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线粒体DNA(mitochondrial DNA,mtDNA)复制控制区(又称D-环区)是线粒体非编码区中较为重要的区域,参与并调节线粒体DNA的复制与转录。然而,与核基因组不同的是,线粒体DNA的复制与转录并不是相互独立的,而是存在着密切的联系。从目前的研究看来,复制控制区的某些变化很可能会引起mtDNA复制、转录的变化,从而导致线粒体功能的变化,最终引起线粒体疾病或衰老的发生。  相似文献   

Further Evidence in Support of an Interactive Model in Stomatal Control   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The interaction between CO2 IAA, ABA, and temperature in thecontrol of stomatal behaviour, was investigated in the chill-resistantPisum sativum and chill-hardened Phaseolus vulgaris. It wasfound that the ability of kBA to induce stomatai closure wasdependent upon the presence of CO2 in both species, at bothtemperatures (22 ?C, 5?C) Similarly, the ability of IAA to decreasestomatal resistance, was dependent upon the presence of CO2in both species, at both temperatures. Chilling at 5?C in thelight did not influence the response characteristics of stomatato CO2 ABA or IAA, in either species. These results are discussedin relation to a model of the interactions of these regulatorsof stomatal aperture. Key words: Stomata, modelling, chilling  相似文献   


Rat adipocytes possess typical beta1 adrenoceptors that can be identified by 125I-cyanopindolol binding but the receptor mediating isoprenaline adenylate cyclase activation possesses properties quite unlike beta1 or beta2 receptors. Separation of these sites has been attempted using the photoaffinity antagonist para-amino-benzyl-carazolol. Preincubation of rat reticulocyte and adipocyte membranes with this agent followed by washing induced a concentration-dependent loss of specific 125I-cyanopindolol sites in both tissues, though the maximal loss was apparently greater in the reticulocyte. However, the loss of sites in both tissues induced a different effect on isoprenaline-stimulated adenylate cyclase. In the reticulocyte, the loss of specific sites was accompanied by an equivalent fall in the maximal stimulation of adenylate cyclase. In the adipocyte there were no significant effects of receptor site loss on the isoprenaline dose-response curve. It is suggested that this data supports the concept that an atypical beta-adrenoceptor, with relatively low affinity for many antagonists, mediates catecholamine-stimulated adenylate cyclase (and lipolysis) in the adipocyte.  相似文献   

《PloS one》2014,9(9)
Refractive error (RE) is a complex, multifactorial disorder characterized by a mismatch between the optical power of the eye and its axial length that causes object images to be focused off the retina. The two major subtypes of RE are myopia (nearsightedness) and hyperopia (farsightedness), which represent opposite ends of the distribution of the quantitative measure of spherical refraction. We performed a fixed effects meta-analysis of genome-wide association results of myopia and hyperopia from 9 studies of European-derived populations: AREDS, KORA, FES, OGP-Talana, MESA, RSI, RSII, RSIII and ERF. One genome-wide significant region was observed for myopia, corresponding to a previously identified myopia locus on 8q12 (p = 1.25×10−8), which has been reported by Kiefer et al. as significantly associated with myopia age at onset and Verhoeven et al. as significantly associated to mean spherical-equivalent (MSE) refractive error. We observed two genome-wide significant associations with hyperopia. These regions overlapped with loci on 15q14 (minimum p value = 9.11×10−11) and 8q12 (minimum p value 1.82×10−11) previously reported for MSE and myopia age at onset. We also used an intermarker linkage- disequilibrium-based method for calculating the effective number of tests in targeted regional replication analyses. We analyzed myopia (which represents the closest phenotype in our data to the one used by Kiefer et al.) and showed replication of 10 additional loci associated with myopia previously reported by Kiefer et al. This is the first replication of these loci using myopia as the trait under analysis. “Replication-level” association was also seen between hyperopia and 12 of Kiefer et al.''s published loci. For the loci that show evidence of association to both myopia and hyperopia, the estimated effect of the risk alleles were in opposite directions for the two traits. This suggests that these loci are important contributors to variation of refractive error across the distribution.  相似文献   

Highlights? S100A10, annexin A2, and AHNAK are involved in membrane repair ? The AHNAK binding region forms a coiled structure ? Both S100A10 and annexin A2 make contacts to AHNAK and are necessary for binding ? The asymmetric architecture provides a model for AHNAK translocation to the membrane  相似文献   

The cytoplasmic replication of positive-sense RNA viruses is associated with a dramatic rearrangement of host cellular membranes. These virus-induced changes result in the induction of vesicular structures that envelop the virus replication complex (RC). In this study, we have extended our previous observations on the intracellular location of West Nile virus strain Kunjin virus (WNVKUN) to show that the virus-induced recruitment of host proteins and membrane appears to occur at a pre-Golgi step. To visualize the WNVKUN replication complex, we performed three-dimensional (3D) modeling on tomograms from WNVKUN replicon-transfected cells. These analyses have provided a 3D representation of the replication complex, revealing the open access of the replication complex with the cytoplasm and the fluidity of the complex to the rough endoplasmic reticulum. In addition, we provide data that indicate that a majority of the viral RNA species housed within the RC is in a double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) form.West Nile virus (WNV) belongs to the Flaviviridae, which is a large family of enveloped, positive-strand RNA viral pathogens that are responsible for causing severe disease and mortality in humans and animals each year. The Australian WNV strain Kunjin virus (WNVKUN) is a relatively low-pathogenic virus that is closely related to the pathogenic WNV strain New York 99 (WNVNY99), the causative agent of the 1999 epidemic of encephalitis in New York City (11).It has become increasingly known that the replication of most, if not all, positive-sense RNA viruses, whether they infect plants, insects, or humans, is associated with dramatic membrane alterations resulting in the formation of membranous microenvironments that facilitate efficient virus replication. In most cases the induced membrane structures house the actively replicating viral RNA and comprise 70- to 100-nm membrane “vesicles” (sometimes referred to as spherules). Although this distinct morphology is shared across virus families, the cellular origins of these membranes is diverse: the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), mitochondria, peroxisomes, and trans-Golgi membranes have been implicated in different viral systems (1, 8, 13, 23, 31, 38, 41, 45). This diversity implies that the processes involved in inducing the membrane vesicles/spherules are shared, rather than the composition of the membrane itself, although the exact purpose for utilizing membranes derived from different cellular compartments is still not completely resolved or understood.The replication of the flavivirus WNVKUN is associated with the induction of morphologically distinct membrane structures that have defined roles during the WNVKUN replication cycle. Three well-defined structures can be seen as large convoluted membranes (CM), paracrystalline arrays (PC), or membrane sacs containing small vesicles, termed vesicle packets (VP) (18, 20, 48). Based on localization studies with viral proteins of specific functions, we observed that components of the virus protease complex (namely, nonstructural protein 3 [NS3] with cofactor NS2B) localize specifically to the CM/PC, whereas viral double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) and the viral RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp) NS5 localized primarily to VP (20-22, 47, 48). Additionally, we observed that the CM and PC originate from and are modified membranes of the intermediate compartment (IC) and rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER), whereas the VP appear to be derived from trans-Golgi network (TGN) membranes (19). Recently, we have found that the WNVKUN NS4A protein by itself has the intrinsic capacity to induce the CM and PC structures (35), a property also subsequently shown for Dengue virus (DENV) NS4A (29). Additionally, we have shown that upon WNV infection cellular cholesterol and cholesterol-synthesizing proteins are redistributed to the virus-induced membranes and that this redistribution severely disrupted the formation of cholesterol-rich microdomains (23). Furthermore, we have shown that the membranous structures induced during WNV replication provide partial protection of the WNV replication components from the interferon (IFN)-induced antiviral MxA protein, suggesting that the distinct compartmentalization of viral replication and components of the cellular antiviral response may be an evolutionary mechanism by which flaviviruses can protect themselves from host surveillance (6).In this study we focused on three-dimensional (3D) modeling to give insight into the 3D structure of the VP and provide evidence of how these complexes are organized and formed within the RER membrane. These results add valuable information to our understanding of how the WNV replication complex (RC) functions.  相似文献   

五种鲟鱼线粒体控制区异质性和系统发育分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用保守引物得到五种鲟鱼的线粒体DNA(mtDNA)控制区(D-loop)全长,长度在795~813 bp。序列中包括了CBS(conserved sequence block)和TAS(termination-associated sequence)区域。利用最大似然法、最大简约法和贝叶斯法构建了系统发育树,发育树分成两枝,呈现明显的生物地理分布。分析表明,现有的鳇属鱼类不是单系群起源。五种鲟鱼D-loop序列都存在长度和数目不等串联重复序列,长度在78~82 bp之间,重复序列拷贝数在4~6次不等,因此造成了mtDNA广泛的异质性现象。不同种类的重复序列单元十分相似,达氏鳇和史氏鲟重复序列单元相似度为82.93%,西伯利亚鲟和俄罗斯鲟重复序列单元相似度为90.59%。在串联重复序列后是一段不完全重复序列。通过与已有同种的重复序列比对发现不同鲟鱼重复序列相同,不同地理区域相同物种的重复序列可能发生过分子内重组。这些表明重复序列在鲟鱼进化上具有相关意义,推测重复序列可能产生在种分化前,重组发生在种分化后。  相似文献   

齐口裂腹鱼线粒体DNA控制区结构分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
谢佳燕 《动物学杂志》2011,46(2):97-101
利用直接测序法对齐口裂腹鱼(Schizothorax prenanti)线粒体DNA控制区进行了测序,并对其序列结构进行了分析.结果表明,齐口裂腹鱼线粒体控制区碱基组成中碱基A和T的含A明显高于G和C的含量,所有类型碱基组成中碱基G的含量最低,这与其他硬骨鱼类控制区碱基组成一致.通过与哺乳类和鲤形目鱼类控制区序列进行对...  相似文献   

An intrinsic neuraminidase activity in rat brain CNS myelin has been demonstrated and compared with the neuraminidase activity in rat brain microsomes. With use of ganglioside GM3 as a substrate, the myelin-associated neuraminidase exhibited a shallow pH curve with an optimum at pH 4.8 whereas the microsomal activity had a marked optimum at pH 4-4.3. Neuraminidase activity in both fractions was optimized in 0.3% Triton CF-54 but activation was much greater in the microsomes. When the neuraminidase activities were examined at 60 degrees C, the myelin neuraminidase activity was more than sevenfold of that observed at 37 degrees C and was linear for at least 2 h; the microsomal activity increased only fivefold initially and exhibited a continual loss in activity. Addition of excess microsomes to the total homogenate prior to myelin isolation resulted in no change in myelin neuraminidase activity. When the two membrane fractions were examined at equivalent protein concentrations in the presence of additional cations or EDTA (1 mM), similar but not identical effects on neuraminidase activity were seen. The microsomal neuraminidase was considerably more susceptible to inhibition by divalent copper ion. Activity in both fractions was markedly inhibited by Hg2+ and Ag+ whereas EDTA had no effect on either activity. The myelin-associated neuraminidase activity was the highest in cerebral hemispheres, followed by brainstem, cerebellum, and spinal cord and was extremely low in sciatic nerve. In fact, the myelin neuraminidase activity was higher than the microsomal enzyme activity in the cerebral hemispheres.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

A major research area concentrates on understanding the regulation of replication origin firing. It is now appreciated that checkpoint signaling participates in this controlled process and that defects in such signaling systems affect genome integrity. Inhibition of replication origin firing is most obviously apparent under conditions of replication stress, but origin firing must also be regulated on a minute-by-minute basis as cells progress normally through an unabated S-phase. Here we summarize a straightforward model to account for how origin firing could be controlled by a self-regulating system.  相似文献   

绵羊线粒体DNA控制区5’端序列PCR-SSCP与序列分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  

目的测定云南猕猴线粒体DNA控制区全序列,对其进行鉴定及进化分析。方法利用PCR技术扩增猕猴线粒体DNA控制区全序列,结合GenBank中下载的猕猴参考序列(AY612638),采用多个生物学软件对序列碱基组成、同源性、转换/颠换比等遗传信息进行分析,并基于邻接法(NJ)和最小进化法(ME)构建系统进化树。结果云南猕猴线粒体DNA控制区全长为(1084-1089)bp,A、T、G和c四种碱基平均含量分别为29.9%、26.9%、12.3%和30.9%,A+T含量(56.8%)高于G+C含量(43.2%)。所分析序列间的同源性为91.5%-99.5%,平均核苷酸变异率为4.5%,变异类型包括转换、颠换、插入和缺失4种形式,转换/颠换比值平均为26.1。进化树显示云南猕猴存在两个平行进化的姐妹分支。结论本研究获得了云南猕猴mtDNA控制区全序列,为猕猴进化关系研究及mtDNA控制区功能研究奠定基础。  相似文献   

A recently proposed mathematical model of a “core” set of cellular and molecular interactions present in the developing vertebrate limb was shown to exhibit pattern-forming instabilities and limb skeleton-like patterns under certain restrictive conditions, suggesting that it may authentically represent the underlying embryonic process (Hentschel et al., Proc. R. Soc. B 271, 1713–1722, 2004). The model, an eight-equation system of partial differential equations, incorporates the behavior of mesenchymal cells as “reactors,” both participating in the generation of morphogen patterns and changing their state and position in response to them. The full system, which has smooth solutions that exist globally in time, is nonetheless highly complex and difficult to handle analytically or numerically. According to a recent classification of developmental mechanisms (Salazar-Ciudad et al., Development 130, 2027–2037, 2003), the limb model of Hentschel et al. is “morphodynamic,” since differentiation of new cell types occurs simultaneously with cell rearrangement. This contrasts with “morphostatic” mechanisms, in which cell identity becomes established independently of cell rearrangement. Under the hypothesis that development of some vertebrate limbs employs the core mechanism in a morphostatic fashion, we derive in an analytically rigorous fashion a pair of equations representing the spatiotemporal evolution of the morphogen fields under the assumption that cell differentiation relaxes faster than the evolution of the overall cell density (i.e., the morphostatic limit of the full system). This simple reaction–diffusion system is unique in having been derived analytically from a substantially more complex system involving multiple morphogens, extracellular matrix deposition, haptotaxis, and cell translocation. We identify regions in the parameter space of the reduced system where Turing-type pattern formation is possible, which we refer to as its “Turing space.” Obtained values of the parameters are used in numerical simulations of the reduced system, using a new Galerkin finite element method, in tissue domains with nonstandard geometry. The reduced system exhibits patterns of spots and stripes like those seen in developing limbs, indicating its potential utility in hybrid continuum-discrete stochastic modeling of limb development. Lastly, we discuss the possible role in limb evolution of selection for increasingly morphostatic developmental mechanisms.  相似文献   

The biosynthesis of sialic acid-containing glycoconjugates is crucial for the development of vertebrate life. Cytidine monophosphate-sialic acid synthetase (CSS) catalyzes the metabolic activation of sialic acids. In vertebrates, the enzyme is chimeric, with the N-terminal domain harboring the synthetase activity. The function of the highly conserved C-terminal domain (CSS-CT) is unknown. To shed light on its biological function, we solved the X-ray structure of murine CSS-CT to 1.9 Å resolution. CSS-CT is a stable shamrock-like tetramer that superimposes well with phosphatases of the haloacid dehalogenase superfamily. However, a region found exclusively in vertebrate CSS-CT appears to block the active-site entrance. Accordingly, no phosphatase activity was observed in vitro, which points toward a nonenzymatic function of CSS-CT. A computational three-dimensional model of full-length CSS, in combination with in vitro oligomerization studies, provides evidence that CSS-CT serves as a platform for the quaternary organization governing the kinetic properties of the physiologically active enzyme as demonstrated in kinetic studies.  相似文献   



Hypothermic machine perfusion offers great promise in kidney transplantation and experimental studies are needed to establish the optimal conditions for this to occur. Pig kidneys are considered to be a good model for this purpose and share many properties with human organs. However it is not established whether the metabolism of pig kidneys in such hypothermic hypoxic conditions is comparable to human organs.


Standard criteria human (n = 12) and porcine (n = 10) kidneys underwent HMP using the LifePort Kidney Transporter 1.0 (Organ Recovery Systems) using KPS-1 solution. Perfusate was sampled at 45 minutes and 4 hours of perfusion and metabolomic analysis performed using 1-D 1H-NMR spectroscopy.


There was no inter-species difference in the number of metabolites identified. Of the 30 metabolites analysed, 16 (53.3%) were present in comparable concentrations in the pig and human kidney perfusates. The rate of change of concentration for 3-Hydroxybutyrate was greater for human kidneys (p<0.001). For the other 29 metabolites (96.7%), there was no difference in the rate of change of concentration between pig and human samples.


Whilst there are some differences between pig and human kidneys during HMP they appear to be metabolically similar and the pig seems to be a valid model for human studies.  相似文献   

中国大陆黑斑侧褶蛙基于mtDNA控制区序列的种群遗传结构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张雄飞  周开亚  常青 《遗传学报》2004,31(11):1232-1240
用分子遗传数据研究了黑斑侧褶蛙 (Pelophylaxnigromaculata)种群的遗传结构和分化。标本采自中国大陆的 12个地点 ,每个种群测定 10只或少于 10只蛙的mtDNA控制区 5′端 6 85bp的序列。 112只蛙的序列经比对后 ,共发现 111个变异位点 ,定义了 6 7种单元型 ,其中 7种单元型为地方种群间共享单元型 ,多数单元型为地方种群内特有。 12个地方种群合并成一个大种群分析时表明 ,中国大陆黑斑侧褶蛙的线粒体单元型多样性相当高 (h=0 98± 0 0 0 5 ) ,总体核苷酸多样性也较高 (π =0 0 30 3± 0 0 0 2 9)。这样高的单元型多样性和核苷酸多样性与黑斑侧褶蛙作为古北界和东洋界的广布种、种群大是相应的。基于最大简约法的单元型系统发生树和基于邻接法的地方种群系统发生分析中 ,吉林通化和辽宁辽阳种群与中国大陆其他地方种群构成姐妹群。分子变异分析表明 ,吉林和辽宁种群代表的吉辽组和其余 10个地方种群代表的综合组间出现了显著的种群分化 (Φ CT=0 80 9,P <0 0 0 1) ,各地方种群间成对的FST及种群间的核苷酸歧异度也均表明两者之间出现了显著的遗传分化。吉辽组与综合组间的遗传分化最可能的原因就是受第四纪冰川的影响  相似文献   

The dynamics of DNA topology during replication are still poorly understood. Bacterial plasmids are negatively supercoiled. This underwinding facilitates strand separation of the DNA duplex during replication. Leading the replisome, a DNA helicase separates the parental strands that are to be used as templates. This strand separation causes overwinding of the duplex ahead. If this overwinding persists, it would eventually impede fork progression. In bacteria, DNA gyrase and topoisomerase IV act ahead of the fork to keep DNA underwound. However, the processivity of the DNA helicase might overcome DNA gyrase and topoisomerase IV. It was proposed that the overwinding that builds up ahead of the fork could force it to swivel and diffuse this positive supercoiling behind the fork where topoisomerase IV would also act to maintain replicating the DNA underwound. Putative intertwining of sister duplexes in the replicated region are called precatenanes. Fork swiveling and the formation of precatenanes, however, are still questioned. Here, we used classical genetics and high resolution two-dimensional agarose gel electrophoresis to examine the torsional tension of replication intermediates of three bacterial plasmids with the fork stalled at different sites before termination. The results obtained indicated that precatenanes do form as replication progresses before termination.  相似文献   

A number of studies have claimed that recombination occurs in animal mtDNA, although this evidence is controversial. Ladoukakis and Zouros (2001) provided strong evidence for mtDNA recombination in the COIII gene in gonadal tissue in the marine mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis from the Black Sea. The recombinant molecules they reported had not however become established in the population from which experimental animals were sampled. In the present study, we provide further evidence of the generality of mtDNA recombination in Mytilus by reporting recombinant mtDNA molecules in a related mussel species, Mytilus trossulus, from the Baltic. The mtDNA region studied begins in the 16S rRNA gene and terminates in the cytochrome b gene and includes a major noncoding region that may be analogous to the D-loop region observed in other animals. Many bivalve species, including some Mytilus species, are unusual in that they have two mtDNA genomes, one of which is inherited maternally (F genome) the other inherited paternally (M genome). Two recombinant variants reported in the present study have population frequencies of 5% and 36% and appear to be mosaic for F-like and M-like sequences. However, both variants have the noncoding region from the M genome, and both are transmitted to sperm like the M genome. We speculate that acquisition of the noncoding region by the recombinant molecules has conferred a paternal role on mtDNA genomes that otherwise resemble the F genome in sequence.  相似文献   

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