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The ability to perform enzymatic function by harnessing random molecular motion into self-organized protein structures is one of the most fascinating results of evolution. A close interplay between theory and experiment is driving the progress in understanding the principles that determine the behaviour of proteins. New techniques that significantly increase the amount of information obtainable from experimental data have been recently proposed; it is now becoming possible to describe at atomic resolution the events that take place during the folding process. Successful predictions of these events are being reported at an increasing rate and general principles are being outlined.  相似文献   

There has been considerable progress made over the past year in linking experimental and theoretical approaches to protein folding. Recent results from several independent lines of investigation suggest that protein folding mechanisms and landscapes are largely determined by the topology of the native state and are relatively insensitive to details of the interatomic interactions. This dependence on low-resolution structural features, rather than high-resolution detail, suggests that it should be possible to describe the fundamental physics of the folding process using relatively low-resolution models. Recent experiments have set benchmarks for testing new models and progress has been made in developing theoretical models for interpreting and predicting experimental results.  相似文献   

The rates of protein folding with photon absorption or emission and the cross section of photon-protein inelastic scattering are calculated from quantum folding theory by use of a field-theoretical method.All protein photo-folding processes are compared with common protein folding without the interaction of photons(non-radiative folding).It is demonstrated that there exists a common factor(thermo-averaged overlap integral of the vibration wave function,TAOI) for protein folding and protein photo-folding.Based on this finding it is predicted that(i) the stimulated photo-folding rates and the photon-protein resonance Raman scattering sections show the same temperature dependence as protein folding;(ii) the spectral line of the electronic transition is broadened to a band that includes an abundant vibration spectrum without and with conformational transitions,and the width of each vibration spectral line is largely reduced.The particular form of the folding rate-temperature relation and the abundant spectral structure imply the existence of quantum tunneling between protein conformations in folding and photo-folding that demonstrates the quantum nature of the motion of the conformational-electronic system.  相似文献   

The detailed characterization of the overall free energy landscape associated with the folding process of a protein is the ultimate goal in protein folding studies. Modern experimental techniques and all-atom simulations provide a way to obtain accurate thermodynamic and kinetic measurements, but they are oftentimes restricted to probe limited regions of a protein landscape. Although simplified protein models can access larger regions of the landscape, they are built on assumptions and approximations that can affect the accuracy of the results. We review here recent promising approaches that allow to combine the complementary strengths of theory and experiment for a more complete characterization of a protein folding landscape at multiple resolutions. Recent results and possible applications are discussed.  相似文献   

Experimental and theoretical studies together are providing insights into the mechanism by which proteins fold. Our present knowledge of the essential aspects of the folding reaction is outlined and some approaches, both theoretical and experimental, that are being developed to obtain a more detailed understanding of this complex process are described.  相似文献   

Protein folding.   总被引:32,自引:0,他引:32       下载免费PDF全文

The ability of protein molecules to fold into their highly structured functional states is one of the most remarkable evolutionary achievements of biology. In recent years, our understanding of the way in which this complex self-assembly process takes place has increased dramatically. Much of the reason for this advance has been the development of energy surfaces (landscapes), which allow the folding reaction to be described and visualized in a meaningful manner. Analysis of these surfaces, derived from the constructive interplay between theory and experiment, has led to the development of a unified mechanism for folding and a recognition of the underlying factors that control the rates and products of the folding process.  相似文献   

Our understanding of the principles underlying the protein-folding problem can be tested by developing and characterizing simple models that make predictions which can be compared to experimental data. Here we extend our earlier model of folding free energy landscapes, in which each residue is considered to be either folded as in the native state or completely disordered, by investigating the role of additional factors representing hydrogen bonding and backbone torsion strain, and by using a hybrid between the master equation approach and the simple transition state theory to evaluate kinetics near the free energy barrier in greater detail. Model calculations of folding phi-values are compared to experimental data for 19 proteins, and for more than half of these, experimental data are reproduced with correlation coefficients between r=0.41 and 0.88; calculations of transition state free energy barriers correlate with rates measured for 37 single domain proteins (r=0.69). The model provides insight into the contribution of alternative-folding pathways, the validity of quasi-equilibrium treatments of the folding landscape, and the magnitude of the Arrhenius prefactor for protein folding. Finally, we discuss the limitations of simple native-state-based models, and as a more general test of such models, provide predictions of folding rates and mechanisms for a comprehensive set of over 400 small protein domains of known structure.  相似文献   

Protein folding and protein refolding.   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
R Seckler  R Jaenicke 《FASEB journal》1992,6(8):2545-2552
The functional three-dimensional structure of proteins is determined solely by their amino acid sequences. Protein folding occurs spontaneously beginning with the formation of local secondary structure concomitant with a compaction of the molecule. Secondary structure elements subsequently interact to form subdomains and domains stabilized by tertiary interactions. Disulfide bond formation, and cis-trans isomerization of X-Pro peptide bonds, as the rate-limiting folding reactions, are enzymatically catalyzed during protein folding in the cell. Although folding of domains is fast enough to occur cotranslationally in vivo, such vectorial folding on the ribosome is not essential for attainment of the native structure of a protein. Slow steps on the pathway to the functional protein structure are docking reactions of domains, association of subunits, or reshuffling reactions at the oligomer level. Aggregation as a competing side reaction is prevented, and the kinetic partition between competing polypeptide folding and translocation reactions is regulated by chaperone proteins binding to incompletely folded polypeptides.  相似文献   

Standard building blocks of proteins--closed loops of 25-30 amino acid residues--have been recently discovered and further characterized by combined efforts of several laboratories. New challenging views on the protein structure, folding, and evolution are introduced by these studies. In particular, the role of van der Waals contacts in protein stability is better understood. They can be considered as locks closing the polypeptide chain returns and forming the loop-n-lock elements. The linearity of the arrangement of the standard loops in the proteins has important evolutionary implications. Selection pressure to maintain the loops of nearly standard size is reflected in the protein sequences as characteristic distance between hydrophobic residues, equal to the loop end-to-end distance. Further characterization of the loop-n-lock units reveals several sequence/structure prototypes, which suggests a new basis for protein classification. The following is a review of these studies.  相似文献   

Protein folding in vitro.   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
It is becoming increasingly evident that intermediates observed in protein folding in vitro may be closely related to conformational states that are important in various intracellular processes. This review focuses on recent advances in in vitro protein-folding studies with particular reference to the molten globule state, which is purported to be a common and distinct intermediate of protein folding.  相似文献   

Protein structure can be viewed as a compact linear array of nearly standard size closed loops of 25-30 amino acid residues (Berezovsky et al., FEBS Letters 2000; 466: 283-286) irrespective of details of secondary structure. The end-to-end contacts in the loops are likely to be hydrophobic, which is a testable hypothesis. This notion could be verified by direct comparison of the loop maps with Kyte and Doolittle hydropathicity plots. This analysis reveals that most of the ends of the loops are hydrophobic, indeed. The same conclusion is reached on the basis of positional autocorrelation analysis of protein sequences of 23 fully sequenced bacterial genomes. Hydrophobic residues valine, alanine, glycine, leucine, and isoleucine appear preferentially at the 25-30 residues distance one from another. These observations open a new perspective in the understanding of protein structure and folding: a consecutive looping of the polypeptide chain with the loops ending primarily at hydrophobic nuclei.  相似文献   

Over the past three decades the protein folding field has undergone monumental changes. Originally a purely academic question, how a protein folds has now become vital in understanding diseases and our abilities to rationally manipulate cellular life by engineering protein folding pathways. We review and contrast past and recent developments in the protein folding field. Specifically, we discuss the progress in our understanding of protein folding thermodynamics and kinetics, the properties of evasive intermediates, and unfolded states. We also discuss how some abnormalities in protein folding lead to protein aggregation and human diseases.  相似文献   

The current state of the problem of protein folding is reviewed with special attention to the novel molten globule state of the protein molecule, intermediate between the native and unfolded states. Experimental evidence on the existence of this state and its role in protein folding are compared with the sequential model of protein folding proposed by the author in 1972–1973.  相似文献   

Protein folding     
The importance of protein folding in the biosynthesis of proteins is reviewed.  相似文献   

Protein folding     
The problem of protein folding is that how proteins acquire their native unique three‐dimensional structure in the physiological milieu. To solve the problem, the following key questions should be answered: do proteins fold co‐ or post‐translationally, i.e. during or after biosynthesis, what is the mechanism of protein folding, and what is the explanation for fast folding of proteins? The two first questions are discussed in the current review. The general lines are to show that the opinion, that proteins fold after they are synthesized is hardly substantiated and suitable for solving the problem of protein folding and why proteins should fold cotranslationally. A possible tentative model for the mechanism of protein folding is also suggested. To this end, a thorough analysis is made of the biosynthesis, delivery to the folding compartments, and the rates of the biosynthesis, translocation and folding of proteins. A cursory attention is assigned to the role of GroEL/ES‐like chaperonins in protein folding.  相似文献   

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