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It is now clear that non-consciously perceived stimuli can bias our decisions. Although previous researches highlighted the importance of automatic and unconscious processes involved in voluntary action, the neural correlates of such processes remain unclear. Basal ganglia dysfunctions have long been associated with impairment in automatic motor control. In addition, a key role of the medial frontal cortex has been suggested by administrating a subliminal masked prime task to a patient with a small lesion restricted to the supplementary motor area (SMA). In this task, invisible masked arrows stimuli were followed by visible arrow targets for a left or right hand response at different interstimuli intervals (ISI), producing a traditional facilitation effect for compatible trials at short ISI and a reversal inhibitory effect at longer ISI. Here, by using fast event-related fMRI and a weighted parametric analysis, we showed BOLD related activity changes in a cortico-subcortical network, especially in the SMA and the striatum, directly linked to the individual behavioral pattern. This new imaging result corroborates previous works on subliminal priming using lesional approaches. This finding implies that one of the roles of these regions was to suppress a partially activated movement below the threshold of awareness.  相似文献   



The ability to detect and integrate associations between unrelated items that are close in space and time is a key feature of human learning and memory. Learning sequential associations between non-adjacent visual stimuli (higher-order visuospatial dependencies) can occur either with or without awareness (explicit vs. implicit learning) of the products of learning. Existing behavioural and neurocognitive studies of explicit and implicit sequence learning, however, are based on conscious access to the sequence of target locations and, typically, on conditions where the locations for orienting, or motor, responses coincide with the locations of the target sequence.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Dichoptic stimuli were presented on a novel sequence learning task using a mirror stereoscope to mask the eye-of-origin of visual input from conscious awareness. We demonstrate that conscious access to the sequence of target locations and responses that coincide with structure of the target sequence are dispensable features when learning higher-order visuospatial associations. Sequence knowledge was expressed in the ability of participants to identify the trained higher-order visuospatial sequence on a recognition test, even though the trained and untrained recognition sequences were identical when viewed at a conscious binocular level, and differed only at the level of the masked sequential associations.


These results demonstrate that unconscious processing can support perceptual learning of higher-order sequential associations through interocular integration of retinotopic-based codes stemming from monocular eye-of-origin information. Furthermore, unlike other forms of perceptual associative learning, visuospatial attention did not need to be directed to the locations of the target sequence. More generally, the results pose a challenge to neural models of learning to account for a previously unknown capacity of the human visual system to support the detection, learning and recognition of higher-order sequential associations under conditions where observers are unable to see the target sequence or perform responses that coincide with structure of the target sequence.  相似文献   

Study of the motor dominant in man has shown that in aftereffect of rhythmic electrocutaneous stimulation of hand, a latent focus of excitation is formed in the CNS. When using sensory stimuli (light, sound) and also stimuli, addressed to the second signal system, a hand motor reaction appears in the rhythm of earlier electrocutaneous stimulation, what testifies to preservation of rhythmic nature of excitation in the dominant focus. Summation process in the dominant focus is not reflected in human consciousness. Study of the brain biopotentials has shown that at formation of human motor dominant, typical changes of spectral-coherent characteristics of the neocortex electrical activity appear: within the "dominant" hemisphere, the spectrum power, increases in the range of low frequencies; highly coherent connections of electrical processes appear in the delta-range of the frontal-parietal area at conjugate decrease of combination of processes in the parietal-occipital area of the cerebral cortex. Formation of the dominant focus in one hemisphere causes general reconstruction of the structure of intercentral relations of both hemispheres electrical activity.  相似文献   

Khrennikov A 《Bio Systems》2000,56(2-3):95-120
We propose mathematical models of information processes of unconscious and conscious thinking (based on p-adic number representation of mental spaces). Unconscious thinking is described by classical cognitive mechanics (which generalizes Newton's mechanics). Conscious thinking is described by quantum cognitive mechanics (which generalizes the pilot wave model of quantum mechanics). The information state and motivation of a conscious cognitive system evolve under the action of classical information forces and a new quantum information force, namely, conscious force. Our model might provide mathematical foundations for some cognitive and psychological phenomena: collective conscious behavior, connection between physiological and mental processes in a biological organism, Freud's psychoanalysis, hypnotism, homeopathy. It may be used as the basis of a model of conscious evolution of life.  相似文献   

Investigation of perceptual rivalry between conflicting stimuli presented one to each eye can further understanding of the neural underpinnings of conscious visual perception. During rivalry, visual awareness fluctuates between perceptions of the two stimuli. Here, we demonstrate that high-level perceptual grouping can promote rivalry between stimulus pairs that would otherwise be perceived as nonrivalrous. Perceptual grouping was generated with point-light walker stimuli that simulate human motion, visible only as lights placed on the joints. Although such walking figures are unrecognizable when stationary, recognition judgments as complex as gender and identity can accurately be made from animated displays, demonstrating the efficiency with which our visual system can group dynamic local signals into a globally coherent walking figure. We find that point-light walker stimuli presented one to each eye and in different colors and configurations results in strong rivalry. However, rivalry is minimal when the two walkers are split between the eyes or both presented to one eye. This pattern of results suggests that processing animated walker figures promotes rivalry between signals from the two eyes rather than between higher-level representations of the walkers. This leads us to hypothesize that awareness during binocular rivalry involves the integrated activity of high-level perceptual mechanisms in conjunction with lower-level ocular suppression modulated via cortical feedback.  相似文献   

A paradoxical role for inhibition in initiation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Rushworth MF  Taylor PC 《Neuron》2007,54(5):669-670
Subliminal stimuli, of which subjects are unaware, affect movements made to subsequent visible cues. Sumner and colleagues in this issue of Neuron show that restricted supplementary motor and eye field lesions compromise voluntary control of action because they disrupt the normal unconscious and automatic inhibition of alternative movements partially activated by subliminal stimuli.  相似文献   

Indirect immunofluorescence microscopy with monoclonal antibody against DNA polymerase α revealed the intranuclear localization of DNA polymerase α in G1, S, and G2 phases of transformed human cells, and dispersed cytoplasmic distribution during mitosis. In the quiescent, G0 phase of normal human skin fibroblasts or lymphocytes, the α-enzyme was barely detectable by either immunofluorescence or enzyme activity. By exposing cells to proliferation stimuli, however, DNA polymerase a appeared in the nuclei just prior to onset of DNA synthesis, increased rapidly during S phase, reached the maximum level at late S and G2 phases, and was then redistributed to the daughter cells through mitosis. It was also found that the increase in the amount of DNA polymerase a by proliferation stimuli was not affected by inhibition of DNA synthesis with aphidicolin or hydroxyurea.  相似文献   

Passive exposure to neutral stimuli increases subsequent liking of those stimuli – the mere exposure effect. Because of the broad implications for understanding and controlling human preferences, the role of conscious awareness in mere exposure has received much attention. Previous studies have claimed that the mere exposure effect can occur without conscious awareness of the stimuli. In two experiments, we applied a technique new to the mere exposure literature, called continuous flash suppression, to expose stimuli for a controlled duration with and without awareness. To ensure the reliability of the awareness manipulation, awareness was monitored on a trial-by-trial basis. Our results show that under these conditions the mere exposure effect does not occur without conscious awareness. In contrast, only when participants were aware of the stimuli did exposure increase liking and recognition. Together these data are consistent with the idea that the mere exposure effect requires conscious awareness and has important implications for theories of memory and affect.  相似文献   

There is evidence that women are better in recognizing their own and others' emotions. The female advantage in emotion recognition becomes even more apparent under conditions of rapid stimulus presentation. Affective priming paradigms have been developed to examine empirically whether facial emotion stimuli presented outside of conscious awareness color our impressions. It was observed that masked emotional facial expression has an affect congruent influence on subsequent judgments of neutral stimuli. The aim of the present study was to examine the effect of gender on affective priming based on negative and positive facial expression. In our priming experiment sad, happy, neutral, or no facial expression was briefly presented (for 33 ms) and masked by neutral faces which had to be evaluated. 81 young healthy volunteers (53 women) participated in the study. Subjects had no subjective awareness of emotional primes. Women did not differ from men with regard to age, education, intelligence, trait anxiety, or depressivity. In the whole sample, happy but not sad facial expression elicited valence congruent affective priming. Between-group analyses revealed that women manifested greater affective priming due to happy faces than men. Women seem to have a greater ability to perceive and respond to positive facial emotion at an automatic processing level compared to men. High perceptual sensitivity to minimal social-affective signals may contribute to women's advantage in understanding other persons' emotional states.  相似文献   

Humans skillfully manipulate objects and tools despite the inherent instability. In order to succeed at these tasks, the sensorimotor control system must build an internal representation of both the force and mechanical impedance. As it is not practical to either learn or store motor commands for every possible future action, the sensorimotor control system generalizes a control strategy for a range of movements based on learning performed over a set of movements. Here, we introduce a computational model for this learning and generalization, which specifies how to learn feedforward muscle activity in a function of the state space. Specifically, by incorporating co-activation as a function of error into the feedback command, we are able to derive an algorithm from a gradient descent minimization of motion error and effort, subject to maintaining a stability margin. This algorithm can be used to learn to coordinate any of a variety of motor primitives such as force fields, muscle synergies, physical models or artificial neural networks. This model for human learning and generalization is able to adapt to both stable and unstable dynamics, and provides a controller for generating efficient adaptive motor behavior in robots. Simulation results exhibit predictions consistent with all experiments on learning of novel dynamics requiring adaptation of force and impedance, and enable us to re-examine some of the previous interpretations of experiments on generalization.  相似文献   

The present study shows evidence for conscious motor intention in motor preparation prior to movement execution. We demonstrate that conscious motor intention of directed movement, combined with minimally supra-threshold transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) of the motor cortex, determines the direction and the force of resulting movements, whilst a lack of intention results in weak and omni-directed muscle activation. We investigated changes of consciously intended goal directed movements by analyzing amplitudes of motor-evoked potentials of the forearm muscle, flexor carpi radialis (FCR), and extensor carpi radialis (ECR), induced by transcranial magnetic stimulation over the right motor cortex and their motor outcome. Right-handed subjects were asked to develop a strong intention to move their left wrist (flexion or extension), without any overt motor output at the wrist, prior to brain stimulation. Our analyses of hand acceleration and electromyography showed that during the strong motor intention of wrist flexion movement, it evoked motor potential responses that were significantly larger in the FCR muscle than in the ECR, whilst the opposite was true for an extension movement. The acceleration data on flexion/extension corresponded to this finding. Under no-intention conditions again, which served as a reference for motor evoked potentials, brain stimulation resulted in undirected and minimally simultaneous extension/flexion innervation and virtually no movement. These results indicate that conscious intentions govern motor function, which in turn shows that a neuronal activation representing an “intention network” in the human brain pre-exists, and that it functionally represents target specific motor circuits. Until today, it was unclear whether conscious motor intention exists prior to movement, or whether the brain constructs such an intention after movement initiation. Our study gives evidence that motor intentions become aware before any motor execution.  相似文献   

Neural manifestations of memory with and without awareness   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Paller KA  Hutson CA  Miller BB  Boehm SG 《Neuron》2003,38(3):507-516
Neurophysiological events responsible for different types of human memory tend to occur concurrently and are therefore difficult to measure independently. To surmount this problem, we produced perceptual priming (indicated by speeded responses) in the absence of conscious remembering. At encoding, faces appeared briefly while subjects' attention was diverted to other stimuli. Faces appeared again in either an implicit or explicit memory test. Neural correlates of priming were identified as brain potentials beginning 270 ms after face onset with more negative amplitudes for repeated than for new faces. Remembered faces, in contrast, activated a different configuration of intracranial sources producing positive potentials maximal at 600-700 ms. We thus disentangled and characterized distinct neural events associated with memory with and without awareness.  相似文献   

Haynes JD  Rees G 《Current biology : CB》2005,15(14):1301-1307
Can the rapid stream of conscious experience be predicted from brain activity alone? Recently, spatial patterns of activity in visual cortex have been successfully used to predict feature-specific stimulus representations for both visible and invisible stimuli. However, because these studies examined only the prediction of static and unchanging perceptual states during extended periods of stimulation, it remains unclear whether activity in early visual cortex can also predict the rapidly and spontaneously changing stream of consciousness. Here, we used binocular rivalry to induce frequent spontaneous and stochastic changes in conscious experience without any corresponding changes in sensory stimulation, while measuring brain activity with fMRI. Using information that was present in the multivariate pattern of responses to stimulus features, we could accurately predict, and therefore track, participants' conscious experience from the fMRI signal alone while it underwent many spontaneous changes. Prediction in primary visual cortex primarily reflected eye-based signals, whereas prediction in higher areas reflected the color of the percept. Furthermore, accurate prediction during binocular rivalry could be established with signals recorded during stable monocular viewing, showing that prediction generalized across viewing conditions and did not require or rely on motor responses. It is therefore possible to predict the dynamically changing time course of subjective experience with only brain activity.  相似文献   

 Action potentials and electrotonic responses to 300-ms depolarizing and hyperpolarizing currents for human motor and sensory myelinated nerve fibres have been simulated on the basis of double cable models. The effects of blocked nodal or internodal potassium (fast or slow) channels on the fibre action potentials, early and late adaptations to 30-ms suprathreshold slowly increasing depolarizing stimuli have been examined. The effects of the same channels on accommodation after the termination of a prolonged (100 ms) hyperpolarizing current pulse have also been investigated. By removing the nodal fast potassium conductance the action potentials of the sensory fibres are considerably broader than those of the motor neurons. For both types of fibres, the blocked nodal slow potassium channels have a substantially smaller effect on the action potential repolarization. When the suprathreshold depolarizing current intensity is increased, the onset of the spike burst occurs sooner, which is common in the behaviour of the fibres. The most striking differences in the burst activity during early adaptation have been found between the fibres when the nodal fast potassium channels are blocked. The results obtained confirm the fact that the motor fibres adapt more quickly to sustained depolarizing current pulses than the sensory ones. The results also show that normal human motor and sensory fibres cannot be excited by a 100-ms hyperpolarizing current pulse, even at the threshold level. When removing the potassium channels in the nodal or internodal axolemma, the posthyperpolarization increase in excitability is small, which is common in the behaviour of the fibres. However, anode break excitation can be simulated in the fibres with simultaneous removal of the potassium channels under the myelin sheath, and this is more pronounced in the human sensory fibres than in motor fibres. This phenomenon can also be found when the internodal and some of the nodal (fast or slow) potassium channels are simultaneously blocked. Received: 8 November 1999 / Accepted in revised form: 29 February 2000  相似文献   

A specially designed needle electrode was used to record motor unit action potentials for the complete time duration of constant force isometric contractions varying in discrete steps from minimum to maximum force levels. A total of 70 motor unit action potential trains were recorded and analyzed.Several properties of the motor unit action potentials were observed. The inter-pulse intervals between adjacent motor unit action potentials of a particular motor unit action potential train were measured and subsequently analyzed as a real continuous random variable. The distribution of the values of the inter-pulse intervals was described by the Weibull probability distribution function with time and force dependent parameters. Furthermore the Survivor function and the Hazard function of the Weibull probability distribution function described certain characteristics of the motor unit firing intervals. Most important of all, it became possible to derive an equation that would generate a real continuous random variable whose properties would be identical to those of the inter-pulse intervals.  相似文献   

A growing body of evidence suggests that conscious visual awareness is not a prerequisite for human fear learning. For instance, humans can learn to be fearful of subliminal fear relevant images – images depicting stimuli thought to have been fear relevant in our evolutionary context, such as snakes, spiders, and angry human faces. Such stimuli could have a privileged status in relation to manipulations used to suppress usually salient images from awareness, possibly due to the existence of a designated sub-cortical ‘fear module’. Here we assess this proposition, and find it wanting. We use binocular masking to suppress awareness of images of snakes and wallabies (particularly cute, non-threatening marsupials). We find that subliminal presentations of both classes of image can induce differential fear conditioning. These data show that learning, as indexed by fear conditioning, is neither contingent on conscious visual awareness nor on subliminal conditional stimuli being fear relevant.  相似文献   

Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) allows for non-invasive interference with ongoing neural processing. Applied in a chronometric design over early visual cortex (EVC), TMS has proved valuable in indicating at which particular time point EVC must remain unperturbed for (conscious) vision to be established. In the current study, we set out to examine the effect of EVC TMS across a broad range of time points, both before (pre-stimulus) and after (post-stimulus) the onset of symbolic visual stimuli. Behavioral priming studies have shown that the behavioral impact of a visual stimulus can be independent from its conscious perception, suggesting two independent neural signatures. To assess whether TMS-induced suppression of visual awareness can be dissociated from behavioral priming in the temporal domain, we thus implemented three different measures of visual processing, namely performance on a standard visual discrimination task, a subjective rating of stimulus visibility, and a visual priming task. To control for non-neural TMS effects, we performed electrooculographical recordings, placebo TMS (sham), and control site TMS (vertex). Our results suggest that, when considering the appropriate control data, the temporal pattern of EVC TMS disruption on visual discrimination, subjective awareness and behavioral priming are not dissociable. Instead, TMS to EVC disrupts visual perception holistically, both when applied before and after the onset of a visual stimulus. The current findings are discussed in light of their implications on models of visual awareness and (subliminal) priming.  相似文献   

Yang J  Xu X  Du X  Shi C  Fang F 《PloS one》2011,6(2):e14641
Emotional stimuli can be processed even when participants perceive them without conscious awareness, but the extent to which unconsciously processed emotional stimuli influence implicit memory after short and long delays is not fully understood. We addressed this issue by measuring a subliminal affective priming effect in Experiment 1 and a long-term priming effect in Experiment 2. In Experiment 1, a flashed fearful or neutral face masked by a scrambled face was presented three times, then a target face (either fearful or neutral) was presented and participants were asked to make a fearful/neutral judgment. We found that, relative to a neutral prime face (neutral-fear face), a fearful prime face speeded up participants' reaction to a fearful target (fear-fear face), when they were not aware of the masked prime face. But this response pattern did not apply to the neutral target. In Experiment 2, participants were first presented with a masked faces six times during encoding. Three minutes later, they were asked to make a fearful/neutral judgment for the same face with congruent expression, the same face with incongruent expression or a new face. Participants showed a significant priming effect for the fearful faces but not for the neutral faces, regardless of their awareness of the masked faces during encoding. These results provided evidence that unconsciously processed stimuli could enhance emotional memory after both short and long delays. It indicates that emotion can enhance memory processing whether the stimuli are encoded consciously or unconsciously.  相似文献   

Short-term intravenous infusion of angiotensin II (ANG II) into conscious rabbits reduces the range of renal sympathetic nerve activity (RSNA) by attenuating reflex disinhibition of RSNA. This action of ANG II to attenuate the arterial baroreflex range is exaggerated when ANG II is directed into the vertebral circulation, which suggests a mechanism involving the central nervous system. Because an intact area postrema (AP) is required for ANG II to attenuate arterial baroreflex-mediated bradycardia and is also required for maintenance of ANG II-dependent hypertension, we hypothesized that attenuation of maximum RSNA during infusion of ANG II involves the AP. In conscious AP-lesioned (APX) and AP-intact rabbits, we compared the effect of a 5-min intravenous infusion of ANG II (10 and 20 ng x kg(-1) x min(-1)) on the relationship between mean arterial blood pressure (MAP) and RSNA. Intravenous infusion of ANG II into AP-intact rabbits resulted in a dose-related attenuation of maximum RSNA observed at low MAP. In contrast, ANG II had no effect on maximum RSNA in APX rabbits. To further localize the central site of ANG II action, its effect on the arterial baroreflex was assessed after a midcollicular decerebration. Decerebration did not alter arterial baroreflex control of RSNA compared with the control state, but as in APX, ANG II did not attenuate the maximum RSNA observed at low MAP. The results of this study indicate that central actions of peripheral ANG II to attenuate reflex disinhibition of RSNA not only involve the AP, but may also involve a neural interaction rostral to the level of decerebration.  相似文献   

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