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A new species of red alga, Sebdenia cerebriformis N'Yeurt et Payri sp. nov. (Sebdeniaceae, Sebdeniales), is described from various localities in the south and western Pacific including Fiji, New Caledonia, the Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, and Indonesia (Java Sea). The new species is characterized by a ruffled thallus with multiple perennial stipitate holdfasts, large conspicuous inner cortical stellate cells, and a lax filamentous medulla.  相似文献   

Mesocriconema ornicauda n. sp. and Ogma floridense n. sp. are described from two native habitats of central and northwestern Florida. Mesocriconema ornicauda is closest to M. annulatiforme (De Grisse &Loof, 1967) Loof &De Grisse, 1989, but differs by the shorter stylet of the female (43-50 vs. 54-65 μm) and the moderately conoid tail of the male, which is pointed in M. annulatiforme. Ogma floridense is closest to O. hungaricum (Andrassy, 1972) Siddiqi, 1986. Females differ from those of O. hungaricum by the first of two labial annuli being wider, whereas they are subequal in O. hungaricum. Ogma floridense females differ also by entire or bifid cuticular scales, which are consistently divided into two or four projections in O. hungaricum, the shorter body (360-471 vs. 480-550 μm), the shorter stylet (87-98 vs. 95-100 μm), and the more anteriorly located excretory pore (Rex = 17-19 vs. 21-23).  相似文献   

The diet of the brackish water tilapia Sarotherodon melanotheron is studied in various riverine and lacustrine systems of the Bia River basin (Côte d'Ivoire). Comparison of the diet between sampling sites (upper course, lower course and man-made Lake Ayame) shows significant differences. In the man-made lake, prey described as preferential include Asterionella (Bacillariophyceae) and Bosmina(Cladocera). In the lower course, the preferential preys are represented by Lyngbya(Cyanophyceae) while in the upper course Lyngbya and chironomid larvae are preferential. These differences are related to the altered environmental conditions generated by the construction of the dam on the Bia river main stream. In the man-made lake, there is no shift in diet either with the seasons (dry and rainy seasons) or with size.  相似文献   

HPLC profiling of the mycelial culture of a poroid basidomycete collected in Mount Elgon, Kenya, which probably represents a new species of the genus Laetiporus, led to isolation of two previously undescribed lanostane type triterpenes.We propose the trivial names laetiporins A (1) and B (2). In addition, five known ones: dehydrosulphurenic acid (3), sulphurenic acid (4), eburicoic acid (5), 15α-hydroxytrametenolic acid (6) and trametenolic acid (7) were also isolated. The laetiporins (1–2) exhibited significant cytotoxic effects against various human cancer cells. The known compounds (3–5) and (7) also showed moderate cytotoxic activity, but none of the compounds showed any significant antimicrobial activity.  相似文献   

We performed histological examination of 69 samples of Acropora sp. manifesting different types of tissue loss (Acropora White Syndrome-AWS) from Hawaii, Johnston Atoll and American Samoa between 2002 and 2006. Gross lesions of tissue loss were observed and classified as diffuse acute, diffuse subacute, and focal to multifocal acute to subacute. Corals with acute tissue loss manifested microscopic evidence of necrosis sometimes associated with ciliates, helminths, fungi, algae, sponges, or cyanobacteria whereas those with subacute tissue loss manifested mainly wound repair. Gross lesions of AWS have multiple different changes at the microscopic level some of which involve various microorganisms and metazoa. Elucidating this disease will require, among other things, monitoring lesions over time to determine the pathogenesis of AWS and the potential role of tissue-associated microorganisms in the genesis of tissue loss. Attempts to experimentally induce AWS should include microscopic examination of tissues to ensure that potentially causative microorganisms associated with gross lesion are not overlooked.  相似文献   

There has been an increasing concern about shark overexploitation in the last decade, especially for open ocean shark species, where there is a paucity of data about their life histories and population dynamics. Little is known regarding the population structure of the pelagic thresher shark, Alopias pelagicus. Though an earlier study using mtDNA control region data, showed evidence for differences between eastern and western Pacific populations, the study was hampered by low sample size and sparse geographic coverage, particularly a lack of samples from the central Pacific. Here, we present the population structure of Alopias pelagicus analyzing 351 samples from six different locations across the Pacific Ocean. Using data from mitochondrial DNA COI sequences and seven microsatellite loci we found evidence of strong population differentiation between western and eastern Pacific populations and evidence for reciprocally monophyly for organelle haplotypes and significant divergence of allele frequencies at nuclear loci, suggesting the existence of two Evolutionarily Significant Units (ESU) in the Pacific Ocean. Interestingly, the population in Hawaii appears to be composed of both ESUs in what seems to be clear sympatry with reproductive isolation. These results may indicate the existence of a new cryptic species in the Pacific Ocean. The presence of these distinct ESUs highlights the need for revised management plans for this highly exploited shark throughout its range.  相似文献   

In an effort to broaden our understanding of the biodiversity and distribution of gregarines infecting crustaceans, this study describes two new species of gregarines, Thiriotia hyperdolphinae n. sp. and Cephaloidophora oradareae n. sp., parasitizing a deep sea amphipod (Oradarea sp.). Amphipods were collected using the ROV Hyper‐Dolphin at a depth of 855 m while on a cruise in Sagami Bay, Japan. Gregarine trophozoites and gamonts were isolated from the gut of the amphipod and studied with light and scanning electron microscopy, and phylogenetic analysis of 18S rDNA. Thiriotia hyperdolphinae n. sp. was distinguished from existing species based on morphology, phylogenetic position, as well as host niche and geographic locality. Cephaloidophora oradareae n. sp. distinguished itself from existing Cephaloidophora, based on a difference in host (Oradarea sp.), geographic location, and to a certain extent morphology. We established this latter new species with the understanding that a more comprehensive examination of diversity at the molecular level is necessary within Cephaloidophora. Results from the 18S rDNA molecular phylogeny showed that T. hyperdolphinae n. sp. was positioned within a clade consisting of Thiriotia spp., while C. oradareae n. sp. grouped within the Cephaloidophoridae. Still, supplemental genetic information from gregarines infecting crustaceans will be needed to better understand relationships within this group of apicomplexans.  相似文献   

Two new armoured, heterotrophic sand‐dwelling marine dinoflagellates, Amphidiniopsis uroensis Toriumi, Yoshimatsu et Dodge sp. nov. and Amphidiniopsis pectinaria Toriumi, Yoshimatsu et Dodge sp. nov. were collected from Japanese sandy beaches, and their morphological features observed by light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The cell size of A. uroensis is 28–31 μm in length and 23–28 μm in width. The plate formula is Po 3′, 3a, 6″, 3c, 4s (+1 acc.), 5″′, 2″″. The thecal surface is ornamented with small processes, pores and spines, however, the surface of plate 2a is smooth. The epitheca possesses a narrow ridge that is extended along on the suture between 1′ and 3′. Plate 1″ connects with the right sulcal (Sd) and right sulcal accessory (Sda) plates, so the cingulum is incomplete. A nucleus is situated in the central part of the cell. There are a few small spines at the antapex. There are no stigma or chloroplasts. Amphidiniopsis pectinaria cells are 33–40 urn in length and 29–35 μm in width. The plate formula is Po 4′, 3a, 7″, 3c, 4s (+1 acc.), 5″′, 2″″. Plate 1″ connects directly with Sd and Sda plates, so the cingulum is incomplete. The thecal surface is ornamented with small processes, spines and pores. The epitheca is provided with a narrow ridge that is extended along on the suture between plates 1′, 4′ and 7″. The ornamentation on the antapical plates is unique. It is arranged in 10 straight rows on the hypotheca; each row has a strong spine at its posterior end. In addition, there is a long spine at the antapex. There are no stigma or chloroplasts. A nucleus is located in the central part of the cell.  相似文献   

Callorhynchocotyle hydrolagi n. sp. is proposed for hexabothriids found on the gills of the ghost shark, Hydrolagus ogilbyi, taken off the coast of southeastern Australia. The species is distinguished from the three previously described species of the genus in that the sclerites and the points of the sclerites of the three sucker pairs are all of similar size. The greater thickness of the sucker sclerites, the hamuli with inflated, almost spherical terminations of the roots, and the robust male copulatory complex also serve to differentiate C. hydrolagi.  相似文献   

Two new amphimictic species of Longidorus were found in Arkansas. Longidorus biformis n. sp., found in the rhizosphere of hardwood trees along streams in sandy soil in 14 Arkansas locations, is characterized by its long body (5.42-9.50 mm), wide expanded flattened head end, head width 20.0 to 26.0 µm, odontostyle 96 to 125 µm, guide ring 29 to 38 µm posterior to the anterior end, elongate conoid tail, and c'' = 0.9-2.1. Females with 2 to 11 vetromedian supplement-like structures were found in 2 of 14 populations of this new species. Longidorus biformis n. sp. is closest to L. seinhorsti Peneva, Loof &Brown, 1998 and L. closelongatus Stoyanov, 1964. Among North American species it is closest to L. glycines n. sp. A distinguishing feature of L. biformis n. sp. is the presence of supplement-like organs in some females. Longidorus glycines n. sp., found in soybean microplots at the Main Research Station, Fayetteville, Arkansas, is characterized by its long body (6.14-8.31 mm), wide offset flattened head end, head width 20.3 to 23.3 µm, odontostyle 87.3 to 99.5 µm, guide ring 22.3 to 26.4 µm posterior to the anterior end, short conoid tail with rounded terminus, and c'' = 0.9-1.4. Longidorus glycines n. sp. is closest to L. lusitanicus Macara, 1985. Among North American species it is close to L. biformis n. sp., L. breviannulatus Norton and Hoffman, 1975, and L. crassus Thorne, 1964. Both new species are believed to have four juvenile stages; the first stage was not found for L. biformis n. sp.  相似文献   

Our study aims to compare the population dynamics of critically endangered species, Dracocephalum austriacum, in two distant regions (Czech and Slovak Karst) with similar habitat conditions, and to evaluate if conclusions concerning factors affecting population performance in one region could help in understanding species dynamics in the other region. Transition matrix models were used to examine population dynamics of the species. Results show that populations in the Slovak Karst are performing better than populations in the Czech Karst. The transitions contributing most to the population growth rates were those of stasis in the small and large adult plant stage. These transitions are, however, stable between populations and years, suggesting that they are not very sensitive to the ongoing changes. Transitions that contribute most to variations in population growth rate include seed and seedling production by large adult plants, seed germination and stasis and growth of small adult plants. These transitions seem to be affected by habitat conditions (soil depth and bare rock cover), genetic parameters of the populations, climate fluctuations (especially severe droughts), and shrub expansion. The transitions contributing most to the population growth rates are very similar between the regions except for contributions of seedling growth and stasis of large adults. These differences need to be considered before using information about the most important life cycle transitions in other regions. We suggest that similar results would be found for other species with narrow habitat requirements occupying very similar habitats, even in very distant regions.  相似文献   

A new species of planktonic copepod, Oncaea praeclara, is describedfrom a depth of 2003–2635 m at the East Pacific Rise,the Galapagos Rift, and the Guaymas Basin in the Gulf of California.The species may be recognized by a combination of characters:its relatively large size; the long caudal ramus, which is abouttwo times longer than the anal segment and has a ratio of 4.96–6.7:1;the sexual dimorphism in the armature of the fourth segmentof the second antenna; and the labrum with a nearly straightposteroventral margin having four median teeth and lateral setules.  相似文献   

Two new species of aquatic Oligochaeta are described from the North-west Iberian Peninsula: Krenedrilus realis sp. nov. (Tubificidae) and Cernosvitoviella bulboducta sp. nov. (Enchytraeidae). Krenedrilus realis is the fourth species in a genus of small and presumably plesiomorphic Tubificinae. It is closely related to K. sergei Giani, Erséus & Martínez-Ansemil, 1990. Cernosvitoviella bulboducta belongs to a genus of small amphibiotic enchytraeids. It is close to C. ampullax Klungland & Abrahamsen, 1981 and C. tatrensis (Kowalewski, 1916). Supplementary data to the diagnosis of C. tatrensis are given. The presence of two small glands attached to the gut immediately behind the pharyngeal bulb is noticed in C. bulboducta and C. tatrensis . This previously unknown character is probably more common in the genus than has been supposed.  相似文献   

Two new species of Microsporida belonging to the genus Microsporidium are described. Microsporidium goeldichironomi n. sp. parasitizes the fat body of Goeldichironomus holoprasinus and Microsporidium chironomi n. sp. infects Chironomus attenuatus. Both microsporidia form uninucleate spores from rosette-shaped sporonts. M. goeldichironomi sporonts form 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 16, and possibly more spores. Two shapes of spores are produced, oval, or slightly pyriform spores measuring 3.70 ± 0.09 × 2.49 ± 0.13 μm and pyriform spores measuring 3.74 ± 0.44 × 2.04 ± 0.17 μm. Electron micrographs show that both types of spores are uninucleate, have 8 to 11 polar filament coils and a lamellate polaroplast showing several distinct regions. M. chironomi spores are pyriform and are often joined at the posterior end in groups of two or four. They measure 4.12 ± 0.37 × 2.45 ± 0.26 μm. The spores are uninucleate, have six to seven polar filament coils and a lamellate polaroplast showing two distinct regions. Neither species can be transmitted per os and thus are assumed to be transovarially transmitted. No pansporoblastic membrane is present in either species.  相似文献   

A new genus and species of red alga in the Rhodymeniaceae, Grammephora peyssonnelioides, is described from both shallow and deepwater habitats in the Solomon Islands, South Pacific. The new genus and species is characterized by prostrate overlapping lobes with a strongly cartilaginous flexible texture, distinct surface linear markings perpendicular to the growing margins, and a compact three to four celled medulla of relatively small refractive cells. Tetrasporangia are elongate and decussately divided, and occur in large scattered dorsal surface sori. Cystocarps are prominent and conical, on the dorsal surface of the blade, with a network of nutritive filaments and basal nutritive tissue around the suspended, centrally located carposporophyte, with all gonimoblast initials becoming carposporangia. The columnar fusion cell is uniquely crowned by a ring of discoid cells of nonalgal origin.  相似文献   

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