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Plants and their associated insect herbivores, represent more than 50% of all known species on earth. The first step in understanding the mechanisms generating and maintaining this important component of biodiversity is to identify plant-herbivore associations. In this study we determined insect-host plant associations for an entire guild of insect herbivores using plant DNA extracted from insect gut contents. Over two years, in a tropical rain forest in Costa Rica (La Selva Biological Station), we recorded the full diet breadth of rolled-leaf beetles, a group of herbivores that feed on plants in the order Zingiberales. Field observations were used to determine the accuracy of diet identifications using a three-locus DNA barcode (rbcL, trnH-psbA and ITS2). Using extraction techniques for ancient DNA, we obtained high-quality sequences for two of these loci from gut contents (rbcL and ITS2). Sequences were then compared to a comprehensive DNA barcode library of the Zingiberales. The rbcL locus identified host plants to family (success/sequence = 58.8%) and genus (success/sequence = 47%). For all Zingiberales except Heliconiaceae, ITS2 successfully identified host plants to genus (success/sequence = 67.1%) and species (success/sequence = 61.6%). Kindt’s sampling estimates suggest that by collecting ca. four individuals representing each plant-herbivore interaction, 99% of all host associations included in this study can be identified to genus. For plants that amplified ITS2, 99% of the hosts can be identified to species after collecting at least four individuals representing each interaction. Our study demonstrates that host plant identifications at the species-level using DNA barcodes are feasible, cost-effective, and reliable, and that reconstructing plant-herbivore networks with these methods will become the standard for a detailed understanding of these interactions.  相似文献   



The use of DNA barcodes for the identification of described species is one of the least controversial and most promising applications of barcoding. There is no consensus, however, as to what constitutes an appropriate identification standard and most barcoding efforts simply attempt to pair a query sequence with reference sequences and deem identification successful if it falls within the bounds of some pre-established cutoffs using genetic distance. Since the Renaissance, however, most biological classification schemes have relied on the use of diagnostic characters to identify and place species.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Here we developed a cytochrome c oxidase subunit I character-based key for the identification of all tuna species of the genus Thunnus, and compared its performance with distance-based measures for identification of 68 samples of tuna sushi purchased from 31 restaurants in Manhattan (New York City) and Denver, Colorado. Both the character-based key and GenBank BLAST successfully identified 100% of the tuna samples, while the Barcode of Life Database (BOLD) as well as genetic distance thresholds, and neighbor-joining phylogenetic tree building performed poorly in terms of species identification. A piece of tuna sushi has the potential to be an endangered species, a fraud, or a health hazard. All three of these cases were uncovered in this study. Nineteen restaurant establishments were unable to clarify or misrepresented what species they sold. Five out of nine samples sold as a variant of “white tuna” were not albacore (T. alalunga), but escolar (Lepidocybium flavorunneum), a gempylid species banned for sale in Italy and Japan due to health concerns. Nineteen samples were northern bluefin tuna (T. thynnus) or the critically endangered southern bluefin tuna (T. maccoyii), though nine restaurants that sold these species did not state these species on their menus.


The Convention on International Trade Endangered Species (CITES) requires that listed species must be identifiable in trade. This research fulfills this requirement for tuna, and supports the nomination of northern bluefin tuna for CITES listing in 2010.
–The question is not what you look at, but what you see Thoreau

The number of extant species of diatoms is estimated here to be at least 30,000 and probably ca. 100,000, by extrapolation from an eclectic sample of genera and species complexes. Available data, although few, indicate that the pseudocryptic species being discovered in many genera are not functionally equivalent. Molecular sequence data show that some diatom species are ubiquitously dispersed. A good case can be made that at least some diatom species and even a few genera are endemics, but many such claims are still weak. The combination of very large species numbers and relatively rapid dispersal in diatoms is inconsistent with some versions of the “ubiquity hypothesis” of protist biogeography, and appears paradoxical. However, population genetic data indicate geographical structure in all the (few) marine and freshwater species that have been examined in detail, sometimes over distances of a few tens of kilometres. The mode of speciation may often be parapatric, in the context of a constantly shifting mosaic of temporarily isolated (meta) populations, but if our “intermediate dispersal hypothesis” is true (that long‐distance dispersal is rare, but not extremely rare), allopatric speciation could also be maximized.  相似文献   

Over the past few decades, a considerable attention has been focused on the microbial polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) owing to its multifaceted properties, i.e. biodegradability, biocompatibility, non-toxicity and thermo-plasticity. This article presents a critical review of the foregoing research, current trends and future perspectives on the value added applications of PHAs in the biomedical, environmental and industrial domains of life.  相似文献   



Within a regional floristic context, DNA barcoding is more useful to manage plant diversity inventories on a large scale and develop valuable conservation strategies. However, there are no DNA barcode studies from tropical areas of China, which represents one of the biodiversity hotspots around the world.

Methodology and Principal Findings

A DNA barcoding database of an Asian tropical trees with high diversity was established at Xishuangbanna Nature Reserve, Yunnan, southwest China using rbcL and matK as standard barcodes, as well as trnH–psbA and ITS as supplementary barcodes. The performance of tree species identification success was assessed using 2,052 accessions from four plots belonging to two vegetation types in the region by three methods: Neighbor-Joining, Maximum-Likelihood and BLAST. We corrected morphological field identification errors (9.6%) for the three plots using rbcL and matK based on Neighbor-Joining tree. The best barcode region for PCR and sequencing was rbcL (97.6%, 90.8%), followed by trnH–psbA (93.6%, 85.6%), while matK and ITS obtained relative low PCR and sequencing success rates. However, ITS performed best for both species (44.6–58.1%) and genus (72.8–76.2%) identification. With trnH–psbA slightly less effective for species identification. The two standard barcode rbcL and matK gave poor results for species identification (24.7–28.5% and 31.6–35.3%). Compared with other studies from comparable tropical forests (e.g. Cameroon, the Amazon and India), the overall performance of the four barcodes for species identification was lower for the Xishuangbanna Nature Reserve, possibly because of species/genus ratios and species composition between these tropical areas.


Although the core barcodes rbcL and matK were not suitable for species identification of tropical trees from Xishuangbanna Nature Reserve, they could still help with identification at the family and genus level. Considering the relative sequence recovery and the species identification performance, we recommend the use of trnH–psbA and ITS in combination as the preferred barcodes for tropical tree species identification in China.  相似文献   

Pancreatic cancer is a lethal condition with a rising incidence and often presents at an advanced stage, contributing to abysmal five-year survival rates. Unspecific symptoms and the current lack of biomarkers and screening tools hamper early diagnosis. New technologies for liquid biopsies and their respective evaluation in pancreatic cancer patients have emerged over recent years. The term liquid biopsy summarizes the sampling and analysis of circulating tumor cells (CTCs), small extracellular vesicles (sEVs), and tumor DNA (ctDNA) from body fluids. The major advantages of liquid biopsies rely on their minimal invasiveness and repeatability, allowing serial sampling for dynamic insights to aid diagnosis, particularly early detection, risk stratification, and precision medicine in pancreatic cancer. However, liquid biopsies have not yet developed into a new pillar for clinicians' routine armamentarium. Here, we summarize recent findings on the use of liquid biopsy in pancreatic cancer patients. We discuss current challenges and future perspectives of this potentially powerful alternative to conventional tissue biopsies.  相似文献   

Resource availability and disturbance are important factors that shape the composition, structure, and functioning of ecosystems. We investigated the effects of soil fertility and disturbance on plant–soil interactions and nutrient cycling in a diverse tropical rainforest. Our goal was to determine how common soil specialisation is among species and how plant–soil interactions affect ecosystem functioning in the presence of disturbance. Most species (59%) showed significant fidelity to either fertile (basalt) or infertile (schist) soils. Obligate schist specialists (six species) contributed 39 and 37% to total stand-level basal area and aboveground net primary productivity, respectively. High nutrient use efficiency of schist specialists reduced the rates of within-stand nutrient cycling through the production of nutrient-poor plant tissues and litter. Although forests on schist soils had higher basal area and similar rates of productivity to forests on basalt, uptake of Mg, K, P, and N were markedly less on schist than on basalt, particularly after a cyclone disturbance. Stands on schist soils were also less affected by the cyclone and, as a result, contributed less (ca. 50%) Mg, K, P, and N inputs to the forest floor (via litterfall) than stands on basalt soils. System “openness” (i.e. the risk of nutrient loss) from cyclone-affected basalt forests was minimised by high rates of uptake following disturbance and large effective cation exchange capacities of soils. Soil–plant-disturbance interactions are likely to engender different fitness-enhancing strategies on fertile and infertile soils, possibly leading to the development and/or maintenance of diversity in rainforests.  相似文献   

Hybridization has the potential to contribute to phenotypic and genetic variation and can be a major evolutionary mechanism. However, when hybridization is extensive it can also lead to the blurring of species boundaries and the emergence of cryptic species (i.e., two or more species not distinguishable morphologically). In this study, we address this hypothesis in Epidendrum, the largest Neotropical genus of orchids where hybridization is apparently so common that it may explain the high levels of morphological diversity found. Nonetheless, this hypothesis is mostly based on the intermediacy of morphological characters and intermediacy by itself is not a proof of hybridization. Therefore, in this study, we first assessed the existence of hybrids using cpDNA and AFLP data gathered from a large-scale sampling comprising 1038 plants of three species of Epidendrum (E. calanthum, E. cochlidium and E. schistochilum). Subsequently, a Bayesian assignment of individuals into different genetic classes (pure species, F1, F2 or backcross generations) revealed that hybrid genotypes were prevalent in all sympatric populations. In most cases, parental species were not assigned as pure individuals, rather consisting in backcrossed genotypes or F1 hybrids. We also found that reproductive barriers are apparently very weak in Epidendrum because the three species largely overlapped in their flowering periods and interspecific crosses always produced viable seeds. Further, hybridization contributed to enhance floral variability, genome size and reproductive success since we found that these traits were always higher in hybrid classes (F1, F2 and backcrosses) than in pure parental species, and offer an explanation for the blurring of species boundaries in this genus of orchids. We hypothesize that these natural hybrids possess an evolutionary advantage, which may explain the high rates of cryptic species observed in this genus.  相似文献   

A new generation of mobile terminals, communicators and smartphones, designed for general public, are emerging from the mobile phone revolution. Their distinctive features include enhanced data capabilities and the ability to locate the user. These features make these new types of applications, location-based and location-aware services, suitable for mobile users. In addition to location-based information access they also provide excellent means for data collection about the mobile users themselves, yielding valuable dynamic and geographic personal data. This type of data has never been available to such an extent before. Availability of such data would result in new opportunities for potential users: in commerce, in the public sector and even for private use. It is also a great challenge to the information systems: in data collection, management and analysis. Privacy protection is maybe the most serious problem to be found in this context. The objective of this paper is to present the opportunities and challenges provided by dynamic geographic personal data in the context of emerging location-aware mobile networks. Here a new service is outlined in parallel with existing and planned location-based services. The new service, designed for collecting, managing and releasing dynamic geographic population data, is called Dynamic Geographic Data Service (DGDS).  相似文献   



Despite its largely mountainous terrain for which this Himalayan country is a popular tourist destination, Nepal is now endemic for five major vector-borne diseases (VBDs), namely malaria, lymphatic filariasis, Japanese encephalitis, visceral leishmaniasis and dengue fever. There is increasing evidence about the impacts of climate change on VBDs especially in tropical highlands and temperate regions. Our aim is to explore whether the observed spatiotemporal distributions of VBDs in Nepal can be related to climate change.


A systematic literature search was performed and summarized information on climate change and the spatiotemporal distribution of VBDs in Nepal from the published literature until December2014 following providing items for systematic review and meta-analysis (PRISMA) guidelines.

Principal Findings

We found 12 studies that analysed the trend of climatic data and are relevant for the study of VBDs, 38 studies that dealt with the spatial and temporal distribution of disease vectors and disease transmission. Among 38 studies, only eight studies assessed the association of VBDs with climatic variables. Our review highlights a pronounced warming in the mountains and an expansion of autochthonous cases of VBDs to non-endemic areas including mountain regions (i.e., at least 2,000 m above sea level). Furthermore, significant relationships between climatic variables and VBDs and their vectors are found in short-term studies.


Taking into account the weak health care systems and difficult geographic terrain of Nepal, increasing trade and movements of people, a lack of vector control interventions, observed relationships between climatic variables and VBDs and their vectors and the establishment of relevant disease vectors already at least 2,000 m above sea level, we conclude that climate change can intensify the risk of VBD epidemics in the mountain regions of Nepal if other non-climatic drivers of VBDs remain constant.  相似文献   



The trnHpsbA intergenic spacer region has been used in many DNA barcoding studies. However, a comprehensive evaluation with rigorous sequence preprocessing and statistical testing on the utility of trnHpsbA and its combinations as DNA barcodes is lacking.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Sequences were searched from GenBank for a meta-analysis on the usefulness of trnHpsbA and its combinations as DNA barcodes. After preprocessing, we constructed full and matching data sets that contained 17 983 trnHpsbA sequences and 2190 sets of trnHpsbA, matK, rbcL, and ITS2 sequences from the same sample, repectively. These datasets were used to analyze the ability of trnHpsbA and its combinations to discriminate species by the BLAST and BLAST+P methods. The Fisher''s exact test was used to evaluate the significance of performance differences. For the full data set, the identification success rates of trnHpsbA exceeded 70% in 18 families and 12 genera, respectively. For the matching data set, the identification rates of trnHpsbA were significantly higher than those of the other loci in two families and four genera. Similarly, the identification rates of trnHpsbA+ITS2 were significantly higher than those of matK+rbcL in 18 families and 21 genera.


This study provides valuable information on the higher utility of trnHpsbA and its combinations. We found that trnHpsbA+ITS2 combination performs better or equally well compared with other combinations in most taxonomic groups investigated. This information will guide the optimal usage of trnHpsbA and its combinations for species identification.  相似文献   

Gayon's recent claim that Buffon developed a concept of species as physical individuals is critically examined and rejected. Also critically examined and rejected is Gayon's more central thesis that as a consequence of his analysis of Buffon's species concept, and also of Darwin's species concept, it is clear that modern evolutionary theory does not require species to be physical individuals. While I agree with Gayon's conclusion that modern evolutionary theory does not require species to be physical individuals, I disagree with his reasons and instead provide logical rather than historical reasons for the same conclusion.  相似文献   

Political ideologies, policies and economy affect land use which in turn may affect biodiversity patterns and future conservation targets. However, few studies have investigated biodiversity in landscapes with similar physical properties but governed by different political systems. Here we investigate land use and biodiversity patterns, and number and composition of birds and plants, in the borderland of Austria, Slovenia and Hungary. It is a physically uniform landscape but managed differently during the last 70 years as a consequence of the political “map” of Europe after World War I and II. We used a historical map from 1910 and satellite data to delineate land use within three 10-kilometre transects starting from the point where the three countries meet. There was a clear difference between countries detectable in current biodiversity patterns, which relates to land use history. Mobile species richness was associated with current land use whereas diversity of sessile species was more associated with past land use. Heterogeneous landscapes were positively and forest cover was negatively correlated to bird species richness. Our results provide insights into why landscape history is important to understand present and future biodiversity patterns, which is crucial for designing policies and conservation strategies across the world.  相似文献   

Tropical and subtropical ecosystems, especially those found on limestone substrates, are among the most diverse terrestrial habitats in China. However, little is known about patterns of plant diversity, ecology and conservation status within these ecosystems. In this special issue we present five reviews and/or in-depth studies of these tropical Chinese plants and ecosystems that capture current research efforts in tropical China plant ecology.  相似文献   

In Australia, a conclusive aetiology of Lyme disease-like illness in human patients remains elusive, despite growing numbers of people presenting with symptoms attributed to tick bites. In the present study, we surveyed the microbial communities harboured by human-biting ticks from across Australia to identify bacteria that may contribute to this syndrome. Universal PCR primers were used to amplify the V1-2 hyper-variable region of bacterial 16S rRNA genes in DNA samples from individual Ixodes holocyclus (n = 279), Amblyomma triguttatum (n = 167), Haemaphysalis bancrofti (n = 7), and H. longicornis (n = 7) ticks. The 16S amplicons were sequenced on the Illumina MiSeq platform and analysed in USEARCH, QIIME, and BLAST to assign genus and species-level taxonomies. Nested PCR and Sanger sequencing were used to confirm the NGS data and further analyse novel findings. All 460 ticks were negative for Borrelia spp. by both NGS and nested PCR analysis. Two novel “Candidatus Neoehrlichia” spp. were identified in 12.9% of I. holocyclus ticks. A novel Anaplasma sp. was identified in 1.8% of A. triguttatum ticks, and a novel Ehrlichia sp. was identified in both A. triguttatum (1.2%) ticks and a single I. holocyclus (0.6%) tick. Further phylogenetic analysis of novel “Ca. Neoehrlichia”, Anaplasma and Ehrlichia based on 1,265 bp 16S rRNA gene sequences suggests that these are new species. Determining whether these newly discovered organisms cause disease in humans and animals, like closely related bacteria do abroad, is of public health importance and requires further investigation.  相似文献   

This study presents the current knowledge on chemical composition, biological activity, and possible medicinal applications of Phellinus igniarius, Phellinus pini, Phellinus pomaceus, and Phellinus robustus. These inedible arboreal species are phytopathogens that cause the enzymatic decomposition of wood. These species belong to the medicinal mushrooms and have been known for centuries in the traditional medicine of the Far East. They have been used as an effective remedy for stomach and intestinal ailments, diarrhea, and hemorrhages. Mycochemical studies have proved the presence of polysaccharides, phenolic compounds, and terpenoids. These compounds show biological activities such as anticancer, antioxidant, antiangiogenic, and antiviral. Research studies conducted using modern analytical methods have advanced the knowledge on the potential therapeutic use of compounds isolated not only from the fruiting bodies but also from biomass obtained with in vitro biotechnological methods.  相似文献   

Australian science has made rapid advances in the last decade in understanding eutrophication processes in inland waters and estuaries. The freshwater research on which these advances are based was triggered by well-publicised blooms of cyanobacteria during the 1980s and early 1990s, particularly a 1000 km long bloom on the Darling River. In estuaries the study which greatly enhanced our understanding but simultaneously served to stimulate further research into estuarine eutrophication, the Port Phillip Bay Study, was initially designed to address perceived problems of toxicants in the Bay but provided profound insights into drivers for, and ecosystem responses to, eutrophication. Subsequent estuarine research has largely been stimulated by management questions arising from Australia’s increasing coastal development for residential purposes. The research has shown that some of the beliefs extant at the time of the blooms were incorrect. For example, it is now clear that stratification and light penetration, not nutrient availability, are the triggers for blooms in the impounded rivers of southeastern Australia, although nutrient exhaustion limits the biomass of blooms. Again, nitrogen seems to play as important a role as phosphorus does in controlling the biomass of these freshwater blooms. The research has also shown that aspects of eutrophication, such as nutrient transport, are dominated by different processes in different parts of Australia. Many of the biophysical processes involved in eutrophication have now been quantified sufficiently for models to be developed of such processes as sediment-nutrient release, stratification, turbidity and algal growth in both freshwater and estuarine systems. In some cases the models are reliable enough for the knowledge gained in particular waterbodies to be applied elsewhere. Thus, there is now a firm scientific foundation for managers to rely upon when managing algal blooms. Whilst these findings have already been presented to managers and communities throughout Australia, there is still a considerable way to go before they are absorbed into their modus operandi.  相似文献   


The Australian lady bird beetle Cryotolaemus montrouzieri Mulsant was first discovered in 1853 in Queensland and New South Wales of Eastern Australia and New Caledonia. It has provided very good control of the sucking insect pests, particularly soft scales and mealybugs at different locations in more than 60 countries since its introduction in 1892 from Australia to California. Besides, C. montrouzieri is also known to feed on whiteflies, aphids, hard scales, dactylopiids, eriococcids, margorodids, psyllids, etc. Cryptolaemus montrouzieri takes 30 days to complete life cycle at 30°C. Pupae of C. montrouzieri are stored for about 20 days without having any adverse effect on the fecundity of the resulting adults. Potato sprouts or ripe pumpkins have been used as laboratory hosts for multiplication of mealybugs and C. montrouzieri. Cryptolaemus montrouzieri provided very good control of mealybugs and soft scales in the absence of ants. It plays a great role in the suppression of soft scales belonging to the genus Pulvinaria and the mealybugs Planococcus citri, Ferrisia virgata, Maconellicoccus hirsutus, Nipaecoccus viridis, Pseudococcus jackbeardsleyi, Coccidihystrix insolita, Pseudococcus comstocki, Pseudococcus obscures, Pseudococcus aurilanatus, etc. Botanicals, biopesticide mineral oils, insecticidal soaps, conventional insecticides dichlorvos and chlorpyriphos and the new molecules spirotetramat, imidacloprid, abamectin, fluvalinate, profenophos, ethnfenprox, flufenoxuron, spinosad and bufrofezin appear to be safer to the adults and grubs of C. montrouzieri. Therefore, these chemicals are to be integrated cautiously in the management of mealybugs and soft scales.  相似文献   

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