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We tested the hypothesis that manganese superoxide dismutase (MnSOD), an antioxidant enzyme, regulates the proliferative potential of confluent human fibroblasts. Normal human skin (AG01522) and lung (WI38, CCL-75) fibroblasts kept in confluence (>95% G(0)/G(1)) showed a significant decrease in their capacity to re-enter the proliferation cycle after 40-60 days. The inhibition of re-entry was accompanied with the age-dependent increase of p16 protein levels in the confluent culture. Adenoviral mediated overexpression of MnSOD during confluent growth suppressed p16, enhanced p21 protein accumulation, and protected fibroblasts against the loss of proliferation potential. Increases in p21 protein levels in MnSOD overexpressing confluent fibroblasts were independent of p53 protein levels. p53 protein levels did not change in control, replication-defective adenovirus containing an insertless vector (AdBgl II), or AdMnSOD-infected confluent cells cultured for 20 and 60 days. In addition, MnSOD-induced protection of the proliferation capacity of confluent fibroblasts was independent of their telomerase activity. However, telomerase-transformed fibroblasts showed increased MnSOD expression in confluent growth, maintaining their capacity to re-enter the proliferation cycle. Although inactivation of the retinoblastoma protein in cells subcultured from the 60-day confluent control, AdBgl II-, and AdMnSOD-infected fibroblasts was identical, only MnSOD-overexpressing cells showed a higher percentage of S-phase. These results support the hypothesis that a redox-sensitive checkpoint regulated the progression of fibroblasts from G(0)/G(1) to S-phase.  相似文献   

A study of the fluorescence polarization and fluorescent lifetimes of 1,6 diphenyl hexatriene in human normal and leukaemic lymphocytes, lymphocyte plasma membranes and liposomes from the plasma membranes failed to reveal any fluidity differences which could be attributed to the leukaemic transformation. The plasma membranes were more viscous than the whole cells, and on average the liposomes were only 57% as viscous as the plasma membranes from which they were prepared. The average fluorescent lifetime of DPH in the liposomes was 7.9 nanoseconds as opposed to 9.7 in the plasma membrane. The polarization degree of DPH in the lymphocytes was much lower and more variable than that of DPH in platelets, polymorphonuclear leucocytes or erythrocyte membranes.  相似文献   

Lymphocytes from acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL) subjects were converted by mitogens to blast-like cells whose microscopic appearance and rate of formation was indistinguishable from those in mitogen incubated control lymphocytes. In ALL lymphocytes, however, pokeweed mitogen (PWM) failed to stimulate GGT expression; the mean increase it caused in thymidine kinase (TK) activity and thymidine incorporation was normal, though there were appreciable individual variations. These variations were also apparent with concanavalin A (Con A) but, in most ALL cases, TK and thymidine incorporation rose to much higher levels than in Con-A-treated control lymphocytes. The results indicate that evaluation of the response to mitogens by quantitative biochemical criteria provides a sensitive method for revealing functional impairments in microscopically normal ALL lymphocytes.  相似文献   

The glutathione (GSH) content of mouse T- and B-cells was determined and compared with the GSH content of human peripheral blood lymphocytes and human erythrocytes. Owing to the difficulty of obtaining large numbers of purified lymphocytes, a technique was developed to measure picomolar quantities of GSH. By this technique, mouse T- and B-cells, as well as mouse peripheral-blood lymphocytes, were found to contain approx. 30% of the GSH found in human peripheral-blood lymphocytes. The concanavalin A response of human peripheral-blood lymphocytes and human spleen cells was insensitive to 2-mercaptoethanol as well as to culture in 17% O2, whereas mouse lymphocyte responses were altered by 2-mercaptoethanol and inhibited by 17% O2. The capacity of human peripheral-blood lymphocytes, human erythrocytes, mouse T-cells and mouse B-cells to regenerate GSH stores after chemical oxidation by diamide was tested, and it was found that mouse cells were less capable of regenerating GSH than human erythrocytes or human peripheral-blood lymphocytes. In addition, the latter lymphocytes were less sensitive to oxidation of GSH and to inhibition of proliferation by diamide.  相似文献   

Somatic cells senesce in culture after a finite number of divisions indefinitely arresting their proliferation. DNA damage and senescence increase the cellular number of centrosomes, the 2 microtubule organizing centers that ensure bipolar mitotic spindles. Centrosomes also provide the basal body from which primary cilia extend to sense and transduce various extracellular signals, notably Hedgehog. Primary cilium formation is facilitated by cellular quiescence a temporary cell cycle exit, but the impact of senescence on cilia is unknown. We found that senescent human fibroblasts have increased frequency and length of primary cilia. Levels of the negative ciliary regulator CP110 were reduced in senescent cells, as were levels of key elements of the Hedgehog pathway. Hedgehog inhibition reduced proliferation in young cells with increased cilium length accompanying cell cycle arrest suggesting a regulatory function for Hedgehog in primary ciliation. Depletion of CP110 in young cell populations increased ciliation frequencies and reduced cell proliferation. These data suggest that primary cilia are potentially novel determinants of the reduced cellular proliferation that initiates senescence.  相似文献   

Glucocorticoid (GC) receptors were studied in intact lymphocytes from 11 donors. GC binding parameters were found to be highly reproducible in repeated experiments with lymphocytes. It was shown that GC receptors in donors' lymphocytes could be distributed into two different classes similarly to the pattern seen in skin fibroblasts. Human lymphocytes are an adequate object for studying genetically determined variability of GC receptors and its clinical importance.  相似文献   

This study of 500 male and female skulls proves: significant differences of correlation coefficients (p less than or equal to 0.01) occur between the two sexes. The combined variables are: 1. bizygomatic breadth (45)/skull base length (5) 2. bizygomatic breadth (45)/foramen magnum length (7) 3. bizygomatic breadth (45)/foramen magnum breadth (16) 4. bizygomatic breadth (45)/basion-bregma height (17) 5. foramen magnum breadth (16)/skull base length (5) Female skulls have generally higher correlation coefficients values than males which is interpreted as an indication of homogeneous growth.  相似文献   

Clones of cytogenetically abnormal cells have been recognized in fibroblasts cultured from normal human adult skin. No such clones have been observed in human embryo skin fibroblasts cultured in the same way. Although the culture conditions may have played some part in the emergence of these clones, it is possible that the abnormal cells from which the clones were derived were present in vivo.  相似文献   

Summary Breakpoint distribution was studied from cultured lymphocytes on 7653 metaphases from 524 subjects whose karyotypes were normal. The mean break rate was 5% in both sexes. The frequency increased significantly after 40 years and varied during the year. The location of the breaks was very different from the expected random distribution. The break frequency for each chromosome was different according to the type of break (chromatid, simple chromosomal and chromosomal involving rearrangements). The location of the breaks was also studied according to the type of band and with respect to the centromere. A comparison between spontaneous breaks, X-ray induced breaks, breaks in Fanconi's anemia and in congenital rearrangements, show very significant differences.  相似文献   

Summary There is compelling evidence that the epithelial cell lineages of the gastrointestinal tract are derived from a common stem cell precursor, but the details of the subsequent cellular hierarchies remain uncertain. In this context, it is important to know the arrangement of cell proliferation that gives rise to the final cell populations. In rodents, a number of studies have been performed examining the possible proliferative capacity of endocrine cells, but a wide range of technical problems makes interpretation of these data difficult. Continuous labelling studies suggest that there is potential for proliferation in endocrine cells but flash labelling studies have not been conclusive. In man there are no data on this issue. We have taken advantage of the ability to perform double immunostaining for operational markers of proliferation (Ki67 antigen) and endocrine cell phenotype (chromogranin expression). We demonstrate that there are no double-labelled cells in the normal stomach, small intestine or colon of fetal, neonatal or adult humans. Moreover, no double-labelled cells are found in pathological states associated with endocrine cell hyperplasia (gastritis, ulcerative colitis). These data indicate that the normal endocrine cells of the human gut have no proliferative capacity and that, in this cell lineage, population expansion precedes differentiation.  相似文献   

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