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Erbb is linked to the alpha-globin locus on mouse chromosome 11.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
A fragment of the human gene for c-erb-B was used to map homologous sequences in mice. Analysis of somatic cell hybrids and recombinant inbred and congenic mouse strains indicated that this gene, designated Erbb, is closely linked to the gene for alpha-globin on mouse chromosome 11. Several genes controlling hematopoietic differentiation map to mouse chromosome 11.  相似文献   

Congenic BioBreeding (BB) rats, homozygous for the autosomal lymphopenia (Lyp) gene (Lyp/Lyp), heterozygous (Lyp/+), or wild-type (+/+), were immunized with the T cell-dependent bacteriophage PhiX174 to determine effects of Lyp on primary and secondary antibody responses. The primary PhiX174 antibody response did not differ between the three different genotypes. In contrast, the secondary immune response, expressed as the peak neutralizing titer, was markedly reduced in Lyp/Lyp (9.9+/-3.2; mean value+/-S.E.M. for seven rats) compared to both Lyp/+ (51+/-12; n=13; P=0.006) and +/+ (100+/-20; n=7; P=0.004) BB rats. We suggest that the secondary antibody response to the T cell-dependent neoantigen PhiX174 is linked in a recessive manner to genetic factor(s) in the Lyp gene region.  相似文献   

The fit-1 locus was originally identified as a common insertion site for feline leukemia virus (FeLV) in thymic lymphosarcomas induced by FeLV-myc recombinant viruses, suggesting that it harbors a gene that cooperates with Myc in T-cell leukemogenesis. We have previously mapped the fit-1 locus to feline Chromosome (Chr) B2. We have now identified conserved sequences that allow the mapping of the murine homolog using the European Interspecific Backcross (EUCIB). This shows that fit-1 is located on mouse Chr 10, 1cM proximal to Ahi-1, a murine retroviral integration locus that is closely linked to Myb. Moreover, the physical linkage to MYB is maintained in the human genome, as shown by cloning of the human homolog of fit-1 from a Chr 6 cosmid library and a series of overlapping PAC clones. Generation of a contig map around the human homolog of fit-1 reveals that it is approximately 100-kb upstream of MYB. In addition to fit-1 and Ahi-1, two other common insertion sites, Mis-2 and Mml-1, have also been mapped adjacent to Myb on mouse Chr 10. Previous analysis of tumors carrying insertions at fit-1, Mml-1, Mis-2 and Ahi-1 showed no obvious abnormalities in Myb expression. However, the cluster of viral insertion loci in this region suggests either the presence of a closely linked activation target or that subtle effects on Myb have been overlooked. Received: 9 October 1998 / Accepted: 12 January 1999  相似文献   

A restriction fragment variant and recombinant inbred strains were used to show that the cardiac actin locus (Actc-1) is closely linked to beta 2-microglobulin (B2m) and several other loci on chromosome 2 of the mouse. Close linkage of Actc-1 and B2m in both man and mouse provides another example of a chromosomal segment that has been conserved since the divergence of the lineages leading to these two species.  相似文献   

Congenic anti-Lyt-3.1 sera have recently been produced by immunizing B6-Lyt-2a mice with thymocytes from either B6-Lyt-2a, Lyt-3a or B6-Lyt-2a, Lyt-3a, H-2k mice (Boos et al. 1978). Surprisingly, mice of the congenic strain B6 failed to produce either anti-Lyt-2.1 or anti-Lyt-3.1 cytotoxic antibodies after identical immunizations. To determine the genetic basis for the difference in response to Lyt-3.1, (B6 × B6-Lyt-2a)Fa mice and progeny of the backcross, (B6 × B6-Lyt-2a)F1 × B6-Lyt-2a, were immunized with B6-Lyt-2a, Lyt-3a, H-2k thymocytes. In addition, thymic biopsies of backcross progeny were performed and thymocytes tested for the Lyt-2.2 antigenic specificity. Results indicate that gene(s) governing the immune response to Lyt-3.1 is (are) linked to theLyt-2 locus, and that the responder allele (linked toLyt-2 a ) shows very poor penetrance in Lyt-2a/Lyt-2b mice.  相似文献   

Genetic polymorphism in the expression of the GM1(NeuGc) ganglioside has been shown in the liver of inbred strains of mice. Through analysis of the gangliosides of H-2 congenic and recombinant strains, this polymorphism was demonstrated to be controlled by a locus mapped left outside of the H-2 complex on chromosome 17, and the locus was assumed to control the level of the activity of GM1(NeuGc) synthetase, UDP-galactose:GM2(NeuGc) galactosyltransferase (E.C. [Hashimotoet al., J Biochem (1983) 94:2049-54].In the present study we analyzed the genetic linkage between the activity of the galactosyltransferase and the H-2 haplotype. For this purpose, we selected two inbred strains of mice, WHT/Ht and BALB/c, because they have different levels of the transferase activity and show different H-2 haplotypes; the specific activity of the transferase obtained with BALB/c was one-eighth of that with WHT/Ht, and BALB/c expressed the la.7 antigen as one of the products encoded in their H-2d complex, whereas WHT/Ht did not. To analyze the linkage between these two phenotypes, WHT/Ht were mated with BALB/c to obtain the F1 mice, and the female F1 mice were then backcrossed to WHT/Ht. It was found that one half of the backcross generation expressed the la.7 antigen derived from BALB/c and had a significantly lower specific activity of the transferase than that of WHT/Ht, while the other half did not express the la.7 antigen but had the same specific activity of the transferase as that obtained with WHT/Ht.These results suggest that the locus controlling the level of the transferase activity in mouse liver is linked to the H-2 complex on chromosome 17.Abbreviations NeuGc N-glycolylneuraminic acid The ganglioside nomenclature is based on the system of Svennerholm, J Neurochem (1963) 10:613-23. The sialic acid species present is shown in parentheses after the ganglioside abbreviation.  相似文献   

The mouse Ig H chain (Igh) complex locus is composed of >100 gene segments encoding the variable, diversity, joining, and constant portions of the Ab H chain protein. To advance the characterization of this locus and to identify all the V(H) genes, we have isolated the entire region from C57BL/6 and C57BL/10 as a yeast artificial chromosome contig. The mouse Igh locus extends approximately three megabases and contains at least 134 V(H) genes classified in 15 partially interspersed families. Two non-Igh pseudogenes (Odc-rs8 and Rpl32-rs14) were localized in the distal part of the locus. This physical yeast artificial chromosome map will provide important structure and guidance for the sequencing of this large, complex, and highly repetitive locus.  相似文献   

 We reported previously that the blood clearance of injected mouse IgG2a was extremely rapid in many strains of nude and nu/+ mice. In an attempt to determine the cause of this phenomenon, the levels of endogenous IgG2a in the blood of these mice was assayed. It was found that the serum level of IgG2a was extremely low in many of these mice, below 50 μg/ml, which is 20–100 times lower than the expected normal value. Great heterogeneity between individual mice was observed in their blood level of IgG2a, and there was an excellent correlation between low blood IgG2a levels and rapid clearance of injected IgG2a. Thus, the blood IgG2a levels are so low that a novel, previously undescribed effect occurs, namely the rapid clearance of small amounts of injected IgG2a. The clearance is due primarily to binding sites in the spleen and liver. The low level of endogenous IgG2a is not due to the lack of a thymus, since it occurs in nu/+ as well as nude mice, but can probably be attributed to the very clean environment in which these mice are raised. In assays of sera from approximately 50 mouse strains, low IgG2a levels were found in all nude colonies and also in some normal mouse strains. Some nude mice displayed relatively normal IgG2a clearance rates despite having low levels of endogenous IgG2a. In repeated bleedings of individual mice, IgG2a levels were found to fluctuate greatly. A similar clearance effect was observed with a human IgG1 Ab injected into mice. This rapid clearance of injected IgG, of certain subclasses, represents a practical problem for many experiments in which antibodies are used for diagnosis or therapy, and several methods of circumventing the problem are discussed. Received: 15 August 1977 / Accepted: 14 October 1997  相似文献   

The pH dependence of the conformation of a mouse IgG2a, kappa monoclonal antibody (MN12) was investigated by several physical techniques, including fluorescence spectroscopy, near-ultraviolet and far-ultraviolet CD, and electric-field-induced transient birefringence measurements. The intensity of the intrinsic tryptophan fluorescence remained constant in the pH range from 3.5 to 10.0. A conformational alteration in the MN12 molecule was observed in the pH region between pH 3.5 and 2.5, as reflected by a substantial enhancement of the fluorescence quantum yield. This effect was more pronounced at high ionic strengths. The fluorescence emission was unaltered, indicating that the acid-induced conformational state is different from a completely unfolded state. This was confirmed by CD and fluorescence polarisation measurements. Iodide and acrylamide fluorescence quenching studies indicated a gradually increasing accessibility of MN12 tryptophan residues with decreasing pH. At low pH precipitation was observed in the presence of iodide. One rotational relaxation time (0.16-0.18 microseconds) was observed for MN12 by electric-field-induced transient birefringence measurements at low ionic strength. After exposure of MN12 to low pH for 1 h, the relaxation time was increased to 0.23 microseconds; a further increase to 0.30 microseconds was observed after 24 h. The combined results suggest an acid-induced expansion and enhanced flexibility of MN12, which eventually leads to irreversible aggregation.  相似文献   

Summary We have demonstrated close linkage between the genes for apolipoprotein E (apoE) and apolipoprotein CII (apoCII). Families segregating for apoE protein variants were screened for a DNA restriction fragment length polymorphism close to the apoCII gene by using an apoCII cDNA clone. The maximum lod score is 4.52 (sexes combined) at a recombination frequency of zero. Given linkage, it may be assumed that no recombinations have happened in altogether 33 observed meioses. It is therefore evident that the apoCII gene is situated on chromosome 19, close to the apoE gene.  相似文献   

A mouse monoclonal antibody OKT3, of IgG2a isotype, was isolated from hybridoma culture fluid. Sugar analysis showed the presence of sialic acid, galactose, mannose, fucose, and N-acetylglucosamine, i.e. sugars typical for N-glycosidically linked carbohydrate chains. The absence of N-acetylgalactosamine revealed that O-glycosidically linked carbohydrates were not present. The purified antibody was reduced, alkylated, and separated into heavy and light chains, and all carbohydrates were shown to be associated with the heavy chains. The N-linked carbohydrate chains were isolated as alditols using strong alkaline-borohydride degradation and further fractionated on a concanavalin A-Sepharose column and high performance ion exchange chromatography with pulsed amperometric detection. Structural analysis was carried out on the isolated oligosaccharide alditols by chemical analyses, fast atom bombardment mass spectrometry, and 500-MHz 1H NMR spectroscopy. Triantennary and biantenary types of structures were found. The triantennary structures were present as trisialo and tetrasialo forms without fucose; the tetrasialo forms were shown to contain a sequence of Neu5Ac alpha 2-3Gal beta 1-3[Neu5Ac alpha 2-6]GlcNAc beta 1- on one of the branches. The biantennary structures were present as completely sialylated nonfucosylated species and as asialo-, agalacto-, and partially fucosylated structures.  相似文献   

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