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The characterization of the interacting behaviors of complex biological systems is a primary objective in protein–protein network analysis and computational biology. In this paper we present FunMod, an innovative Cytoscape version 2.8 plugin that is able to mine undirected protein–protein networks and to infer sub-networks of interacting proteins intimately correlated with relevant biological pathways. This plugin may enable the discovery of new pathways involved in diseases. In order to describe the role of each protein within the relevant biological pathways, FunMod computes and scores three topological features of the identified sub-networks. By integrating the results from biological pathway clustering and topological network analysis, FunMod proved to be useful for the data interpretation and the generation of new hypotheses in two case studies.  相似文献   

Cytoscape是一个广泛应用于分子相互作用网络可视化的软件.发展了一个基于java的Cytoscape插件PNmerger.对于一个蛋白质相互作用网络,PNmerger能够使用KEGG数据库中的通路信息自动注释网络中的蛋白质.并通过网络和通路的比较发现网络中已知的通路元件,预测可能的通路元件及通路交联元件.该软件可以可视化网络中存在的通路模块,并将连接不同通路间的潜在交联元件显示出来.PNmerger软件能够有效地帮助实验人员发现网络中重要的功能线索,帮助实验人员进行实验设计.用户可以通过网站http://www.hupo.org.cn/PNmerger下载PNmerger插件.  相似文献   

Network motifs are small connected sub-graphs that have recently gathered much attention to discover structural behaviors of large and complex networks. Finding motifs with any size is one of the most important problems in complex and large networks. It needs fast and reliable algorithms and tools for achieving this purpose. CytoKavosh is one of the best choices for finding motifs with any given size in any complex network. It relies on a fast algorithm, Kavosh, which makes it faster than other existing tools. Kavosh algorithm applies some well known algorithmic features and includes tricky aspects, which make it an efficient algorithm in this field. CytoKavosh is a Cytoscape plug-in which supports us in finding motifs of given size in a network that is formerly loaded into the Cytoscape work-space (directed or undirected). High performance of CytoKavosh is achieved by dynamically linking highly optimized functions of Kavosh's C++ to the Cytoscape Java program, which makes this plug-in suitable for analyzing large biological networks. Some significant attributes of CytoKavosh is efficiency in time usage and memory and having no limitation related to the implementation in motif size. CytoKavosh is implemented in a visual environment Cytoscape that is convenient for the users to interact and create visual options to analyze the structural behavior of a network. This plug-in can work on any given network and is very simple to use and generates graphical results of discovered motifs with any required details. There is no specific Cytoscape plug-in, specific for finding the network motifs, based on original concept. So, we have introduced for the first time, CytoKavosh as the first plug-in, and we hope that this plug-in can be improved to cover other options to make it the best motif-analyzing tool.  相似文献   

Community structure detection has proven to be important in revealing the underlying organisation of complex networks. While most current analyses focus on static networks, the detection of communities in dynamic data is both challenging and timely. An analysis and visualisation procedure for dynamic networks is presented here, which identifies communities and sub-communities that persist across multiple network snapshots. An existing method for community detection in dynamic networks is adapted, extended, and implemented. We demonstrate the applicability of this method to detect communities in networks where individuals tend not to change their community affiliation very frequently. When stability of communities cannot be assumed, we show that the sub-community model may be a better alternative. This is illustrated through test cases of social and biological networks. A plugin for Gephi, an open-source software program used for graph visualisation and manipulation, named “DyCoNet”, was created to execute the algorithm and is freely available from https://github.com/juliemkauffman/DyCoNet.  相似文献   

The MiSink Plugin converts Cytoscape, an open-source bioinformatics platform for network visualization, to a graphical interface for the database of interacting proteins (DIP: http://dip.doe-mbi.ucla.edu). Seamless integration is possible by providing bi-directional communication between Cytoscape and any Web site supplying data in XML or tab-delimited format. Availability: MiSink is freely available for download at http://dip.doe-mbi.ucla.edu/Software.cgi.  相似文献   

蔡娟  王建新  李敏  陈钢 《生物信息学》2011,9(3):185-188
生物网络中的聚类分析是功能模块识别及蛋白质功能预测的重要方法,聚类结果的可视化对于快速有效地分析生物网络结构也具有重要作用。通过分析生物网络显示和分析平台Cytoscape的架构,设计了一个使用方便的聚类分析和显示插件ClusterViz。这是一个可扩展的聚类算法的集成平台,可以不断增加其中的聚类算法,并对不同算法的结果进行比较分析,目前已实现了三种典型的算法实例。该插件能够成为蛋白质相互作用网络机理研究的一个有效工具。  相似文献   

李雷  蒋林华 《生物信息学》2019,17(3):175-181
近20年来,斑马鱼逐渐成为研究人类基因功能的重要模型动物。同时,通过对斑马鱼参考基因组序列和10 000多个蛋白编码基因的鉴定,表明斑马鱼至少与人类基因有75%的同源性,进一步验证了斑马鱼基因组序列可以作为衰老的研究模型。此外,其良好保守的分子和细胞生理学的广泛特征使斑马鱼成为揭示衰老、疾病和修复的潜在机制的极好模型。但是斑马鱼衰老的分子机制很少发生分子间的相互作用,因此蛋白质-蛋白相互作用(PPI)网络是非常可取的。本实验描述了斑马鱼这种生物衰老机制的模型,其涵盖了与衰老相关的87种蛋白质之间的767种相互作用。这不仅包含准确预测的PPI,还包含从文献收集以及实验所得的那些分子相互作用。同时,将这些分子相互作用模块化,形成模块化,找到11个中心基因,分析预测其衰老过程。希望能帮助研究斑马鱼的学者研究其衰老过程,提供一些假说和帮助。  相似文献   

SUMMARY: VistaClara is a plug-in for Cytoscape which provides a more flexible means to visualize gene and protein expression within a network context. An extended attribute browser is provided in the form of a graphical and interactive permutation matrix that resembles the heat map displays popular in gene-expression analysis. This extended browser permits a variety of display options and interactions not currently available in Cytoscape. AVAILABILITY: http://chianti.ucsd.edu/cyto_web/plugins/index.php.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Cytoscape is a well-developed flexible platform for visualization, integration and analysis of network data. Apart from the sophisticated graph layout and visualization routines, it hosts numerous user-developed plugins that significantly extend its core functionality. Earlier, we developed a network information flow framework and implemented it as a web application, called ITM Probe. Given a context consisting of one or more user-selected nodes, ITM Probe retrieves other network nodes most related to that context. It requires neither user restriction to subnetwork of interest nor additional and possibly noisy information. However, plugins for Cytoscape with these features do not yet exist. To provide the Cytoscape users the possibility of integrating ITM Probe into their workflows, we developed CytoITMprobe, a new Cytoscape plugin. FINDINGS: CytoITMprobe maintains all the desirable features of ITM Probe and adds additional flexibility not achievable through its web service version. It provides access to ITM Probe either through a web server or locally. The input, consisting of a Cytoscape network, together with the desired origins and/or destinations of information and a dissipation coefficient, is specified through a query form. The results are shown as a subnetwork of significant nodes and several summary tables. Users can control the composition and appearance of the subnetwork and interchange their ITM Probe results with other software tools through tab-delimited files. CONCLUSIONS: The main strength of CytoITMprobe is its flexibility. It allows the user to specify as input any Cytoscape network, rather than being restricted to the pre-compiled protein-protein interaction networks available through the ITM Probe web service. Users may supply their own edge weights and directionalities. Consequently, as opposed to ITM Probe web service, CytoITMprobe can be applied to many other domains of network-based research beyond protein-networks. It also enables seamless integration of ITM Probe results with other Cytoscape plugins having complementary functionality for data analysis.  相似文献   

NetMatch: a Cytoscape plugin for searching biological networks   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
NetMatch is a Cytoscape plugin which allows searching biological networks for subcomponents matching a given query. Queries may be approximate in the sense that certain parts of the subgraph-query may be left unspecified. To make the query creation process easy, a drawing tool is provided. Cytoscape is a bioinformatics software platform for the visualization and analysis of biological networks. AVAILABILITY: The full package, a tutorial and associated examples are available at the following web sites: http://alpha.dmi.unict.it/~ctnyu/netmatch.html, http://baderlab.org/Software/NetMatch.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: OmicsViz is a Cytoscape plug-in for mapping and visualizing large-scale omics datasets across species, including those with many-to-many mappings between homologs. This allows users to map their data onto pathways of related model organisms. Mapping schemas across species or different experimental protocols allow users to comparatively analyze the omics data. The data can also be visualized in parallel-coordinate plots. AVAILABILITY: The latest version of OmicsViz with documentation, tutorial and jar files can be downloaded from http://metnet.vrac.iastate.edu/MetNet_fcmodeler.htm  相似文献   

structureViz is a Cytoscape plug-in that links the visualization of biological networks provided by Cytoscape with the visualization and analysis of macromolecular structures and sequences provided by UCSF Chimera. When combined with Cytoscape and Chimera, structureViz provides the first tool that links these two critical aspects of computational analysis in a straightforward manner. structureViz includes commands to open structures in Chimera and align them using Chimera's sequence-structure analysis tools. When a structure is opened, structureViz provides an alternative interface to Chimera: the Cytoscape Molecular Structure Navigator. This interface uses a tree-based paradigm to allow users to select and affect the display of models, chains and residues, mostly through the use of context menus.  相似文献   

High throughput phenotyping (phenomics) is a powerful tool for linking genes to their functions (see review1 and recent examples2-4). Leaves are the primary photosynthetic organ, and their size and shape vary developmentally and environmentally within a plant. For these reasons studies on leaf morphology require measurement of multiple parameters from numerous leaves, which is best done by semi-automated phenomics tools5,6. Canopy shade is an important environmental cue that affects plant architecture and life history; the suite of responses is collectively called the shade avoidance syndrome (SAS)7. Among SAS responses, shade induced leaf petiole elongation and changes in blade area are particularly useful as indices8. To date, leaf shape programs (e.g. SHAPE9, LAMINA10, LeafAnalyzer11, LEAFPROCESSOR12) can measure leaf outlines and categorize leaf shapes, but can not output petiole length. Lack of large-scale measurement systems of leaf petioles has inhibited phenomics approaches to SAS research. In this paper, we describe a newly developed ImageJ plugin, called LeafJ, which can rapidly measure petiole length and leaf blade parameters of the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana. For the occasional leaf that required manual correction of the petiole/leaf blade boundary we used a touch-screen tablet. Further, leaf cell shape and leaf cell numbers are important determinants of leaf size13. Separate from LeafJ we also present a protocol for using a touch-screen tablet for measuring cell shape, area, and size. Our leaf trait measurement system is not limited to shade-avoidance research and will accelerate leaf phenotyping of many mutants and screening plants by leaf phenotyping.  相似文献   

A model of columnar networks of neocortical association areas is studied. The neuronal network is composed of many Hebbian autoassociators, or modules, each of which interacts with a relatively small number of the others, randomly chosen. Any module encodes and stores a number of elementary percepts, or features. Memory items, or patterns, are peculiar combinations of features sparsely distributed over the multi-modular network. Any feature stored in any module can be involved in several of the stored patterns; feature-sharing is in fact source of local ambiguities and, consequently, a potential cause of erroneous memory retrieval spreading through the model network in pattern completion tasks.The memory retrieval dynamics of the large modular autoassociator is investigated by combining mathematical analysis and numerical simulations. An oscillatory retrieval process is proposed that is very efficient in overcoming feature-sharing drawbacks; it requires a mechanism that modulates the robustness of local attractors to noise, and neuronal activity sparseness such that quiescent and active modules are about equally noisy to any post-synaptic module.Moreover, it is shown that statistical correlation between 'kinds' of features across the set of memory patterns can be exploited to obtain a more efficient achievement of memory retrieval capabilities.It is also shown that some spots of the network cannot be reached by retrieval activity spread if they are not directly cued by the stimulus. The locations of these activity isles depend on the pattern to retrieve, while their extension only depends (in large networks) on statistics of inter-modular connections and stored patterns. The existence of activity isles determines an upper-bound to retrieval quality that does not depend on the specific retrieval dynamics adopted, nor on whether feature-sharing is permitted. The oscillatory retrieval process nearly saturates this bound.  相似文献   



Inference of gene networks from expression data is an important problem in computational biology. Many algorithms have been proposed for solving the problem efficiently. However, many of the available implementations are programming libraries that require users to write code, which limits their accessibility.


We have developed a tool called CyNetworkBMA for inferring gene networks from expression data that integrates with Cytoscape. Our application offers a graphical user interface for networkBMA, an efficient implementation of Bayesian Model Averaging methods for network construction. The client-server architecture of CyNetworkBMA makes it possible to distribute or centralize computation depending on user needs.


CyNetworkBMA is an easy-to-use tool that makes network inference accessible to non-programmers through seamless integration with Cytoscape. CyNetworkBMA is available on the Cytoscape App Store at http://apps.cytoscape.org/apps/cynetworkbma.

Cytoscape 2.8: new features for data integration and network visualization   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Cytoscape is a popular bioinformatics package for biological network visualization and data integration. Version 2.8 introduces two powerful new features--Custom Node Graphics and Attribute Equations--which can be used jointly to greatly enhance Cytoscape's data integration and visualization capabilities. Custom Node Graphics allow an image to be projected onto a node, including images generated dynamically or at remote locations. Attribute Equations provide Cytoscape with spreadsheet-like functionality in which the value of an attribute is computed dynamically as a function of other attributes and network properties. Availability and implementation: Cytoscape is a desktop Java application released under the Library Gnu Public License (LGPL). Binary install bundles and source code for Cytoscape 2.8 are available for download from http://cytoscape.org.  相似文献   

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