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The schematics of a gigahertz-range tuner is addressed as an application of a telescoping multi-walled carbon nanotube (CNT) that can be used repeatedly, and its dynamic operation is investigated via classical molecular dynamics simulations based on a (5,5)(10,10) double-walled CNT. Fine control of the telescoped length of the double-walled CNT enables its resonance frequency to be matched to one of the signal frequencies, and the telescoped nanotube can be tuned to its resonance frequency for use as a component of a bandpass filter.  相似文献   

Yonkunas MJ  Xu Y  Tang P 《Biophysical journal》2005,89(4):2350-2356
The nature and the sites of interactions between anesthetic halothane and homodimeric Delta5-3-ketosteroid isomerase (KSI) are characterized by flexible ligand docking and confirmed by 1H-15N NMR. The dynamics consequence of halothane interaction and the implication of the dynamic changes to KSI function are studied by multiple 5-ns molecular dynamics simulations in the presence and absence of halothane. Both docking and MD simulations show that halothane prefer the amphiphilic dimeric interface to the hydrophobic active site of KSI. Halothane occupancy at the dimer interface disrupted the intersubunit hydrogen bonding formed either directly through side chains of polar residues or indirectly through the mediation of the interfacial water molecules. Moreover, in the presence of halothane, the exchange rate of the bound waters with bulk water was increased. Halothane perturbation to the dimer interface affected the overall flexibility of the active site. This action is likely to contribute to the halothane-induced reduction of the KSI activity. The allosteric halothane modulation of the dynamics-function relationship of KSI without direct competition at the enzymatic active sites may be generalized to offer a unifying explanation of anesthetic action on a diverse range of multidomain neuronal proteins that are potentially relevant to clinical general anesthesia.  相似文献   

The clarification of the physico-chemical determinants underlying amyloid deposition is critical for our understanding of misfolding diseases. With this purpose we have performed a systematic all-atom molecular dynamics (MD) study of a series of single point mutants of the de novo designed amyloidogenic peptide STVIIE. Sixteen different 50ns long simulations using explicit solvent have been carried out starting from four different conformations of a polymeric six-stranded beta-sheet. The simulations have provided evidence for the influence of a small number of site-specific hydrophobic interactions on the packing and stabilization of nascent aggregates, as well as the interplay between side-chain interactions and the net charge of the molecule on the strand arrangement of polymeric beta-sheets. This MD analysis has also shed light into the origin of the position dependence on mutation of beta-sheet polymerization that was found experimentally for this model system. Our results suggest that MD can be applied to detect critical positions for beta-sheet aggregation within a given amyloidogenic stretch. Studies similar to the one presented here can guide site-directed mutations or the design of drugs that specifically disrupt the key stabilizing interactions of beta-sheet aggregates.  相似文献   

The structures of fully active cyclin-dependent kinase-2 (CDK2) complexed with ATP and peptide substrate, CDK2 after the catalytic reaction, and CDK2 inhibited by phosphorylation at Thr14/Tyr15 were studied using molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. The structural details of the CDK2 catalytic site and CDK2 substrate binding box were described. Comparison of MD simulations of inhibited complexes of CDK2 was used to help understand the role of inhibitory phosphorylation at Thr14/Tyr15. Phosphorylation at Thr14/Tyr15 causes ATP misalignment for the phosphate-group transfer, changes in the Mg2+ coordination sphere, and changes in the H-bond network formed by CDK2 catalytic residues (Asp127, Lys129, Asn132). The inhibitory phosphorylation causes the G-loop to shift from the ATP binding site, which leads to opening of the CDK2 substrate binding box, thus probably weakening substrate binding. All these effects explain the decrease in kinase activity observed after inhibitory phosphorylation at Thr14/Tyr15 in the G-loop. Interaction of the peptide substrate, and the phosphorylated peptide product, with CDK2 was also studied and compared. These results broaden hypotheses drawn from our previous MD studies as to why a basic residue (Arg/Lys) is preferred at the P+2 substrate position. Figure View of the substrate binding site of the fully active cyclin-dependent kinase-2 (CDK2) (pT160-CDK2/cyclin A/ATP). The pThr160 activation site is located in the T-loop (yellow secondary structure). The G-loop, which partly forms the ATP binding site, is shown in blue. The Thr14 and Tyr15 inhibitory phosphorylation sites located in the G-loop are shown in licorice representation  相似文献   

Abasic (AP) sites constitute a common form of DNA damage, arising from the spontaneous or enzymatic breakage of the N-glycosyl bond and the loss of a nucleotide base. To examine the effects of such damage on DNA structure, especially in the vicinity of the abasic sugar, four 1.5 ns molecular dynamics simulations of double-helical DNA dodecamers with and without a single abasic (tetrahydrofuran, X) lesion in a 5′-d(CXT) context have been performed and analyzed. The results indicate that the abasic site does not maintain a hole or gap in the DNA, but instead perturbs the canonical structure and induces additional flexibility close to the abasic site. In the apurinic simulations (i.e., when a pyrimidine is opposite the AP site), the abasic sugar flipped in and out of the minor groove, and the gap was water filled, except during the occurrence of a novel non-Watson–Crick C-T base pair across the abasic site. The apyrimidinic gap was not penetrated by water until the abasic sugar flipped out and remained extrahelical. Both AP helices showed kinks of 20–30° at the abasic site. The Watson–Crick hydrogen bonds are more transient throughout the DNA double helices containing an abasic site. The abasic sugar displayed an unusually broad range of sugar puckers centered around the northern pucker. The increased motion of the bases and backbone near the abasic site appear to correlate with sequence-dependent helical stability. The data indicate that abasic DNA contorts more easily and in specific ways relative to unmodified DNA, an aspect likely to be important in abasic site recognition and hydrolysis.  相似文献   

Colombo G  Roccatano D  Mark AE 《Proteins》2002,46(4):380-392
The dynamics of the three-stranded beta-sheet peptide Betanova has been studied at four different temperatures (280, 300, 350, and 450 K by molecular dynamics simulation techniques, in explicit water. Two 20-ns simulations at 280 K indicate that the peptide remains very flexible under "folding" conditions sampling a range of conformations that together satisfy the nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR)-derived experimental constraints. Two simulations at 300 K (above the experimental folding temperature) of 20 ns each show partial formation of "native"-like structure, which also satisfies most of the NOE constraints at 280 K. At higher temperature, the presence of compact states, in which a series of hydrophobic contacts remain present, are observed. This is consistent with experimental observations regarding the role of hydrophobic contacts in determining the peptide's stability and in initiating the formation of turns and loops. A set of different structures is shown to satisfy NMR-derived distance restraints and a possible mechanism for the folding of the peptide into the NMR-determined structure is proposed.  相似文献   

The flavivirus membrane fusion is triggered by the acid pH of the endosomes after virus endocytosis. The proposed mechanism involves changes in the protonation state of conserved histidine residues of the E protein present in the viral surface that undergoes a series of structural rearrangements that result in the fusion between the endosome and viral bilayers. We studied the pH dependence of E protein rearrangements of dengue virus type 2, used as a model, in the pH range experimented by the virus along the fusion process. We employed a low computational cost scheme to explore the behavior of the E protein by molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of complete systems that include the protein, the solvent, and ions. The procedure alternates cyclically the update of the ionization states of the protein residues with common MD steps applied to the new ionization configuration. Important pH-dependent protein structure rearrangements consistent with the changes of the protonation states of conserved histidine residues were observed. The involvement of other conserved residues in the flavivirus in the rearrangements was also identified. The results show interesting correlations with a proposed model for the fusion mechanism, as well as the experimentally identified key residues, contributing to a better understanding of the structural changes in protein E that lead to the fusion process.  相似文献   

Fluorescence spectroscopy and microscopy have been used as tools to study membrane biophysics for decades now. Because phospholipids are non-fluorescent, the use of extrinsic membrane probes in this context is commonplace. Two major points of concern arise regarding this matter, namely the incomplete understanding of the probe behavior inside the bilayer and the perturbation of the latter resulting from probe incorporation. To this effect, molecular dynamics (MD) simulations, by providing detailed atomic-scale information, represent a valuable way to characterize the location and dynamics of bilayer-inserted membrane probes, as well as the magnitude of perturbation they induce on the host lipid structure, and several important classes of reporter molecules have been studied in recent years. This article reviews the state of the art of MD simulations of bilayer-inserted fluorescent probes, focusing on the information that has been obtained from previous studies and hinting at future perspectives in this rapidly emerging field.  相似文献   

The first, long time scale (16-ns) ligand field molecular dynamics (LFMD) simulations of the oxy form of tyrosinase are reported. The calculations use our existing type 3 copper force field for the peroxido-bridged [Cu2O2]2+ unit which is here translated from MMFF into the AMBER format together with a new charge scheme. The protein secondary and tertiary structures are not significantly altered by removing the ‘caddie’ protein, ORF378, which must be bound to tyrosinase before crystals will grow. A comprehensive principal component analysis of the Cartesian coordinates from the final 8 ns shows that the protein backbone is relatively rigid. However, the significant butterfly fold of the [Cu2O2]2+ moiety observed in the X-ray structure, presumably due to the caddie protein tyrosine at the active site, is absent in the simulations. LFMD gives a clear and persistent distinction between equatorial and axial Cu–N distances, with the latter about 0.2 Å longer and remaining syn to each other. However, the two coordination spheres display important differences. LFMD simulations of the symmetric model complex [μ-η22-O2{Cu(Meim)3}2]2+ (Meim is 5-methyl-1H-imidazole) provide a mechanism for synanti interchange of axial ligands which suggests, in combination with the old experimental X-ray data, the new LFMD simulations and traditional coordination chemistry arguments, that His54 on CuA is ‘insipiently axial’ and that a combination of a butterfly distortion of the [Cu2O2]2+ group and a rotation of the CuA(His)3 moiety converts the vacant, initially axial, binding site on CuA into a much more favourable equatorial site.  相似文献   

Mutations in the prion protein (PrP) can cause spontaneous prion diseases in humans (Hu) and animals. In transgenic mice, mutations can determine the susceptibility to the infection of different prion strains. Some of these mutations also show a dominant-negative effect, thus halting the replication process by which wild type mouse (Mo) PrP is converted into Mo scrapie. Using all-atom molecular dynamics (MD) simulations, here we studied the structure of HuPrP, MoPrP, 10?Hu/MoPrP chimeras, and 1 Mo/sheepPrP chimera in explicit solvent. Overall, ~2?μs of MD were collected. Our findings suggest that the interactions between α1 helix and N-terminal of α3 helix are critical in prion propagation, whereas the β2–α2 loop conformation plays a role in the dominant-negative effect.

An animated Interactive 3D Complement (I3DC) is available in Proteopedia at http://proteopedia.org/w/Journal:JBSD:4.  相似文献   

We perform molecular dynamics simulations to analyze the wrapping process of a single-stranded (ss) DNA around a gapped CNT immersed in a bath of water. We observe the formation of a stable molecular junction with the ssDNA adopting a helical or circular conformation around one CNT electrode and a linear conformation around the opposite electrode. We find that DNA undergoes several conformational changes during equilibration of the self-assembled molecular junction. This process would allow a higher yield of successful CNT-DNA interconnections, which constitutes a novel structure of interest in chemical and biological sensing at the single-molecule level.  相似文献   

Polymyxins are used as last-resort antibiotics, where other treatments have been ineffectual due to antibiotic resistance. However, resistance to polymyxins has also been now reported, therefore it is instructive to characterise at the molecular level, the mechanisms of action of polymyxins. Here we review insights into these mechanisms from molecular dynamics simulations and discuss the utility of simulations as a complementary technique to  experimental methodologies.  相似文献   

We investigated the substrate effect of carbon nanotube (CNT) oscillators using classical molecular dynamics simulations. Double-walled CNT oscillators on {100} gold surface were considered. The nanotube–gold interactions induced the compressive deformations of the outer nanotube and affected the transitional velocity and the energy dissipation of the nanotube oscillator. When the inner nanotube was extruded from the outer nanotube, the central regions of the outer nanotube were compressed by the nanotube–gold interactions and then, these compressive forces pushed out the inner nanotube and finally, the transitional velocity of the inner nanotube was slightly increased at the edges regions. Since the energy dissipation of the nanotube oscillator on gold surface was higher than that in vapor, the decrease of the transitional velocity for the nanotube oscillator on gold surface was greater than that for the nanotube oscillator in vapor.  相似文献   

The potent nitric oxide dioxygenase (NOD) activity (trHbN-Fe2?-O? + (?)NO → trHbN-Fe3?-OH? + NO??) of Mycobacterium tuberculosis truncated hemoglobin N (trHbN) protects aerobic respiration from inhibition by (?)NO. The high activity of trHbN has been attributed in part to the presence of numerous short-lived hydrophobic cavities that allow partition and diffusion of the gaseous substrates (?)NO and O? to the active site. We investigated the relation between these cavities and the dynamics of the protein using solution NMR spectroscopy and molecular dynamics (MD). Results from both approaches indicate that the protein is mainly rigid with very limited motions of the backbone N-H bond vectors on the picoseconds-nanoseconds time scale, indicating that substrate diffusion and partition within trHbN may be controlled by side-chains movements. Model-free analysis also revealed the presence of slow motions (microseconds-milliseconds), not observed in MD simulations, for many residues located in helices B and G including the distal heme pocket Tyr33(B10). All currently known crystal structures and molecular dynamics data of truncated hemoglobins with the so-called pre-A N-terminal extension suggest a stable α-helical conformation that extends in solution. Moreover, a recent study attributed a crucial role to the pre-A helix for NOD activity. However, solution NMR data clearly show that in near-physiological conditions these residues do not adopt an α-helical conformation and are significantly disordered and that the helical conformation seen in crystal structures is likely induced by crystal contacts. Although this lack of order for the pre-A does not disagree with an important functional role for these residues, our data show that one should not assume an helical conformation for these residues in any functional interpretation. Moreover, future molecular dynamics simulations should not use an initial α-helical conformation for these residues in order to avoid a bias based on an erroneous initial structure for the N-termini residues. This work constitutes the first study of a truncated hemoglobin dynamics performed by solution heteronuclear relaxation NMR spectroscopy.  相似文献   

The role of protein dynamics in enzyme catalysis is one of the most active and controversial areas in enzymology today. Some researchers claim that protein dynamics are at the heart of enzyme catalytic efficiency, while others state that dynamics make no significant contribution to catalysis. What is the biochemist - or student - to make of the ferocious arguments in this area? Protein dynamics are complex and fascinating, as molecular dynamics simulations and experiments have shown. The essential question is: do these complex motions have functional significance? In particular, how do they affect or relate to chemical reactions within enzymes, and how are chemical and conformational changes coupled together? Biomolecular simulations can analyse enzyme reactions and dynamics in atomic detail, beyond that achievable in experiments: accurate atomistic modelling has an essential part to play in clarifying these issues. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Protein Dynamics: Experimental and Computational Approaches.  相似文献   

Bharatham N  Chi SW  Yoon HS 《PloS one》2011,6(10):e26014
Bcl-X(L), an antiapoptotic Bcl-2 family protein, plays a central role in the regulation of the apoptotic pathway. Heterodimerization of the antiapoptotic Bcl-2 family proteins with the proapoptotic family members such as Bad, Bak, Bim and Bid is a crucial step in the apoptotic regulation. In addition to these conventional binding partners, recent evidences reveal that the Bcl-2 family proteins also interact with noncanonical binding partners such as p53. Our previous NMR studies showed that Bcl-X(L): BH3 peptide and Bcl-X(L): SN15 peptide (a peptide derived from residues S15-N29 of p53) complex structures share similar modes of bindings. To further elucidate the molecular basis of the interactions, here we have employed molecular dynamics simulations coupled with MM/PBSA approach. Bcl-X(L) and other Bcl-2 family proteins have 4 hydrophobic pockets (p1-p4), which are occupied by four systematically spaced hydrophobic residues (h1-h4) of the proapoptotic Bad and Bak BH3 peptides. We observed that three conserved hydrophobic residues (F19, W23 and L26) of p53 (SN15) peptide anchor into three hydrophobic pockets (p2-p4) of Bcl-X(L) in a similar manner as BH3 peptide. Our results provide insights into the novel molecular recognition by Bcl-X(L) with p53.  相似文献   


Molecular simulation methods were applied to study the effect of hydrophilicity on CO2/CH4 separation using carbon nanotube (CNT) membranes. CNTs with a diameter of ~1 nm were functionalised by varying amounts of carbonyl groups, in order to achieve various hydrophilicity. The presence of –CO groups inside the CNT allow a significant gain in the diffusion selectivity of CO2, while in contrast the adsorption selectivity is hardly changed. The corresponding permeation selectivity increases as the hydrophilicity of the CNT-based membrane increases. However, the permeability of CO2 decreases due to a combination of the intermolecular interactions between the gas and functional groups and the steric effects of the added functional groups. Considering both the permeation selectivity and permeability, it was found that the maximum separation performance is achieved in a certain hydrophilic CNT membrane. Moreover, the separation performance of hydrophilic CNTs for CO2/CH4 mixtures breaks the Robeson upper bound.  相似文献   

The transmembrane (TM) domain of the M2 channel protein from influenza A is a homotetrameric bundle of α-helices and provides a model system for computational approaches to self-assembly of membrane proteins. Coarse-grained molecular dynamics (CG-MD) simulations have been used to explore partitioning into a membrane of M2 TM helices during bilayer self-assembly from lipids. CG-MD is also used to explore tetramerization of preinserted M2 TM helices. The M2 helix monomer adopts a membrane spanning orientation in a lipid (DPPC) bilayer. Multiple extended CG-MD simulations (5 × 5 μs) were used to study the tetramerization of inserted M2 helices. The resultant tetramers were evaluated in terms of the most populated conformations and the dynamics of their interconversion. This analysis reveals that the M2 tetramer has 2× rotationally symmetrical packing of the helices. The helices form a left-handed bundle, with a helix tilt angle of ∼16°. The M2 helix bundle generated by CG-MD was converted to an atomistic model. Simulations of this model reveal that the bundle's stability depends on the assumed protonation state of the H37 side chains. These simulations alongside comparison with recent x-ray (3BKD) and NMR (2RLF) structures of the M2 bundle suggest that the model yielded by CG-MD may correspond to a closed state of the channel.  相似文献   

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