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Melanin plays an important role in protecting organisms from ultraviolet radiation (UVR). Therefore, it is possible that differently colored strains can show different sensitivities to UVR. In the present work, life span, fertility and courtship behavior of wild type (w), ebony (e) and yellow (y) strains of Drosophila melanogaster were studied to evaluate their sensitivity to ultraviolet (UV). Because a range of phototoxic effects of UVR are mediated through generation of free radicals, levels of free radicals, lipid peroxide (malondialdehyde, MDA) and superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity of three strains were examined to indicate their antioxidant defending ability and oxidative status. It was shown that w always had the highest lifespan and fertility not only in the control but also in UV-exposed groups. Moreover, lifespan and fertility of e were significantly higher (P<0.0001) than those of y in the UV-exposed groups, but not for the control. On the other hand, UV exposure had an adverse effect on courtship of flies. Stronger electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) signals could be detected in w, e and y exposed to 5 min UV. And there were more significant changes of EPR signals in y than in w and e. UVR had no significant (P=0.1782) effect on the SOD activities. After pooling data from the control and UV-exposed groups, we found that w had a significantly (P<0.05) higher level of SOD activity, but e and y were nearly at the same levels (P>0.05). MDA levels were increased in the UV dose-dependent manner (P=0.0495). In conclusion, our results suggested that UVR can decrease life span and fertility of flies and do harm to courtship, which may be due to oxidative damage to flies tissues (e.g. central nervous system) induced by free radicals. w had the highest tolerance to UVR, which may be ascribed to its advantage of survival under the natural condition and at high level of SOD activity. Then differences of pigment between e and y in absorbing UV, shielding against UV and scavenging free radicals produced by UVR should be responsible for their different sensitivity to UVR.  相似文献   

Olfaction provides chemical information to an animal about its environment. When environmental conditions change, individuals should be able to adequately maintain function. Temperature may influence olfaction in a double manner, as it modifies the concentrations of gaseous compounds and affects biological processes. Here, we address acclimatization to environmental temperature in the olfactory system of Drosophila melanogaster using heat and cold treatments. Because the consequences of temperature shifts persist for some time after the treatment's end, comparison of olfactory behaviors at the same temperature in treated and untreated flies allows us to infer the biological effects of temperature in olfaction.At intermediate odorant concentrations heat always generates a reduction of olfactory sensitivity, as they would be expected to compensate for the increase of volatiles in the air. Cold produces the opposite effect. These changes are observed in both sexes and in natural populations as well as in standard laboratory stocks.Short applications suffice to cause detectable olfactory perception changes, but even prolonged temperature treatments have only a transitory effect. Together, these results suggest that olfaction in Drosophila underlies acclimatization to environmental temperature. However, sensitivity changes are not immediate and may cause imperfect adjustment of olfactory function for short time periods.  相似文献   

虽然甲醛对人及动物多种器官的毒性作用已经有了大量研究,但不同浓度甲醛影响动物寿命的研究还极其少见.本文用黑腹果蝇作为模式生物,在食物中添加不同浓度的甲醛,观察果蝇寿命及其在应激条件下耐受性的变化.实验结果显示,雌性果蝇的寿命表现出对甲醛浓度的依赖,0.037%甲醛可以极显著地延长雌性果蝇的寿命,较高浓度甲醛(≥0.185%)可以极显著地缩短雌性果蝇与雄性果蝇的寿命.0.037%甲醛还可以极显著地增强雌性和雄性果蝇对饥饿以及高温的耐受性,但减弱其对活性氧的耐受性.这些结果有助于从新的途径研究果蝇寿命及其在应激条件下耐受性的分子机制.  相似文献   

S-adenosylmethionine decarboxylase is a key enzyme in the synthesis of polyamines. These small cationic molecules are required for growth and development in all organisms. A wealth of biological processes, including synthesis of DNA and protein and condensation of chromatin, involve polyamines. Inhibition of polyamine synthesis has been proposed for treatment of cancer but this requires more knowledge about the in vivo function of polyamines. We report here the cloning of the S-adenosylmethionine decarboxylase gene from Drosophila melanogaster and the analysis of corresponding mutants. The mutant phenotypes are similar to those previously described for ribosomal protein genes (Minutes) and rRNA genes (bobbed ). This work elucidates the in vivo consequences of impaired polyamine synthesis with respect to the development of a whole animal. Received: 16 May 1997 / Accepted: 25 July 1997  相似文献   

本研究旨在探讨利用模拟微重力效应研究微重力对果蝇运动及睡眠影响的可行性.通过研制能够在模拟微重力环境下实时监测果蝇行为的随机定位仪,监测短时间(3 d)模拟微重力处理过程中,及长时间(10 d、20 d、30 d)处理后雄蝇运动和睡眠的变化;选取受影响较显著的短时间处理组,研究模拟微重力效应对生物钟核心基因(period (per)、timeless(tim)、clock (clk)、cycle (cyc)、cryptochrome (cry))、神经递质多巴胺(dopamine,DA)和5-羟色胺(5-hydroxytryptamine,5-HT)关键合成酶(多巴脱羧酶、酪氨酸羟化酶、色氨酸羟化酶)的编码基因ddc、pale和trh表达水平及DA和5-HT含量的影响.结果显示:短时间暴露下,雄蝇夜晚的运动量增加、单位时间运动次数增加、睡眠时间和次数减少、生物钟基因tim、clk、cyc、cry及神经递质合成相关编码基因ddc、pale和trh的表达水平均显著上升;长时间处理后对雄蝇运动和睡眠的影响较小.本研究认为利用模拟微重力效应研究微重力对果蝇运动及睡眠的影响是可行的,相关研究结果对航天医学研究具有借鉴意义.  相似文献   

The effects of environmental ethanol on larva-to-pupa survival and on the activities of four enzymes were investigated in three Drosophila melanogaster strains. The strains had different allelic combinations at the Odh and Aldox loci on their third chromosomes, but they all carried the Adh S -Gpdh F allelic combination on the second chromosome. Replicates of each of the strains were exposed to three different ethanol treatments: (i) no ethanol in the medium (control); (ii) 5% ethanol for a single generation (short-term exposure); (iii) 5% ethanol for 20 generations (long-term exposure). In all experiments, the activities of four enzymes (ADH, ODH, GPDH and AOX) were measured in larvae, pupae and adults. The results showed that (i) the larval and adult metabolic responses to environmental ethanol were different; (ii) enzyme activity changes under short-term exposure differed from those measured under long-term exposure; (iii) the activities of the allozymes common to all strains (ADH-S and GPDH-F), differed depending on the genetic background. Changes in larva-to-pupa survival were seen when the larvae of control and exposed lines of the three strains were confronted with various concentrations of ethanol. In all three strains, the exposed lines had significantly higher initial survival rate and ethanol tolerance than the control lines. Strain-specific differences were observed in the ethanol tolerance of both types of line. Received: 26 November 1996 / Accepted: 14 February 1997  相似文献   

In a previous communication (Saigo, K., Millstein, L. and Thomas, C.A., Jr. (1981) Cold Spring Harbor Symp. Quant. Biol. 45, 815–827), the overall structure of histone genes of Schneider line 2 cells was shown to extensively differ from that of Oregon-R embryo from which the cell line was established, and it was speculated that the histone genes might be reshuffled extensively during either the periods of the establishment, or maintenance of cell lines, or both. To establish the validity of this notion the structure of histone genes was examined in Drosophila melanogaster cultured cells. The overall organization of histone gene clusters was found to be stably maintained in both the periods for the establishment and maintenance of cultured cells, indicating that the previous assumption is inadequate. Instead of an extensive rearrangement, minor structural changes were found to occasionally occur probably by simple base substitutions and/or, deletion or insertion of very short DNA pieces. It was also shown that the extensive variation in structures of histone genes in cultured cells such as Schneider line 2 are attributable to polymorphism on the level of individual flies.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic relationships among the Drosophila melanogaster group species were analyzed using approximately 1700 nucleotide-long sequences of the mitochondrial DNA. Phylogenetic analysis was performed using this region consisting of a part of the cytochrome b (cytb) coding gene, the entire coding sequences of tRNA-Leu, tRNA-Ser and the first subunit of NADH dehydrogenase (NADH1), and a part of the 16S-rRNA gene. The study of these sequences showed that this region of mtDNA is very invariable, as regards with the type of the genes that it contains, as well as the order that they are located on it. The resulting phylogenetic trees reveal a topology that separates the species into three main ancestral lines, leading to the following subgroups: (a) ananassae subgroup, (b) montium subgroup, and (c) melanogaster and Oriental subgroups. The inferred topology complements and generally agrees with previously proposed classifications based on morphological and molecular data.  相似文献   

Methodology is described that will permit the study of the effect of various drugs on development and DNA replication in the cleavage nuclei of Drosophila eggs. It is shown that permeabilized eggs can be exposed to an aqueous incubation medium for up to 30 min without measureable effects on development and that such incubations can be performed with eggs that have a relatively sharp age distribution. The effect on development and viability of a variety of drugs has been examined as an aid for future studies directed toward achieving synchronous development in a population of eggs and electron microscopic studies of DNA replication in the presence of various drugs.  相似文献   

Summary The DNA at the chromosomal termini of all eukaryotes from which it has been isolated contains a characteristic sequence motif consisting of tandem arrays of a regular or irregular repeat unit. These terminal repeats are thought to be essential for the maintenance of the chromosome ends. The sequences of the terminal repeats of all vertebrates studied thus far are identical and are similar enough to those of higher plants and some protozoans to cross-hybridize. However, previous studies have not detected cross-hybridization between the DNA of Drosophila mélanogaster and the terminal DNA sequences of any of several organisms tested. Recently, the first terminal DNA clone from a multicellular invertebrate, that of Ascaris lumbricoides, was reported also to consist of a tandem reiteration of a short sequence similar to those previously identified for other eukaryotes. Here I show that a probe for this sequence from A. lumbricoides fails to hybridize delectably to the DNA of D. melanogaster. Thus, in contrast to their conservation among vertebrates, the terminal chromosomal sequences appear not to be shared by all metazoan invertebrates.  相似文献   

A 1194 by open reading frame that codes for a 398 amino acid peptide was cloned from a gt11 library of Drosophila melanogaster genomic DNA. The predicted peptide sequence is very similar to three previously characterized protein sequences that are encoded by the ftsZ genes in Escherichia coli, Bacillus subtilis and Rhizobium meliloti. The FtsZ protein has a major role in the initiation of cell division in prokaryotic cells. Using a tetracycline treatment that eradicates bacterial parasites from insects, the ftsZ homologue has been found to be derived from a bacterium that lives within the strain. However, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification of the gene from treated embryos suggests that it is not derived from a gut bacterium. Nevertheless, by amplifying and characterizing part of the 16S rRNA from this bacterium we have been able to demonstrate that it is a member of the genus Wolbachia, a parasitic organism that infects, and disturbs the sexual cycle of various strains of Drosophila simulans. We suggest that this ftsZ homologue is implicated in the cell division of Wolbachia, an organism that fails to grow outside the host organism. Sequence and alignment analysis of this ftsZ homologue show the presence of a potential GTP-binding motif indicating that it may function as a GTPase. The consequences of this function particularly with respect to its role in cell division are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper presents results of the genetic and cytological analysis of 144 sex-linked recessive lethals, plus 1 non-lethal. All of them were induced by IR hybrid dysgenesis. This collection of mutants was pooled from experiments involving inducer chromosomes that differ in the chrosomal position of their I elements. Our results show that 30% of the recessive lethals are associated with chromosomal rearrangements which depend on the strength of the IR interaction. These lethals are induced on both inducer- and reactive-origin chromosomes, and their frequency is dependent on the structure of the inducer chromosome used. The IR-induced lethals occur along the entire length of the X chromosome. These sites probably correspond to specific loci which are more or less homologous with I. The complementation relationshups showed that some specific loci were more frequently involved in all the lethal mutations tested. The most sensitive loci are, in order of observation: l(1)J1, ct, f, ma1 and m. Among induced recessive lethals considered to be point mutation, complementation tests showed that many of them are in fact multilocius deficiencies which can be detected only at the molecular level.

It seems that the production of IR rearrangements (cytologically visible or not) may be the most important mechanism leading to lethal mutations. These mutations probably occur during the transposition of I elements, hence their importance from an evolutionary standpoint.  相似文献   

Summary In order to correlate the synthesis of a previously described set of follicel cell (Fc) proteins with a known mutation that affects female fertility, three female sterile mutations, fs(1)384, fs(1)508 and fs(1)1501, mapping in the same region as the Fc locus (7C1-9), were analysed with respect to Fc synthesis. The fs(1)508 strain displayed a normal Fc protein pattern, while in fs(1)384 no Fc protein synthesis could be detected. The fs(1)1501 pattern of Fc polypeptide synthesis was totally different from that of any previously analysed strain, displaying a set of proteins that were much larger than the standard Fc variant form. Two of the female sterile mutations, fs(1)384 and fs(1)1501, were combined in rans with two wild-type strains displaying two different electrophoretic variant forms of the Fc proteins. The combinations were then analysed for Fc protein synthesis, using the fact that females heterozygous for two of the Fc variant forms display both parental forms. The results indicate that the fs(1)384 mutation is directly involved in the synthesis of the Fc proteins, as the trans heterozygotes only synthesize the Fc form derived from the wild-type parent. We also suggest that the large proteins synthesized by the fs(1)1501 mutant are a defective Fc variant form. The nature of the two mutations is also discussed.  相似文献   

A radioisotope tracer technique and quantitative PCR were used to study the mechanisms and regulation of transepithelial transport of the type II organic anion methotrexate (MTX) by the Malpighian tubules of Drosophila melanogaster. Transport of MTX was saturable and Na+-independent; the kinetic parameters Jmax and Kt were 437 fmol min−1 and 23.5 μM, respectively. The transport of MTX was competitively inhibited by phenol red and probenecid; non-competitively inhibited by salicylate, verapamil and MK-571; and uncompetitively inhibited by Texas Red. Dietary exposure to 0.1 mM MTX led to dramatic increases in gene expression for several members of the ABC family of transporters in both the Malpighian tubules and the gut. Our results suggest that multiple transporters are upregulated in response to dietary exposure to MTX. Increased levels of the protein products which may result from expression of these genes may enhance elimination of toxic compounds such as MTX or its metabolites.  相似文献   

By continuously monitoring the weight loss in dry air at 24.5°C of active individual male Drosophila melanogaster, it was shown that: (i) during the active period, weight loss is a linear function of time, but once the body water content is reduced to below a critical level, activity ceases and the rate of weight loss increases rapidly; the time at which the rate of weight loss increases probably coincides with the time of death; (ii) the sudden change in the rate of weight loss can be prevented by blocking the spiracles; (iii) the rate of weight loss in the active period is positively correlated with age; (iv) young flies can tolerate a greater reduction in total body water than old flies. It is suggested that the age-related decrease in survival time in dry air is a consequence of changes in the initial water content of the flies, in their rate of water loss, in their activity, and in their tolerance of low water content.  相似文献   

Summary We have initiated a cytogenetic analysis of chromosome region 89A of Drosophila melanogaster by isolating a set of radiation-induced mutations causing loss of function of P[(w)B]1-1, a transposon bearing the white locus inserted in 89A. Complementation tests and cytological examination of these chromosomes identified four new deficiencies (Df(3R)Po 2, Df(3R)Po 3, Df(3R)Po 4 and Df(3R)c(3)G 2 ). The new deficiencies and three previously identified deficiencies (Df(3R)sbd 26, Df(3R)sbd 45 and Df(3R)sbd 105) were tested for the ability to complement mutations in the enzyme loci Po and Aldox-1, the indirect flight muscle genes Tm2 and act88F, the morphological mutations jvl, sbd 2 and Sb, the vital loci srp, pnr and mor, and a newly described vital locus l(3)89Aa. We also used linkage analysis to determine the order and relative positions of P[(w)B]1-1 and an independent transposon insertion, P[w+]21, with respect to cv-c, Po, Aldox-1 and sbd 2. Cytological examination of the deficiencies and analysis of the transformed lines by in situ hybridization permits the correlation of genetically defined regions with specific polytene chromosome bands. A revised cytogenetic map of the 8817–8913 region is presented.  相似文献   

To improve the expression level of recombinant Drosophila melanogaster AChE (R-DmAChE) in Pichia pastoris, the cDNA of DmAChE was first optimized and synthesized based on the preferred codon usage of P. pastoris. The synthesized AChE cDNA without glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI) signal peptide sequence was then ligated to the P. pastoris expression vector, generating the plasmid pPIC9K/DmAChE. The linearized plasmid was homologously integrated into the genome of P. pastoris GS115 via electrotransformation. Finally seven transformants with high expression level of R-DmAChE activity were obtained. The highest production of R-DmAChE in shake-flask culture after 5-day induction by methanol was 718.50 units/mL, which was about three times higher than our previous expression level of native DmAChE gene in P. pastoris. Thus, these new strains with the ability to secret R-DmAChE in the medium could be used for production of R-DmAChE to decrease the cost of the enzyme expense for rapid detection of organophosphate and carbamate insecticide residues.  相似文献   

F.E. Würgler   《Mutation research》1991,250(1-2):275-290
Genotoxic agents can induce mutations as well as recombination in the genetic material. The fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster was one of the first assay systems to test physical and chemical agents for recombinogenic effects. Such effects can be observed in cells of the germ line as well as in somatic cells. At present information is available on 54 agents, among them 48 chemicals that have been tested in cells of the germ line of males and/or females. Effects on meiotic recombination in female germ cells cannot simply be classified as positive or negative since for a number of agents, depending on the chromosome region studied, recombination frequencies may be increased, unaffected or decreased. The male germ line of D. melanogaster represents a unique situation because meiotic recombination does not occur. Among 25 agents tested in male germ cells 24 did induce male recombination, among them alkylating, intercalating and cross-linking agents, direct-acting ones as well as compounds needing metabolic activation. With several compounds the frequency of induced recombination is highest in the heterochromatic regions near the centromeres. In brood pattern analyses, e.g., after exposure of adult males to ionizing radiation, the first appearance of crossover progeny is indicative of the sampling of exposed spermatocytes. In premeiotic cells of the male and the female germ line mitotic recombination can occur. Upon clonal expansion of the recombinant cells, clusters of identical crossovers can be observed.  相似文献   

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