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A simple immunosorbent purification scheme based on monoclonal antibodies has been devised for human placental alkaline phosphatase. The two most common allelic variants, S and F, have similar amino acid compositions with identical N-terminal amino acid sequences through the first 13 residues. Both variants have identical lectin binding properties towards concanavalin A, lentil-lectin, wheat germ agglutinin, phytohemagglutinin and soybean agglutinin, and identical carbohydrate contents as revealed by methylation analysis. CNBr fragments of the variants demonstrate identical high performance liquid chromatography patterns. The carbohydrate containing fragment is different from the 32P-labeled active site fragment and the N-terminal fragment.  相似文献   

M Takeya  R Jemmerson  N Shah  W H Fishman 《Biochemistry》1986,25(23):7731-7735
Three monoclonal antibodies with distinct antigenic specificities were examined by electron microscopy for their binding to three common genetic variants (SS, FS, and FF) of human placental alkaline phosphatase. In the reaction with the monoclonal antibody H5, all three variants of human placental alkaline phosphatase preferentially formed circular immune complexes composed of two antibodies and two enzyme molecules. In separate reactions with the F11 and B2 monoclonal antibodies, the SS variant formed circular complexes and the FS variant formed Y-shaped complexes composed of one antibody and two enzyme molecules, whereas the FF variant scarcely reacted. These results confirm immunochemical data showing that H5 binds to both S and F subunits with similar affinities, whereas F11 and B2 bind the S subunit with markedly higher affinity than they do the F subunit. Furthermore, the formation of circular complexes in the reaction of the mixture of the two antibodies, F11 and B2, with FS molecules suggests that these two antibodies bind to different sites on the S subunit. Therefore, the F and S subunits differ from one another at more than one site. This is the first indication that alleles of human placental alkaline phosphatase may result from more than just single point mutations in the gene encoding them.  相似文献   

Summary Human placental alkaline phosphatase (PLAP) is a highly polymorphic enzyme. Several common as well as rare allelic forms of PLAP are characterized in this paper in terms of their reactivity with a murine monoclonal antibody (F11). The common type 1 (S) and 3 (I) variants, and the rare type 4 (S2) and 18 (D) variants were found to react with the F11 antibody, so as did three new electrophoretically defined variants (19, 20, and 21). In contrast, the common type 2 (F1) variant and the rare type 8 (F3) and 9 (F2) variants do not react with the F11 antibody. This selective reactivity of F11 has also allowed the identification of two molecular variants of PLAP with identical electrophoretic mobility. These results establish monoclonal antibodies as invaluable adjuncts in the study of PLAP polymorphism.  相似文献   

1. Alkaline phosphatase of human placenta was purified by a procedure involving homogenization with tris buffer, pH8.6, extraction with butanol, ammonium sulphate fractionation, exposure to heat, ethanol fractionation, gel filtration, triethylaminoethylcellulose anion-exchange chromatography, continuous curtain electrophoresis on paper and equilibrium dialysis. Methods for both laboratory-scale and large-scale preparation were devised. 2. Two major molecular-weight variants designated A and B were separated by molecular sieving with Sephadex G-200 and variant A was purified 4000-fold. 3. Variant B, which comes off the Sephadex G-200 column before variant A, is the electrophoretically slower-moving species on starch gel and is quite heterogeneous. 4. Purified variant A was fairly homogeneous on the basis of electrophoretic studies on starch gel and Sephadex gel, ultracentrifugation and immunodiffusion. 5. The respective molecular weights for variants A and B were 70000 and over 200000 on the basis of sucrose-density-gradient ultracentrifugation. Variant A exhibited a sedimentation coefficient of 4.2s. 6. Crystalline variant B could be converted into fast-moving variant A and vice versa. 7. Kinetic studies indicated no difference between the two variants. These include linear rates of hydrolysis, pH optimum, Michaelis constants and uncompetitive stereospecific l-phenylalanine inhibition. 8. The amino acid compositions of variants A and B and of placental albumin were determined.  相似文献   

Placental (PLAP) and germ cell (GCAP) alkaline phosphatases were probed immunologically with a library of 18 murine monoclonal antibodies reacting with different conformational epitopes on PLAP. Three main antigenic domains (I, II and III) were mapped by antibody competition experiments and the relative binding of the antibodies to site-directed PLAP mutants. Relative affinities of each of the antibodies for the wild type (wt) GCAP were 2-3-fold lower than the values found for wt PLAP. Relative affinity was determined for a series of PLAP mutants, in which one, two or three amino acids were substituted for the corresponding wt GCAP residues by site-directed mutagenesis. Substitutions at residues 15, 38, 67, 241 or 254 induced a major decrease in affinity (6-10-fold) primarily for those antibodies reacting within domain I, whereas changes at positions 84 and 297 led to a 2-3-fold enhancement of affinities as measured with antibodies reacting within the three domains. Arg209 was found to constitute the only difference between the S and F allelic phenotypes of PLAP and to structure the epitope for the F/S allotype-discriminating antibodies. Arg241 was found to constitute the epitope for the antibody 17E3 that discriminates between PLAP and GCAP. Mutagenesis at position 68 or 133 had little effect on the overall reactivity with the antibody panel. Substitution in wt PLAP of Glu429 for Gly429 or even for His429 (found at this position in tissue-nonspecific alkaline phosphatase) and Ser429 (found in the intestinal alkaline phosphatase) induced a general decrease in affinities as detected by 16 of the 18 antibodies. The conformational change accompanying mutagenesis of Glu429 in PLAP, is important in view of the recent identification of Gly429 as the major determinant of the unique GCAP inhibition by the uncompetitive inhibitor L-Leu. Relative affinity values determined for the rare L-Leu sensitive heterodimeric FD and SD PLAP phenotypes, suggested that the reactivity pattern of the D homodimer with the antibody panel, would resemble more closely that of wt GCAP than wt PLAP. Our data suggest that the uncompetitive inhibition of GCAP by L-Leu is due to an enzymatically critical conformational change in a loop region proximal to the active site of the enzyme, induced by substitution of a single amino acid residue.  相似文献   

Human placental alkaline phosphatase, a marker protein for some nontrophoblastic neoplasms, was found to have phosphoprotein phosphatase activity. This was demonstrated by the dephosphorylation of 32P-labeled histones, protamine, glycogen synthetase, casein, and phosvitin at various pH values. Unlike the general phosphoprotein phosphatase, the placental alkaline phosphatase does not have phosphorylase a phosphatase activity.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies were used to type placental alkaline phosphatase (ALP) from cell lines established from malignant human tumors by incubating ALP extracts from the cells with antibodies of different allelic specificities and separating free from bound enzyme on polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The HeLa-derived cell lines (Hep 2 and WISH) have the type 1 ALP phenotype, while a non-HeLa cell line (HT-3) has the type 2 ALP phenotype. This approach should prove of value for the phenotyping of enzymes and proteins with poorly resolved or altered electrophoretic patterns.  相似文献   

Placental alkaline phosphatase (PLAP) in humans shows a high degree of genetic polymorphism as disclosed by electrophoretic analysis. Human testes contain trace amounts of a PLAP-like enzyme, that although immunologically cross-reactive with PLAP, shows unique catalytic properties. As an alternative approach to study enzyme polymorphism we have developed monoclonal antibodies to purified allelic variants of PLAP. Five different monoclonal antibodies are described in this report. The antibodies react with different epitopes on the PLAP molecule. Both conformational dependent and independent determinants are detected. Two epitopes are modified when comparing the S and F allelic variants of PLAP. One epitope is common to PLAP and the intestinal isoenzyme of alkaline phosphatase. The five epitopes appear to be mapped on two rather distant antigenic domains. Combinations of any two antibodies binding to different domains give immunoprecipitates with PLAP on Ouchterlony tests and give good response in sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays. A study of PLAP-like enzyme in 32 individual testis samples indicates differences in four of the epitopes when compared with PLAP. Four types of testicular enzymes can be distinguished based on their reactivities. These results indicate structural differences between the testicular PLAP-like enzyme and PLAP. These differences are compatible with an underlying genetic mechanism.  相似文献   

A simple procedure is described for immunoquantitation of human placental alkaline phosphatase by radial immunodiffusion. Agarose gels in petri dishes were overlayed with diluted antiserum, and, after equilibration of the antibody with the gel, the overlay was poured off and the gel was used for quantitation of enzyme protein using a specific stain to amplify visualization. The method has a variation of 0–8.5% for triplicate determinations on a single plate, with a mean of 2.6%. Variations between plates were 0–13%, with a mean of 4.2%. By including Triton X-100 detergent in the overlay solution, it was possible to quantitate the amount of enzyme in membrane preparations from placentae and cancer fluids: A 1000-fold range of antiserum and enzyme dilutions was tested; over this range, only a 2–3 × deviation from the expected ring size was found. As little as 5 ng of enzyme protein could be measured by this technique.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. Human placental alkaline phosphatase was inactivated with tetranitromethane in a biphasic process.
  • 2.2. Spectral and amino acid analysis demonstrated that the inactivation was due to the conversion of tyrosine residues to 3-nitrotyrosine.
  • 3.3. The inactivation process showed saturation kinetics.
  • 4.4. Protection of the enzyme against tetranitromethane inactivation was afforded by inorganic phosphate.
  • 5.5. The binding affinity between the modified enzyme and inorganic phosphate was decreased.
  • 6.6. Our results suggest the involvement of tyrosyl residues in the locus of phosphoryl site of the phosphorylated enzyme forms.

Placental alkaline phosphatase (PLAP) is a promising ovarian cancer biomarker. Here, we describe the isolation, affinity-maturation and characterization of two fully human monoclonal antibodies (termed B10 and D9) able to bind to human PLAP with a dissociation constant (Kd) of 10 and 30 nM, respectively. The ability of B10 and D9 antibodies to recognize the native antigen was confirmed by Biacore analysis, FACS and immunofluorescence studies using ovarian cancer cell lines and freshly-frozen human tissues. A quantitative biodistribution study in nude mice revealed that the B10 antibody preferentially localizes to A431 tumors, following intravenous administration. Anti-PLAP antibodies may serve as a modular building blocks for the development of targeted therapeutic products, armed with cytotoxic drugs, radionuclides or cytokines as payloads.  相似文献   

The two most common variants of placental alkaline phosphatase, the F and S variants, were purified to homogeneity and characterized. Their molecular weights were determined by equilibrium ultracentrifugation and sodium dodecylsulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, which gave almost identical values for the two variants, 118,000 (F) and 119,000 (S). The amino acid compositions of the F and S variants presented here are found to be very similar. Differences between the two variants were found in specific activity (160 U/mg for F and 250 U/mg for S), isoelectric point (IP=4.5 for F and 4.7 for S), sedimentation coefficient (6.5×10?13 sec for F and 6.4×10?13 sec for S). Thus the structural differences observed for these enzyme variants seem to affect both the active site and the protein conformation.  相似文献   

Three placental alkaline phosphatases purified to homogeneity, i.e., the F, I, and S variants, were investigated for catalytic and stability properties. All three forms of the enzyme were found to have almost identical pH optima (10.7–10.8), similar sensitivity to the uncompetitive inhibitors L-phenylalanine (70%) and L-leucine (30%), and identical Km values against p-nitrophenylphosphate, -glycerophosphate, and -naphthylphosphate. Significant differences among the three types were observed in thermal stability. The F variant was found to be most stable and the I variant most labile at 79 C. At 70 C all three forms were stable.This investigation was supported by grants from the Swedish Medical Research Council (Projects No. 4217 and 03X-2725), from the Medical Faculty, University of Umeå, and Jubileumsklinikens i Umeå forskningsfond.  相似文献   

Certain monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) to human placental alkaline phosphatase (PLAP) block bromelain cleavage of a 2-kDa segment from each of the two polypeptide chains of PLAP. These mAbs also prevent the release of PLAP from cultured cancer cell surfaces by bromelain. Such proteolysis-blocking mAbs serve as tools to specifically modify the molecular topography of cell surfaces by protease treatment.  相似文献   

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