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Photoperiod cues play important roles in the regulation of seasonal variations in body mass (BM) and energy balance for many small mammals. The present study was designed to examine the effects of photoperiod acclimation on BM, energy intake, and serum leptin levels in Brandt's voles (Microtus (Lasiopodomys) brandtii). After 4 weeks of acclimation to either long (LD; light:dark, 16:8) or short (SD; 8:16) photoperiod, SD voles had lower BM, body fat mass, and dry mass of liver and kidneys, but higher digestible energy intake in comparison to LD voles. SD voles also showed a lower level of serum leptin than did LD voles. Furthermore, the level of serum leptin was correlated positively with body fat mass and negatively with gross energy intake. Together, these data suggest that Brandt's voles employ a strategy of minimizing body growth, increasing energy intake, and mobilizing fat deposition in response to cues associated with short photoperiod. Furthermore, leptin seems to be involved in the regulation of BM and energy balance mediated by photoperiod.  相似文献   

光周期和高脂食物对布氏田鼠能量代谢和产热的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
为了研究光周期和高脂食物对小型哺乳动物能量代谢和产热的影响,将成年雌性布氏田鼠(Lasiopodomys brandtii)分别驯化于长光照低脂、高脂食物和短光照低脂、高脂食物,7周后测定动物的体重、能量摄入、产热、血清瘦素浓度以及褐色脂肪组织解偶联蛋白1(BAT-UCP1)含量等参数.结果发现:1)短光照抑制体重增长、降低体脂重量和血清瘦素水平,增加非颤抖性产热(NST)和UCP1含量;2)高脂食物使摄入能减少和消化率提高,但未显著影响体重、基础代谢率、NST、UCP1含量和血清瘦素;3)血清瘦素与摄入能不相关,但与体脂含量正相关.结果暗示:短光照下瘦素作用敏感性增加和产热能力增强,可能介导了抵抗高脂食物诱导的肥胖.在野外条件下草食性的布氏田鼠能通过能量代谢和产热的适应性调节避免体重的过度增长,有利于降低捕食风险,增强生存能力.同时布氏田鼠是研究食物诱导肥胖机理的一个好模型  相似文献   

During the spring-summer breeding season, female meadow voles prefer odours of males over those of females, but in the autumn-winter season of reproductive quiescence this preference is reversed. Females housed in long (14 h light/day) and short (10 h light/day) photoperiods, respectively, had odour preferences comparable to those of spring and autumn voles, respectively. The preference of long-photoperiod voles for male over female odours was reversed by ovariectomy and restored by treatment with oestradiol. By contrast, neither ovariectomy nor oestradiol affected odour preferences of short-photoperiod voles. Long days appear to influence olfactory preferences by altering ovarian hormone secretion. The failure of oestradiol to affect odour preferences in short photoperiods suggests that the neural substrates mediating this behavioural response are refractory to oestrogens during the nonbreeding season.  相似文献   

为探讨在同时逐渐缩短光照时间和降低温度的过程中,动物能量代谢水平和身体成分的适应性变化, 我们以成年雄性布氏田鼠为对象, 测定了温度为20℃ 和光周期为12L:12D (对照组),以及从温度为20℃ 和长光照条件(16L:8D)逐渐转换到温度为4℃ 和短光照条件(8L:16D)的过程中(实验组), 其体重、静止代谢率和能量摄入的变化, 以及经过8 周驯化后身体器官和组织重量的变化。结果发现:实验组动物的体重增长率低于对照组。在驯化期间, 静止代谢率无组内和组间差异。实验组动物的干物质摄入、能量摄入和消化能等组内差异不明显, 但对照组动物在驯化的第8 周显著降低。实验组动物的能量摄入水平在驯化后显著升高;小肠和胃的干重, 以及小肠和心脏等器官的湿重也都显著高于对照组。结果表明,布氏田鼠能够采取降低体重、增加能量摄入和调整体内某些器官和组织重量的方式来适应变化的环境条件。  相似文献   

Male California voles were maintained in long (14L:10D) or short photoperiods (10L:14D) for 10 weeks and fed a standard diet of rabbit chow and water ad libitum. One additional group in each photoperiod received the standard diet plus supplements of spinach 3 times weekly. A fifth group was housed in 14L:10D and fed the standard diet, but for 10 weeks water availability was restricted to several hours each morning. Testes and seminal vesicles were heaviest in long-day voles fed spinach supplements and lightest in short-day voles fed only the standard diet; the latter animals manifested reduced testicular spermatogenesis. Testicular weights were also depressed in voles with restricted access to water. It is suggested that photoperiods that simulate those of winter induce regression of the reproductive organs of male California voles but the availability of green vegetation counteracts the inhibitory effects of short daylengths.  相似文献   

Ardia DR 《Oecologia》2005,145(2):326-333
Immunocompetence may be a good measure of offspring quality, however, factors affecting variation in immune responses are not clear. Research suggests that immune function can vary due to differences in genetics, development conditions and individual quality. Here, I examined factors affecting variation in immune response among nestling European starlings through a split-nest cross-fostering brood manipulation that included two important covariates: spleen size and nest temperatures. Immunocompetence was assessed via a cell-mediated immune response to phytohaemagglutinin (PHA). This paper provides the first direct evidence that individuals with large spleens also mount strong immune responses. Exposure to PHA did not cause splenomegaly, as there was no difference in spleen size between control birds and those injected with PHA. Offspring immune function was affected by common origin and by rearing environment, though rearing environment appeared to exert its influence only through nest temperatures. A comparison of the immune performance of siblings reared in their home nest versus those reared in other nests revealed a strong effect of maternal quality. As the difference in natal clutch size increased, the magnitude of the difference in immune performance between home-reared nestlings versus out-reared nestlings increased. Overall, nestling immune function appears to be determined by the combination of genetic, maternal and environmental effects.  相似文献   

We examined the effects of temperature and photoperiod on metabolic thermogenesis and the thermogenic characteristics of brown adipose tissue in plateau pikas (Ochotona curzoniae) and root voles (Microtus oeconomus), the dominant species of small mammals in the alpine meadow ecosystems on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Pikas and voles were acclimated in the following groups: (1) Long day – warm temperature (16L:8D, 23 °C), (2) Long day – cold temperature (16L:8D, 5 °C), (3) short day – warm temperature (8L:16D, 23 °C), and (4) short day – cold temperature (8L:16D, 5 °C). Both temperature and photoperiod were important environmental cues for changes in thermogenesis for both species. Low temperature and short photoperiod induced increases in metabolic rate, nonshivering thermogenesis (NST), mitochondrial protein contents of brown adipose tissue, and cytochrome C oxidase activity of brown adipose tissue mitochondria in both species. Plateau pikas were more sensitive to cold (79% of the total NST response) than to short photoperiod (21%), while root voles were more sensitive to short photoperiod (60% of the total NST response) than to cold (40%), although cold clearly enhanced thermogenesis. Their thermogenic characteristics correlated with their preferred habitats: plateau pikas are found mainly in more exposed microhabitats in open sunny meadow, while root voles live in more sheltered microhabitats in relatively closed shrub. Our results also showed that temperature and photoperiod combined induce thermogenic adjustments in both species in seasonal acclimatization in their alpine meadow macrohabitat. Accepted: 10 November 1998  相似文献   

High temperatures and long days favour apterous development in Aphis craccivora Koch. Temperature was found to influence both prenatal and postnatal control of form while photoperiod was only found to influence prenatal control. It is suggested that when temperature and daylength are high and long enough to suppress sexual development in aphids, they also suppress alate development, but alate development can proceed in the presence of other factors such as crowding and poor host plant. The threshold of response of aphids to these stimuli is influenced by the temperature and photoperiod which they have experienced. There is some evidence which suggests that in prenatal form control temperature and photoperiod can act directly on the embryos.
Zusammenfassung In temperaturkonstanten Räumen wurden unter kontrollierten Bedingungen Versuche über die Auslösung des Flügelpolymorphismus bei Aphis craccivora Koch und Aphis fabae Scop. durchgeführt. Die Blattläuse wurden bei verschiedenen Temperaturen und Tageslängen isoliert auf Blattscheiben gehalten, die aus Blättern ihrer Wirtspflanzen ausgeschnitten waren. Es ließ sich zeigen, daß bei Aphis craccivora sowohl Temperatur wie Photoperiode die praenatale Formdetermination beeinflussen können und daß die Temperatur, aber nicht die Photoperiode, die postnatale Formbildung beeinflussen kann. Niedere Temperaturen und kurze Tageslängen begünstigen die Entwicklung von Geflügelten, hohe Temperaturen und lange Tage dagegen die der Ungeflügelten. Bei Aphis fabae wurde nachgewiesen, daß Larve, die sich normalerweise zu Gynoparen entwickelt hätten, durch Aufzucht bei hohen Temperaturen zur Entwicklung in ungeflügelte Virginopare veranlaßt werden konnten und daß Dekapitation von ungeflügelten Aphis fabae, die geflügelte Virginopare produzierten, diese zur Produktion ungeflügelter Virginoparer umstimmte, daß aber die Dekapitation von Läusen, die geflügelte Gynopare hervorbrachten, keinen Einfluß auf die Form der Nachkommen ausübte, die sie daraufhin lieferten. Es wird vermutet, daß bei der praenatalen Formdetermination Temperatur und Photoperiode einen direkten Einfluß auf den Embryo haben. Wenn sie genügend hoch bzw. lang genug sind, um die Entwicklung von Sexuales zu verhindern, unterdrücken sie auch die Geflügeltenbildung, aber die Geflügeltenentwicklung kann trotzdem fortschreiten, wenn Reize vorhanden sind, die wie Zusammenpferchung mit anderen Läusen oder ungünstige Wirtspflanzen zusätzlich die Geflügeltenbildung begünstigen.

We conducted field and laboratory experiments with the well-studied monogamous prairie vole, Microtus ochrogaster, to distinguish among three hypotheses for the failure of females that lose their mates to bond with a new male ("the widow effect"). The reproductive value hypothesis predicts that males prefer young to older females because they potentially have a longer reproductive lifespan. The mate rejection hypothesis predicts that females will prevent repairing by aggressively deterring males that might harm their current offspring. The misdirected paternal care hypothesis assumes that females will mate during postpartum estrus and thus will be pregnant and/or nursing young throughout the breeding season; males will avoid pairing with older females to avoid providing care to unrelated offspring and/or because of a delay to the next breeding opportunity. Males associated and bred more with older than young females, allowing us to reject the reproductive value hypothesis. Our results were consistent with the male rejection hypothesis in that females were aggressive toward unfamiliar males. Our results were most consistent with the misdirected paternal care hypothesis in that once females started breeding, they continued to become pregnant and nurse young throughout the study period. Thus, our findings suggest that the potential of misdirected paternal care and delayed mating opportunity in conjunction with the aggressive behavior of females toward unfamiliar males are likely explanations for the lack of repairing for widow females.  相似文献   

Sixty anestrous ewes were used to determine the effects of artificial photoperiod and/or melatonin feeding on seasonality of reproduction. Treatments included natural daylight (ND), 8 h of light, 16 h of darkness (8L: 16D), natural daylight plus 3.5 mg melatonin fed per ewe daily (ND + MEL), and 8L: 16D plus 3.5 mg melatonin fed per ewe daily (8L: 16D + MEL). The percentage of ewes lambing was lower (P < 0.05) for ND treated ewes (40%) than for ewes in 8L: 16D (100%), ND + MEL (91.7%), or 8L: 16D + MEL (93.3%). The earliest mean conception date was for ewes in the 8L: 16D + MEL treatment. This was 10 days earlier than for ewes in the ND treatment (P < 0.05). ND and ND + MEL treated ewes had fewer lambs (P < 0.05) and lighter litter weight (P < 0.05) per ewe lambing than did 8L: 16D and 8L: 16D + MEL treated ewes. Serum progesterone levels above 1.0 ng/ml were reached and maintained approximately 3 wk earlier in the 8L: 16D, 8L: 16D + MEL, and ND + MEL treated ewes than in the ND treated ewes (P < 0.05). Ewes in ND treatment had higher overall serum prolactin levels (P < 0.05) than did ewes in all other treatments. Results indicate that the 8L: 16D treatment and/or feeding melatonin can hasten cyclicity in ewes and increase the number of ewes conceiving.  相似文献   

Morphometric characters can be of use for elucidating the evolutionary history of species by providing an insight into the selective pressure related to the character of interest, and by allowing integration of fossil specimens. This potential interest of phenotypic characters, however, depends on how much other sources of variation, such as the life-history of the animal, may blur an evolutionary signal. For instance, age structure varies along the year, causing in turn various assemblages of wear stages in the teeth sampled at a given place and time. In this context, we investigated the season of trapping as potential source of variation in the size and shape of the molar occlusal surface of the bank vole, Clethrionomys glareolus.The size and shape of the occlusal surface of the third upper molar was quantified using outline analysis in 60 bank voles from Finland, trapped at the same study site in successive spring and autumn. The occlusal surface clearly differed in size and shape between the two seasons of trapping. Using 3D imaging as a visual support, we interpret this difference as the result of differential wear. The population in autumn is dominated by young specimens with unworn teeth whereas spring populations are composed of old animals with worn down molars. The range of seasonal variation in tooth size and shape appears to be of the same order of magnitude as biogeographic variation, demonstrating that differential wear may have a strong impact on biogeographic and evolutionary studies. Yet, beyond the effect of trapping season, a biogeographic signal still emerged, related to the genetic lineages evidenced in other studies. In consequence, morphometric characters such as size and shape of molar occlusal surfaces appear as valuable tracers of biogeographic differentiation, but future studies should take seasonal variations into account for more robust interpretation.  相似文献   

The testicular inhibin content showed an initial increase in the first 2-3 days after bilateral ligation of the efferent ducts of rats, followed by a subsequent decline to levels significantly below normal by 14 days, and reached 25% of control values at 42 days. Serum concentrations of FSH and LH were significantly increased at Day 6-7 after treatment and were still elevated after 42 days. The decline in testicular inhibin content at times associated with elevated FSH concentrations is consistent with the hypothesis of inhibin being involved in the feedback control of FSH secretion.  相似文献   

Computer analysis of the subcellular distribution of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase in adult female (Gallus domesticus) chicken liver indicates that the activity is distributed between the mitochondria and nucleus in the ratio 70: 30%. There was no activity found in the cytosol. Newly hatched chicks and 8-week-old juveniles were found to have a significant soluble hepatic PEPCK activity. The particulate activity of PEPCK in the livers of juveniles raised in continuous light (24L:0D) decreased over the course of a 7-day fast while no such decrease was seen in juveniles raised in a 12-hr daylength photoperiod (12L:12D).  相似文献   

  • 1 There are significant differences in the effects of larval photo-period on diapause and pupal colour among the species Papilio polyxenes Fabr., P.troilus L., Battus philenor (L.) and Eurytides marcellus (Cramer).
  • 2 Diapause and pupal colour in P.polyxenes and P.troilus are strongly influenced by larval photoperiod, short photophase eliciting brown diapausing pupae. Photoperiods of 15L:9D permit the expression of the green and brown pupal colour alternatives.
  • 3 Pupal colour in B.philenor and E.marcellus is not affected by larval photoperiod, but short photophase induces diapause in these species.
  • 4 All species except B.philenor show an association between brown pupal colour and diapause: Emarcellus when reared on long (midsummer) photophase, P.polyxenes and P.troilus when reared on short (autumnal) photophase.
  • 5 In P.polyxenes, short photophase can affect pupal colour responses directly, whether the individual enters diapause or not.
  • 6 Differences among the species are related to differences in the ecology of their natural pupation sites.

The effect of diet quality on gut anatomy in British voles (Microtinae)   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
Three species of British voles, the bank vole Clethrionomys glareolus, the field vole Microtus agrestis and the water vole Arvicola terrestris were maintained on diets of seed and plant leaf material to investigate changes in gut anatomy. C. glareolus and M. agrestis showed significant changes in most regions of the gut; they developed longer and heavier tracts when on a highfibre diet. This response may be important in enabling these animals to withstand seasonal changes in diet quality.  相似文献   

Summary We investigated how far competitive interactions influence the use of habitats and relative abundance of two species of Microtus in the southwestern Yukon. We worked in the ecotone between alpine tundra and subalpine shrub tundra where populations of singing voles (Microtus miurus) and tundra voles (M. oeconomus) overlap little.We removed tundra voles from shrub tundra on one live-trapping area to look at the effect on the contiguous population of singing voles in alpine tundra. The removal of tundra voles did not affect the distribution or relative abundance of singing voles. The spatial distribution of these species and their movements within habitats suggest that they have a strong habitat preference.Populations of small mammals in the area are extremely dynamic and the relative importance of competitive interactions may change as density varies. At present we have no evidence that competition affects habitat use in M. miurus.  相似文献   

Spatial and temporal heterogeneity in relative fitness of competing species is a key factor affecting the structure of communities. However, it is not intuitive why species that are ecologically similar should differ in their response to environmental changes. Here we show that two sympatric flycatchers differ in reproductive strategy and in sensitivity to harsh environment. The fitness of collared flycatchers (Ficedula albicollis), which are dominant in interference competition, is more sensitive than the fitness of pied flycatchers (Ficedula hypoleuca) to the seasonal decline in environmental conditions. In order to control for the possibility that this pattern arises solely from differences in microhabitat use (i.e. a local niche differentiation), we performed a partial cross-fostering experiment of young between the two species (i.e. resulting in nests containing young of both species). Our results show that the growth of nestling pied flycatchers is less influenced by the seasonal decline in environmental conditions. We suggest that a life-history trade-off between interference competitive ability and robustness to harsh environment promotes a regional coexistence of the two species.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Psylla pyricola Forster (Homoptera) occurs as two adult morphs, a summer form (f. typica) and a winter form (f. simulans). The latter is larger, darker and overwinters in ovarian diapause. Eggs laid by either morph under LD 12:12 (short days) or under LD 18:6 or 16:8 (long days) gave f. typica when reared under long days. When reared under short days, almost all were f. simulans. No interforms were recorded. When the photoperiod was switched during the nymphal stage (whether from long to short days, diapause induction; or from short to long days, diapause termination), nymphs were progressively less sensitive with increasing age, with no morph changes when the switch occurred in the fifth instar. Nymphs derived from f. simulans reared under long days tended to be more sensitive to a change to short days in the early instars than when the nymphs were first reared under short days and then switched to long days. Interforms were frequent when the switch occurred during the nymphal stage, particularly in the third instar. Wing lengths varied within morphs depending on the timing of the switch. The largest f. simulans were derived from f. typica when maintained under short days, and the smallest f. typica from either morph when maintained under long days, as would be expected under field conditions. No f. simulans were found under field conditions in the first f. typica generation, but a small percentage were present in the second generation. It is concluded that, even within a given generation, not all P. pyricola are equally sensitive to photoperiod, but that photoperiod is one of the major factors controlling the change to f. simulans in the autumn. Whilst under laboratory conditions photoperiod can also affect the switch to f. typica in the spring, in the field it may be less important than low temperatures.  相似文献   

Many terrestrial mammals scent mark in areas containing the scent marks of conspecifics, and thus, may deposit their own scent marks on top of those that were deposited previously by conspecifics. This phenomenon, known as over-marking appears to play a role in same-sex competition or mate attraction. The present study determines whether meadow and prairie voles avoid over-marking the scent marks of conspecifics, target the scent marks of conspecifics and over-mark them, or randomly over-mark the scent marks of conspecifics. The data show that meadow and prairie voles adjust the number and location of scent marks that they deposit in areas marked previously by particular conspecifics. Male and female meadow and prairie voles target the scent marks of opposite-sex conspecifics and over-mark them. Female meadow and prairie voles also target the scent marks of female conspecifics. In contrast, male meadow and prairie voles over-mark the scent marks of male conspecifics in a random manner. By differentially over-marking the scent marks of conspecifics, voles may be able to communicate particular information to a variety of conspecifics.  相似文献   

The effects of thermoperiods on diapause induction under continuous darkness (DD), continuous light (LL), and an L12:D12 photoperiod were investigated in the cabbage beetle, Colaphellus bowringi Baly (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), a short‐day species. Diapause could be induced by thermoperiod under both LL and DD; however, in the range of 24–30 °C, lower incidences of diapause were observed under LL than under DD. The critical cryophase was found to be dependent on the mean temperature of the thermoperiod applied. Although the thermoperiodic response pattern was similar under LL and DD, the incidence of diapause was higher under LL when the duration of the cryophase did not exceed 12 h. In contrast, when the duration of the cryophase was longer than 12 h, the incidence of diapause under LL was lower or equal to that under DD. When a thermoperiod of 24 °C (cryophase) and 28 °C (thermophase) was applied, the incidence of diapause was higher under LL than under DD, regardless of the duration of the cryophase. Thermoperiodic responses under a photoperiod of L12:D12 and under DD further revealed that induction of diapause was strongly influenced by the photophase temperature. Moreover, the incidence of diapause was lower when the thermophase coincided with the photophase than when the cryophase coincided with the photophase.  相似文献   

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