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Relationships among 37 North American octoploid strawberry populations were studied by evaluating 44 morphological traits and 36 randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers. Both data sets were analyzed by principal components analysis and UPGMA clustering based on genetic distances. Morphological data defined five groups: east of the Missouri River (Fragaria virginiana ssp. virginiana), the Black Hills (F. virginiana ssp. virginiana and ssp. glauca), from the eastern Cascades to the eastern Rocky Mountains (F. virginiana ssp. glauca), the western Cascades and Olympic Peninsula (F. virginiana ssp. platypetala), and the Pacific coast (F. chiloensis). Canonical discriminant analysis clearly discriminated populations into these provenances, suggesting that these groups are morphologically distinct. RAPD data defined three groups, one with F. virginiana ssp. virginiana and ssp. glauca, another with F. chiloensis, and a third with F. virginiana ssp. platypetala. The latter was more similar to F. chiloensis than F. virginiana, suggesting it is likely a subspecies of F. chiloensis. All octoploid North American strawberries have likely derived from a common ancestor and have differentiated into F. chiloensis and F. virginiana by adapting to moister and drier environments, respectively.  相似文献   

Li J  Koski MH  Ashman TL 《Annals of botany》2012,109(3):545-552

Background and Aims

Gynodioecy is a phylogenetically widespread and important sexual system where females coexist with hermaphrodites. Because dioecy can arise from gynodioecy, characterization of gynodioecy in close relatives of dioecious and sub-dioecious species can provide insight into this transition. Thus, we sought to determine whether Fragaria vesca ssp. bracteata, a close relative to F. chiloensis and F. virginiana, exhibits the functional and population genetic hallmarks of a gynodioecious species.


We compared reproductive allocation of females and hermaphrodites grown in the greenhouse and estimated genetic diversity (allelic diversity, heterozygosity) and inbreeding coefficients for field-collected adults of both sexes using simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers. We estimated mating system and early seed fitness from open-pollinated families of both sex morphs.

Key Results

Under greenhouse conditions, females and hermaphrodites allocated similarly to all reproductive traits except flower number, and, as a consequence, females produced 30 % fewer seeds per plant than hermaphrodites. Under natural conditions, hermaphrodites produce seeds by self-fertilization approx. 75 % of the time, and females produced outcrossed seeds with very little biparental inbreeding. Consistent with inbreeding depression, seeds from open-pollinated hermaphrodites were less likely to germinate than those from females, and family-level estimates of hermaphrodite selfing rates were negatively correlated with germination success and speed. Furthermore, estimates of inbreeding depression based on genetic markers and population genetic theory indicate that inbreeding depression in the field could be high.


The joint consideration of allocation and mating system suggests that compensation may be sufficient to maintain females given the current understanding of sex determination. Fragaria vesca ssp. bracteata exhibited similar sex morph-dependent patterns of mating system and genetic diversity, but less reproductive trait dimorphism, than its sub-dioecious and dioecious congeners.  相似文献   

Summary In this paper we describe a simple and efficient DNA extraction protocol for Fragaria species, a highly recalcitrant genus due to the large amount of polyphenols and polymeric carbohydrates present in strawberry tissues. The protocol yields a high quality DNA that can be amplified by polymerase chain reaction and digested with restriction endonucleases.  相似文献   

Strawberry plants (Fragaria×ananassa Duch.) cvs. Nyoho and Toyonoka were exposed to temperatures of 20, 33, and 42 °C for 4 h, and protein patterns in leaves and flowers was analyzed by 2-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and immunoblotting. In leaves and flowers of both cultivars, the content of most proteins decreased, but a few new proteins appeared in response to heat stress. These heat shock proteins (Hsps) were detected in the range of 19 – 29 kDa in leaves, and 16 – 26 kDa in flowers. The intensity of a 43 kDa protein spot increased in response to heat stress in Nyoho flowers, but not in Toyonoka flowers. The peaHsp17.7 antibody recognized one band at approximately 26 kDa in leaves, and two bands at approximately 16 and 17 kDa in flowers of both cultivars. These results show that the effects of heat stress on Hsp synthesis in strawberry plants differ between plant organs and between cultivars.  相似文献   

Fragaria ananassa (strawberry) callus, which produced high amounts of anthocyanin in the dark, was isolated from a cell line not producing anthocyanin. The isolated callus (FAR) was homogeneous and more than 90% of the cells were pigmented. The FAR callus accumulated more than 1000 g of anthocyanin per g fresh cell in the dark. Four different basal solid media were examined to maintain FAR callus: Though growth rate and anthocyanin concentration were different on each media, total anthocyanin production was about the same at 400 g anthocyanin/0.1 g fresh cell wt after 22 days. This FAR cell line could therefore be used for the industrial production of anthocyanin.  相似文献   

Clonal propagation of Virginia Pine (Pinus virginiana Mill.) was achieved by organogenesis on cotyledon explants. The influence of several cytokinins and abscisic acid on adventitious shoot production from cotyledon explants was investigated. Benzyladenine was more effective in shoot induction than three other cytokinins tested. Benzyladenine (22.2 M) in combination with naphthaleneacetic acid(0.05 M) in a Gresshoff and Doy (1972) medium was found to increase shoot bud production. Abscisic acid (7.6 M) in combination with benzyladenine and naphthaleneacetic acid enhanced shoot formation by an additional 65%. Root initiation was achieved with 0.5 strength Gresshoff and Doy media amended with naphthaleneacetic acid (1.3 M), indole-3-butyric acid (1.2 M) and benzyladenine (0.4 M). Over 2400 plantlets from 2 families survived and were transferred to a greenhouse in preparation for field planting. After ten months, the maximum number of surviving plantlets/seed explant from these two sources was 57 for family ALPV-38 and 41 for family ALPV-78, respectively.Abbreviations ABA Abscisic acid - BA N6-Benzyladenine - GD Gresshoff and Doy (1972) nutrient media - IBA Indole-3-butyric acid - KN Kinetin - NAA -Naphthaleneacetic acid - 2iP 2-isopentenyl adenine - ZN Zeatin  相似文献   

In studies of the effect of long or short-day photoperiod treatments on the qualitative gibberellin (GA) content of mature leaves of a facultative short-day (SD) strawberry cultivar (Fragaria × ananassa Duch. cv. Elsanta), GA1, GA8, GA17, GA19, GA20, GA29 and GA44 were identified by full-scan gas chromatography - mass spectrometry (GC-MS) in extracts from plants grown under long-day (LD) conditions, and GA1, GA5, GA8, GA19, GA20 and GA29 in similar extracts from plants subjected to eight SD cycles after growth under LD conditions. The early 13-hydroxylation GA biosynthetic pathway thus appeared to predominate, with the apparent absence of GA5 in LD and of GA17 and GA44 in SD extracts providing evidence of modulation of this pathway by photoperiod. A search, including GC-MS with selected ion monitoring, failed to detect GA3, or the polyhydroxylated GA85, GA86, GA87 or GA32 for which some extracts were specifically purified.This paper is respectfully dedicated to the memory of Gordon Browning, who died suddenly on the 1st July, 1993. He will be sorely missed, both as a friend and colleague.  相似文献   

Two experiments are reported. In the first, six different strawberry genotypes were each grown in vitro on media containing five different concentrations of 6-benzylaminopurine (BAP) ranging from 0.5 M to 8.0 M. Responses of the genotypes to different BAP levels varied and the optimum levels for maximum proliferation were between 1 M and 8 M. In the second experiment the six genotypes were split into two groups of three and all crosses between the two groups were made. Seedlings from the nine progenies were then grown on media with the same five levels of BAP. Of the 12% of seedlings that did not proliferate, most were on media with the two lowest BAP levels (0.5 and 1.0 M). Seedlings from crosses involving the cv. Bogota proliferated least, while the three progenies with the breeding line ES652 as a parent had the highest mean proliferation rates. One cross, Bogota × Providence, had a particularly low mean proliferation rate. It was concluded that to optimize proliferation rate the medium must be tailored to the genotype. The best medium could not be reliably predicted from knowledge of the pedigree of a genotype.  相似文献   

This study reports the development and characterization of 10 polymorphic microsatellite primer pairs in wild strawberry (Fragaria vesca). The primers were designed from a genomic library enriched for di‐, tri‐ and tetranucleotide repeats from F. vesca‘Reugen’. They showed single locus polymorphism in a set of nine F. vesca accessions; two to six alleles were detected per locus. The level of polymorphism in F. vesca was surprisingly low, although three pairs of primers were sufficient to distinguish between most accessions.  相似文献   

Wei C  Lintilhac LS  Lintilhac PM 《Planta》2006,223(5):1058-1067
Cultivated strawberry (Fragaria ×ananassa) is a valuable crop, yet the absence of a rapid, high-throughput transgenic system has precluded meaningful application of biotechnology and translation of information from plant models to this crop. A new octoploid strawberry genetic line Laboratory Festival #9 has been identified, selected solely for its rapid regeneration and efficient transformation. Direct organogenesis has been achieved from all tissues tested, with rapidly-growing shoot initials visible in as few as 13 days. The conditions for optimal shoot regeneration, transformant selection, root generation, and plant acclimatization are presented. The progression from explant to plant in soil can be achieved in about 60 days. The development of transformation protocols in this rapid-cycling genotype allows high-throughput studies of gene function in the octoploid strawberry genetic background.  相似文献   

Leaf exudates from the short-day (SD) strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa Duch.) cv. Elsanta were analysedfor gibberellin (GA) content using combined gaschromatography – mass spectrometry (GC-MS). Comparison of full-scan mass spectra and Kovatsretention indices (KRIs) with those of standardsrevealed the presence of GA1, GA3, 3-epiGA1 and GA3-isolactone.  相似文献   

In the short-day plant, strawberry (Fragaria ananassa Duch.), polyamines (putrescine, spermidine and spermine), conjugated spermidine (water-insoluble compounds) and bound amines (putrescine, spermidine, phenylethylamine, 3-hydroxy, 4-methoxyphenylethylamine) accumulated in the shoot tips during floral induction and before floral emergence. Different associations of free amines and conjugated amines were observed during floral induction, as compared with the reproductive phase. During the whole period of floral development, phenylethylamine (an aromatic amine) was the predominant amine, representing 80 to 90% of the total free amine pool. Phenylethylamine conjugates (water-insoluble compounds) were the predominant amides observed prior to fertilization. These substances decreased drastically after fertilization. In vegetative shoot tips from plants grown continously under long days, free polyamines (putrescine, spermidine) and bound polyamines (putrescine, spermidine) were low and no change was observed. Free amines (spermine and phenylethylamine), bound aromatic amines (phenylethylamine, 3-hydroxy, 4-methoxyphenylethylamine), conjugated spermidine and phenylethylamine did not appear. Male-sterile flowers were distinguished by their lack of conjugated spermidine and phenylethyalamine and by a decrease in free phenylethylamine. In normal and sterile strawberry plants -DL-difluoromethylornithine (DFMO), a specific irreversible inhibitor of ornithine decarboxylase (ODC), caused inhibition of flowering and free and polyamine conjugates. When putrescine was added, polyamine titers and flowering were restored. A similar treatment with -DL-difluoromethylarginine (DFMA), a specific, irreversible inhibitor of arginine decarboxylase (ADC), did not affect flowering and polyamine titers. These results suggest that ornithine decarboxylase (ODC) and polyamines are involved in regulating floral initiation in strawberry. The relationship between polyamines, aromatic amines, conjugates, floral initiation and male sterility is discussed.Abbreviations ADC arginine decarboxylase - ODC ornithine decarboxylase - DFMA -DL-difluoromethylarginine - DFMO -DL-difluoromethylornithine - Put putrescine - Spd spermidine - Spm spermine - Phen phenylethylamine - 3H4M Phen 3-hydroxy, 4-methoxyphenylethylamine  相似文献   

Summary A permanent tissue-cultured cell line (designated OK) has been established from kidney tissue of an adult American opossum. The OK line has been characterized with respect to morphology, chromosome constitution, tissue-culture requirements, and attainable mitotic arrest. The cells are epithelial-like with a stable nondiploid chromosomal modal number of 23. Cells grown in Eagle's minimal essential medium with 10% fetal bovine serum have a mean doubling time of 18 hr. The cell line OK is potentially useful for the isolation and purification of the mammalian X chromosome because of the size differential between the smaller X's and the larger autosomes. This work was supported by NIH grant HD-04420.  相似文献   

In this study we dissect the causes of variation in intra-inflorescence allocation in a sexually polymorphic species, Fragaria virginiana. We separated out the effects of resource competition during flowering from those of inflorescence architecture, as well as identified the effects of sex morph and genotype. We found position-based variation in petal length, ovule, pollen, and flower number to be influenced more by architecture than by our resource manipulations during flowering. We also found both genotype- and sex-specific intra-inflorescence patterns. Furthermore, our data indicate that the sex morph-specific intra-inflorescence patterns result from architectural modifications of the basic pattern. In fact, sex-differential intra-inflorescence patterns suggest that fitness through male and female function may be maximized by different resource distribution patterns within the inflorescence and may have been modified by past selection. Specifically, females invested heavily in ovules at positions where fruit set was most likely (primary and secondary), at the expense of flower number and allocation per flower at more distal positions. Whereas functional males invested minimally in ovules at all flower positions and produced the most abundantly flowered inflorescences, hermaphrodites, on the other hand, showed intermediate patterns, implying a compromise between sex functions. We suggest that consideration of intra-inflorescence allocation and inflorescence architecture may reveal the mechanism underlying sexual dimorphism in flower allocation and number.  相似文献   

Characterization of ethylene production in developing strawberry fruit   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Ethylene production, ACC content, and ACC oxidase activity were determined in strawberry fruit harvested at different stages of development and in fruit harvested green and developed in vitro in solutions containing sucrose. In fruit harvested at progressive stages of development from green through full ripe, ethylene production and ACC oxidase activity decreased whereas ACC content increased between the white and pink stages. Fruit detached at the green stage and developed to full ripe by immersion of the cut pedicel in sucrose solutions exhibited an increase in ACC content, decreased ethylene production, and no change in ACC oxidase activity. Detached green fruit provided with sucrose containing 0.5 mM silver (STS) had elevated ethylene production and more ACC oxidase activity than did fruit incubated without the silver salt. Green fruit provided with sucrose containing 1 mM ACC showed markedly increased ACC content, ACC oxidase activity, and ethylene production. These increases were noted following 4 days incubation in ACC, and were more pronounced after 11 days, at which time fruit of all treatments had attained a full-ripe stage of development. Calyx tissue exhibited more ACC oxidase activity, less ACC content, and similar ethylene production compared with receptacle tissue. ACC synthase could not be detected in fruit harvested at different developmental stages or in fruit detached and developed in vitro.abbreviations ACC 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid - HQS 8-hydroxyquinoline hemisulfate - SAM S-adenosyl methionine - STS silver thiosulfate  相似文献   

Summary Translational genomics is defined as the application of molecular-genetic principles derived from model systems to species of experimental or economic interest. The past 20 years of research in plant model systems such as Arabidopsis thaliana have relinquished vast amounts of information regarding gene function, the integration of genetic components into pathways, and the interrelationships between pathways to control form and function in plants and plant-products alike. At present, the challenge is to relate these paradigms to other species of economic or scientific interest. Apart from being an important and valuable crop, strawberry (Fragaria spp.) is a member of the Rosaceae, a plant family containing fruit, nut, ornamental and wood-bearing species. Strawberry is unique within the Rosaceae in that it is a rapidly growing herbaceous perennial with a small genome and the ability to thrive in a laboratory setting. Strawberry species may also be transformed and regenerated in a time scale of weeks or months instead of years. For these reasons, strawberry has been recognized as the translational genomics model for the Rosaceae family. This review summarizes and synthesizes the technical reports of strawberry regeneration and transformation, consolidating the large body of information regarding genetic modification of this important genus.  相似文献   

The crop species Olea europaea L. (olive tree) is of great economic importance in the Mediterranean region. Hence, many efforts have been done in the last decades to propagate this commercially valuable species by in vitro methods. On the other hand, the lesser known Olea maderensis (Lowe) Rivas Mart. & Del Arco which is a native species of the Madeira Archipelago has only been the subject of micropropagation from nodal stem cuttings. Therefore, in this work we analysed the stability of ten nuclear simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers at successive stages of the somatic embryogenesis process in two adult trees belonging to these two species from the Madeira Archipelago. For the induction of somatic embryogenesis, petiole and leaf explants were cultivated on solid Murashige and Skoog medium (MS) with 12.25 μM indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) and 4.56 μM of zeatin, in the dark. After 3 months, different callus tissues (non-embryogenic, pre-embryogenic and embryogenic) developed from leaf explants and petioles were later transferred to MS medium without growth regulators in the dark. All ten SSR markers were able to distinguish between species. However, no mutations were found at the SSR loci at any of the successive developmental stages from PEMs (pre-embryogenic masses) to somatic embryos. This genetic uniformity was observed within material derived from each genotype/species and its respective donor plant. Therefore, we conclude that the genomic integrities of both O. europaea and O. maderensis were maintained throughout the stages of the embryogenic processes in study suggesting the absence of somaclonal variation.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Many plants reproduce both clonally and sexually, and the balance between the two modes of reproduction will vary among populations. Clonal reproduction was characterized in three populations of the wild strawberry, Fragaria virginiana, to determine the extent that reproductive mode varied locally between sites. The study sites were fragmented woodlands in Cook County, Illinois, USA.


A total of 95 strawberry ramets were sampled from the three sites via transects. Ramets were mapped and genotyped at five variable microsatellite loci. The variability at these five loci was sufficient to assign plants to clones with high confidence, and the spatial pattern of genets was mapped at each site.

Key Results

A total of 27 distinct multilocus genotypes were identified. Of these, 18 genotypes were detected only once, with the remaining nine detected in multiple ramets. The largest clone was identified in 16 ramets. No genets were shared between sites, and each site exhibited markedly different clonal and sexual recruitment patterns, ranging from two non-overlapping and widespread genets to 19 distinct genets. Only one flowering genet was female; the remainder were hermaphrodites.


Local population history or fine-scale ecological differences can result in dramatically different reproductive patterns at small spatial scales. This finding may be fairly widespread among clonal plant species, and studies that aim to characterize reproductive modes in species capable of asexual reproduction need to evaluate reproductive modes in multiple populations and sites.Key words: Clonal structure, gynodioecy, Fragaria virginiana, microsatellites, population genetic structure  相似文献   

Explants excised from strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa Duch.) plantlets were cultured in vitro for 21 days on half-strength MS (Murashige & Skoog 1962) basal liquid medium with 20 g l-1 sucrose and without sugar in the vessels capped with gas permeable microporous polypropylene film. The experiments were conducted under CO2 nonenriched (350–450 mol mol-1 in the culture room) and CO2 enriched (2,000 mol mol-1 during the photoperiod in the culture room) conditions with a PPF (photosynthetic photon flux) of 200 mol m-2 s-1. The CO2 concentration in the vessels decreased to approximately 200 mol mol-1 during the photoperiod on day 21 under CO2 nonenriched conditions. The fresh and dry weight, net photosynthetic rate (NPR) per plantlet, NPR per g leaf fresh weight, NPR per g leaf dry weight, the number of unfolded leaves, and ion uptake of PO4 3-, NO3 -, Ca2+, Mg2+ and K+ on day 21 were the greatest under photoautotrophic (no sugar in the medium) and CO2 enriched conditions. The residual percent of PO4 3- was 3% on day 21 under photoautotrophic and CO2 enriched conditions.Abbreviations MS Murashige & Skoog (1962) basal medium composition - NPR net photosynthetic rate - PPF photosynthetic photon flux  相似文献   

Abundance, variability and chromosomal location of microsatellites in wheat   总被引:51,自引:0,他引:51  
The potential of microsatellite sequences as genetic markers in hexaploid wheat (Triticum aestivum) was investigated with respect to their abundance, variability, chromosomal location and usefulness in related species. By screening a lambda phage library, the total number of (GA)n blocks was estimated to be 3.6 x 104 and the number of (GT)n blocks to be 2.3 x 104 per haploid wheat genome. This results in an average distance of approximately 270 kb between these two microsatellite types combined. Based on sequence analysis data from 70 isolated microsatellites, it was found that wheat microsatellites are relatively long containing up to 40 dinucleotide repeats. Of the tested primer pairs, 36% resulted in fragments with a size corresponding to the expected length of the sequenced microsatellite clone. The variability of 15 microsatellite markers was investigated on 18 wheat accessions. Significantly, more variation was detected with the microsatellite markers than with RFLP markers with, on average, 4.6 different alleles per microsatellite. The 15 PCR-amplified microsatellites were further localized on chromosome arms using cytogenetic stocks of Chinese Spring. Finally, the primers for the 15 wheat microsatellites were used for PCR amplification with rye (Secale cereale) and barley accessions (Hordeum vulgare, H. spontaneum). Amplified fragments were observed for ten primer pairs with barley DNA and for nine primer pairs with rye DNA as template. A microsatellite was found by dot blot analysis in the PCR products of barley and rye DNA for only one primer pair.  相似文献   

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