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生长素极性运输研究进展   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
高等植物的生长发育受激素的广泛调控,其中生长素的作用尤为独特,因为生长素在植物组织内的浓度梯度是由其极性运输维持的,而正是激素在植物组织的相对含量决定了该组织的发育命运。高等植物体内存在可运输的化学信使的概念首先由Darwin父子提出。通过对金丝鸟木亡草(Phalarisca nariensis)幼苗的向光性的研究,他们认为植物的向光性受到一种可运输的物质的调控[1]。后来发现这一物质是生长素,在自然界中主要存在的形式是IAA。到本世纪 30年代,禾谷类植物中的生长素的极性运输得到证实,后来发现所有…  相似文献   

生长素极性运输研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Recent advances in dissecting polar auxin transport, i.e., the physiological characteristics and regulation of polar auxin transport, the chemiosmotic hypothesis for polar auxin transport, and the role of polar auxin transport in plant growth and development were reviewed. The authors here focus on the progress of new supports-isolation and function analysis of the genes encoding putative auxin carriers, for the old model of polar auxin transport.  相似文献   

生长素对拟南芥叶片发育调控的研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
叶片(包括子叶)是茎端分生组织产生的第一类侧生器官,在植物发育中具有重要地位。早期叶片发育包括三个主要过程:叶原基的起始,叶片腹背性的建立和叶片的延展。大量证据表明叶片发育受到体内遗传机制和体外环境因子的双重调节。植物激素,尤其是生长素在协调体内外调节机制中起着不可或缺的作用。生长素的稳态调控、极性运输和信号转导影响叶片发育的全过程。本文着重介绍生长素在叶片生长发育和形态建成中的调控作用,试图了解复杂叶片发育调控网络。  相似文献   

长期的研究表明,生长素在调节植物生长发育的各种生理活动中起关键作用,但对它如何调控这些生理活动却缺乏系统和深入的了解。最近,细胞核内生长素信号途径的发现为揭示其作用机制带来了曙光。乙烯参与果实成熟及植物对逆境的反应等生理活动,其信号途径也已得到部分阐明。越来越多的证据表明,乙烯的作用与生长素对植物生长发育的调控之间有密切的联系。该文概述了生长素与乙烯信号途径的研究进展及其相互关系,讨论了生长素在植物三重反应中的作用;并对生长素与乙烯相互关系研究中存在的问题及研究前景进行了探讨。  相似文献   

拟南芥生长素反应因子8(auxin response factor8,ARF8)受光诱导表达,涉及光信号转导。为阐明光信号通过光受体传递给ARF8的过程和机理,首先利用半定量RT-PCR分析发现,PhyA的突变促进幼苗中ARF8的表达,而PhyB、Cry1和Cry2的突变对ARF8的表达没有明显影响。进而,利用GUS染色以及半定量和定量RT-PCR方法,系统分析PhyA基因的突变对ARF8基因表达的影响。结果表明,在黑暗、白光和远红光条件下,PhyA突变均明显提高拟南芥(Arabidopsis thaliana)幼苗子叶和叶片中ARF8的表达水平,并且明显降低其在幼苗下胚轴、茎尖和根尖中的表达水平。上述结果说明,PhyA基因的突变组成型地改变了ARF8基因的表达谱。然而,ARF8的突变并未明显改变PhyA的表达。说明在远红光信号通路中,ARF8位于PhyA的下游。  相似文献   

Genome analyses have shown that plants contain gene families encoding various components of mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) signaling pathways. Previous reports have described the involvement of MAPK pathways in stress and pathogen responses of leaves and suspension-cultured cells. Here we show that auxin treatment of Arabidopsis roots transiently induced increases in protein kinase activity with characteristics of mammalian ERK-like MAPKs. The MAPK response we monitored was the result of hormonal action of biologically active auxin, rather than a stress response provoked by auxin-like compounds. Auxin-induced MAPK pathway signaling was distinguished genetically in the Arabidopsis auxin response mutant axr4, in which MAPK activation by auxin, but not by salt stress, was significantly impaired. Perturbation of MAPK signaling in roots using inhibitors of a mammalian MAPKK blocked auxin-activated transgene expression in BA3-GUS seedlings, while potentiating higher than normal levels of MAPK activation in response to auxin. Data presented here indicate that MAPK pathway signaling is positively involved in auxin response, and further suggest that interactions among MAPK signaling pathways in plants influence plant responses to auxin.  相似文献   

贾利霞  齐艳华 《植物学报》2022,57(3):263-275
水稻(Oryza sativa)是世界主要粮食作物。随着我国经济飞速发展, 耕地面积逐年减少, 提高水稻总产量唯有依靠单产的增加。粒重是决定水稻产量的重要因素之一, 其遗传稳定, 受外界环境因素影响较小。粒重由粒型和灌浆程度决定, 而粒型性状包括粒长、粒宽、粒厚和长宽比。水稻种子颖壳和胚乳发育决定了粒型和粒重, 颖壳细胞的增殖和扩张限制籽粒发育, 胚乳占据成熟种子的大部分体积。而生长素调控受精后颖壳和胚乳的发育, 是调控种子发育和影响水稻产量的重要植物激素。生长素的时空分布受生长素代谢、运输和信号转导的动态调节, 以维持生长素在种子发育中的最适水平。该文综述了生长素代谢、运输和信号转导调控水稻粒型的研究进展, 以期为深入探究生长素调控水稻粒型发育机制和提高水稻产量提供线索。  相似文献   

In both plants and animals vein networks play an essential role in transporting nutrients. In plants veins may also provide mechanical support. The mechanism by which vein patterns are formed in a developing leaf remains largely unresolved. According to the canalization hypothesis, a signal inducing vein differentiation is transported in a polar manner and is channeled into narrow strands. Since inhibition of auxin transport affects venation patterns, auxin is likely to be part of the signal involved. However, it is not clear whether the canalization hypothesis, initially formulated over 25 years ago, is compatible with recent experimental data. In this paper we focus on three aspects of this question, and show that: (i) canalization models can account for an acropetal development of the midvein if vein formation is sink-driven; (ii) canalization models are in agreement with venation patterns resulting from inhibited auxin transport and (iii) loops and discontinuous venation patterns can be obtained assuming proper spacing of discrete auxin sources.  相似文献   

Photoreceptors, phytochromes and cryptochromes regulate hypocotyl growth under specific conditions, by suppressing negative gravitropism, modulating phototropism and inhibiting elongation. Although these effects seem to be partially caused via the regulation of the phytohormone auxin, the molecular mechanisms underlying this process are still poorly understood. In our present study, we demonstrate that the flabby mutation enhances both phytochrome- and cryptochrome-inducible hypocotyl bending in Arabidopsis. The FLABBY gene encodes the ABC-type auxin transporter, PGP19, and its expression is suppressed by the activation of phytochromes and cryptochromes. Our current results therefore indicate that the phytochromes and cryptochromes have at least two effects upon the tropic responses of the hypocotyls in Arabidopsis: the enhancement of hypocotyl bending through the suppression of PGP19, and a PGP19-independent mechanism that induces hypocotyl bending. By the using an auxin polar transport assay and DR5:GUS expression analysis, we further find that the phytochromes inhibit basipetal auxin transport, and induce the asymmetric distribution of auxin in the hypocotyls. These data suggest that the control of auxin transport by phytochromes and cryptochromes is a critical regulatory component of hypocotyl growth in response to light.  相似文献   

The potential of Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR) has been demonstrated in the case of plant inoculation with bacteria of the genus Azospirillum which improves yield. A. brasilense produces a wide variety of molecules, including the natural auxin indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), as well as other phytoregulators. However, several studies have suggested that auxin induces changes in plant development during their interaction with the bacteria. The effects of A. brasilense Sp245 on the development of Arabidopsis thaliana root were investigated to help explain the molecular basis of the interaction. The results obtained showed a decrease in primary root length from the first day and remained so throughout the exposure, accompanied by a stimulation of initiation and maturation of lateral root primordia and an increase of lateral roots. An enhanced auxin response was evident in the vascular tissue and lateral root meristems of inoculated plants. However, after five days of bacterization, the response disappeared in the primary root meristems. The role of polar auxin transport (PAT) in auxins relocation involved the PGP1, AXR4-1, and BEN2 proteins, which apparently mediated A. brasilense-induced root branching of Arabidopsis seedlings.  相似文献   

The efficiency with which a plant intercepts solar radiation is determined primarily by its architecture. Understanding the genetic regulation of plant architecture and how changes in architecture affect performance can be used to improve plant productivity. Leaf inclination angle, the angle at which a leaf emerges with respect to the stem, is a feature of plant architecture that influences how a plant canopy intercepts solar radiation. Here we identify extensive genetic variation for leaf inclination angle in the crop plant Sorghum bicolor, a C4 grass species used for the production of grain, forage, and bioenergy. Multiple genetic loci that regulate leaf inclination angle were identified in recombinant inbred line populations of grain and bioenergy sorghum. Alleles of sorghum dwarf-3, a gene encoding a P-glycoprotein involved in polar auxin transport, are shown to change leaf inclination angle by up to 34° (0.59 rad). The impact of heritable variation in leaf inclination angle on light interception in sorghum canopies was assessed using functional-structural plant models and field experiments. Smaller leaf inclination angles caused solar radiation to penetrate deeper into the canopy, and the resulting redistribution of light is predicted to increase the biomass yield potential of bioenergy sorghum by at least 3%. These results show that sorghum leaf angle is a heritable trait regulated by multiple loci and that genetic variation in leaf angle can be used to modify plant architecture to improve sorghum crop performance.  相似文献   

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