indicative of the involvement of an active, physiological gravireceptor with a threshold at g-values < or = 0.16 x g and a saturation at g-values > or = 1 x g. No adaptation to microgravity was found during the prolonged space mission. After return the cells showed a normal gravitactic behavior at 1 x g. Since the cells are heavier than water, their swimming velocity is affected by sedimentation. The velocity distribution at different accelerations closely follows Stokes' law for sedimentation indicating that, in contrast to the ciliate Paramecium, E. gracilis, does not show any gravikinesis.  相似文献   

The review is a retrospective of the studies on body fluids and the hematopoietic system during long space missions and physiological simulation, in particular, the noninvasive carbon monoxide method of the determination of hemoglobin mass. The method is used to assess protein synthesis in general and the mass of the circulating blood. In microgravity, the amount of extracellular fluid, including blood plasma, hydration level, hemoglobin, and hematocrit, decrease. The number of erythrocytes also decreases, which is followed by the appearance of their abnormal forms. All these alterations are responsible for the so-called erythrocytopenic syndrome observed in microgravity. The possible factors and mechanisms of syndrome development and its dependence on the level of body hydration are discussed. The review attempts to generalize and interpret the known results and the up-to-date state of these investigations.  相似文献   

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