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Mechanical and structural properties of K8/K18 and vimentin intermediate filament (IF) networks have been investigated using bulk mechanical rheometry and optical microrheology including diffusing wave spectroscopy and multiple particle tracking. A high elastic modulus G0 at low protein concentration c, a weak concentration dependency of G0 (G0c0.5±0.1) and pronounced strain stiffening are found for these systems even without external crossbridgers. Strong attractive interactions among filaments are required to maintain these characteristic mechanical features, which have also been reported for various other IF networks. Filament assembly, the persistence length of the filaments and the network mesh size remain essentially unaffected when a nonionic surfactant is added, but strain stiffening is completely suppressed, G0 drops by orders of magnitude and exhibits a scaling G0c1.9±0.2 in agreement with microrheological measurements and as expected for entangled networks of semi-flexible polymers. Tailless K8Δ/K18ΔT and various other tailless filament networks do not exhibit strain stiffening, but still show high G0 values. Therefore, two binding sites are proposed to exist in IF networks. A weaker one mediated by hydrophobic amino acid clusters in the central rod prevents stretched filaments between adjacent cross-links from thermal equilibration and thus provides the high G0 values. Another strong one facilitating strain stiffening is located in the tail domain with its high fraction of hydrophobic amino acid sequences. Strain stiffening is less pronounced for vimentin than for K8/K18 due to electrostatic repulsion forces partly compensating the strong attraction at filament contact points.  相似文献   

Desmoplakin (DP), plakoglobin (PG), and plakophilin 1 (PP1) are desmosomal components lacking a transmembrane domain, thus making them candidate linker proteins for connecting intermediate filaments and desmosomes. Using deletion and site-directed mutagenesis, we show that remarkably, removal of ~1% of DP's sequence obliterates its ability to associate with desmosomes. Conversely, when linked to a foreign protein, as few as 86 NH2-terminal DP residues are sufficient to target to desmosomes efficiently. In in vitro overlay assays, the DP head specifically associates with itself and with desmocollin 1a (Dsc1a). In similar overlay assays, PP1 binds to DP and Dsc1a, and to a lesser extent, desmoglein 1 (Dsg1), while PG binds to Dsg1 and more weakly to Dsc1a and DP. Interestingly, like DP, PG and PP1 associate with epidermal keratins, although PG is considerably weaker in its ability to do so. As judged by overlay assays, the amino terminal head domain of type II keratins appears to have a special importance in establishing these connections. Taken together, our findings provide new insights into the complexities of the links between desmosomes and intermediate filaments (IFs). Our results suggest a model whereby at desmosome sites within dividing epidermal cells, DP and PG anchor to desmosomal cadherins and to each other, forming an ordered array of nontransmembrane proteins that then bind to keratin IFs. As epidermal cells differentiate, PP1 is added as a molecular reinforcement to the plaque, enhancing anchorage to IFs and accounting at least partially for the increase in numbers and stability of desmosomes in suprabasal cells.  相似文献   

The mechanical properties of a cell determine many aspects of its behavior, and these mechanics are largely determined by the cytoskeleton. Although the contribution of actin filaments and microtubules to the mechanics of cells has been investigated in great detail, relatively little is known about the contribution of the third major cytoskeletal component, intermediate filaments (IFs). To determine the role of vimentin IF (VIF) in modulating intracellular and cortical mechanics, we carried out studies using mouse embryonic fibroblasts (mEFs) derived from wild-type or vimentin−/− mice. The VIFs contribute little to cortical stiffness but are critical for regulating intracellular mechanics. Active microrheology measurements using optical tweezers in living cells reveal that the presence of VIFs doubles the value of the cytoplasmic shear modulus to ∼10 Pa. The higher levels of cytoplasmic stiffness appear to stabilize organelles in the cell, as measured by tracking endogenous vesicle movement. These studies show that VIFs both increase the mechanical integrity of cells and localize intracellular components.  相似文献   

The mechanical properties of a cell determine many aspects of its behavior, and these mechanics are largely determined by the cytoskeleton. Although the contribution of actin filaments and microtubules to the mechanics of cells has been investigated in great detail, relatively little is known about the contribution of the third major cytoskeletal component, intermediate filaments (IFs). To determine the role of vimentin IF (VIF) in modulating intracellular and cortical mechanics, we carried out studies using mouse embryonic fibroblasts (mEFs) derived from wild-type or vimentin−/− mice. The VIFs contribute little to cortical stiffness but are critical for regulating intracellular mechanics. Active microrheology measurements using optical tweezers in living cells reveal that the presence of VIFs doubles the value of the cytoplasmic shear modulus to ∼10 Pa. The higher levels of cytoplasmic stiffness appear to stabilize organelles in the cell, as measured by tracking endogenous vesicle movement. These studies show that VIFs both increase the mechanical integrity of cells and localize intracellular components.  相似文献   

The cytoskeleton's structurally most resilient components, the intermediate filaments (IFs), have attracted the interest of cell biologists for more than two decades. IFs form extensive networks in many animal cells, and are thought to provide considerable tensile strength to the cells and tissues. In fact, the term “cytoskeleton” has originally been coined for the insoluble fibrous remains of detergent extracted animal cells. Nevertheless, cells can survive quite well without an IF network, and even without the subunit proteins that build the 10 nm wide polymeric filaments. Hence, the vital function of these cytoskeletal components is still hotly debated. Against this background, it may be premature to start suggesting functions for IFs in plants. Yet this is exactly what quite a number of researchers have begun to do. Because much recent evidence supports the idea of a plant IF cytoskeleton, it seems timely to examine this evidence and discuss its impact on our current understanding of IF function.  相似文献   

Schwann cells are one of the commonly used cells in repair strategies following spinal cord injuries. Schwann cells are capable of supporting axonal regeneration and sprouting by secreting growth factors 1,2 and providing growth promoting adhesion molecules 3 and extracellular matrix molecules 4. In addition they myelinate the demyelinated axons at the site of injury 5.However following transplantation, Schwann cells do not migrate from the site of implant and do not intermingle with the host astrocytes 6,7. This results in formation of a sharp boundary between the Schwann cells and astrocytes, creating an obstacle for growing axons trying to exit the graft back into the host tissue proximally and distally. Astrocytes in contact with Schwann cells also undergo hypertrophy and up-regulate the inhibitory molecules 8-13. In vitro assays have been used to model Schwann cell-astrocyte interactions and have been important in understanding the mechanism underlying the cellular behaviour.These in vitro assays include boundary assay, where a co-culture is made using two different cells with each cell type occupying different territories with only a small gap separating the two cell fronts. As the cells divide and migrate, the two cellular fronts get closer to each other and finally collide. This allows the behaviour of the two cellular populations to be analyzed at the boundary. Another variation of the same technique is to mix the two cellular populations in culture and over time the two cell types segregate with Schwann cells clumped together as islands in between astrocytes together creating multiple Schwann-astrocyte boundaries.The second assay used in studying the interaction of two cell types is the migration assay where cellular movement can be tracked on the surface of the other cell type monolayer 14,15. This assay is commonly known as inverted coverslip assay. Schwann cells are cultured on small glass fragments and they are inverted face down onto the surface of astrocyte monolayers and migration is assessed from the edge of coverslip.Both assays have been instrumental in studying the underlying mechanisms involved in the cellular exclusion and boundary formation. Some of the molecules identified using these techniques include N-Cadherins 15, Chondroitin Sulphate proteoglycans(CSPGs) 16,17, FGF/Heparin 18, Eph/Ephrins19.This article intends to describe boundary assay and migration assay in stepwise fashion and elucidate the possible technical problems that might occur.Download video file.(64M, mov)  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Studies of in vitro interactions between Plasmodium berghei sporozoites and peritoneal macrophages from mice and rats were performed. A videomicroscopic analysis was made of interactions observed by phase-contrast microscopy. Our results showed a diversity of dynamic interactions between sporozoites and macrophages that included no interaction, surface interaction without sporozoite interiorization, active sporozoite penetration, active penetration with subsequent sporozoite escape, macrophage destruction, and the formation of "tethers" or web-like structures by sporozoites that had actively invaded macrophages. Sporozoites are thus clearly capable of actively invading host macrophages and are not restricted to being phagocytosed for interiorization. The formation of "tethers" by the moving sporozoite might function in vivo by anchoring the sporozoite to the cells lining the lumen of the liver sinusoid. Active sporozoite motility appears to be a functional phenomenon involved in sporozoite invasion of host liver cells.  相似文献   

Although Balamuthia mandrillaris was identified more than two decades ago as an agent of fatal granulomatous encephalitis in humans and other animals, little is known about its ecological niche, biological behavior in the environment, food preferences and predators, if any. When infecting humans or other animals, Balamuthia feeds on tissues; and in vitro culture, it feeds on mammalian cells (monkey kidney cells, human lung fibroblasts, and human microvascular endothelial cells). According to recent reports, it is believed that Balamuthia feeds on small amebae, for example, Acanthamoeba that are present in its ecological niche. To test this hypothesis, we associated Balamuthia on a one‐on‐one basis with selected protozoa and algae. We videotaped the behavior of Balamuthia in the presence of a potential prey, its ability to hunt and attack its food, and the time required to eat and cause damage to the target cell by direct contact. We found that B. mandrillaris ingested trophozoites of Naegleria fowleri, Naegleria gruberi, Acanthamoeba spp., Trypanosoma cruzi epimastigotes, Toxoplasma gondii tachyzoites, and Giardia. However, it did not feed on Acanthamoeba cysts or algae. Balamuthia caused cytolysis of T. cruzi epimastigotes and T. gondii tachyzoites by direct contact. Balamuthia trophozoites and cysts were, however, eaten by Paramecium sp.  相似文献   

Poliovirus ribonucleic acid (RNA) polymerase crude extracts could be stored frozen in liquid nitrogen without loss of activity or specificity. The major in vitro product of these extracts was viral single-stranded RNA. However, after short periods of incubation with radioactive nucleoside triphosphates, most of the incorporated label was found in replicative intermediate. When excess unlabeled nucleoside triphosphate was added, the label was displaced from the replicative intermediate and accumulated as viral RNA. It is concluded from this experiment that the replicative intermediate is the precursor to viral RNA. In addition, some of the label was chased into double-stranded RNA. The implications of this finding are discussed.  相似文献   

Intermediate filament networks in the cytoplasm and nucleus are critical for the mechanical integrity of metazoan cells. However, the mechanism of crosslinking in these networks and the origins of their mechanical properties are not understood. Here, we study the elastic behavior of in vitro networks of the intermediate filament protein vimentin. Rheological experiments reveal that vimentin networks stiffen with increasing concentrations of Ca2+ and Mg2+, showing that divalent cations act as crosslinkers. We quantitatively describe the elastic response of vimentin networks over five decades of applied stress using a theory that treats the divalent cations as crosslinkers: at low stress, the behavior is entropic in origin, and increasing stress pulls out thermal fluctuations from single filaments, giving rise to a nonlinear response; at high stress, enthalpic stretching of individual filaments significantly modifies the nonlinearity. We investigate the elastic properties of networks formed by a series of protein variants with stepwise tail truncations and find that the last 11 amino acids of the C-terminal tail domain mediate crosslinking by divalent ions. We determined the single-filament persistence length, lP ≈ 0.5 μm, and Young's modulus, Y ≈ 9 MPa; both are consistent with literature values. Our results provide insight into a crosslinking mechanism for vimentin networks and suggest that divalent ions may help regulate the cytoskeletal structure and mechanical properties of cells.  相似文献   

The phase of the mammalian circadian pacemaker located in the suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCN) is controlled by a multitude of stimuli. While phase control is undoubtedly dominated by photic input, the serotonergic input from the raphe nuclei also influences SCN clock phase. In this article I review the evidence for serotonergic modulation of the SCN pacemaker, and the cellular mechanisms underlying these effects, obtained from in vitro experiments performed during the past decade. Serotonin can advance the SCN pacemaker when applied during the subjective day, and delay the pacemaker when applied during the subjective night. The daytime advances appear due to stimulation of 5HT7 receptors, activation of adenylate cyclase and protein kinase A, and opening of K+ channels. The synthesis of new proteins may also be critical for these phase shifts. Serotonergic phase advances can be inhibited by a variety of other modulatory inputs to the SCN, including neuropeptide Y, melatonin, and glutamate. Together, these data demonstrate that SCN circadian pacemaker phase is controlled by a complex interplay between multiple afferent stimuli, and that serotonin plays a critical role in this process.  相似文献   

The phase of the mammalian circadian pacemaker located in the suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCN) is controlled by a multitude of stimuli. While phase control is undoubtedly dominated by photic input, the serotonergic input from the raphe nuclei also influences SCN clock phase. In this article I review the evidence for serotonergic modulation of the SCN pacemaker, and the cellular mechanisms underlying these effects, obtained from in vitro experiments performed during the past decade. Serotonin can advance the SCN pacemaker when applied during the subjective day, and delay the pacemaker when applied during the subjective night. The daytime advances appear due to stimulation of 5HT7 receptors, activation of adenylate cyclase and protein kinase A, and opening of K+ channels. The synthesis of new proteins may also be critical for these phase shifts. Serotonergic phase advances can be inhibited by a variety of other modulatory inputs to the SCN, including neuropeptide Y, melatonin, and glutamate. Together, these data demonstrate that SCN circadian pacemaker phase is controlled by a complex interplay between multiple afferent stimuli, and that serotonin plays a critical role in this process.  相似文献   



In patients with periodontitis, it is highly likely that local (progenitor) cells encounter pathogenic bacteria. The purpose of this in vitro study was to elucidate how human dental follicle stem cells (hDFSC) react towards a direct challenge with anaerobic periodontal pathogens under their natural oxygen-free atmosphere. HDFSC were compared to human bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells (hBMSC) and differentiated primary human gingival fibroblasts (hGiF), as well as permanent gingival carcinoma cells (Ca9-22).

Methodology/Principal Findings

The different cell types were investigated in a co-culture system with Porphyromonas gingivalis (P. gingivalis) and Fusobacterium nucleatum (F. nucleatum). The viability of the cells and pathogens under anaerobic conditions, as well as interactions in terms of adherence and internalization, were examined. Additionally, the release of pro-inflammatory interleukin-8 (IL-8) and anti-inflammatory interleukin-10 (IL-10) was quantified via enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. The bacteria adhered less efficiently to hDFSC compared to Ca9-22 (P. gingivalis: 0.18% adherence to hDFSC; 3.1% adherence to Ca9-22). Similar results were observed for host cell internalization (F. nucleatum: 0.002% internalization into hDFSC; 0.09% internalization into Ca9-22). Statistically significantly less IL-8 was secreted from hDFSC after stimulation with F. nucleatum and P. gingivalis in comparison with hGiF (F. nucleatum: 2080.0 pg/ml – hGiF; 19.7 pg/ml – hDFSC). The IL-10 response of the differentiated cells was found to be low in relation to their pro-inflammatory IL-8 response.


The results indicate that dental stem cells are less prone to interactions with pathogenic bacteria than differentiated cells in an anaerobic environment. Moreover, during bacterial challenge, the stem cell immune response seems to be more towards an anti-inflammatory reaction. For a potential future therapeutic use of hDFSC, these findings support the idea of a save application.  相似文献   

In this study, we have evaluated the interactions of zein microspheres with different class of drugs (hydrophobic, hydrophilic, and amphiphilic) using in vitro and in silico analysis. Zein microspheres loaded with aceclofenac, metformin, and promethazine has been developed by solvent evaporation technique and analyzed for its compatibility. The physical characterization depicted the proper encapsulation of hydrophobic drug in the microspheres. The in vitro release study revealed the sustaining ability of the microspheres in the following order: hydrophobic > hydrophilic > amphiphilic. In silico analysis also confirmed the better binding affinity and greater interactions of hydrophobic drug with zein. The above results revealed that zein is more suitable for hydrophobic drugs in the development of sustained drug delivery systems using solvent evaporation technique. The study therefore envisages a scope for identifying the most suitable polymer for a sustained drug delivery system in accordance with the nature of the drug.KEY WORDS: hydrophilic drugs, hydrophobic drugs, in silico analysis, protein-drug interactions, solvent evaporation, zein microspheres  相似文献   

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