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线粒体DNA作为理想的分子遗传标记被广泛应用于马鹿进化生物学、种群遗传学和保护生物学的研究.该文阐述了mtDNA在马鹿中的研究进展,重点介绍马鹿mtDNA序列的研究概况及其多态性在马鹿物种识别、起源和进化、地理分化、遗传多样性和保护管理等方面的应用情况.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial DNA phylogeography of red deer (Cervus elaphus)   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
In order to understand the origin, phylogeny, and phylogeography of the species Cervus elaphus, we examined the DNA sequence variation of the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene of 51 populations of deer from the entire distribution area of Cervinae with an emphasis on Europe and Asia. Several methods, including maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood, and nested clade analysis, revealed that red deer originated from the area between Kyrgyzstan and Northern India. We found two distinct groups of red deer: a western group consisting of four subgroups and an eastern group consisting of three subgroups. Our mtDNA data do not support the traditional classification of red deer as only one species nor its division into numerous subspecies. The discrepancies between the geographical pattern of differentiation based on mtDNA cytochrome b and the existing specific and subspecific taxonomy based on morphology are discussed.  相似文献   

马鹿东北亚种被毛形态结构的季节性差异   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
金辛  张伟  金煜 《兽类学报》2005,25(4):414-416
被毛作为哺乳动物特有的组织,具有保护和保温功能,一些季节性换毛动物需要通过更换被毛以适应冬季和夏季的不同环境(王泽长,1963;景松岩和张伟,1993)。因此,研究动物被毛结构与功能的季节性特征,对揭示被毛在物种生存和进化过程中的作用具有重要意义(张伟和徐艳春,2003)。对毛的结构多态性和功能多样性研究是国际毛发形态学研究中的前沿领域(Yalden,1985;Gaudette,1985;syred,1991;甘雅玲和郭中伟,2003;张伟和徐艳春,2003)。以往的毛发形态学研究多限于反映物种的特异性,并应用于分类鉴别方面(朱小曼,1987;张伟,1994;金煜,1995)。在强调毛发结构物种特异性的同时,忽略或淡化了其变异性,更缺少对结构和功能关系的研究。马鹿东北亚种(Cervus elaphus xanthopygus)为季节性换毛动物,绒毛退化,其被毛主要由上毛构成。本选择马鹿东北亚种的冬季和夏季上毛作为研究对象,初步测量了冬季和夏季其臀部、后肢上部、后肢下部及蹄部上毛的形态和微观结构数据,比较其季节性差异和部位差异。  相似文献   

European red deer (Cervus elaphus elaphus) are susceptible to the agent of bovine spongiform encephalopathy, one of the transmissible spongiform encephalopathies, when challenged intracerebrally but their susceptibility to alimentary challenge, the presumed natural route of transmission, is unknown. To determine this, eighteen deer were challenged via stomach tube with a large dose of the bovine spongiform encephalopathy agent and clinical signs, gross and histological lesions, presence and distribution of abnormal prion protein and the attack rate recorded. Only a single animal developed clinical disease, and this was acute with both neurological and respiratory signs, at 1726 days post challenge although there was significant (27.6%) weight loss in the preceding 141 days. The clinically affected animal had histological lesions of vacuolation in the neuronal perikaryon and neuropil, typical of transmissible spongiform encephalopathies. Abnormal prion protein, the diagnostic marker of transmissible encephalopathies, was primarily restricted to the central and peripheral nervous systems although a very small amount was present in tingible body macrophages in the lymphoid patches of the caecum and colon. Serial protein misfolding cyclical amplification, an in vitro ultra-sensitive diagnostic technique, was positive for neurological tissue from the single clinically diseased deer. All other alimentary challenged deer failed to develop clinical disease and were negative for all other investigations. These findings show that transmission of bovine spongiform encephalopathy to European red deer via the alimentary route is possible but the transmission rate is low. Additionally, when deer carcases are subjected to the same regulations that ruminants in Europe with respect to the removal of specified offal from the human food chain, the zoonotic risk of bovine spongiform encephalopathy, the cause of variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, from consumption of venison is probably very low.  相似文献   

贺兰山区马鹿对冬季生境的选择性   总被引:28,自引:6,他引:28  
2003年11—12月,在贺兰山采用样带法对马鹿阿拉善亚种的生境选择性做了研究。在选定的25条样带上一共测定了87个利用样方以及50个任意样方的14种生态因子(植被类型、优势乔木、坡向、坡位、食物丰富度、乔木密度、灌木密度、坡度、海拔高度、雪深、水源距离、人为干扰距离、裸岩距离和隐蔽级)。结果表明,马鹿对4种生态因子有选择性:①植被类型:偏好利用山地草原带和山地针叶林带,避免选择亚高山灌丛和草甸带;②优势乔木:偏好利用混合型的生境,避免选择杜松、油松和无树的生境;③坡向:偏好位于阳坡的生境,避免利用阴坡;④坡位:偏好位于下坡位的生境,避免选择上坡位和中坡位。对利用样方和任意样方进行比较,发现马鹿的利用样方以灌木密度高、食物丰富、坡度小、接近水源、雪覆盖浅、远离裸岩和人为干扰为主要特征。对各种生态因子的主成分分析表明前6个主成分的累积贡献率已经达到了84.89%,可以较好地反映马鹿的生境特征。第1主成分反映出马鹿在选择生态因子方面与植被类型、乔木密度、灌木密度、坡向、坡度、距水源距离、雪深、海拔高度正相关。  相似文献   

保护新疆马鹿塔里木亚种的建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马鹿塔里木亚种分布于新疆塔里木盆地各沿河地带,强度适应荒漠生境。采用分子系统学方法研究表明,世界马鹿分为东西两大系统,马鹿塔里木亚种是我国唯一属于西部系统的亚种。在中国濒危动物红皮书中被列为濒危(E)亚种,按国际自然与自然资源保护联盟(IUCN)1993年制定的世界物种红色名录濒危定级标准,属于极危级(EN)。自20世纪50年代以来,由于自然和人为因素的影响,种群数量急骤下降,现今马鹿塔里木亚种在塔河流域被隔离为莎雅、尉犁和且末3个小种群,当前该亚种正受到栖息地减小和片断化的双重影响,而且因遗传漂变和近亲繁殖的不断增加也进一步加剧它的濒危程度。为有效保护该物种特提出可行的保护建议。  相似文献   

贺兰山马鹿冬季食性分析   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
2003年11月-2004年2月在宁夏贺兰山国家级自然保护区和内蒙古贺兰山国家级自然保护区,利用粪便显微组织学分析技术结合野外啃食调查对马鹿阿拉善亚种(Cervus elaphus alxaicus)冬季食性进行了研究.从7个沟系中一共收集了219堆马鹿粪便中捡拾粪粒,组成14个复合样本进行分析,其结果表明,灰榆(27.37%)、山杨(11.75%)、蒙古扁桃(9.83%)、金露梅(8.12%)、锦鸡儿(6.52%)等植物的当年枝和落叶以及禾本科草本植物(7.51%)是马鹿冬季主要食物,其中灰榆为大宗食物,针叶树种(杜松、油松、青海云杉)和其他草本植物所占比例均较小.马鹿对灰榆、山杨、蒙占扁桃、金露梅、锦鸡儿和杜松有正选择性;而对禾本科草本植物、油松和青海云杉有负选择性.马鹿对它们选择性的强弱顺序为:山杨>杜松>锦鸡儿>蒙古扁桃>金露梅>灰榆>禾本科草本植物>油松>青海云杉.马鹿取食乔木36.8%、灌木44.7%、禾本科草本植物8.0%和非禾本科草本植物10.5%,这4类植物的利用性与可利用性存在极显著差异,乔木和灌木的利用性高于可利用性;禾本科草本植物和非禾本科草本植物的利用性低于可利用性,说明马鹿的食物以木本植物镲为主,草本植物为辅.Spearman相关分析得出马鹿对食物的选择性与水分、灰分、粗蛋白、粗脂肪、粗纤维和无氮浸出物之间无明显的相关关系.被啃食植物中粗蛋白含量较高,蛋白质不是越冬马鹿的限制因子,而能量可能是影响冬季马鹿采食较为关键的因子.马鹿冬季采食策略主要是以最小的能量消耗获取最大的能量收益.  相似文献   

中国新疆马鹿亚种头骨形态的地理变化   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
新疆马鹿(Cervus elaphus)有3个亚种(塔里木亚种C.e.yarkandensis、天山亚种C.e.songarieus和阿勒泰亚种C.e.sibirieus)。本文报道新疆马鹿3个亚种头骨形态学特征描述和14项形态学指标测定。被测定的指标主要有颅全长(GLC)、颜面长(FL)、鼻骨全长(GLN)、前头长(MFL)、眼窝长(OFW)、基底全长(CBL)、口盖最大幅(GPB)、前臼齿间距离(Pm—P)、眼间最小幅(ZB)、筋突起高(CH)、关筋突起高(LH)、牙齿间隙裂高(DH)、前下颚骨高(HMP2)、后下颚骨高(HMM,),采用主成分分析并在这3个亚种之间进行了比较。结果表明:1)阿勒泰亚种的头骨长度和高度值比塔里木亚种大,宽度值比塔里木亚种小;2)天山亚种的头骨大小一般处在塔里木亚种和阿勒泰亚种的中间,但三者之间没有显著性差异;3)阿勒泰亚种和天山亚种的头骨形态测量数据比较接近,塔里木亚种的头骨形态比较特殊(塔里木亚种的头骨短而宽,明显区别于其他两亚种的特征)。在新疆导致马鹿3个亚种头骨形态差异的主要因素有栖息地环境和气候因素的差异。阿勒泰亚种和天山亚种栖息在大陆性气候寒冷区的针叶林中,冬天气候比较寒冷;塔里木亚种栖息在大陆性气候温热区的塔里木河流域胡杨林中,气候干旱炎热。因此,阿勒泰和天山亚种在适应寒冷的气候并适应生软食物的食性过程中头骨变成长细,而塔里木亚种长期适应干旱炎热并适应生硬食物的食性使头骨变的短而宽。  相似文献   


Our current knowledge of microbiota in wild ruminants is limited. The goal of this study was to evaluate staphylococcal species in red and roe deer for various attributes (haemolysis, DNase, and urease activities; lactic acid and biofilm production; and antibiotic profile) and their susceptibility to gallidermin. Sixteen staphylococcal strains were identified from faeces of 21 free-living animals (9 adult female Cervus elaphus—red deer and 12 young female Capreolus capreolus—roe deer) sampled by the Polish colleagues in the Strzałowo Forest District, Piska Primaeval Forest. The variability in the species of staphylococci was determined. Seven species (Staphylococcus capitis, S. epidermidis, S. haemolyticus, S. hominis, S. pseudintermedius, S. vitulinus and S. warneri) and five clusters/groups of coagulase-negative staphylococci (CoNS) were identified. The strains were generally not haemolytic and Dnase negative; did not form biofilms or only produced low-grade biofilms; exhibited high levels of lactic acid; were urease positive; and were generally susceptible to antibiotics (only two strains were resistant to multiple antibiotics). However, all of the strains were susceptible to the lantibiotic bacteriocin gallidermin, with a minimal inhibitory concentration of 0.0156 μg (up to 6400 AU/ml in arbitrary units). This is the first study to perform a detailed study of the properties of CoNS from roe and red deer.


新疆马鹿塔里木亚种的现状与保护   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
新疆马鹿塔里木亚种高度适应荒漠生境, 自20 世纪50 年代以来, 由于自然和人为因素的影响, 种群数量急剧下降。栖息地退缩和片段化不仅导致种群遗传多样性的丧失, 而且也因遗传漂变和近亲繁殖, 不断地加剧了该亚种的濒危程度。为有效的保护该物种, 特提出可行的保护措施建议。  相似文献   

用粪便形态特征初步研究新疆塔里木马鹿种群年龄和性别   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
塔里木马鹿分布在干旱地区,是唯一的适应干旱荒漠环境的特殊马鹿亚种之一.目前,塔里木马鹿种群面临着栖息地退缩和片段化的双重影响,这不仅导致了种群数量的锐减,而且也因物种遗传漂变和近亲繁殖的不断增加,进一步加剧其濒危程度.为了有效地保护该物种,全面了解种群结构是至关重要.对塔里木马鹿粪便的长度、宽度、长度/宽度比例和体积等参数进行了测量,并采用判别分析方法划分种群年龄.结果表明,塔里木马鹿粪便形态在不同性别之间有差异,一般雌性的粪便大于雄性(P<0.05).同时根据粪便形态对种群年龄划分为成年雄性、成年雌性和幼体等3个年龄组.  相似文献   

Russian Journal of Genetics - The red deer (Cervus elaphus) has been translocated across Europe, including Poland in order to improve the quality of local populations of the animal. The aim of the...  相似文献   

新疆塔里木马鹿粪便激素含量季节性变化的初步研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的:检测雄性塔里木马鹿的睾酮,雌鹿的雌二醇、雌三醇、孕酮等粪便激素含量,并比较不同月份之间的变化。方法:利用放射免疫分析法(RIA)在且末和尉犁县马鹿场采集塔里木马鹿粪便,检测了2004年2~12月间塔里木马鹿粪便中的激素水平。结果:粪便性激素水平有明显的季节变化(P<0.05)。雄鹿粪便睾酮水平月间差异显著(P<0.05),浓度在8月有2个高峰。雌鹿粪便雌二醇在3月和6月有2个高峰;粪便孕酮水平在3月有2个高峰,在8月有1个高峰;雌三醇差异不显著,但4月的最高值也显著高于其他各时间点(P<0.05)。结论:利用动物粪便研究激素具有对保护动物完全无伤害、材料收集容易等优点,并且有助于评估动物青春期的健康状况、判断动物排卵方式、早孕检查、产前预测等,因而是目前研究野生珍稀动物性激素的一种较为理想的方法。  相似文献   

查清新疆东部哈密山区野生天山马鹿(Cervus elaphus songaricus)种群的现状,可为有效保护与合理利用野生马鹿资源提供科学依据。我们通过截线抽样法和遥感技术,弄清哈密山区天山马鹿的栖息地范围,估算马鹿的种群数量及种群密度。在哈密山区野生天山马鹿分布区域共设计了28条样线,总长度60.1 km,遇见马鹿233头,通过计算得到该地区马鹿天山亚种种群平均密度为(2.83?1.01)头/km2。栖息地面积374.35 km2,估计马鹿总数为(1 057.56?379.71)头左右。雌雄比例2.24:1,幼体和亚成体的总数量多于成体和老体总数。研究区域内马鹿的种群密度和资源总数量比往年的调查结果有所上升;马鹿的分布海拔高度比较一致,但种群的大小具有不均匀性;从性比和年龄结构来看该研究区域的马鹿种群面向着数量的增长趋势。  相似文献   

Primate social organisation is often considered to be more complex than that of ‘lower’ mammals. The dominance hierarchy, which is given especial emphasis in most studies of social species, has been criticised on the grounds that rank is poorly related to other aspects of social organisation. These two ideas were investigated in an enclosed group of red deer by looking at the relationships between four aspects of social organisation: the dominance hierarchy; social grooming behaviour; non-copulatory mounting behaviour; spatial organisation. The last three aspects have frequently been studied in primates, but rarely in ungulates.  相似文献   

The control of multihost pathogens, such as Coxiella burnetii, should rely on accurate information about the roles played by the main hosts. We aimed to determine the involvement of the red deer (Cervus elaphus) in the ecology of C. burnetii. We predicted that red deer populations from broad geographic areas within a European context would be exposed to C. burnetii, and therefore, we hypothesized that a series of factors would modulate the exposure of red deer to C. burnetii. To test this hypothesis, we designed a retrospective survey of 47 Iberian red deer populations from which 1,751 serum samples and 489 spleen samples were collected. Sera were analyzed by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA) in order to estimate exposure to C. burnetii, and spleen samples were analyzed by PCR in order to estimate the prevalence of systemic infections. Thereafter, we gathered 23 variables—within environmental, host, and management factors—potentially modulating the risk of exposure of deer to C. burnetii, and we performed multivariate statistical analyses to identify the main risk factors. Twenty-three populations were seropositive (48.9%), and C. burnetii DNA in the spleen was detected in 50% of the populations analyzed. The statistical analyses reflect the complexity of C. burnetii ecology and suggest that although red deer may maintain the circulation of C. burnetii without third species, the most frequent scenario probably includes other wild and domestic host species. These findings, taken together with previous evidence of C. burnetii shedding by naturally infected red deer, point at this wild ungulate as a true reservoir for C. burnetii and an important node in the life cycle of C. burnetii, at least in the Iberian Peninsula.  相似文献   

吉林珲春自然保护区青龙台林场马鹿容纳量的初步研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李碧波  吴玥  张恩迪 《四川动物》2006,25(3):519-523
为了了解珲春自然保护区青龙台林场马鹿的容纳量,2004~2005年,通过调查珲春自然保护区青龙台林场可被马鹿利用的植物资源总量和延吉动物园内马鹿每天需要摄取的食物量,经过能量转换和计算得出,青龙台林场能被利用的总能量为4.825×1010KJ,野外每只马鹿整个冬季需要摄取的能量约为6.991×106KJ,林场马鹿的容纳量为6901只。为了更好得保护林场的植被,使马鹿有最好的生存状态,建议林场的马鹿种群维持在3450只左右。  相似文献   

Calving times of Red deer (Cervus elaphus) on Rhum   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The distribution of calving times in a population of Red deer on the Isle of Rhum, Inner Hebrides, between 1971 and 1976 is described. Two-thirds of calves were born during a three-week period beginning in the last week of May, though calving extended from early May to late August. Except in 1976, when calving occurred late, the timing of births was similar in all years. Variation in calving time within years resulted from (i) individual differences in calving time, (ii) late conception in hinds which failed to conceive at first oestrus, and (iii) the effect of previous reproductive history: on average, hinds calved one week later after rearing a calf in the previous winter. Gestation lengths of wild hinds were longer than in a captive group. This may have been due to overestimation of a proportion of gestation lengths in wild hinds, but supplementary feeding could also have shortened gestation length in captive animals.  相似文献   

Seasonal change in the coat of four male and four female Red deer (Cervus elaphus) was studied in coat and skin samples taken monthly for two years. Changes in coat length were measured, the times of moult recorded, and the cycle of follicle activity determined from histological preparations.  相似文献   

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