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Age-related changes in autobiographical memory (AM) recall are characterized by a decline in episodic details, while semantic aspects are spared. This deleterious effect is supposed to be mediated by an inefficient recruitment of executive processes during AM retrieval. To date, contrasting evidence has been reported on the neural underpinning of this decline, and none of the previous studies has directly compared the episodic and semantic aspects of AM in elderly. We asked 20 young and 17 older participants to recall specific and general autobiographical events (i.e., episodic and semantic AM) elicited by personalized cues while recording their brain activity by means of fMRI. At the behavioral level, we confirmed that the richness of episodic AM retrieval is specifically impoverished in aging and that this decline is related to the reduction of executive functions. At the neural level, in both age groups, we showed the recruitment of a large network during episodic AM retrieval encompassing prefrontal, cortical midline and posterior regions, and medial temporal structures, including the hippocampus. This network was very similar, but less extended, during semantic AM retrieval. Nevertheless, a greater activity was evidenced in the dorsal anterior cingulate cortex (dACC) during episodic, compared to semantic AM retrieval in young participants, and a reversed pattern in the elderly. Moreover, activity in dACC during episodic AM retrieval was correlated with inhibition and richness of memories in both groups. Our findings shed light on the direct link between episodic AM retrieval, executive control, and their decline in aging, proposing a possible neuronal signature. They also suggest that increased activity in dACC during semantic AM retrieval in the elderly could be seen as a compensatory mechanism underpinning successful AM performance observed in aging. These results are discussed in the framework of recently proposed models of neural reorganization in aging.  相似文献   

Sun  Xiaowei  Wang  Na  Wang  Xinjuan  Sun  Linlin  Li  Yijing  Cui  Cailian 《Neurochemical research》2019,44(8):1939-1949
Neurochemical Research - Previous studies demonstrate that drug addiction can share the neural circuits in the brain with normal learning and memory. Re-exposure to drug-associated contexts, one...  相似文献   

吗啡和胆碱能系统的相互作用已在多项研究中提到,本实验想查明吗啡是否能和胆碱能拮抗剂、东莨菪碱以及阿托品共同作用对小鼠的Y迷宫空间识别记忆提取产生影响。采用测试前腹腔给药的方法,选用3种剂量的吗啡(5、1.5、0.5mg/kg),两种剂量的东莨菪碱(1、0.1mg/kg),以及两种剂量的阿托品(0.5、0.1mg/kg),剂量由高到低相配对作为联合给药的手段。其结果表明:1)0.5mg/kg低剂量吗啡与0.1mg/kg低剂量的东莨菪碱,或与0.1mg/kg低剂量的阿托品联合给药的小鼠,在记忆提取测试中,空间探查行为(各臂停留时间百分比)对新异臂没有偏好,而新奇探索行为(各臂访问次数百分比)仍保持了对新异臂的偏好,而相应剂量药物单独给药的小鼠记忆提取均没有被损害;2)吗啡能和东莨菪碱相互作用使小鼠的活动性显著增强。暗示吗啡和胆碱能拮抗剂对小鼠空间记忆提取的破坏存在一定程度的相互作用。  相似文献   

长期注射吗啡对戒断后小鼠Y-迷宫空间识别记忆的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
使用急性成瘾性药物会影响大脑功能,随着药物使用时间的延长,这种影响更加广泛、持久,并且在药物戒断后的很长时间内依然存在。实验表明,急性及短期吗啡给予小鼠和戒断均损伤了其Y迷宫空间识别记忆能力,但这种损伤短暂且可逆。本实验小鼠被连续注射吗啡(40 mg/kg•day,i p)或生理盐水21天,利用Y迷宫来检测长期吗啡给予后在戒断第2、9和19天,吗啡对小鼠空间识别记忆的影响。结果表明, 连续吗啡给予21天后,在戒断第2、9和19天,小鼠Y迷宫空识别记忆能力均受到损伤,提示长期给予小鼠吗啡会导致其空间识别记忆能力的长期损伤。  相似文献   



To study the involvement of the anterior nuclei of the thalamus (ANT) as compared to the involvement of the hippocampus in the processes of encoding and recognition during visual and verbal memory tasks.


We studied intracerebral recordings in patients with pharmacoresistent epilepsy who underwent deep brain stimulation (DBS) of the ANT with depth electrodes implanted bilaterally in the ANT and compared the results with epilepsy surgery candidates with depth electrodes implanted bilaterally in the hippocampus. We recorded the event-related potentials (ERPs) elicited by the visual and verbal memory encoding and recognition tasks.


P300-like potentials were recorded in the hippocampus by visual and verbal memory encoding and recognition tasks and in the ANT by the visual encoding and visual and verbal recognition tasks. No significant ERPs were recorded during the verbal encoding task in the ANT. In the visual and verbal recognition tasks, the P300-like potentials in the ANT preceded the P300-like potentials in the hippocampus.


The ANT is a structure in the memory pathway that processes memory information before the hippocampus. We suggest that the ANT has a specific role in memory processes, especially memory recognition, and that memory disturbance should be considered in patients with ANT-DBS and in patients with ANT lesions.ANT is well positioned to serve as a subcortical gate for memory processing in cortical structures.  相似文献   

The noncentrosomal cortical microtubules (CMTs) of plant cells self-organize into a parallel three-dimensional (3D) array that is oriented transverse to the cell elongation axis in wild-type plants and is oblique in some of the mutants that show twisted growth. To study the mechanisms of CMT array organization, we developed a 3D computer simulation model based on experimentally observed properties of CMTs. Our computer model accurately mimics transverse array organization and other fundamental properties of CMTs observed in rapidly elongating wild-type cells as well as the defective CMT phenotypes observed in the Arabidopsis mor1-1 and fra2 mutants. We found that CMT interactions, boundary conditions, and the bundling cutoff angle impact the rate and extent of CMT organization, whereas branch-form CMT nucleation did not significantly impact the rate of CMT organization but was necessary to generate polarity during CMT organization. We also found that the dynamic instability parameters from twisted growth mutants were not sufficient to generate oblique CMT arrays. Instead, we found that parameters regulating branch-form CMT nucleation and boundary conditions at the end walls are important for forming oblique CMT arrays. Together, our computer model provides new mechanistic insights into how plant CMTs self-organize into specific 3D arrangements.  相似文献   

Extracting network-based functional relationships within genomic datasets is an important challenge in the computational analysis of large-scale data. Although many methods, both public and commercial, have been developed, the problem of identifying networks of interactions that are most relevant to the given input data still remains an open issue. Here, we have leveraged the method of random walks on graphs as a powerful platform for scoring network components based on simultaneous assessment of the experimental data as well as local network connectivity. Using this method, NetWalk, we can calculate distribution of Edge Flux values associated with each interaction in the network, which reflects the relevance of interactions based on the experimental data. We show that network-based analyses of genomic data are simpler and more accurate using NetWalk than with some of the currently employed methods. We also present NetWalk analysis of microarray gene expression data from MCF7 cells exposed to different doses of doxorubicin, which reveals a switch-like pattern in the p53 regulated network in cell cycle arrest and apoptosis. Our analyses demonstrate the use of NetWalk as a valuable tool in generating high-confidence hypotheses from high-content genomic data.  相似文献   

Short-term memory can be defined as the capacity for holding a small amount of information in mind in an active state for a short period of time. Although some instruments have been developed to study spatial short-term memory in real environments, there are no instruments that are specifically designed to assess visuospatial short-term memory in an attractive way to children. In this paper, we present the ARSM (Augmented Reality Spatial Memory) task, the first Augmented Reality task that involves a user''s movement to assess spatial short-term memory in healthy children. The experimental procedure of the ARSM task was designed to assess the children''s skill to retain visuospatial information. They were individually asked to remember the real place where augmented reality objects were located. The children (N = 76) were divided into two groups: preschool (5–6 year olds) and primary school (7–8 year olds). We found a significant improvement in ARSM task performance in the older group. The correlations between scores for the ARSM task and traditional procedures were significant. These traditional procedures were the Dot Matrix subtest for the assessment of visuospatial short-term memory of the computerized AWMA-2 battery and a parent''s questionnaire about a child''s everyday spatial memory. Hence, we suggest that the ARSM task has high verisimilitude with spatial short-term memory skills in real life. In addition, we evaluated the ARSM task''s usability and perceived satisfaction. The study revealed that the younger children were more satisfied with the ARSM task. This novel instrument could be useful in detecting visuospatial short-term difficulties that affect specific developmental navigational disorders and/or school academic achievement.  相似文献   

An algorithm called bidirectional long short-term memory networks (BLSTM) for processing sequential data is introduced. This supervised learning method trains a special recurrent neural network to use very long-range symmetric sequence context using a combination of nonlinear processing elements and linear feedback loops for storing long-range context. The algorithm is applied to the sequence-based prediction of protein localization and predicts 93.3 percent novel nonplant proteins and 88.4 percent novel plant proteins correctly, which is an improvement over feedforward and standard recurrent networks solving the same problem. The BLSTM system is available as a Web service at http://stepc.stepc.gr/-synaptic/blstm.html.  相似文献   

Previous studies in our laboratory have shown that constitutive cyclin E expression can alleviate the requirement for cyclin Δ-CDK activity in the inactivation of the retinoblastoma protein (pRb). RbΔCDK, a mutant construct of pRb with 15 of the 16 CDK phosphorylation sites mutated to alanine represses activation of E2F by mitogen, despite cyclin E over-expression. However, restoration of the four cyclin E-CDK2 phosphorylation sites to RbΔCDK renders this construct sensitive to inactivation by CDK phosphorylation. In the present study, we engage a “reverse mutational analysis” by restoring cyclin E-CDK2 phosphorylation sites to RbΔCDK individually and in combinations in an attempt to discover phosphorylation sites on Rb that are critical for inactivation. Surprisingly, we report that, in both rodent and human cells, restoration of threonine-373 to RbΔCDK, alone or in combination with other phospho-resotrations, results in a loss of the constitutively repressive effect of this construct on E2F activation. Further, induction of endogenous cyclin A protein is blocked by RbΔCDK, but not by mutants of RbΔCDK containing a restored threonine-373. Finally, while S phase entry is blocked by expression of RbΔCDK, restoration of threonine-373 largely attenuates this effect. These findings reveal that phosphorylation of threonine-373 by CDK2-cyclin E represent a potentially crucial event in the inactivation of the pRb protein.  相似文献   

Protein O‐glycosylation is important in numerous processes including the regulation of proteolytic processing sites by O‐glycan masking in select newly synthesized proteins. To investigate O‐glycan‐mediated masking using an assay amenable to large‐scale screens, we generated a fluorescent biosensor with an O‐glycosylation site situated to mask a furin cleavage site. The sensor is activated when O‐glycosylation fails to occur because furin cleavage releases a blocking domain allowing dye binding to a fluorogen activating protein. Thus, by design, glycosylation should block furin from activating the sensor only if it occurs first, which is predicted by the conventional view of Golgi organization. Indeed, and in contrast to the recently proposed rapid partitioning model, the sensor was non‐fluorescent under normal conditions but became fluorescent when the Golgi complex was decompartmentalized. To test the utility of the sensor as a screening tool, cells expressing the sensor were exposed to a known inhibitor of O‐glycosylation extension or siRNAs targeting factors known to alter glycosylation efficiency. These conditions activated the sensor substantiating its potential in identifying new inhibitors and cellular factors related to protein O‐glycosylation. In summary, these findings confirm sequential processing in the Golgi, establish a new tool for studying the regulation of proteolytic processing by O‐glycosylation, and demonstrate the sensor's potential usefulness for future screening projects .  相似文献   

The Chaco leaf-cutting ant Atta vollenweideri (Forel) inhabits large and deep subterranean nests composed of a large number of fungus and refuse chambers. The ants dispose of the excavated soil by forming small pellets that are carried to the surface. For ants in general, the organisation of underground soil transport during nest building remains completely unknown. In the laboratory, we investigated how soil pellets are formed and transported, and whether their occurrence influences the spatial organisation of collective digging. Similar to leaf transport, we discovered size matching between soil pellet mass and carrier mass. Workers observed while digging excavated pellets at a rate of 26 per hour. Each excavator deposited its pellets in an individual cluster, independently of the preferred deposition sites of other excavators. Soil pellets were transported sequentially over 2 m, and the transport involved up to 12 workers belonging to three functionally distinct groups: excavators, several short-distance carriers that dropped the collected pellets after a few centimetres, and long-distance, last carriers that reached the final deposition site. When initiating a new excavation, the proportion of long-distance carriers increased from 18% to 45% within the first five hours, and remained unchanged over more than 20 hours. Accumulated, freshly-excavated pellets significantly influenced the workers'' decision where to start digging in a choice experiment. Thus, pellets temporarily accumulated as a result of their sequential transport provide cues that spatially organise collective nest excavation.  相似文献   

Musical meters vary considerably across cultures, yet relatively little is known about how culture-specific experience influences metrical processing. In Experiment 1, we compared American and Indian listeners'' synchronous tapping to slow sequences. Inter-tone intervals contained silence or to-be-ignored rhythms that were designed to induce a simple meter (familiar to Americans and Indians) or a complex meter (familiar only to Indians). A subset of trials contained an abrupt switch from one rhythm to another to assess the disruptive effects of contradicting the initially implied meter. In the unfilled condition, both groups tapped earlier than the target and showed large tap-tone asynchronies (measured in relative phase). When inter-tone intervals were filled with simple-meter rhythms, American listeners tapped later than targets, but their asynchronies were smaller and declined more rapidly. Likewise, asynchronies rose sharply following a switch away from simple-meter but not from complex-meter rhythm. By contrast, Indian listeners performed similarly across all rhythm types, with asynchronies rapidly declining over the course of complex- and simple-meter trials. For these listeners, a switch from either simple or complex meter increased asynchronies. Experiment 2 tested American listeners but doubled the duration of the synchronization phase prior to (and after) the switch. Here, compared with simple meters, complex-meter rhythms elicited larger asynchronies that declined at a slower rate, however, asynchronies increased after the switch for all conditions. Our results provide evidence that ease of meter processing depends to a great extent on the amount of experience with specific meters.  相似文献   



Social network analysis has emerged as a promising tool in modern social psychology. This method can be used to examine friend-based social relationships in terms of network theory, with nodes representing individual students and ties representing relationships between students (e.g., friendships and kinships). Using social network analysis, we investigated whether greater severity of ADHD symptoms is correlated with weaker peer relationships among elementary school students.


A total of 562 sixth-graders from two elementary schools (300 males) provided the names of their best friends (maximum 10 names). Their teachers rated each student’s ADHD symptoms using an ADHD rating scale.


The results showed that 10.2% of the students were at high risk for ADHD. Significant group differences were observed between the high-risk students and other students in two of the three network parameters (degree, centrality and closeness) used to assess friendship quality, with the high-risk group showing significantly lower values of degree and closeness compared to the other students. Moreover, negative correlations were found between the ADHD rating and two social network analysis parameters.


Our findings suggest that the severity of ADHD symptoms is strongly correlated with the quality of social and interpersonal relationships in students with ADHD symptoms.  相似文献   

研究表明,多源卫星数据提取的绿潮信息存在较大差异,通常认为可能的主要原因是不同卫星遥感器的的空间分辨率、过境时间差、波段设置等各不相同,但对此仍缺乏深入的研究。本文采用波段设置和过境时间完全相同、仅空间分辨率不同的四景 MERIS 全、降分辨率(300 m 和1200 m)影像,利用统一的算法(NDVI)进行绿潮信息提取,量化了空间分辨率对绿潮覆盖面积、密集度(由斑块个数、聚合度表征)卫星遥感信息提取的影响。结果表明:空间分辨率对绿潮覆盖面积卫星遥感信息提取影响显著,全、降分辨率 MERIS 影像提取的绿潮覆盖面积最大相对偏差可达67%,遥感影像的空间分辨率对绿潮面积提取结果的影响既与绿潮 NDVI 探测阈值有关,还可能与绿潮发展阶段有关。绿潮密集度卫星遥感提取结果也受遥感影像空间分辨率的影响,全分辨率 MERIS 影像提取的绿潮斑块个数为降分辨率影像的7~21倍,绿潮聚合度较降分辨率影像高15%~25%。  相似文献   

An understanding of the spatial variability in tropical forest structure and biomass, and the mechanisms that underpin this variability, is critical for designing, interpreting, and upscaling field studies for regional carbon inventories. We investigated the spatial structure of tropical forest vegetation and its relationship to the hydrological network and associated topographic structure across spatial scales of 10–1000 m using high-resolution maps of LiDAR-derived mean canopy profile height (MCH) and elevation for 4930 ha of tropical forest in central Panama. MCH was strongly associated with the hydrological network: canopy height was highest in areas of positive convexity (valleys, depressions) close to channels draining 1 ha or more. Average MCH declined strongly with decreasing convexity (transition to ridges, hilltops) and increasing distance from the nearest channel. Spectral analysis, performed with wavelet decomposition, showed that the variance in MCH had fractal similarity at scales of ∼30–600 m, and was strongly associated with variation in elevation, with peak correlations at scales of ∼250 m. Whereas previous studies of topographic correlates of tropical forest structure conducted analyses at just one or a few spatial grains, our study found that correlations were strongly scale-dependent. Multi-scale analyses of correlations of MCH with slope, aspect, curvature, and Laplacian convexity found that MCH was most strongly related to convexity measured at scales of 20–300 m, a topographic variable that is a good proxy for position with respect to the hydrological network. Overall, our results support the idea that, even in these mesic forests, hydrological networks and associated topographical variation serve as templates upon which vegetation is organized over specific ranges of scales. These findings constitute an important step towards a mechanistic understanding of these patterns, and can guide upscaling and downscaling.  相似文献   

Neurochemical Research - Temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) is an acquired form of focal epilepsy, in which patients not only suffer from unprovoked, devastating seizures, but also from severe...  相似文献   

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