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Most plants co-exist with fungal and bacterial endophytes. Generally, endophytes are beneficial microorganisms that colonize the internal tissues of their host plants. Plants derive several advantages from endophytic colonization, such as the biocontrol of phytopathogens and growth-promoting factors. In this review, we discuss the current knowledge of endophytic bacteria and their potential as natural biocontrol agents for plants.  相似文献   

Horizontal gene transfer (HGT) is a fundamental process in prokaryotic evolution, contributing significantly to diversification and adaptation. HGT is typically facilitated by mobile genetic elements (MGEs), such as conjugative plasmids and phages, which often impose fitness costs on their hosts. However, a considerable number of bacterial genes are involved in defence mechanisms that limit the propagation of MGEs, suggesting they may actively restrict HGT. In our study, we investigated whether defence systems limit HGT by examining the relationship between the HGT rate and the presence of 73 defence systems across 12 bacterial species. We discovered that only six defence systems, three of which were different CRISPR-Cas subtypes, were associated with a reduced gene gain rate at the species evolution scale. Hosts of these defence systems tend to have a smaller pangenome size and fewer phage-related genes compared to genomes without these systems. This suggests that these defence mechanisms inhibit HGT by limiting prophage integration. We hypothesize that the restriction of HGT by defence systems is species-specific and depends on various ecological and genetic factors, including the burden of MGEs and the fitness effect of HGT in bacterial populations.  相似文献   

Bacteriophages as biocontrol agents of food pathogens   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Bacteriophages have long been recognized for their potential as biotherapeutic agents. The recent approval for the use of phages of Listeria monocytogenes for food safety purposes has increased the impetus of phage research to uncover phage-mediated applications with activity against other food pathogens. Areas of emerging and growing significance, such as predictive modelling and genomics, have shown their potential and impact on the development of new technologies to combat food pathogens. This review will highlight recent advances in the research of phages that target food pathogens and that promote their use in biosanitation, while it will also discuss its limitations.  相似文献   

The likelihood of gene transfer from transgenic plants to bacteria is dependent on the transgene copy number and on the presence of homologous sequences for recombination. The large number of chloroplast genomes in a plant cell as well as the prokaryotic origin of the transgene may thus significantly increase the likelihood of gene transfer from transplastomic plants to bacteria. In order to assess the probability of such a transfer, bacterial isolates, screened for their ability to colonize decaying tobacco plant tissue and possessing DNA sequence similarity to the chloroplastic genes accD and rbcL flanking the transgene (aadA), were tested for their ability to take up extracellular DNA (broad host-range pBBR1MCS-3-derived plasmid, transplastomic plant DNA and PCR products containing the genes accD-aadA-rbcL) by natural or electrotransformation. The results showed that among the 16 bacterial isolates tested, six were able to accept foreign DNA and acquire the spectinomycin resistance conferred by the aadA gene on plasmid, but none of them managed to integrate transgenic DNA in their chromosome. Our results provide no indication that the theoretical gene transfer-enhancing properties of transplastomic plants cause horizontal gene transfer at rates above those found in other studies with nuclear transgenes.  相似文献   

Incubation of the amino acid-deficient strain Escherichia coli AB1157 with particles harvested from an oligotrophic environment revealed evidence of horizontal gene transfer (HGT) with restoration of all deficiencies in revertant cells with frequencies up to 1.94 × 10(-5). None of the markers were preferentially transferred, indicating that the DNA transfer is performed by generalized transduction. The highest gene transfer frequencies were obtained for single markers, with values up to 1.04 × 10(-2). All revertants were able to produce particles of comparable size, appearing at the beginning of the stationary phase. Examination of the revertants using electron microscopy showed bud-like structures with electron-dense bodies. The particles that display the structural features of membrane vesicles were again infectious to E. coli AB1157, producing new infectious particles able to transduce genetic information, a phenomenon termed serial transduction. Thus, the <0.2-μm particle fraction from seawater contains a particle size fraction with high potential for gene transfer. Biased sinusoidal field gel electrophoresis indicated a DNA content for the particles of 370 kbp, which was higher than that of known membrane vesicles. These findings provide evidence of a new method of HGT, in which mobilizable DNA is trafficked from donor to recipient cells via particles.  相似文献   

Mechanisms of, and barriers to, horizontal gene transfer between bacteria   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Bacteria evolve rapidly not only by mutation and rapid multiplication, but also by transfer of DNA, which can result in strains with beneficial mutations from more than one parent. Transformation involves the release of naked DNA followed by uptake and recombination. Homologous recombination and DNA-repair processes normally limit this to DNA from similar bacteria. However, if a gene moves onto a broad-host-range plasmid it might be able to spread without the need for recombination. There are barriers to both these processes but they reduce, rather than prevent, gene acquisition.  相似文献   

Epicoccum nigrum strains were evaluated in vitro as potential biological agents for control of the growth of Fusarium avenaceum, F. graminearum, F. oxysporum and Botrytis cinerea. Individual biotic effects of five strains of E. nigrum on the various fungi were determined using the biotic series method elaborated for fungi, on potato dextrose agar (PDA - Difco) medium. Our results show that E. nigrum strains limited the growth of all isolates of Fusarium spp., but not of those of Botrytis cinerea.  相似文献   

Fungal infection represents a severe problem that decreases the yield and market value of fruit crops. The use of fungicides is a conventional method to control infections but it is associated with disadvantages, such as hazardous impact on public health, environmental contamination, resistance development among pathogens and high cost of agrochemicals. Biological control is an alternative approach for the treatment of fungal infections. The species of Bacillus, Pseudomonas, Enterobacter, Pantoea, Burkholderia, Lysobacter and Serratia have been successfully used in the control of fungal infections. The mechanisms involved in biocontrol are hyperparasitism or predation, production of antibiotics, lytic enzymes and induction of host resistance. Lactic acid bacteria have been used as biopreservative organisms in food and feed systems. They are a cluster of Gram-positive bacteria and include species of the genera Enterococcus, Lactobacillus, Leuconostoc, Lactococcus and Pediococcus. The ability to produce several antibacterial and antifungal substances confers biopreservation potential to lactic acid bacteria. Many have ‘generally regarded as safe’ status and are considered as safe from both human and environmental points of view. Their isolation is reported from vegetables, aerial plant surfaces, pickled cabbage, grass silage, malted cereals and also from soil. They produce antifungal substances, such as cyclic dipeptides, proteinaceous compounds, organic acids, fatty acids and reuterin. The biocontrol potential of lactic acid bacteria is demonstrated in the prevention of fungal infections of fruits, such as apples and grapes. Thus, living cells or product formulations of antifungal lactic acid bacteria may be prepared and used as an alternative biocontrol technology.  相似文献   

Worldwide, grasshoppers and locusts destroy several billion dollars (US) worth of crops every year. The known microbial and protozoan pathogens of grasshoppers and locusts are reviewed. They may be valuable control agents, particularly for some of the economically devastating locust species in Africa and Asia, and grasshopper species in North America and Asia. Aspects of the pathogenic process, if known, of fungi, protozoa, viruses and rickettsia towards acridids are discussed. Finally, production, formulation and application of these biocontrol agents are reviewed.  相似文献   

Dinoflagellate protists harbor a characteristic peridinin-containing plastid that evolved from a red or haptophyte alga. In contrast to typical plastids that have ~100-200 kb circular genomes, the dinoflagellate plastid genome is composed of minicircles that each encode 0-5 genes. It is commonly assumed that dinoflagellate minicircles are derived from a standard plastid genome through drastic reduction and fragmentation. However, we demonstrate that the ycf16 and ycf24 genes (encoded on the Ceratium AF490364 minicircle), as well as rpl28 and rpl33 (encoded on the Pyrocystis AF490367 minicircle), are related to sequences from Algoriphagus and/or Cytophaga bacteria belonging to the Bacteroidetes clade. Moreover, we identified a new open reading frame on the Pyrocystis minicircle encoding a SRP54 N domain, which is typical of FtsY proteins. Because neither of these minicircles share sequence similarity with any other dinoflagellate minicircles, and their genes resemble bacterial operons, we propose that these Ceratium and Pyrocystis minicircles resulted from a horizontal gene transfer (HGT) from a Bacteroidetes donor. Our findings are the first indication of HGT to dinoflagellate minicircles, highlighting yet another peculiar aspect of this plastid genome.  相似文献   

Krylov VN 《Genetika》2003,39(5):595-620
The review considers the involvement of bacteriophages in transferring genes, which determine bacterial pathogenicity, and the increasing role of comparative genomics and genetics of bacteria and bacteriophages in detecting new cases of horizontal gene transfer. Examples of phage participation in this process proved to a different extent are described. Emphasis is placed on the original work carried out in Russia and focused on bacteriophages (temperate transposable phages and giant virulent phi KZ-like phages) of conditional pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Consideration is given to the possible lines of further research of the role of bacteriophages in the infection process and, in particular, the role of virulent phages, whose products are similar to those of pathogenic bacteria, in modification of clinical signs of infectious diseases and in evolution. An attempt is made to predict the possible direction of pathogen evolution associated with development of new treatment strategies and generation of new specific niches.  相似文献   

The organization of magnetosome genes was analysed in all available complete or partial genomic sequences of magnetotactic bacteria (MTB), including the magnetosome island (MAI) of the magnetotactic marine vibrio strain MV‐1 determined in this study. The MAI was found to differ in gene content and organization between Magnetospirillum species and strains MV‐1 or MC‐1. Although a similar organization of magnetosome genes was found in all MTB, distinct variations in gene order and sequence similarity were uncovered that may account for the observed diversity of biomineralization, cell biology and magnetotaxis found in various MTB. While several magnetosome genes were present in all MTB, others were confined to Magnetospirillum species, indicating that the minimal set of genes required for magnetosome biomineralization might be smaller than previously suggested. A number of novel candidate genes were implicated in magnetosome formation by gene cluster comparison. Based on phylogenetic and compositional evidence we present a model for the evolution of magnetotaxis within the Alphaproteobacteria, which suggests the independent horizontal transfer of magnetosome genes from an unknown ancestor of magnetospirilla into strains MC‐1 and MV‐1.  相似文献   

Davison J 《Nature biotechnology》2004,22(11):1349; author reply 1349-1349; author reply 1350

In the Neisseria spp., natural competence for transformation and homologous recombination generate antigenic variants through creation of mosaic genes (such as opas) and through recombination with silent cassettes (such as pilE/pilS) and gene-complement diversity through the horizontal exchange of whole genes or groups of genes, in minimal mobile elements (MMEs). An MME is a region encompassing 2 conserved genes between which different whole-gene cassettes are found in different strains, which are chromosomally incorporated solely through the action of homologous recombination. Comparative analyses of the neisserial genome sequences identified 39 potential MME sites, the contents of which were investigated in 11 neisserial strains. One hundred and eight different MME regions were identified, 20 of which contain novel sequences and these contain 12 newly identified neisserial coding sequences. Neisserial uptake signal sequences are associated with 38 of the 40 MMEs studied. In some sites, divergent dinucleotide signatures of the sequences between the flanking genes suggest relatively recent horizontal acquisition of some cassettes. The neisserial MMEs were used to interrogate all of the other available bacterial genome sequences, revealing frequent conservation of the flanking genes combined with the presence of different gene cassettes between them. In some cases, these sites can definitively be classified as MMEs in these other genera. These findings provide additional evidence for the MME model, indicate that MME-directed investigations are a good basis for the identification of novel strain-specific genes and differences within bacterial populations and demonstrate that these elements are probably ubiquitously involved in genetic exchange, particularly in naturally competent bacteria.  相似文献   

Previous studies relating root systems and drought tolerance in oil palm focused mainly on biomass. Yet, total root length (TRL), total root surface area (TRS), and root distribution in the soil better determine water uptake. These morphological traits were studied on 3 oil palm genotypes displaying a contrasting drought tolerance. A new concept of potential root water extraction ratio (PRER) was developed using measured half-distances between roots and some assumptions about the distance of water migration from soil to root. PRER was determined in conjunction with soil moisture extraction efficiency (SMEE). The presumed tolerant genotype (T) had higher TRL, TRS and PRER than the susceptible genotype (S), whilst the performance of the control genotype (I) was intermediate. Surprisingly, during a period of moderate water deficit, T had a lower SMEE than S, which was interpreted successfully with PRER, as the result of a better access to a large volume of soil and of a slower drying out of the soil around the roots. PRER appears as a helpful indicator for comparing or ranking genotypes, and for addressing better the complexity of the genetic variability of drought tolerance.  相似文献   

Monitoring and modeling horizontal gene transfer   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Monitoring efforts have failed to identify horizontal gene transfer (HGT) events occurring from transgenic plants into bacterial communities in soil or intestinal environments. The lack of such observations is frequently cited in biosafety literature and by regulatory risk assessment. Our analysis of the sensitivity of current monitoring efforts shows that studies to date have examined potential HGT events occurring in less than 2 g of sample material, when combined. Moreover, a population genetic model predicts that rare bacterial transformants acquiring transgenes require years of growth to out-compete wild-type bacteria. Time of sampling is there-fore crucial to the useful implementation of monitoring. A population genetic approach is advocated for elucidating the necessary sample sizes and times of sampling for monitoring HGT into large bacterial populations. Major changes in current monitoring approaches are needed, including explicit consideration of the population size of exposed bacteria, the bacterial generation time, the strength of selection acting on the transgene-carrying bacteria, and the sample size necessary to verify or falsify the HGT hypotheses tested.  相似文献   

Butyrate producers constitute an important bacterial group in the human large intestine. Butyryl-CoA is formed from two molecules of acetyl-CoA in a process resembling beta-oxidation in reverse. Three different arrangements of the six genes coding for this pathway have been found in low mol% G+C-content gram-positive human colonic bacteria using DNA sequencing and degenerate PCR. Gene arrangements were strongly conserved within phylogenetic groups defined by 16S rRNA gene sequence relationships. In the case of one of the genes, encoding beta-hydroxybutyryl-CoA dehydrogenase, however, sequence relationships were strongly suggestive of horizontal gene transfer between lineages. The newly identified gene for butyryl-CoA CoA-transferase, which performs the final step in butyrate formation in most known human colonic bacteria, was not closely linked to these central pathway genes.  相似文献   

Phyletic distributions of eukaryotic signalling domains were studied using recently developed sensitive methods for protein sequence analysis, with an emphasis on the detection and accurate enumeration of homologues in bacteria and archaea. A major difference was found between the distributions of enzyme families that are typically found in all three divisions of cellular life and non-enzymatic domain families that are usually eukaryote-specific. Previously undetected bacterial homologues were identified for# plant pathogenesis-related proteins, Pad1, von Willebrand factor type A, src homology 3 and YWTD repeat-containing domains. Comparisons of the domain distributions in eukaryotes and prokaryotes enabled distinctions to be made between the domains originating prior to the last common ancestor of all known life forms and those apparently originating as consequences of horizontal gene transfer events. A number of transfers of signalling domains from eukaryotes to bacteria were confidently identified, in contrast to only a single case of apparent transfer from eukaryotes to archaea.  相似文献   

Mimivirus, a parasite of Acanthamoeba polyphaga, is the largest DNA virus known; it encodes dozens of proteins with imputed functions in nucleic acid transactions. Here we produced, purified, and characterized mimivirus DNA topoisomerase IB (TopIB), which we find to be a structural and functional homolog of poxvirus TopIB and the poxvirus-like topoisomerases discovered recently in bacteria. Arginine, histidine, and tyrosine side chains responsible for TopIB transesterification are conserved and essential in mimivirus TopIB. Moreover, mimivirus TopIB is capable of incising duplex DNA at the 5'-CCCTT cleavage site recognized by all poxvirus topoisomerases. Based on the available data, mimivirus TopIB appears functionally more akin to poxvirus TopIB than bacterial TopIB, despite its greater primary structure similarity to the bacterial TopIB group. We speculate that the ancestral bacterial/viral TopIB was disseminated by horizontal gene transfer within amoebae, which are permissive hosts for either intracellular growth or persistence of many present-day bacterial species that have a type IB topoisomerase.  相似文献   

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