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Neuronal nuclei were isolated from immature rabbit cerebral cortex and nuclear lysophospholipase activities studied using two different 1-acyl lysophospholipids: lysophosphatidylcholine (lysoPC) and lysophosphatidic acid (lysoPA). Our interest in these two lysolipids arose from the observation that lysoPA could promote the acetylation of lysoPC by substantially inhibiting a very active nuclear lysoPC lysophospholipase activity, in a competitive manner (R.R. Baker, H.-y. Chang, Mol. Cell. Biochem. (1999) in press). As there was also evidence for nuclear lysoPA deacylation, it was of interest to see whether one activity could possibly utilize both lysolipid substrates. We now have evidence for two separate lysophospholipase activities in neuronal nuclei. The lysoPC lysophospholipase activity was the more active, more highly enriched in the neuronal nuclei, and showed optimal activity at pH 8.4–9, while the lysoPA lysophospholipase activity was maintained over a much broader pH range. The lysoPC activity was substantially inhibited by free fatty acid, and showed considerable stimulation by serum albumin, while the activity utilizing lysoPA was much less affected by these agents. When lysoPC was added to incubations containing radioactive lysoPA, there was no significant inhibition found in rates of release of radioactive fatty acid, indicating that the lysoPA lysophospholipase activity did not utilize the lysoPC substrate. In incubations with lysoPC, MgATP and CoA brought about a sizable formation of phosphatidylcholine whose radioactivity was equally distributed between the sn-1 and sn-2 positions suggesting labelling both directly from the lysoPC substrate and from fatty acid produced by the lysophospholipase activity. By comparison, with the radioactive lysoPA substrate, MgATP and CoA promoted relatively lower levels of phosphatidic acid formation whose principal labelling came directly from the radioactive lysoPA. Largely because of the high activity of the nuclear lysoPC lysophospholipase, there is considerable potential in the neuronal nucleus to limit the use of lysoPC in other reactions, such as the formation of acylPAF (1-acyl analogue of platelet activating factor). It is of interest that conditions associated with brain ischaemia such as increased free fatty acid levels, falling pH and declines in MgATP may allow a preservation of neuronal nuclear lysoPC levels for acetylation. The existence of a separate lysophospholipase activity for lysoPA allows an independent control of lysoPA which can serve as an important regulator of the nuclear lysoPC lysophospholipase.  相似文献   

We report the production of a monoclonal antibody (MAb 526) that recognizes a novel, developmentally regulated nuclear protein expressed in neurons throughout the rat nervous system. Analysis of whole brain and cell nuclear extracts by SDS-PAGE and immunoblotting determined that MAb 526 recognizes a single nuclear protein (np) of apparent molecular weight 42 kD, designated np526, as well as a slightly larger (ca. 44 kD) cytoplasmic protein. Light microscopic immunocytochemistry showed np526 to be present in neurons of all types throughout the central and peripheral nervous systems. Nuclei of both fibrous and protoplasmic astrocytes were also immunoreactive, but oligodendrocyte nuclei were negative. Positive, but highly variable immunocytochemical staining of nonneural cell nuclei in a variety of other tissues was also observed. Electron microscopic (EM) immunocytochemistry using pre-embedding peroxidase methods revealed that np526 is associated with euchromatin or with the edges of condensed chromatin bundles in neurons, indicating that it is likely to be a chromosomal protein. Most interestingly, the expression of np526 was found to be developmentally regulated in brain. Immunocytochemical analysis of the developing cerebral cortex from embryonic day (E) 16 to postnatal day (P) 4 and cerebellum from P4 to P18 revealed that np526 first appears in central neurons following the cessation of mitosis and that the intensity of nuclear staining increases during subsequent neuronal maturation. To our knowledge, np526 is the first presumptive chromosomal protein whose expression has been precisely correlated with the early postmitotic differentiation of mammalian neurons.  相似文献   

Culture media modifications, including the addition of various factors, are important for the in vitro production of oocytes and embryos. In this study, we investigated the effects of lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) on porcine embryo development. Porcine parthenogenetic embryos were cultured with 0, 0.1, 1, and 10 μM LPA for 7 days, or cultured in basic medium until Day 4 and then treated with LPA from Days 4 to 7. No difference in the in vitro development of embryos cultured with LPA for 7 days was observed. Conversely, rates of blastocyst and over‐expanded blastocyst formation were higher in the 0.1 and 1 µM LPA‐treated versus the other groups of embryos treated from Days 4 to 7. Moreover, formation of early blastocysts occurred earlier and embryo size was larger in LPA‐treated compared to control embryos. Expression of Connexin 43 and gap junction and cell adhesion‐related genes (GJC1 and CDH1, respectively) was also higher in LPA‐treated compared to control embryos. Despite no difference in the blastocyst total cell number between groups, the apoptotic index was lower in the LPA‐treated group than in the control group; indeed, BCL2L1 (B‐cell lymphoma 2‐like protein 1) expression increased while BAK (Bcl‐2 homologous antagonist killer) decreased in the LPA‐treated group. Thus, addition of LPA to the medium from Days 4 to 7 of culture improves blastocyst formation and aids the development of preimplantation embryos.  相似文献   

Chen X 《生理学报》2007,59(5):619-627
溶血磷脂酸(1ysophosphatidic acid,LPA)是一种十分活跃的磷脂信号分子,具有广泛的生物学效应,包括诱导神经轴突回缩、应力纤维形成、促进血小板凝集、诱导平滑肌收缩、刺激血管平滑肌细胞增殖等。LPA通过其受体及耦联的G蛋白调节细胞内信号途径,介导各种生物学效应。心脏组织中存在多种LPA受体亚型,尤其受体LPAl亚型在心脏组织中的含量仅次于脑,位居第二,暗示LPA在心脏中有重要的生物学功能。本文着重对LPA的5种受体亚型的组织分布、与G蛋白的耦联和对第二信使的活性调节,以及LPA及其受体亚型对心脏细胞的生长调节作一综述。  相似文献   

Lung fibrosis is characterized by vascular leakage and myofibroblast recruitment, and both phenomena are mediated by lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) via its type‐1 receptor (LPA1). Following lung damage, the accumulated myofibroblasts activate and secrete excessive extracellular matrix (ECM), and form fibrotic foci. Studies have shown that bone marrow‐derived cells are an important source of myofibroblasts in the fibrotic organ. However, the type of cells in the bone marrow contributing predominantly to the myofibroblasts and the involvement of LPA‐LPA1 signalling in this is yet unclear. Using a bleomycin‐induced mouse lung‐fibrosis model with an enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) transgenic mouse bone marrow replacement, we first demonstrated that bone marrow derived‐mesenchymal stem cells (BMSCs) migrated markedly to the bleomycin‐injured lung. The migrated BMSC contributed significantly to α‐smooth muscle actin (α‐SMA)‐positive myofibroblasts. By transplantation of GFP‐labelled human BMSC (hBMSC) or EGFP transgenic mouse BMSC (mBMSC), we further showed that BMSC might be involved in lung fibrosis in severe combined immune deficiency (SCID)/Beige mice induced by bleomycin. In addition, using quantitative‐RT‐PCR, western blot, Sircol collagen assay and migration assay, we determined the underlying mechanism was LPA‐induced BMSC differentiation into myofibroblast and the secretion of ECM via LPA1. By employing a novel LPA1 antagonist, Antalpa1, we then showed that Antalpa1 could attenuate lung fibrosis by inhibiting both BMSC differentiation into myofibroblast and the secretion of ECM. Collectively, the above findings not only further validate LPA1 as a drug target in the treatment of pulmonary fibrosis but also elucidate a novel pathway in which BMSCs contribute to the pathologic process.  相似文献   

The bioactive lysophospholipids lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) and sphingosine 1-phosphate (S1P) have diverse effects on the developing nervous system and neural progenitors, but the molecular basis for their pleiotropic effects is poorly understood. We previously defined LPA and S1P signaling in proliferating human neural progenitor (hNP) cells, and the current study investigates their role in neuronal differentiation of these cells. Differentiation in the presence of LPA or S1P significantly enhanced cell survival and decreased expression of neuronal markers. Further, the LPA receptor antagonist Ki16425 fully blocked the effects of LPA, and differentiation in the presence of Ki16425 dramatically enhanced neurite length. LPA and S1P robustly activated Erk, but surprisingly both strongly suppressed Akt activation. Ki16425 and pertussis toxin blocked LPA activation of Erk but not LPA inhibition of Akt, suggesting distinct receptor and G-protein subtypes mediate these effects. Finally, we explored cross talk between lysophospholipid signaling and the cytokine leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF). LPA/S1P effects on neuronal differentiation were amplified in the presence of LIF. Similarly, the ability of LPA/S1P to regulate Erk and Akt was impacted by the presence of LIF; LIF enhanced the inhibitory effect of LPA/S1P on Akt phosphorylation, while LIF blunted the activation of Erk by LPA/S1P. Taken together, our results suggest that LPA and S1P enhance survival and inhibit neuronal differentiation of hNP cells, and LPA1 is critical for the effect of LPA. The pleiotropic effects of LPA may reflect differences in receptor subtype expression or cross talk with LIF receptor signaling.  相似文献   

Astrocytes in the CNS undergo morphological changes and start to proliferate after breakdown of the blood–brain barrier. In culture, proliferating astrocytes have a flat, polygonal shape. When treated with cAMP-raising agents, astrocytes adopt a stellate, process-bearing morphology resembling theirin vivoappearance. Stellation is accompanied by loss of actin stress fibers and focal adhesions. Lysophosphatidic acid (LPA), a blood-borne mitogen that signals through its cognate G protein-coupled receptor, stimulates DNA synthesis in astrocytes and causes rapid reversal of cAMP-induced stellation. LPA reversal of stellation is initiated by f-actin reassembly and tyrosine phosphorylation of focal adhesion proteins such as paxillin. Botulinum C3 toxin, which inactivates the Rho GTPase, mimics cAMP-raising agents in inducing stellation, f-actin disassembly, paxillin dephosphorylation, and growth arrest. However, unlike cAMP-induced stellation, C3-induced stellation cannot be reversed by LPA. Conversely, astrocytes expressing activated RhoA fail to undergo cAMP-induced stellation. Thus, RhoA controls astrocyte morphology in that active RhoA directs LPA reversal of stellation, while inactivation of RhoA is sufficient to induce stellation.  相似文献   

Neuronal nuclei isolated from rabbit cerebral cortex were found to be enriched in an NEM-insensitive lysophosphatidic acid (lysoPA) phosphohydrolase activity. LysoPA is an inhibitor of the nuclear lysophosphatidylcholine (lysoPC) lysophospholipase, and by preserving lysoPC levels, lysoPA boosted the nuclear production of the acyl analogue of platelet-activating factor by promoting the acetylation of lysoPC (Baker and Chang, Mol. Cell Biochem., 1999, in press). The nuclear phosphohydrolase converts lysoPA to 1-monoacylglycerol, and thus eliminates this lysoPA inhibition of lysoPC lysophospholipase. The nuclear lysoPA phosphohydrolase specific activity was more than three times that observed for the nuclear lysoPA lysophospholipase (Baker and Chang, Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1438 (1999) 253-263) and represents a more active route for nuclear lysoPA removal. The neuronal nuclear lysoPA phosphohydrolase was inhibited at acidic pH, and also inhibited by calcium ions. The 1-monoacylglycerol product of the phosphohydrolase is rapidly degraded by neuronal monoacylglycerol lipase, an enzyme some sevenfold more active than the phosphohydrolase and sensitive to inhibition by arachidonoyl trifluoromethyl ketone (AACOCF(3)). Both acidic pH and free fatty acid inhibited the lipase. In the absence of AACOCF(3), production of fatty acid from lysoPA substrate could be largely attributed to the sequential actions of the nuclear phosphohydrolase and lipase. This facilitates fatty acid recycling back into phospholipid by lysophospholipid acylation when ATP levels are restored following periods of brain ischemia. At relatively low concentrations, sphingosine-1-phosphate, and alkylglycerophosphate were the most effective phosphohydrolase inhibitors while phosphatidic acid, alkylacetylglycerophosphate and ceramide were without effect. LysoPA is an interesting regulatory molecule that can potentially preserve lysophosphatidylcholine within the nuclear membrane for use in acetylation reactions. Thus conditions relevant to brain ischemia such as falling pH, falling ATP concentrations, rising fatty acid and intracellular calcium levels may, by slowing this metabolic path for lysoPA loss, promote the production of acyl PAF and contribute to the increased levels of the acetylated lipids noted in ischemia.  相似文献   

We previously reported that nerve injury‐induced neuropathic pain and its underlying mechanisms are initiated by lysophosphatidic acid. In the present study, by measuring cell‐rounding in a biological assay using lysophosphatidic acid 1 receptor‐expressing B103 cells, we evaluated the molecular mechanism underlying lysophosphatidic acid biosynthesis following intense stimulation of primary afferents. Lysophosphatidic acid production was induced by treatment of spinal cord slices with capsaicin (10 μM), an intense stimulator of primary afferents, in the presence of recombinant autotaxin, but not in its absence. Lysophosphatidic acid was also induced by combination treatment of slices with high doses (10 and 30 μM) of substance P and NMDA, but not by other combinations of substance P, NMDA, calcitonin gene‐related peptide and α‐amino‐3‐hydroxy‐5‐methylisoxazole‐4‐propionate (30 μM each) in the presence of recombinant autotaxin. We also found that following neurokinin 1 and NMDA receptor activation, activation of both cytosolic phospholipase A2 and calcium‐independent intracellular phospholipase A2 signalling pathways through protein kinase C and mitogen‐activated protein/extracellular signal‐regulated kinase activation and intracellular calcium elevation were required for lysophosphatidic acid production. These findings suggest that simultaneous intense stimulation of neurokinin 1 and NMDA receptors in the spinal dorsal horn triggers lysophosphatidic acid production from lysophosphatidylcholine through extracellular autotaxin.  相似文献   

Lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) is a lipid growth factor that exerts diverse biological effects through its cognate receptor-mediated signaling cascades. Recently, we reported that LPA stimulates cAMP response element-binding protein (CREB) through mitogen- and stress-activated protein kinase-1 (MSK1). Previously, LPA has been shown to stimulate c-fos mRNA expression in Rat-2 fibroblast cells via a serum response element binding protein (SRF). However, involvement of CREB in LPA-stimulated c-fos gene expression is not elucidated yet. To investigate the CREB-mediated c-fos activation by LPA, various c-fos promoter-reporter constructs containing wild-type and mutated SRE and CRE were tested for their inducibility by LPA in transient transfection assays. LPA-stimulated c-fos promoter activation was markedly decreased when SRE and CRE were mutated. A dominant negative CREB significantly down-regulated the LPA-stimulated c-fos promoter activation. Chromatin immunoprecipitation assay revealed that LPA induced an increased binding of phosphorylated CREB and CREB-binding protein (CBP) to the CRE region of the endogenous c-fos promoter. Immunoblot analyses with various pharmacological inhibitors further showed that LPA induces up-regulation of c-fos mRNA level by activation of ERK, p38 MAPK, and MSK1. Taken together, our results suggest that CREB plays an important role in up-regulation of c-fos mRNA level in LPA-stimulated Rat-2 fibroblast cells.  相似文献   

Lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) is a lipid growth factor that exerts diverse biological effects through its cognate receptors (LPA1-LPA6). LPA1, which is predominantly expressed in the brain, plays a pivotal role in brain development. However, the role of LPA1 in neuronal migration has not yet been fully elucidated. Here, we delivered LPA1 to mouse cerebral cortex using in utero electroporation. We demonstrated that neuronal migration in the cerebral cortex was not affected by the overexpression of LPA1. Moreover, these results can be applied to the identification of the localization of LPA1. The subcellular localization of LPA1 was endogenously present in the perinuclear area, and overexpressed LPA1 was located in the plasma membrane. Furthermore, LPA1 in developing mouse cerebral cortex was mainly expressed in the ventricular zone and the cortical plate. In summary, the overexpression of LPA1 did not affect neuronal migration, and the protein expression of LPA1 was mainly located in the ventricular zone and cortical plate within the developing mouse cerebral cortex. These studies have provided information on the role of LPA1 in brain development and on the technical advantages of in utero electroporation.  相似文献   

Hama K  Aoki J  Bandoh K  Inoue A  Endo T  Amano T  Suzuki H  Arai H 《Life sciences》2006,79(18):1736-1740
Reciprocal interactions between blastocysts and receptive uteri are essential for successful implantation. This process is regulated by the timely interplay of two ovarian hormones, progesterone and estrogen. However, the molecular targets of these hormones are largely unknown. We showed recently that a small bioactive lysophospholipid, lysophosphatidic acid, plays a pivotal role in the establishment of implantation via its cellular receptor, LPA(3). Here we demonstrate that LPA(3) expression is positively and negatively regulated by steroid hormones in mouse uteri. The LPA(3) mRNA level in the uteri increased during early pseudopregnancy, peaking around 3.5 days post coitus (3.5 d.p.c.), then, decreased to the basal level on 4.5 d.p.c. LPA(3) expression remained at a low level in ovariectomized mice, and administration of progesterone to ovariectomized mice up-regulated LPA(3) mRNA expression. In addition, simultaneous administration of estrogen counteracted the effect of progesterone. These results show that progesterone and estrogen cooperatively regulate LPA(3) expression, thereby contributing to the receptivity of uteri during early pregnancy.  相似文献   

MgATP substantially inhibited 1-alkyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphate (AGP) acetyltransferase found in neuronal nuclei. Other nucleotides and the ATP analogue AMP-PNP did not show a comparable inhibition. MgATP inhibition decreased in the presence of bovine serum albumin or the fatty acyl CoA synthetase inhibitor, Triacsin C. MgATP inhibition increased when nuclei were preincubated in 50 mM Tris-HCl (pH 7.4)/1 mM MgCl(2) at 37 degrees C, and preincubations elevated levels of nuclear free fatty acid. Exogenous free fatty acid, added to the acetylation incubations, increased the inhibition seen in the presence of MgATP. Oleoyl CoA, in the absence of MgATP, also inhibited AGP acetylation. These results suggested that MgATP supported the conversion of nuclear free fatty acids to fatty acyl CoA. Fatty acyl CoA may directly inhibit nuclear AGP acetyltransferase, but inhibition brought about by MgATP was competitive for the AGP substrate, suggesting an inhibitor close in structure to AGP. 1-Hexadecyl-2-arachidonoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphate was identified as a competitive inhibitor for AGP in the acetylation reaction. Neuronal nuclei can convert AGP to 1-alkyl-2-acyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphate (AAcylGP), a reaction dependent upon MgATP and the presence of acetyl CoA or free CoA. This nuclear acylation was increased by free fatty acid addition and was seen using oleoyl CoA in the absence of MgATP. Nuclear AAcylGP formation was inhibited by bovine serum albumin and by Triacsin C. Thus, nuclear AGP acetyltransferase may be regulated by AGP acyltransferase activity and the availability of MgATP, a nucleotide that is rapidly lost during brain ischemia.  相似文献   

Transamination of the branched-chain amino acids produces glutamate and branched-chain alpha-ketoacids. The reaction is catalyzed by branched-chain aminotransferase (BCAT), of which there are cytosolic and mitochondrial isoforms (BCATc and BCATm). BCATc accounts for 70% of brain BCAT activity, and contributes at least 30% of the nitrogen required for glutamate synthesis. In previous work, we showed that BCATc is present in the processes of glutamatergic neurons and in cell bodies of GABAergic neurons in hippocampus and cerebellum. Here we show that this metabolic enzyme is expressed throughout the brain and spinal cord, with distinct differences in regional and intracellular patterns of expression. In the cerebral cortex, BCATc is present in GABAergic interneurons and in pyramidal cell axons and proximal dendrites. Axonal labeling for BCATc continues into the corpus callosum and internal capsule. BCATc is expressed by GABAergic neurons in the basal ganglia and by glutamatergic neurons in the hypothalamus, midbrain, brainstem, and dorsal root ganglia. BCATc is also expressed in hypothalamic peptidergic neurons, brainstem serotoninergic neurons, and spinal cord motor neurons. The results indicate that BCATc accumulates in neuronal cell bodies in some regions, while elsewhere it is exported to axons and nerve terminals. The enzyme is in a position to influence pools of glutamate in a variety of neuronal types. BCATc may also provide neurons with sensitivity to nutrient-derived BCAAs, which may be important in regions that control feeding behavior, such as the arcuate nucleus of the hypothalamus, where neurons express high levels of BCATc.  相似文献   

Lysophosphatidic acid is a bioactive lipid mediator with neuronal activities. We previously reported a crucial role for lysophosphatidic acid 1 receptor-mediated signaling in neuropathic pain mechanisms. Intrathecal administration of lysophosphatidic acid (1 nmol) induced abnormal pain behaviors, such as thermal hyperalgesia, mechanical allodynia, A-fiber hypersensitization, and C-fiber hyposensitization, all of which were also observed in partial sciatic nerve injury-induced neuropathic pain. Ki-16425 (30 mg/kg, i.p.), a lysophosphatidic acid 1 receptor antagonist, completely blocked lysophosphatidic acid-induced neuropathic pain-like behaviors, when administered 30 min but not 90 min before lysophosphatidic acid injection, suggesting that Ki-16425 is a short-lived inhibitor. The blockade of nerve injury-induced neuropathic pain by Ki-16425 was maximum as late as 3 h after the injury but not after this critical period. The administration of Ki-16425 at 3 h but not at 6 h after injury also blocked neurochemical changes, including up-regulation of voltage-gated calcium channel α2δ-1 subunit expression in dorsal root ganglion and reduction of substance P expression in the spinal dorsal horn. All of these results using Ki-16425 suggest that lysophosphatidic acid 1 receptor-mediated signaling which underlies the development of neuropathic pain works at an early stage of the critical period after nerve injury.  相似文献   

Germination of whole barley seeds for 4 and 6 days followed by measurement of lysophospholipase (lysolecithin acyl hydrolase, LAH) in the embryo-containing and embryo-free halves revealed a gradient of activity between the two halves of the seed. Most of the activity appeared in the embryo-containing half. This gradient decreased slightly in the aleurone and dramatically in the starchy endosperm during the 2 day germination interval. Embryo-containing and embryo-free half seeds of surface sterilized barley were placed separately on sterile agar plates. After 4 and 6 days LAH was observed in both the aleurone and starchy endosperm of the embryo-containing halves. In the embryo-free halves, LAH appeared at low levels in the aleurone and was virtually absent in the starchy endosperm. The scutellum of germinating seeds contains LAH activity. Exposure of embryo-free half seeds to GA3 for 24 hr showed enhancement of acidic and alkaline LAH activities in the aleurone fraction and in the GA3-medium in which the half seeds were treated. The LAH activity of the starchy endosperm of these half seeds was little changed by GA3 treatment. Exposure of isolated aleurones to GA3 for 24 hr resulted in substantial enhancement of acidic and alkaline LAH activities in the bathing medium and in fractions prepared from the aleurone. The physiological significance of the influence of GA3 on LAH activity during barley germination is discussed.  相似文献   

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