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The relationship between the timing of emergence from spawning gravel and growth after emergence was investigated in farmed Oncorhynchus mykiss. A relationship between the time of emergence and growth became evident after 6 months of rearing, where individuals with an intermediate emergence time had grown larger compared with early and late emerging individuals.  相似文献   

Individuals of rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss with a low cortisol response to stress showed higer locomotor activity compared to individuals with a high cortisol response.  相似文献   

A proactive-reactive continuum integrating multiple (i.e., 3+) dimensions of animal behaviour has been reported as a major axis of behavioural differentiation, but its stability along a biological hierarchy from individuals to populations remains speculative. Piscivore and insectivore rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) represent closely related ecotypes with strong ecological divergence driven by selection for a large-bodied piscivorous lifestyle with fast juvenile growth vs. selection for smaller adult body size and lower growth associated with an insectivorous diet. To evaluate whether differences in behaviour between ecotypes are consistent with a proactive-reactive axis and consistent along a biological hierarchy, the authors examined variation in emergence time from a shelter, exploration, activity and predator inspection among individuals, populations and ecotypes of juvenile piscivore and insectivore rainbow trout O. mykiss. As expected, the faster-growing piscivore ecotype was more proactive (i.e., shorter emergence time, exploration and predator inspection) than the more reactive insectivore ecotype. This behavioural contrast was partly maintained across populations, although activity differences were most pronounced among populations, rather than emergence time. Insectivore fry showed substantial variation in behavioural expression among individuals within populations; by contrast, piscivores showed highly similar proactive behaviours with significantly lower inter-individual variation in behavioural expression, suggesting intense selection on behaviour supporting their faster growth. This work suggests that piscivore and insectivore O. mykiss broadly differ in behaviour along a proactive vs. reactive continuum, and highlights the greater multidimensionality of behavioural expression within the insectivore ecotype. Contrasting behaviours between ecotypes may result from differential selection for slow vs. fast juvenile growth and associated metabolism, and may contribute to adult trophic specialization.  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to determine if short‐term exposure of brook trout Salvelinus fontinalis and brown trout Salmo trutta to a lower pH than found in their source stream results in a shift in preference or avoidance pH. The lack of a shift in preference or avoidance pH of adult S. fontinalis and S. trutta suggests that these species can be held at a pH different from the source waterbody for a short period of time without altering preference or avoidance pH behaviour.  相似文献   

Protein digestive capacity, measured by an in vitro method, was examined in individual rainbow trout of four weight groups (40–875 g; n= 14 group−1), using three fish meals (FM). Differences ( P <0.05) were found in digestive capacity between groups and with FM grade used. Larger fish expressed greatest catalytic capacity.  相似文献   

Free-range laying hen systems are increasing within Australia and research is needed to determine optimal outdoor stocking densities. Six small (n=150 hens) experimental flocks of ISA Brown laying hens were housed with access to ranges simulating one of three outdoor stocking densities with two pen replicates per density: 2000 hens/ha, 10 000 hens/ha or 20 000 hens/ha. Birds were provided daily range access from 21 to 36 weeks of age and the range usage of 50% of hens was tracked using radio-frequency identification technology. Throughout the study, basic external health assessments following a modified version of the Welfare Quality® protocol showed most birds were in visibly good condition (although keel damage was increasingly present with age) with few differences between stocking densities. Toenail length at 36 weeks of age was negatively correlated with hours spent ranging for all pens of birds (all r⩾−0.23, P⩽0.04). At 23 weeks of age, there were no differences between outdoor stocking densities in albumen corticosterone concentrations (P=0.44). At 35 weeks of age, density effects were significant (P<0.001) where the eggs from hens in the highest outdoor stocking density showed the highest albumen corticosterone concentrations, although eggs from hens in the 10 000 hens/ha density showed the lowest concentrations (P<0.017). Behavioural observations of hens both on the range and indoors showed more dust bathing and foraging (scratching followed by ground-pecking) was performed outdoors, but more resting indoors (all P<0.001). Hens from the 2000 hens/ha densities showed the least foraging on the range but the most resting outdoors, with hens from the 20 000 hens/ha densities showing the least amount of resting outdoors (all P<0.017). Proportions of dust bathing outdoors tended to differ between the stocking densities (P=0.08). For each of the health and behavioural measures there were differences between pen replicates within stocking densities. These data show outdoor stocking density has some effects on hen welfare, and it appears that consideration of both individual and group-level behaviour is necessary when developing optimal stocking density guidelines and free-range system management practices.  相似文献   

The effects of stocking density on the demand feeding behaviour of Arctic charr Salvelinus alpinus and rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss were evaluated using demand feeders in combination with a monitoring system based on automatic passive integrated transponders. The proportion of total bites accounted for by top-ranked charr and trout decreased from 87 to 15% and from 66 to 15%, respectively, when moving from the lowest to the highest densities, indicating that the ability of the highest-ranked fish to monopolize the demand feeders was reduced at high densities. However, when the individuals were grouped into quartiles, based on their individual rank, both charr and trout ranked within the upper quartile accounted for the majority of bites independent of stocking density (87 and 72% of the total, respectively). Instead of there being a single dominant individual, as was the case under low density conditions, a small group of individuals dominated the actuation of the trigger at high densities. The two species responded differently to crowding, with the total daily bite activity of charr increasing linearly with increasing density, whereas the corresponding relationship was quadratic for rainbow trout, with a peak value at 24 to 36kg m−3.  相似文献   

This experimental study supports the hypothesis that the competitive advantage of large body size declines with increasing group size in rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss , (Walbaum).  相似文献   

Fish domestication is an evolutionary process arising in captivity through genetic and developmental mechanisms, producing organisms performing more poorly than wild conspecifics in the natural environment. Culture conditions could be suboptimal for fish at particular life cycle stages, presenting environmental disturbances leading to developmental instability. The limited size of captive lots, moreover, can result in the loss of genetic variation, and the resulting homozygosity (as well as hybridization and mutation) could have strong harmful effects on developmental stability. Rainbow trout are the most widely‐cultured species in Europe and North America, having been in culture for more than a century. Prolonged artificial selection for desired traits and incidental effects of domestication has led to the development of a ‘farmed type’. Fluctuating asymmetry, variations in meristic counts, and skeletal anomalies were examined in several rainbow trout captive and wild clonal lines as indicators of developmental instability. Differences in developmental stability were identified among lines and correlated with different degrees of exposure to captivity. Some relationship between meristic counts and domestication level was found in the present study, with the number of vertebrae and of dorsal pterygiophores and rays being the strongest predictors of the domestication level. However, the occurrence of skeletal anomalies and fluctuating asymmetry were apparently not related to the level of exposure to captivity. The findings of the present study will facilitate the selection of clonal lines with divergent phenotypes for subsequent quantitative trait loci analyses aimed at identifying genome regions linked with morpho‐anatomical and physiological adaptive responses to captivity. © 2015 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2015, 114 , 608–628.  相似文献   

Interspecific hybridization represents a dynamic evolutionary phenomenon and major conservation problem in salmonid fishes. In this study we used amplified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLP) and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) markers to describe the extent and characterize the pattern of hybridization and introgression between coastal rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss irideus) and coastal cutthroat trout (O. clarki clarki). Hybrid individuals were initially identified using principle coordinate analysis of 133 polymorphic AFLP markers. Subsequent analysis using 23 diagnostic AFLP markers revealed the presence of F1, rainbow trout backcross, cutthroat trout backcross and later-generation hybrids. mtDNA analysis demonstrated equal numbers of F1 hybrids with rainbow and cutthroat trout mtDNA indicating reciprocal mating of the parental types. In contrast, rainbow and cutthroat trout backcross hybrids always exhibited the mtDNA from the recurrent parent, indicating a male hybrid mating with a pure female. This study illustrates the usefulness of the AFLP technique for generating large numbers of species diagnostic markers. The pattern of hybridization raises many questions concerning the existence and action of reproductive isolating mechanisms between these two species. Our findings are consistent with the hypothesis that introgression between anadromous populations of coastal rainbow and coastal cutthroat trout is limited by an environment-dependent reduction in hybrid fitness.  相似文献   

This study examines the way long-term feed intake should be recorded accurately for selective breeding purposes, and estimates selection potential in feed intake using the X-ray method to record individual daily feed intake in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). The analysis showed that the point estimates of daily feed intake displayed low repeatabilities (r = 0.09–0.32). This indicates that a minimum of three repeated records were needed to accurately record average feed intake at a fixed age. To effectively breed for feed intake over the whole growing period, it is necessary to determine average feed intake at different ages, since there were only moderate phenotypic and genetic correlations between average daily feed intake recorded at 140 g, 750 g and 2000 g wet mass. Heritability for average daily feed intake was low (average h2 = 0.10), indicating that modest genetic changes can be obtained in response to selection. It was concluded that selection to genetically change long-term feed intake can be successful, yet repeated observations at several life stages are needed to ensure the accuracy of feed intake estimates and the efficiency of selection.  相似文献   

Growth, body composition and plasma growth hormone levels were recorded weekly for 24 weeks in rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss . Underyearling rainbow trout were individually identified using coded tags and placed on either a cyclic feeding regime of 3 weeks of deprivation followed by 3 weeks of feeding or a daily feeding regime. No significant difference was found in standard length and mass among the cyclically fed and daily fed fish at the end of the experiment. For cyclically fed fish, the absolute specific growth rate and condition factor reached a maximum during the last week of refeeding. Cyclically fed fish had a significantly higher moisture and protein content and lower lipid levels relative to fish fed daily. Absolute mass and fat loss in the deprivation phase of the feeding cycle decreased in intensity with subsequent feeding cycles, indicating that the fish were acclimatizing to the feeding regime. It was proposed that this response was an adaptation against possible adverse effects in the adults ( e.g. locomotor performance, bone ossification rates, fat deposition rate, growth rate and age at sexual maturity). Plasma growth hormone concentrations were not affected by cyclic feeding indicating that variations in plasma growth hormone concentration are not the cause of compensatory growth in rainbow trout.  相似文献   

The development and severity of fin damage was examined in groups of juvenile rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss of different strength of feeding hierarchies. The development of dorsal and caudal fin damage over time was compared between four groups fed different ration levels (0·25, 0·5, 1·0 and 1·5% body weight day−1) and between individuals of different feeding rank within each group. Dominance hierarchies were assessed from repeated daily measurements of food consumption of individuals using radiography. The feeding and growth data indicated that the strength of the social hierarchy weakened with increasing ration. Caudal fin damage developed with time in all groups whereas dorsal fin damage developed only under limited rations. The severity of both dorsal and caudal fin damage was significantly dependent on the ration size fed to the group, with lower ration groups sustaining more fin damage. The severity of dorsal fin erosion was greater than for the caudal fin. Within the two lower ration groups, subordinate fish suffered the most dorsal fin damage. The results suggested that the severity of dorsal fin damage within groups of juvenile rainbow trout can be used as an indicator of hierarchy Strength.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to explore differences in dietary specialization across two foraging modes (benthic v. surface‐drift foraging) of stream‐dwelling brown trout Salmo trutta. The degree of inter‐individual niche variation within each foraging mode was high, but the dietary specialization was maintained between foraging modes. This study supports the view that if aquatic invertebrates are more abundant and accessible than surface prey, the individuals will not specialize on surface prey (surface‐drift foraging).  相似文献   

Summary Among the cells of the pituitary generally believed to produce glycoprotein gonadotropin (GTH) five forms were distinguished, based on the amount and the diameter of granules and globules and the appearance of the rough endoplasmic reticulum. In sham-operated trout so-called globular cells predominated, whereas after ovariectomy these were replaced by so-called cisternal cells, suggesting that both belong to one GTH-cell type. In addition, ovariectomy caused a strong increase in plasma GTH-levels. This indicates that the transition from globular to cisternal cells is accompanied by extrusion of GTH, and thus points to a storage of GTH in the granules and globules. It is argued that one of the five forms has the morphological characteristics of thyrotropic cells and may not produce glycoprotein GTH.The authors are indebted to Mr. L.W. van Veenendaal for preparing the illustrations and the photographic layout  相似文献   

The genetic architecture underlying variation in embryonic developmental rate (DR) and genetic covariation with age of maturation (MAT) was investigated in rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss. Highly significant additive parental effects and more limited evidence of epistatic effects on progeny hatching time were detected in three diallel sets of families. Genome scans with an average of 142 microsatellite loci from all 29 linkage groups in two families detected significant quantitative trait loci (QTL) for developmental rate on RT-8 and RT-30 with genome-wide and chromosome-wide effects, respectively. The QTL on linkage group RT-8 explained 23·7% of the phenotypic variation and supports results from previous studies. The co-localization of QTL for both DR and MAT to several linkage groups and the observation that alleles associated with faster developmental rate were found significantly more often in early maturing rather than typical and later maturing male ancestors supports the hypothesis of genetic covariation between DR and MAT. The maturation background and schedule of additional sires, however, did not have a consistent association with their progeny hatching times, suggesting that other genetic, environmental and physiological effects contribute to variation in these life-history traits.  相似文献   

Recently, great attention has been directed towards the use of essential oils from aromatic plants as antimicrobials and antioxidant in food matrix. Fish is well known to be a high perishable food. Indeed, fish muscle is susceptible to suffer protein and lipid oxidation during frozen storage, which can lead to the development of softening and undesirable volatile molecules. However, the possible inclusion of essential oils in fish feed for preserving fish flesh quality during storage is still unclear. For this reason, the potential protective effects of the incorporation of a dietary essential oil constituted by eucalyptol, carvacrol and thymol, to rainbow trout’s (Oncorhynchus mykiss) feed were here investigated. Frozen fish fillets resulting from trout fed the essential oil showed a significant protection of specific muscle proteins against the oxidation produced during frozen storage at –10ºC for 6 months. Essential oil-enriched feed decreased carbonylation of specific myofibrillar (α-actinins-1 and -3, myosin heavy chain, myomesin-1, pyruvate kinase, tropomyosin, troponin-T and actin) and sarcoplasmic proteins (glycogen phosphorylase, creatine kinase, fructose-bisphosphate aldolase A and phosphoglycerate mutase 2). Essential oils also increased actin stability and preserved muscle protein solubility and water holding capacity. In addition, essential oils inhibited the onset of lipid oxidation and rancidity, resulting in frozen fish with superior textural quality and sensory scores. As a final conclusion, the inclusion of essential oils in farmed rainbow trout feed is largely efficient for increasing fish quality and shelf life during frozen storage, mainly through a selective-antioxidant effect on muscle proteins.  相似文献   

The core temperature of the rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss (3·5 kg) dropped to 1·0° C during the first 6 h of chilling at 0·5° C, remained stable until 24 h, and dropped significantly to 0·7° C after 39 h. Blood plasma osmolality increased and muscle moisture content decreased gradually with increasing chilling time. After 39 h of chilling, the rainbow trout experienced 40 mosmol l-1 higher blood plasma osmolality and 2·8% less muscle moisture content compared with initial values. In the Atlantic salmon Salmo salar (5·3 kg), core temperature dropped to 1·3° C and blood plasma osmolality increased significantly during the first 6 h of chilling at 0·5° C, but remained relatively stable throughout the rest of the experimental period. After 39 h of chilling, the salmon experienced 20 mosmol l-1 higher blood plasma osmolality and 0·5% less muscle moisture content compared with initial values. In rainbow trout muscle moisture content was inversely related to blood plasma osmolality indicating reduced seawater adaptation with increasing hours of chilling. No such relationship was observed in the Atlantic salmon. Hence, changes in plasma osmolality and muscle moisture in the Atlantic salmon do not indicate osmoregulatory failure since the new levels, once established, were maintained throughout the chilling time.  相似文献   

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