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Hanssen  I.  Ness  J.  Steen  J. B. 《Acta veterinaria Scandinavica》1982,23(4):528-538
The breeding performance of captive willow ptarmigan on different diets has been studied. The nutritional factors tested were protein concentration, natural feed supplement and grass meal and flavonoid admixture, and effects on egg numbers, fertility, hatchability, chick weights at hatching and 0–14 days mortality have been recorded. The breeding performance of ptarmigan hen in captivity showed great individual variations. Egg numbers were not statistically different in groups fed the different diets. Hens fed a 15 % crude protein died tended to produce smaller chicks with significantly lower viability than chicks from hens fed a 20 % crude protein diet. Supplement of natural feed tended to increase the number of chicks hatched through a combination of tendency to higher egg numbers and improved fertility. These tendencies were, however, statistically nonsignificant. Inclusion of 34 % grass meal to the diet also tended (non-significantly) to improve fertility and hatchability, while inclusion of flavonoids had no positive effect on reproduction. Eggs from captive hens showed significantly lower fertility, and a tendency to lower hatchability than eggs from wild hens. The former difference was probably caused by the close cage confinements for the captive ptarmigan, while the latter condition probably was due to different start of incubation, most of the eggs from wild hens being started naturally.  相似文献   

Mortality due to nephritis and uric acid diathesis was observed during the fall and winter in captive willow ptarmigan. The present study examined how feed protein concentration influences feed and water consumption, plasma uric acid concentration, and mortality due to nephritis and uric acid diathesis in captive wrillow ptarmigan. An increase in feed protein concentration from 14 to 24 % resulted in reduced feed consumption and increased plasma uric acid concentration. Mortality due to nephritis and uric acid diathesis was not influenced by variations in feed protein concentration, but an admixture of 14 % grass meal to the diet reduced the incidence markedly.  相似文献   

KAREN L. WIEBE  KATHY MARTIN 《Ibis》1998,140(1):14-24
Although many studies report a difference in reproductive success between old and young birds, little is known about how, why and when productivity changes as individuals age. We examined age-dependent reproduction in two bird species that inhabit harsh tundra environments: White-tailed Ptarmigan Lagopus leucurus in alpine areas and Willow Ptarmigan Lagopus lagopus in subarctic Canada. We evaluated reproductive performance in the light of three hypotheses: constraint, restraint and selection. Using cross-sectional and longitudinal data, we observed significant age effects in seven of the eight life history and behavioural traits examined for the two species. However, the pattern of age effects variedconsiderably across life history stages; younger birds generally had smaller clutches, later laying dates and poorer spring body condition, but the nesting success did not vary with age. Brood-rearing and renesting abilities were greater for older parents. The oldest age class of White-tailed Ptarmigan showed reproductive senescence for laying date and clutch size but fledged such a large proportion of the brood that they had the highest overall production of any class. It thus appears that parental experience can compensate for reduced physical ability to produce eggs. Annual mortality rates for breeding females were U-shaped for White-tailed Ptarmigan, with higher rates for young and old birds, but mortality did not change with age in Willow Ptarmigan. Overall, the two species differed in the presence of age dependence for only two traits (renesting ability and annual survival). Age-dependent effects were generally greater for White-tailed Ptarmigan than for Willow Ptarmigan. The patterns of mortality and fecundity we observed in ptarmigan provide general support for the constraint hypothesis of reproductive performance. By examining discrete stages of reproduction, we identified the life history stages where age effects occur and propose proximate mechanisms responsible for these effects.  相似文献   

R. Moss  A. Watson 《Ibis》1984,126(2):212-220
Samples of Ptarmigan eggs were hatched in captivity. They had been taken from ground adjacent to study areas where the wild birds' breeding success by early August, and their food plants, were measured.
Almost all deaths of chicks in captivity occurred within a few days of hatching and examination postmortem showed no specific cause. The proportion of chicks which died in captivity before 15 days of age varied markedly between years and study areas. These variations occurred in parallel with variations in breeding success in the wild populations from which the eggs had been taken. It was concluded that the survival of chicks both in captivity and in the wild was determined in part before the eggs hatched.
Variations in breeding success from year to year were correlated with the number of days that the food plants had been growing before the hens finished laying. Breeding success in the wild and chick survival in captivity were better for a 'rich' area overlying some base-rich rocks than for a 'poor' one overlying granite and with less blaeberry. It was inferred that, as in Red Grouse, maternal nutrition affected breeding success through the quality of the eggs.  相似文献   



Population variation in the degree of seasonal polymorphism is rare in birds, and the genetic basis of this phenomenon remains largely undescribed. Both sexes of Scandinavian and Scottish Willow grouse (Lagopus lagopus) display marked differences in their winter phenotypes, with Scottish grouse retaining a pigmented plumage year-round and Scandinavian Willow grouse molting to a white morph during winter. A widely studied pathway implicated in vertebrate pigmentation is the melanin system, for which functional variation has been characterised in many taxa.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We sequenced coding regions from four genes involved in melanin pigmentation (DCT, MC1R, TYR and TYRP1), and an additional control involved in the melanocortin pathway (AGRP), to investigate the genetic basis of winter plumage in Lagopus. Despite the well documented role of the melanin system in animal coloration, we found no plumage-associated polymorphism or evidence for selection in a total of ∼2.6 kb analysed sequence.


Our results indicate that the genetic basis of alternating between pigmented and unpigmented seasonal phenotypes is more likely explained by regulatory changes controlling the expression of these or other loci in the physiological pathway leading to pigmentation.  相似文献   

The Pyrenean rock ptarmigan (Lagopus muta pyrenaica) is the southernmost subspecies of the species in Europe and is considered threatened as a consequence of changes in landscape, human pressure, climate change, and low genetic diversity. Previous studies have shown a relationship between the date of snowmelt and reproductive success in the Pyrenean ptarmigan. It is well established that birds laying early in the breeding season have higher reproductive success, but the specific mechanism for this relationship is debated. We present an explicative model of the relationship between snowmelt date and breeding success mediated by food quality for grouse in alpine environments. From microhistological analyses of 121 faecal samples collected during three years in the Canigou Massif (Eastern Pyrenees), and the assessment of the chemical composition of the main dietary components, we estimated the potential quality of individual diets. Potential dietary quality was correlated with free-urate faecal N, a proxy of the digestible protein content ingested by ptarmigan, and both were correlated with phenological stage of consumed plants, which in turn depends on snowmelt date. Our findings suggest that the average snowmelt date is subject to a strong interannual variability influencing laying date. In years of early snowmelt, hens benefit from a longer period of high quality food resources potentially leading to a higher breeding success. On the contrary, in years of late snowmelt, hens begin their breeding period in poorer nutrient condition because the peaks of protein content of their main food items are delayed with respect to laying date, hence reducing breeding performance. We discuss the possible mismatch between breeding and snowmelt timing.  相似文献   

Understanding the effects of climate on avian life history traits is essential if we wish to predict the demographic consequences of expected climatic changes. We investigated the influence of weather conditions on the reproductive success of Rock Ptarmigan Lagopus muta in the eastern French Pyrenees, one of the southernmost areas inhabited by the species. Reproductive success was estimated in early August between 1997 and 2006 by counting adults and well-grown chicks with pointing dogs. The number of young per adult varied from 0.08 to 0.72. Using Poisson regression and Akaike's information criterion, we selected the best model explaining the effect of weather (date of snowmelt and, for both laying/incubation and post-hatching periods, mean minimum and maximum temperatures, monthly rainfall and number of days with rain) on the proportion of young in August. Reproductive success was positively associated with early appearance of snow-free ground, and date of snowmelt alone was the model that best explained annual variation in reproductive success. Other models, which included a negative effect of rainfall, particularly after hatching, also had some support. Hence, both pre-laying and post-hatching weather conditions influenced reproductive success of Rock Ptarmigan in the eastern French Pyrenees. On a continental scale, reproductive success of alpine populations of Rock Ptarmigan is consistently lower than that of northern populations. This difference in productivity may be partly correlated with climatic conditions observed along an arctic–alpine gradient, the amount and variation of rainfall being greater in southern alpine areas than elsewhere in the species' range.  相似文献   

The Alpine Rock Ptarmigan Lagopus muta helvetica is considered to be particularly vulnerable to climate change because it lives exclusively above the treeline in alpine habitats and is adapted to cold climates. Its Swiss population index has decreased over the last two decades. A considerable shrinkage in distributional area is predicted with further climate change. We assess whether the Alpine Rock Ptarmigan has moved to higher elevations in recent years in the Swiss Alps, and whether such elevational shifts have differed between regions and seasons, using observations recorded by volunteers over a 29‐year period. The elevational shifts differed greatly between regions. In the Eastern and Southern Alps, Ptarmigans were increasingly recorded at higher elevations, with a mean uphill shift of 6.4–9.4 m/year over the last three decades, a pattern that could not be explained by the yearly variation in weather conditions, whereas there was only a moderate upward shift (1.5–3.2 m/year) in the Northern Alps and almost no shift in the Western Alps. Elevational changes were generally greater than those observed in other bird species. The observed upward shift in the Eastern and Southern Alps is among the fastest observed in animals and plants, and may be caused by an upward shift of the treeline and reforestation of formerly cut or unforested areas. The observed elevational shift of the distribution of the Alpine Rock Ptarmigan has led to a reduction in the range of this subspecies, which is restricted to the Alps and isolated from other populations.  相似文献   

Summary Rhabdometra lygodaptrion n.sp. from the small intestine of Lagopus lagopus albus (willow ptarmigan) taken at Cape Henrietta Maria, northern Ontario, Canada, is proposed. R. lygodaptrion is most similar to R. alpinensis, R. nullicollis and R. tomica but is shorter than all these three species and the cuticularized vaginal lining is characteristic. R. lygodaptrion differs from R. alpinensis in having a thicker, more robust cirrus sac and a larger number of testes and in lacking a vaginal sphincter. R. tomica and R. nullicollis have a pear-shaped cirrus pouch which narrows distally while that of R. lygodaptrion is equally wide along its length. In additon, R. nullicollis has a vaginal sphincter and an elongate, sinuous paruterine organ, which in R. lygodaptrion, is wider and more cone-shaped. R. tomica has fewer testes. The ecology and possible geographical isolation of the population of L. lagopus albus at Cape Henrietta Maria is briefly discussed. ac]19790703  相似文献   

B A Henderson 《Heredity》1976,36(3):413-415
Egg albumen of red grouse was separated by electrophoresis and then stained with naphthalene black. The number of dark-blue bands seen in one zone varied from three to six. The four fastest bands were probably controlled by three codominant alleles at an autosomal locus. The pattern of inheritance of the second fastest band was not clear because the sample was small.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. The blood plasma glucose, cholesterol, total protein, urea, and uric acid contents of willow grouse raised in a bird yard in northern Finland were measured after fasts of 12, 24, and 48 hr in mild and severe cold weather.
  • 2.2. There were significant differences between the sexes in the urea and total protein contents of normal blood (12 hr fast).
  • 3.3. In all the blood parameters studied, changes occurred after 24 and 48 hr fasts, which were greater or took place more rapidly in severe cold than in milder weather.

Characteristics of Action Potentials in Willow (Salix viminalis L.)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
After application of electric stimuli (square DC pulses) extra-andintracellular potentials were recorded on willow shoots. Theall-or-nothing law, strength-duration relation, and generalcharacteristics of the action potential were investigated. Byusing inhibitors of ionic channels (tetraethylammonium, MnCl2,LaCl3), the excitability of willow could be completely blocked.Treatment with the phosphorylation uncoupler dinitrophenol induceda depolarization and disappearance of excitability, indicatingthe participation of a metabolic component of the membrane potential.By using energy-dispersive X-ray microanalysis, the distributionof chloride, potassium and calcium was measured in differenttissues of non-stimulated and stimulated willow shoots. It was shown that stimulation of the plant was followed by ionshifts which were most striking in the phloem cells. While theircontent of potassium and chloride was diminished after stimulation,the amount of cytoplasmic calcium increased slightly. Thesedisplacements lead to the conclusion that Ca2+ influx as wellas K+ and Cl efflux are involved in the propagation ofaction potentials. Key words: Action potential, electrical stimuli, energy-dispersive X-ray microanalysis, ion shifts, Salix viminalis  相似文献   

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