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NK cells can migrate into sites of inflammatory responses or malignancies in response to chemokines. Target killing by rodent NK cells is restricted by opposing signals from inhibitory and activating Ly49 receptors. The rat NK leukemic cell line RNK16 constitutively expresses functional receptors for the inflammatory chemokine CXC chemokine ligand (CXCL)10 (CXCR3) and the homeostatic chemokine CXCL12 (CXCR4). RNK-16 cells transfected with either the activating Ly49D receptor or the inhibitory Ly49A receptor were used to examine the effects of NK receptor ligation on CXCL10- and CXCL12-mediated chemotaxis. Ligation of Ly49A, either with Abs or its MHC class I ligand H2-D(d), led to a decrease in chemotactic responses to either CXCL10 or CXCL12. In contrast, Ly49D ligation with Abs or H2-D(d) led to an increase in migration toward CXCL10, but a decrease in chemotaxis toward CXCL12. Ly49-dependent effects on RNK-16 chemotaxis were not the result of surface modulation of CXCR3 or CXCR4 as demonstrated by flow cytometry. A mutation of the Src homology phosphatase-1 binding motif in Ly49A completely abrogated Ly49-dependent effects on both CXCL10 and CXCL12 chemotaxis, suggesting a role for Src homology phosphatase-1 in Ly49A/chemokine receptor cross-talk. Ly49D-transfected cells were pretreated with the Syk kinase inhibitor Piceatannol before ligation, which abrogated the previously observed changes in migration toward CXCL10 and CXCL12. Piceatannol also abrogated Ly49A-dependent inhibition of chemotaxis toward CXCL10, but not CXCL12. Collectively, these data suggest that Ly49 receptors can influence NK cell chemotaxis within sites of inflammation or tumor growth upon interaction with target cells.  相似文献   

We analyzed the modulation of human B cell chemotaxis by the gp120 proteins of various HIV-1 strains. X4 and X4/R5 gp120 inhibited B cell chemotaxis toward CXCL12, CCL20, and CCL21 by 40-50%, whereas R5 gp120 decreased inhibition by 20%. This gp120-induced inhibition was strictly dependent on CXCR4 or CCR5 and lipid rafts but not on CD4 or V(H)3-expressing BCR. Inhibition did not impair the expression or ligand-induced internalization of CCR6 and CCR7. Our data suggest that gp120/CXCR4 and gp120/CCR5 interactions lead to the cross-desensitization of CCR6 and CCR7 because gp120 does not bind CCR6 and CCR7. Unlike CXCL12, gp120 did not induce the activation of phospholipase Cbeta3 and PI3K downstream from CXCR4, whereas p38 MAPK activation was observed. Similar results were obtained if gp120-treated cells were triggered by CCL21 and CCL20. Our results are consistent with a blockade restricted to signaling pathways using phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate as a substrate. X4 and X4/R5 gp120 induced the cleavage of CD62 ligand by a mechanism dependent on matrix metalloproteinase 1 and 3, CD4, CXCR4, Galpha(i), and p38 MAPK, whereas R5 gp120 did not. X4 and X4/R5 gp120 also induced the relocalization of cytoplasmic CD95 to the membrane and a 23% increase in CD95-mediated apoptosis. No such effects were observed with R5 gp120. The gp120-induced decrease in B cell chemotaxis and CD62 ligand expression, and increase in CD95-mediated B cell apoptosis probably have major deleterious effects on B cell responsiveness during HIV infection and in vaccination trials.  相似文献   

During acute inflammation, monocytes are essential in abolishing invading micro-organisms and encouraging wound healing. Recruitment by CC chemokines is an important step in targeting monocytes to the inflamed tissue. However, cell surface expression of the corresponding chemokine receptors is subject to regulation by various endogenous stimuli which so far have not been comprehensively identified. We report that the platelet-derived CXC chemokine ligand 4 (CXCL4), a known activator of human monocytes, induces down-regulation of CC chemokine receptors (CCR) 1, -2, and -5, resulting in drastic impairment of monocyte chemotactic migration towards cognate CC chemokine ligands (CCL) for these receptors. Interestingly, CXCL4-mediated down-regulation of CCR1, CCR2 and CCR5 was strongly dependent on the chemokine's ability to stimulate autocrine/paracrine release of TNF-α. In turn, TNF-α induced the secretion CCL3 and CCL4, two chemokines selective for CCR1 and CCR5, while the secretion of CCR2-ligand CCL2 was TNF-α-independent. Culture supernatants of CXCL4-stimulated monocytes as well as chemokine-enriched preparations thereof reproduced CXCL4-induced CCR down-regulation. In conclusion, CXCL4 may act as a selective regulator of monocyte migration by stimulating the release of autocrine, receptor-desensitizing chemokine ligands. Our results stress a co-ordinating role for CXCL4 in the cross-talk between platelets and monocytes during early inflammation.  相似文献   

Whey protein concentrates (WPCs) enhance innate mucosal immunity during early life and have a protective role in some immune disorders. To further elucidate the potential benefits of this protein, the present study investigated the effect of dietary supplementation with WPCs on blood parameters, plasma cytokine profiles, and immune cell proliferation and chemotaxis. A total of 45 male mice were equally distributed into three experimental groups and treated daily for 21 days as follows: group I was a control group that was orally supplemented with distilled water, group II was orally supplemented with undenatured WP (100 mg/kg body weight), and group III was orally supplemented with bovine serum albumin (100 mg/kg body weight). We found that the plasma cytokine levels of interleukin (IL)-1α, IL-1β, IL-10 and tumor necrosis factor-α and the levels of reactive oxygen species, cholesterol, triglycerides and the lipid profile were significantly decreased in the WP-treated group compared to the control group. In contrast, the levels of IL-2, IL-4, IL-7, IL-8 and glutathione were significantly elevated, and consequently, the ability of peripheral blood mononuclear cells to proliferate in response to stimulation with different antigens was significantly increased in the WP-treated group. Moreover, the in vitro chemotaxis of B, T and bone-marrow-derived dendritic cells toward CC chemokine ligand-21 and CXC chemokine ligand-12 was significantly increased, by twofold, in WP-treated mice compared to the control group. Taken together, our data reveal the benefits of WP supplementation in enhancing immune cell proliferation and migration to the secondary lymphoid organs.  相似文献   

CXCL12/CXCR4 plays an important role in metastasis of gastric carcinoma. Rapamycin has been reported to inhibit migration of gastric cancer cells. However, the role of mTOR pathway in CXCL12/CXCR4-mediated cell migration and the potential of drugs targeting PI3K/mTOR pathway remains unelucidated. We found that CXCL12 activated PI3K/Akt/mTOR pathway in MKN-45 cells. Stimulating CHO-K1 cells expressing pEGFP-C1-Grp1-PH fusion protein with CXCL12 resulted in generation of phosphatidylinositol (3,4,5)-triphosphate, which provided direct evidence of activating PI3K by CXCL12. Down-regulation of p110β by siRNA but not p110α blocked phosphorylation of Akt and S6K1 induced by CXCL12. Consistently, p110β-specific inhibitor blocked the CXCL12-activated PI3K/Akt/mTOR pathway. Moreover, CXCR4 immunoprecipitated by anti-p110β antibody increased after CXCL12 stimulation and G(i) protein inhibitor pertussis toxin abrogated CXCL12-induced activation of PI3K. Further studies demonstrated that inhibitors targeting the PI3K/mTOR pathway significantly blocked the chemotactic responses of MKN-45 cells triggered by CXCL12, which might be attributed primarily to inhibition of mTORC1 and related to prevention of F-actin reorganization as well as down-regulation of active RhoA, Rac1, and Cdc42. Furthermore, rapamycin inhibited the secretion of CXCL12 and the expression of CXCR4, which might form a positive feedback loop to further abolish upstream signaling leading to cell migration. Finally, we found cells expressing high levels of cxcl12 were sensitive to rapamycin in its activity inhibiting migration as well as proliferation. In summary, we found that the mTOR pathway played an important role in CXCL12/CXCR4-mediated cell migration and proposed that drugs targeting the mTOR pathway may be used for the therapy of metastatic gastric cancer expressing high levels of cxcl12.  相似文献   

A unique feature in inflammatory tissue of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is the formation of ectopic lymphoid aggregates with germinal center (GC)-like structures that can be considered to contribute to the pathogenesis of RA, because local production of the autoantibody, rheumatoid factor, is thought to be a causative factor in tissue damage. However, the factors governing the formation of GC in RA are presently unknown. To begin to address this, the expression of B cell attracting chemokine (BCA-1) (CXCL13), a potent chemoattractant of B cells, was examined in the synovium of patients with RA or with osteoarthritis (OA). Expression of BCA-1 mRNA was detected in all RA samples, but in only one of five OA samples. Lymphoid follicles were observed in four of seven RA samples and in two of eight OA samples, and in most of them BCA-1 protein was detected in GC. BCA-1 was not detected in tissues lacking lymphoid follicles. Notably, BCA-1 was detected predominantly in follicular dendritic cells in GC. CD20-positive B cells were aggregated in regions of BCA-1 expression, but not T cells or macrophages. These data suggest that BCA-1 produced by follicular dendritic cells may attract B cells and contribute to the formation of GC-like structures in chronic arthritis.  相似文献   

Chemokine (CXC motif) ligand (CXCL)9 (CXCL9) has been shown to be involved in autoimmune thyroid disorders, however no data are present about CXCL9 circulating levels in chronic autoimmune thyroiditis (AT) vs controls. Serum CXCL9 (and for comparison CXCL10) has been measured in patients with AT vs normal control and nontoxic multinodular goiter, and this parameter has been related to the clinical phenotype. For this study we selected 189 consecutive patients with newly diagnosed AT, 63 euthyroid controls, 30 patients with nontoxic multinodular goiter. The three groups were similar in gender distribution and age; 26% of AT patients had subclinical hypothyroidism. Serum CXCL9 was significantly higher in AT (148±110 pg/mL) than in controls (71±34 pg/mL) or patients with multinodular goiter (87±35 pg/mL) (p<0.0001). Among AT patients, CXCL9 levels were significantly higher in patients older than 50 years, those with a hypoechoic ultrasonographic pattern or with hypothyroidism. Also CXCL10 was confirmed to be associated with AT, overall in presence of hypothyroidism. In a multiple linear regression model of CXCL9 (ln[pg/mL]) vs age, thyroid volume, TSH, AbTg, AbTPO, hypoechoic pattern, the presence of hypervascularity, and CXCL10 (ln[pg/mL]), only TSH and CXCL10 (ln[pg/mL]) were significantly related to serum CXCL9 levels. We show that circulating CXCL9 is increased in patients with aggressive thyroiditis and hypothyroidism. A strong relation between circulating CXCL9 and CXCL10 has been first shown, underlining the importance of a T helper 1 immune attack in the initiation of AT.  相似文献   

Chemokines and their receptors play a key role in immune homeostasis regulating leukocyte migration, differentiation, and function. Viruses have acquired and optimized molecules that interact with the chemokine system. These virus-encoded molecules promote cell entry, facilitate dissemination of infected cells, and enable the virus to evade the immune response. One such molecule in the murine gammaherpesvirus 68 genome is the M3 gene, which encodes a secreted 44-kDa protein that binds with high affinity to certain murine and human chemokines and blocks chemokine signaling in vitro. To test the hypothesis that M3 directly interferes with diverse chemokines in vivo, we examined the interaction of M3 with CCL2 and CXCL13 expressed in the pancreas of transgenic mice. CCL2 expression in the pancreas promoted recruitment of monocytes and dendritic cells; CXCL13 promoted recruitment of B and T lymphocytes. Coexpression of M3 in the pancreas blocked cellular recruitment induced by both CCL2 and CXCL13. These results define M3 as multichemokine blocker and demonstrate its use as a powerful tool to analyze chemokine biology.  相似文献   

In addition to its role as neurotransmitter, serotonin (5-HT) is an important modulator of inflammation and immunity. Here, we report novel findings suggesting a 5-HT involvement in T cell migration. In particular, we show that 5-HT tunes the responsiveness of human T lymphocytes to the broadly expressed chemokine CXCL12 in transwell migration assays. By real-time PCR, western blot analysis and electrophysiological patch clamp experiments, we demonstrate that the type 3 5-HT receptor (5-HT(3)) is functionally expressed in human primary T cells. In addition, specific 5-HT(3) receptor agonists selectively decrease T cell migration towards gradients of CXCL12 but not of inflammatory chemokines, such as CCL2 and CCL5. In transmigration experiments, 5-HT(3) receptor stimulation reverts the inhibitory effect of endothelial-bound CXCL12 on T cell migration. Our data suggest that the reduced T cell responsiveness to CXCL12 induced by 5-HT may occur to facilitate T cell extravasation and migration into inflamed tissues.  相似文献   

Monokine induced by IFN-gamma (Mig; CXC chemokine ligand 9) is an IFN-gamma-inducible CXC chemokine that signals through the receptor CXCR3 and is known to function as a chemotactic factor for human T cells, particularly following T cell activation. The mig gene can be induced in multiple cell types and organs, and Mig has been shown to contribute to T cell infiltration into immune/inflammatory reactions in peripheral tissues in mice. We have investigated the expression and activities of Mig and CXCR3 in mouse cells and the role of Mig in models of host defense in mice. Murine (Mu)Mig functioned as a chemotactic factor for resting memory and activated T cells, both CD4(+) and CD8(+), and responsiveness to MuMig correlated with surface expression of MuCXCR3. Using mig(-/-) mice, we found that MuMig was not necessary for survival after infections with a number of intracellular pathogens. Surprisingly, however, we found that mig(-/-) mice showed reductions of 50-75% in Abs produced against the intracellular bacterium Francisella tularensis live vaccine strain. Furthermore, we found that MuMig induced both calcium signals and chemotaxis in activated B cells, and that B cell activation induced expression of MuCXCR3. In addition, IFN-gamma induced the expression of mumig in APCs, including CD8 alpha(+) and CD8 alpha(-) dendritic cells. Together, our data suggest that Mig and CXCR3 may be important not only to recruit T cells to peripheral inflammatory sites, but also in some cases to maximize interactions among activated T cells, B cells, and dendritic cells within lymphoid organs to provide optimal humoral responses to pathogens.  相似文献   

CXCL13/CXCR5 and CCL19/CCR7 play a quite important role in normal physiological conditions, but the functions of both chemokine/receptor pairs in pathophysiological events are not well-investigated. We have investigated expression and functions of CXCL13/CXCR5 and CCL19/CCR7 in CD23+CD5+ and CD23+CD5- B cells from cord blood (CB) and patients with B cell lineage acute or chronic lymphocytic leukemia (B-ALL or B-CLL). CXCR5 and CCR7 are selectively expressed on B-ALL, B-CLL, and CB CD23+CD5+ B cells at high frequency, but not on CD23+CD5- B cells. Although no significant chemotactic responsiveness was observed, CXCL13 and CCL19 cooperatively induce significant resistance to TNF-alpha-mediated apoptosis in B-ALL and B-CLL CD23+CD5+ B cells, but not in the cells from CB. B-ALL and B-CLL CD23+CD5+ B cells express elevated levels of paternally expressed gene 10 (PEG10). CXCL13 and CCL19 together significantly up-regulate PEG10 expression in the same cells. We have found that CXCL13 and CCL19 together by means of activation of CXCR5 and CCR7 up-regulate PEG10 expression and function, subsequently stabilize caspase-3 and caspase-8 in B-ALL and B-CLL CD23+CD5+ B cells, and further rescue the cells from TNF-alpha-mediated apoptosis. Therefore, we suggest that normal lymphocytes, especially naive B and T cells, use CXCL13/CXCR5 and CCL19/CCR7 for migration, homing, maturation, and cell homeostasis as well as secondary lymphoid tissues organogenesis. In addition, certain malignant cells take advantages of CXCL13/CXCR5 and CCL19/CCR7 for infiltration, resistance to apoptosis, and inappropriate proliferation.  相似文献   

Nasal-associated lymphoid tissue (NALT) orchestrates immune responses to Ags in the upper respiratory tract. Unlike other lymphoid organs, NALT develops independently of lymphotoxin-alpha (LTalpha). However, the structure and function of NALT are impaired in Ltalpha(-/-) mice, suggesting a link between LTalpha and chemokine expression. In this study we show that the expression of CXCL13, CCL19, CCL21, and CCL20 is impaired in the NALT of Ltalpha(-/-) mice. We also show that the NALT of Cxcl13(-/-) and plt/plt mice exhibits some, but not all, of the structural and functional defects observed in the NALT of Ltalpha(-/-) mice. Like the NALT of Ltalpha(-/-) mice, the NALT in Cxcl13(-/-) mice lacks follicular dendritic cells, BP3(+) stromal cells, and ERTR7(+) lymphoreticular cells. However, unlike the NALT of Ltalpha(-/-) mice, the NALT of Cxcl13(-/-) mice has peripheral node addressin(+) high endothelial venules (HEVs). In contrast, the NALT of plt/plt mice is nearly normal, with follicular dendritic cells, BP3(+) stromal cells, ERTR7(+) lymphoreticular cells, and peripheral node addressin(+) HEVs. Functionally, germinal center formation and switching to IgA are defective in the NALT of Ltalpha(-/-) and Cxcl13(-/-) mice. In contrast, CD8 T cell responses to influenza are impaired in Ltalpha(-/-) mice and plt/plt mice. Finally, the B and T cell defects in the NALT of Ltalpha(-/-) mice lead to delayed clearance of influenza from the nasal mucosa. Thus, the B and T cell defects in the NALT of Ltalpha(-/-) mice can be attributed to the impaired expression of CXCL13 and CCL19/CCL21, respectively, whereas impaired HEV development is directly due to the loss of LTalpha.  相似文献   

In this study, we have examined the major platelet-derived CXC chemokines connective tissue-activating peptide III (CTAP-III), its truncation product neutrophil-activating peptide 2 (CXC chemokine ligand 7 (CXCL7)), as well as the structurally related platelet factor 4 (CXCL4) for their impact on neutrophil adhesion to and transmigration through unstimulated vascular endothelium. Using monolayers of cultured HUVEC, we found all three chemokines to promote neutrophil adhesion, while only CXCL7 induced transmigration. Induction of cell adhesion following exposure to CTAP-III, a molecule to date described to lack neutrophil-stimulating capacity, depended on proteolytical conversion of the inactive chemokine into CXCL7 by neutrophils. This was evident from experiments in which inhibition of the CTAP-III-processing protease and simultaneous blockade of the CXCL7 high affinity receptor CXCR-2 led to complete abrogation of CTAP-III-mediated neutrophil adhesion. CXCL4 at substimulatory dosages modulated CTAP-III- as well as CXCL7-induced adhesion. Although cell adhesion following exposure to CTAP-III was drastically reduced, CXCL7-mediated adhesion underwent significant enhancement. Transendothelial migration of neutrophils in response to CXCL7 or IL-8 (CXCL8) was subject to modulation by CTAP-III, but not CXCL4, as seen by drastic desensitization of the migratory response of neutrophils pre-exposed to CTAP-III, which was paralleled by selective down-modulation of CXCR-2. Altogether our results demonstrate that there exist multiple interactions between platelet-derived chemokines in the regulation of neutrophil adhesion and transendothelial migration.  相似文献   

The ischemia-reperfusion-induced damage in human brain microvascular endothelial cells (BMECs) is associated with disruption of the blood–brain barrier. CXC chemokine ligand 5 (CXCL5) is reported to be up-regulated in ischemic stroke. However, the detailed function of CXCL5 in this pathological process remains largely unclear. To further analyze the function of CXCL5 in ischemic stroke, an oxygen–glucose deprivation model on human BMECs was constructed to mimic the ischemic stroke condition in vitro. Cell proliferation was analyzed using a cell counting kit-8 (CCK-8) assay. Quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction and western blot were utilized to determine gene expression. The barrier function of BMECs was assessed using a fluorescently labeled dextran assay and a trans-epithelial/endothelial electrical resistance (TEER) technique. The results indicated that CXCL5 antibody (anti-CXCL5) promoted the proliferation of model cells, whereas it reduced the permeability. Moreover, the TEER value of model cells was enhanced in the presence of anti-CXCL5. Therefore, these findings demonstrated that CXCL5 silencing attenuated the ischemic/hypoxic-induced injury in human BMECs. Importantly, human recombinant protein CXCL5 (Re-CXCL5) deeply disrupted the function of BMECs in the normoxic condition. Furthermore, the p38 inhibitor SB203580 significantly abolished the function of CXCL5 in model cells. More importantly, similar results were also obtained in BMECs under normoxic conditions in the presence of Re-CXCL5. These results indicated that CXCL5 might regulate the function of BMECs by mediating the p38 pathway. This investigation not only enhanced the understanding of the biological effect of CXCL5 in human BMECs under ischemic/hypoxic conditions but also indicated its potential value as a therapeutic target for ischemic-induced brain disease.  相似文献   

Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) infection is among the most prevalent human infections. CXCL12 is a well-known CXC chemokine involved in inflammation and play major roles in angiogenesis. There is currently very limited data on the role of CXCL12 in peptic ulcer disease. Hence, we aimed to explore whether CXCL12 is involved in the pathogenesis of peptic ulcer induced by H. pylori. In this study, we enrolled 102 H. pylori-infected patients, including 51 with active ulcer (GA) and 51 with healing ulcer (GH). We also recruited 50 healthy subjects as control, which did not show any sign or symptoms of chronic inflammatory diseases, infection, or immune-related disorders. Endoscopy was performed to determine the stage of the disease. ELISA was used for detection of H. pylori infection and CXCL12 measurement. We also employed western blotting to detect CXCL12 in ulcerative lesions of H. pylori. Demographic data were also collected by questionnaire. Our results demonstrated that CXCL12 serum levels in GA group (151.8 ± 18.31 pg/mL) were significantly higher than those in GH (36.89 ± 6.78 pg/mL) and control groups (33.77 ± 9.12 pg/mL) (P < 0.0001). However, we did not observe a significant difference between GH and control groups. Moreover, overexpression of CXCL12 in gastric lesions of patients in GA group was confirmed by Western blot analysis. According to the result of the present study, it could be concluded that CXCL12 is involved in the pathogenesis and healing of H. pylori-induced peptic ulcer. CXCL12 serum levels may also be used to distinguish between GA and GH phases of the disease.  相似文献   

Lymphocyte recruitment to the liver is critical for viral clearance in acute hepatitis and in the pathogenesis of chronic inflammatory liver disease when persistent chronic inflammation leads to fibrosis and cirrhosis. Chemokines regulate leukocyte recruitment and positioning in tissues and are thus critical regulators of chronic inflammation. The chemokine CXCL16, which is found in liver tissue, exists in a transmembrane as well as soluble form, providing a potential mechanism for localization to particular structures. We studied the role of CXCL16 and its receptor CXCR6 in lymphocyte recruitment and retention in the liver. A higher proportion of CXCR6(+) T cells was detected in blood of hepatitis C virus patients compared with healthy subjects, and in chronic inflammatory liver disease >60% of intrahepatic T cells expressed CXCR6, including CD4, CD8, and CD56(+) T cells compared with <30% in matched blood samples. CXCR6(+) lymphocytes were found in association with CXCL16(+) bile ducts in portal tracts and with hepatocytes at sites of interface hepatitis. Analysis of CXCL16 expression and subcellular distribution in cultured human cholangiocytes, sinusoidal endothelial cells, and hepatocytes revealed that all three cell types expressed CXCL16, with the strongest staining seen on cholangiocytes. CXCL16 on the cholangiocyte membrane was able to support lymphocyte adhesion by triggering conformational activation of beta(1) integrins and binding to VCAM-1. Thus, CXCL16 can promote lymphocyte adhesion to epithelial cells and may function to attract and retain effector cells that promote biliary and hepatocyte destruction in inflammatory liver disease.  相似文献   

Objective: To evaluate the association of CXC chemokine ligand 4 (CXCL4) plasma levels with tumour angiogenesis in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) and to assess association of CXCL4 with clinical outcomes.

Patients and methods: Fifty patients with early stage NSCLC who underwent pulmonary resection. CXCL4 levels were analysed by ELISA. Angiogenesis was assessed by immunohistochemistry, and microvessel density (MVD) count.

Results: There was positive correlation between MVD and CXCL4 levels. Patients with higher CXCL4 levels had worse overall and disease-free survival.

Conclusions: Plasma levels of CXCL4 are associated with tumour vascularity. Increased CXCL4 levels in NSCLC patients undergoing treatment may indicate active cancer-induced angiogenesis associated with relapse and worse outcome.  相似文献   

We previously identified follicular dendritic cell secreted protein (FDC-SP), a small secreted protein of unknown function expressed in human tonsillar germinal centers (GC). To assess potential in vivo activities of FDC-SP, transgenic mice were generated to constitutively express FDC-SP in lymphoid tissues. FDC-SP transgenic mice show relatively normal development of immune cell populations, with the exception of a small increase in mature follicular B cells, and normal lymphoid tissue architecture. Upon immunization with a T-dependent Ag, FDC-SP transgenic mice were capable of producing an Ag-specific Ab; however, the titers of Ag-specific IgG2a and IgE were significantly reduced. GC responses after immunization were markedly diminished, with transgenic mice showing decreased numbers and sizes of GCs but normal development of follicular dendritic cell networks and normal positioning of GCs. FDC-SP transgenic mice also showed reduced production of Ag-specific IgG3 Ab after immunization with a type II T-independent Ag, suggesting that the FDC-SP can also regulate the induction of B cell responses outside the GC. Purified FDC-SP transgenic B cells function normally in vitro, with the exception of blunted chemotaxis responses to CXCL12 and CXCL13. FDC-SP can induce the chemotaxis of CD40-stimulated nontransgenic B cells and can significantly enhance B cell migration in combination with chemokines, indicating that FDC-SP may function in part by regulating B cell chemotaxis. These results provide the first evidence for immunomodulatory activities of FDC-SP and implicate this molecule as a regulator of B cell responses.  相似文献   

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