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For decades howler monkeys were considered to be among the most peaceful animals. Recent investigators, however, have noted that, although male aggression is rare, it may be extremely severe; the criteria used to quantify howler relationships should therefore be different from those used for other primates. This paper describes the pattern of male relationships in the red howler monkey Alouatta seniculus, and examines its effect on reproductive success within the troop and the ability of troop males to resist intrusion by competing males. 4 of the 8 infants born during the study period were killed or disappeared when change occurred in relative status between two adult males.  相似文献   

Capuchin monkeys (Sapajus spp.) in captive settings frequently manipulate and throw objects. In the wild, they may push or drop stones and sticks toward targets during inter- or intraspecific threat displays. In addition, female capuchin monkeys exhibit a broad repertoire of behaviors during their proceptive period, including facial expressions, vocalizations, stereotyped body postures, and touch-and-run behavior. This study reports stone throwing as a newly-described communicative behavior during the proceptive display of females in a group of bearded capuchin monkeys (S. libidinosus) in Serra da Capivara National Park, Brazil. During a two-year study, three females from one group were seen throwing stones at males during their proceptive phase. After this period, three other females in the same group exhibited the same behavior. Although it may be possible that this pattern is the result of several independent innovations by each female, the apparent absence of this behavior in other groups leads us to suggest that we have documented the diffusion of a new behavioral trait or tradition within this capuchin social group.  相似文献   

We surveyed howler (Alouatta) populations at 36 sites throughout the Brazilian state of Rondônia, in southwestern Amazonia, using quantitative (line transect surveys) and qualitative (interviews) methods. We recorded the red howler (Alouatta seniculus) at only one- third of the sites, and the species was relatively rare at most of them, especially in comparison with sympatric atelids (Ateles chamek and Lagothrix cana). In addition to local discontinuities, Alouatta was absent from a wide area (possibly as much as 100,000 km2) of northern Rondônia, south of the upper Madeira river. This lacuna apparently contradicts the typical association of the species with flooded forest ecosystems, but the ecological factors that may underlie it remain unclear. Competition with sympatric atelids does not appear to be a significant factor anywhere within the study area. Also, there is no evidence to suggest that the distribution patterns are related to recent human colonization of the state. We collected indirect evidence of the presence of a second howler species – Alouatta caraya – at two sites in southern Rondônia, where they are associated with highland savanna habitats and gallery forests in the Guaporé grasslands.  相似文献   

International Journal of Primatology - Vertebrate predation was a vital behavior during human evolution. Some Afro-Eurasian primates, such as baboons (Papio spp.) and chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes),...  相似文献   

We investigated the genetic structure and kinship patterns of black howler monkeys (Alouatta pigra) at Palenque National Park, Mexico. Fecal samples from 49 individuals residing in eight social groups were successfully genotyped for 19 polymorphic microsatellite markers known to be variable in other ateline primates. Overall, genetic diversity was low (Ho = 0.588) with an average of 4.2 alleles per loci (range = 2–8). We found that intergroup genetic variation among adults was relatively high (mean between‐group FST = 0.119), largely due to the genetic divergence of one study group from the others. Intragroup kinship patterns showed that in most social groups, either adult males, adult females, or individuals of both sexes resided with same‐sexed adult kin, suggesting that some black howler males and females may not disperse from their natal group or may disperse with related individuals. Of the six sampled immigrant males, two males joined established groups by themselves, and four males formed two pairs that each took over the social group they joined after evicting the resident males. Males in both these coalitions were genetically closely related, while the two solitary immigrants were not closely related to any of the resident males present in the group they joined. Am. J. Primatol. 74:948‐957, 2012. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

International Journal of Primatology - Long-distance vocalizations form an integral part of intergroup spacing mechanisms. The decision to approach, retreat, or ignore loud calls of neighboring...  相似文献   

This report describes three cases of infant adoption in red howler monkeys (Alouatta seniculus) of Venezuela. In one case, a lactating female adopted her infant granddaughter after the infant's mother disappeared and the infant survived for the next 25 months. In the second case, an adult female adopted her infant granddaughter for nine days while the infant's mother was still a group member. In the third case, a nulliparous female temporarily adopted an infant from a neighboring group. The details and the possible reasons for these adoption are described.  相似文献   

International Journal of Primatology - The selection of sleeping sites and sleeping trees in nonhuman primates is related to social and ecological factors. We investigate the role of body...  相似文献   

Geophagy occurs in all primate groups and is particularly common in species that consume greater quantities of plant material, i.e., leaves, fruit. The function of geophagy is not fully understood and likely varies over space and time, perhaps in connection with changes in diet. Central to a better understanding of geophagy in primate ecology is knowledge of the occurrence of such behavior among different species and seasons. We used camera traps triggered by heat and motion to document the use of mineral licks by primates over a 3-yr period at a lowland forest site in eastern Ecuador (Tiputini Biodiversity Station). Such mineral licks can be important sources of minerals, nutrients, and other compounds for a wide range of species in Amazonian forests. Although 10 species of primates are known from the study site, we obtained photographs of only 2 species, Ateles belzebuth (white-bellied spider monkey) and Alouatta seniculus (red howler) at 2 of 4 saladeros surveyed. From late December 2004 through early January 2008, we recorded 192 photographs with a total of 318 Ateles belzebuth representing ≥66 separate visits. Comparable numbers for Alouatta seniculus were 80, 121, and 37. We recorded both species visiting a mineral lick at the same time on ≥7 occasions. Use of mineral licks varied across months; we recorded more visits from November through February, the drier period at Tiputini. Visits also varied by hour, with no visits before 0830 or after 1630; Ateles belzebuth showed a stronger mid-day peak in visits. Average visit length (calculated as the time between the first and last photographs of a given visit) was similar between the 2 species but median visit length was more than twice as long for Ateles belzebuth (15 min) as for Alouatta seniculus (6 min). Results indicate that mineral licks are important in the ecology of these species, but further studies are needed to determine the precise benefit(s) obtained and how benefits may vary with diet and other factors.  相似文献   

We compare the allogrooming behavior of 5 troops (average size = 8.2) of red howlers (Alouatta seniculus) from the Venezuelan Llanos with that of other A. seniculus and Alouatta spp. of the genus. In 126.9 observation hr, we recorded 118 allogrooming events, with an average bout length of 109 sec. Females groomed more frequently than males did, but as groomees there is no significant differences between sexes. Adult males groomed adult females mostly in a sexual context (before copulation). Allogrooming rates differ significantly among groups. There are also significant differences among members of the same troop both as groomers and groomees, which we explain in the context of the social behavior and history of each troop. There is no significant correlation between weight of the groomee and duration of the grooming bout. However, the examination of grooming rates and ectoparasite load suggests that allogrooming may have hygienic consequences. Differences in allogrooming rates among species of Alouatta are related to differences in group kin structure and patterns of female competition, in particular, coalition formation. We conclude that the social structure and the degree of relatedness among individuals within a group (or among individuals in a population in interpopulation comparisons) is a more important determinant of allogrooming rate than body size or group size. Our results emphasize the importance of considering intergroup and interpopulational variation in behavior.  相似文献   

Few data exist on how primate populations return to regenerating tropical forests. We compare the ways that two populations of neotropical monkeys, Alouatta palliata and Cebus capucinus, expanded over a 28-year period after the establishment of Santa Rosa National Park on reclaimed ranchlands in Costa Rica. We found that both howler and capuchin populations increased substantially in size subsequent to protection, but the howler population grew faster. This is likely due to their faster-paced life-history pattern than that of capuchins. The howler population increased mainly via the establishment of many new groups, whereas the capuchins expanded mainly by increasing the size of existing groups. We related this finding to the fact that capuchins are limited largely by their need to drink from water holes during the dry seasons whereas howlers are limited principally by their preference for larger-sized trees that occur in older forests. Proportions of adult male capuchins increased significantly during our study, likely due to skewed sex ratio at birth or male-biased immigration into the protected park or both factors. Our main finding is that, in as short a time period as 28 years, we can substantially enhance the size of monkey populations by allowing the regeneration of tropical forest. Furthermore, we provide a preliminary interpretation of how extrinsic factors—deforestation, hunting, crop-spraying, destruction of the watershed—and intrinsic variables, e.g., pace of reproduction; diet, differentially affect not only each species' vulnerability to extinction but also its capacity to recover when human disturbances are minimized.  相似文献   

Natural infection of wild mammals by protozoa parasites is quite common in nature. For Neotropical Primates different infections of parasites that are etiological agent of disease in human have been identified. In particular, infections by Trypanosoma cruzi and Leishmania sp., have been reported for some New World primate species, but there are no reports of infection with these parasites in any primate species in Mexico. A serological study was conducted on two howler monkey species (Alouatta pigra and A. palliata) from the Mexican states of Campeche and Tabasco. A total of 55 serum samples (20 samples from A. pigra, 20 samples from A. palliata, and 15 samples from semifree ranging A. palliata of Los Tuxtlas, Veracruz as negative controls) were analyzed for the detection of immunoglobulin G antibodies against T. cruzi and Leishmania mexicana through enzyme linked immunosorbent assay test, indirect immunofluorescence assay and Western blot. The overall prevalence of antibodies in howler monkeys was 17.5% for T. cruzi and 30% for L. mexicana. Our results also indicate that A. pigra is more susceptible to develop leishmaniasis than A. palliata. Finally, the finding of positive serology in these primates should be given serious consideration for public health, given the potential role of these primate species as wild reservoirs for these diseases and the increasing contact of monkeys with human populations due to habitat loss and fragmentation. Am. J. Primatol. 75:161‐169, 2013. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

This study examined hand preference for tool use and spontaneous non-tool actions in tufted capuchin monkeys (Cebus apella). We noted a lack of lateral bias across measures, and greater strength of hand preference for tool use than for self-directed or feeding activities. Animals that used tools exhibited a population-level right-hand bias for self-touching whereas animals that did not use tools exhibited a lack of lateral bias for this measure. Our findings are consistent with views that hand preference is expressed more strongly for tool use than for non-tool activities, and that lateral bias for self-directed behavior is related to problem-solving skills in primates.  相似文献   

We assessed the occurrence of food preferences in captive spider monkeys and analyzed whether their preferences correlate with nutrient composition. Using a two-alternative choice test, we repeatedly presented 7 Ateles geoffroyi with all possible binary combinations of 12 types of food that are part of their diet in captivity. They exhibited the following rank order of preference: avocado > sapodilla > pineapple > mango > papaya > melon > banana > apple > tomato > orange > carrot > cucumber. Correlational analyses revealed that this preference ranking is significantly positively correlated with total energy content, irrespective of the source of energy as neither total carbohydrate content nor protein or lipid content is significantly correlated with food preference. Further, food preferences are significantly negatively correlated with water content and positively correlated with the content of magnesium, copper and manganese. These results suggest that despite their high degree of frugivory and high taste sensitivity for soluble carbohydrates, spider monkeys are opportunistic feeders with regard to maximizing net gain of energy.  相似文献   

To avoid competition, ecologically similar and closely related species tend to differ in their patterns of habitat use when they live in sympatry. We compared ranging patterns of brown howler (Alouatta guariba) and black and gold howler (A. caraya) monkeys living syntopically, i.e., co-occurring and overlapping their ranges in the same habitat within the zone of sympatry, in the Atlantic Forest of northeastern Argentina with the objective of evaluating whether their use of space contributes to the avoidance of interspecific competition for food resources. During 12 mo we collected data on the ranging behavior of 2 groups of each howler species. We analyzed annual and seasonal daily path lengths and movement rates, home range size, use and overlap, habitat and vertical strata use, and intergroup encounters. Black and gold howlers traveled farther and faster during the time of relative food abundance (abundant season) than during the time of relative food shortage (lean season), and their movement rates were affected by group identity and increased with the proportion of fruits in the diet. Brown howlers’ traveling patterns were not affected by any of these factors. Home ranges for both species (95% fixed kernel; brown howlers: 31–70 ha, black-and-gold howlers: 17–112 ha) were among the largest recorded for Alouatta. For both species, core areas (50% fixed kernel) were larger for larger versus smaller groups, and decreased in the lean season compared to the abundant season. Both species showed similar patterns of habitat use, except for a slight vertical stratification. Groups of different species overlapped their ranging areas consistently more and responded to one another less aggressively during encounters than groups of the same species, suggesting that interspecific spatial niche separation for these two syntopic species is not occurring. The vertical stratification, as well as a day-to-day avoidance strategy, may be the only responses of species to one another that could reduce the potentially high levels of competition for food suggested by their elevated trophic niche overlap. A high degree of niche overlap may explain the parapatric distribution of howlers and other closely related and ecologically similar species of primates.  相似文献   

I describe methodological and statistical issues in the assessment of hand preference in nonhuman primates and discuss them in the context of a recent paper by McGrew and Marchant (1997) in which they conclude that there is no convincing evidence of population-level hand preferences in nonhuman primates. The criteria used by them to evaluate individual and population-level hand preferences are flawed, which results in an oversimplification of findings in nonhuman primates. I further argue that the classification schema used by McGrew and Marchant (1997) to compare hand preference distributions between species is theoretically weak and does not offer a meaningful way to compare human and nonhuman primate handedness.  相似文献   

International Journal of Primatology - The hormone dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) and its sulfate ester (DHEAS) are the most abundant circulating steroids in human and some nonhuman primates, and...  相似文献   

The play behavior of 10 juvenile squirrel monkeys (Saimiri sciureus) was observed for 7 months in both mixed-sex and same-sex laboratory social groupings to identify strategies by which individuals may derive maximum benefit from play. Two types of play wrestling were identified: directional if one partner was on top of and dominating the other, and nondirectional if both partners hung from a perch and clasped each other equally. Males (N=5) wrestled more often, had longer bouts, and used proportionately more directional wrestling than did females (N = 5). Initiation Behaviors, leading predictably to play, were performed preferentially to certain partners, independent of affiliative (huddling) preferences. Both sexes performed more Initiation Behaviors to same-sex partners. Individuals, regardless of sex, preferred play partners whom they could dominate during directional wrestling; with partners whom they could not dominate, they preferred nondirectional wrestling, where partners were equal. The observed preferences are interpreted as evidence for individual strategies maximizing winning at directional wrestling. Role reversal is discussed as a strategy encouraging play between youngsters of diverse abilities, and as a means of providing needed experience in a variety of social roles.  相似文献   

All howler monkey species ( Alouatta spp.) have a folivorous–frugivorous diet. Howler monkeys are reported to be seed dispersers in several areas, including black howlers ( Alouatta caraya ), which are important seed dispersers in northern Argentinean forests. The goal of this work was to study the three-way interaction between insects, seeds, and black howlers, and assess the functional significance of this tri-trophic interaction for seed dispersal. I determined through direct observation that fruits of species with a high proportion of insect infestation were important components of howler monkey diet. Ocotea diospyrifolia seeds from fresh faeces of black howlers contained dead larvae, but seeds were still able to germinate. Seeds in which larvae had reached an advanced stage of development did not germinate. Larvae of infested Eugenia punicifolia fruits were killed by digestion when they occurred in the pulp early in the fruiting season, but were dispersed alive with seeds later in the season. Banara arguta fruits contained both healthy and infested seeds; infested seeds were destroyed during digestion, while healthy seeds were dispersed. Black howlers' ingestion of infested fruits could result in the: (1) killing of larvae and dispersion of healthy seeds; (2) spread of larvae; or (3) destruction of infested seeds. This will depend on the relationship between the time at which fruit is consumed by black howlers, the time at which insect infestation occurs, and also probably on the hardness of the seed coat and the seed–insect size ratio.  相似文献   

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