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We recently found that toxic PS-ASOs can cause P54nrb and PSF nucleolar mislocalization in an RNase H1-dependent manner. To better understand the underlying mechanisms of these observations, here we utilize different biochemical approaches to demonstrate that PS-ASO binding can alter the conformations of the bound proteins, as illustrated using recombinant RNase H1, P54nrb, PSF proteins and various isolated domains. While, in general, binding of PS-ASOs or ASO/RNA duplexes stabilizes the conformations of these proteins, PS-ASO binding may also cause the unfolding of RNase H1, including both the hybrid binding domain and the catalytic domain. The extent of conformational change correlates with the binding affinity of PS-ASOs to the proteins. Consequently, PS-ASO binding to RNase H1 induces the interaction of RNase H1 with P54nrb or PSF in a 2′-modification and sequence dependent manner, and toxic PS-ASOs tend to induce more interactions than non-toxic PS-ASOs. PS-ASO binding also enhances the interaction between P54nrb and PSF. However, the interaction between RNase H1 and P32 protein can be disrupted upon binding of PS-ASOs. Together, these results suggest that stronger binding of PS-ASOs can cause greater conformational changes of the bound proteins, subsequently affecting protein–protein interactions. These observations thus provide deeper understanding of the molecular basis of PS-ASO-induced protein mislocalization or degradation observed in cells and advance our understanding of why some PS-ASOs are cytotoxic.  相似文献   

Although the RNase H-dependent mechanism of inhibition of gene expression by chemically modified antisense oligonucleotides (ASOs) has been well characterized, little is known about the interactions between ASOs and intracellular proteins that may alter cellular localization and/or potency of ASOs. Here, we report the identification of 56 intracellular ASO-binding proteins using multi-step affinity selection approaches. Many of the tested proteins had no significant effect on ASO activity; however, some proteins, including La/SSB, NPM1, ANXA2, VARS and PC4, appeared to enhance ASO activities, likely through mechanisms related to subcellular distribution. VARS and ANXA2 co-localized with ASOs in endocytic organelles, and reduction in the level of VARS altered lysosome/ASO localization patterns, implying that these proteins may facilitate ASO release from the endocytic pathway. Depletion of La and NPM1 reduced nuclear ASO levels, suggesting potential roles in ASO nuclear accumulation. On the other hand, Ku70 and Ku80 proteins inhibited ASO activity, most likely by competition with RNase H1 for ASO/RNA duplex binding. Our results demonstrate that phosphorothioate-modified ASOs bind a set of cellular proteins that affect ASO activity via different mechanisms.  相似文献   

将CHK1基因克隆入酵母双杂交载体中,转化入酵母菌AH109,将转化有CHK1基因的酵母菌AH109培养并再转化人前列腺cDNA库质粒,检测报告基因的表达情况,筛选与CHK1相互作用的蛋白。共转化子中有4个β-半乳糖苷酶活性分析和α-半乳糖苷酶活性分析结果为阳性的克隆,但测序结果其中有2个克隆为相同序列。本实验筛选到3个与CHK1相互作用的蛋白,此结果为进一步研究与CHK1相互作用的蛋白奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Tumor necrosis factor (TNF) alpha-converting enzyme (TACE/ADAM-17) has diverse roles in the proteolytic processing of cell surface molecules and, due to its ability to process TNFalpha, is a validated therapeutic target for anti-inflammatory therapies. Unlike a number of other ADAM proteins, which interact with integrin receptors via their disintegrin domains, there is currently no evidence for an ADAM-17-integrin association. By analyzing the adhesion of a series of cell lines with recombinant fragments of the extracellular domain of ADAM-17, we now demonstrate a functional interaction between ADAM-17 and alpha(5)beta(1) integrin in a trans orientation. Because ADAM-17-mediated adhesion was sensitive to RGD peptides and EDTA, and the integrin-binding site within ADAM-17 was narrowed down to the disintegrin/cysteine-rich region, the two molecules appear to have a ligand-receptor relationship mediated by the alpha(5)beta(1) ligand binding pocket. Intriguingly, ADAM-17 and alpha(5)beta(1) were found to co-localize in both membrane ruffles and focal adhesions in HeLa cells. When confluent HeLa cell monolayers were wounded, ADAM-17 and alpha(5)beta(1) redistributed to the leading edge and co-localized, which is suggestive of a cis orientation. We postulate that the interaction of ADAM-17 with alpha(5)beta(1) may target or modulate its metalloproteolytic activity.  相似文献   

We have used a monoclonal antibody raised against rat liver nuclear proteins to study two cross-reactive proteins in the yeast nucleus. In rat liver, this monoclonal antibody, mAb 414, binds to nuclear pore complex proteins, including one of molecular weight 62,000 (Davis, L. I., and G. Blobel. 1987. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 84:7552-7556). In yeast, mAb 414 cross reacts by immunoblotting with two proteins that have apparent molecular weights of 110,000 and 95,000, and are termed p110 and p95, respectively. Examination of subcellular fractions by immunoblotting shows that both p110 and p95 are located exclusively in the nuclear fraction. The mAb 414 immunoprecipitates several proteins from a crude yeast cell extract, including p110, p95, and a approximately 55-kD protein. Immunoprecipitation from subcellular fractions yields only p110 and p95 from purified nuclei, whereas the approximately 55-kD protein is immunoprecipitated from the soluble fraction. Digestion of purified nuclei with DNase to produce nuclear envelopes releases some of p110, but the majority of p110 is solubilized only after treatment of envelopes with 1 M NaCl. Immunofluorescence localization using yeast cells and isolated nuclei shows a punctate and patchy staining pattern of the nucleus. Confocal laser scanning immunofluorescence microscopy resolves the punctate and patchy staining pattern better and shows regions of fluorescence at the nuclear envelope. Postembedding immunogold electron microscopy using purified nuclei and mAb 414 shows colloidal gold decoration of the yeast nuclear envelope, but resolves pore complexes too poorly to achieve further ultrastructural localization. Immunogold labeling of nuclei followed by embedding suggests decoration of pore complexes. Thus, p110 and/or p95 are localized to the nuclear envelope in yeast, and may be components of the nuclear pore complex.  相似文献   

The mRNA cap structure is bound by either the nuclear (CBC) or the cytoplasmic (eIF4F) cap binding complex. Following mRNA export, CBC must be exchanged for eIF4F in the cytoplasm. It is not known how this exchange occurs or how this RNP remodeling event is integrated with mRNA function. Here we report genetic and biochemical evidence that the yeast translation initiation factor eIF4G associates with CBC, and that eIF4E, the eIF4F component that binds both the cap and eIF4G, antagonizes this interaction. Furthermore, we find that CBC can stimulate translation in extracts containing an eIF4G protein deficient for eIF4E binding. These data suggest that eIF4E binding to the eIF4G-CBC complex on newly exported mRNA displaces CBC, and that the first round of translation on mRNA may occur via a different mechanism than subsequent rounds.  相似文献   

Earlier studies have shown that the UL11 gene of herpes simplex virus encodes a myristylated virion protein and that the UL11 gene enables efficient virion envelopment and export from infected cells. A rabbit polyclonal antibody directed against an affinity-purified UL11-glutathione-S-transferase fusion protein was made and used to study the properties of the UL11 protein and its distribution in infected cells. We report the following: (i) UL11 protein formed up to five bands (apparent M(r)s, 17,000 to 22,000) in denaturing polyacrylamide gels; (ii) fluorescent-antibody studies revealed the presence of UL11 protein in the perinuclear space and in sites within the nucleus; (iii) immune electron microscopic studies indicated that the UL11 gene products were associated with the inner nuclear membrane, with cytoplasmic membranes and ribbon-like cytoplasmic structures resembling membranous organelles, with nuclear bodies shown by fluorescence microscopy to be different from nucleoli in which US11 protein accumulates, and with enveloped virions but not with nuclear capsids; and (iv) the nuclear bodies containing UL11 protein were reminiscent both of type IV morphotypes consisting of an electron-dense core containing the UL11 proteins surrounded by a more electron-transluscent core and of type V morphotypes consisting of material homogenous in electron opacity. We conclude that (i) the UL11 protein is processed after synthesis; (ii) the localization of UL11 protein with virions and membranes is consistent with the hypothesis that UL11 plays a role in the transport of virions to the extracellular space; and (iii) although the significance of the association of UL11 proteins with nuclear bodies is unknown, the results indicate that nuclear bodies differ with respect to their morphologies and contents of viral protein and suggest that UL11 protein may have more than one function in the infected cell.  相似文献   

Initiation of eukaryotic DNA replication is achieved by the sequential binding of different proteins to origins of DNA replication. Using EGFP-tagged initiator proteins and immunofluorescence techniques we found that most of the ORC and the MCM subunits are localised at centrosomes and are colocalised with the polo-like protein kinase, Plk1. Yeast two-hybrid studies revealed interactions of Plk1 with the Mcm2 as well as the Orc2 protein. Co-immunoprecipitations showed an interaction of Plk1 with Mcm2 as well as interactions of gamma-tubulin with Mcm3 and Orc2, respectively. An in vitro phosphorylation assay showed that the Orc2 protein is a substrate of Plk1. Depletion of Orc2 and Mcm3 by siRNA leads to an inhibition of cell proliferation, an altered cell cycle distribution as well as to multinucleated cells with insufficiently organised microtubules. These results indicate an important role of the MCM and ORC proteins in mitosis besides their described role in the establishment of the pre-replicative complex.  相似文献   

Analysis of the nuclear matrix of Physarum polycephalum and renal epithelial cells in culture (LLC-PK1) reveals a complex protein pattern. Applying various experimental protocols we observe only negligible differences in the final nuclear matrix protein pattern, in Physarum as well as in LLC-PK1 cells. Immunoblotting with a variety of antibodies against intermediate filament proteins and with antinuclear autoantibodies demonstrates the presence of intermediate filament proteins as components of the nuclear matrix. Preparation of type I and type II matrix structures does not yield different protein compositions, neither in Physarum nor in differentiated LLC-PK1 cells; therefore in both systems a distinction between these two types of matrices is questionable.  相似文献   

Both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells contain multiple heat shock protein 40 (Hsp40) and heat shock protein 70 (Hsp70) proteins, which cooperate as molecular chaperones to ensure fidelity at all stages of protein biogenesis. The Hsp40 signature domain, the J-domain, is required for binding of an Hsp40 to a partner Hsp70, and may also play a role in the specificity of the association. Through the creation of chimeric Hsp40 proteins by the replacement of the J-domain of a prokaryotic Hsp40 (DnaJ), we have tested the functional equivalence of J-domains from a number of divergent Hsp40s of mammalian and parasitic origin (malarial Pfj1 and Pfj4, trypanosomal Tcj3, human ERj3, ERj5, and Hsj1, and murine ERj1). An in vivo functional assay was used to test the functionality of the chimeric proteins on the basis of their ability to reverse the thermosensitivity of a dnaJ cbpA mutant Escherichia coli strain (OD259). The Hsp40 chimeras containing J-domains originating from soluble (cytosolic or endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-lumenal) Hsp40s were able to reverse the thermosensitivity of E. coli OD259. In all cases, modified derivatives of these chimeric proteins containing an His to Gln substitution in the HPD motif of the J-domain were unable to reverse the thermosensitivity of E. coli OD259. This suggested that these J-domains exerted their in vivo functionality through a specific interaction with E. coli Hsp70, DnaK. Interestingly, a Hsp40 chimera containing the J-domain of ERj1, an integral membrane-bound ER Hsp40, was unable to reverse the thermosensitivity of E. coli OD259, suggesting that this J-domain was unable to functionally interact with DnaK. Substitutions of conserved amino acid residues and motifs were made in all four helices (I-IV) and the loop regions of the J-domains, and the modified chimeric Hsp40s were tested for functionality using the in vivo assay. Substitution of a highly conserved basic residue in helix II of the J-domain was found to disrupt in vivo functionality for all the J-domains tested. We propose that helix II and the HPD motif of the J-domain represent the fundamental elements of a binding surface required for the interaction of Hsp40s with Hsp70s, and that this surface has been conserved in mammalian, parasitic and bacterial systems.  相似文献   

The dependence of cell proliferation on nuclear protein phosphorylation was studied with exponential-phase and stationary-phase cultures of Chinese-hamster ovary cells. Nuclear proteins were fractionated, according to their DNA-binding affinities, by using sequential extractions of isolated nuclei with increasing concentrations of NaCl. When viable whole cells were labelled with H332PO4, phosphorylation of nuclear proteins was found to be lower in quiescent cells than in proliferating cells. Phosphorylation of nuclear proteins soluble in 0.30M-NaCl (less than 50% of these proteins bind to DNA) was greater than for those proteins soluble in higher salt concentrations (80-100% of these proteins bind to DNA). Cyclic AMP enhanced the phosphorylation of nuclear proteins soluble in 0.3 m-NaCl by 40-50%, and this stimulation was independent of cell growth. Cyclic AMP also increased the phosphorylation of nuclear proteins soluble in 0.6M-NaCl and 2.0M-NaCl by 40-50% in exponential-phase cultures, but not in stationary-phase cultures. Several examples of specific phosphorylation in response to cyclic AMP were observed, including a 35000-mol.wt. protein in the 0.30 M-NaCl-soluble fraction and several proteins larger than 100000 molecular weight within this fraction. A major peptide of molecular weight approx. 31000 extracted with 0.6M-NaCl was also phosphorylated. Its phosphorylation was independent of cyclic AMP in exponential-phase cultures, and it was not phosphorylated in plateau-phase cells. These changes in cell-growth-dependent phosphorylation occurred in the absence of any apparent qualitative changes in the nuclear protein molecular-weight distributions. These data demonstrate that (1) phosphorylation of nuclear proteins is dependent on the culture's proliferative status, (2) both cyclic AMP-dependent and cyclic AMP-independent specific phosphorylation occurs, and (3) the cyclic AMP-dependent growth-independent phosphorylation that occurs does not appear to be a modification of DNA-binding proteins, whereas the cyclic AMP-dependent growth-dependent phosphorylation does involve modification of DNA binding proteins.  相似文献   

Triplex-forming oligonucleotides (TFO) are designed to bind sequence specifically to their DNA targets without a significant disturbance of the double helix. They have been proposed to deliver DNA-reactive agents to specific DNA sequences for gene targeting applications. We suggested the use of 125I-labeled TFO for delivery of the energy of radioiodine decay to specific genes. This approach is called antigene radiotherapy. Here we demonstrate the ability of 125I-labeled TFO to produce sequence-specific breaks within a target in the human mdrl gene in cultured cells. TFO and TFO conjugated with a nuclear localization signal peptide (NLS) were delivered into cells using cationic liposomes. This was done either alone or in the presence of an excess of a "ballast" oligonucleotide with an unrelated sequence. In all cases, nuclear localization of TFO and survival of the cells after treatment has been confirmed. Breaks in the gene target were analyzed by restriction enzyme digestion of the DNA recovered from the TFO-treated cells followed by Southern hybridization with DNA probes flanking the target sequence. We have found that TFO/NLS conjugates cleave the target in a concentration-dependent manner regardless of the presence of the "ballast" oligonucleotide. In contrast, TFO without NLS cleaved the target only in the presence of an excess of the "ballast." We hypothesize that TFO and TFO/NLS are delivered into the nucleus by different pathways. These results provide a new insight into the mechanism of intracellular transport of oligonucleotides and open new avenues for improvement of the efficacy of antigene therapies.  相似文献   

Guo B  Pearce AG  Traulsen KE  Rintala AC  Lee H 《BioTechniques》2001,31(2):314-6, 318, 320-1
The Aequorea victoria green fluorescent protein (GFP) reporter system is a convenient way to monitor gene expression and other cellular functions in mammalian cells. To study gene expression, a GFP-fusion plasmid construct is often transfected into mammalian cells using a variety of methods including calcium phosphate- and liposome-based DNA transfer. Subsequently, the expression of GFP-fusion protein is monitored by fluorescence microscopy or flow cytometry. Here, we report that certain transfection reagents can produce fluorescence that can be detected in a wide range of wavelengths, which can be confused with GFP-fusion protein. The fluorescence false positives can be a problem, particularly when the GFP expression levels are low. To improve the GFP-based detection or screening methods, it is imperative to include an appropriate negative control and to detect GFP using a narrow-wavelength emission filter corresponding to the emission spectrum around the GFP peak.  相似文献   

Poliovirus disrupts nucleocytoplasmic trafficking and results in the cleavage of two nuclear pore complex (NPC) proteins, Nup153 and Nup62. The NPC is a 125-MDa complex composed of multiple copies of 30 different proteins. Here we have extended the analysis of the NPC in infected cells by examining the status of Nup98, an interferon-induced NPC protein with a major role in mRNA export. Our results indicate that Nup98 is targeted for cleavage after infection but that this occurs much more rapidly than it does for Nup153 and Nup62. In addition, we find that cleavage of these NPC proteins displays differential sensitivity to the viral RNA synthesis inhibitor guanidine hydrochloride. Inhibition of nuclear import and relocalization of host nuclear proteins to the cytoplasm were only apparent at later times after infection when all three nucleoporins (Nups) were cleaved. Surprisingly, analysis of the distribution of mRNA in infected cells revealed that proteolysis of Nup98 did not result in an inhibition of mRNA export. Cleavage of Nup98 could be reconstituted by the addition of purified rhinovirus type 2 2Apro to whole-cell lysates prepared from uninfected cells, suggesting that the 2A protease has a role in this process in vivo. These results indicate that poliovirus differentially targets subsets of NPC proteins at early and late times postinfection. In addition, targeting of interferon-inducible NPC proteins, such as Nup98, may be an additional weapon in the arsenal of poliovirus and perhaps other picornaviruses to overcome host defense mechanisms.  相似文献   

The possible in vivo interaction of the Nicotiana tabacum agglutinin (Nictaba) with endogenous glycoproteins was corroborated using a combination of confocal/electron microscopy of an EGFP-Nictaba fusion protein expressed in tobacco Bright Yellow-2 (BY-2) cells and biochemical analyses. In vitro binding studies demonstrated that the expressed EGFP-Nictaba possesses carbohydrate-binding activity. Microscopic analyses confirmed the previously reported cytoplasmic/nuclear location of Nictaba in jasmonate-treated tobacco leaves and provided evidence for the involvement of a nuclear localization signal-dependent transport mechanism. In addition, it became evident that the lectin is not uniformly distributed over the nucleus and the cytoplasm of BY-2 cells. Far Western blot analysis of extracts from whole BY-2 cells and purified nuclei revealed that Nictaba interacts in a glycan inhibitable way with numerous proteins including many nuclear proteins. Enzymatic deglycosylation with PNGase F indicated that the observed interaction depends on the presence of N-glycans. Glycan array screening, which showed that Nictaba exhibits a strong affinity for high-mannose and complex N-glycans, provided a reasonable explanation for this observation. The cytoplasmic/nuclear localization of a plant lectin that has a high affinity for high-mannose and complex N-glycans and specifically interacts with conspecific glycoproteins suggests that N-glycosylated proteins might be more important in the cytoplasm and nucleus than is currently believed.  相似文献   

In response to replicative stress, cells relocate and activate DNA repair and cell cycle arrest proteins such as replication protein A (RPA, a three subunit protein complex required for DNA replication and DNA repair) and the MRN complex (consisting of Mre11, Rad50, and Nbs1; involved in DNA double-strand break repair). There is increasing evidence that both of these complexes play a central role in DNA damage recognition, activation of cell cycle checkpoints, and DNA repair pathways. Here we demonstrate that RPA and the MRN complex co-localize to discrete foci and interact in response to DNA replication fork blockage induced by hydroxyurea (HU) or ultraviolet light (UV). Members of both RPA and the MRN complexes become phosphorylated during S-phase and in response to replication fork blockage. Analysis of RPA and Mre11 in fractionated lysates (cytoplasmic/nucleoplasmic, chromatin-bound, and nuclear matrix fractions) showed increased hyperphosphorylated-RPA and phosphorylated-Mre11 in the chromatin-bound fractions. HU and UV treatment also led to co-localization of hyperphosphorylated RPA and Mre11 to discrete detergent-resistant nuclear foci. An interaction between RPA and Mre11 was demonstrated by co-immunoprecipitation of both protein complexes with anti-Mre11, anti-Rad50, anti-NBS1, or anti-RPA antibodies. Phosphatase treatment with calf intestinal phosphatase or lambda-phosphatase not only de-phosphorylated RPA and Mre11 but also abrogated the ability of RPA and the MRN complex to co-immunoprecipitate. Together, these data demonstrate that RPA and the MRN complex co-localize and interact after HU- or UV-induced replication stress and suggest that protein phosphorylation may play a role in this interaction.  相似文献   

Phosphorothioates are excellent antisense inhibitors, which are active both in cells and in vivo. Since their affinity to complementary ribonucleic acids is rather low, long strands (⩾20-mers) are typically required to achieve the desired biological activity. However, mismatch discrimination of long inhibitors is reduced. In contrast, shorter phosphorothioates exhibit better sequence specificity, but have in most cases too low affinity for practical applications in cells. We screened a range of terminal modifiers of a 14-mer phosphorothioate sequence, which is complementary to mRNA of a representative gene, whose protein product is fluorescent (DsRed2) and easy to monitor in cells. We found that optimal combinations of 5′- and 3′-modifications include 5′-trimethoxystilbene with 3′-uracil(anthraquinone)-cap, 5′-chloic acid derivative with 3′-uracyl(anthraquinone)-cap and 5′-cholic acid derivative with three 3′-LNA moieties. In contrast to the LNA, stabilizing and activity-enhancing effects of other mentioned modifiers for PTO/RNA duplexes have not been previously reported. We observed that the 14-mer inhibitor carrying 5′-cholic acid derivative with three 3′-LNA moieties inhibits expression of DsRed2 in cells stronger than the unmodified 21-mer. Mismatch discrimination of this inhibitor was found to be comparable to that of the unmodified 14-mer.  相似文献   

Fanconi anemia (FA) is an autosomal recessive cancer susceptibility syndrome with at least eight complementation groups (A to H). Three FA genes, corresponding to complementation groups A, C, and G, have been cloned, but their cellular function remains unknown. We have previously demonstrated that the FANCA and FANCC proteins interact and form a nuclear complex in normal cells, suggesting that the proteins cooperate in a nuclear function. In this report, we demonstrate that the recently cloned FANCG/XRCC9 protein is required for binding of the FANCA and FANCC proteins. Moreover, the FANCG protein is a component of a nuclear protein complex containing FANCA and FANCC. The amino-terminal region of the FANCA protein is required for FANCG binding, FANCC binding, nuclear localization, and functional activity of the complex. Our results demonstrate that the three cloned FA proteins cooperate in a large multisubunit complex. Disruption of this complex results in the specific cellular and clinical phenotype common to most FA complementation groups.  相似文献   

Single-stranded oligonucleotide (SSO)-mediated gene modification is a newly developed tool for site-specific gene repair in mammalian cells; however, the corrected cells always show G2/M arrest and cannot divide to form colonies. This phenomenon and the unclear mechanism seriously challenge the future application of this technique. In this study, we developed an efficient SSO-mediated DNA repair system based on double-stranded break (DSB) induction. We generated a mutant EGFP gene with insertions of 24 bp to 1.6 kb in length as a reporter integrated in mammalian cell lines. SSOs were successfully used to delete the insertion fragments upon DSB induction at a site near the insertion. We demonstrated that this process is dependent on the ATM/ATR pathway. Importantly, repaired cell clones were viable. Effects of deletion length, SSO length, strand bias, and SSO modification on gene repair frequency were also investigated.  相似文献   

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