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Sedimentological analysis of the Keyser Limestone (Upper Silurian - Lower Devonian of the central Appalachians) indicates that its sediments were deposited in a range of marginal and shallow marine environments. Major depositional environments include: tidal flat, lagoon, barrier bar and island, and open marine shelf. Each major environment is represented by a lithofacies which is lithologically and faunally distinct. Tidal flat lithofacies are characterized by eurytopic organisms, including ostracodes, gastropods, stromatoporoids and blue-green algae. Lagoon lithofacies are dominated by bryozoans, brachiopods, ostracodes and stromatoporoids. Barrier lithofacies are characterized by rooted crinoids, encrusting bryozoans and robust brachiopods. Open shelf lithofacies contain a diverse fauna of cystoids, crinoids, bryozoans and brachiopods.
The distributions of faunal assemblages in the Keyser show no simple relationship to either water depth or distance from shore. They are, in general, related to the distributions of depositional environments.
Recurring associations of brachiopod genera were not found in the Keyser. With few exceptions, any genus may be found in any subtidal environment. Abundance of brachiopods is related to the abundance of local hard substrates (usually bryozoans).  相似文献   

《Annales de Paléontologie》2019,105(3):191-199
The rocks from the Phu Bo Bit section consist of shale and limestone along with an abundant and diverse invertebrate fauna consisting of brachiopods, corals, bryozoans and crinoids, interpreted as having been deposited in shallow marine or shelf environments. At Phu Bo Bit, thick limestone lenses in shale contain microfossils. Based on the foraminiferan and algae assemblage, the stratigraphic sequence of Phu Bo Bit extends from the late Bashkirian to the early Moscovian. According to lithofacies and palaeontology, the Phu Bo Bit section represents the change from carbonate to siliciclastic sedimentation, which provides new evidence on the marine regression during the mid-Carboniferous.  相似文献   

Facies associations of the Rhaetian Fatra Formation from the Veká Fatra Mts. (West Carpathians) were deposited in a storm-dominated, shallow, intra-platform basin with dominant carbonate deposition and variable onshore peritidal and subtidal deposits, with 21 microfacies types supported by a cluster analysis. The deposits are formed by bivalves, gastropods, brachiopods, echinoderms, corals, foraminifers and red algae, ooids, intraclasts and peloids. A typical feature is the considerable variation in horizontal direction. The relative abundance and state of preservation of components as well as the fabric and geometric criteria of deposits can be correlated with depth/water energy-related environmental gradients. Four facies associations corresponding to four types of depositional settings were distinguished: a) peritidal, b) shoreface, above fair-weather wave base (FWWB), c) shallow subtidal, above normal storm wave base and d) above maximum storm wave base. The depositional environment can be characterized as a mosaic of low-relief peritidal flats and islands, shoreface banks and bars, and shallow subtidal depressions. The distribution and preservation of components were mainly controlled by the position of base level (FWWB), storm activity and differences in carbonate production between settings. Poorly or moderately diverse level-bottom macrobenthic assemblages are dominated by molluscs and brachiopods. The main site of patch-reef/biostrome carbonate production was located below the fair-weather wave base. Patch-reef/biostrome assemblages are poorly diverse and dominated by the branched scleractinian coral Retiophyllia, forming locally dm-scale autochthonous aggregations or more commonly parautochthonous assemblages with evidence of storm-reworking and substantial bioerosion by microborings and boring bivalves.Facies types and assemblages are comparable in some aspects to those known from the Upper Triassic of the Eastern and Southern Alps (Hochalm member of the Kössen Formation or Calcare di Zu Formation), pointing to similar intra-platform depositional conditions. The absence of large-scale patch-reefs and poor diversity of level-bottom and patch-reef/biostrome assemblages with abundance of eurytopic taxa indicate high-stress/unstable ecological conditions and more restricted position of the Fatric intra-platform setting from the open ocean than the intra-platform habitats in the Eastern or Southern Alps.  相似文献   

Worldwide Late Cambrian—Silurian lithofacies patterns indicate that the platforms of that time were sites of accumulation of two essentially different rocks suites: the platform carbonate rocks and the platform terrigenous rocks. Most of the platform rocks accumulated as sediments in shallow marine environments similar to those of the present but far more widely spread.Present-day marine benthic faunas are distributed in depth zones which are primarily controlled by temperature. Faunas tend to occur in substrate-related discrete clusters (communities) within each life zone; similar substrates in different depth zones commonly have different faunal associations. Individual phyletic stocks may encounter environmental optimum or near-optimum conditions in certain areas, that commonly are revealed by an abundance of species and individuals within species in each stock. Environmental optimum conditions depend upon availability of food that may be utilized, modes of feeding of the animals present, water motion, and substrate, among other factors. Organisms in past seas were distributed in patterns similar to those of the present.Carbonate platforms were particularly widespread during the latest Cambrian—Early Ordovician. Intertidal environments spread widely across those platforms during that time and characteristic faunal associations developed in them. Saukiid and related tribolites dominated latest Cambrian carbonate platform intertidal faunas. The Early Ordovician carbonate platform intertidal was dominated by archeogastropod-nautiloid cephalopod faunas. These animals were joined by tabulate corals and certain brachiopods during the latter part of the Ordovician and Silurian as prominent faunal elements in the carbonate platform intertidal—shallow subtidal. Cruziana and related trace fossils, bivalves, and certain tribolites (notably homalonotids and dalmanitids) dominated most terrigenous platform intertidal—shallow subtidal faunas of the Ordovician and Silurian.Articulate brachiopods (primarily orthoids, strophomenoids, and rhynchonelloids) appear to have been relatively prominent during the Early Ordovician in shallow subtidal environments on both carbonate and terrigenous platforms and to have spread down the bathymetric gradient into increasingly deeper subtidal areas of both platforms during the latter part of the Ordovician. Tribolites dominated faunas in relatively moderate to deep subtidal environments on both platforms during the early part of the Ordovician. They were gradually replaced by brachiopods in first the shallower, and later the deeper subtidal as dominant members of the faunas. Brachiopods (primarily pentameroids and spiriferoids) dominated nearly all Silurian warm-water subtidal environments from the shallow subtidal to the edges of the platforms.Platform uplifts in the Middle Ordovician and glacio-eustatic sea-level fluctuations in the Late Ordovician caused environmental changes across the platforms that were accompanied by marked replacements among marine benthic faunas in all environments. The distribution of Ordovician carbonate platforms and glacial deposits suggests that an Ordovician polar region may have been close to present-day equatorial Africa and that Ordovician warm temperate-tropical regions lay close to the present-day North Pole.  相似文献   

In this paper, the sedimentology and the stratigraphic architecture of the Devonian Santa Lucia Formation in the Cantabrian Mountains of NW-Spain are described. The Santa Lucia Formation consists of 11 different facies that can be attributed to peritidal/lagoonal, intertidal and subtidal facies associations. These facies associations are arranged in small-scale sedimentary cycles. Three different settings of small-scale sedimentary cycles are recognized: intertidal/supratidal, shallow subtidal/intertidal and subtidal cycles. These cycles reflect spatial differences in the reaction of the depositional system to small-scale relative sea-level changes. Small-scale stratigraphic cycles are stacked into seven medium-scale cycles that in turn are integral parts of three larger-scale cycles. Most of the Santa Lucia Formation (sequences 2–6) forms one major large-scale cycle, whereas sequences 1 and 7 are part of an underlying and an overlying cycle, respectively. Eustatic sea-level changes exerted major control on the formation of these large-scale sequences, whereas the medium-scale cycles seem to be co-controlled by regional tectonism and eustasy. Small-scale cycles seem to be the product of high frequency, eustatic sea-level changes. During the deposition of the Santa Lucia Formation, the morphology of the carbonate platform changed from a gently south-dipping ramp to a rimmed shelf and back to a gently dipping ramp.  相似文献   

New findings of Late Paleozoic and Triassic bryozoans from the Tethys Himalaya are reported. Fifteen species, including three undetermined, were described, while determinations at order, family or genus level were obtained on fragmentary material. The studied bryozoans were framed in a solid lithostratigraphic scheme spanning across the Tethys Himalaya for over 1500 km, from NW India (Zanskar and Spiti) through Nepal (Dolpo and Manang) to South Tibet; they are concentrated in correlatable stratigraphic intervals corresponding to the Upper Devonian-Tournaisian, Bashkirian, Sakmarian, Midian and Lower Norian. This study allowed us to integrate bryozoan occurrences reported from the literature, mostly referring to the Tournaisian, Bashkirian and Early Norian, and to refine the available biostratigraphic dates. Bryozoan-rich intervals are interpreted as associated to long-term transgressions, in turn driven by major climatic and/or tectonic events. Cosmopolitan genera which prevail in the Paleozoic, are replaced by provincial forms after the Triassic crisis.  相似文献   

The relationship between algae and depositional environment was studied in a limestone succession of Berriasian–Valanginian age. Several depositional environments were recorded from shallow subtidal to intertidal and supratidal, with salinity ranging from normal marine to fresh and/or supersaline water. The algal assemblages consist mainly of dasycladaleans, rivulariacean-type cyanobacteria and charophytes. Nipponophycus (Bryopsydales) and Lithocodium-Bacinella (microproblematicum), occur at some levels. Dasycladaleans are associated with subtidal, sometimes restricted (“lagoonal”) environments, while rivulariacean-like cyanobacteria and charophytes characterise intertidal-supratidal and fresh and/or supersaline environments, respectively. Among the dasycladaleans, Salpingoporella annulata is often related to restricted environments where it forms monospecific assemblages. Large dasycladaleans, such as Selliporella neocomiensis, Macroporella praturloni and Pseudocymopolia jurassica are found in subtidal high-energy deposits (bioclastic grainstones). The relationship between environment and algae, characteristic for each depositional unit, can be used to interpret the relative sea-level variations.  相似文献   

Summary This study presents a microfacies analysis and palaco-environmental interpretations of Early Oligocene carbon ates from the Lower Inn Valley Tertiary (“Unterinntal-Terti?r”) of Austria. The well preserved biogenic components allow detailed investigations of component relationships and controlling ecological parameters. The carbonates are dominated by coralline algae, corals, small and large benthic foraminifers, bryozoans and lithoclasts. Bivalves, gastropods, echinoderms, brachiopods and serpulids are subordinate. The limestones are present as A) autochthonous carbonates transgressing directly above the Triassic basement and B) allochthonous debris flows within deeper-water marls. These carbonates are found within the Paisslberg Formation. The Werlberg Member within this formation, pertains to the autochthonous carbonates and larger debris flows. Five facies types are separated following fabric analysis and statistical treatment (correlation, cluster analysis, principal components analysis) of semi-quantitative data consisting of component frequencies of thin sections. Facies distribution patterns are principally controlled by variations in substrate characteristics, turbulence and light along a depth gradient. Reconstruction of facies pattern distribution reveal both lateral and proximal-distal facies trends: coral-coralline algal facies, coralline algal facies as well as foraminiferal facies were situated in shallower environments, laterally adjacent to each other. These grade distally into coralline algal-bryozoan facies, bryozoan facies and finally into mollusc rich marls. Debris flows consisting of reworked material from all of the known facies (bioclastic packstone facies) is restricted to the debris flow and possible represents transport induced differentiation of components and grain size within distal debris flows.  相似文献   

Summary The internal construction and biotic communities of the Uzunbulak reef of the northwestern Tarim Basin are studied for the first time. The reef was built during the Sakmarian, while the reef substrate and capping beds are of latest Asselian and earliest Artinskian ages, respectively. The reef substrate beds are composed of skeletal and oncoid grainstone. Those fusulinid-dominated skeletal shoals and oncoid banks indicate a high-energy environment and produced local topographic highs on which the reef grew. Reef framework consists mainly of calcisponge bafflestone, calcisponge-Thartharella framestone, and Tubiphytes, Archaeolithoporella and Girvanella boundstones. Calcisponges were the primary frameconstructors that baffled high-energy currents. Archaeolithoporella, Tubiphytes, Girvanella and possibly microbes acted as the primary binders for the boundstone framework. Fusulinids and brachiopods were common reef dwellers. The interreef facies sediments are composed of skeletal-crinoid wackestone-packstone. Most of bioclasts have thick, micritized envelopes. The back-reef facies deposits consist of alternating skeletal packstone to wackestone and black shale. Sea-level fluctuations were probably accountable for the reef growth and demise. Of the reefal dwellers, brachiopods are extraordinarily abundant in Uzunbulak. They are assignable to five distinctive associations, one each from the reef substrate, framework and inter-reef facies, respectively, and two from the reef capping facies. The brachiopods in the substrate beds were mostly attached to hard substrates by a pedicle, while a few species rested on soft substrates by support of halteroid spines. Cementation of the ventral valve on hard substrates characterizes attachment of the reef framework brachiopods. All inter-reef species were anchored into the substratum comprising hard material by a strong pedicle. Back-reef brachiopods dominantly rested on the soft substrates by support of halteroid spines. the framework brachiopods had the strongest wave-resistant capability;those from both substrate and inter-reef facies were moderately capable of withstanding agitation; and the backreef species preferred to live in calmwater, organic-rich muddy environments.  相似文献   

The uppermost Carboniferous–Lower Permian Dorud Group that crops out at the Gaduk section of Central Alborz is over 44 m thick and includes thick sequences of conglomerate, quartzarenite, calcareous sandstone, oncolitic fusulinid limestone, sandy limestone, sandstone and shale. The Toyeh, Emarat and Shah Zeid formations of this Group were dated as latest Gzhelian to Early Sakmarian. A review of the Asselian fusulinids and smaller foraminifers of Iran emphasizes (1) how the foraminiferal assemblages of Alborz and central Iran differ; (2) why non-Pseudofusulina cannot be a nomen substitutum to Pseudofusulina (even if this latter was often misinterpreted in the Tethyan regions). A new smaller fusulinid Pseudoacutella partoazari n. sp. is described from the Emarat Formation (Asselian) that crops out in the Gaduk area. The palaeobiogeographic significance of Pseudoacutella is discussed, because this genus, which was cosmopolitan from Late Bashkirian to Moscovian, became rare in the Upper Pennsylvanian of the USA and the Carnic Alps, and then, very rare in Lower Permian of Texas, Arizona and Iran.  相似文献   

The composition of the early stages of intertidal and subtidal fouling assemblages in Comodoro Rivadavia harbour (Argentina, 45°52′ S, 67°28′ W) and the influence of shore level and season on their structure were analysed. At the beginning of each season, stones were glued to the substratum with epoxy putty and distributed along 4 vertical transects at intervals of 20 m, at 3 levels: upper intertidal, middle intertidal, and subtidal. Substrata remained in the field for 84–100 days. A total of 48 samples (4 seasons × 3 levels × 4 replicates) were analysed. Species richness increased with depth, with 6 taxa in the upper intertidal, 23 in the middle intertidal and 31 in the subtidal. Seasonal differences in richness were less distinct. Green, red and brown algae were the dominant groups. Invertebrates were mainly represented by filter-feeding, sessile organisms, such as cheilostome bryozoans, spirorbid polychaetes and acorn barnacles. The barnacle Balanus glandula and the bryozoan Cryptosula pallasiana were the only non-indigenous species found in this study. Highly significant differences in structure among shore levels and seasons were evidenced by a two-way ANOSIM test. The upper intertidal is characterized by the filamentous green algae Urospora penicilliformis and Ulothrix flacca. The barnacle Balanus glandula is the most abundant species in the middle intertidal. The subtidal is defined mainly by the presence of the spirorbid polychaetes Paralaeospira levinseni and Romanchella perrieri, and the keyhole limpet Fissurella radiosa. Ordination of samples by season was less clear than by shore level.  相似文献   

Based on their lithologic characteristics and stratal geometries, the Middle Cambrian Fasham and Deh-Sufiyan Formations of the lower Mila Group in the Central Alborz, northern Iran, exhibit 39 lithofacies representing several supratidal to deep subtidal facies belts. The siliciclastic successions of the Fasham Formation are divided into two facies associations, suggesting deposition in a tide-dominated, open-mouthed estuarine setting. The mixed, predominantly carbonate successions of the Deh-Sufiyan Formation are grouped into ten facies associations. Four depositional zones are recognized on the Deh-Sufiyan ramp: basinal, outer ramp (deep subtidal associations), mid ramp (shallow subtidal to lower intertidal associations), and inner ramp (shoal and upper intertidal to supratidal associations). These facies associations are arranged in small-scale sedimentary cycles, i.e., peritidal, shallow subtidal, and deep subtidal cycles. These cycles reflect spatial differences in the reaction of the depositional system to small-scale relative sea-level changes. Small-scale cycles are stacked into medium-scale cycles that in turn are building blocks of large-scale cycles. Systematic changes in stacking pattern (cycle thickness, cycle type, and facies proportion) allow to reconstruct long-term changes in sea-level. Six large-scale cycles (S1–S6) have been identified and are interpreted as depositional sequences showing retrogradational (transgressive systems tract) and progradational (highstand systems tract) packages of facies associations. The six depositional sequences provide the basis for inter-regional sequence stratigraphic correlations and have been controlled by eustatic sea-level changes.  相似文献   

The Silurian (Wenlockian) Tofta Beds at Galgberget 1, Gotland, Sweden, formed in a protected intertidal setting. Massive fenestral limestone at this locality contains a low diversity community dominated by stromatoporoids, calcareous algae, and ostracods, with less common rugose corals, bryozoans, brachiopods, and trilobites. Abundance of stromatoporoids, which form about 40% of sediment volume, suggests reef-like conditions. The Tofta community differs from typical Silurian reef communities, however, in its low diversity, very limited tiering, and absence of groups such as crionozoans and tabulates. These differences are possibly due to intertidal conditions which precluded upward growth of a mound structure and subjected the community to periodic desication.  相似文献   

Summary The microfacies and palaeoenvironment of Lower Oligocene carbonates of the Gornji Gradbeds from Slovenia are investigated. These beds form part of a transgressive succession overlying both terrigenous sediments (sand-stones and conglomerates) and marine carbonates of Eocene age as well as transgressing directly over Triassic lime-stones. They are followed by foraminiferal rich marls. The carbonates were investigated using multivariate statistical techniques on point counts of thin sections. They are dominated by poorly sorted biogenic rudstones with pack-/wackestone matrix; pack- and grainstones are subordinate. The biogenic components of the carbonates are dominated by coralline red algae (9 genera with 11 species), corals, small benthic, large benthic, and encrusting foraminifera as well as bivalves. Gastropods, bryozoans, brachiopods, echinoderms, serpulids, and green algae are subordinate. The well preserved components allow details pertaining to taxonomy, growth-forms and taphonomic features to be observed. The following carbonate facies are distinguished: 1) nummulitic, 2) bivalve, 3) foraminiferal—coralline algal, 4) grainstone, 5) coralline alga, 6) coralline algal—coral, and 7) coral facies. All the carbonate facies represent fully marine conditions within the photic zone. They are interpreted with respect to substrate composition and stability, water turbulence, terrigenous input and light.  相似文献   

The Lower Eifelian Meinerzhagener Korallenkalk (= upper Cultrijugatus Beds) at Kierspe, Sauerland, contains a rich reefal fauna. Eight bryozoan species are described, two of them are new: the cystoporate Fistuliporella kierspensis n. sp. and the trepostome Leptotrypella sophiae n. sp. The bryozoans from the Meinerzhagener Korallenkalk shows distinct similarities to the Lower–Middle Devonian of Spain (Santa Lucía Formation, Emsian–Eifelian), and to the Middle Devonian (Eifelian) of Transcaucasia. The coral fauna comprises five tabulate corals and one rugose coral that document a paleobiogeographic relationship between Central and Eastern Europe and Central Asia. The associated fauna is represented by brachiopods, ostracods, and echinoderms. The studied limestones also commonly contain calcimicrobes represented by three species. The faunal and microfacial characteristics indicate a shallow marine depositional environment just above the storm wave base, with a supposed depth of 20 m, within the photic zone. The nutrient regime was at least a mesotrophic. The upper boundary of the Cultrijugatus Beds coincides with the Chote?-Event that strongly affected brachiopods, whereas corals and bryozoans were insensitive to this event.  相似文献   

Vogel, Klaus, Golubic, Stjepko & Brett, Carlton E. 1987 07 15: Endolith associations and their relation to facies distribution in the Middle Devonian of New York State, U.S.A.
Microborings of endolithic organisms (e.g. algae, fungi) provide valuable indicators of paleoenvironments. The present study documents the distribution of microborings in fossil skeletal substrates from a spectrum of shelf to basinal facies in the Middle Devonian of New York. Endolithic boring in brachiopod shells and corals were prepared using special embedding-casting method and were examined and photographed with SEM. About 13 distinct types of microborings were discovered, presumably produced by microorganisms (pro- and eukaryotic), sponges, bryozoans and worms. Brachiopod holdfast etchings are reported for the first time from Paleozoic rocks. Microborings are non-randomly distributed among Middle Devonian facies. The highest diversity and abundance of borings occurs in diverse brachiopod and coral-bearing calcareous mudstones; which appear to represent shallow, well-aerated and low turbidity environments. Microboring diversity and frequency decreases markedly into mudstones and siltstones recording higher turbidity as well as into dark gray to black basinal shale facies. 'Leiorhynchus' brachiopods from probable deeper water, dysaerobic environments display very low diversity of micro-boring assemblages. They include brachiopod pedicle borings and one endolith which shows similarities to a modem cyanobacterium. If the latter is correctly identified, it brackets all of the studied facies within the photic zone.  相似文献   

Ordovician and Silurian sediments are predominantly black shales formed from anoxic pelagic environments. Adjacent shallow marine areas are represented by reefs and well‐sorted sands deposited worldwide on continental shelves. Pelagic realms hosted a great variety of graptolite colonies which due to their rapid evolution are excellent index fossils besides a multitude of new species of trilobites and brachiopods. Reef builders were mainly bryozoans and tabulate corals. During the Ordovician, the earliest spores mark the beginning conquest of land by plants. A mass extinction at the end of the Ordovician was probably caused by a worldwide climatic change which is also evident from traces of a contemporaneous glaciation.  相似文献   

塔中隆起区的良里塔格组含菌藻类微生物岩、植物类的钙藻、原生动物中的有孔虫、后生动物中的海绵、珊瑚、苔藓虫、介形类、三叶虫、腹足类、腕足动物、棘皮动物等化石门类。根据其生物成分的埋葬学特征,分为原地或近源成分占优势的群落和远源异地成分占优势的组合,群落和组合的类型展布受水深、水动力、坡折带地貌等因素控制。  相似文献   

Calcified epibionts (crustose coralline algae, bryozoans, foraminiferans and serpulid worms) which colinize primary framebuilders of Recent Barbados reefs exhibit a well-defined zonation of species and morphological growth forms in response to environmental factors such as water turbulence and light. Exposed environments are characterized by thick crusts of coralline algae whereas cryptic environments are dominated by thin crusts of algae, bryozoans, foraminiferans and serpulid worms. A model, based on this zonation, was used to decipher the environments of growth and early burial of Pleistocene reefs. Lagoonal corals possess an assemblage of encrusters which document prolonged growth in a uniform environment. Reef crest corals support a mixed succession of shallow water encrusters which record a gradual decrease in light as substrates are smothered by accumulating debris. Sequences such as these represent growth under stable conditions. The model can also be used to interpret sequences formed by catastrophic events and fluctuations in sea level.  相似文献   

Three gravity cores were collected in north-western Ross Sea (Coulman Island and Cape Adare areas) during 1998 and 1999 “Progetto Nazionale Ricerche in Antartide”. Several carbonate-rich levels, from Late Pleistocene to Holocene in age, interbedded with glacial marine sequences were recovered. Examination of the compositional characters (X-ray structure, texture, water, TOC and CaCO3 contents) and taphonomic data (fabric of the fossil concentration, degree of preservation of foraminifers and bryozoans, together with paleoecological inferences) has allowed the preliminary documentation of oscillations of the ice-shelf front in this area. Benthic foraminifer tests in glacial marine sediments older than the Last Glacial Maximum are often badly preserved (abraded and broken), testifying to the persistent transport of these sediments. In the younger sediments, an increased concentration of Neogloboquadrina pachyderma occurs, indicating more open water conditions. The occurrence of a mainly autochthonous fauna in muddy sediments in between two volcanic events in the Coulman Island area could indicate stable environmental conditions. The occurrence of limited % of fragmented foraminifers indicates the decreasing influence of glacial reworking. In the Cape Adare area, mass flow events were common during the Holocene retreat of the ice shelf. Several bioclastic-rich deposits (stylasterids and bryozoans assemblage) in the studied core with interbedded muddy sediments could indicate mass transport events from neighboring shallow environments. During undisturbed open-marine conditions, represented by muddy sedimentation, foraminifers and other calcareous taxa colonized the previous coarse-textured skeletal substratum.  相似文献   

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