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Thermosensitive H1 plasmids determining citrate utilization.   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Twelve thermosensitive H1 plasmids from strains of Salmonella typhi that had caused outbreaks of chloramphenicol-resistant typhoid fever in Vietnam, Thailand and India mediated citrate utilization (Cit+) in a prototrophic Escherichia coli K12 strain but not in the S. typhi strains from which they were derived. Four H1 plasmids from a similar outbreak in Mexico differed from the Far Eastern plasmids in not mediating citrate utlization but in mediating mercury resistance. H1 plasmids resembling the Far Eastern and the Mexican plasmids in regard to citrate utilization and mercury resistance were found in sewage in Britain. Citrate utilization was transferred to eight pathogenic strains of E. coli and to one strain each of Shigella flexneri and Shigella sonnei. Cultures of Cit+ bacteria grew more rapidly in citrate media at 28 degrees C than at 37 degrees C. Plasmid mutants that were more efficient at utilizing citrate were present in all such cultures--they grew equally well or better at 37 degrees C than at 28 degrees C. None of 222 strains of E. coli or Shigella that contained a variety of different plasmids were able to utilize citrate. This property was not transferred to the prototrophic E. coli K12 strain from Citrobacter (3 strains), Salmonella (39 strains), Proteus (44 strains), Klebsiella pneumoniae (33 strains) or Pseudomonas aeruginosa (44 strains).  相似文献   

The relatedness of DNA sequences encoding citrate utilization was examined by hybridization with a cloned DNA fragment from a citrate utilization (Cit) plasmid, pOH30221, and DNA of other Cit plasmids. This revealed that there are at least two groups of Cit plasmids: the Inc W Cit plasmids, which show homology with the probe, and the Inc H1 plasmids, which do not.  相似文献   

Plasmid DNA profile and conjugative R-plasmids were detected in Salmonella clinical isolates. The study revealed that drug resistance of Salmonella clinical strains of different serovars was determined by R-plasmids with a mol. wt. of 60-90 kD, carrying a certain spectrum of resistance to antibiotics. 9 types of conjugative plasmids, differing in their mol. wt. and resistance markers, were detected.  相似文献   

Temperature dependence of transfer was examined with ten R plasmids originating from clinical isolates of Salmonella. Six of the plasmids were thermosensitive upon transfer, five of which were originally harbored in S. typhimurium and the remaining one in S. derby. One of these plasmids, pNR502, which conferred resistance to kanamycin, streptomycin (Sm) and tetracycline (Tc) on its host was stably maintained both in Salmonella and Escherichia coli at either 30, 37, or 43 C. Another plasmid, pNR516, which was resistant to chloramphenicol, sulfathiazole, Sm and Tc, was slightly unstable only at 43 C. The remaining four plasmids, pNR503, pNR510, pNR512 and pNR514, conferred resistance to Sm and Tc. Of these plasmids, the former two were stably maintained at both 30 and 37 C, but were unstable at 43 C. The latter two were slightly unstable at the lower temperatures and considerably unstable at 43 C. Kinetics of the transfer of the plasmid pNR503 revealed that the efficiency of transfer of the plasmid between E. coli strains was affected not only by the temperature of the conjugation but also by the preincubation temperature of the donor culture before the conjugation.  相似文献   

The plasmid distribution of several clonal isolates of the unicellular, diazotrophic, cyanobacterium Cyanothece sp. has been analyzed. The Cyanothece isolates contain three to four plasmids ranging in size from 4.8 kb to 40 kb. The plasmid profiles of three Cyanothece strains (BH63, BH68, BH93) indicated that strains BH68 and BH93 were closely related and that strain BH63 may be more distantly related. A small 4.8-kb plasmid (pSE480), from the clonal isolate Cyanothece sp. strain BH68F, has been subcloned and restriction mapped. Ten restriction sites have been mapped, five of which are unique and suitable for further subcloning. Southern hybridization revealed that this plasmid was present in two out of five clonal isolates of strain BH68 and in one isolate of strain BH93. A 10-kb plasmid from strain BH68F (pSE1000) was found in all of the BH68 isolates and was absent in the BH93 isolate, Cyanothece sp. strain BH93A. No notable physiological changes were observed in the absence of either the 4.8-kb or 10-kb plasmids. Therefore, these plasmids remain cryptic. Further analysis of these plasmids may provide insight into the function of these plasmids and will allow the construction of shuttle vectors for gene transfer experiments.  相似文献   

Citrate utilization (Cit+) is encoded by a specific subgroup of incompatibility HI plasmids, viz., IncHI1 plasmids. Only one IncHI1 plasmid, pRG1271, which originated in a Mexican typhoid outbreak in 1972, did not specify Cit+. All other Cit+ plasmids hybridized to a Cit+ probe, a 2-kilobase BglII fragment derived from the Cit+ transposon Tn3411. The position of the Cit+ determinant was mapped to a 13.5-kilobase ApaI fragment within the prototype IncHI1 plasmid R27. No other functions have been mapped within this region. Citrate utilization mediated by IncHI1 was observed only after a prolonged lag period of approximately 150 h, and certain Escherichia coli strains, e.g., E. coli K-12 J53-1, were not able to utilize citrate specified by the H plasmids. Most E. coli strains harboring the multicopy Cit+ plasmid pOH2, a derivative of pBR322, required only 18 to 24 h to express the Cit+ phenotype, but E. coli J53-1 (pOH2) required at least 72 h for expression.  相似文献   

Certain Salmonella serovars belonging to subspecies I carry a large, low-copy-number plasmid that contains virulence genes. Virulence plasmids are required to trigger systemic disease; their involvement in the enteric stage of the infection is unclear. Salmonella virulence plasmids are heterogeneous in size (50-90 kb), but all share a 7.8 kb region, spv, required for bacterial multiplication in the reticuloendothelial system. Other loci of the plasmid, such as the fimbrial operon pef, the conjugal transfer gene traT and the enigmatic rck and rsk loci, may play a role in other stages of the infection process. The virulence plasmid of Salmonella typhimurium LT2 is self-transmissible; virulence plasmids from other serovars, such as Salmonella enteritidis and Salmonella choleraesuis, carry incomplete tra operons. The presence of virulence plasmids in host-adapted serovars suggests that virulence plasmid acquisition may have expanded the host range of Salmonella.  相似文献   

44 species of the genus Clostridium were examined with regard to their ability to grow on citrate. In addition to Clostridium sphenoides, a known citrate utilizer, the following species were found to utilize citrate: C. sporosphaeroides, C. symbiosum, C. rectum, C. indolis, C. subterminale and C. sporogenes. The major products formed from citrate were acetate, ethanol and carbon dioxide (not measured). Minor products were butyrate, butanol, acetone and acetoin.The enzyme citrate lyase was detectable in cell extracts of C. sporosphaeroides and C. symbiosum using an optical assay. Evidence for the presence of this enzyme in the other species was obtained in immunological experiments and in experiments with [1,5-14C]citrate.  相似文献   

Plasmids R1-19 and R100 dissociate in hyper-recominant Escherichia coli strains in a way that is similar to but slower than dissociation in Salmonella typhimurium. The results presented suggest that the molecular mechanism for plasmid dissociation in hyper-recombinant E. coli strains is different than that in S. typhimurium strains.  相似文献   

Salmonella typhimurium bacteriophage P22 transduced plasmids having P22 sequences inserted in the vector pBR322 with high frequency. Analysis of the structure of the transducing particle DNA and the transduced plasmids indicates that this plasmid transduction involves two homologous recombination events. In the donor cell, a single recombination between the phage and the homologous sequences on the plasmid inserted the plasmid into the phage chromosome, which was then packaged by headfuls into P22 particles. The transducing particle DNA contained duplications of the region of homology flanking the integrated plasmid vector sequences and lacked some phage genes. When these defective phage genomes containing the inserted plasmid infected a recipient cell, recombination between the duplicated regions regenerated the plasmid. A useful consequence of this sequence of events was that genetic markers in the region of homology were readily transferred from phage to plasmid. Plasmid transduction required homology between the phage and the plasmid, but did not depend on the presence of any specific P22 sequence in the plasmid. When the infecting P22 carried a DNA sequence homologous to the ampicillin resistance region of pBR322, the vector plasmid having no P22 insert could be transduced. P22-mediated transduction is a useful way to transfer chimeric plasmids, since most S. typhimurium strains are poorly transformed by plasmid DNA.  相似文献   

In order to provide a profile of the plasmid gene pool in Salmonella prior to the clinical use of antibiotics, a molecular genetic analysis was made of plasmids in strains collected by E.D.G. Murray between 1917 and 1954. These pre-antibiotic era (PAE) salmonellae contain conjugative plasmids of the same incompatibility groups as contemporary enterobacterial plasmids. Upon analysis of total plasmid content, 42 plasmids, sized between 23 and 72 MDa, were found. We defined and investigated six groups of these PAE Salmonella plasmids in terms of three groups of genes; those involved in plasmid maintenance and incompatibility, DNA repair and virulence. Of the five groups, three were replicon-typed to groups IncI1, IncX and IncFII; one group exhibited no homology to contemporary Inc/Rep probes, and one group represented virulence plasmids containing a common plasmid-partitioning locus. The results indicated that most of the PAE groups were progenitors of contemporary R-plasmids, except for the virulence plasmids, which have generally not evolved as vectors of antibiotic resistance.  相似文献   

Four strains of Salmonella berta and one of Salm. enteritidis were stored as stab cultures in sugar-free agar at 5°, 22° and 30°C and in 15% glycerol at—80°C. The stability of the plasmid profiles in each of the strains was monitored over a period of 2·5 years.
Plasmid profiles were stable in all strains stored at—80°C, and only six of 450 colonies examined from strains kept in sugar-free agar at 5°C had lost plasmid molecules. Seventy of 440 colonies from stab cultures that were kept at 22°C, and 71 of 440 colonies at 30°C showed changed plasmid profiles. The total number of plasmids lost increased with time, and occasionally, more than one plasmid molecule was lost in the same strain.
The virulence associated plasmid of Salm. enteritidis was remarkably stable as it was maintained in all colonies examined at all temperatures investigated. Likewise, no change in Sma I restriction profile was observed in this plasmid molecule at any temperature.  相似文献   

Salmonella, but not Escherichia coli, was attracted to citrate, a distinction that is understandable in view of the inability of E. coli to transport tricarboxylic acids. The Salmonella response to citrate and to two previously described attractants, aspartate and malate, was mutually noncompetitive. Citrate taxis different from citrate uptake in that it did not require Na+, was constitutive, and was not repressible by glucose.  相似文献   

Citrate utilization (Cit+) is encoded by a specific subgroup of incompatibility HI plasmids, viz., IncHI1 plasmids. Only one IncHI1 plasmid, pRG1271, which originated in a Mexican typhoid outbreak in 1972, did not specify Cit+. All other Cit+ plasmids hybridized to a Cit+ probe, a 2-kilobase BglII fragment derived from the Cit+ transposon Tn3411. The position of the Cit+ determinant was mapped to a 13.5-kilobase ApaI fragment within the prototype IncHI1 plasmid R27. No other functions have been mapped within this region. Citrate utilization mediated by IncHI1 was observed only after a prolonged lag period of approximately 150 h, and certain Escherichia coli strains, e.g., E. coli K-12 J53-1, were not able to utilize citrate specified by the H plasmids. Most E. coli strains harboring the multicopy Cit+ plasmid pOH2, a derivative of pBR322, required only 18 to 24 h to express the Cit+ phenotype, but E. coli J53-1 (pOH2) required at least 72 h for expression.  相似文献   

We have isolated a new transposon, Tn3411, encoding citrate-utilizing ability, from a naturally occurring citrate utilization (Cit) plasmid, pOH3001. Citrate transposon Tn3411 was transposed from pOH3001 to lambda b519 b515 cI857 S7 (abbreviated lambda bb) phage, and further from the resulting lambda bb:Tn3411 to a vector plasmid, pBR322, in recA-deficient strains. The Cit+ plasmids (pOH2 and pOH3) constructed by the integration of Tn3411 into pBR322 were examined by restriction endonuclease and heteroduplex analysis. The results obtained were as follows: (i) Tn3411 was 7.4 kilobases long and flanked by small inverted repeats, and it contained one more pair of inverted repeats at the opposite orientation in the internal region, thus making alternate repeats; and (ii) the Cit+ structure gene was located on the fragment (5.5 kilobases) between two SalI cleavage sites on Tn3411.  相似文献   

Ethanolamine utilization in Salmonella typhimurium.   总被引:4,自引:16,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文

Homology of plasmids in strains of unicellular Cyanobacteria.   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
Six strains of unicellular cyanobacteria were examined for the presence of plasmids. Analysis of lysates of these strains by CsCl-ethidium bromide density centrifugation yielded a major chromosomal DNA band and a minor band containing covalently closed circular plasmid DNA, as shown by electron microscopy and agarose gel electrophoresis. The sizes of the various plasmid species were determined; in each of the Synechococcus strains 6301, 6707, and 6908 two plasmid species were found with molecular weights of 5.3 × 106 and 32.7 × 106. Synechococcus strain 7425 had two plasmids of molecular weight 5.4 × 106 and 24 × 106. Synechococcus strain 6312 and Synechocystis strain 7005 each contained one plasmid species with molecular weight of 15.9 × 106 and 2.0 × 106, respectively. Restriction enzyme analysis revealed identical cleavage patterns for the plasmids of identical molecular weight.  相似文献   

Genes for phage restriction and u. v.-protection, carried by some Coll plasmids, are useful markers of plasmids carried by host bacteria. Colicinogeny, with associated marker characters, may prove useful for strain differentiation as it did, in this study, with strains of Salmonella agona involved in an outbreak.  相似文献   

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