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A flow cytometric method for the evaluation of the phagocytic capacity of bovine milk polymorphonuclear neutrophils (PMN) is described. Milk PMN were isolated from stripping milk collected from udder quarters fitted with abraded intramammary devices (AIMD). A significant increase in the milk somatic cell count was observed in the stripping milk after the insertion of AIMD (308×103 and 1447×l03 cells/ml milk before respectively after the insertion of the AIMD, p < 0.001). PMN were also isolated from blood by a discontinous gradient of Percoli. Blood and milk PMN were incubated for 15 min with FITC-labeled bacteria in a ratio of 1 PMN:20 bacteria and a final serum concentration of 10 %. The number of extracellular bacteria and the percentage of phagocytic cells were measured by a flow cytometer. Percentage of phagocytized bacteria by milk PMN was significantly lower than that by blood PMN (p < 0.05). A smaller number of active phagocytes was present among cells isolated from milk than among cells isolated from blood. The phagocytic capacity of milk PMN reflects that of blood PMN in the same animal. A large variation in the phagocytic capacity of blood and milk PMN among animals was observed.  相似文献   

Flow Cytometric Assessment of Viability of Lactic Acid Bacteria   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
The viability of lactic acid bacteria is crucial for their applications as dairy starters and as probiotics. We investigated the usefulness of flow cytometry (FCM) for viability assessment of lactic acid bacteria. The esterase substrate carboxyfluorescein diacetate (cFDA) and the dye exclusion DNA binding probes propidium iodide (PI) and TOTO-1 were tested for live/dead discrimination using a Lactococcus, a Streptococcus, three Lactobacillus, two Leuconostoc, an Enterococcus, and a Pediococcus species. Plate count experiments were performed to validate the results of the FCM assays. The results showed that cFDA was an accurate stain for live cells; in exponential-phase cultures almost all cells were labeled, while 70°C heat-killed cultures were left unstained. PI did not give clear live/dead discrimination for some of the species. TOTO-1, on the other hand, gave clear discrimination between live and dead cells. The combination of cFDA and TOTO-1 gave the best results. Well-separated subpopulations of live and dead cells could be detected with FCM. Cell sorting of the subpopulations and subsequent plating on agar medium provided direct evidence that cFDA labels the culturable subpopulation and that TOTO-1 labels the nonculturable subpopulation. Applied to cultures exposed to deconjugated bile salts or to acid, cFDA and TOTO-1 proved to be accurate indicators of culturability. Our experiments with lactic acid bacteria demonstrated that the combination of cFDA and TOTO-1 makes an excellent live/dead assay with versatile applications.  相似文献   

Flow Cytometric Analysis of Marine Bacteria with Hoechst 33342   总被引:10,自引:8,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
We investigated the accuracy and precision of flow cytometric (FCM) estimates of bacterial abundances using 4′, 6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) and Hoechst 33342 (HO342, a bisbenzamide derivative) on paraformaldehyde-fixed seawater samples collected from two stations near Oahu, Hawaii. The accuracy of FCM estimates was assessed against direct counts by using epifluorescence microscopy. DAPI and HO342 differ in two aspects of their chemistry that make HO342 better suited for staining marine heterotrophic bacteria for FCM analysis. These differences are most important in studies of open-ocean ecosystems that require dual-beam FCM analysis to clearly separate heterotrophic bacterial populations from populations of photosynthetic Prochlorococcus spp. Bacterial populations were easier to distinguish from background fluorescence when stained with HO342 than when stained with DAPI, because HO342 has a higher relative fluorescence quantum yield. A substantially higher coefficient of variation of blue fluorescence, which was probably due to fluorescent complexes formed by DAPI with double-stranded RNA, was observed for DAPI-stained populations. FCM estimates averaged 2.0 and 12% higher than corresponding epifluorescence microscopy direct counts for HO342 and DAPI-stained samples, respectively. A paired-sample t test between FCM estimates and direct counts found no significant difference for HO342-stained samples but a significant difference for DAPI-stained samples. Coefficients of variation of replicate FCM abundance estimates ranged from 0.63 to 2.9% (average, 1.5%) for natural bacterial concentrations of 6 × 105 to 15 × 105 cells ml-1.  相似文献   

Several fluorescent probes were evaluated as indicators of bacterial viability by flow cytometry. The probes monitor a number of biological factors that are altered during loss of viability. The factors include alterations in membrane permeability, monitored by using fluorogenic substrates and fluorescent intercalating dyes such as propidium iodide, and changes in membrane potential, monitored by using fluorescent cationic and anionic potential-sensitive probes. Of the fluorescent reagents examined, the fluorescent anionic membrane potential probe bis-(1,3-dibutylbarbituric acid)trimethine oxonol [DiBAC(inf4)(3)] proved the best candidate for use as a general robust viability marker and is a promising choice for use in high-throughput assays. With this probe, live and dead cells within a population can be identified and counted 10 min after sampling. There was a close correlation between viable counts determined by flow cytometry and by standard CFU assays for samples of untreated cells. The results indicate that flow cytometry is a sensitive analytical technique that can rapidly monitor physiological changes of individual microorganisms as a result of external perturbations. The membrane potential probe DiBAC(inf4)(3) provided a robust flow cytometric indicator for bacterial cell viability.  相似文献   

The reticuloendothelial system (RES) influences the outcome of vascular shock and environmental stress. We describe a procedure that employs flow cytometry and 1 μm fluorescent microspheres (FM) to study RES function. FM (2 × 1010 beads/kg) were administered via a jugular cannula in Sprague-Dawley rats. After 15 min, blood and tissues were collected and digested in 15% KOH. Phycoerythrin 1 μm beads were added to each sample as an internal standard and analyzed by flow cytometry. FM were preferentially cleared by the spleen, liver and lung. Clearance was confirmed by fluorescent photomicroscopy. Addition of the internal standard to determine accurately aspiration volume enhanced precision. This procedure offers advantages over other RES clearance methods including bacterial, radioactive or carbon clearance assays. Moreover, this method could enhance accuracy, reproducibility and speed of data collection in particulate transport studies that are based on manual microscopic scanning and FM counting.  相似文献   

Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG is of general interest as a probiotic. Although L. rhamnosus GG is often used in clinical trials, there are few genetic tools to further determine its mode of action or to develop it as a vehicle for heterologous gene expression in therapy. Therefore, we developed a reproducible, efficient electroporation procedure for L. rhamnosus GG. The best transformation efficiency obtained was 104 transformants per μg of DNA. We validated this protocol by tagging L. rhamnosus GG with green fluorescent protein (GFP) using the nisin-controlled expression (NICE) system. Parameters for overexpression were optimized, which allowed expression of gfp in L. rhamnosus GG upon induction with nisin. The GFP+ strain can be used to monitor the survival and behavior of L. rhamnosus GG in vivo. Moreover, implementation of the NICE system as a gene expression switch in L. rhamnosus GG opens up possibilities for improving and expanding the performance of this strain. The GFP-labeled strain was used to demonstrate that L. rhamnosus GG is sensitive to human beta-defensin-2 but not to human beta-defensin-1.  相似文献   

In this paper, the use of Sulforhodamine 101 (SR 101; C.I. 14318) as a fluorescent stain for flow cytometric determinations of total cellular protein (TCP) is described. Flow cytometric quantification of TCP fluorescence can provide a valuable analytical parameter for assessing both changes occurring in overall cellular protein content, such as in response to blast transformation, and heterogeneity in cellular size within a specimen, such as a tumor. Very little information is available in the literature pertaining to the use of SR 101 as a protein stain. Like fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC), SR 101 can be excited at 488 nm; however, it binds ionically and has an emission maximum at 600 nm, which is advantageous in certain staining and filter combinations. In this report, the utility of SR 101 staining is demonstrated using pokeweed mitogen-stimu-lated lymphocytes and cycloheximide- and di-methylsufloxide-treated cells. Single, two- and three-color flow cytometric applications are possible, using SR 101 in combination with 4',6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) and/or FITC.  相似文献   

Plate counting and four culture-independent flow cytometric assays were used to determine the viability and intrinsic properties of three probiotic strains during storage. The strains showed reduction in plate counts but were able to maintain esterase activity, intact cytoplasmic membrane, and pH gradient. The apparently uncultivable probiotic cells were active and stress resistant.  相似文献   

Gap junction intercellular communication (GJIC) is involved in several aspects of normal cell behaviour, and disturbances in this type of communication have been associated with many pathological conditions. Reliable and accurate methods for the determination of GJIC are therefore important in studies of cell biology. (Tomasetto, C., Neveu, M.J., Daley, J., Horan, P.K. and Sager, R.(1993) Journal of Cell Biology, 122, 157–167) reported some years ago the use of flow cytometer to determine transfer between cells of a mobile dye, calcein, as a measure of cell communication through gap junctions. In spite of this being a method with potential for quantitative and reliable determination of GJIC, it has been modestly used, possibly due to technical difficulties. In the present work we have illustrated several ways to use flow cytometric data to express cell communication through gap junctions. The recipient cells were pre-stained with the permanent lipophilic dye PKH26, and the donor cell population were loaded with the gap junction permeable dye, calcein. We show that the method may be used to measure the effect of chemicals on GJIC, and that the information is reliable, objective and reproducible due to the large number of cells studied. The data may give additional information to that obtained with other methods, since the effect observed will be on the establishment of cell communication as compared to what is observed for microinjection or scrape loading, where the effect is on already established communication. This is probably the reason for the more potent effects of DMSO on GJIC measured by the present method than on already existing GJIC measured by microinjection or quantitative scrape loading. We also show that the problem related to the mobile dye calcein not being fixable with aldehydes will not affect the results as long as the cells are kept on ice in the dark and analysed by flow cytometer within the first hours after formalin cell fixation.  相似文献   

Microspore cultures are ideal systems for studying plant embryogenesisbecause the resulting embryos are very similar to zygotic embryos,all the stages of development are readily accessible and theprocess can be induced by a simple heat treatment. However,not all microspores are embryogenic and the mixture of cellsthat develops in the cultures complicates the use of this system.Brassica napus microspore cultures cultured at 30°C (induced)and at 25°C (non-induced) were compared by flow cytometryto obtain structure and function information for several typesof cells in the culture. Clear differences in light scatterand fluorescence were found between induced and noninduced culturesthat are related to early stages of embryo development. Viable,round cells that were unique to induced cultures were sortedinto culture media and developed into embryos confirming thatthey were embryogenic. The present study provided flow cytometricidentifiers for embryogenic and gametophytic cells, demonstratedhow flow sorting can be used to isolate specific cell typesand defined benchmarks for assessing the embryogenic potentialof microspore cultures. (Received July 9, 1997; Accepted December 10, 1997)  相似文献   

Seven blue nucleic acid dyes from Molecular Probes Inc. (SYTO-9, SYTO-11, SYTO-13, SYTO-16, SYTO-BC, SYBR-I and SYBR-II) were compared with the DAPI (4′,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole) method for flow cytometric enumeration of live and fixed bacteria in aquatic systems. It was shown that SYBR-II and SYTO-9 are the most appropriate dyes for bacterial enumeration in nonsaline waters and can be applied to both live and dead bacteria. The fluorescence signal/noise ratio was improved when SYTO-9 was used to stain living bacteria in nonsaline waters. Inversely, SYBR-II is more appropriate than SYTO dyes for bacterial enumeration of unfixed and fixed seawater samples.  相似文献   

Synthetic nanoparticles and other stiff objects injected into a blood vessel filled with red blood cells are known to marginate toward the vessel walls. By means of hydrodynamic lattice-Boltzmann simulations, we show that active particles can strongly accelerate their margination by moving against the flow direction: particles located initially in the channel center migrate much faster to their final position near the wall than in the nonactive case. We explain our findings by an enhanced rate of collisions between the stiff particles and the deformable red blood cells. Our results imply that a significantly faster margination can be achieved either technically by the application of an external magnetic field (if the particles are magnetic) or biologically by self-propulsion (if the particles are, e.g., swimming bacteria).  相似文献   

Flow cytometry (FCM) is a rapid and sensitive technique that can determine cell numbers and measure various physiological characteristics of individual cells by using appropriate fluorescent probes. Previously, we developed an FCM assay with the viability probes carboxyfluorescein diacetate (cFDA) and TOTO-1 {1′-(4,4,7,7-tetramethyl-4,7-diazaundecamethylene)-bis-4-[3-methyl-2,3dihydro(benzo-1,3-oxazole)-2-methylidene]-1-(3′-trimethylammoniumpropyl)-pyridinium tetraiodide} for (stressed) lactic acid bacteria (C. J. Bunthof, K. Bloemen, P. Breeuwer, F. M. Rombouts, and T. Abee, Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 67:2326-2335, 2001). cFDA stains intact cells with enzymatic activity, and TOTO-1 stains membrane-permeabilized cells. Here we used this assay to study the viability of bacterial suspensions in milk, dairy fermentation starters, and probiotic products. To facilitate FCM analysis of bacteria in milk, a commercially available milk-clearing solution was used. The procedure was optimized to increase the signal-to-noise ratio. FCM enumerations were accurate down to a concentration of 105 cells ml−1. The level of retrieval of Lactobacillus plantarum WCFS 1 suspended in milk was high, and viability was not affected by the procedure. The plate counts for cleared samples of untreated cell suspensions were nearly as high as the total FCM counts, and the correlation was strong (r > 0.99). In dairy fermentation starters and in probiotic products the FCM total cell counts were substantially higher than the numbers of CFU. Three functional populations could be distinguished: culturable cells, cells that are intact and metabolically active but not culturable, and permeabilized cells. The proportions of the populations differed in the products tested. This FCM method provides tools to assess the functionality of different populations in fermentation starters and probiotic products.  相似文献   

Identification problems restrict quantitative ecological research on specific nanoflagellates. Identification by specific oligonucleotide probes permits use of flow cytometry for enumeration and measurement of size of nanoflagellates in statistically meaningful samples. Flow cytometry also permits measurement of intensity of probe binding by cells. Five fluorescent probes targeted to different regions of the small subunit rRNA of the common marine flagellate Paraphysomonas vestita all hybridized with cells of this flagellate. Cells fixed with trichloroacetic acid gave detectable signals at a probe concentration of 15 aM and specific fluorescence increased almost linearly to 1.5 fM, but at higher concentrations nonspecific binding increased sharply. Three flagellates, P. vestita, Paraphysomonas imperforata, and Pteridomonas danica, all bound a general eukaryotic probe approximately in proportion to their cell size, but the specific P. vestita probe gave 14 times more fluorescence with P. vestita than with either of the other flagellates. Cell fluorescence increased during the early growth of a batch culture and decreased toward the stationary phase; cell size changed in a comparable manner. Cell fluorescence intensity may allow inferences about growth rate, but whether fluorescence (assumed to reflect ribosome number) merely correlates with cell biomass or changes in a more complex manner remains unresolved.  相似文献   

Phagocytosis of fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC)-labeled polystyrene microparticles by peritonea] macrophages from thioglycollate-elicited mice was examined by means of flow cytometry (FCM). This assay revealed that rabbit defensin NP-3A suppressed the phagocytosis in a dose-dependent manner. The present results suggest that NP-3A released from neutrophils is one of the mediators which modulates the activity of macrophages in response to infection.  相似文献   

Both chemotaxis and phagocytosis depend upon actin-driven cell protrusions and cell membrane remodeling. While chemoattractant receptors rely upon canonical G-protein signaling to activate downstream effectors, whether such signaling pathways affect phagocytosis is contentious. Here, we report that Gαi nucleotide exchange and signaling helps macrophages coordinate the recognition, capture, and engulfment of zymosan bioparticles. We show that zymosan exposure recruits F-actin, Gαi proteins, and Elmo1 to phagocytic cups and early phagosomes. Zymosan triggered an increase in intracellular Ca2+ that was partially sensitive to Gαi nucleotide exchange inhibition and expression of GTP-bound Gαi recruited Elmo1 to the plasma membrane. Reducing GDP-Gαi nucleotide exchange, decreasing Gαi expression, pharmacologically interrupting Gβγ signaling, or reducing Elmo1 expression all impaired phagocytosis, while favoring the duration that Gαi remained GTP bound promoted it. Our studies demonstrate that targeting heterotrimeric G-protein signaling offers opportunities to enhance or retard macrophage engulfment of phagocytic targets such as zymosan.  相似文献   

Stroke is a leading cause of death globally and is caused by stenoses, abnormal narrowings of blood vessels. Recently, there has been an increased interest in shear-activated particle clusters for the treatment of stenosis, but there is a lack of literature investigating the impact of different stenosis geometries on particle margination. Margination refers to the movement of particles toward the blood vessel wall and is desirable for drug delivery. The current study investigated ten different geometries and their effects on margination. Microfluidic devices with a constricted area were fabricated to mimic a stenosed blood vessel with different extent of occlusion, constricted length, and eccentricity (gradualness of the constriction and expansion). Spherical fluorescent particles with a diameter of 2.11 μm were suspended in blood and tracked as they moved into, through, and out of the constricted area. A margination parameter, M, was used to quantify margination based on the particle distribution after velocity normalization. Experimental results suggested that a constriction leads to an enhanced margination, whereas an expansion is responsible for a decrease in margination. Further, margination was found to increase with increasing percent occlusion and constriction length, likely a result of higher shear rate and longer residence time, respectively. Margination decreases as the stenosis geometry becomes more gradual (eccentricity increases) with the exception of a sudden constriction/expansion geometry. The findings demonstrate the importance of geometric effects on margination and call for detailed numerical modeling and geometric characterization of the stenosed areas to fully understand the underlying physics.  相似文献   

Phagocytosis in the common grazing soil amoeba Acanthamoeba castellanii was characterized by flow cytometry. Uptake of fluorescently labelled latex microbeads by cells was quantified by appropriate setting of thresholds on light scatter channels and, subsequently, on fluorescence histograms. Confocal laser scanning microscopy was used to verify the effectiveness of sodium azide as a control for distinguishing between cell surface binding and internalization of beads. It was found that binding of beads at the cell surface was complete within 5 min and 80% of cells had beads associated with them after 10 min. However, the total number of phagocytosed beads continued to rise up to 2 h. The prolonged increase in numbers of beads phagocytosed was due to cell populations containing increasing numbers of beads peaking at increasing time intervals from the onset of phagocytosis. Fine adjustment of thresholds on light scatter channels was used to fractionate cells according to cell volume (cell cycle stage). Phagocytotic activity was approximately threefold higher in the largest (oldest) than in the smallest (newly divided) cells of A. castellanii and showed some evidence of periodicity. At no stage in the cell cycle did phagocytosis cease. Binding and phagocytosis of beads were also markedly influenced by culture age and rate of rotary agitation of cell suspensions. Saturation of phagocytosis (per cell) at increasing bead or decreasing cell concentrations occurred at bead/cell ratios exceeding 10:1. This was probably a result of a limitation of the vacuolar uptake system of A. castellanii, as no saturation of bead binding was evident. The advantages of flow cytometry for characterization of phagocytosis at the single-cell level in heterogeneous protozoal populations and the significance of the present results are discussed.  相似文献   

流式细胞术分析和分拣植物染色体   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
李立家  宋运淳 《遗传》2005,27(3):461-465
流式细胞术是当染色体、细胞核和细胞等颗粒随着流动的液体(水或缓冲液)通过一个测量点时,被探测器探测到,这样根据颗粒的物理和化学特征而将不同的颗粒分开并计数分拣的技术。流式细胞分析在人类基因组计划中发挥了重要作用,流式细胞技术的应用也适用于植物,目前这个技术应用范围包括流式核型分析,分拣纯化染色体,定位基因,构建文库等。文章综述了流式细胞术在植物基因组分析方面的研究进展。  相似文献   

Although, there is growing awareness in the progressive neurodegeneration of chronic traumatic encephalopathy, changes of immune reactions remain equivocal at best. Thus, in a clinically relevant rat repetitive mild traumatic brain injury (rmTBI) model, some immunologic cells (T cell subsets, microglia) in the injured brain and peripheral blood were analyzed by flow cytometry and immunofluorescence. In the injured brain, CD3+ T cells showed a bimodal increase during 42 days post-injury (dpi). CD3+CD4+ T cells firstly increased and then decreased, while CD3+CD8+ T cells had reversed tendency. CD86+/CD11b+ M1-like microglia increased at 42 dpi and CD206+/CD11b+ M2-like microglia peaked at 7 dpi. In addition, peripheral immune suppression was implicated in the chronic phase after rmTBI. Taken together, the study provided useful information on long-term dynamic changes of some immune cells after rmTBI in rats.  相似文献   

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