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Abstract: In isolated adrenal medullary cells, carbamyl-choline and high K+ cause the calcium-dependent secretion of catecholamines with a simultaneous increase in the synthesis of 14C-catecholamines from [14C]tyrosine. In these cells, trifluoperazine, a selective antagonist of calmodulin, inhibited both the secretion and synthesis of catecholamines. The stimulatory effect of carbamyl-choline was inhibited to a greater extent than that of high K+. The inhibitory effect of trifluoperazine on carbamylcholine-evoked secretion of catecholamines was not overcome by an increase in either carbamylcholine or calcium concentration, showing that inhibition by trifluoperazine occurs by a mechanism distinct from competitive antagonism at the cholinergic receptor and from direct inactivation of calcium channels. Doses of trifluoperazine that inhibited catecholamine secretion and synthesis also inhibited the uptake of radioactive calcium by the cells. These results suggest that trifluoperazine inhibits the secretion and synthesis of catecholamines mainly due to its inhibition of calcium uptake. Trifluoperazine seems to inhibit calcium uptake by uncoupling the linkage between cholinergic receptor stimulation and calcium channel activation.  相似文献   

Abstract: Carbachol or elevated K+ stimulated 45Ca2+ uptake into chromaffin cells two- to fourfold. The uptake was stimulated by cholinergic drugs with nicotinic activity, but not by those with only muscarinic activity. Ca2+ uptake and catecholamine secretion induced by the mixed nicotinic-muscarinic agonist carbachol were inhibited by the nicotinic antagonist mecamylamine, but not by the muscarinic antagonist atropine. Significant Ca2+ uptake occurred within 15 s of stimulation by carbachol or elevated K+ at a time before catecholamine secretion was readily detected. At later times the time course of secretion induced by carbachol or elevated K+ was similar to that of Ca2+ uptake. There was a close correlation between Ca2+ uptake and catecholamine secretion at various concentrations of Ca2+. The concentration dependencies for inhibition of both processes by Mg2+ or Cd2+ were similar. Ca2+ uptake saturated with increasing Ca2+ concentrations, with an apparent Km for both carbachol-induced and elevated K+-induced Ca2+ uptake of approximately 2 mM. The Ca2+ dependency, however, was different for the two stimuli. The studies provide strong support for the notion that Ca2+ entry and a presumed increase in cytosolic Ca2+ concentration respectively initiates and maintains secretion. They also provide evidence for the existence of saturable, intracellular, Ca2+- dependent processes associated with catecholamine secretion. Ca2+ entry may, in addition, enhance nicotinic receptor desensitization and may cause inactivation of voltage-sensitive Ca2+ channels.  相似文献   

The calcium-entry antagonist D600 (methoxyverapamil) inhibited nicotine- and veratridine-induced 45Ca2+ uptake, 22Na+ uptake, and catecholamine secretion in primary cultures of bovine adrenal medulla cells. Inhibition of nicotine-induced effects occurred at D600 concentrations approximately 3-10-fold lower than those needed to produce similar inhibition of veratridine-induced effects. Inhibition of the veratridine-induced effects was competitive, but inhibition of the nicotine-induced effects was not competitive. These results suggest that D600, in addition to blocking "slow" Ca2+ channels and tetrodotoxin-sensitive Na+ channels also blocks nicotine transmission, possibly either by noncompetitively inhibiting the interaction of nicotine with the receptor binding site or by blockade of the receptor-associated ion conductance channel.  相似文献   

Abstract: The effects of several neurotoxins and cholinergic antagonists on the nicotine-induced secretion of catecholamines by adrenal medulla cells in culture were investigated. Aconitine, veratridine, and batrachotoxin, in the presence of 1 μ m -tetrodotoxin inhibited the nicotine-stimulated secretion of catecholamines in a dose-dependent manner in Locke's solution. In Na+-free sucrose medium, tetrodotoxin was not required to inhibit the stimulatory effects of aconitine, veratridine, and batrachotoxin, and these agents by themselves inhibited the nicotine-stimulated secretion of catecholamines. Scorpion venom, which also increases the flux of Na+ through tetrodotoxin-sensitive channels, was not an effective inhibitor of nicotine-stimulated secretion. Histrionicotoxin, atropine, hexamethonium, and decamethoniun–as well as the Na+-channel activators–noncompetitively inhibit nicotine-stimulated secretion. The effects of these agents on nicotine-stimulated secretion appear similar to their effects on the inhibition of depolarization at the neuromuscular junction. Reversibility studies suggest that the stimulatory and inhibitory sites of the neurotoxins are different, while studies in Na+-free media suggest that tetrodotoxin-insensitive sodium channels are not involved in the inhibitory effect of the neurotoxins. A possible site of action for the inhibitory effects of the neurotoxins. A possible site of action for the inhibitory effects of the neurotoxins is the nicotinic-receptor-associated ion channel.  相似文献   

Abstract: Hypoxia (5% O2) enhanced catecholamine release in cultured rat adrenal chromaffin cells. Also, the intracellular free Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i) increased within 3 min in ∼50% of the chromaffin cells under hypoxic stimulation. The increase depended on the presence of extracellular Ca2+. Nifedipine and ω-conotoxin decreased the population of the cells that showed the hypoxia-induced [Ca2+]i increase, showing that the Ca2+ influx was attributable to L- and N-type voltage-dependent Ca2+ channels. The membrane potential was depolarized during the perfusion with the hypoxic solution and returned to the basal level following the change to the normoxic solution (20% O2). Membrane resistance increased twofold under the hypoxic condition. The current-voltage relationship showed a hypoxia-induced decrease in the outward K+ current. Among the K+ channel openers tested, cromakalim and levcromakalim, both of which interact with ATP-sensitive K+ channels, inhibited the hypoxia-induced [Ca2+]i increase and catecholamine release. The inhibitory effects of cromakalim and levcromakalim were reversed by glibenclamide and tolbutamide, potent blockers of ATP-sensitive K+ channels. These results suggest that some fractions of adrenal chromaffin cells are reactive to hypoxia and that K+ channels sensitive to cromakalim and glibenclamide might have a crucial role in hypoxia-induced responses. Adrenal chromaffin cells could thus be a useful model for the study of oxygen-sensing mechanisms.  相似文献   

Abstract: The role of the Na+/Ca2+ exchanger and intracellular nonmitochondrial Ca2+ pool in the regulation of cytosolic free calcium concentration ([Ca2+]i) during catecholamine secretion was investigated. Catecholamine secretion and [Ca2+]i were simultaneously monitored in a single chromaffin cell. After high-K+ stimulation, control cells and cells in which the Na+/Ca2+ exchange activity was inhibited showed similar rates of [Ca2+]i elevation. However, the recovery of [Ca2+]i to resting levels was slower in the inhibited cells. Inhibition of the exchanger increased the total catecholamine secretion by prolonging the secretion. Inhibition of the Ca2+ pump of the intracellular Ca2+ pool with thapsigargin caused a significant delay in the recovery of [Ca2+]i and greatly enhanced the secretory events. These data suggest that both the Na+/Ca2+ exchanger and the thapsigargin-sensitive Ca2+ pool are important in the regulation of [Ca2+]i and, by modulating the time course of secretion, are important in determining the extent of secretion.  相似文献   

The stimulation of cultured bovine chromaffin cells with histamine induced a continuous catecholamine secretion (EC50 = 3 x 10(-7) M) via the H1 receptor, in addition to an initial catecholamine burst due to a nonspecific stimulatory effect at higher doses (greater than or equal to 10(-4) M). The continuous secretion showed little desensitization and lasted for more than 1 h. In fura-2-loaded cells, the stimulation with histamine evoked a transient rise of intracellular free Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i) which lasted only for a few minutes and was followed by a sustained [Ca2+]i rise which continued for more than 20 min. The addition of an activator for the L-type voltage-sensitive Ca2+ channel, i.e., Bay K 8644 (1 microM), facilitated the sustained [Ca2+]i rise, as well as the secretion, whereas the addition of relatively high concentrations of Ca(2+)-channel blockers (10 microM) suppressed the sustained [Ca2+]i rise and part of the secretion. Removal of extracellular Ca2+ completely abolished continuous secretion and sustained [Ca2+]i rise. When the external Ca2+ level was elevated, both sustained [Ca2+]i rise and continuous secretion were enhanced in a similar Ca(2+)-dependent manner, showing saturation with around 1-3 mM Ca2+. This Ca2+ dependence was clearly different from that observed with high K+ and nicotine, which is mediated by the L-type Ca2+ channel, in which the responses showed little or no saturation when the Ca2+ level was increased. The results indicate that stimulation with histamine induces a continuous secretion via the H1 receptor, in addition to a transient and nonspecific secretion at higher doses.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

It had previously been thought that muscarinic cholinergic receptors utilize an influx of extracellular calcium for activation of adrenomedullary catecholamine secretion. However, it has recently been demonstrated that muscarinic receptors on isolated adrenal chromaffin cells can elevate cytosolic free calcium levels in a manner independent of extracellular calcium, presumably by mobilizing intracellular calcium stores. We now demonstrate that muscarinic receptor-mediated catecholamine secretion from perfused rat adrenal glands can occur under conditions of extracellular calcium deprivation that are sufficient to block both nicotine- and electrically stimulated release. Three independent conditions of extracellular calcium deprivation were used: nominally calcium-free perfusion solution (no calcium added), EGTA-containing calcium-free perfusion solution, and perfusion solution containing the calcium channel blocker verapamil. Secretion was evoked from the perfused glands by either transmural electrical stimulation or injection of nicotine or muscarine into the perfusion stream. Each condition of calcium deprivation was able to block nicotine- and electrically stimulated catecholamine release in an interval that left muscarine-evoked release largely unaffected. The above results demonstrate that muscarine-evoked catecholamine secretion from perfused rat adrenal glands can occur in the absence of extracellular calcium, presumably by mobilization of intracellular calcium. The latter may be due to muscarinic receptor-mediated generation of inositol trisphosphate.  相似文献   

Abstract: In cultured bovine adrenal medullary cells, stimulation of nicotinic receptors by carbachol evoked the Ca2+-dependent exocytotic cosecretion of proadrenomedullin N-terminal 20 peptide (PAMP) (EC50 = 50.1 µ M ) and catecholamines (EC50 = 63.0 µ M ), with the molar ratio of PAMP/catecholamines secreted being equal to the ratio in the cells. Addition of PAMP[1–20]NH2 inhibited carbachol-induced 22Na+ influx via nicotinic receptors (IC50 = 2.5 µ M ) in a noncompetitive manner and thereby reduced carbachol-induced 45Ca2+ influx via voltage-dependent Ca2+ channels (IC50 = 1.0 µ M ) and catecholamine secretion (IC50 = 1.6 µ M ). It did not alter high K+-induced 45Ca2+ influx via voltage-dependent Ca2+ channels or veratridine-induced 22Na+ influx via voltage-dependent Na+ channels. PAMP seems to be a novel antinicotinic peptide cosecreted with catecholamines by a Ca2+-dependent exocytosis in response to nicotinic receptor stimulation.  相似文献   

Substance P is known to modulate acetylcholine-induced catecholamine release from adrenal chromaffin cells. To investigate the mechanisms involved in this modulation, the present study examined the effects of substance P on net 45Ca2+ fluxes in cultures of bovine adrenal chromaffin cells. Two effects of substance P were observed: (1) Substance P inhibited carbachol-induced 45Ca2+ uptake and 45Ca2+ efflux and (2) substance P protected against desensitization of carbachol-induced 45Ca2+ uptake and 45Ca2+ efflux. Thus substance P modulates two other cholinergic responses, 45Ca2+ uptake and 45Ca2+ efflux, in a manner similar to its modulation of catecholamine release. The results also indicate that substance P's inhibition of net carbachol-induced 45Ca2+ uptake is due to inhibition of 45Ca2+ uptake rather than enhancement of 45Ca2+ efflux. Substance P almost completely inhibited carbachol-induced 45Ca2+ uptake in both Na+-containing and Na+-free media, suggesting that substance P can inhibit the uptake of 45Ca2+ induced by carbachol regardless of whether 45Ca2+ is taken up through voltage-sensitive or acetylcholine receptor-linked channels. However, substance P produced only a small inhibition of K+-induced 45Ca2+ uptake, indicating that substance P does not interact directly with voltage-sensitive Ca2+ channels. In addition, substance P's inhibition of carbachol-induced 45Ca2+ uptake was noncompetitive with respect to Ca2+, were unable to overcome substance P's inhibition of [3H]-norepinephrine ( [3H]NE) release. It is concluded that substance P does not interact directly with Ca2+ channels in bovine adrenal chromaffin cells.  相似文献   

We reported earlier that adenine nucleotides and adenosine inhibit acetylcholine-induced catecholamine secretion from bovine adrenal medulla chromaffin cells. In this article, we used an adenosine analogue, N6-L-phenylisopropyladenosine (PIA), to study the mechanism underlying inhibition of catecholamine secretion by adenosine. PIA inhibits secretion induced by a nicotinic agonist, 1,1-dimethyl-4-phenylpiperazinium, or by elevated external K+. The half-maximal effect on 1,1-dimethyl-4-phenylpiperazinium-induced secretion occurred at approximately 5 x 10(-5) M. The inhibition is immediate and reversible. Fura-2 measurements of cytosolic free Ca2+ indicate that PIA inhibits Ca2+ elevation caused by stimulation; measurements of 45Ca2+ influx show that PIA inhibits uptake of Ca2+. PIA does not inhibit calcium-evoked secretion from digitonin-permeabilized cells, nor does PIA cause any significant change in the dependence of catecholamine secretion on calcium concentration. These data suggest that inhibition by PIA occurs at the level of the voltage-sensitive calcium channel.  相似文献   

The effects of ryanodine, a selective inhibitor of the Ca(2+)-induced Ca2+ release mechanism, on caffeine-evoked changes in cytosolic Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i) and catecholamine secretion were investigated using cultured bovine adrenal chromaffin cells. Caffeine (5-40 mM) caused a concentration-dependent transient rise in [Ca2+]i and catecholamine secretion in Ca2+/Mg(2+)-free medium containing 0.2 mM EGTA. Ryanodine (5 x 10(-5) M) alone had no effect on either [Ca2+]i or catecholamine secretion. Although the application of ryanodine plus caffeine caused the same increase in both [Ca2+]i and catecholamine secretion as those induced by caffeine alone, ryanodine (4 x 10(-7) - 5 x 10(-5) M) irreversibly prevented the increase in both [Ca2+]i and catecholamine secretion resulting from subsequent caffeine application over a range of concentrations. The secretory response to caffeine was markedly enhanced by replacement of Na+ with sucrose in Ca2+/Mg(2+)-free medium, and this enhanced response was also blocked by ryanodine. Caffeine was found to decrease the susceptibility of the secretory apparatus to Ca2+ in digitonin-permeabilized cells. These results indicate that caffeine mobilizes Ca2+ from intracellular stores, the function of which is irreversibly blocked by ryanodine, resulting in the increase in catecholamine secretion in the bovine adrenal chromaffin cell.  相似文献   

To study the role of intracellular pH (pHi) in catecholamine secretion and the regulation of pHi in bovine chromaffin cells, the pH-sensitive fluorescent indicator [2',7'-bis(carboxyethyl)-5(6)-carboxyfluorescein] was used to monitor the on-line changes in pHi. The pHi of chromaffin cells at resting state is approximately 7.2. The pHi was manipulated first by incubation of the cells with NH4+, and then the solution was replaced with a NH4(+)-free solution to induce acidification of the cytoplasm. The pHi returned toward the basal pH value after acidification within 5-10 min in the presence of Na+ or Li+, but the pHi stayed acidic when Na(+)-free buffers were used or in the presence of amiloride and its analogues. These results suggest that the pH recovery process after an acid load is due to the Na+/H+ exchange activity in the plasma membrane of the chromaffin cells. The catecholamine secretion evoked by carbachol and Na+ removal was enhanced after the cytoplasm had been made more acidic. It appears that acidic pH favors the occurrence of exocytosis.  相似文献   

The cytosolic free Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]in) in single cat and bovine adrenal chromaffin cells was measured to determine whether or not there was any correlation between the [Ca2+]in and the catecholamine (CA) secretion caused by muscarinic receptor stimulation. In cat chromaffin cells, methacholine (MCh), a muscarinic agonist, raised [Ca2+]in by activating both Ca2+ influx and intracellular Ca2+ mobilization with an accompanying CA secretion. In bovine cells, MCh elevated [Ca2+]in by mobilizing intracellular Ca2+ but did not cause CA secretion. The MCh-induced rise in [Ca2+]in in cat cells was much higher than that in bovine cells, but when Ca2+ influx was blocked, the rise was reduced, with a concomitant loss of secretion, to a level comparable to that in bovine cells. Intracellular Ca2+ mobilization due to muscarinic stimulation substantially increased secretion from depolarized bovine and cat cells, where a [Ca2+]in elevated above basal values was maintained by a continuous Ca2+ influx. These results show that Ca2+ released from internal stores is not effective in triggering secretion unless Ca2+ continues to enter across the plasma membrane, a conclusion suggesting that secretion depends on [Ca2+]in in a particular region of the cell.  相似文献   

Abstract: Catecholamine (CA) secretion was evoked when the isolated rat adrenal gland was perfused with HEPES-buffered Krebs solution acidified by the addition of HCI or by gassing with 95% O2/5% CO2. The secretion was detectable at pH 7.0 and increased with decreasing pH until at ~6.4. The low pH-induced CA secretion consisted of two phases, an initial transient response followed by a sustained phase. An intracellular Ca2+ antagonist, 3,4,5-trimethoxybenzoic acid 8-(N,N-diethylamino)octyl ester, selectively inhibited the initial phase of secretion. Both of the responses were resistant to nifedipine, a blocker of voltage-gated Ca2+ channel, but were completely inhibited in Ca2+-free (1 mM EGTA containing) solution. Adrenaline was an exclusive component in CAs released by low pH. The time course and extent of intracellular acidification caused either by low pH in the external medium or by the offset of a transitory NH4CI application had no correlation with those of the secretory responses in the corresponding period. These results suggest that extracellular acidification preferentially activates adrenaline secretive cells to evoke CA secretion and that this low pH-induced CA secretion may be mediated by dihydropyridine-insensitive Ca2+ influx. Furthermore, the initial transient phase of the low pH-induced CA secretion might be caused by a Ca2+ release from intracellular stores, which is also induced by the Ca2+ influx.  相似文献   

Abstract: Primary cultures of chromaffin cells from bovine adrenal medulla were used to evaluate the ability of several opiates to reduce the release of catecholamines induced by stimulation of nicotinic receptors. Etorphine, β-endorphin, Met-enkephalin[Arg6,Phe7], and the synthetic peptide [d -Ala2,Me-Phe4,Met(O)s-ol]enkephalin inhibited the acetylcholine-induced release of catecholamines with an IC30 varying from 10?7 to 1 × 10?6M. The effect was stereospecific because levorphanol (IC30= 7.5 × 10?7M) was approximately two orders of magnitude more potent than dextrorphan. Morphine (μ-receptor agonist), [d -Ala2, d -Leu5]enkephalin (δ-receptor agonist), ethylketazocine (k -receptor agonist), and N-allylnormetazocine (σ-receptor agonist) were at least 100–1000 times less potent than etorphine. Diprenorphine (IC50= 5 × 10?7M) and naloxone (IC50= 10?6M) antagonized the effect of etorphine. High-affinity, saturable, and stereospecific binding sites for [3H]etorphine, [3H]dihydromorphine, [3H-d -Ala2,d -Leu5]enkephalin, [3H]ethylketazocine, and for [3H]N-allylnormetazocine, [3H]diprenorphine, and [3H]naloxone were detected in chromaffin cell membranes and in membranes obtained from adrenal medulla homogenates. However, the number of binding sites for [3H]etorphine and [3H]diprenorphine was 10–70 times higher than the number of sites measured with the other 3H ligands. The rank order of potency of these compounds for the displacement of [3H]etorphine binding correlates (r = 0.90) with the rank order of potency of the same compounds for the inhibition of acetylcholine-induced catecholamine release. These data suggest that a stereoselective opiate receptor (different from the classic μ-, δ-, k -, or σ-receptor) with high affinity for etorphine, diprenorphine, β-endorphin, and Met-enkephalin[Arg6,Phe7] modulates the function of the nicotinic receptor in adrenal chromaffin cells.  相似文献   

Abstract: KN-62, an inhibitor of Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CaM kinase II), inhibited significantly catecholamine secretion and tyrosine hydroxylase activity stimulated by acetylcholine in cultured bovine adrenal medullary cells. KN-62, however, showed an additional inhibitory effect on acetylcholine-induced 45Ca2+ influx, which is essential for functional responses. Carbachol-stimulated 22Na+ influx, veratridine-induced 22Na+ influx, and 56 m M K+-evoked 45Ca2+ influx were also attenuated by KN-62. Inhibitions by KN-62 of these ion influxes were correlated closely with those of catecholamine secretion. KN-04, which is a structural analogue of KN-62 but does not inhibit CaM kinase II activity, elicited inhibitory effects on the three kinds of stimulant-evoked ion influxes with an inhibitory potency similar to KN-62. These results suggest that KN-62 inhibits catecholamine secretion and tyrosine hydroxylase activation due to mainly its ion channel blockade on the plasma membrane rather than the inhibition of CaM kinase II activity in the cells.  相似文献   

Incubation of cultured bovine adrenal medullary cells with p-chloromercuribenzoate (50-500 microM), a sulfhydryl-reacting agent, caused an increase in the secretion of catecholamines, p-Chloromercuriphenyl sulfonate, a p-chloromercuribenzoate analogue that poorly penetrates the cell membrane, caused a similar increase in catecholamine secretion. In both cases, catecholamine secretion was dependent on extracellular Ca2+. Furthermore, p-chloromercuribenzoate caused both 45Ca2+ influx into the cells and an increase in the intracellular free Ca2+ concentration. The increases in catecholamine secretion and 45Ca2+ influx behaved similarly in relation to p-chloromercuribenzoate concentration. The time courses of the increased secretion, 45Ca2+ influx, and intracellular free Ca2+ concentration by p-chloromercuribenzoate were also quite similar. The stimulation of catecholamine secretion by p-chloromercuribenzoate was reversed by washing the cells with dithiothreitol-containing medium, but not by dithiothreitol-free medium. When the cells were treated with p-chloromercuribenzoate, dopamine-beta-hydroxylase, an enzyme present in the chromaffin granules along with catecholamines, was also released. However, p-chloromercuribenzoate did not cause release of phenylethanolamine-N-methyltransferase, an enzyme present in the cytoplasm. These results indicate that catecholamine secretion due to p-chloromercuribenzoate occurs by Ca2+-dependent exocytosis.  相似文献   

Puccinellia tenuiflora is a useful monocotyledonous halophyte that might be used for improving salt tolerance of cereals. This current work has shown that P. tenuiflora has stronger selectivity for K+ over Na+ allowing it to maintain significantly lower tissue Na+ and higher K+ concentration than that of wheat under short- or long-term NaCl treatments. To assess the relative contribution of Na+ efflux and influx to net Na+ accumulation, unidirectional 22Na+ fluxes in roots were carried out. It was firstly found that unidirectional 22Na+ influx into root of P. tenuiflora was significantly lower (by 31–37%) than in wheat under 100 and 150 m m NaCl. P. tenuiflora had lower unidirectional Na+ efflux than wheat; the ratio of efflux to influx was similar between the two species. Leaf secretion of P. tenuiflora was also estimated, and found the loss of Na+ content from leaves to account for only 0.0006% of the whole plant Na+ content over 33 d of NaCl treatments. Therefore, it is proposed that neither unidirectional Na+ efflux of roots nor salt secretion by leaves, but restricting unidirectional Na+ influx into roots with a strong selectivity for K+ over Na+ seems likely to contribute to the salt tolerance of P. tenuiflora .  相似文献   

Abstract: Differential adrenaline (Ad) and noradrenaline (NA) secretions evoked by secretagogues were investigated using digitonin-permeabilized adrenal chromaffin cells, cultured adrenal chromaffin cells, and perfused adrenal glands of the ox. In digitonin-permeabilized cells, Ca2+ (0.8-160 μM) caused a concentration-dependent increase in catecholamine secretion, which was characterized by a predominance of NA over Ad secretion. Acetylcholine (10-1,000 μM), high K+ (14-56 μM), and bradykinin (0.1-1,000 μM) all were confirmed to induce the release of more NA than Ad at all concentrations used. There was no apparent difference in the ratios of NA/Ad between Ca2+-induced catecholamine secretion from digitonin-permeabilized cells and those induced by secretagogues from cultured cells. Qualitatively the same result was obtained in the secretory responses to acetylcholine and high K+ in perfused adrenal glands. These results indicate that the effectiveness of Ca2+ for catecholamine secretion is higher in the secretory apparatus of NA cells than in that of Ad cells of the bovine adrenal medulla. This may be one of the reasons why the secretagogues cause a predominance of NA secretion over Ad secretion in the bovine adrenal medulla.  相似文献   

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