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Acquired phototrophy, i.e. the use of chloroplasts from ingested prey, can be found among some species of dinoflagellates and ciliates. The best studied examples of this phenomenon in these groups are within the ciliate genus Mesodinium and the dinoflagellate genus Dinophysis, both ecologically important genera with a worldwide distribution. Mesodinium species differ considerably in their carbon metabolism. Some species rely almost exclusively on food uptake, while other species rely mostly on photosynthesis. In Mesodinium with acquired phototrophy, a number of prey organelles in addition to chloroplasts may be retained, and the host ciliate has considerable control over the acquired chloroplasts; Mesodinium rubrum is capable of dividing its acquired chloroplasts and can also photoacclimate. In Dinophysis spp., the contents of ciliate prey are sucked out, but only the chloroplasts are retained from the ingested prey. Some chloroplast house-keeping genes have been found in the nucleus of Dinophysis and some preliminary evidence suggests that Dinophysis may be capable for photoacclimation. Both genera have been claimed to take up inorganic nutrients, including NO3, indicating that processes beyond photosynthesis have been acquired. M. rubrum seems to depend upon prey species within the Teleaulax/Plagioselmis/Geminigera clade of marine cryptophytes. Up until now, Dinophysis species have only been maintained cultured on M. rubrum as food, but other ciliates may also be ingested. Dinophysis spp. and M. rubrum are obligate mixotrophs, depending upon both prey and light for sustained growth. However, while M. rubrum only needs to ingest 1–2% of its carbon demand per day to attain maximum growth, Dinophysis spp. need to obtain about half of their carbon demand from ingestion for maximum growth. Both Mesodinium and Dinophysis spp. can survive for months in the light without food. The potential role for modeling in exploring the complex balance of phototrophy and phago-heterotrophy, and its ecological implications for the mixotroph and their prey, is discussed.  相似文献   

The phototrophic dinoflagellate Takayama helix that is known to be harmful to abalone larvae has recently been revealed to be mixotrophic. Although mixotrophy elevates the growth rate of T. helix by 79%–185%, its absolute growth rate is still as low as 0.3 d−1. Thus, if the mortality rate of T. helix due to predation is high, this dinoflagellate may not easily prevail. To investigate potential effective protistan grazers on T. helix, feeding by diverse heterotrophic dinoflagellates such as engulfment-feeding Oxyrrhis marina, Gyrodinium dominans, Gyrodinium moestrupii, Polykrikos kofoidii, and Noctiluca scintillans, peduncle-feeding Aduncodinium glandula, Gyrodiniellum shiwhaense, Luciella masanensis, and Pfiesteria piscicida, pallium-feeding Oblea rotunda and Protoperidinium pellucidum, and the naked ciliates Pelagostrobilidium sp. (ca. 40 μm in cell length) and Strombidinopsis sp. (ca. 150 μm in cell length) on T. helix was explored. Among the tested heterotrophic protists, O. marina, G. dominans, G. moestrupii, A. glandula, L. masanensis, P. kofoidii, P. piscicida, and Strombidinopsis sp. were able to feed on T. helix. The growth rates of all these predators except Strombidinopsis sp. with T. helix prey were lower than those without the prey. The growth rate of Strombidinopsis sp. on T. helix was almost zero although the growth rate of Strombidinopsis sp. with T. helix prey was higher than those without the prey. Moreover, T. helix fed on O. marina and P. pellucidum and lysed the cells of P. kofoidii and G. shiwhaense. With increasing the concentrations of T. helix, the growth rates of O. marina and P. kofoidii decreased, but those of G. dominans and L. masanensis largely did not change. Therefore, reciprocal predation, lysis, no feeding, and the low ingestion rates of the common protists preying on T. helix may result in a low mortality rate due to predation, thereby compensating for this species’ low growth rate.  相似文献   

Toward understanding the genetic diversity and distribution of copepod-associated symbiotic ciliates and the evolutionary relationships with their hosts in the marine environment, we developed a small subunit ribosomal RNA gene (18S rDNA)-based molecular method and investigated the genetic diversity and genotype distribution of the symbiotic ciliates on copepods. Of the 10 copepod species representing six families collected from six locations of Pacific and Atlantic Oceans, 9 were found to harbor ciliate symbionts. Phylogenetic analysis of the 391 ciliate 18S rDNA sequences obtained revealed seven groups (ribogroups), six (containing 99% of all the sequences) belonging to subclass Apostomatida, the other clustered with peritrich ciliate Vorticella gracilis. Among the Apostomatida groups, Group III were essentially identical to Vampyrophrya pelagica, and the other five groups represented the undocumented ciliates that were close to Vampyrophrya/Gymnodinioides/Hyalophysa. Group VI ciliates were found in all copepod species but one (Calanus sinicus), and were most abundant among all ciliate sequences obtained, indicating that they are the dominant symbiotic ciliates universally associated with copepods. In contrast, some ciliate sequences were found only in some of the copepods examined, suggesting the host selectivity and geographic differentiation of ciliates, which requires further verification by more extensive sampling. Our results reveal the wide occurrence and high genetic diversity of symbiotic ciliates on marine copepods and highlight the need to systematically investigate the host- and geography-based genetic differentiation and ecological roles of these ciliates globally.  相似文献   

Polyubiquitin genes from seven ciliate species were amplified, cloned and sequenced. It is estimated that Strombidium sulcatum, Euplotes vannus, E. rariseta and Anteholosticha manca have a polyubiquitin gene of 3 repeats, and A. parawarreni, Paramecium caudatum and Pseudokeronopsis flava 4 repeats. The newly obtained ubiquitins mostly differ from that of humans by 1–5 residues in amino acid sequences. A neighbor-joining tree constructed based on monomeric ubiquitin genes supports the monophyly of an assemblage comprising the litostomateans and some oligohymenophoreans, but not the class Spirotrichea. The monomers from the same species are generally placed together and highly supported for the class Litostomatea, the genera Paramecium and Ichthyophthirius, but not for other species. The non-synonymous/synonymous rate ratio (dN/dS) at the protein level are less than 1, and the synonymous nucleotide differences per synonymous site (pS) from intraspecific comparisons are fairly high (0.02–0.72). These results indicate that ciliates have not only the conserved, but also some quite divergent, polyubiquitin genes and confirm that the polyubiquitin genes in ciliates evolve according to the birth-and-death mode of evolution under strong purifying selection.  相似文献   

Rates of bacterivory in micro- and meiobenthic species were determined by an improved technique in a muddy tidal flat community in Boston Harbor, Mass. The predominant grazers of bacteria were identified, and their rates of grazing were measured in the top 1 cm of the sediment. Grazing rates were measured by a fluorescence-labeled bacteria (FLB) technique. A mixture of two Enterococcus spp. isolates and two isolates of Escherichia coli were prepared as FLB, and they were added to intact sediment cores by replacing the pore water in the upper centimeter of the core. A standard FLB procedure was modified by filtering sediment dilutions onto cellulose membrane filters and processing the filters to render them optically transparent while preserving the physical integrity of the micro- and meiobenthic organisms. Thus, it was possible, on the same microscopic field, to switch from light microscopy for identification of grazers to epifluorescence microscopy for counting FLB present in the gut contents of the same grazers. The majority of benthic organisms present in these sediments consumed FLB, but their consumption rates varied widely. Two ciliate species, a Prorodon sp. and a Chlamidodon sp., and a nematode, a Metoncholaimus sp., consumed fluorescence-labeled coliforms at the highest rates, 126 to 169 FLB per individual per h. Other ciliates and nematodes, as well as microflagellates and harpacticoid copepods, consumed fluorescence-labeled coliforms at lower rates, 1.2 to 26 FLB per individual per h. Foraminiferans and gastrotriches did not contain FLB. Some ciliate grazers discriminated between enterococci and coliforms, consuming the rod-shaped fluorescence-labeled coliforms at 74- to 155-fold-higher rates than did the coccus-shaped fluorescence-labeled enterococci. Other ciliates did not select between fluorescence-labeled enterococci and fluorescence-labeled coliforms. The high rates of bacterivory by some ciliates and nematodes indicated intensive grazing. However, at their low extant densities, the grazers consumed only a small portion of the bacterial standing stock. Major bacterial grazers, e.g., microflagellates, ciliates, and nematodes, could potentially consume, per day, only 0.2, 0.1, and 0.03%, respectively, of the bacterial standing stock (7.5 × 108 bacteria per cm3).  相似文献   

The evolution of sophisticated differentiations of the gastro-intestinal tract enabled herbivorous mammals to digest dietary cellulose and hemicellulose with the aid of a complex anaerobic microbiota. Distinctive symbiotic ciliates, which are unique to this habitat, are the largest representatives of this microbial community. Analyses of a total of 484 different 18S rRNA genes show that extremely complex, but related ciliate communities can occur in the rumen of cattle, sheep, goats and red deer (301 sequences). The communities in the hindgut of equids (Equus caballus, Equus quagga), and elephants (Elephas maximus, Loxodonta africanus; 162 sequences), which are clearly distinct from the ruminant ciliate biota, exhibit a much higher diversity than anticipated on the basis of their morphology. All these ciliates from the gastro-intestinal tract constitute a monophyletic group, which consists of two major taxa, i.e. Vestibuliferida and Entodiniomorphida. The ciliates from the evolutionarily older hindgut fermenters exhibit a clustering that is specific for higher taxa of their hosts, as extant species of horse and zebra on the one hand, and Africa and Indian elephant on the other hand, share related ciliates. The evolutionary younger ruminants altogether share the various entodiniomorphs and the vestibuliferids from ruminants.  相似文献   

Ciliates (protozoa) are ubiquitous components of plankton community and play important roles in aquatic ecosystems in regards of their abundance, biomass, diversity and energy turnover. Based on the stratified samples collected from the northern Beibu Gulf in August 2011, species composition, abundance, biomass, diversity and spatial pattern of planktonic ciliates were studied. Furthermore the main environmental factors controlling ciliate communities were determined. A total of 101 species belonging to 44 genera and 7 orders (i.e., Oligotrichida, Haptorida, Euplotida, Sessilida, Pleurostomatida, Scuticociliatida and Tintinnida) were identified. The variation of ciliate communities was significant at horizontal level, but that was not at vertical level. Based on cluster analysis, ciliate communities were divided into three main groups. Redundancy analysis (RDA) revealed that Group A, existing in the waters with higher concentration of phosphorus and nitrogen, was dominated by Tintinnidium primitivum. Group B in the waters with lower temperature and chlorophyll-a concentration, was dominated by Leegaardiella ovalis. Group C, existing in the waters with higher temperature and chlorophyll-a concentration, was dominated by large Strombidium spp. and Mesodinium rubrum. Combining multiple analytic methods, our results strongly supported that phosphorus, nitrogen and chlorophyll-a were the most significant factors affecting the ciliate communities in the northern Beibu Gulf in summer. Concentration of phosphorus and nitrogen primarily influenced ciliate biomass, implying a potential impact of eutrophication on ciliate growth. The correlation with chlorophyll-a concentration, on one hand indicate the response of ciliates to the food availability, and on the other hand, the ciliates containing chloroplasts or endosymbionts may contribute greatly to the chlorophyll-a.  相似文献   

To investigate interactions between the nematocyst-bearing mixotrophic dinoflagellate Paragymnodinium shiwhaense and different heterotrophic protist and copepod species, feeding by common heterotrophic dinoflagellates (Oxyrrhis marina and Gyrodinium dominans), naked ciliates (Strobilidium sp. approximately 35 μm in cell length and Strombidinopsis sp. approximately 100 μm in cell length), and calanoid copepods Acartia spp. (A. hongi and A. omorii) on P. shiwhaense was explored. In addition, the feeding activities of P. shiwhaense on these heterotrophic protists were investigated. Furthermore, the growth and ingestion rates of O. marina, G. dominans, Strobilidium sp., Strombidinopsis sp., and Acartia spp. as a function of P. shiwhaense concentration were measured. O. marina, G. dominans, and Strombidinopsis sp. were able to feed on P. shiwhaense, but Strobilidium sp. was not. However, the growth rates of O. marina, G. dominans, Strobilidium sp., and Strombidinopsis sp. feeding on P. shiwhaense were very low or negative at almost all concentrations of P. shiwhaense. P. shiwhaense frequently fed on O. marina and Strobilidium sp., but did not feed on Strombidinopsis sp. and G. dominans. G. dominans cells swelled and became dead when incubated with filtrate from the experimental bottles (G. dominans + P. shiwhaense) that had been incubated for one day. The ingestion rates of O. marina, G. dominans, and Strobilidium sp. on P. shiwhaense were almost zero at all P. shiwhaense concentrations, while those of Strombidinopsis sp. increased with prey concentration. The maximum ingestion rate of Strombidinopsis sp. on P. shiwhaense was 5.3 ng C predator−1d−1 (41 cells predator−1d−1), which was much lower than ingestion rates reported in the literature for other mixotrophic dinoflagellate prey species. With increasing prey concentrations, the ingestion rates of Acartia spp. on P. shiwhaense increased up to 930 ng C ml−1 (7180 cells ml−1) at the highest prey concentration. The highest ingestion rate of Acartia spp. on P. shiwhaense was 4240 ng C predator−1d−1 (32,610 cells predator−1d−1), which is comparable to ingestion rates from previous studies on other dinoflagellate prey species calculated at similar prey concentrations. Thus, P. shiwhaense might play diverse ecological roles in marine planktonic communities by having an advantage over competing phytoplankton in anti-predation against potential protistan grazers.  相似文献   

Fine scale spatial distributions of planktonic ciliates whichprey on dinoflagellates were investigated in a small estuary.The horizontal distributions of Favella sp., Balanion sp. andStrobilidium sp. were positively correlated with the patchydistribution of dinoflagellates. The vertical distribution ofFavella was positively corrdated with the distribution of dinoflagellates.Throughout the diel cycle, the vertical distribution of Faveilawas similar to the vertical distribution of dinoflagellates.We speculate that behavioral responses are responsible for theassociation of diliates with their prey in the water column.Vertically coincident ciliate and algal populations should respondsimilarly to turbulent mixing and water displacement causedby wind stress, bathymetry, or frontal convergences. This wouldresult in horizontal patches in which the ciliates and algaeremain associated. This fine scale spatial coupling betweenciliates and their prey should result in higher ciliate growthrates and greater impact of ciliate grazing on phytoplanktonpopulations than would be predicted from average ciliate oralgal densities. Coincident patches of algae and ciliates mayalso provide higher food concentrations for larger grazers whichcan use both resources. Contribution No. 5532, W.H.O.I.  相似文献   

We have focused on ciliates as potential grazers on toxic phytoplankton because they are major herbivores in aquatic food webs. Ciliates may exert top down control on toxic phytoplankton blooms, potentially suppressing or shortening the duration of harmful algal blooms (HABs). We measured the growth rates of several ciliate species on uni-algal and mixed diets of both HAB and non-HAB algae. The tintinnids Favella ehrenbergii, Eutintinnus pectinis and Metacylis angulata and the non-loricate ciliates Strombidinopsis sp. and Strombidium conicum were isolated from Long Island Sound (LIS), and fed HAB species including the prymnesiophyte Prymnesium parvum (strain 97-20-01) and the dinoflagellate Prorocentrum minimum (strains Exuv and JA 98-01). Ciliates were fed algal prey from cultures at various growth phases and at varying concentrations. We observed no harmful effects of P. minimum (Exuv) on any of the ciliates. However in a comparison of strains, P. minimum (Exuv) supported high growth rates, whereas P. minimum (JA 98-01) supported only nominal growth. P. parvum was acutely toxic to ciliates at high concentrations (2×104–3×104 cells ml−1). At low concentrations (5×103–1×104 cells ml−1), or in culture filtrate, ciliates survived for at least several hours. In mixed diet experiments, as long as a non-toxic alga was available, ciliates survived and at times grew well at concentrations of P. parvum (5×102–3×104 cells ml−1) that would otherwise have killed them. The present study suggests that prior to the onset of toxicity and bloom formation ciliates may exert grazing pressure on these HAB species, potentially contributing to the suppression or decline of P. minimum and P. parvum blooms.  相似文献   

The ciliate Miamiensis avidus causes scuticociliatosis in Japanese flounder Paralichthys olivaceus. We previously reported three serotypes of this ciliate distinguishable by serotype-specific antigenic polypeptides (serotype I, 30 kDa; serotype II, 38 kDa; serotype III, 34 kDa). In this study, we determined the localization site of the serotype-specific polypeptides in the ciliate and determined the genes encoding the polypeptides, using the isolates IyoI (serotype I), Nakajima (serotype II), and Mie0301 (serotype III). SDS-PAGE and immunoblot analysis of cilia, membrane proteins, and cytoskeletal elements of the ciliates revealed that the polypeptides were abundant in the former two. Scanning electron microscopy of ciliates immobilized by homologous antiserum showed morphological changes in the cilia. These evidences suggested that the polypeptides were ciliary membrane immobilization antigens. The ciliary genes identified showed low identity scores—< 51.5% between serotypes. To differentiate the serotypes, we designed serotype-specific PCR primer sets based on the DNA sequences. The PCR-based serotyping results were completely consistent with conventional serotyping methods (immobilization assay and immunoblot analysis). Twenty of 21 isolates were classified as either serotype I or II, and one isolate was undistinguishable. The combination of species-specific PCR previously reported and three serotype-specific PCR could be useful for identifying, serotyping, and surveillance for occurrences of new serotypes of M. avidus.  相似文献   

The histones H4 are known as highly conserved proteins. However, in ciliates a high degree of variation was found compared both to other eukaryotes and between the ciliate species. To date, only H4 histones of species belonging to two distantly related classes have been investigated. In order to obtain more detailed information on histone H4 variation in ciliates we undertook a comprehensive sequence analysis of PCR-amplified internal H4 fragments from 12 species belonging to seven out of the nine currently recognized ciliate classes. In addition, we used PCR primers to amplify longer fragments of H3 and H4 genes including the intergenic region. The encoded amino acid sequences reveal a high number of differences when compared with those of other eukaryotes and the ciliate species investigated. Furthermore, in some species H4 gene variants were detected, which result in amino acid differences. The greatest number of substitutions and insertions found was in the amino terminal region of the H4 histones. However, all sequences possess a conserved region corresponding to those of all other eukaryotic H4 histones. The histone gene variations were used to reconstruct phylogenetic relationships. The tree from our data matches perfectly with the ribosomal RNA data: The heterotrichs, which were considered as a late branching lineage, diverge at the base of the ciliate tree and groups formerly thought to represent ancestral lineages now appear as highly derived ciliates. Received: 4 April 1997 / Accepted: 1 August 1997  相似文献   

Experiments with the copepods Acartia clausi, Centropages hamatusand Pseudocalanus sp. were performed to assess the species-specificeffect of these copepods on the development of monospecificalgae (Nephroselmis pyriformis) and ciliate communities (Strombidiumvestitum, Strombidium conicum, Strombidium sp. and Lohmanniellaoviformis). It was hypothesized that potentially switching copepodslike A. clausi will stabilize the algal community by switchingbetween ciliate and algal food, in contrast to copepods withstereotypic filter feeding behaviour (Pseudocalanus sp.). Intreatments with Pseudocalanus sp. and C. hamatus, all ciliatespecies were wiped out in 2 days, resulting in blooms of N.pyriformis. In treatments with A. clausi, two of the ciliatespecies were able to persist, but the combined ciliate and copepodcommunity was not able to control the algal bloom. Ciliatesbecame abundant in control treatments without copepods, butonly S. vestitum and S. conicum seemed able to establish grazingcontrol. Hence, when evaluating the role of ciliates in foodwebs, their actual numbers and species composition should betaken into account. Likewise, the species composition of copepodsmay be crucial; these experiments demonstrate that small filterfeeding copepods may have tremendous impact on ciliate numbers.  相似文献   

The mixotroph Yihiella yeosuensis is a small‐ and fast‐swimming dinoflagellate. To investigate its protistan predators, interactions between Y. yeosuensis and 11 heterotrophic protists were explored. No potential predators were able to feed on actively swimming Y. yeosuensis cells, which escaped via rapid jumps, whereas Aduncodinium glandula, Oxyrrhis marina, and Strombidinopsis sp. (approximately 150 μm in cell length) were able to feed on weakly swimming cells that could not jump. Furthermore, Gyrodinium dominans, Luciella masanensis, and Pfiesteria piscicida were able to feed on heat‐killed Yihiella cells, whereas Gyrodinium moestrupii, Noctiluca scintillans, Oblea rotunda, Polykrikos kofoidii, and Strombidium sp. (20 μm) did not feed on them. Thus, the jumping behavior of Y. yeosuensis might be primarily responsible for the observed lack of predation. With increasing Yihiella concentration, the growth rate of O. marina decreased, whereas that of Strombidinopsis did not change. However, with increasing Yihiella concentration (up to 530 ng C/ml), the ingestion rate of Strombidinopsis on Yihiella increased linearly. The highest ingestion rate was 24.1 ng C per predator per d. The low daily carbon acquisition from Yihiella relative to the body carbon content of Strombidinopsis might be responsible for its negligible growth. Thus, Y. yeosuensis might have an advantage over its competitors due to its low mortality rate.  相似文献   

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