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It is widely held that in toothed whales, high frequency tonal sounds called 'whistles' evolved in association with 'sociality' because in delphinids they are used in a social context. Recently, whistles were hypothesized to be an evolutionary innovation of social dolphins (the 'dolphin hypothesis'). However, both 'whistles' and 'sociality' are broad concepts each representing a conglomerate of characters. Many non-delphinids, whether solitary or social, produce tonal sounds that share most of the acoustic characteristics of delphinid whistles. Furthermore, hypotheses of character correlation are best tested in a phylogenetic context, which has hitherto not been done. Here we summarize data from over 300 studies on cetacean tonal sounds and social structure and phylogenetically test existing hypotheses on their co-evolution.  相似文献   

In a two-alternative, forced-choice task lesser bulldog bats were trained to distinguish between a pure tone pulse and a pulse composed of a series of brief tonal steps oscillating between two different frequencies. The tone-step pulse gradually approximates the pure tone pulse as the frequency difference between the steps becomes progressively smaller. Frequency difference limens for the brief tonal frequency steps were determined for a broad range of ultrasonic frequencies. The variation in tone-step difference limens with frequency appears to be correlated to the frequency structure of the bat's short-constant-frequency/frequency-modulated echolocation sound. There was a marked decline in the value of the relative frequency difference limens (Weber ratio) over a fairly narrow range of frequencies above the constant frequency and a sharp increase in threshold above this range. The relative thresholds for frequency discrimination were small and uniform over the frequency range of the frequency-modulated sweep and increased for frequencies below the frequency- modulated sweep. Thus, the most accurate frequency-discrimination abilities occur over a narrow frequency range around the frequency of the constant-frequency component of returning echoes. Frequency discrimination over the range of frequencies of the frequency-modulated component is relatively good. Accepted: 20 March 1999  相似文献   

This paper reviews sensitive and simple quantitative evaluation of macrophage phagocytosing capacity by applying fluoresecin-labeled Sacharomyces cerevisiae cells. Yeast cells were conjugated with fluoresceinisothiocyanate (FITC) and used as fluorescent particles. A time course analysis within this method showed that phagocytosis of yeast cells was temperature dependent and that the number of that ones ingested by macrophages increased rapidly during the initial 60 min of incubation at 37 degrees C. Free fluorescent cells can be effectively removed by aspiration from the well. Furthermore, yeast cells required preopsonization with serum to achieve optimal uptake of the cells. The uptake of nonopsonized yeast cells by macrophages was significantly lower than that of opsonized cells (P < 0.05). We propose that about 50% of mouse macrophages can carry functionally active FcR responsible for phagocytosis.  相似文献   

Insects, like other hearing animals, must extract information from the sounds they hear so that they may respond appropriately. One parameter of sound that carries information is its frequency content. Insects analyze sound frequency to identify mates, to judge the distance to potential competitors, and to detect predators and prey. We review how frequency is analyzed in the insect nervous system, focusing on two taxa in which this problem has been studied most intensively, katydids and crickets. BioEssays 21:295–303, 1999. © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Primary visual coding can be characterized by the receptive field (RF) properties of single neurons. Subject of this paper is our search for a global,second coding step beyond the RF-concept that links related features in a visual scene. In recent models of visual coding, oscillatory activities have been proposed to constitute such linking signals. We tested the neurophysiological relevance of this hypothesis for the visual system. Single and multiple spikes as well as local field potentials were recorded simultaneously from several locations in the primary visual cortex (A17 and A18) using 7 or 19 individually advanceable fibermicroelectrodes (250 or 330 m apart).Stimulusevoked (SE)-resonances of 35–85 Hz were found in these three types of signals throughout the visual cortex when the primary coding channels were activated by their specific stimuli. Stimulus position, orientation, movement direction and velocity, ocularity and stationary flicker caused specific SE-resonances.Coherent SE-resonances were found at distant cortical positions when at least one of the primary coding properties was similar. Coherence was found1) within a vertical cortex column,2) between neighbouring hypercolumns, and3) between two different cortical areas. We assume that the coherence of SE-resonances is mediated by recurrent excitatory intra- and inter-areal connections via phase locking between assemblies that represent the linking features of the actual visual scene. Visually related activities are, thus, transiently labelled by a temporal code that signalizes their momentary association.  相似文献   

The auditory sensory epithelium is the specialized region of the cochlear epithelium that transduces sound. It is composed of a highly ordered, repeated array of mechanosensory hair cells and nonsensory supporting cells that run along the length of the cochlea. On the apical surface of the hair cells is a specialized structure called the hair bundle that deflects in response to sound vibration, resulting in depolarization of the hair cell and neurotransmitter release. Formation of the auditory sensory epithelium during embryogenesis involves strict control of both cell proliferation and cell patterning. Misregulation of these events can lead to congenital hearing loss, and damage to the auditory sensory epithelium during adult life can lead to adult-onset deafness. This paper reviews recent data on the formation of the auditory sensory epithelium during embryogenesis, the identification of components of the sound transduction apparatus, and advances in the treatment of hearing impairment.  相似文献   

Summary Extracellular recordings were made from the midbrain auditory area to determine the limits of auditory frequency sensitivity in a variety of birds. The audiograms of some species show a consistent missing frequency range of 1/3 to 1/2 an octave, to which no neurons are tuned. All species, except owls, have a low upper frequency limit in comparison with mammals of similar headwidth. A consideration of both the upper frequency limits and the missing frequency ranges led to the conclusion that frequencies which do not generate localization cues are not represented in the midbrain. The upper frequency limit appears to match the upper limit of generation of significant interaural and monaural intensity cues to localization. The variation of these cues with frequency was examined through a simple model of the birds' sound receiving system which incorporated the interaural canal and considered the tympanic membranes as pressure difference receivers. Apart from coraciiform species, which have low upper frequency limits matching the frequency of the primary missing frequency band of other species, and owls, which have high upper frequency limits, the upper frequency limits of the birds studied are inversely related to head-width.The argument for missing frequency ranges being related to nonlocalizable frequencies is simpler, for it has been found previously, using cochlear microphonic recording, that within a bird's audiogram there are frequency regions with poor directionality cues. These regions appear to correspond to the missing frequency ranges.Abbreviation nMLD nucleus mesencephalicus lateralis dorsalis  相似文献   

Videodensitometry based on television technique has been shown to be suitable for recording gel electrophoretic patterns. Its speed of operation is about 60 times as fast as that of conventional densitometers, whereas the patterns recorded are practically the same.  相似文献   

During localization of a moving sound source, a shift of the perceived position relative to the actual one of the starting point is an expression of the perception of sluggishness of the auditory system. In this study, the human ability to localize starting points during a gradual or abrupt movement of fused auditory images (FAIs) was compared with the ability to localize the position of a stationary sound image. Sound images moved from the midline of the head in the direction of each of the ears. The subject’s responses were recorded using a graphics table. There was a tendency to shift the starting point of the trajectory in the direction of the movement. This tendency was stronger for gradual rather than for abrupt FAI movement and for shorter stimuli (100 ms) than for long ones (200 ms). The value of the starting point’s displacement depended on the final interaural time delay. The results obtained are discussed in terms of the “snapshots” and “movement detector” theories, as well as in terms of the sluggish and anticipatory ability of auditory perception.  相似文献   

Sound pressure level of tone was measured using a probe tube microphone at entrance to the dog's external meatus as a function of the azimuth of the sound source. It was demonstrated that directionality of the dog's external ear and corresponding values of interaural intensity differences (delta I) were gradually increased as the tone frequency raised from 0.5 to 40 kHz. Transfer in pinnae locations from lateral to frontal positions (one of the components of orientation reaction to an unexpected sound) resulted in some narrowing of directionality diagrams and in a displacement of their maxima towards the head midline. It was calculated that owing to this effects the extent of monotonic part of the function relating delta I and azimuth of a source were enlarged. The lateral pinnae position was suggested to be optimal for sound detection and the frontal one for localization of the moving sound source.  相似文献   

Most experiments on auditory localization have been concerned with the horizontal and vertical positions of sound sources. Recent studies have cast new light on the basis for judging the third dimension - source distance.  相似文献   

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