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An extensive survey of isozyme phenotypes in British populations of the amphidiploid salt marsh grass Spartina anglica and its putative parents has confirmed that the species arose by chromosome doubling in S. × townsendii , a sterile hybrid between S. maritima and S. alterniflora. Isozyme phenotypes and seed protein profiles indicate that S. anglica is almost totally lacking in genetic variation. Isozyme evidence also indicates that the parental species are characterized by low levels of genetic variation. The lack of variation in S. anglica is proposed as being due to a narrow genetic base resulting from a single origin, or a multiple origin from uniform parents; the fact that many populations are derived from very small founder populations; and because preferential pairing between identical homologous chromosomes prevents recombination between the divergent component genomes of the species. The low levels of isozyme variation that occur appear to be due to chromosome loss.
The consequences for the future evolution of S. anglica , given its lack of genetic variation, are discussed.  相似文献   

Population variation in Spartina anglica C. E. Hubbard   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  

Spartina anglica is a classical example of recent alloploid speciation. It arose during the end of the nineteenth century in England by hybridization between the indigenous Spartina maritima and the introduced East-American Spartina alterniflora. Duplication of the hybrid genome (Spartina x townsendii) gave rise to a vigorous allopolyploid involved in natural and artificial invasions on different continents. Spartina anglica was first recorded in France in 1906, and since then, it has spread all along the western French coast. Earlier studies revealed that native British populations display consistent morphological plasticity and lack of isozyme variation. In this paper, we use different molecular markers (randomly amplified polymorphic DNA, intersimple sequence repeats and restriction patterns from nuclear and chloroplast DNA sequences) to analyse the genetic patterns of the French populations of S. anglica. Our results show that French populations are mainly composed of one "major" multilocus genotype. This genotype is identical to the first-generation hybrid S. x townsendii from England. Losses of few markers from this genotype are observed but are restricted to a few populations from Brittany; it is likely that they appeared independently, subsequent to their introduction. In southern Brittany, no hybrids between S. anglica and S. maritima have been found where the two species co-occur. All French populations of S. anglica display the same chloroplast DNA sequences as S. alterniflora, the maternal genome donor. These findings are consistent with a severe genetic bottleneck at the time of the species formation, as a consequence of a unique origin of the species. Both parental nuclear sequences are present in the allopolyploid populations, revealing that for the markers investigated, no extensive changes have occurred in this young species.  相似文献   

大米草对双齿围沙蚕生境中土壤改良作用的研究   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:13  
大米草对双齿围沙蚕生境中土壤改良作用的研究赵清良赵强(南京师范大学生物系,210097)EffectsofSpartinaanglicatotheSoilHabitatsofPerenereisaibuhitensis.ZhaoQingliang,Z...  相似文献   

In this paper , the effect of NaCl concentration ( 1× 104 - 6× 104 mg/L) on the seed germination of smooth cordgrass ( Spartina alterniflora) was investigated using 1/2 Hoagland as the basic culture solution. The results indicated that the coleoptile and embryonal axis grew before the radicle and plumule in the stage of germination . Salinity level had no influence on the seed germination percentage when the salt concentration didn′t exceed 3×104 mg/L. The optimal salinity level for seed germination and embryo growth was 1×104 mg/L . The inhibit effect of salt concentration on the growth of embryo′s different part was different, and the length of radicle and plumule decreased significantly with the increase of salt concentration. However , the lesser inhibition on the embryonal axis and coleoptile was observed under the higher salt concentration, and thus the seedlings out of soil were ensured and the species was quickly adapted to the environment of inter- tidal zone .  相似文献   

Spartina x townsendii arose during the end of the 19th century in England by hybridization between the indigenous Spartina maritima and the introduced Spartina alterniflora, native to the eastern seaboard of North America. Duplication of the hybrid genome gave rise to Spartina anglica, a vigorous allopolyploid involved in natural and artificial invasions on several continents. This system allows investigation of the early evolutionary changes that accompany stabilization of new allopolyploid species. Because allopolyploidy may be a genomic shock, eliciting retroelement insertional activity, we examined whether retrotransposons present in the parental species have been activated in the genome of S. anglica. For this purpose we used inter-retrotransposon amplified polymorphism (IRAP) and retrotransposons-microsatellite amplified polymorphism (REMAP) markers, which are multilocus PCR-based methods detecting retrotransposon integration events in the genome. IRAP and REMAP allowed the screening of insertional polymorphisms in populations of S. anglica. The populations are composed mainly of one major multilocus genotype, identical to the first-generation hybrid S. x townsendii. Few new integration sites were encountered in the young allopolyploid genome. We also found strict additivity of the parental subgenomes in the allopolyploid. Both these findings indicate that the genome of S. anglica has not undergone extensive changes since its formation. This contrasts with previous results from the literature, which report rapid structural changes in experimentally resynthesized allopolyploids.  相似文献   

从美国引种成功的三种类型互花米草在不同NaCl浓度的盐渍生境中,叶细胞膜透性、渗透调节物(主要是K+、Na+)和氨基酸的变化以及光合作用、呼吸作用的变化都存在明显的差异,这是由于长期不同生境的选择和互花米草的基因型适应所造成的生态型分化的结果。按抗盐性分:G型抗性最强、F型最弱、N型居中。  相似文献   

Starch gel electrophoresis of 17 proteins has provided data on inter- and intrapopulation genetic variation in 20 species ofPorphyra occurring in British Columbia and adjacent areas.P. cuneiformis andP. nereocystis showed no within species variation, even over ranges of more than 1000 km. Populations ofP. abbottae, P. fallax, P. fucicola, P. gardneri andP. schizophylla were characterized by fixation for certain alleles. The number of polymorphic loci in a population ranged from zero to nine, depending on the species. Six species had populations that were polymorphic at just a single locus. Only two species (P. mumfordii andP. pseudolanceolata) had populations that were polymorphic at more than three loci. These levels of genetic variation are lower than those reported for populations of JapanesePorphyra species. Eleven taxa were polymorphic for 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase, the most variable enzyme. No within species polymorphisms were detected for bromoperoxidase, lactate dehydrogenase, superoxide dismutase or phycoerythrin. Possible evidence for the chimeric nature of the thallus was observed only inP. mumfordii.  相似文献   

中国米草生态工程的功与过   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
米草生态工程在我国已经走过40年的发展历程,成为中国海岸线一道绿色长城.米草生态工程曾经发挥了显著的生态效益和经济效益,如保滩护堤、促淤造陆、改良盐土、净化水质等,同时也出现了一些负面作用,如绞杀土著物种、侵占航道、危害贝类养殖等.米草的种群爆发可能是因为富营养化、温室效应以及一些可能的人为因素.对待米草,应该科学分析与对待,在种群爆发地区进行科学防治的同时,还应充分发挥其生态与经济效益.  相似文献   

Chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) is most often maternally inherited and highly conserved leading to previous observation of little to no sequence variation. Comparing cpDNA haplotypes have provided valuable insight into the establishment and migration of polyploid populations. However, to use chloroplast haplotypes to their full potential intrapopulational variation needs to be addressed. In this study, cpDNA haplotype variation was surveyed within 16 natural populations of prairie cordgrass (Spartina pectinata Link) located east of the 100th west meridian and north of the 35th north parallel in the U.S.A. using two non-coding, polymorphic chloroplast regions. Two main clades were defined with subclades as follows: haplotype 1 and haplotype 2A and 2B. It was discovered that seven populations showed intrapopulational chloroplast genome variation. Of the total amount of variation, 95.5% occurred within the octoploid populations and 4.5% occurred within the tetraploid populations. Both variant haplotypes, 2A and 2B, were found in a larger sampling of one of the natural populations, but no variation was found in a mixed ploidy population. The intrapopulational cpDNA variation we found in this study cannot directly be related to mechanisms of introduction of the non-native populations into native populations. Therefore, this cpDNA variation could be novel natural variation that has been fixed as the octoploid populations were established and moved northwest. This analysis provides insight into determining the usefulness of indels and single nucleotide polymorphisms for population identification and may provide information in regards to the origin of chloroplast variation and its subsequent fixation and establishment in natural prairie cordgrass populations.  相似文献   

Patterns of genetic diversity within and among populations of Calliandra calothyrsus, an important multipurpose tree species, were examined using isozyme analysis. C. calothyrsus is a widespread species distributed throughout Central America and southern Mexico, across a variety of environments. Morphologically and ecologically distinct populations can be identified within this range, but they are currently considered to represent a single species. C. calothyrsus has been introduced to many parts of the tropics, where it is cultivated as a source of fuelwood, animal fodder, green manure, and shade by rural communities. Some of these introductions are known to have originated from Guatemala, but very little is known about the genetic diversity of either the native or naturalized populations. Isozyme electrophoresis of 23 loci across 17 populations of C. calothyrsus indicated that the majority of genetic diversity was partitioned between populations (FST = 0.802) and that within-population heterozygosity was low (mean Ho = 0.057). Naturalized populations had lower than expected heterozygosities and were most similar to material from Santa Maria de Jesus, a natural population in southern Guatemala. Four distinct groups of populations were identified on the basis of Nei's genetic distances and Population Aggregation Analysis (PAA), and correlate with the morphological and ecological differences that can be observed within the species. The results are discussed in relation to species delimitation and conservation.  相似文献   

Spartina anglica is a textbook example of a natural amphiploid, which originated from hybridization between S. alterniflora and S. maritima . Which of these species was the maternal parent has remained a mystery. Inheritance of chloroplast DNA in most angiosperms is strictly maternal and can thus be used to test the parentage of hybrid taxa. The DNA sequence of the chloroplast leucine tRNA gene intron was used to show that the introduced North American S. alterniflora is the female parent of the F 1 hybrid S. x townsendii and the amphiploid S. anglica . A possible scenario for their origin is given.  相似文献   

互花米草原产于北美洲大西洋沿岸和墨西哥海湾,经引种和其他原因,已扩散到包括中国在内的多个国家和地区,并对被入侵地生态系统的结构和功能均造成了显著影响。有关该物种的入侵机制和控制策略是当前入侵生态学研究领域的热点。互花米草生物质材料中富含黄酮类物质,与该物种向海扩张的能力可能存在一定联系。鉴于黄酮广泛的应用价值,能否借助黄酮成分的开发带动生物质的收割,以达到有效控制该物种的目的,也是当前研究者所关注的问题。以芦丁为标准参照物,NaNO2-Al( NO3)3法比较温室互花米草不同器官中总黄酮含量的差异,分析盐城滩涂互花米草越冬芽黄酮含量与所在地理位置之间的关系,采用L9(34)正交试验对干储互花米草叶总黄酮的提取工艺进行优化。互花米草叶片中黄酮类物质远高于根、根状茎、茎、叶鞘、颖稃及种子。盐城滩涂上互花米草越冬芽的黄酮含量随着由陆向海方向基本呈升高趋势。互花米草总黄酮最佳提取工艺为料液比1∶30,乙醇浓度70%,水浴温度80℃,水浴时间2h。互花米草植物材料中,尤其在叶部,黄酮含量十分丰富。该黄酮物质与互花米草在海岸带盐沼生态系统中的适应和向海扩张也存在正相关关系,可作为探索互花米草入侵机制的一个方向。利用本研究中所得优化提取工艺可从互花米草干储生物质中获得稳定的黄酮来源。配合黄酮经济成分的开发而推动生物质材料的收割利用,将成为互花米草生态控制的一项潜在策略。  相似文献   

Honckenya peploides is a subdioecious dune plant that reproduces both sexually and by clonal growth. In northwest Spain this species was found to exhibit an extreme spatial segregation of the sexes, and our objective was to investigate genetic variation in unisexual clumps. Genetic variation was studied in six unisexual clumps of H. peploides, three of them exclusively composed of males and three exclusively female. In total, 193 samples were analysed using isozyme analysis and 80 samples were analysed using two AFLP primer combinations. Both techniques revealed considerably high genetic diversity (average proportion of distinguishable genotypes: 0.22 for isozymes and 0.36 for AFLP; average Simpson’s D: 0.65 for isozymes and 0.68 for AFLP). Our results show that, in spite of clonal growth, each unisexual clump consists of different genotypes. Genetic diversity within clumps is similar for both sexual morphs. Reasons for unisexuality of the clumps are discussed.  相似文献   

 Fifty natural Datura populations, belonging to eleven species (D. ceratocaula, D. discolor, D. inoxia, D. kymatocarpa, D. lanosa, D. metel, D. pruinosa, D. quercifolia, D. reburra, D. stramonium, D. wrightii) from Mexico and adjacent USA, were investigated using starch gel electrophoresis. A total of 64 alleles were scored at 17 loci (DIA1, DIA2, GOT1, GOT2, G6PDH, IDH, MDH1, MDH2, MDH3, ME, PGD1, PGD2, PGM1, PGM2, PHI, SAD, SOD). The heterozygosity among the species ranged from 0.166 (D. ceratocaula) to 0.276 (D. wrightii). Most genetic diversity was found within populations (average Hs=0.242), while values between populations are relatively low (average Dst=0.066, Gst=0.171). The analysis of the genetic distance suggested new taxonomic relationships among the species. Rather than supporting the conventional infrageneric classification with three sections, the results revealed that the herbaceous members of the genus Datura form four groups. One group included four of the eight species of the section Dutra and was more similar to the section Ceratocaulis than it was to the other group that contained the remaining taxa of Dutra. Received February 13, 2001 Accepted December 25, 2001  相似文献   

周虹霞  刘金娥  钦佩 《生态学报》2005,25(9):2304-2311
研究了江苏滨海外来种互花米草的生长对潮间带土壤微生物特征的影响,结果显示:与原有光滩相比,互花米草的大面积生长,使当地潮间带土壤微生物量增加,并随植被的生长状况发生变化,潮间带土壤微生物对碳和营养物质的利用相对较少;同时微生物生理功能群中占优势的活动组分发生了变化,组成可能更复杂。土壤微生物群落生理功能多样性(CLPP)分析结果显示,潮间带土壤微生物群落对碳源底物的利用能力不高,所利用碳源以糖类、氨基酸类、羧酸类占优势;其中互花米草盐沼微生物利用的碳源种类多于光滩,并且不同季节土壤微生物群落碳源利用类型存在差异;潮间带土壤微生物在不同的季节中其生理功能群组成发生着变化,互花米草盐沼的土壤微生物在植被生长减弱时具有与光滩相近的代谢类群,在生理功能上具有一定的相似性;当植被生长旺盛时,其代谢类群增多,代谢强度升高,微生物群落功能多样性增加。外来种互花米草在滨海潮间带的大面积生长,改善了土壤理化性质,为该处土壤微生物提供了不同的碳源,增强了土壤微生物的活动,改变了土壤微生物群落生理功能结构。  相似文献   

Introduced Spartina alterniflora (smooth cordgrass) is rapidly invading intertidal mudflats in San Francisco Bay, California. At several sites, S. alterniflora co-occurs with native S. foliosa (California cordgrass), a species endemic to California salt marshes. In this study, random amplified polymorphic DNA markers (RAPDs) specific to each Spartina species were identified and used to test for hybridization between the native and introduced Spartina species in the greenhouse and in the field. Greenhouse crosses were made using S. alterniflora as the pollen donor and S. foliosa as the maternal plant, and these crosses produced viable seeds. The hybrid status of the crossed offspring was confirmed with the RAPD markers. Hybrids had low self-fertility but high fertility when back-crossed with S. foliosa pollen. Hybrids were also found established at two field sites in San Francisco Bay; these hybrids appeared vigorous and morphologically intermediate between the parental species. Field observations suggested that hybrids were recruiting more rapidly than the native S. foliosa. Previous work identified competition from introduced S. alterniflora as a threat to native S. foliosa. In this study, we identify introgression and the spread of hybrids as an additional, perhaps even more serious threat to conservation of S. foliosa in San Francisco Bay.  相似文献   

Wetland environment and habitat loss increase the rate of biodiversity decline and affect our ecosystems. Yancheng National Nature Reserve (YNNR) is a protected area dedicated to endangered migratory bird species to overwinter. However, it currently has a record low influx of migrating birds and might therefore be losing its founding purpose. We used remote sensing technology to assess and quantify the impacts and effects of invasive halophytes Spartina alterniflora in the habitat loss and shrinkage of endangered bird wintering habitat from 2003 to 2018. We also attempted to ascertain the causes and triggers of avian population decline and its relationship with habitat loss, as these phenomena threaten and endanger species both locally and globally. Our study shows how YNNR has lost about 80% of migratory bird habitat to invasive S. alterniflora and Phragmites australis, a native halophyte plant in the reserve. Furthermore, shoreline erosion triggered the retraction of S. alterniflora and its backward growth toward Suaeda Salsa, the preferred foraging habitat for migratory birds in the zone, which is a possible cause of their decline.  相似文献   

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