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In cyanobacteria fatty acids destined for lipid synthesis can be synthesized de novo, but also exogenous free fatty acids from the culture medium can be directly incorporated into lipids. Activation of exogenous fatty acids is likely required prior to their utilization. To identify the enzymatic activity responsible for activation we cloned candidate genes from Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 and Synechococcus elongatus PCC 7942 and identified the encoded proteins as acyl-acyl carrier protein synthetases (Aas). The enzymes catalyze the ATP-dependent esterification of fatty acids to the thiol of acyl carrier protein. The two protein sequences are only distantly related to known prokaryotic Aas proteins but they display strong similarity to sequences that can be found in almost all organisms that perform oxygenic photosynthesis. To investigate the biological role of Aas activity in cyanobacteria, aas knockout mutants were generated in the background of Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 and S. elongatus PCC 7942. The mutant strains showed two phenotypes characterized by the inability to utilize exogenous fatty acids and by the secretion of endogenous fatty acids into the culture medium. The analyses of extracellular and intracellular fatty acid profiles of aas mutant strains as well as labeling experiments indicated that the detected free fatty acids are released from membrane lipids. The data suggest a considerable turnover of lipid molecules and a role for Aas activity in recycling the released fatty acids. In this model, lipid degradation represents a third supply of fatty acids for lipid synthesis in cyanobacteria.Cyanobacteria present a diverse group of Gram-negative bacteria capable of oxygenic photosynthesis (Margulis, 1975). Their two photosystems, as well as other genetic and morphological similarities, identified them as putative predecessors of chloroplasts of eukaryotic plants (Wallace, 1982; Pakrasi, 1995). The structural similarities of cyanobacteria and chloroplasts are reflected in part by equivalence of biochemical pathways and their components. For instance, cyanobacterial fatty acid and glycerolipid compositions closely resemble those of the inner envelope and thylakoid membranes of chloroplasts (Roughan et al., 1980; Heinz and Roughan, 1983). In cyanobacteria, as well as in chloroplasts, fatty acids are synthesized by a type II fatty acid synthase (FAS) complex utilizing a freely dissociable acyl carrier protein (ACP; Froehlich et al., 1990). The products of FAS are released as acyl ACPs and may serve directly as substrates for acyltransferases, incorporating the fatty acids into membrane lipids (Frentzen et al., 1983). The substrate specificity of the acyltransferases establishes in cyanobacteria as well as in plastids the typical prokaryotic fatty acid pattern characterized by C16 fatty acids esterified to the sn-2 position. The correspondence of metabolic pathways between cyanobacteria and chloroplasts is reflected by the shared presence of closely related enzymes that catalyze key reactions. Besides the many similarities, however, there are also clear discrepancies that in part account for the fact that cyanobacteria are unicellular organisms, whereas chloroplasts are embedded in the metabolism of a eukaryotic cell. In terms of lipid metabolism, such differences become obvious if one considers the fact that the plastidial FAS also supplies the extraplastidic compartment with fatty acids (Browse et al., 1986). Fatty acid export from the chloroplast necessitates the release of synthesized acyl chains from ACP to allow transport across both envelope membranes. The release is achieved by the action of acyl-ACP thioesterases that hydrolyze the acyl-ACP thioester to liberate the fatty acid (Voelker et al., 1997). In cyanobacteria such export would obviously result in an unfavorable loss of fatty acids, and consequently homologous proteins to acyl-ACP thioesterases cannot be found here. Whereas cyanobacteria seem to be unable to release fatty acids enzymatically from their activated state, all cyanobacterial genomes available to date encode an activity most likely responsible for the activation of free fatty acids. The respective sequences are annotated as acyl-CoA synthetases. Conserved motifs in the amino acid sequence identify these proteins as members of the well-established superfamily of AMP-binding proteins. This protein family comprises several hundred amino acid sequences spreading across all organisms analyzed so far. The family members are annotated in the PROSITE database under entry number PS00455. Although these predicted fatty acid-activating enzymes of cyanobacteria are annotated as acyl-CoA synthetases due to their sequence similarity to proteins with such enzymatic activity, there is a much higher degree of similarity to certain AMP-binding proteins of plant origin with less-well-established function. These plant proteins are predicted to reside in chloroplasts and one member of this subgroup from Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) designated as AAE15 was recently described as acyl-ACP synthetase. The conclusions were based on the comparison of enzymatic activity between plant extracts of wild-type and knockout mutant lines (Koo et al., 2005). Whereas the biological role of this activity remained largely elusive, it was shown that the capacity of plant extracts to elongate supplied medium fatty acids depended on AAE15 activity. Since the elongation of medium chain fatty acids in the plastid depends on the FAS requiring acyl ACPs, it was concluded that the fatty acids must have been activated by ACP. The elongated fatty acids ultimately appeared in membrane lipids. Together these findings suggested that AAE15 is an acyl-ACP synthetase.Besides encoding a protein homologous to AAE15 from Arabidopsis, cyanobacteria are also able to utilize exogenous fatty acids like it was shown for isolated chloroplasts. It is well established that feeding different cyanobacteria with free fatty acids results in the incorporation of these fatty acids into membrane lipids. For this process the activation of the fatty acids is believed to be essential. This causal relationship was clearly shown at least for other unicellular organisms like Escherichia coli and yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) where the deletion of acyl-CoA synthetase activity resulted in the inability to utilize exogenous fatty acids (Overath et al., 1969; Knoll et al., 1995). It is not easy to assess how regularly cyanobacterial cells are exposed to exogenous free fatty acids in nature but at least for marine strains this is most likely a rather artificial situation. Therefore, it can be speculated that the capacity to activate free fatty acids might be of different relevance in the lipid metabolism of cyanobacteria in vivo.In this article, we investigated the fatty acid metabolism of cyanobacteria. We isolated candidate genes potentially encoding enzymes involved in fatty acid activation from the strains Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 (hereafter Synechocystis) and Synechococcus elongatus PCC 7942 (hereafter Synechococcus) and performed heterologous expression in E. coli. The recombinant proteins were shown to possess acyl-ACP synthetase activity with broad substrate specificity. Knockout mutant strains deficient in acyl-ACP synthetase activity were characterized by secretion of endogenous free fatty acids into the culture medium. Combined with labeling experiments, the results suggest an essential role for acyl-ACP synthetase in fatty acid recycling in cyanobacteria.  相似文献   

STK_08120 is a member of the thermoacidophile-specific DUF3211 protein family from Sulfolobus tokodaii strain 7. Its molecular function remains obscure, and sequence similarities for obtaining functional remarks are not available. In this study, the crystal structure of STK_08120 was determined at 1.79-Å resolution to predict its probable function using structure similarity searches. The structure adopts an α/β structure of a helix-grip fold, which is found in the START domain proteins with cavities for hydrophobic substrates or ligands. The detailed structural features implied that fatty acids are the primary ligand candidates for STK_08120, and binding assays revealed that the protein bound long-chain saturated fatty acids (>C14) and their trans-unsaturated types with an affinity equal to that for major fatty acid binding proteins in mammals and plants. Moreover, the structure of an STK_08120-myristic acid complex revealed a unique binding mode among fatty acid binding proteins. These results suggest that the thermoacidophile-specific protein family DUF3211 functions as a fatty acid carrier with a novel binding mode.  相似文献   

Analysis of fatty acid methyl esters (FAMEs) by gas chromatography (GC) is a common technique for the quantitative and qualitative analysis of acyl lipids. Methods for FAME preparation are typically time-consuming and labor-intensive and require multiple transfers of reagents and products between reaction tubes and autosampler vials. In order to increase throughput and lower the time and materials costs required for FAME preparation prior to GC analysis, we have developed a method in which 10-to-20-mg samples of microbial biomass are transferred to standard GC autosampler vials, transesterified using an emulsion of methanolic trimethylsulfonium hydroxide and hexane, and analyzed directly by GC without further sample handling. This method gives results that are essentially identical to those obtained by the more labor- and material-intensive FAME preparation methods, such as transmethylation with methanolic HCl. We applied this method to the screening of laboratory and environmental isolates of the green alga Chlamydomonas for variations in fatty acid composition. This screening method facilitated two novel discoveries. First, we identified a common laboratory strain of C. reinhardtii, CC-620, completely lacking all ω-3 fatty acids normally found in this organism and showed that this strain contains an inactivating mutation in the CrFAD7 gene, encoding the sole ω-3 desaturase activity in this organism. Second, we showed that some species of Chlamydomonas make Δ6-unsaturated polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) rather than the Δ5 species normally made by the previously characterized laboratory strains of Chlamydomonas, suggesting that there is species-specific variation in the regiospecificity and substrate selectivity of front-end desaturases in this algal genus.  相似文献   



High-fat diets promote hepatic lipid accumulation. Paradoxically, these diets also induce lipogenic gene expression in rodent liver. Whether high expression of these genes actually results in an increased flux through the de novo lipogenic pathway in vivo has not been demonstrated.

Methodology/Principal Findings

To interrogate this apparent paradox, we have quantified de novo lipogenesis in C57Bl/6J mice fed either chow, a high-fat or a n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA)-enriched high-fat diet. A novel approach based on mass isotopomer distribution analysis (MIDA) following 1-13C acetate infusion was applied to simultaneously determine de novo lipogenesis, fatty acid elongation as well as cholesterol synthesis. Furthermore, we measured very low density lipoprotein-triglyceride (VLDL-TG) production rates. High-fat feeding promoted hepatic lipid accumulation and induced the expression of lipogenic and cholesterogenic genes compared to chow-fed mice: induction of gene expression was found to translate into increased oleate synthesis. Interestingly, this higher lipogenic flux (+74 µg/g/h for oleic acid) in mice fed the high-fat diet was mainly due to an increased hepatic elongation of unlabeled palmitate (+66 µg/g/h) rather than to elongation of de novo synthesized palmitate. In addition, fractional cholesterol synthesis was increased, i.e. 5.8±0.4% vs. 8.1±0.6% for control and high fat-fed animals, respectively. Hepatic VLDL-TG production was not affected by high-fat feeding. Partial replacement of saturated fat by fish oil completely reversed the lipogenic effects of high-fat feeding: hepatic lipogenic and cholesterogenic gene expression levels as well as fatty acid and cholesterol synthesis rates were normalized.


High-fat feeding induces hepatic fatty acid synthesis in mice, by chain elongation and subsequent desaturation rather than de novo synthesis, while VLDL-TG output remains unaffected. Suppression of lipogenic fluxes by fish oil prevents from high fat diet-induced hepatic steatosis in mice.  相似文献   

The fatty acid composition of the major diacylglycerolipidsof Anacystis nidulans R2 cells was modified by the careful additionof exogenous fatty acids to the growth medium of the cyanobacteria.In this way it is possible to incorporate significant levelsof different fatty acids into the membranes of the cells andchange their physical properties without changing other environmentalconditions. The exogenous fatty acid reduces or inhibits thebiosynthesis of native fatty acids and substitutes for themin all the major diacylglycerolipids. Although modifying thefatty acid composition in this way is lethal above certain concentrations,the data demonstrate a remarkable ability of the cells to growand develop over a wide range of fatty acid compositions. Similardata show that the fatty acid composition of Synechocystis sp.6803 cells also undergo significant changes in fatty acid compositionon the addition of exogenous fatty acid to the growth mediumand can tolerate similar changes in the degree of unsaturationof the fatty acids of the diacylglycerolipids of the cell membranes. (Received September 4, 1989; Accepted March 13, 1990)  相似文献   

In this study we successfully entrapped 5-aminolevulinic acid (ALA) in liposome, although it exists as a zwitter ion. A molar ratio of 2:1:2.5 phosphatidyle-thanolamine (PE)/cholesterol/sodium stearate represented the best condition to achieve high entrapment efficiency (29.37 ± 1.21%), and the average vehicle size was 133.6 ± 2.8 nm. After 32 days of storage, the vehicle sizes of formulations with PE series were still approximately less than 200 nm. The safety of liposomes was tested and ensured both with regard to cellular cytotoxicity and erythrocyte hemolysis. Safety studies showed that liposome formulations did not affect cell viability except when both potassium stearate and sodium oleate were added. Moreover, PE and PE/cholesterol did not damage human erythrocytes in this study. The range of the hemolytic effect caused by liposomes was 5 to 37% and the effect was dependent on the amount of sodium stearate added to the formulation. According to the release rates and skin penetration of ALA liposomes in vitro, PE/cholesterol/sodium stearate liposomes might increase skin penetration, and it was shown that penetration across the stratum–corneum (sc) layer was the rate-limiting process. Images from confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) confirmed the great potency of liposomes for delivering ALA into skin.  相似文献   

Previous studies have demonstrated that the branched-chain fatty acid anteiso-C15:0 plays a critical role in the growth of Listeria monocytogenes at low temperatures by ensuring sufficient membrane fluidity. Studies utilizing a chemically defined minimal medium revealed that the anteiso fatty acid precursor isoleucine largely determined the fatty acid profile and fatty acid response of the organism to lowered growth temperature. When isoleucine was sufficient, the fatty acid profile was very uniform, with anteiso fatty acids comprising up to 95% of total fatty acid, and the major fatty acid adjustment to low temperature was fatty acid chain shortening, which resulted in an increase of anteiso-C15:0 solely at the expense of anteiso-C17:0. When isoleucine was not supplied, the fatty acid profile became more complex and was readily modified by leucine, which resulted in a significant increase of corresponding iso fatty acids and an inability to grow at 10°C. Under this condition, the increase of anteiso-C15:0 at low temperature resulted from the combined effect of increasing the anteiso:iso ratio and chain shortening. A branched-chain α-keto acid dehydrogenase-defective strain largely lost the ability to increase the anteiso:iso ratio. Cerulenin, an inhibitor of β-ketoacyl-acyl carrier protein synthase (FabF), induced a similar fatty acid chain shortening as low temperature did. We propose that the anteiso precursor preferences of enzymes in the branched-chain fatty acid biosynthesis pathway ensure a high production of anteiso fatty acids, and cold-regulated chain shortening results in a further increase of anteiso-C15:0 at the expense of anteiso-C17:0.  相似文献   

The fatty acid methyl ester composition of a total of 71 marine strains representing the genera Alteromonas, Deleya, Oceanospirillum, and Vibrio was determined by gas-liquid chromatographic analysis. Over 70 different fatty acids were found. The predominant fatty acids were 16:0, 16:1 cis 9, summed-in-feature (SIF) 4 (15:0 iso 2OH and/or 16:1 trans 9) and SIF 7 (18:1 cis 11, 18:1 trans 9, and/or 18:1 trans 6) for all the strains considered, but minor quantitative variations could be used to distinguish the different genera. In addition to a conventional statistical processing method to analyze the data and draw comparison between species and genera, an approach involving neutral network-based elaboration is applied. The statistical analysis and dendrogram representation gave a comparison of the species considered, while the neural network computation provided a more accurate assignment of species to their genera. Moreover, by using neural networks, it was possible to conclude that only 22 fatty acids were important for the identification of the marine genera considered. A database of Alteromonas, Deleya, Oceanospirillum, and Vibrio fatty acid methyl ester profiles was generated and is now routinely used to identify fresh marine isolates.  相似文献   

We introduce the TA cloning antibody method for the high-fidelity PCR product amplified by family B DNA polymerase without purification. This method uses antibodies and Thermus aquaticus (Taq) DNA polymerase. The antibodies can inhibit only the activity of family B DNA polymerase, and Taq can co-work for A-tailing. This method has nearly cloning efficiency to that of the PCR product of Taq.  相似文献   

Evidence for Light-Stimulated Fatty Acid Synthesis in Soybean Fruit   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
In leaves, the light reactions of photosynthesis support fatty acid synthesis but disagreement exists as to whether this occurs in green oilseeds. To address this question, simultaneous measurements of the rates of CO2 and O2 exchange (CER and OER, respectively) were made in soybean (Glycine max L.) fruits. The imbalance between CER and OER was used to estimate the diverted reductant utilization rate (DRUR) in the equation: DRUR = 4 × (OER + CER). This yielded a quantitative measure of the rate of synthesis of biomass that is more reduced per unit carbon than glucose (in photosynthesizing tissues) or than the substrates of metabolism (in respiring tissues). The DRUR increased by about 2.2-fold when fruits were illuminated due to a greater increase in OER than decrease in CER. This characteristic was shown to be a property of the seed (not the pod wall), to be present in fruits at all developmental stages, and to reach a maximal response at relatively low light. When seeds were provided with 13CO2, light reduced 12CO2 production but had little effect on 13CO2 fixation. When they were provided with 18O2, light stimulated 16O2 production but had no effect on 18O2 uptake. Together, these findings indicate that light stimulates fatty acid synthesis in photosynthetic oilseeds, probably by providing both ATP and carbon skeletons.  相似文献   

Extracytoplasmic function (ECF) sigma factors are members of cell-surface signaling systems, abundant in the opportunistic pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Twenty genes coding for ECF sigma factors are present in P. aeruginosa sequenced genomes, most of them being part of TonB systems related to iron uptake. In this work, poorly characterized sigma factors were overexpressed in strain PA14, in an attempt to understand their role in the bacterium´s physiology. Cultures overexpressing SigX displayed a biphasic growth curve, reaching stationary phase earlier than the control strain, followed by subsequent growth resumption. During the first stationary phase, most cells swell and die, but the remaining cells return to the wild type morphology and proceed to a second exponential growth. This is not due to compensatory mutations, since cells recovered from late time points and diluted into fresh medium repeated this behavior. Swollen cells have a more fluid membrane and contain higher amounts of shorter chain fatty acids. A proteomic analysis was performed to identify differentially expressed proteins due to overexpression of sigX, revealing the induction of several fatty acid synthesis (FAS) enzymes. Using qRT-PCR, we showed that at least one isoform from each of the FAS pathway enzymes were upregulated at the mRNA level in the SigX overexpressing strain thus pointing to a role for this ECF sigma factor in the FAS regulation in P. aeruginosa.  相似文献   

The ‘lipid‐coated ice‐droplet hydration method’ was applied for the preparation of milliliter volumes of a suspension of giant phospholipid vesicles containing in the inner aqueous vesicle pool in high yield either calcein, α‐chymotrypsin, fluorescently labeled bovine serum albumin or dextran (FITC‐BSA and FITC‐dextran; FITC=fluorescein isothiocyanate). The vesicles had an average diameter of ca. 7–11 μm and contained 20–50% of the desired molecules to be entrapped, the entrapment yield being dependent on the chemical structure of the entrapped molecules and on the details of the vesicle‐formation procedure. The ‘lipid‐coated ice droplet hydration method’ is a multistep process, based on i) the initial formation of a monodisperse water‐in‐oil emulsion by microchannel emulsification, followed by ii) emulsion droplet freezing, and iii) surfactant and oil removal, and replacement with bilayer‐forming lipids and an aqueous solution. If one aims at applying the method for the entrapment of enzymes, retention of catalytic activity is important to consider. With α‐chymotrypsin as first model enzyme to be used with the method, it was shown that high retention of enzymatic activity is possible, and that the entrapped enzyme molecules were able to catalyze the hydrolysis of a membrane‐permeable substrate which was added to the vesicles after their formation. Furthermore, one of the critical steps of the method that leads to significant release of the molecules from the water droplets was investigated and optimized by using calcein as fluorescent probe.  相似文献   

Li  W. J.  Yang  L.  Zhao  C. Z.  Li  A. Q.  Li  C. S.  Wang  B. S.  Wang  X. J.  Zhao  S. Z. 《Russian Journal of Plant Physiology》2021,68(4):626-632
Russian Journal of Plant Physiology - During gene transformation, selection makers are important for efficient screening of the transgenic lines. The commonly used selection marker genes in plants...  相似文献   

利用80 MeV/u碳离子束对产油菌株粘红酵母进行辐照诱变,采用含有脂肪酸合成酶抑制荆cerulenin的培养基进行高产油脂突变株的初筛,并通过磷酸香草醛反应和氯仿甲醇抽提法对初筛菌株油脂含量进行分析.结果表明,cerulenin 对酵母细胞生长有较好的抑制作用,浓度为8.96×10-6mol/L时,抑制率达98%以上,可作为筛选浓度.通过磷酸香草醛反应法对初筛茵体油脂含量进行定量分析,发现菌体油脂含量与该反应在530 nm处的光吸收成线性正相关,初筛菌株的正突变率达65%以上.该方法快速方便,是一种较为理想的产油酵母筛选方法.通过该方法,筛选出了2株油脂含量高于对照90%以上的突变株.  相似文献   

利用80 MeV/u碳离子束对产油菌株粘红酵母进行辐照诱变, 采用含有脂肪酸合成酶抑制剂cerulenin的培养基进行高产油脂突变株的初筛, 并通过磷酸香草醛反应和氯仿甲醇抽提法对初筛菌株油脂含量进行分析。结果表明, cerulenin对酵母细胞生长有较好的抑制作用, 浓度为8.96×10-6 mol/L时, 抑制率达98%以上, 可作为筛选浓度。通过磷酸香草醛反应法对初筛菌体油脂含量进行定量分析, 发现菌体油脂含量与该反应在530 nm处的光吸收成线性正相关, 初筛菌株的正突变率达65%以上。该方法快速方便, 是一种较为理想的产油酵母筛选方法。通过该方法, 筛选出了2株油脂含量高于对照90%以上的突变株。  相似文献   

膜脂是生物膜的基本骨架,膜蛋白是膜功能的主要体现者。生物膜脂研究是生物膜研究的一个重要组成部分。结合近几年来的新进展,从生物膜脂的分离和脂肪酸的分析角度出发,综合评述了应用于脂类物质分析的TLC、GC、HPLC、CE为代表的主要分析方法,以及CE-MS、HPLC-MS在脂类物质分析中的应用前景。  相似文献   

Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is a common form of chronic liver disease, and serum uric acid is observed to be significantly elevated in NAFLD patients. However, whether this elevation is causal, a bystander, or a consequence of NAFLD remains unclear. We performed a population-based prospective study among the employees of Zhenhai Refining & Chemical Company Ltd., Ningbo, China to investigate whether the elevation of serum uric acid has a casual role for NAFLD. A total of 6890 initially NAFLD-free subjects were followed up for 3 years. Overall, 11.80% (813/6890) subjects developed NAFLD over 3 years of follow-up. The cumulative incidence of NAFLD increased with progressively higher baseline serum uric acid levels (the cumulative incidence was 7.2%, 9.5%, 11.5%, 13.8%, and 17.2% in quintile 1, quintile 2, 3, 4 and 5, respectively; P value for trend <0.001). Cox proportional hazards regression analyses showed that serum uric acid levels were independently and positively associated with the risk for incident NAFLD; the age-, gender- and metabolic syndrome adjusted hazard ratio (95% CI) for the subjects in quintile 2, 3, 4 and 5 versus quintile 1 was 1.18 (0.91–1.54), 1.32 (1.03–1.70), 1.39 (1.09–1.78) and 1.50 (1.18–1.92), respectively. Taken together, our prospective observational study showed that elevation of serum uric acid levels independently predicts increase risk for incident NAFLD.  相似文献   


In the present paper we describe the preparation of a novel crystalline phosphonylating agent 9-fluorenemethyl phosphonic acid 2 and a convenient and efficient method for the synthesis of nucleoside H-phosphonates 5.  相似文献   

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