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Neurons and glial cells can be efficiently induced from mouse embryonic stem (ES) cells in a conditioned medium collected from rat primary-cultured astrocytes (P-ACM). However, the use of rodent primary cells for clinical applications may be hampered by limited supply and risk of contamination with xeno-proteins.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We have developed an alternative method for unimpeded production of human neurons under xeno-free conditions. Initially, neural stem cells in sphere-like clusters were induced from human ES (hES) cells after being cultured in P-ACM under free-floating conditions. The resultant neural stem cells could circumferentially proliferate under subsequent adhesive culture, and selectively differentiate into neurons or astrocytes by changing the medium to P-ACM or G5, respectively. These hES cell-derived neurons and astrocytes could procure functions similar to those of primary cells. Interestingly, a conditioned medium obtained from the hES cell-derived astrocytes (ES-ACM) could successfully be used to substitute P-ACM for induction of neurons. Neurons made by this method could survive in mice brain after xeno-transplantation.


By inducing astrocytes from hES cells in a chemically defined medium, we could produce human neurons without the use of P-ACM. This self-serving method provides an unlimited source of human neural cells and may facilitate clinical applications of hES cells for neurological diseases.  相似文献   

Antiretroviral therapy can inhibit HIV replication in patients and prevent progression to AIDS. However, it is not curative. Here we provide an overview of what antiretroviral drugs do and how the virus persists during therapy in rare reservoirs, such as latently infected CD4+ T cells. We also outline several innovative methods that are currently under development to eradicate HIV from infected individuals. These strategies include gene therapy approaches intended to create an HIV-resistant immune system, and activation/elimination approaches directed towards flushing out latent virus. This latter approach could involve the use of novel chemically synthesized analogs of natural activating agents.  相似文献   

《Cell reports》2020,30(13):4528-4539.e4
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Chemokine receptor CXCR4 (also known as LESTR and fusin) has been shown to function as a coreceptor for T-cell-tropic strains of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1). We have developed a binding assay to show that HIV envelope (Env) can interact with CXCR4 independently of CD4 but that this binding is markedly enhanced by the previous interaction of Env with soluble CD4. We also show that nonglycosylated HIV-1SF-2 gp120 or sodium metaperiodate-treated oligomeric gp160 from HIV-1451 bound much more readily to CXCR4 than their counterparts with intact carbohydrate residues did.In the recent past, several members of the family of chemokine receptors have been identified as cofactors for human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) entry (1, 6, 8, 10). Specifically, CCR5 (as well as CCR3 and CCR2b in some instances) has been shown to mediate entry of viruses characterized as macrophage tropic or dual tropic (1, 58), while CXCR4 has been shown to mediate entry of T-cell-tropic or dual-tropic strains (7, 10). While several ligands have been found for CCR5, CXC chemokine stromal derivative factor (SDF1) remains the only known ligand for CXCR4 (4, 24). Coimmunoprecipitation studies have shown that HIV-1 Env from T-cell-tropic strains forms a complex with CD4 and CXCR4 (18), but the nature of the binding events leading to the formation of this complex and the possibility of a direct interaction between HIV Env and CXCR4 remained speculative. Data from Hesselgesser et al. (15) have more recently shown that gp120 from the T-cell-tropic strains IIIB or BRU was able to compete with SDF1 for binding to CXCR4 in hNT cells (a neuronal CD4-negative cell line), indicating the possibility of a direct interaction between CXCR4 and gp120, but no information was presented on the relevance of the interaction with CD4. Other data have shown that gp120 from macrophage-tropic strains of HIV might be able to bind directly to CCR5 and that the affinity for binding between the two molecules can be increased significantly by the presence of soluble CD4 (sCD4) (34), although this effect could not be reproduced by a different group (32).We have performed the following studies to determine if HIV Env binds to CXCR4 independently of CD4 and, if so, what would be the effect of previous binding of HIV Env to sCD4.

CD4-independent binding of HIV Env to CXCR4.

The phenotypes of the T-cell lines CEM-SS and Jurkat 25 (J25) were evaluated with respect to surface expression of both CD4 and CXCR4. J25 clone 22F6 cells (3, 21) were grown in complete medium (RPMI 1640, 2% penicillin-streptomycin, 2% l-glutamine; BioWhittaker, Walkersville, Md.) containing heat-inactivated 10% fetal calf serum at 37°C in a 5% CO2 atmosphere. CEM-SS is a T-cell line that was obtained from the AIDS Research and Reference Reagent Program and maintained in complete medium. CEM-SS cells were derived from a human lymphoblastoid tumor (22, 23). Commercial monoclonal antibody (MAb) to CD4 (mouse immunoglobulin G2a [IgG2a], clone S3.5), fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC) labeled, and the necessary isotypic controls were obtained from Caltag Laboratories (San Francisco, Calif.). Mouse MAb 12G5 against CXCR4 was raised in BALB/c mice and has been described previously (9). Goat anti-mouse IgG–FITC was purchased from Becton Dickinson (San Jose, Calif.). Flow cytometric analysis was performed on a Becton Dickinson FACScan cytometer equipped with a 15-mW argon laser emitting at 488 nm. Dead cells were detected on the basis of their scatter and eliminated from the analysis. Live cells (10,000) were analyzed for each marker. CXCR4 surface expression was determined by washing the cells taken in logarithmic growth phase with phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) containing 1% horse serum and incubating them with 10 μl of 12G5 antibody/100 μl (0.16 mg/ml) at 4°C for 30 min. The cells were then washed again in PBS, and a secondary goat anti-mouse IgG–FITC (Becton Dickinson) was incubated with the cells for another 30 min at 4°C. Finally, the cells were washed with PBS and fixed with 2% paraformaldehyde. As a control, equal amounts of mouse IgG2a (the same isotype as 12G5) were used. Both cell lines expressed significant levels of CXCR4 on their surfaces (Fig. (Fig.1),1), but only CEM-SS had measurable levels of surface CD4. This characteristic of the phenotype of J25 cells, with respect to CD4 expression, has been reported before (3). To assess binding of HIV Env to CXCR4, the following binding assay was developed. Oligomeric gp160 (ogp160) was purified from cell cultures (obtained from T. C. Van Cott (Henry M. Jackson Foundation, Rockville, Md.) infected with HIV451 (17). The cells were washed once with PBS and then incubated with ogp160 for 1 h at 37°C in RPMI medium. The cells were washed again in PBS and incubated with 10 μg of human MAb 1331A [IgG3(λ)]/ml, which is specific for the C terminus of gp120 (i.e., amino acids 510 to 516 of HIVLAI), or with a human MAb against p24 (MAb 71-31) as a control (12) for 30 min at 4°C. The secondary antibody was a goat anti-human IgG phycoerythrin labeled (Caltag). The cells were fixed in 2% paraformaldehyde, and the fluorescence intensity was determined by flow cytometry. Background was obtained by adding MAb 1331 and goat anti-human IgG, phycoerythrin labeled, to the cells in the absence of ogp160. The results of the binding assay with ogp160 from HIV451 and both cell lines are shown in Fig. Fig.2A.2A. By using the high-affinity human MAb 1331A against the C-terminal region of gp120, our assay was able to detect significant binding of the ogp160 molecule to the surfaces of both cell lines even at concentrations of only 88 nM. The very high relative affinity of MAb 1331A for the gp120 molecule appears to be critical to demonstrate this interaction, as other antibodies with lower relative affinities for gp120 were incapable of detecting this low-level binding (data not shown). The binding of ogp160 to the CD4-expressing CEM-SS cells was several orders of magnitude higher than that to the J25 cells. To prove the specificity of the binding assay for CXCR4, a synthetic form of SDF1 was produced and tested for its ability to block infection by the HIV-1 strain NL4-3 in HeLa CD4-positive long terminal repeat (LTR)-LacZ cells. These data have been published elsewhere (2). SDF1 synthesis and composition have been described previously (24). Exposure of J25 cells to SDF1 was shown to produce a dose-dependent blockage of the binding of ogp160 to the surfaces of the J25 cells (Fig. (Fig.2B),2B), indicating the specific nature of the assay. Open in a separate windowFIG. 1Phenotype analysis of CEM-SS and J25 cell lines. Thin solid line, background; thick solid line, CD4; dashed line, CXCR4.Open in a separate windowFIG. 2(A) Binding of ogp160 from HIV451 to the surfaces of CEM-SS or J25 cells. Fluorescence intensity is expressed on a logarithmic scale on the x axis, with each line representing one-half log. Concentrations of ogp160 are shown at the right of each graph. The experiments were done in duplicate to ensure consistency of results. (B) Effect of RANTES (250 nM) or increasing amounts of SDF1 (up to 250 nM) on binding of ogp160 (355 nM) to J25 cells. The results are expressed as mean channel fluorescence. Experiments were repeated twice to ensure consistency of results.To further test the fact that HIV Env binding to CXCR4 could occur independently of CD4, and to evaluate the effect of prior binding of Env to sCD4, the following experiments were performed. We preexposed CEM-SS as well as J25 cells to either the anti-CD4 antibody Leu3a (Becton Dickinson), which blocks the CD4 binding domain of HIV Env, or OKT4 (Ortho Diagnostics, Costa Mesa, Calif.), which does not block binding of HIV Env to CD4. The cells were then tested for their ability to bind ogp160 to their surfaces. As shown in Fig. Fig.3,3, OKT4 had no significant effect on the binding of ogp160 to either CEM-SS or J25 cells while Leu3a readily inhibited binding of ogp160 to CEM-SS cells but had no such effect on J25 cells. Furthermore, when ogp160 was allowed to react in advance with recombinant sCD4 produced in CHO cells (Intracel, Issaquah, Wash.) for 30 min at 4°C at a concentration of 1 μg/ml, we were able to show a clear decrease in the surface binding of ogp160 to CEM-SS cells while the opposite, an obvious enhancement in surface binding, was demonstrated for J25 cells (Fig. (Fig.3).3). Open in a separate windowFIG. 3Binding of ogp160 to CEM-SS or J25 cells after exposure of the cells to the anti-CD4 antibodies Leu3a (thin solid lines), OKT4 (dotted lines), or a combination of ogp160 with sCD4 (dashed lines). The shaded areas represent background. The thick solid lines represent binding in the absence of antibodies or sCD4. The experiments were performed in quadruplicate with similar results. Mean channel fluorescence is represented on the x axis.Taken together, these data indicate that HIV Env can bind to CXCR4 independently of CD4. On the other hand, prior interaction of HIV Env with CD4 results in a clear increase in the binding of HIV Env to CXCR4.

Relevance of the glycosylation state of HIV Env in binding to CXCR4.

The binding of HIV Env to CD4 is dependent on the appropriate conformation of the Env molecule (27), which can be significantly altered by changes in its carbohydrate content. We next tested the hypothesis that alterations in the carbohydrate moieties of Env would affect its binding to CXCR4. To do so, we used the gp120 molecule from HIVSF2, produced in CHO cells, and its counterpart, nonglycosylated HIVSF2 Env 2-3, produced in yeast strain 2150, and tested both in the binding assay with CEM-SS or J25 cells. HIVSF-2 gp120 and its nonglycosylated counterpart, Env 2-3, were obtained through the AIDS Research and Reference Reagent Program, Division of AIDS, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, National Institutes of Health, from Kathelyn Steimer, Chiron Corp. (13, 14, 19, 26, 2931). The results are shown in Fig. Fig.4.4. As expected, nonglycosylated HIVSF2 Env 2-3 bound to the surfaces of the CEM-SS cells to a lesser extent than did HIVSF2 gp120. On the other hand, and unexpectedly, nonglycosylated HIVSF2 Env 2-3 bound much more readily to the surfaces of the J25 cells than its glycosylated counterpart, HIVSF-2 gp120, even when used at equal molar concentrations. To determine whether these findings could be generalized to other Env molecules that lacked intact carbohydrate molecules, we treated ogp160 with sodium metaperiodate. ogp160 from HIV451 at 1.25 μg/ml was treated with sodium metaperiodate (Sigma, St. Louis, Mo.) in acetate buffer for 2 h at 4°C in the dark (33). The cells to be tested had been treated previously with 1% glycine (Sigma) for 30 min at 37°C. Such treatment results in the oxidation and cleavage of the carbohydrate hydroxyl groups without affecting the structure of the polypeptide chains (33). Nonspecific binding by the resulting aldehyde groups was prevented by blocking the target cells beforehand with 1% glycine. The results are shown in Fig. Fig.4.4. Sodium metaperiodate treatment of ogp160 resulted in a marked inhibition of the binding of ogp160 to the surfaces of the CEM-SS cells. In contrast, sodium metaperiodate treatment of ogp160 resulted in a very clear increase in the binding of HIV Env to the surfaces of the J25 cells. The preexposure of CEM-SS cells to SDF1 did not significantly affect the binding of ogp160 or sodium metaperiodate-treated ogp160. On the other hand, preexposure of J25 cells to 250 nM SDF1 resulted in a marked decrease in binding of both ogp160 and sodium metaperiodate-treated ogp160. These data indicate the specificity of the interaction of the deglycosylated form of ogp160 with CXCR4. The results of these experiments suggest that the alteration in the carbohydrate content of the HIV Env molecules resulted in a better exposure of the epitopes involved in gp120 binding to CXCR4. Open in a separate windowFIG. 4Binding of HIVSF-2 gp120 or the nonglycosylated form, HIVSF-2 Env 2-3 (Non-glyc SF-2 gp120), to CEM-SS or J25 cells. The concentration was 355 nM for both. The binding of ogp160 and sodium metaperiodate-treated ogp160 (De-glyc ogp160), each at a concentration of 355 nM, to CEM-SS or J25 cells is also shown. The two right-hand bars in each graph show results for cells preexposed to SDF1 at 150 nM. The results are expressed as mean channel fluorescence. The experiments were performed in duplicate with similar results.The understanding of the underlying mechanisms by which HIV Env, CD4, and the newly discovered HIV coreceptors interact to mediate viral entry remains a very significant issue. The way that HIV Env and CD4 interact is well established (28), and some information exists about the interaction between HIV Env, CCR5, and CD4 (34). In this paper we have shown that HIV Env is able to interact in a CD4-independent manner with CXCR4. Still, the extent of such interaction was clearly lower than that of the sCD4-HIV Env complex and CXCR4. This effect of sCD4 seems to be consistent with the observation that the complexing of this molecule with HIV Env from the strains JRFL or BAL resulted in a significant increase in the affinity of HIV Env for CCR5 (34). We speculate that this interaction between sCD4 and HIV Env results in a conformational change that exposes the binding epitopes in HIV Env relevant for binding to CXCR4, as it does with other gp120 epitopes (16). A different scenario would involve a change in both molecules, resulting in a newly formed common binding epitope. This second alternative seems less likely given our data showing CD4-independent binding of HIV Env to CXCR4, as well as previous data showing the existence of HIV strains capable of CD4-independent entry into target cells (9, 15).The gp120 molecule from HIV contains 20 potential N-linked glycosylation sites, with N-linked glycans representing at least 50% of the molecular mass. Their role in CD4 binding has been studied extensively, although some of the results remain somewhat controversial. Most of the available data seem to indicate that complete lack of glycosylation completely (20), or at least partially (25), inhibits HIV Env binding to CD4. Also, enzymatic manipulation of the carbohydrate residues results in a significant decrease but not in complete abrogation of the binding of HIV Env to CD4 (11, 20, 25). It was therefore somewhat unexpected to find that the nonglycosylated form, as well as the sodium metaperiodate-treated form, of HIV Env was able to bind in such an enhanced way to CXCR4. This would appear to reinforce the concept of the existence of a binding epitope for CXCR4 within HIV Env which is different from the one for CD4. It also suggests that the changes occurring as a consequence of the manipulation of the carbohydrate residues likely result in a better exposure of the CXCR4 binding epitope(s) within the HIV Env molecule.In summary, we have shown that HIV Env can interact with CXCR4 in a CD4-independent manner. We have also shown how the interaction of CD4 with HIV Env results in a significant increase in the binding of the latter to CXCR4 and how the alterations in the carbohydrate composition of the HIV Env molecule affect its binding to CXCR4. The complete definition of these interactions may result in novel approaches to protect against cell infection by HIV.  相似文献   

近年来,一些研究发现,GBV-C/HIV共感染可延缓HIV感染疾病的进程,然而也有一些研究得出不同的结论.本研究收集我国安徽省阜阳市HIV血清学阳性的既往献血员血浆标本,对其进行GBV-C感染的检测,研究GBV-C/HIV共感染与HIV病毒载量和CD4 T淋巴细胞绝对计数的关系.用RT-PCR和酶联免疫法检测,在203人中检出GBV-C感染52例,显示该人群GBV-C的感染率为25.6%,男性感染者(35例,67.3%)高于女性感染者(17例,32.7%).分析发现,GBV-C感染与未感染两组患者的CD4 T淋巴细胞绝对计数和HIV病毒载量数据均无统计学差异.本研究中的HIV-1感染者均未接受ART治疗,因而排除了治疗对疾病进展的影响.研究结果显示,在HIV-1感染晚期的献血人群,GBV-C/HIV共感染对CD4细胞和病毒复制水平无显著影响.由于本研究对象中无HIV-1早期感染者,因而不能判断GBV-C在HIV-1感染的早期对疾病进展有无影响.  相似文献   

MSM and HIV/AIDS in China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
INTRODUCTION The term MSM (men who have sex with men) was introduced into mainland China in 2000. Homosexuals, without identifying gender, were used previously to de- scribe MSM by authorities, the public and even professionals. The first confirmed MSM ca…  相似文献   

Zhang BC  Chu QS 《Cell research》2005,15(11-12):858-864
This article profiles current status of spread and control of HIV/AIDS in China. China has a significant population of MSM (men who have sex with men) and they have been becoming very much alive in many ways since 1990s due to recent social changes. Some surveys indicate that great many of MSM are engaged in high-risk behaviors. In addition, majority of MSM have also experienced sexual encounters with women sometimes in their lives, which possibly contribute to spread of HIV to women. Some reports documented that HIV is becoming rampant among MSM since more than 1% of them are now infected. Political, cultural and custom elements could hinder intervention activities against HIV spread among MSM. Fortunately, many cities in China have seen that MSM were in cooperation with responsible institutions carrying out certain intervention measures. The general situation is promising. The authors forecast that the fast HIV spread among MSM of China could possibly be halted within several years when the authorities become more sensible to this issue, health service institutions offer unswerving efforts toward the MSM community and those who involve in MSM undertakes necessary responsibilities.  相似文献   

An HIV/AIDS and TB coinfection model which considers antiretroviral therapy for the AIDS cases and treatment of all forms of TB, i.e., latent and active forms of TB, is presented. We begin by presenting an HIV/AIDS-TB coinfection model and analyze the TB and HIV/AIDS submodels separately without any intervention strategy. The TB-only model is shown to exhibit backward bifurcation when its corresponding reproduction number is less than unity. On the other hand, the HIV/AIDS-only model has a globally asymptotically stable disease-free equilibrium when its corresponding reproduction number is less than unity. We proceed to analyze the full HIV-TB coinfection model and extend the model to incorporate antiretroviral therapy for the AIDS cases and treatment of active and latent forms of TB. The thresholds and equilibria quantities for the models are determined and stabilities analyzed. From the study we conclude that treatment of AIDS cases results in a significant reductions of numbers of individuals progressing to active TB. Further, treatment of latent and active forms of TB results in delayed onset of the AIDS stage of HIV infection.  相似文献   

Due to their geographical mobility and long periods of separation from intimate partners, migrant workers are at increased risk for a variety of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) including HIV/AIDS. This study sought to investigate patterns in HIV/AIDS related knowledge, attitudes and sexual behaviour in migrant workers in Croatia. In 2003, 566 male migrant workers were recruited during regular required medical examinations and surveyed at seven locations throughout the country. Each participant was asked to complete a self-administered KABP (sexual knowledge, attitudes, beliefs and practices) questionnaire. The average age of respondents was 38.2 years and the majority worked as seafarers (77.3%) and construction workers (20.5%). Only 18.5% of respondents were able to correctly answer all 13 questions assessing knowledge of HIV/AIDS. Seafarers reported higher levels of knowledge than did construction workers. The average respondent reported having had two sexual partners in the last 12 months, with slightly over half of the respondents (55.3%) reporting condom use at their last intercourse with a casual partner. One fifth of the respondents (20.3%) who reported having had intercourse with a sex worker during the last year reported not using condoms at last intercourse. The number of sexual partners was correlated with age, marital status, faith in God, and personal HIV risk assessment. Attitudes toward condom use, co-workers' HIV/AIDS concerns and the duration of migrant status (within the last two years) were shown to be significant correlates of condom use at last intercourse with a casual partner. The effect of HIV/AIDS related knowledge on analyzed behaviors did not reach statistical significance. Inadequate patterns of migrant workers' condom use, gaps in knowledge about HIV transmission and modes of protection, as well as widespread ignorance regarding available anonymous HIV testing found by this study suggest a critical need for expert intervention to avert the potential for an increase in new HIV/AIDS cases. A coordinated, systematic campaign for HIV/AIDS prevention among Croatian migrant workers should focus on increasing peer communication about HIV/AIDS, especially among younger migrant workers, and on reducing the frequency of sexual risk taking.  相似文献   

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